Friday, May 20, 2022

Bits and Pieces . . .

The following news story was published in The Week magazine. “The Week”  is a “digest” magazine. Most of its stories are re-prints from news sources they deem to be credible.

“The average price for a gallon of unleaded gas has hit $4.00 or above in all fifty states for the first time according to AAA data. The average family is now spending $5,000 a year on a gasoline, up from $2,800 a year ago. Meanwhile, analysts at JP Morgan predict the national average price will hit $6.20 a gallon in August”. (as reported by


On August 2nd Raytown voters will decide the fate of three property tax increases. We have put together a page where readers can view samples of how much the three property tax increases are expected to affect taxes on Raytown homeowners.

Raytown has placed three Property Tax Increases on the August Ballot

On August 2, 2022 Raytown voters will decide the fate of two Municipal Bond proposals totaling $53,200,000.00 million dollars dedicated improving Raytown streets and storm sewers. Also on the ballot is Question No. 3 which would double Raytown's property tax levy.


QUESTION NO. 1 "Shall the City of Raytown, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $46,000,000.00 to acquire, construct, re-construct, extend and improve the City's streets, roads, bridges, and sidewalks?" the authorization of the bonds will authorize the City to maintain tangible property tax rates sufficient to pay the interest and principal on the bonds until fully paid.

QUESTION NO. 2 “Shall the City of Raytown, Missouri issue its general obligation bonds in the amount not to exceed $7,200,000.00 to acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend and improve the City’s storm sewer system?” The authorization of the bonds will authorize the City to maintain tangible property tax rates sufficient to pay the interest and principal on the bonds until fully paid.

QUESTION NO. 3 “Shall there be a $0.30 cent increase in tax levy on one hundred dollars valuation for general municipal purposes in the City of Raytown, Missouri?”*

* EDITOR'S NOTE: The current tax levy in Raytown is .30 cents per one hundred dollars valuation. This increase will double the tax levy to .60 cents per one hundred dollars valuation.  Unlike the Question 1 and Question 2, this tax increase is NOT dedicated to any specific purpose.


Four Shootings / Shots Fired Incidents

Reported in Three Day Period

The following is a list of gun shots fired or shootings from May 7th through May 9th in the Raytown area. All of the events are under investigation by the Raytown Police Department.


MAY 7TH: An adult male was shot in the stomach. The shooting took place at in a residence located on the 8900 Block of 83rd Terrace. A man was shot in the stomach. He was taken to the hospital where it was reported he was in stable condition.


MAY 7TH: A robbery took place at 3:30 pm at a business located in the 5200 block of Blue Ridge Cutoff. An individual was shopping for some shoes when he decided it would be better to steal the shoes. He pulled a handgun and fired one shot and left the store. No one was hit. There were not any injuries.


MAY 8TH:  three people were shot in the parking lot of a comedy club located in the 6100 block of Blue Ridge Boulevard. All of the victims were taken to area hospitals and are expected to recover.


MAY 9TH: A police officer on patrol near 350 Highway and Hunter observed four flashes of light and heard gunshots coming from the parking lot of a nearby business. A suspect was fleeing the scene in a vehicle. He gave chase but lost sight of the car at Gregory Boulevard and Cleveland in Kansas City, Missouri. A victim was located at the scene of the shooting but was uninjured.


Raytown residents are urged to call 911 whenever they see any activity that may be illegal in nature. 

Check This Out!

Next time you are out and about in Raytown drive by Colman Park and check out Raytown’s newest sculpture. You can find it located near the intersection of Lane and 59th Street, just south of the flag pole (and veteran War Memorial). 

The name of the work is Muse-ic. It is nine feet tall, made of bronze and is a unique work of art characterized as an “Interactive Musical Sculpture”.

The statue is interactive.

The base of the nine foot tall sculpture has four xylophones welded into the statue. Four rubber mallets are tethered to the statue if anyone wants to give playing a xylophone a try.  It is the perfect display to shown children and grandchildren what artists are capable of creating.

The creators of this unique sculpture are Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby. Their studio is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. If you want to see more of their imaginative creations use this link:

The display is part of continuing series of outdoor art the Raytown Parks and Recreation have been participating in. Muse-ic is scheduled to be on display through May of 2024 at Coleman Park.

Board Sends Mini-Goat Bill
to City Attorney for Review

At last Tuesday’s meeting the Raytown Board of Aldermen directed the City Administrator’s office to begin the process of perfecting an ordinance that will allow Raytown homeowners to own miniature goats as pets. The City Administrator’s office will work with the City Attorney to set down guidelines required (minimum land use requirements, number of goats, etc.), for local homeowners to raise miniature goats in Raytown.

The final vote was 6 YES, 3 NO, 1 ABSENT

The discussion and vote was not without some drama. Use the following link to view the meeting.


The discussion on the miniature goats was the last agenda item.
Go to Item 9 
- Miniature Goats-Alderman Walters.

HOW THEY VOTED: On the question of sending the Miniature Goat issue to City Staff to perfect the language for a new ordinance the vote was as follows:

YES:             Walters, Ward, Scott, Aziere, Bill VanBuskirk, Ryan Myers
ABSENT:      Hayden
NO:               Mary Jane VanBuskirk, Mims, Emerson

Other People's Mail . . .
Last week I received a copy of a letter sent by Michael Anderson to the Raytown Board of Aldermen. His letter expressed opinions on many topics. What we found most interesting were his comments regarding miniature goats.

We forwarded his letter to Nathan Bergen. Mr. Bergen has requested the city allow him to raise two miniature goats at his home in south Raytown where he and his wife, Rachel, are raising their three daughters. His home sits on 1.8 acres of land.

The Board of Aldermen approved sending Bergen's request to the City Attorney to be drafted in ordinance form for consideration by the Board at a future date.

Both letters bring up interesting points in the debate. 



With regards to the issue of miniature goats in Raytown I think that more research and study needs to occur.  Generally speaking, I love farming, agriculture, and animals (with the exception of squirrels).  To be clear, I am keeping an open mind on this issue but I would like to have my concerns addressed. 

I think it would be helpful to know which properties in Raytown would qualify to be goat eligible so that residents can see how close miniature goats might be to their home and neighborhood. We are a city after all. 

  • I also believe you need a six foot fence for miniature goats, and it should not be chain link. I also would like to see regulations regarding the creation of a parameter around the fence line that is completely bare of any objects, manmade or natural.  Goats, as a species, are excellent climbers, eat all kinds of vegetation, and can be escape artists.
  • There are goats in nature that can climb trees, mountains, and vertical climbs that defy gravity. Goats stair climb on objects, that is why I am advocating a perimeter. Miniature goats are no different, they will stair climb to get higher, using whatever objects are available.
  • A study of animal waste needs to be done as well.

I think once we have solid answers to these questions, it will be easier to get to a yes for everybody.


Michael Anderson


Mr. Anderson,

Thank you for bringing up factors to consider regarding miniature goats. I agree that addressing these concerns could help. City staff will be considering factors such as these as they work on an ordinance.

Which properties in Raytown would be miniature goat eligible - I have proposed using the same space standards Raytown has for keeping horses: a 100 foot setback from any neighbor. Raytown residents could assess whether properties next to them have that space. 

Fence height, type, and clear perimeter - You have good advice. Many regulations of other cities have 4 foot or 5 foot height requirements. A 6 foot requirement would certainly make it harder for a miniature goat to escape, but that height may not always be necessary. You are right that preventing climbing the fence is a main concern and that keeping a clear interior perimeter is critical to prevent climbing. And a fence type such as 2”x4” welded wire is preferable to chain link. All of what you say is good advice, good practice, to prevent escape.

Ultimately, though, I think the burden of preventing escape should be put on the owner rather than attempting to address through regulation all the factors that can lead to escape. That could be burdensome, almost impossible. I believe that a good regulation would simply state that goats must be kept confined and leave the burden on the owner as to how to accomplish that.

For example, dog laws do not attempt to regulate how every dog breed may escape - a small dog wriggling through a small hole, a large dog leaping over, etc. 

Rather, dog laws simply state dogs must be fenced or on a leash and leave it to owners to make sure that happens. Miniature goat law could work in a similar fashion. Repeat offenders could lose the privilege to have their goat or dog.

A study of animal waste - Raytown ordinance already has general requirements for the animal waste and sanitary conditions of penned animals kept outdoors. Additional details specific to miniature goats could be added. Miniature goat waste makes excellent compost.


Nathan Bergen



Elisa Breitenbach said...

We have been sharing flyers about the three Property Tax Increases that many of the Raytown Board of Aldermen are pushing. Alderman Ryan Myers informed us it was illegal information!

Ryan believes we could all go to jail for sharing this information with the public but here in America we have something I cherish. It's called free speech.

We seem to be in the middle of a perfect storm here. We have Frank White and his friends moving in for a major property tax hike in Jackson County next December. That is why we are supporting Preston Smith for Jackson County Executive.

In Raytown, Alderman Ryan Myers wants to create two new municipal bonds (Question 1 and Question 2) totaling $56 million dollars for streets and sewers with 20 years to pay the bonds off. The bonds are paid for by property taxes on our homes and cars.

What they do not talk about is Question 3.

Question 3 doubles our current tax levy in Raytown. This levy will also increase our property taxes. Even worse, the doubling of the property tax levy on our homes and cars is not guaranteed to be spent on anything. It just goes into the General Fund. In other words, it is a simple shell game.

All of these bonds, levy rates and property evaluations cost a lot of money. Even people who rent their property will see their rent increased to cover all the debt being created by Frank White and Ryan Myers.
Our friends who come to Doughboys are in shock over this. It's all pretty horrifying for all the elderly we know along with all our young families who are just trying to start out in Raytown.

Thank you Raytown Report for always being a voice for the people. I would also like to say the stories about the officers last week was Amazing! I have the stories right by our register so others can see them too.

Love WINS said...

WOW I justice watched the Board of Aldermen meeting on the vote to approve or disapprove of Nathan and Rachel Bergen being allowed to raise miniature goats on their property. It appears all of the men voted yes for the Raytown city staff to work on a draft of an ordinance to allow keeping miniature goats in Raytown but four of the women we're against it. One left right before the vote. Two came across being angry this was even being asked. One was upset a packet was left on her porch on Mother's Day from Nathan. Honestly this family would never push anything down anyone's throat. That was shocking to hear her say those exact words addressing everyone publicly. Another went on record calling this request "This Whole Mess." It was nice to watch how all the men added this request not counting the Mayor who also came across some what angry for some unknown reason. It's important to take the time to watch public meetings like these. I am not sure when this little family went and visited a tiny goat farm that made them fall in love with the idea of having goats of their own but I do know these people are very respectful and kind. They brought us a dozen eggs for our home. With pictures on the top that states "Meet The Ladies". Pictures of each chicken, with their names under it along with a story about them and the eggs that they lay. Everyone who knows them loves them. Everyone who came into Doughboys didn't have a problem with them having miniature goats. We had one person who said they would like more information on them. Regardless of what may happen in the future. We are thrilled to have Nathan, Rachel, Elizabeth, Emery and Hope as our friends. Sincerely Elisa Breitenbach

Ed Fischer said...

Why is the city wasting tax dollars on art? Why aren't they spending the money to repair my street or put in more street lights?

Editor / Raytown Report said...

EDITOR'S NOTE: The statue at Coleman Park (Muse-ic), like the statue at the Pocket Park located at Raytown Road and 63rd Street (Moonscape) were put in place by the Raytown Park Department. The Raytown Park Department has its own budget and governing board which is not controlled by the City of Raytown. Though the City of Raytown does appoint its Board members. It is their job to manage and maintain our city parks.

The statues are placed in the city for a period of two years and come from the Creative Community Alliance Network. This Alliance Network headquarters is located in St. Louis, Missouri. There mission is to help beautify parks throughout America.

The Muse-ic statue is scheduled to be up until May of 2024.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Elisa. Thank you very much for sharing with others our request to Raytown that miniature goats be allowed, at least in some places with more space such as where horses are already allowed. I am confident that the milk, cheese, and cuteness of these small animals make them worthwhile! If they are kept well in places that have enough space for them they can be an enjoyable and valuable part of family life and the community.

Anonymous said...

We walked by the new statue today and played a few notes on the xylophones. It is a beautiful piece. I hope someone is keeping a close eye on her. All that bronze will attract some lowlife metal scrapper.

Have a great week Raytowners,


Anonymous said...

I just love the Muse-tic statue at Colman Park. I don't know who came up with it but I have to say you guys that supported this are a class act!

Anonymous said...

I know I will be voting NO on all 3 tax issues in August.

We just keep giving them more money to waste. City Hall needs to live within their budget just like we have to.

Anonymous said...

Why has the trails story been removed from City Halls FB page????

FB NOTIFICATION: This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.

At least one person is calling out the city on the un-wanted attention it is bring to his home. Of course no response from city hall

Editor / Raytown Report said...

" staff to work on a draft of an ordinance to allow keeping miniature goats in Raytown but three of the women we're against it.”

Another Alderwoman left right before the vote. Ward 5 Alderwoman Bonnaye Mims told the Board that Ward 2 Alderwoman Loretha Hayden had called her and said she (Hayden) had an emergency she had to attend to. Noticed that too.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The above comment has been edited for accuracy. But it does bring up a very valid point about how the Board manages its business.

An absent vote is not counted as either a yes or a no. But it has the same effect as a no vote because all votes by the Board must be in the affirmative to be approved and to move forward. The six “yes” votes was all that was required to give City Staff, in this case, the City Attorney and City Administrator, guidance to create a bill for the Board of Aldermen to consider at a future date.

After more than three hours of testimony over a period of three meetings in one month’s time, the final product is a good example of legislation thoroughly vetted by the Board of Aldermen.

Most legislation comes from City Staff to the Board. In order for an individual Alderman to bring an item to the Board it is required to be discussed by the Board in a Public Business Session – to make certain there is enough support from Board members to keep an open mind to the create the wording in the bill for final consideration.

This method of bringing legislation (or forming committees) by individual Aldermen is rare but becoming more common. At the last Board of Aldermen meeting the Alderwomen Emerson and Mims brought forth a discussion regarding Crane Brewery.

Alderman Greg Walters and Alderman Ryan Myers have been the most active members in bringing such legislation to the Board for consideration in this manner.

Anonymous said...

Raytown will receive 5.9 millions from the American Recovery Plan Funds. (only 3M less than question 2)

City staff has proposed this for allocation

In total we will receive $5.9 million from ARPA

Proposal to utilize the funds for the following:

80% for Capital projects in water, sewer infrastructure projects

11% for program Incentives - CITY HALL EMPLOYEES

9% for community, redevelopment, etc. - WE only pay their salaries

The policy will operate on an annual basis for two years beginning in 2022 and be paid as follows in a
check separate from a regular payroll check:
• $3,000.00 in 2022
• $3,000.00 in 2023

Recruitment - PUBLIC WORKS
New hires with a valid Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) will receive a recruitment incentive of
$3,000.00 paid in three (3) installments as follows and will be included with a regular payroll check as
soon as practical:
• $1,500.00 upon satisfactory completion of probationary period. This is typically six (6)
months but may be extended at the supervisor’s discretion.
• $750.00 upon successful completion of one (1) year of employment.
• $750.00 upon successful completion of two (2) years of employment.

All Other Positions
New hires will receive a recruitment incentive of $1,500.00 paid in three (3) installments as follows and
will be included with a regular payroll check as soon as practical:
• $500.00 upon satisfactory completion of probationary period. This is typically six (6) months
but may be extended at the supervisor’s discretion.
• $500.00 upon first-year anniversary of employment.
• $500.00 upon second-year anniversary of employment.

ws and will be included with a regular payroll check as soon as practical:
• $300.00 upon hire of the new employee
• $300.00 upon successful completion of the new employee probationary period. This is
typically six (6) months but may be extended at the supervisor’s discretion.
• $400.00 upon first-year anniversary of employment

These funds are valid for use until 2024

City Hall employees did receive an "THANK YOU" incentives of over $100k out of our budget no off setting funds in 2021

A non video tapped Study session presentation was giving to the BOA for the employee program totaling over $1,180,000. Questions asked about how the numbers where calculated have not been answered

No other presentations for been given for the 9% allotted to community redevelopment.

Please contact your alderman and let them know to slow down and get additional information before making this type of commitment

Love WINS said...

Nathan you are very welcome. The little pygmy goats are almost as cute as Elizabeth, Emery and Hope but not quite. All of Doughboys Donut Family support the Fair Miniature Goat zone Ordiance and we wish you well! XOX 🐐
Sincerely Elisa Breitenbach.

Love WINS said...

Because things that are seen on here cannot be unseen. I shared that Ryan was not violent to me on our Doughboys Facebook page. I will never ever play a part of rumors made about anyone. Ryan was not angry, loud or violent in anyway to me. He walked out with a box of donuts and a smile on his face. He left knowing we truly don't support taxes going up anywhere at this time.

Anonymous said...

What rhymes with Ryan well of course that would be lying.

I've done the math and I've used alderman Ryan Meyer's address guess what we're looking a lot higher percentage than that little boy wants to tell us about.

5% alone on his property would be the the increase for the 30 cents on question 3 question.

Question 1 and 2 total 53 million and let's stop playing with what would be issued this year or that year let's let's talk the 53 million being issued at 1 time without the interest Mr. Ryan would be paying an extra 40 cents per $100 assessment. This does not include interest that would have to be paid back to the bondholders which they which based on current rates it talking about 5% interest.

Stop playing games and talking percentages you can not legally support and start talking hard dollars.

Stop playing games and talking about how bad are streets are, but then plan on taking 10 years to fix and never say when 90% of the streets are going to be done use the city's own maps.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's just see.

FOUR Raytown shootings in a three day period.

Roads aren't gonna much matter much when people are out there blowing each other to smithereens, burglarizing, stealing...

"Sorry, can't afford police officers", "Not enough qualified candidates", or "No one wants the job" are excuses for the most part, in my book.

So what's the plan for addressing crime in Raytown? Someone show me a plan.

Anonymous said...

How nice Raytown had an additional shooting tonight.

Only thing we got going for us is the local news media doesn't know the city boundaries.

I wonder if the police had be called prior, but like the little town in TX didn't want to rush into anything.

If the Dems don't want more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens then police are going to have to not only decide to show up but also do the job of protecting people.

Thank you to our govenor and the rest of the Republicans that in 2018 gave us laws to allows us to better defend ourselves. It was as if they saw the future failures of law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

I don't even get alarmed over gun fire in Raytown any longer. A few years ago, it was unusual and alarming, but I hear rounds being fired several nights per week. I'm sure most of them don't even get reported any longer.

Anonymous said...

That shooting didn’t happen in Raytown. It happened in Swope Park and the victims drove to their mothers house in Gregory Heights.

Anonymous said...

So how are the police supposed to stop the shootings?

Criminals don't care about city borders.

We are surrounded by KC and KC needs to get their crime problem addressed to help the whole metro.

Not a failure of law enforcement. It's a failure of parents who aren't raising their kids properly, the breakdown of the family, and taking God out of society. Police can't raise your kids--that is YOUR job.

Ralph Fisher said...

I saw on the police press release there were more checks stolen from the Raytown post office mailbox. It's a Federal offence to steal US Mail. There have been complaints for a year or longer. Since a police report has been filed, will the Feds get involved now?

Anonymous said...

"Criminals don't care about city borders."
"We are surrounded by KC and KC needs to get their crime problem addressed to help the whole metro."

Wowee. Where to start.

If you're (incorrectly) assuming that KC is behind all this mayhem, standing by lah-de-dah waiting on KC to do anything about "their" violent miscreants is a lost cause, just as it would be anywhere else. Those special folks will continue to scheme, multiply and disperse into neighboring towns to assault, kill and plunder as they always have.

Not all families are "broken down". Plenty of children are raised properly by responsible, God-fearing parents. They still go haywire in their teens.

Instead, if you're intent on burdening the already fraught citizens of this community to the terrifying tune of MILLIONS of additional tax dollars for years on end, let's be PRACTICAL and push THAT cash to the POLICE, where it truly needs to go first.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we had a police presence on our streets and not at Walmart it would help.

Oh did I use the Wamart word....
....yes I did.

It is why the city has no money and why when you want the police in Raytown you can't get one.

Thank God for the 2nd Amendment for if we don't protect ourselves no one will protect us.

As for the 3 taxes.

If the Board of Alderman cannot manage the police department and how they put a single business before the citizens the city doesn't need more money to mismanage.

Anonymous said...

Difference of 5 and 30 are 142.85714285714%

Difference of 5 and 30 = |5 - 30|/((5 + 30)/2) = 25/17.5 = 1.4285714285714 = 142.85714285714%

30 is a 500% increase of 5.

Percentage of increase = |5 - 30|/5 = 25/5 = 5 = 500%

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much the City has been forced to kick in to pay the last big (Walmart) bond issue? How much still remains to be paid?

I also seem to remember that every year Raytown votes to take the maximum property tax amount allowed under the Hancock rules. So sorry, the property taxes have been increasing all along since 1979. And then there are the sizeable sales and utility tax increases in recent years. Meanwhile city services continue to decline.

Anonymous said...

I see gasoline has now topped $4.00 per gallon in Raytown. This idea of asking us to increase our property taxes during what can only be described as run-away inflation is for the birds. Especially when you realize that we could have lower fuel prices if Biden would let the oil companies drill and bring oil to us that would calm our markets. It would bring stability in place of inflation. It would give time for a reasonable change over to electric driven cars, trucks, etc. Just as important, it would give the utility companies time to build the infrastructure that will be needed to support a nation full of electric cars. No doubt the charging station in every home will put quite a load on an electric grid that is often overcome by demand around here in the hot months of summer.

Anonymous said...

The oil companies are not about to drill for more oil - they want that oil price to be as high as possible.
The Chicago school of corporate greed states that the only purpose for any corporation is to make money - much easier to rig stock prices with stock buybacks ( legal since 1982), subcontract everything, and bribe politicians. Several corporate execs deny that they are even American companies - their only loyalty is to money.

1 Timothy 6,10 - Love of money is the root of all evil. Apparently too many Christians have removed that verse from their Bibles.

Anonymous said...

What made America the strongest economic engine in the world. Many things. High on the list would be innovation and drive to succeed. Some try to dirty things up by calling that greed. As if to be successful is a bad thing. Do not buy into their twisted thinking. As for the oil companies. They cannot drill oil if those who hold the lease deny them the right to drill oil. It is that simple. This will not change until we have a change of those who are in power in Washington DC change. On the local front. There is not a tax we pay where the people did not vote it on themselves, or their representatives failed in protecting them from (oh yeah!) local greed.

Same solution here. Remove those in power and find better people to represent us.

Anonymous said...

I saw a picture on Facebook pushing for the tax increase.

It had something to do with the rain flooding the streets.

The issue if you look close is the things in the curb preventing water flow.

It is embarrassing an Alderman would post these lies, but more so tells the story that we lack professional staff as a professional would have public works cleaning up messes that prevent proper water flow.

Raytown does need more money it need acusl professionals!

Anonymous said...

I saw a picture on Facebook pushing for the tax increase.

It had something to do with the rain flooding the streets.

The issue if you look close is the things in the curb preventing water flow.

It is embarrassing an Alderman would post these lies, but more so tells the story that we lack professional staff as a professional would have public works cleaning up messes that prevent proper water flow.

Raytown does need more money it need acusl professionals!

Anonymous said...

When the city uses the term "One Raytown is that owning up to the fact only 1% of the streets in Raytown are actually going to be resurfaced

Anonymous said...

Hold my beer you seem to missed the many gravel drive ways that have appeared in the last several years or the fact business can now place pole signs again on 350 highway.

It seems our Alderman actually like living in the country.

It might be noted that NEW gravel drives have not been allowed for over several decades, but if you smile just right or something for someone at city hall they look the other way.

Raytown needs a new sloogon - Raytown loves law suits.

Anonymous said...

Those oil companies already have leases and idle wells. Greed is moving HQ to Chicago from Seattle, laying off most of the engineers, and playing financial tricks while the new Boeing plane designs fall out of the sky. When the only innovations are financial gimmicks - it's plain old greed. Or have you forgotten the mortgage derivatives that led to the last big collapse? Meanwhile I get at least one call or postcard a week wanting to buy my house for cash - flipping real estate is not getting any new housing built.

Anonymous said...

Dear 4:56,
I thought I was the only one who noticed a new gravel drive on Blue Ridge Blvd. in complete defiance of the rules and regs of our little town.
And it is also worthy of mention that that particular house has an updated image on the assessor's website so there is no proof that the gravel drive is indeed a new addition.
Yes, being connected does seem to matter here in Raytown.

Have a great week Raytowners,


Anonymous said...

If you have an issue with a gravel driveway, report it to the codes dept.

How do you know it was approved? It may not be.

Complaining on here does nothing.

Anonymous said...

June is "Pride" month, but I have seen no post from the Mayor, who as we know loves to post things uncontrollably.

The other thing he loves to do with no control is hug women, but when it comes to this same jester with a man he runs the other way.

Does he not understand it is socially acceptable to hug someone of the same gender.

It is sad we still live with those who believe this will question their sexualility.

So does multiple failed marriages were the individual finally decide to remain single., but who is to judge maybe they never found the right person.

Remember God's son "Jesus" gave us only two commandments, "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and Love thee neighbor as you love yourself".

Anonymous said...

I spend more time than I should reading articles and the comments that follow them. Here are just a couple of "knee-jerk" reactions to things I've seen.
I agree with the above comment, "Police can't raise your children." Neither can teachers. It does seem that people expect teachers to fill the role of parents, that's a bad plan.

I have seen more than one article which states that currently, oil companies are not making the effort to maximize production. If you believe that oil companies would act in a way that helps society at their own expense, you'd be wrong. In that respect they are no different than Wal Mart, both operate with the intent to maximize their own profit-that's capitalism.

As for guns, it's too big of a subject for this format, but leaving things as they are currently is not working.

Lots of comments point fingers at other people, at governments, at schools, at police...the list never seems to end. It's ok to gripe, or express your opinion to your representative. It's also ok to take action. Go to the PTA meetings, help someone in your neighborhood, do some volunteer work at a food pantry or delivering groceries to shut-ins. There are lots of ways we can help each other, be creative.

Lastly, lots of people will make a show of standing up when it comes to defending their rights. I just wonder how those same folks feel about other peoples' rights, or the responsibility of being a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

Raytown good news

Property assessments are going up in because the market is up in Raytown. Many are getting $50,000 or more above current assessments.

This good news if you are selling!


This increase gives the assessment office in Jackson County reason to justify increasing homes with in blocks of these addresses the same increase.

What this means is a $150,000 home will be paying an additional $900 in Property taxes with $45 of that going to the city.

This also means if the city passes it will not cost $368 as posted on this blog but $498 additional because of assessment increase.

I don't know about you but my social security increase is not covering the increased cost of basic things like food and gas in this market.

My neighbor showed where the raises between him and his wife still have a short fall of $100 a week right now.

Stop the great and show Compassion!

Is it too late to pull these nonsense before August and before an embarrassing turn out for a triple NO.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Hold My Beer"

I thought it was a great insight into our elected officials to think before they act.

I too have noticed those items mentioned and several others that prove we are not moving forward as we are as country as the day Mr Ray found here.