Friday, November 25, 2022

It has been a long time since that masterful scribe of the English language has made his presence known on our pages. It is good to see him back!

Paul Livius Returns!

RECOUNTS - Why they are important


The November Election seems like it was a lifetime ago . . . to most. But to some, there seems to still be a stinging effect from the results. My view? The election is over. It is time to move.

At the last meeting of the City Council Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters was chastised for exploring the possibility of a recount of the election results. Greg readily admitted he had explored such a possibility, but learned that Missouri State Statutes already require a recount because the two Raytown tax questions failed or passed by less than one-half of one percent of the vote. It is a state law.

The number of yes and no votes changed slightly, but not enough to change the final result.

As it turned out, City Hall had also enquired about a recount of the votes.

Which just goes to show, it is not always the question that is wrong in some people’s eyes, but who is asking the question. In this case, Greg was called on the carpet for asking for a recount. Looks like he hit a nerve with his request. 

How dare he!

Greg told me, “There is nothing wrong with recounts. Recounts guarantee that every vote will be counted.”

He also shared with me that this was not his first rodeo when it came to recounts.

In 1996 Greg lost an election by three votes. He has asked for, and received a recount. Turns out one of the votes was disqualified. Greg said, “All that meant was that I lost by two votes!”

This “calling someone out” for something viewed as “wrong” by some people, seems to be an petty strategy of the opposing side.

Richard Tush, President of the Raytown Democrat Association (RDA), told me of a meeting prior to the election. Ward 3 Alderman Ryan Myers (who was pro-tax to the extreme) showed up with his pro-tax group.

Greg was at the meeting as well.

They laid into Greg because he was the only “no vote” on the City Council against the taxes.

This brought an interesting response from members of the club. State Representative Jerome Barnes replied, “what is wrong with being the only “no vote” on anything?”

Mr. Tush pointed out that being the only “no” vote is not a bad thing. He reminded everyone in attendance that Greg was the only “no” vote on the deal that brought Wal-Mart to Raytown. Tush told the members of the club, in that case Greg’s “no” vote proved to be the “correct vote”.

Not sure what this foretells, but it looks as though we have the makings of a very interesting city election coming up next April.

My wise words for this story . . . "Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person gets sick."   (author unknown)

Filing for public office in the City of Raytown
closes Tuesday, December. 27, 2022.

Those wishing to file for public office in Raytown are required to make an appointment with the City Clerk, Teresa Henry to set a time when she will be available to meet with you.

Ms. Henry can be contacted by calling 816 737 6000 (option 9).

If you have filed for office in Raytown and your name does not appear on the following list of candidates, contact us at

Candidate filings for the City of Raytown
as of December 7, 2022

Michael McDonough

 Alderman Ward 1
Demonte Rochester

Greg Walters

 Alderman Ward 2
Jason Sneddon
Jim Aziere
Alderman Ward 3
Janet Emerson
Alderman Ward 4
Mary Jane Van Buskirk
Theresa Garza
Alderman Ward 5
Diane Krizek

Something Different, Something New!

After giving it a lot of thought and talking it over with my boss, we have decided to expand the Raytown Report by adding links to our side/bar advertising area to Facebook Pages we believe merit recognition for what their creators offer to the Raytown community.

We have decided to name this section of links "Raytown's Gathering Place". 

The inaugural link is to Elisa Breitenbach’s Facebook Page. Elisa and her husband, Marjain, own and operate Doughboy’s Donuts in Raytown. 

Though we know she has been in Raytown forever (Elisa grew up in Raytown), we  recognize the good they have done for the Raytown community and continue to do so through Elisa's Facebook page.

We are pleased they have agreed to allow us to open the link to the right of this story to Elisa's Facebook page.

Greg and Mecee Walters                                      

P.S. If you are interested in having your website or Facebook Page added to this sidebar, send your request to us on or blog page (preferably with a link).


Filing for Office in Raytown Opens

The office of Mayor and five of the seats on the Raytown Board of Aldermen will be elected on April 4, 2023. The filing period for public office in Raytown opens on December 6, 2022 and closes on December 27, 2022. Candidates will be filing for a four year term of office.

The following offices will be up for Election April, 4, 2023

OFFICE             SALARY            CAR ALLOWANCE                TOTAL*        
Mayor                 $12,750.00    +    $2,700.00 car allowance     =    $15,540.00     
Aldermen            $  5,100.00    +    $   900.00 car allowance     =    $  6,000.00

*Mayor and Aldermen salaries (under the total column) show total annual monetary benefits.

Compensation shown includes Annual Salary, Car Allowance, Workman’s Comp/FICA.  Elected officials may also purchase health, dental and vision insurance at cost through the city’s health insurance plan.

November 8th Election – Analysis
The November 8th Election was interesting. The closeness of the race was the
biggest surprise. Voter turnout for the election hovered around 50% - which is pretty much average for a mid-term election.

By comparison, the August 8th Election had a voter turnout of approximately 30%. 

Both of the issues had an unusually high under-vote. This means that many people who voted on other issues simply did not vote on the two Raytown questions. 

No doubt being the last issue on the ballot can explain part of the under vote. It remains that the under vote as high as shown in the results is exceptional. 

Election Judges working at the polls noticed that there were a number of voters who came in, voted, and left very quickly. The opinion overwhelmingly shared was those "in and out"  voters were casting votes on the Recreational Marijuana ballot measure. 

Since the vote totals were so close they were subject to an automatic recount under Missouri State Law. 

The recount did show a very small gain of votes on the two Tax Questions. Question Number Two was a squeaker of an election. The difference between the yes and no votes was only 7 votes at one point. The re-count narrowed difference to even fewer. But there was still not enough of a change in the totals to reverse the final result. 

Question One had a larger split and never had much of a chance of picking up the extra votes needed for approval.



Anonymous said...

Are your numbers correct? Did you guys actually vote to pay the mayor $1,380.21 per month?

EDITOR said...

Thank you for pointing out the error. The corrected numbers are shown.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Joe Creamer is ready to jump into the race for Alderman in Ward 1. Joe served on the Board for one term a number of years ago. He recently sent a very negative piece to an area newspaper bashing Greg for ... everything! He wants everyone to call Greg and complain about the election results.

We all ought to THANK Greg for the election results. Just heard from a couple friends from the south part of town. They got their re-assessment numbers. They are very upset because the numbers came in ridiculously high.

I realize people will have differing opinions. But when the vote is counted and you have lost it is time to go lick your wounds and figure out why you lost.

All the bitter attacks and name calling will not bring back one vote. You would think a seasoned politician like Creamer would have learned that by now.

Same goes for all those folks on Facebook who seem to glory in trying to spread their negativity every time they type a word on their keyboard.

It all sounds like sour grapes. Bet it tastes real bitter!

Anonymous said...

"You would think a seasoned politician like Creamer would have learned that by now."

"Seasoned"?! Now that's one humongoid stretch, is it not?

I fear for the future of this town. I truly do.

Anonymous said...

"But with uncontested races I’m sure he’ll be ushered in."

Well why the heck not. Worked out super duper for someone down south in Ward 5.

C'mon folks, throw those hats in the ring.

Elisa Breitenbach said...

Growing up in the 50's in Raytown sure was much different then it is today. Just as it was different all across America. The church that I was raised in don't exist anymore in Raytown. Along with the school that I started out in. My little Neiborhood was Gergory Heights. I was the one and only little girl that didn't have my father to grow up with, but I had uncles and aunts that made up for that great loss. Today it's become the norm for children to know many children who have no father figure in their lives. I opened our donut shop in Raytown because of Greg Walters and because of the crime that we had been dealing with in the shopping center in Independence that we owned. When a family who has a business in their city see no Hope for law and order. When a city makes so much red tape to open a new business. Plain and simple people leave. Greg Walters was right. I have not had problems with crime here. The city wanted a donut shop, and it was very simple to open up here for us. Things have changed for others here. Wanda Mullins Bakery at 5902 Blue Ridge Blvd cannot say it was easy for her to open up. The red tape lasted years and unlike me she never gave up. She was a trooper. Greg Walters is a trooper too. Always and forever being a strong voice for the people of Raytown. We truly need strong Aldermen and a strong Mayor who will protect our families and businesses in these very trying times. If we lived in Raytown, I would talk my husband into running for office. Truly we must do better. I would love to see Jennell Houts run for office. She would sure have our support 100%. Jeanette Gentry, we feel the very same way about. For the last year we have been making meetings to try and understand what is happening all around us. Most important we have been connecting with people who want to help people run for office. If you know anyone who has thought about running, please let them know we want to help.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about that last bit of advice on your trucks. I would suggest you contact the Jackson County Assessment Department. They have the ability to correct mistakes the made on their end of the taxation process.

Anonymous said...

on Friday 12/2 4 days before filing opens for 2023 candidates and Raytown City Hall has yet to post anything about it. I called this am of course no answer left a message without a name - called back phone was answered they final post some generic information on the city website and the young man assured me all forms would be available by COB today and he will make a social media post. Sure hope he does. Do they not see how unprofessional this is. Or do they think if know one knows and if we don't say anything the current BOA will only be those to file on the 1st day. putting them at the top of the ballot. Please file we are looking for 5 aldermen and a Mayor

Anonymous said...

I see they hid the announcement of city filing on the city's web page. Which is nothing because only a handful of people read much there. Apparently it is not important enough to put on the city's Calendar of Events. After all, elections for the Board of Aldermen are only held once every two years. The Mayor is up for election only once every four years.

They really do not want anyone to know their is an election. It is that simple.

Their next trick will be to refuse to post who has filed for election.

The name of their game is keep the election a secret. City Hall does not want crowded elections. That would indicate their is trouble and distrust of City Hall by the public of those running our city.

From what I saw on the so-called "social media page" they ought to rename it Michael McDonough's picture album page!

Anonymous said...

I agree. The Mayor does use the city's website as his personal platform. They also frequently censor and keep others from talking on the city's blog site. It is unfair. The city's website should be for the regular people of Raytown. Not just the politicians.

Anonymous said...

Is Alderman Myers ever going to finish anything he starts!

Police cars still have not had GPS activation which explains why there is no oversight on patrol.

Rental ordinance still punishes family members trying to help their loved ones.

There has been no report on how far along they are on reviews on the properties and what the compliance rate is.

He overwhelmingly told us the internet tax would solve all of our problems but still has not shared what actually has be raised.

With Raytown sharing zip codes with KCMO did he just talk us into giving them more money.

He has raised fee after fee with no input from the citizens

He forced two votes on this tax increases on us and still refuses to answer questions.

He is what is wrong with Raytown

Anonymous said...

"He spends way too much time picking on aldermen who do not agree with him."

It's his seemingly perennial, overt "fascination" with one alderman in particular that concerns me. (That alderman must be "doin' somethin' right", as the song goes.)

I agree. It's time for him to move along.