Friday, April 7, 2023


Ward 1 Alderman Race
Decided by One Vote

Alderman Greg Walters and his challenger Demonte Rochester met this afternoon at the Jackson County Board of Election Headquarters to witness the recount of votes from the May 4th Election. The unofficial vote count came to a tie between the two candidates . . . Each of them garnering 240 votes.

One and one-half hours later the vote was officially recorded as 241 votes for Alderman Greg Walters, 240 votes for Demonte Rochester.

The errant count was found to be a vote the voting machine did not recognize when the votes were originally counted.

Also in attendance with Demonte Rochester was Ward 5 Alerman Bonnaye Mims. Attorney Robert Murphy accompanied Alderman Greg Walters.


As reported last week, the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission rejected a request to make changes to the City of Raytown’s Master Zoning Plan. Had they approved the proposed changes, the property known as the Old Blue Ridge Nursery, would have been changed from residential to commercial property.

A completely packed City Council Chambers was full of neighbors of the property. All but three of those speaking were in opposition to changing the plan. The testimony was riveting and very informative. For those interested, use the link at the end of this story to access the video of the meeting. 

Be forewarned, the meeting lasted four hours. At the end of the hearing the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to reconvene on May 4, 2023 to determine an application to re-zone the old Nursery Property from residential to commercial. 

Planning and Zoning Meeting

One talking point brought up by some members of the Commission, was a claim the property was commercial for all those years as Blue Ridge Nursery.


We checked with the former owner of the property, Mr. Bob Vorheis. He told us Jackson County, Missouri, (which was the authority at the time) taxed the property as 1/3rd residential, 1/3rd agricultural and 1/3rd commercial.

Mr. Voorheis also told us that when he closed the Blue Ridge Nursery the City of Raytown had contacted him and informed him he had to remove the sign since he had not paid his business license tax. The letter informed him the land would be considered “residential” by the city since it no longer had a “business” on it.

Voorheis said, “The instructions from City Hall were very clear. They told me I had to cut the sign posts down level to the ground.”

Re-Count on Ward 1 Race
Scheduled for Tuesday, April 11th

The Jackson County Election Board has scheduled a re-count of votes cast in the Raytown, Missouri Ward 1 Alderman race for Tuesday, April 11th. 

The two candidates, Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters and his challenger, Demonte Rochester are tied at 240 votes each. 

Election Board officials are required by state law to conduct a hand re-count when a tie between two issues or candidates occurs. 

Here is what to expect:

If the recount uncovers a discrepancy or missed vote in the re-count causing one candidate to have more voters than the other, a winner will be declared and the election will be over. 

If a tie remains after the re-count, Missouri State Statutes call for a new election to be held. The City of Raytown is required to hold the new election as early as is practical. The Jackson County Election Board will be in charge of conducting such an election. 

An alternative to a new election would be for the candidates to hold a coin toss, lottery, draw straws or any other device to determine the winner. However, both candidates must agree to this second alternative. If they do not, state statutes require a new election to be held. 

The incumbent office holder shall remain in office until such a tie-breaker is held. This guarantees the people within his or her Ward will continue to have representation on the Board of Aldermen until the contest is decided.

MO STATE STATUTE 79.050.   Elective officers, terms — chief of police or marshal, qualification — same person may be elected collector and marshal — board of aldermen, four-year term permitted, submission to voters required. — 1.  The following officers shall be elected by the qualified voters of the city, and shall hold office for the term of two years, except as otherwise provided in this section, and until their successors are elected and qualified, to wit:  mayor and board of aldermen.  The board of aldermen may provide by ordinance, after the approval of a majority of the voters voting at an election at which the issue is submitted, for the appointment of a collector and for the appointment of a chief of police, who shall perform all duties required of the marshal by law, and any other police officers found by the board of aldermen to be necessary for the good government of the city.  The marshal or chief of police shall be twenty-one years of age or older. If the board of aldermen does not provide for the appointment of a chief of police and collector as provided by this section, a city marshal, who shall be twenty-one years of age or older, and collector shall be elected, and the board of aldermen may provide by ordinance that the same person may be elected marshal and collector, at the same election, and hold both offices and the board of aldermen may provide by ordinance for the election of city assessor, city attorney, city clerk and street commissioner, who shall hold their respective offices for a term of two years and until their successors shall be elected or appointed and qualified, except that the term of the city marshal shall be four years.

 2.  The board of aldermen may provide by ordinance, after the approval of a majority of the voters voting thereon at the next municipal election at which the issue is submitted, that the term of the collector shall be four years and the term of the mayor shall be two, three, or four years.  Any person elected as collector after the passage of such an ordinance shall serve for a term of four years and until his successor is elected and qualified.  Any person elected as mayor after the passage of such ordinance shall serve for a term of two, three, or four years, as provided, and until his successor is elected and qualified.

 3.  The board of aldermen may provide by ordinance that the term of the board of aldermen shall be four years.  Such ordinance shall be submitted by the board to the voters of the city and shall take effect only upon the approval of a majority of the voters voting at an election at which the issue is submitted.  Any person elected to the board of aldermen after the passage of such an ordinance shall serve for a term of four years and until his successor is elected and qualified.

Pargraph 3.  If two or more persons receive an equal number of votes for nomination or election to any office not otherwise provided for in section 115.515 or this section, and a higher number of votes than any other candidate for nomination or election to the same office, the officer with whom such candidates filed their declarations of candidacy shall, immediately after the results of the election have been certified, issue a proclamation stating the fact and ordering a special election to determine which candidate is elected to the office.  The proclamation shall set the date of the election and shall be sent by the officer to each election authority responsible for conducting the special election.  In his proclamation, the officer shall specify the name of each candidate for the office to be voted on at the election, and the special election shall be conducted and the votes counted as in other elections.

 4.  As an alternative to the procedure prescribed in subsections 1, 2, and 3 of this section, if the candidates who received an equal number of votes in such election agree to the procedure prescribed in this subsection, the officer with whom such candidates filed their declarations of candidacy may, after notification of the time and place of such drawing given to each such candidate at least five days before such drawing, determine the winner of such election by lot.  Any candidate who received an equal number of votes may decline to have his name put into such drawing.

Planning and Zoning Meeting

Marathon Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting Held

The Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held a four hour meeting on two topics before them on Thursday evening at Raytown City Hall.

At issue were two controversial zoning issues.

CASE No. 2023-02 would have amended the Comprehensive Plan For Future Land Use Map on a Portion of a 5.2 Acre Tract of Land located at 5348 Blue Ridge Boulevard from Single Family Residential to Commercial.

CASE No. 2023-01 would amend the City of Raytown’s Official Zoning Map on a Portion of a 5.2 Acre Tract of Land located at 5348 Blue Ridge Boulevard from District R-1, Low Density Residential to District NC, Neighborhood Commercial.

Debate on Case No. 2023-02 last four hours. At the end of the public discussion and debate by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the representatives voted unanimously to deny the amendment. Though some members did voice a need to study the issue further in the future.

The meeting was an open forum allowing the public to participate. The City Council Chambers was filled to standing room only for the event. So many people spoke to Case No. 2023-02 to change the City’s Comprehensive Plan for Future Land Use that the Commission decided to continue the next discussion item for a controversial Zoning Change for the rezoning of a 5.2 Acre Tract of land at 5348 until May 4, 2023.

The meeting lasted four hours. It was interesting and compelling to hear what residents of the area and other Raytown citizens had to say about the proposed zoning changes. With the exception of one speaker, a Mr. Joe Creamer, all of the public speakers spoke in depth about their opposition to the proposals.

It was an interesting example of Democracy in Action. We urge our readers to take the time to watch as much of the video as possible. Use the following link to watch what was truly an exciting meeting.

Planning and Zoning Meeting


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great savings to the city not to have a recount. The best man won in this case!