Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Raytown Report Resumes Publication 

The Raytown Report is pleased to announce it has resumed publication after a three week hiatus.

Publisher of the Raytown Report, Greg Walters, said, "It had been three years since my wife and I have taken a real vacation . . . with the re-count behind us and the election decided, we decided it was time to take a break."

Look for more stories on a regular basis from the Raytown Report in the near future. 

Raytown Police Department
Activity Report WEEK ENDING APRIL 24TH

Number of calls for service: 317
Number of Reports: 50
Number of Arrests Booked into Raytown Jail: 7
Summary of Notable Events: 
  • On April 17th, at approximately 4:25 pm, officers were called to a business in the 6000 block of Blue Ridge Boulevard regarding an armed disturbance. An employee reported that a customer was upset and arguing about inventory and threatened the employees with a handgun. The employee triggered a panic alarm and the customer fled, but they got his license plate info. Officers located him a short time later and arrested him without incident. An investigation is ongoing. 
  • On April 20th, at approximately 7:13 pm, officers were called to the area of 86th & Stark on multiple calls of shots fired. They located an adult male who had been shot and killed. No other injuries were reported. An investigation is ongoing.

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