Wednesday, June 7, 2023




Canary in a Birdcage

Carbon monoxide can build to deadly levels, and it has no smell. 

That is why miners used to take a Canary in a Birdcage when they entered coal mines. 

Why use a bird instead of, say, a mouse? 

It has to do with the birds’ breathing anatomy: canaries get a dose of air when they inhale and when they exhale, thus a double dose of toxic gases. 

Thankfully, in 1986, more humane electronic warning devices replaced the use of canaries to alert them to carbon monoxide in the air they breathe.

Raytown’s Canary 
in a Birdcage Moment
A friend of from Independence and I were discussing what was going on in our respective communities. The big news item in Raytown is a proposed Discount Smokes and Liquor / gasoline station proposed to be built the former Blue Ridge Nursery property located at 5348 Blue Ridge Boulevard.

Both of us are deeply committed to our respective Cities and often share notes and thoughts about what is happening in our respective towns.

My friend told me it sounds like Raytown is headed towards a "Canary in the Birdcage" moment. He explained it is one of those times when city leaders make a decision as to which path the city should take.

“If the path they choose kills the canary, it does not bode well for the community.”

I understood. The Discount Smokes (etc.) proposal is definitely not good news for Raytown.

The Planning and Zoning Commission voted down the proposal by a vote of 6 to 3 with a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen to NOT approve the application.

The Board of Aldermen held their first of two public hearings on the issue this past Tuesday night. The interest in the project appears to be growing. We did a count of those in attendance at the meeting. The total came to a total of 223 in attendance, just shy of the official capacity of the room at 257.

That number is the highest to attend a Board of Aldermen meeting since the issue was brought forward. It was very clear the majority of those in attendance were opposed to allowing the Discount Smokes and Alcohol Gas Station to be approved.

Just as interesting was the number of those in attendance who were opposed to the project who did not live in the immediate area. As one participant told us at the meeting, “I am concerned that if the city gets away with this proposal on Blue Ridge Boulevard that my neighborhood will be next. “I hope our Aldermen vote to turn it down,”

One speaker, a woman named Marilyn Layton, spoke at the final meeting before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Her comments were brief, but what she said was powerful. 

The following has been paraphrased from Ms. Layton’s remarks
at the Planning and Zoning Public Hearing with her permission.

“When I come home from the office at the end of the day, the winding tree-lined drive along Blue Ridge Boulevard is relaxing. I love my home and the neighborhood in which I live.

I lived much of my life in the Urban Core of Kansas City. It is a nightmare to see what is coming to Raytown.

Liquor Stores on every street corner really suck.

I moved to Raytown 23 years ago to get away from so-called convenience stores that are really just fronts for stores selling tobacco, liquor, drug paraphernalia and junk food.

If Raytown is not careful, that is exactly what will happen here.

If you allow this type of zoning in our neighborhoods the Urban Core will come to us.

I do not want to live in the Urban Core again.

Please vote for our neighborhoods and our people. Please vote this application down. It is not needed or wanted in Raytown. We already have enough of these types of establishments in our Raytown.”*

*SOURCE: Records from Raytown City Hall set the number of liquor licenses issued in Raytown at 57.


Raytown Newbie said...

After seeing Alderperson Emmerson (as a member of planning and zoning) vote in favor of this terrible idea, I gave up hope that it would not get built. What in the world is she thinking? She is supposed to represent the people in our part of town, who BTW are almost 100% against the liquor store.
I believe the lust for more revenue by the city will overcome all the commonsense opposition to the absolute destruction of a beautiful part of Raytown. So sorry about this.

Raytown Newbie

Art Lima said...

Everyday there is always something new to learn and often it is shocking even after all of these years. The recent surprise came from Raytown's own "Mayor Mike" who wants to place a limit on freedom of speech. This should not be a surprise in today's political climate with too many elected officials wanting to only accept the Constitution Amendments that benefit them and their position.

Freedom is never free even at the local level.

Our Nation was built out of a revolution to be heard, and today many of our citizens or neighbors in adjustment cities too share the concerns when the conversation turns to an additional liquor/convenience/gas station in an area zoned residential for years. This is not a position piece, but a piece on the position of the Mayor who wants to place limits on the freedom of speech from those who are in opposition.

Instead of looking at this issue that many have spoken up in opposition, we need to look at the proposed landfill in South Kansas City. Citizens and elected officials in other cities have take opposition to this landfill, but using "Mayor Mike's" interpretation of who should speak up in opposition none of those neighboring residence should have an opportunity to express concerns.
This includes a former Raytown City Marshal who is now the Mayor of Raymore. The Raymore Mayor has voiced concerns starting back in October of 2022.

His concerns should not be heard or taken into consideration as the landfill is a South Kansas City issue.

Is that how things really work regardless of a landfill or a liquor/convenience/gas station.

It is time "Mayor Mike" accepts we live in America and too many of us still respect the Constriction as the law of the land.

Art Lima

Anonymous said...

I see a guy named Joe Creamer is running his mouth again. As usual, Creamer looks in the mirror and sees a hero of the people. I asked a former friend of his why he keeps attacking Raytown people.

He told me Creamer has never gotten over losing three elections for Alderman. It is really that simple. I understand the police came out on a complaint from the Election Board about Creamer causing a disturbance at one the local polls in the recent election. He was told to leave or the police would take him away.

Poor Joe, he should really move on. His bully boy tactics in Raytown are an embarrassment to our city.

Anonymous said...

First it’s 5348’Blue Ridge Blvd not 58$& something as posted in main part of post. Should be put to a vote of the people.

Editor said...

The typo has been corrected. Thank you for pointing it out.