The following Press Release from the Office of Missouri State Attorney General Andrew Bailey shows how serious the state is taking the allegations of mishandling of the Jackson County Assessment Office has been.
The majority of the Raytown Board of Aldermen deserve recognition for stepping up with six other elected governmental bodies in calling out the unfairness of Jackson County's reassessment process.
Those five governmental entities are: Raytown, Independence, Blue Springs, Lee's Summit, Grain Valley and the Jackson County Legislature.
HOW THEY VOTED: Following is how your Raytown Board Board of Aldermen voted
on the question of whether or not to speak out against the assessment process
is Jackson County.
YES: Greg Walters, Theresa Garza, Bill VanBuskirk, Jim Aziere, Loretha Hayden
NO: Ryan Myers, Bonnaye Mims, Diane Krizek, Janet Emerson
ABSENT: Ian Scott
Attorney General Bailey Files Suit
Against Jackson County Tax Assessor
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed suit alongside the State Tax Commission against Jackson County for its failure to follow the law in assessing and levying taxes. The lawsuit alleges Jackson County caused significant economic harm to residents when it dramatically and illegally increased property owner’s assessments which resulted in undue taxes. Attorney General Bailey’s lawsuit asserts that county officials violated state law when they failed to give timely and proper notice of assessments, failed to perform the required physical inspections of certain property, and handled appeals of their property assessments in an illegal and dysfunctional manner.
“I will always fight for Missourians who are being over-taxed, especially in Joe Biden’s economy where everyone’s wallet is stretched thin,” said Attorney General Bailey. “The Missouri Constitution expressly prohibits a county from illegally taxing its residents. We will stand in the gap to protect Jackson County residents and right this egregious wrong.”
In his lawsuit, General Bailey asserts that assessment notices were delivered past the legally mandated June 15th deadline, and that required physical inspections were not performed. Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution prohibits counties from levying any tax, license or fees not authorized by law. Attorney General Bailey notes the State has an interest in ensuring the State’s tax levying and collection process is legally carried out and Missouri citizens are not harmed by the imposition of undue assessments and the associated tax burdens.
His lawsuit alleges that Jackson County’s illegal actions resulted in an average assessed value increase of at least 30 percent across the board. Some Jackson County property owners reported increases in excess of 100 percent. “As a result, Defendants have subjected Jackson County property owners to undue taxation based on illegally increased assessment values without the opportunity to take advantage of the statutorily provided administrative remedies,” the lawsuit states.
Attorney General Bailey notes that complaints from Jackson County residents have poured into the Attorney General’s Office. General Bailey said, “We’re glad Jackson County residents came forward to let us know how they were adversely affected by this illegal behavior. We encourage all Missourians to reach out when they need help. We will always have Missourians’ backs.”
The Attorney General’s Office notes that affected Jackson County residents should pay their taxes due December 31 under protest and then plan to pursue remedies available to them by law.
Use this link to view the . . . PROPERTY TAX LAWSUIT
In his lawsuit, General Bailey asserts that assessment notices were delivered past the legally mandated June 15th deadline, and that required physical inspections were not performed. Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution prohibits counties from levying any tax, license or fees not authorized by law. Attorney General Bailey notes the State has an interest in ensuring the State’s tax levying and collection process is legally carried out and Missouri citizens are not harmed by the imposition of undue assessments and the associated tax burdens.
His lawsuit alleges that Jackson County’s illegal actions resulted in an average assessed value increase of at least 30 percent across the board. Some Jackson County property owners reported increases in excess of 100 percent. “As a result, Defendants have subjected Jackson County property owners to undue taxation based on illegally increased assessment values without the opportunity to take advantage of the statutorily provided administrative remedies,” the lawsuit states.
Attorney General Bailey notes that complaints from Jackson County residents have poured into the Attorney General’s Office. General Bailey said, “We’re glad Jackson County residents came forward to let us know how they were adversely affected by this illegal behavior. We encourage all Missourians to reach out when they need help. We will always have Missourians’ backs.”
The Attorney General’s Office notes that affected Jackson County residents should pay their taxes due December 31 under protest and then plan to pursue remedies available to them by law.
Use this link to view the . . . PROPERTY TAX LAWSUIT
What proud moment in Raytown that tax them hard tax them often Ryan wouldn't want to take a stand for thr working people of Raytown.
Last I heard he is in that age group of entitlement and given awards from just being on a team even if the team never won at anything.
We all saw how he turned in his neighbors voting for an out of town business owner who does understand the future is not in gas stations.
I guess when you don't have your own family you lack the understanding of family values
I was disheartened but not surprised that both my alderpersons Emerson and Myers voted against the Raytown support of the Jackson County assessment protest. They are the same two turncoats who have been supporting the very unnecessary gas station/liquor store. They have completely forgotten about their constituents. We in Raytown have been hit with the highest percentage tax increases of all the communities in Jackson County. I would welcome one of the alderpersons, who voted no, to come on here and give a reason for the no vote.
Thank you, RN
BTW, GO Chiefs! I only want them to win Monday and win the last game they play this year. So simple.
While the local police have excuses about everything the Gladstone police are working hard.
It would be nice if we had a professional team here that would address those that are not keeping their vehicles properly tagged. What other things are being missed by not conducting traffic stops on these vehicles.
If a school board member spits at a school staff member, no matter their justification, that Board member should resign. You can be angry. You can want to defend your child. You can't spit on someone and still expect to be considered to be a leader.
You can't disrespect a staff member and still expect to have the respect of the employees of he District.
Raytown C-2 Stake Holders, feel free to share.
Please email all our Board members, especially Alonzo Burton and Nodie Newton, who are up for re-election. Also, sounds like we need to plan on showing up to the next school board meeting and getting ourselves on the agenda.
The K. When we moved here in the late 8os, we were tickled to death that finally we were in a major league baseball city. In those days, there was general admission and we could take the family often. We were in right field GA one game, right by the foul pole, against Oakland when Bo Jackson hit a screamer down the line. Jose Canseco misplayed it and when I looked up Bo was rounding third to score what would be his one and only inside the park homer. So many good memories we had out there through the years. I already have bought tickets for opening day. I'm a fan. Hope we get a way to watch on TV this year. If Sherman gets his way and the club moves downtown, we probably won't go very often, if at all. Been to many ballparks around the country and the stadiums that do not have parking are a mess to get to. I'm voting NO.
Thank you, RN
All policing jurisdictions need to make this a priority and work together to solve it.
It would be nice to end the year with the majority of the Board of Alderman decided to put our City Administrators on notice.
We never needed two and one has never had the skill set to properly interact with others. With that said it is only a matter of time the attitude and actions will end in a court room. This is not an answer nor is we have insurance as it will only result in greater premiums or insurance company dropping the city.
The other individual lacks the leadership skills to follow through with anything. The refusal to properly obtain bids. The continued blind eye on the management of many departments especially the police department. Allow special treatment for a single individual that special treatment is not offered to others.
Now it is clear we have the wrong leadership for the day to day business at city hall. It is nothing to the majority of the board needing an education in their duties to include understanding the city administrators work for them and not the other way around. Perhaps if the board members would read the stat statues for a 4th class city and any others on things like bids we would once again move the city forward. However this means too many of the board members would need to first learn to act like adults.
December 26, 2023 at 11:11 AM
How often do we have to say this? GEEZ!
The Raytown Police are understaffed. More important crimes take precedence.
In case you haven't noticed, there are police shortages all over the country. Try to inform yourself instead of just complaining about things of which you know nothing.
When we look for excuses we will continue to fail.
True leadership is doing the right thing, finding the right way and not lie to the people.
Raytown fans because of individuals like 7:54 who refuse reality only accep the lies and excuses of lazy over paid non productive individuals
The story about the Gladstone police only adds to the frustration. I am tired of seeing the expired temporary tags. I'm tired of hearing that the police are too busy to do anything about it. I can't guess about the "numbers" but it seems that some of the people with the expired temporary tags have no intention of becoming legal. Two years is too long. I'd wager that many of these folks just do not give a darn about the law or taxes or any other responsibility, to the community or their neighbors. Think they have insurance? I don't. I would also wager that getting these criminals off the road would reduce other crime. I'd take it a step farther. Have a data base that can be used by the public to check license plates- not for personal info but to see if the plate matches the car. If the cops are to busy to work against crime, maybe the taxpayers could become more involved. I know I shouldn't expect anything, until the next time we're all being asked to fork over more money to get lesser results. The law enforcement budget was cut significantly 6 years ago. Teachers have also missed out on raises and I'm hearing that many are leaving the district. I'd love to hear that I'm wrong about any of this. Please straighten me out, thank you.
" has never had the skill set to properly interact with others."
^ This. ^
I thought that it might have been just us, our perception.
They may indeed be highly qualified in many areas, but perhaps their presentation and communication skills are areas that they need to work on.
We mean this as constructive criticism only, and wish them only the best.
The following letter was provided to the Raytown Report from the Director of Midwest Animal Rescue, Erin Morse. After discussion with Ms. Morris we have decided to publish the letter with the author's permission.
Midwest Animal ResQ has had eight, great years partnering with the City of Raytown, and I therefore wanted to take a moment to provide some clarity regarding our decision to terminate our contract, sent October 12, 2023. This was not a decision taken lightly, nor was it based on any specific incident. We at MARQ want to shift our focus back to our core mission of saving as many companion animals as possible. Acting as a contracted open intake facility for ACO was not allowing us to do this.
We also understand that some incorrect information may be circulating, and we’d like to set the record straight. At no time did we request confidential information regarding the two dogs that mauled that poor child to death in Mid-November. We DID ask when the dogs were leaving our facility, and if they would need a rabies vaccine, which is standard procedure with ANY bite case. We were given multiple different answers from various officers and, when we tried to reach out to the Director of City Development for clarification, we received no response, which is documented in the emails attached. We DID make the decision to call child protective services when the dogs were left in the home with other children for FOUR days after the incident, prior to being picked up for their bite quarantine, despite the fact that city and state ordinances require a dog should be impounded immediately in the situation of a bite. I feared for the safety of the people in that home, as well as the other citizens of Raytown.
However, as I previously stated, we’d already provided notice of contract termination several weeks before that unfortunate bite case occurred. We also had multiple follow-up meetings with the Director of City Development, the City Attorney, and an ACO officer in late October and early November to discuss and negotiate possible solutions and alternatives that would have potentially been the foundation for a new contract. Our proposal, also attached here for your reference, included several progressive ideas that would have ultimately saved the City money, while more importantly, improving support for Raytown’s citizens and their pets. However, all of these ideas were completely rejected, and no alternative options were presented by the City representatives. The only items agreed upon were raising fees, which would have been passed on directly to your constituents.
Did you know that a dog lost for an hour in Raytown can cost an owner close to $150? Did you know that the owner can only reclaim their dog Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM during City business hours? That is the highest fee I could find in the metro area, in addition to how difficult it is for Raytown residents to take off of work to reclaim their lost pets. Both of these factors drastically contribute to the dismal rate of owners reclaiming their pets in this City. Often several (sometimes more than half) of the stray animals in our care have known owners that we are not permitted to reunite them with because they’re unable to pay the fees in the time allotted.
Midwest Animal ResQ has always and will continue to be dedicated to helping and supporting the citizens and pets of this community. We hope that re-focusing on our primary mission will allow us to do this for even more. As always, I can be reached at the numbers below, and am happy to answer any questions.
Erin Morse
Midwest Animal ResQ
With the back and forth between several on this blog it was time to get to the truth.
Today I had a nice conversation with the Gladstone police captain.
They like us are not fully staffed. In fact they have six openings, but are still able to be delivering a successful expired tags enforcement.
They have already issued over 200 tickets, and remove any expired temp tags.
You think this is the end of the success of this effort you are wrong.
They have gotten at 3 felons off the street.
Yes, 3 people who are criminals making this effort to address expired tags even more successful and the streets safer from known criminals.
After learning what I did it seems to me we actually need to take this approach to send a message to the criminals that you best becareful in Raytown or Raytown might find you on the simplest of things like expired tags.
Thank you for being the only person in the city who has responded thus far. At least I know the letter was the received.
Please help me out here...I am trying to understand and make sense of this blog. I have been following it for a couple of years now, and while the articles have value, the open comment threads are resonant of what so many say. These comment thread are meant to be in response to Mr. Walters' posts, of which many deserve collaborative and positive responsiveness. However, the vast majority of what I see are people posting to bash leadership and the name of the city without action, much not even pertaining to Mr. Walters' posts at all. Far too many people want to complain about issues, but never take a stand, let alone leave their own house to voice opinions in person instead of trolling this site and talk big while not letting anyone know who you are.
If you want to see a change, do something! If you have a problem with someone working for the city or a sitting Alderman, quit blasting names and man or woman enough to have a conversation with them instead of defaming them and throwing their names and locations around. In a community where tensions are always high, people are pitted against each other, and the general consensus says we are all in strife with one another, it is no wonder Raytown and its citizens aren't experiencing the success it deserves. These are all of the reasons the City of Raytown is stigmatized in then metro area and nobody wants to come here to live, work, or play...most don't even want to drive through, but are forced to because of job commutes. Its is nobody's fault except for those that continue to live in negativity no matter what good happens, and it shows all too well. If there weren't any of the current issues going on, then these same people would find something to complain about and cause other problems.
Here's my suggestion. If you hate this city so much, leave, please, because there are some of us working hard to make it a better place to live and be more attractive for others to want to be a part of. Misery enjoys company, and while some of us may enjoy being butter, negative, and miserable (something I will never understand), the majority do not, so please push your agenda elsewhere. If you don't like what you're reading, then either stop reading it or do something about it...the truth hurts.
Mr. Walters, please consider letting this post be read by others. I truly believe you want the best for Raytown and this deserves to be seen. Thank you very much!
My two cents is citizens are still mad that all the city does is raise taxes and fees. When they are not doing that the cort is looking at what else it can tax and when they cannot come up with new taxes they start outsourcing services.
What has the city done lately to improve the safety of the citizens!
The increase in crimes is discussing, and too many complaints about the police not wanting to make reports. If they make a report that is where it ends. I am sure the criminal element speaks to each other and knows Raytown is procriminal.
When is the codes department going to address all of the violations.
When is the rental inspection team going to do their part.
When is the police going to start activities that make criminals feel like Raytown is a place to avoid.
Until changes are made we will be the racing strip in the leadership underpants of the metro.
Just a thought.
We desperately need Kristen Mesimer Hetzels and Erin Morses at the helm of this city.
Decency, common sense and commitment to education and to public service.
I've enjoyed reading your posts.
Dear clueless in Raytown,
Let me provide on example for you that too many know about and spoke out about only to face a hostile Alderman.
A few years ago there was a major push on three tax questions. The Alderman who lead the effort put out notice he would not take open questions at public meetings. He would only respond to presubmitted questions that he wanted to respond to. This ethe interaction with the community.
This was address before a group where the Alderman tried to push through endorsement for these tax increases. While refusing to answer questions about the projected property assessment increases; we all now know is reality. Additionally, never responding to when the rental inspection ordnance would be cleaned up to fix minor issues in it. Instead complained this had nothing to do with tax increases and refusing to listen it was the concern that city officials never follow through on anything.
Don't forget a group of citizens addressed the board in opposition of an additional gas station and once again a definite group of Alderman refused to actually represent their constituents.
These definite behavior puts our city in the place you don't like, which is on this blog.
Let us not forget the gentleman who brought an state audit to Raytown. In audit that got next to the lowest rating and multiple finds. When this gentleman, ran for Mayor he was constantly stocked by the Mayor's friends.
Believe what you will, but there is to much unacceptable behavior from or elected officials and department heads.
If you don't think that is correct you might watch some of the 2023 meets.
"Decency, common sense and commitment to education and to public service."
Yes! And don't forget to include animal welfare.
You ROCK, Erin!
7:43 those are all good quesations. The mayor ran unopposed. So did two of the aldermen. Where were you? why didn't you run? I see a lot of people complaining about the city leadership, yet no one stepped up. Nothing is going to change until you people do it yourself.
Are fire works legal on New Year's eve in Raytown or hear them more examples of the failures of the Mayor Mike Administration and welcoming hand to the criminals in the metro!
To Positive Citizen, I absolutely understand your frustrations. But from first hand experience I can say without reservation that there are a lot of really caring people in our city, and many of them do a lot more than complain in the comments section. It's necessary, in my view, to discuss our problems. In general, the things that are going well don't require the attention. Maybe more praise would be helpful but if we want to improve, there is less to be gained by talking about our accomplishments. Perhaps we should make a greater effort to reinforce the notion that as a group, there are things that can be done to benefit all. As far as people writing in anonymously, in the past I would probably not think twice about sharing my identity. In the current environment there are just too many reasons not to. There is some truth in what you've expressed, there are lots of people who just whine, I've met some of them too. Please remember that many people have jobs that are physically or mentally draining, some people have loved ones to care for, not everyone has the means to contribute.
My advice (worth nothing...) is not to let your opinion of others faults keep you from doing the right thing. Don't give up! Do something to benefit others. Engage and encourage the people you meet. In case you're wondering, I've had many conversations with different people, including aldermen, the mayor, administrators, police and the guy who runs this sight. A very old question comes to mind, "if not us who? And if not now when?" Apologies for the rant, but to answer one of your questions, I have no social media presence by my own choice. This is about the only format I have in which I can address people who don't know me. After re-reading your comment it seems likely that we've met. Hang in there!
No one is failing. Fireworks are legal on new year's eve.
I would ask you to please pay attention to the activities of the Board of Aldermen.
There is a process established in rules procedures for issues before the Aldermen that in most cases require introduction of the issue at one meeting, public discussion, and the before the issue is adopted, a second meeting generally open for public discussion.
There have been a number of issues of late where the Alderman have suspended the rules, eliminating public review and input, by placing items on the agenda and adopting them the same night.
There are times this is necessary for urgent issues, but of late, it has been done without urgency, perhaps largely to exclude our voice on the issue.
Please pay attention.
It's not the fireworks that scare me. It is the weapons being fired. If you a hear a very loud sharp report it is not a firework. It is a weapon, probably a hand gun. If it is extremely loud it is probably a shotgun.
Given the large amount of lead flying around on certain holidays and most notably when the Chiefs score a touchdown it is probably best to hunker down in your basement!
Well said, Morris. I have wondered why they make such a fuss of approving city ordinances and resolutions at break neck speed. It is like they do not want people to know what is going at City Hall. And what on earth is this deal with fighting over who makes a motion?!?
It looks like a bunch of grade school children raising their hands screaming out call on me.
No doubt a little decorum is needed at Raytown City Hall.
I agree with what Morris said about paying attention to what is going on at the city council meetings. If you are watching on line or via cable - it is almost impossible to tell what is being said. Some of them mumble, they sit back in their chair and their mouth is a long way from the microphone and they speak like they were having a conversation with pauses, etc. Some speak and they turn their heard to speak in all directions (meaning the audience) and only a few words are caught by the microphone. I try to change the volume depending on who is speaking but it is hard. Perhaps ALL the members that speak could use a few lessons from a voice teacher or perhaps someone that performs for a living with a microphone. Maybe they could swap this system and use the mic that they wear close to their mouth so we at home can hear what they are saying.
Excited to finally be able to take HHW to the disposal site in Kansas City. I looked back through the Raytown meetings and did not see the discussion that resulted in us unanimously voting to join. That struck me as strange. The mayor and board all voting to agree on something that meant us spending money. Anyway, I called down there to verify that we could bring down some items and was told that they had not got the word yet and to maybe hold off for a week or so and call to verify before coming down. If anyone has gone down there and they took you stuff, please let us know.
BTW, thank you Alderman Walters for getting out the word. I'm not a facebooker so I hope there's someone on there that has spread the news.
Thank you, RN
Yes fireworks are legal for only a specific time on New Years even
However, we know this year not all the bangs were fireworks
I am sure a former police officer who is now Mayor puts public safety at the top of the list.
Ha, ha
Interesting find on the web. Ryan Myers answered questions on BallotPedia during his Campaign for a state senator in 2020. You can read all his answers following this link.
A couple key responses for those in his district
What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?
Every day I see the struggles and hardships that working families in the Kansas City Metro endure, whether that be the struggle to find local grocery stores, affordable housing, or struggling to pay the exorbitant increase in property taxes from the 2019 Jackson County re-assessment. The goal of my campaign is empathy, equity, and transparency. I am committed to having an open ear and open door at all times for all individuals of the 9th Senate District.
Are you interested in running for a different political office (for example, the U.S. Congress or governor) in the future?
I never want to limit the opportunities that I may come across in the future. However, if I continue running for office I want to do it for the people I serve, not myself. In the political arena, people make careers out of public service but they eventually lose their connection with the public and begin listening to private interests. I want to be a normal citizen that represents the average constituent. The moment that I lose connection with my constituents will be the last term I serve as an elected official.
Ryan - it is time to live up to your promises in 2020, you have lost connection with your constituents, voted against a small effort to support Raytown Residents in the 2023 Tax assessment fiasco, and believe a liquor store/smoke shop is what Raytown Residents need for groceries.
I wonder why the convenience store has not broken ground, any news on that?
Morris, your right. Sometimes the aldermen suspend the rules and make both votes in one night. That happened at the January 2 meeting. There was a contract between the city and the Rice Tremonti board. Since there were no public comments for or against this, and no one contacted there elected officials on this subject, the BOA voted unanimously to suspend the rules. I'm sure if any of the fine people who comment here objected to this, they would have been at the meeting to voice their opinion.
Bob Howard! Good to see your name again. I watch the city council meetings on television too. I guess I am kind of a political junkie! I even read the agenda when they are posted on the city's website. Those are not available for the public to see until late Friday. Usually around 5:00 in the evening.
This last meeting was the first Tuesday of the month. So that means on the New Year Holiday weekend people had all day Saturday, New Year's eve on Sunday and then New Year's Day on Monday to review the document.
Not really much time on a busy holiday weekend. If they had followed the regular rules and allowed the item to stand for just one meeting, there would have been two weeks before the next meeting. Plenty of time for he public to learn about what is going on.
With the exception of Waltes and Van Buskirk nearly all the board seems to have a very limited vocabulary when it comes to issues like this.
They should slow down and let the public learn what is going on. This would give the Facebook pages and blogs like the Raytown Report time to inform the public of what is going on.
Dear 6:42,
Thank you for shining the light of truth on my alderperson Myers.
I have many more thoughts about his hypocrisy. I don't think Mr. Walters will let me say them all.
Again, Thank you
Bob Howard
Thank you for commenting. There is definitely a time and reason to suspend rules on some issues. One recent example is the Tax levy which apparently was adopted with some incorrect data and HAD to be adjusted by a certain date under MO or city codes. However, Rice Tremonti issue did not have, to my knowledge a statutory reason to "fast" forward. It is just one recent example of preventing public comment. Not certain anyone is against the Rice Tremonti issue, although I would have liked to have been able to ask a few questions in order to fully understand the proposal.
You all don’t understand economics much do you? Prices of everything is up, costing more! Raytown is mainly residential, therefore people have to make up the difference! I’m sure this won’t be published but it should be.
9:51 What you say is correct, but I wonder what there is about that particular item that has your attention. It was simply closing some loopholes in a contract between Rice Tremonti and the city. I'm curious why you think someone would be interested in this particular item. There were several items that had the rules suspended last year. Were none of them of interest?
Morris - if you have questions about Rice Tremonti contract, you can always to go the park board meetings. they'll answer your questions.
Our uneducated Board of Aldermen don't understand that the reason for readings on two separate dates is to give additional time for the public to be notified and ask questions.
However as Alderman Mims and Myers have demonstrated they don't care nor have respect for the people who elected them.
They cannot control their addiction to push higher and new taxes on everyone.
Never forget the people said NO to higher taxes and those two placed the tax questions right back upon us.
One of these two who is a real estate appraiser keep insisting the county was not going to increase appraisals by some crazy percentage. However, the county provided him wrong making him either a lier or uneducated in a profession they are in. You decide!
While on the subject of uneducated and disrespecting the voters we all must never forget these two and the others that forced an additional gas station and liquor store upon the people. The same people who spoke out in large numbers against it.
I guess their parents did teach them about respect and their teachers didn't teach them about democracy.
Maybe someone could explain the Constitution and corresponding state statues for a 4th class city to them. However, I am sure it would be like talking to an empty chair as these two only serve themselves.
I know what you mean about the BOA being obsessed with making motions. I have watch arguments over who made a motion and who made a second. It is kind of like a bunch of grade schoolers throwing their hands up in the air begging the teacher to recognize them. The Mayor does not help the situation he actually encourages the childish behavior. Unless, of course, the wrong person makes the motion. It is so predictable. It is very, very sad. We deserve much better than this type of behavior.
Bob Howard -
I might just ask the Rice Board about my questions, sadly, the way this was handled, I did not get a chance to. I'm not questioning the Rice Board, nor parks department, rather the process the alderman used to discuss the issue.
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