Thursday, December 14, 2023


The Raytown School Board has called a special meeting tomorrow night December 19th at 5:30 PM.

The meeting is at the district's administration office 6608 Raytown Road.

This special meeting is called to address the Vice President of the Board's assault on a teacher.

The meeting can also be viewed on a live link a live on the School District's website.

The teacher's union has been outraged by this unacceptable behavior and as reported on local news calling upon the general public to speak up to the board members to make sure this issue is resolved for the safety of all parts.

We are back!

From messages we have received on what we call the “Back Pages” (blog section) of the Raytown Report, we see that some have wondered why we have not published in the last week.

The truth is always the best response . . . so here it is. We took a week off to go visit my sister and her husband in Florida. It was a good time. As with all trips, Mecee and I took some fine photos which we will share with you here.

On a trip to the Everglades we had the pleasure of meeting one of the local celebrities. There were a number of them. This particular alligator was named "Charlie".


As with all trips there is going to be some "down time". Shortly after arriving at my sister's home in Estero, Florida (about 20 minutes south of Fort Myers, Florida), we settled into our home for the week and rested after two long flights from Kansas City to Estero.

Ever the artist, Mecee took a few minutes and presented me with a self portrait she created upon our arrival.

I consider it a fine gift. Most suitable for framing!

Raytown School Board Vice President Michael Watson charged with “non-injury assault” for altercation with school teacher

School Board Vice President Michael Watson stated he was visiting with the teacher of his child when the alleged incident took place. Watson was charged with “non-injury assault” according to information received from the Raytown Police Department.

To view the complete story use the following link provided by Fox 4 News:

Raytowners eligible to participate
in Toxic Waste Collection Program
The Raytown Board of Aldermen has approved the City of Raytown to become an active member of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Hazardous Waste Program effective January 1, 2024.

Membership in the program provides residents year-round access to permanent facilities in Kansas City and Lee’s Summit and at multiple mobile collection events.

Materials accepted for safe disposal include paint and paint-related products, automotive fluids, batteries, lawn and garden chemicals, house cleaners, fluorescent bulbs and other items such as polish, bug spray and oven cleaners.

A local Raytown resident, Janette Gentry, has been at the forefront of bringing this service to the City of Raytown.

During the meeting, Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters credited Gentry with addressing the Board on the need of joining the MARC Hazardous Waste Program on at least three occasions before the Board.

“I could tell the representative from MARC is well aware of Janette’s efforts over the years,” said Walters.

“Her hard work of bringing this important issue before the Board of Aldermen has finally paid off,” Walters continued. “I am certain Ms. Gentry is smiling tonight for a job well done!”

All Raytown residents are eligible to participate in the program without cost.

For more information contact the Mid America Regional Council at (816) 474-4240.


Anonymous said...

I want to thank Janette Gentry, and anyone else who helped make the MARC participation possible. I'm not sure why it took as long as it did, but better late than never! Thank you.

Raytown Newbie said...

What great NEWS! I have been a vocal advocate of this for years. I think the folks at the city were getting tired of my enquiries. I salute those at the city who made this happen. And thanks to Janette for speaking up.

Raytown Newbie said...

I'm pretty sure my Alderperson Janet Emerson voted in favor of this. We don't see eye to eye on everything but her support/advocation of this important measure is greatly appreciated. Now to spread the word... Raytowners, take your Hazardous waste to one of the two disposal sites after the first of the year. This membership renews each year so take advantage of this window. It may not come around in 2025. Thank you Greg Walters, for spreading the news. BTW, did any aldermen vote against Raytown participation?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Bothered by aggressive solicitors while driving through busy street intersections?"

We've been concerned about these solicitors for quite some time. Can we detect their movements from all areas of our trucks? No. If they were to misstep and fall into or in front of one of our vehicles, who pays? Of course WE would. Without exception.

Ever priced commercial insurance? (You don't want to know.)

And how can we determine that they're a legitimate charity? When they're on foot and coming at you in traffic, there's no quick way to verify.

GREAT information! Thank you!

November 19, 2023 at 12:52 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
so let me get this straight. You want the police to stop chasing murderers, rapist, and car thieves to run off a panhandler? Thinking like that is why crime is so high here.

November 19, 2023 at 2:57 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Last week I was driving down Blue Ridge Cutoff coming up to the intersection at 63rd Street. There were two men standing in the real slim island between the north and south bound lanes. While waiting for the traffic light to change from red to green, one of those fine young men came and knocked on my window. He asked if I had any spare change.

I drove away thankful he did not pull a gun on me and demand my car!

Do I want the police to enforce our laws in Raytown. You bet I do.

Whoever wrote that idiotic post about chasing murderers, rapists and car thieves should really think about what he is going to say before he runs his mouth. All of us are responsible to make Raytown a safer place to live in. By calling the police we help them find where to go to stop such criminal activity.

My guess is whoever wrote that stupid post really lives in Lee's Summit.

Anonymous said...

November 19, 2023 at 4:06 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
According to a previous post, I say if they find it so scary in Raytown, maybe they should consider moving to another town such as Grandview, Independence or maybe even Lees Summit. I am sure they will feel much safer there. I do feel that people should not be standing on the medians. Someone may get hurt and the City would be held liable for not enforcing the law. Panhandling outside a store should not be allowed either but that is up to the store to handle that.

November 19, 2023 at 6:50 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am sure we would allow panhandling if a young Alderman was able to push though taxing or charging fees to the panhandle.

Speaking of that young man who likes taxes and fees like a little kids loves ice cream and candy. I know that he was so proud of passing those fees and inspections on rental properties. However, he still doesn't know if the program is successful.

What do we expect he won't answer questions and wants them in writing should he decide to respond. Is this because he is unable to respond form a lack of knowledge or because he lacks the inability to understand things himself.

November 20, 2023 at 9:35 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The person who wrote about 63rd Street has it right. How many times on the news is there a story about someone being car jacked? Why not remove the potential opportunity for this crime by bringing in the professionals to handle the situation at the same time?

It is difficult to be certain of a potential robbery, rape, car-jacking, etc.

Recognizing the potential for a crime to take place is important. Calling the police is just as important.

The problem in America anymore is people don't want to actually earn the pay check for the work they agreed to do.

We have become a Nation of excuses and participation awards which has created a Nation of entitlement by far too many.

If a person is put in fear because of the action of another then it is important they call the Police. In turn the Police should respond to the call for help.

Make no mistake about it, as stranger tapping on your car window in the middle of a public street is frightening.

It also creates an image of Raytown that is not a pretty one. Helping the police recognize when this illegal activity is taking place is a good thing.

It all comes down to this. What image do we want for Raytown? One where you feel safe driving a car? One where you not only “hope” the police will show up, one where you KNOW they will show up.

A healthy community is where the people work with the police to be the eyes and ears of the community. Calling the police when you see laws being broken is a good thing.

The police responding in timely (immediate) fashion is a solution.

Ignore the nay-sayers who only want to rip and tear at their perceived enemies. They have lost sight of the ability to recognize a problem and to try to reach a solution with the help others.

It is best those types be ignored because they have nothing to add. All they care about is their personal vendettas.

November 21, 2023 at 8:24 AM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is that young alderman who likes to raise tax named Ryan?

Editor said...

Someone wrote earlier asking how the Board of Aldermen voted on the Hazardous Waste ordinance.
In answer to that question . . . the vote was unanimous.

Anonymous said...

The city council is voting tomorrow on a ordinance to make it illegal to live in a tent or loiter in Raytown. I have to work tomorrow night but how many of you will go to the meeting in support of this? Maybe the crime will stop if the homeless people go away.

Anonymous said...

Go to Le's Summit and try to pan handle on their road islands or stop light corners, they don't have any because the police run them off. They have more police than Raytown has.

Anonymous said...

My fellow citizens the Raytown School Board has called a special meeting tomorrow night December 19th at 5:30 PM.

The meeting is at the district's administration office 6608 Raytown Road.

This special meeting is called to address the Vice President of the Board's assault on a teacher.

The meeting can also be viewed on a live link a live on the School District's website.

The teacher's union has been outraged by this unacceptable behavior and as reported on local news calling upon the general public to speak up to the board members to make sure this issue is resolved for the safety of all parts.

Anonymous said...

I know Lee's Summit has more officers than Raytown. They also have 65.91 square miles to patrol. Raytown has just under 10 miles to patrol. I have not done the math, but my guess is that it comes down to knowing where the panhandlers are in the first place.

I think one thing that would help stop panhandlers from harassing motorists in Raytown would be if people would call the police in Raytown and tell them where the problem is. My observation is that most people do not. I know that I do. And most times the police are pretty quick in responding.

I am glad the Board of Aldermen are bringing an ordinance to make it illegal to pitch a tent in Raytown and call it a home.

Anonymous said...

Do all of our Alderman actually live in the city?

I ask as this has been a problem in the the past.

I do know we have several mouth pieces for city hall agenda that claim they live in the city, but tax search on they show their vehicle have not been licensed in Raytown in over several years.

Makes one wonder their true agenda and why they lie to everyone about their tie to Raytown.

Anonymous said...

If I know a student that has been suspended by the school district for assault and the board keeps their vice president don't you agree the person I know has a good lawsuit as you cannot treat someone different.

Also this board member and his peers should follow the rules they enforce on others.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if that school board member resigned.

I sure hope he did as the lawsuits against the district might bankrupt everything Markley worked so hard to build.

There cannot be special treatment for a board member, or the board must remove things from many student's records and offer apologies for suspensions and expelling.

Maybe the State's Attorney will look into this just like the Frank White mess with our taxes.

Anonymous said...

Raytown best do something about the homeless before our city turns into the Watts Mill area of KCMO.

Homeless camps all over the place.

Countless human droppings at several well known business that have to be cleaned up daily.

KCMO has continued to turn a blind eye and the problem grows.

The homeless ask for assistance and the woods are full of rotten food as that is not really what they want. Needles plage the walkways around Indian Creek and the Mayor has been no responsive to request with simple assistance cleaning the mess up like the city bringing out dumpsters.

No Raytown doesn't need to become the next Mayor Lucus Homeless Trash Camp.

Anonymous said...

It would be great if the School Board doesn't address this M Watson problem and the NEA would go on strike until he steps down. Now boys and girls that is justice.

Anonymous said...

I would get an attorney

The school board and Mr. Watson are sending the wrong message.

Having special rules for the board is wrong on so many levels.

I wonder if we will face staffing issues this fall thanks to Mr. Watson not adulting and resigning.

Wait he has already demonstrated he doesn't understand what being an adult means!

Anonymous said...

You can not tell me that the few cops we have they don't drive through the busiest intersection in our city and not see them asking for money for a funeral ? Seriously ? Yes I've called and dispatch was so rude I hung up. These people need to stop before they get hut or cause an accident. Just saw them yesterday Jan.7 asking for donations. Ridiculous and makes our city look trashy. Do better City of Raytown