Thursday, December 14, 2023


The Raytown School Board has called a special meeting tomorrow night December 19th at 5:30 PM.

The meeting is at the district's administration office 6608 Raytown Road.

This special meeting is called to address the Vice President of the Board's assault on a teacher.

The meeting can also be viewed on a live link a live on the School District's website.

The teacher's union has been outraged by this unacceptable behavior and as reported on local news calling upon the general public to speak up to the board members to make sure this issue is resolved for the safety of all parts.

We are back!

From messages we have received on what we call the “Back Pages” (blog section) of the Raytown Report, we see that some have wondered why we have not published in the last week.

The truth is always the best response . . . so here it is. We took a week off to go visit my sister and her husband in Florida. It was a good time. As with all trips, Mecee and I took some fine photos which we will share with you here.

On a trip to the Everglades we had the pleasure of meeting one of the local celebrities. There were a number of them. This particular alligator was named "Charlie".


As with all trips there is going to be some "down time". Shortly after arriving at my sister's home in Estero, Florida (about 20 minutes south of Fort Myers, Florida), we settled into our home for the week and rested after two long flights from Kansas City to Estero.

Ever the artist, Mecee took a few minutes and presented me with a self portrait she created upon our arrival.

I consider it a fine gift. Most suitable for framing!

Raytown School Board Vice President Michael Watson charged with “non-injury assault” for altercation with school teacher

School Board Vice President Michael Watson stated he was visiting with the teacher of his child when the alleged incident took place. Watson was charged with “non-injury assault” according to information received from the Raytown Police Department.

To view the complete story use the following link provided by Fox 4 News:

Raytowners eligible to participate
in Toxic Waste Collection Program
The Raytown Board of Aldermen has approved the City of Raytown to become an active member of the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) Hazardous Waste Program effective January 1, 2024.

Membership in the program provides residents year-round access to permanent facilities in Kansas City and Lee’s Summit and at multiple mobile collection events.

Materials accepted for safe disposal include paint and paint-related products, automotive fluids, batteries, lawn and garden chemicals, house cleaners, fluorescent bulbs and other items such as polish, bug spray and oven cleaners.

A local Raytown resident, Janette Gentry, has been at the forefront of bringing this service to the City of Raytown.

During the meeting, Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters credited Gentry with addressing the Board on the need of joining the MARC Hazardous Waste Program on at least three occasions before the Board.

“I could tell the representative from MARC is well aware of Janette’s efforts over the years,” said Walters.

“Her hard work of bringing this important issue before the Board of Aldermen has finally paid off,” Walters continued. “I am certain Ms. Gentry is smiling tonight for a job well done!”

All Raytown residents are eligible to participate in the program without cost.

For more information contact the Mid America Regional Council at (816) 474-4240.

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