Friday, February 16, 2024

Truth Watch Returns!

Hello readers. Some of you may remember me. I used to write a column for the Raytown Report named “Truth Watch”.

Last week I saw a post by Raytown’s very own Ward 3 Alderman, Ryan Myers. He was responding to other posts that were published on Raytown Unleashed. The author of one of those posts said Walmart does not pay any taxes in Raytown. Thank goodness Ryan saw the post and corrected the writer!

Alderman Myers wrote, “Walmart paid nearly half a million dollars in property tax for 2023. That figure does not include the personal property tax paid.”

I wondered if Ryan was being totally honest with his explanation. The part I found baffling was why didn’t he publish the figure Walmart paid in property taxes?

The fact that he did not use whole numbers but prefaced his dollar amount on property tax as “nearly half a million dollars” makes me wonder, “Why the parsing of words on the amount he wrote of as a fact?

Ryan also left out that Walmart does not pay ANY personal property tax on the merchandise on its shelves.

That is because Walmart does not own the “merchandise” on their store shelves.

The retail items on the shelves at a Walmart are not owned by Walmart. Therefore Walmart is not responsible for “personal property tax” on those items.

Which means Walmart pays very little (if any) Business Personal Property Tax on the retail items on their shelves for the public to purchase. Hope this information clears up the question.

Alderman Myers should be more generous in his explanations. Terms like “somewhere around half a million dollars” is pure conjecture. Indicating the retail giant pays Business Personal Property Tax when, in fact, they do not, is clearly misleading, if not dishonest.

It is also important to remember that Walmart is located where it is because of a Taxpayer paid TIF (Tax Increment Financing). This TIF  requires sales tax revenue collected by the retail giant be paid by shoppers when they make their purchases. The sales tax from those purchases is then used to pay the debt to create the shopping center in which they are shopping.


Why Not Raytown?

One of our regular contributors came across the following press release from the Independence Police Department (IPD). The release notifies the public the IPD will be ramping up a program of enforcement on expired temporary tags in their city. Kansas City, Missouri and Gladstone, Missouri have both initiated similar programs for their cities.

We regularly receive complaints from Raytown homeowners about the outrageous amount of expired temporary tags being used by automobile owners in Raytown. 

That's not to say all of those cars are owned in Raytown. After all, our city is only two miles wide. But it does show the need for Raytown to join in the effort in correcting the problem.

Raytown should join Kansas City and Independence in a unified front of enforcement to make sure everyone is paying their fair share of tax dollars. To ignore the problem would be counterproductive to solid governmental practices.

Up until this point only two cities in the metropolitan area (on the Missouri side) have ramped up enforcement on scofflaws who believe they do not have to pay their fair share in taxes.

Both Kansas City and Gladstone have discovered an increase in the number of outstanding warrants they have been able to enforce through the traffic stops. This bonanza of revenue could be earmarked for Raytown's most pressing problem - the repair and upkeep of our neighborhood streets. 

For Immediate Release

Due to the large number of expired tags and license plates, the Independence Police Department will begin a zero tolerance enforcement campaign during the last week in February.

We encourage everyone to help do their part and get their vehicle license current and valid insurance before that time. Expired temp tags and license plates are one of the most common complaints we hear from citizens.



Anonymous said...

The city has spent a lot of time and energy on a new flag, but I would like to say it is time to talk about a new motto.

After hour of debate, I belive the best representation of Raytown at least as a taxpayer's observation of our city staff and the current administration would be "Busy doing nothing, but different than the day before".

As evidence this best describes our city, just drive around and look at all the code violations. Vehicles on the grass, vehicles that are inoperable, trailers being used for storage, storage shipping containers on properties for months, and trash dumpster not behind fencing are just a few of the wonderful things the Community Development department is too busy to identify.

However, they are not the only department to turn a blind eye. Just look around our city at the number of vehicles with expired tags. I also have spoke to many who have reported things to the police, but have never had an officer responded. Dispatch is great to make excuses, but the police blotter does support that our officers are busy non-stop. Furthermore, it is easy to often spot an officer in back of a church lot or some other business with the assumption they are working on reports.

Public works post on the book of faces about the hard work they do patching pot holes or cleaning up concrete creeks. Although, it is great to know the things they are doing these are things they should be doing. However, these post are like we should fall on our knees and praise them for the job they are hired to do. Get back with us when you go beyond.

The sewer billing department has it's own dysfunctional problems. They cannot update an existing account that was never setup correctly with out wanting to collect the current deposit and not leave things at the original amount. Talk around town is shut offs are not done consistently and has created major hardship for several for allowing services to continue with no oversight as in the city's own policy require. Several who have paid annually for the savings don't get billed again when their 12 month payment is up, but sure get a bill when the city can tack on a late fee.

It is for all of this that the correct moto again is "Busy doing nothing, but different than the day before".

Morris said...

February 3, 2024, I made the following post to a Facebook Group created 4 years ogo for Community Awareness. Raytown Community Awareness | Facebook

Parents, of all ages of children young adults. Secure your guns, make certain they are not accessible, check your kids’ rooms and vehicles. Have that talk that guns aren’t the answer. Do this so Raytown does not end up on the National stage and you would know it was preventable.

On February 9, 2024, a concerned resident shared the sentiments of an RHS student.

If you have children in the Raytown school district please send emails.
"Words can't explain how mentally drained us students are at Raytown High School, in the past few weeks, 3 students have been found with a gun, countless amounts of fights (they happen daily). Today in the building there has been fights. Everyday there is fights and violence. Just yesterday after school there was a mob fight at the gas station across the street from our school where multiple fights occurred, including fighting the gas station employees. Every turn I take there is chaos. The student body is scared, we shouldn’t have to be worried about our safety walking down the halls of the school we call home. Therefore it is time to take action, stronger safety measures need to be implemented, we need stronger discipline for students, and this all starts with our school board.
There is no sugarcoating it, Raytown High School is an unsafe and a dangerous environment for students and staff. This is not a healthy environment for students. We need to take action before it’s too late, at the rate things are going, something bad is bound to happen. It’s time for change.
What can you do you may ask?
1. Write emails to members of the school board regarding your concerns.
2. You could speak at the next board meeting regarding student safety. If you are interested in speaking, email:
Listed here is a list of board members you can personally email about your concerns:
You can also email the superintendent:
As a student, i’m pleading for the community to speak up and take action so change can occur. Thank you."

On February 14, 2024, the greater Kansas City Area was on the national stage as we supported our KC Chiefs Super Bowl victory. Said celebration was marred by the actions of a couple of teens forever cementing concerns of residents, families and children ever attending such events.

So, I go back to my original post – parents, have the talk. Neighbors get concerned and have a talk. Our rights to own guns are for protection, not resolving disputes. Certainly not for mass shootings. If you need help, yourself, your teen, relatives, friends and the like, resources are available through most of our insurance plans, the schools and other community programs such as ReDiscover.

These types of violence have been growing all across America. It is no longer time to say glad it didn’t happen here, it is here and affecting each and every one of us, especially our children.

Anonymous said...

It is very naive to think that lack of enforcement on expired permits does not affect the community. Lost revenue to the city, schools - increased costs to the city and residents to determine who owns a vehicle with expired temporary tags or no tags at all.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's a thing to debate. Driving around without a license is illegal for a reason. Enforcing it will have benefits for everyone. If you would like to help please e-mail your alderman, let them know how you feel about it.

Anonymous said...

"Words can't explain how mentally drained us students are at Raytown High School, in the past few weeks, 3 students have been found with a gun, countless amounts of fights (they happen daily). Today in the building there has been fights. Everyday there is fights and violence. Just yesterday after school there was a mob fight at the gas station across the street from our school where multiple fights occurred, including fighting the gas station employees. Every turn I take there is chaos."

I read this with a heavy heart.
We've witnessed some of this behavior in front of that high school as we've passed by.
This is an issue that affects the entire community, not just the school district before, during and after classroom hours.
As such, instead of SILENCE, I suggest that a handful of our aldermen step up and take the lead in addressing this concern. Especially the individual that had the gall to express that everyone had better get used to the idea that we have a "new" Raytown.

Anonymous said...

The quote from the student is disheartening in a number of ways. I'll let someone else point out the grammatical errors. The content describes conditions that are unacceptable. If a student has a gun at school, he or she should be expelled. Full stop. I can't imagine that an adult would disagree. Yes, every child should have the opportunity to receive an education. Violent behavior and threats of violence interfere with the rights of those students wanting the benefits of the education. Thanks for the names and email addresses.

Raytown Newbie said...

As a grandparent of a couple of Raytown school students, one going into high school next year, I am shocked and dismayed to read this posting from a student. Sometimes I wonder about the priorities of the "leadership" at the school board. WOW, we are building a new gym. What about some security for our students??

Anonymous said...

"As such, instead of SILENCE, I suggest that a handful of our aldermen step up and take the lead in addressing this concern."

That's hilarious. Good one! You can encourage a few of our elected reps all you wish to step up and assist in what has become a very serious issue with our younger people, but that would interfere with the (gasp!) "victim narrative". Way harsh but true, in our opinion.

After all, they have a very serious logo design issue to grapple with, as well as some more alleys to pave.

Think eggshells -> let's not contribute any further to the overwhelm.

Anonymous said...

The new Raytown? Are you surprised?
We have no codes doing the job. Section 8 housing, rentals, group homes, and the list goes on. We have very few police so the thugs know to come to Raytown. Expired tags, speeding through school zones and speeding in general. Wait till you get your renewal on car insurance. Mine went through the roof increase! Why, so many stolen cars in Raytown, thefts, just look at the RPD Police Blotter, that ought to tell you something. Raytown image is soooo run down. Also, has the city done anything about the homeless camp under the 63rd street bridge? You can find anything you want under that bridge. I am just waiting for a fire under the bridge! Raytown is a mess!!!

Anonymous said...

Truth Watch Returns!

Hello readers. Some of you may remember me. I used to write a column for the Raytown Report named “Truth Watch”.

Last week I saw a post by Raytown’s very own Ward 3 Alderman, Ryan Myers. He was responding to other posts that were published on Raytown Unleashed. The author of one of those posts said Walmart does not pay any taxes in Raytown. Thank goodness Ryan saw the post and corrected the writer!

Alderman Myers wrote, “Walmart paid nearly half a million dollars in property tax for 2023. That figure does not include the (business) personal property tax paid.”

I wondered if Ryan was being totally honest with his explanation. The part I found baffling was why didn’t he publish the figure Walmart paid in property taxes?

The fact that he did not use whole numbers but prefaced his dollar amount on property tax as “nearly half a million dollars” makes me wonder, “Why the parsing of words on the amount he wrote of as a fact?

Ryan also left out that Walmart does not pay ANY Business Personal Property Tax on the merchandise on its shelves.

That is because Walmart does not own the “merchandise” on their store shelves.

The retail items on the shelves at a Walmart are not owned by Walmart. Therefore Walmart is not responsible for “business personal property tax” on those items.

Which means Walmart pays very little (if any) Business Personal Property Tax on the retail items on their shelves for the public to purchase. Hope this information clears up the question.

Alderman Myers should be more generous in his explanations. Using language like “somewhere around half a million dollars” is pure conjecture. Indicating the retail giant pays Business Personal Property Tax when, in fact, they do not, is clearly misleading.

Raytown Newbie said...

The City of Raytown has recently been touting the Recycle Fest to be held March 23rd at Raytown South from 9-12. The announcement mentions that no hazardous material will be accepted. It would have been nice if the city also promoted the fact that, beginning this year Raytown residents like almost all Jackson County citizens, can take their hazardous household waste to either the Lees Summit landfill or the Kansas City 4707 Deramus Ave. location. There is no charge for this. Please take advantage of this. There's no assurance from the city that they will continue to be a part of this program after this year. If this very worthwhile program is under-utilized, the City may not renew our participation.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Myers is a commercial Real Estate Broker and works as a consultant. He profits when those he consults with benefit from appraisals, regardless of whether he is directly involved in the transaction. He has done nothing for the residents of Raytown and ignores the wishes and views of his constituents for the sole gain of commercial development. He has submitted false information to the BOA, planning and Zoning, on business development, doesn't seem to care that he did.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering what other fellow Raytown citizens will not attend the KCMO downtown St Patrick's Parade this year out of KCMO inability to ensure the safety of those attend the Super Bowl Celebration.

I am sure as with questions about Raytown there will be those to defend KCMO police. However, the reality remains last year KCMO had more deaths than throughout the city's history. Everyone is quick to have a knee jurk reaction that it is a gun problem, but everyone fails to ask questions. This in part is do to the lack of ethics from main street news these days.

Here are the though questions law enforcement doesn't want to hear or answer.

1.) What efforts is the department taking to address out standing warrants? (To many cities like our own Raytown is putting little to no effort on getting individuals off the street, which puts us all in danger. They make excuses on staff while unable to explain senior staff that are not on the streets, officers hidden in the back of parking lots, or call volume Vs ability to respond for service.)

2.) What efforts is the department taking to not encourage citizens to take the law into their own hands? (While Raytown officers are not encouraging, the same cannot and is not shared with interactions with dispatchers. The reality is this leads to confusion and with State laws like "stand your ground" and "castle doctoran" it is no surprise that individuals are taking the law into their own hands. Just look at the 2 juveniles in KCMO. It is already reported the man from Raytown was the 1st to pull his gun. )

3.) What efforts is the department taking to address the current environment of physical and often life ending over reactions of police officers as seen across this Nation? (I know I have not heard the Mayor, a former police officer, or police chief address efforts to contain and insure the citizens of what is done to manage offers again and dangerous behavior. Where as the FOP or police unions been on the negative image and divide a few officers across the Nation have created for the profession.)

4.) What is the department taking to address the FOP and unions for inviting criminal activity in the community? (Who all will never forget the head of the local FOP and his invitation to the criminals. This includes we would have less officers on the street, while information available to the public show the number of officers assigned to the streets has remained the same. The city of Raytown still as stated above as a large unexplained population of officers at city hall.)

Unfortunately we are in a society that no longer holds anyone accountable (criminals or law enforcement). Citizens are caught in the middle and as seen at the Super Bowl Celebration forced to take the law into their own hands because the police are to busy making excuses for little things like traffic stops, responding to suspicious activity and servicing warrants.

Until that changes keep your loved ones away from large crowds and unfortunately be prepared to take the law into your own hands.

Never forget those politicians who gave us the power to protect ourselves as they had the foresight of the dangers world the police would place us in.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Myers is a commercial real estate appraiser, working on a consulting basis. OF course he will support anything commercial, he will benefit or the firms he consults with will, hiding whether he was involved.

He submitted false data and testimony to the Planning and Zoning Commission as well as the Board of Alderman, and never corrected it. He will do anything to promote commercial development in order to later be able to appraise it.

It is time for the Alderman to support the residents and not each other. It is time for the Alderman to recognize the residents have knowledge and expertise that often far exceeds city staff and themselves, especially when provided false information from a colleague.

Anonymous said...

February 29, 2024 at 9:14 AM

There have been numerous opportunities to interact with our police dept such as Safety Fair, Coffee with a Cop, and Citizen's Police Academy. Have you gone to any of these events?

Also you can call the Chief of Police and ask your questions.

Anonymous said...

9:14 AM that is a powerful statement and scary because it is true.

I agree keep your family and self safe for those we have hired through tax dollars to often seem focused on the businesses in the community that given off duty jobs.

Until our city leaders start putting the citizens first we must take the steps to protect our loved ones as we all know the BS "Thoughts and Prayers" has yet to protect anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:14 AM
I understand your frustration! We don't have enough cops. Who wants to be a cop anymore. The cops have their hands tied because you might offend someone's rights. Baloney. You do the crime, you do the time! I believe our Majors, Capton's and other police heads should be required to take 1 shift a month to see what is going on in our community and help out the patrol officers that do it every day!
I believe we need the laws like they have in Saudia Arabia that if you are caught stealing, your hand gets cut off. If you kill someone, they cut your head off. Their crime is about nill because the people know what awaits them.

America is too soft on our criminals!

pat casady said...

Hello everyone, I owned a business in Raytown for forty four years. My question is, does Wal-Mart pay inventory taxes.
They may not own the items in their store but, they do make profits from the items. Therefore, it is inventory and taxes should be collected.