Friday, September 13, 2024


A Story's End . . .

A little over a month ago we published a story about a homeless encampment located under the 63rd Street Bridge (just East of Raytown Trafficway). Readers will recall the photo we published showing the encampment.

The photo on the left is how encampment looked when we first broke the story back in July of 2024. 

Reliable sources tell us the camp was first discovered in January of 2024. The camp, located across from the Rock Island Bicycle / Walking Trail, became more noticeable by those using the trail as the weather became warmer.

Reaction by City Hall was slow at first, but as the public outcry for a cleanup of what was truly a dangerous situation, the city took action.

Those living under the bridge were told they could not do so. As the picture on the right shows, cleanup of the sight has begun and should be finished soon.

There is also evidence of illegal dumping going on under the bridge as well. The city's intention is to block off the entrance used by homeless and others to enter under the east side of the bridge.

As you can see, the encampment is in the process of being cleaned up. Another encampment located near the Raytown Emergency Assistance Program (located at 9300 East 75th Street) has also been removed from the Raytown area.

Curiouser and Curiouser!

While riding my bike last weekend I came upon the Downtown Raytown Pocket Park located at the intersection of Raytown Road and 63rd Street.

The intersection is one of three locations in Raytown used the  Raytown Park Department to display monument sized artwork. The picture shown on the left is a photo of the park. You will notice there are three randomly placed stones located near the monument.

On each of the three stones someone has placed books. These are "real" books with pages that will open and everything you would expect from a book!

I checked with the Park Department and who put the books on the large stones. I checked with the Park Department. They were aware of the books being left at the location but were not certain who was responsible for leaving them at the site.

As Alice in Wonderland was fond of saying, “Curiouser and Curiouser!”

If anyone can enlighten us as to significance of the books drop us a note on Comments Section* of the Raytown Report.

*Or, as Paul Livius has named the Comment's Section . . . “The Back Pages.”

Speaking of Libraries . . .

Many people know the Raytown Parks Department maintains a "Little Library" at Colman Park. What many may not know is that there are also similar "Little Libraries at Kenagy Park and Kritser Park as well.

The books are available any time the parks are open. So, if you are looking for a good read, stop by and go through the library while at the park! 



Anonymous said...

Dear Aldermen,

Why is Raytown Road being worked on when there are many roads in worse condition in Raytown?

This brings great concerns about the rationality of whoever is making decisions.

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be a smart-alek, but maybe because Raytown Road must be one of the Raytown streets that carries the most traffic. Maybe second to 350 hiway, but carries a lot of traffic. I'm glad they're working on it. I'd like to see the curbs cleaned too.

Anonymous said...

Just curious if anybody has noticed the gentleman sitting in downtown Raytown on the bench with heavy coat on. Seems he has showed up since homeless camp was hauled off. I hope not, hope it wasn't his stuff and we just hauled everything off and now he has no where to go. Please tell me I'm wrong but I'm just not sure.

Anonymous said...

Does Raytown have a law for door to door solicitors? I have had 3 different people come to my door to try to sell me solar roof panels. I am getting tired of it. I am going to put a sign on my door No Soliciting, violators will be prosecuted or it could be worse..........

Greg Walters said...

City ordinances require all door to door solicitors to be registered with the city and to wear identification of who they are and who they are representing. If that identification is not visible, the best course of action is to call the police. Let them know where the solicitor is working. They should take it from there.