Thursday, February 27, 2025


Awaiting moderation
Unknown commented on "(Untitled)"

Why should the police do anything about the people collecting money in right of ways?

OUR REPLY: It all comes to a question of Public Safety. Streets are constructed so motorists can safely go from one point to another. They are not meant to be used for pedestrians to wander between cars.

There have also been instances of pedestrian (solicitors) becoming aggressive in their tactics. Walking up to a motorist and tapping on their window is aggressive behavior that does not have any place on our public streets.

In our nation's capitol (Washington, DC) an all too common way to carjack a vehicle is to walk up to the vehicle on a street, pull out a gun, and instruct the driver to get out and walk away. If it happens in our nation's capitol it could happen here..

We need the police to take a proactive approach in guaranteeing the safety of motorists in Raytown.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: Due to operating problems on our website we are unable to continue publish comments from the public. However, we will continue to publish timely stories on a weekly basis, and more frequently when it becomes necessary to share newsworthy items to the public. We invite you to continue checking in our website as we continue to provide newsworthy items to the public.

Paul's Rant!

I am sure all are enjoying a break from a miserably cold winter!

Unfortunately there is a downside to nice weather. It seems to open the floodgates have opened to those who believe trying to hustle people on public streets is  acceptable behavior.

Fortunately our city does have some fairly strong codes, which, when properly enforced by the Police Department can held staunch the flow of unwanted solicitors.

Greg has taken our Soliciting Codes and reduced it to a list of the common offensives the good people of Raytown can use when needed.


The practice of soliciting or peddling in the right-of-way places pedestrians in the lanes of traffic and presents unique dangers to solicitors, peddlers and the traveling public. In the interest of public safety, the following additional provisions shall apply to soliciting or peddling in the right-of-way.

It shall be unlawful for any solicitor to solicit in the right-of-way except from dawn to dusk.

It shall be unlawful for any solicitor to solicit at an intersection with Missouri 350 Highway.

It shall be unlawful for any solicitor to stand in the traveled portion of the right-of-way while traffic is moving.

It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 13 years to solicit in the right-of-way.

It shall be unlawful for any person age 13 to 17 years to solicit in the right-of-way, unless accompanied by at least two persons over the age of 18 years.(8)

It shall be unlawful for any solicitor to solicit in the right-of-way unless wearing a bright orange safety vest and unless displaying an approved identification card in a manner so as to be clearly visible to a reasonable person.

MOST IMPORTANT . . .  When you witness this illegal activity taking place in Raytown call the Police at 911 or at 826-737-6020 (non-emergency line).

I appreciate Greg's work on putting together the pertinent parts of Raytown's Law on this matter. 

As a final note I will add this personal observation. 

If you really do not want people bothering you by hitting your up for money as you drive through Raytown do not give them any money. Rest assured, they will move on to greener pastures."           

                                                      Paul Livius

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