Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two Plans for Light Rail
One Makes Sense . . .
Three metropolitan area political leaders have stepped forward to bring some sense to the light rail question. Clay County Presiding Commissioner Ed Quick, Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders, and Platte County Presiding Commissioner Betty Knight have proposed a commuter rail plan that would serve all of the communities in Jackson, Clay and Platte Counties.Their plan calls for the use of existing rail lines to provide commuter rail service. Commuter trains are lighter than regular rail cars and much less expensive to maintain.
The commuter service would make use of existing rail right of way. The rail bed is already established and, in some areas, serviceable rail tracks are still in place. Since commuter trains use the same gauge tracks as regular rail stock, a huge savings in construction and land acquisition costs can be anticipated. Existing rail lines pass through most suburban communities. In eastern Jackson County, communities like Raytown, Grandview, Lee’s Summit, and Independence, all have downtowns intersected by rail lines. The setting is perfect for the creation of pedestrian depots. The increased commuter traffic is seen as a possible catalyst to spur economic development in suburban downtown areas.
Another possibility is the use of land adjacent to commuter lines for development of walking and bicycle trails. Such trails have been developed across the nation and have proven to be popular with the local populations.
One Does Not . . .
On November 4th, Kansas City voters will decide whether or not to move forward on a sales tax increase crafted by the Mayor Mark Funkhouser and the Kansas City, Missouri City Council for development of light rail. The revenue created from the tax increase -- an estimated $1.1 billion dollars -- would be used to construct only 14 miles of one light rail line in Kansas City.
Though strictly a Kansas City ballot issue (Raytown voters will not be allowed to vote on the tax increase), Raytown Mayor David Bower signed up early on to help take Funkhouser’s message to the public.
Critics complain that proponents of the Kansas City light rail package have not done their homework. For instance, a proposed light rail route along Troost Avenue had to be scrapped when it became clear that the route would nullify a million dollar federal grant already in place by the Area Transportation Authority.
The “Kansas City Only” plan has been described as “rash and hasty”. It has been cobbled together too quickly with little forethought of how it can be expanded to area communities. The $1.1 billion dollar price tag is outrageous for only 14 miles of track. What is worse, the sales tax increase to pay for this folly would push the Kansas City sales tax rate very near the 10% mark.
Quick, Sanders and Knight are on the right track with their plan. They have asked everyone to slow down and allow them time to work out details and explore ways to gain access to federal and state funding. The plan is in its developmental stage, but it should be noted that talks have taken place between rail and county officials.
Kansas City votes should vote “No” on the light rail sales tax increase on November 4th. There is a better plan in the making – one that will benefit more people at a lower cost.
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One highly placed county official described the plan promoted by Funkhouser and Bower as “rash and hasty”.
Why not just name Jackson County Executive Sanders at the RDA meeting and also mention the sales tax will affect your business in downtown KCMO?
Mass transit is really necessary as long as it serves ALL OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THE TIME. If it just goes downtown during day hours, it is totally worthless. Mass transit needs to enable everyone to travel east, west, north, and south at any time. If it doesn't serve this purpose, it is wasteful spending.
A 14 mile rail line for $1.1B is ridiculous and outrageous. What will the fare be? $25 one way? Who can afford to ride it?
Remember not everyone works downtown 9-5! People work in other places, some 24/7. How do they get to work with a downtown only line? What about people who need to go cross town to see a doctor or for shopping? As I said mass transit needs to serve ALL THE PEOPLE or it is wasteful. I will vote NO unless all the people will be served.
By the way there is a rail line along Wornall that could have been used long ago. Now it is a running trail but why build when a line is in existance?
Andy Whiteman
I support light rail. But a bad plan is a bad plan.
If there is a plan that might actually serve Raytown instead of just the midtown area, go for it!
See that the hurricane saga isn't finished yet on the previous blog.
ANON 11:53AM, Thanks for the post. I will keep watiching the previous chain.
Denver and Aurora, CO are run my a Nazi-like, racist governments, practicing genocide based on dog breed. I am posting one of the Posts as well as a note from the message from the originator. (I am post #114) If you want to sign the petition, please cut and paste the link to your browser:
Exactly 72 hours ago our Send No Dollars to Denver Boycott Petition hit #990 signatures. Here is #990 from Florida:
A blanket ban on particular breeds does not increase citizen safety, but support of dog training, dog selection, and humane methods of dog raising does increase human safety. Laws against a particular breed and aggressive pursuit of owners of lost dogs makes it appear that Denver is run by bureaucrats brimming over with righteous indignation rather than with human beings alive with wisdom. Where are all the wise, balanced folks that inhabit this city?
Our Denver Boycott is breaking petition signing speed limits! By the time you read this there will more than 1,000 anti-Denver supporters. Outraged dog owners from around the country and our global allies have vowed to cancel upcoming vacation plans, conference meetings, and avoid traveling through Denver when visiting Colorado. Some have even promised to stay out of the state of Colorado!
Furthermore, locals are taking their day to day business out of Denver vowing not to buy gas, food or any service that can obtained in a nearby city.
You can do more by sharing our petition with businesses in Denver--just send them this link.
Business owners will appreciate the heads up!
Andy Whiteman
PS. Just think, this almost happened to Raytown. One person threatened to boycott Dick Smith Ford when the Pit Bull ban was proposed.
No pitbulls in Denver? Does that mean Vice Presidential candidate Palin can't campaign there?
WTF!!!!! I thought this was about light rail. Come on people!
No, it means that Presidential candidate John McCain can't campaign there! A picture of his face was shown on TV the other night that had the appearance of a Pit Bull.
One of the signers of the petition blogged that they would no longer hold family reunions in Denver because one of the family may "have the appearance of a Pit Bull."
Andy Whiteman
It appears that RDA has a spy in their midst because Mike Sanders asked us to keep this quiet until they have more time to work out all of the particulars on this commuter rail. They do not want to bring it to the public until it is all worked out unlike the K.C.MO plan. By the way, Greg was not at that meeting and has not been coming because he has other commitments on that night. I don't know where he got the info. but I would guess it was from one of the 3 people he has mentioned here in this article.
This spy apparently has a direct line to Bower as some of these comments sound like him. I was told that he never reads this blog so I'm sure he would not stupe so low as to read it just today. I never believed he doesn't read this but if he doesn't he should because he would know who people feel about him after a year and a half. We are not all Deomcrats who write here.
My first thought was that with David Bower being a Architect maybe he was so involved with this plan that K.C. He was trying to get business for the HOK Company for whom he works. Wouldn't that be conflict of interest as he would profit from that in some way being a VP of that company?
As I drove down Raytown Road today I was reminded that the old Park Lane Hospital is up for sale. The Cates Auction Company is taking sealed bids for this property. I have heard that a group of investors are looking at it as a place to open a privately owned, minimum security prison. I know this is not in Raytown, but wouldn't this have a negative impact on our city's economy? Wonder if our city fathers have any knowledge of this and if they do are they just not sharing it? If Mayor Bower would spend more time in our city instead kissing up to Funkhouser, maybe we could get some answers.
007 says it wouldn't take a spy at RDA considering who the president is. Didn't he run as a Walters' candidate for Ward I?
Oh yes, another broken promise of a developer as I continued down Raytown Road. Has anyone taken a look at Crescent Creek lately? It's grown up in weeds, unfinished houses, and many new ones that are not occupied. Another smart move by Frank and Wenson and that BRILLIANT board of aldermen. Boy, they should be proud!!!
I like True Blue!
As for Crescent Creek, I already wrote in The Raytown Reporter long ago that no one would buy miniature houses on miniature lots. Not a good idea. At least the developer looses money and not the city.
Andy Whiteman
Look Greg, I know your still stinging from that near two-to-one thumping in the Mayor race but this is uncalled for. Your trying to link the Mayor to KC's lightrail plan just does not wash. Sure it probably will with the people who read this crappy blog but they voted for you and only helped to diminish the butt whoopin in the last election so it is irrelevant.
NO credible news source even comes close to substantiating your line of crap about Mayor Bowers being with KC on this light rail plan.
Mayor Bowers is actually one of the people that has been working with MARC in the smartmoves initiative. Your trying to link him here is pure political pandering in some sad attempt to try and beat him next time out I am guessing. Or even worse is another long line of examples of you talking without knowing what you are talking about.
Please display for your limited readership your evidence that Mayor Bower is on Board with the KC plan or be a man and admit you made a mistake.
Andy, if you DO NOT live in KC MO, you CANNOT VOTE!!!! Haven't you been reading anything lately???
Gee, Matt, you are a real dumb...!!
Matt, get you head out of your A__ and see how Bower is not working for the interest of Raytown. He busy sucking up to the unpopular mayor of Kansas City. For what reasons, who knows? I think it's just part of the "good ole boy" system that Bower has become a part of. Boy. this guy has become a BIG disappointment. Sorry I voted for him.
To Matt Schoefield,
If you would look at the Raytown Post dated June 4, 08
you will notice it states "Some thirty leaders joined "hosts"
Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser, Mayor Dave Bower
and Riverside Mayor Kathleen Rose at the Kansas City
Baptist Temple to gauge support for a regional plan and to
agree on issues of governance, proposed routes. funding
and when to put supporting ballot measures before the people."
This was in the article named "Regional transit plan unveiled"
It's about the proposed light rail or commuter rail service.
If this doesn't "link" Mayor Bower Kansas City's Mayor on the light
rail plan, then I don't know what does.
Maybe you need to get your stuff together so you don't sound so
As I travel down Raytown Road all I notice is that the only thing expanding are the bars and government buildings (fire stations). Does this tell you anything about Raytown's economy?
First off, want to say I think the world of this little town.
I always have since I was in high school at Ruskin High
in Kansas City some forty years ago.
However when I drive down Raytown Road and through
the town I don't necessarily see bars and big firehouses.
Both of those are OK with me. What is see is empty buildings.
What I see is the people, neighborhoods, streets and businesses that have
been let down by our elected officials and is one of the sadist things I have
had the displeasure to have known in my sixty years.
The people of Raytown should be proud of their fire stations.
I know I am. The fire, rescue, police and even the EMT buildings
are top of the line and well deserved. The people that work in them are are second to none.
Even though I don't agree with most of the things the Raytown School
District does, you have to admit the schools are top notch too.
Here's the catch. City Hall has little or nothing to do with either the school
district or the fire department.
Do you see a pattern here? If City Hall has nothing to do with works!
When the school district asks for more money, it is spent on the schools.
When the city asks for money, for instance, for street repairs and they get it,
they spend it any way they want to.
You can cuss me, call me negative, stupid, unknowing, and so on but
what I have said here is right and deep down you all know it.
Don't blame the bars and the fire department for Raytown's problems.
The problem lies at 10000 E. 59St.
Pat you're a good guy and you're right about where the problem exists, 10000 E. 59th, City Hall. But you're way too optimistic and kind regards the school district, police, fire and EMS. I don't have a problem with you seeing them differently than many of us. I don't have a problem with us disagreeing. But let's not make sacred cows out of these other organizations. Some of us have been inside them and can tell much different stories. It's not worth the effort to spell out the specifics here. Maybe I'll stop by and introduce myself and tell you a different perspective. It's not that the above aren't well intended it's just that they aren't all they are cracked up to be.
Lee Gray here and I'll try to keep this short.
Got an email today about the State of Virginia using voter registration for college students as "emancipation" from parents...(which affects a number of things including a child's "dependent" status for tax reasons).
So emailed Rep. Will Kraus, R-Raytown; Democrat Robin Carnahan's secretary of state election officials; and contacted the Jackson County Election Board via a phone call.
Jack Co told me they didn't know about any legislation affecting child's emancipation but had good, logical reasons for my daughter voting absentee using my address while she's at Mizzou.
Sec of State's office responded within an hour via internet and said the silly Virginia law is just that (silly)...and not Missouri's law.
Kraus's staff contacted me via email within an hour and a half and was extremely helpful, plus asked for details on the Virginia law.
I thought this rare, triple response in short order showed an occasion when government actually served its constituents.
Since I'm "off subject," according to "WTF," I'm going to take a moment more to see if anyone else has noticed what I have with the McCain-Palin ad about their own Party.
John McCain showed Republicans in Washington, D.C. what needed to be changed. Sarah Palin showed Alaska Republicans where they were wrong.
That leaves me with this question: Who is the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidate(s)?
Bob Barr?
Don't be fooled folks.
And if businesses and local governmental subdivisions responded as quickly, enthusiastically and honestly as those I dealt with today --- I wouldn't be voting NO everything a tax increase is asked for!
Best wishes/Lee
I agree there are no sacred cows in government.
City, county, state or federal. They all waste our tax dollars.
Although the school has big problems in that area too, I meant
that at the very least you can see new buildings. Something tangible.
Same with the Fire Department, EMS and Police.
I still admire all the men and women that work for these departments
and think they deserve the best.
The city gets your tax dollars and for the last eight years, in my opinion,
have wasted it on nothing tangible. Unless you want to count the old church.
Certainly not the streets and neighborhoods. They have bent over backwards
to give away our tax dollars to benefit big business but done nothing for
the people of Raytown.
I would enjoy the chance to talk face to face with anyone that wants to.
We probably won't solve the worlds problems but it's always good to talk.
Something most of our elected officials haven't figured out yet.
Each state has their own laws which may be different from other states. For example in Missouri and California, cars are taxed as personal property at a very high rate based on assumed value. In NM and CO vehicles have a personal property tax at a low flat rate based on age of the vehicle.
I was just looking for a home in Lubbock and because of strange laws, I told my Realtor that Texas seemed like a foreign country. She said that it was a foreign country before joining the Union and had an agreement to keep ALL of its laws as is.
VA obviously has different laws. It sounds like a way to deprive parents of a deduction on state taxes. Since you live in MO, obviously it doesn't apply to you. It may apply to your child if he/she works in VA.
I think the reason for the prompt responses is that you got attention with the words, "voter redistration." All of the people you contacted don't want to lose voters.
As for firehouses, I don't recall seeing one in Raytown. Maybe I don't go to the right places.
Andy Whiteman
Palin is just another phony Republican that says one thing and does another. SHE'S THE BEST REASON TO VOTE DEMOCRATIC THIS YEAR!!!!
We do not need another 4 to 8 years of Republicans in the White House. Lets clean the house this time!
"This commercial was done by a local kid. You have to watch the whole thing. When he finishes talking and walks away, you get a sense of how this could be the commercial of the campaign season.
Please pass this on.
Bob Cook
Lee Gray here...
Mr. Cook I just watched the commercial and yes, it is powerful and moving when the kid walks away on an artificial limb.
Senator Obama is NOT "wrong" to say the Iraq War is "wrong."
I spent more than 13 months in Vietnam, 10 of them in a rice paddy. I went over against that war and came home more against it.
As a former Army Sergeant, I believe war is a last result. And the war in Iraq is not about "freedom," it's about oil, and money, and greed, and our silly world vision that our culture is superior to other cultures.
The Iraq culture is over 6,000 years old. Ours is just over 200 years old.
I'm all for universal freedom throughout the world...but other cultures don't look at individual freedom the way we do.
Hannibal was defeated by only one country --- a country that's never been controlled by outsiders: Vietnam.
Their culture is family-oriented, features intellectualism, wisdom and more. In my opinion, their culture is in many ways superior to our own culture.
I see the kids at the VA Hospital here ... walking on artificial limbs ... and I feel badly for them. I respect them for serving. But it takes nothing away from them because they --- like I did --- served in an unnecessary war. Obama isn't disrespecting their service or that of John McCain. He's just expressing an opinion I share.
Remember, Mr. Cook, "old soldiers never die --- young ones do."
Lee Gray
Obama may say that he respects the service of soldiers. However, calling the cause they fought for a mistake is certainly not a compliment no matter how you twist it.
I doubt that the young man in the video shares Lee Gray's views on the sacrifices the Iraqi people have made.
Anyone that implies they were better off on Sadam Hussein has not read the recent history of the horrors Hussein and his sons brought the people of that country.
Talk about war? Remember the Iran/Iraqi War? Then the invasion of Kuwait? The purges of minorities and wholesale slaughter of the Kurds in northern Iraq?
You may want to listen to what this young man says and listen closely. Don't let another's ears do the interpretation for you.
Today on 9-11 can we set aside our differances and remenber those who lost their lives, pray for their families, our country and our leaders and never forget those who did this horrible act aganist us.
I agree with Anonymous 8:55AM. Lets unite and never forget the bastards who commited this horrible act against us!
Andy Whiteman
Andy if you want to pay a respectful tribute to the victims then don't call people names. You fail to realize that the motivation for 911 was a perception by others that we are the b------s, who did them wrong first.
To Anonymous September 11, 2008 5:01 PM, you are a fool. Calling them bastards is being mild. The TERRORISTS that committed this atrocious act were cowards. They were filled with hatred. Their twisted, demented thinking still exists. They would delight in being able to do the same thing to you and your family. Your comment tells me that your thinking is pretty twisted, distorted, and demented also.
Love your enemies --- Jesus
You need to read the whole book. Jesus always recognized EVIL, and he always condemned it!
Mr. Walters here's a cover page topic for your next blog offering. You could write about ignorance, intolerance and low IQs in Raytown. Certainly seems appropriate considering what is frequently written here.
Sign Me: Drill Baby Drill 2008
That in itself is a pretty ignorant
comment from a Republican. Go Democrats, WIN! We do not need another 4 to eight years of Republican crap!
I removed my last post not because of it's content but because of
the timing. I still have the same questions but, sometime I let
my emotions get carried away. It just amazes me how elected officials can spend money and not have to justify it to the taxpayers.
To Anonymous 9:55, Drill baby drill?
You seem quick to criticize and call names, but then
you don't have the intestinal fortitude to sign your real name. I don't like to call names but you are a coward.
Just because you have the ability to take cheap shots, call names and say the people of Raytown have low IQ's, doesn't mean you have to share that ability with the rest of us.
Anonymous September 12, 2008 4:01 AM; YOU just proved the guy right with the low I.Q. statement, at least for one resident. Fortunately I tend to believe that most people in Raytown have an I.Q. level higher than YOURS!
2:29 PM is a a$$hole, and has the capability to make plenty of cheap shots. It is clearly obvious that you worship the ground that Bush/McCain/Cheney/Palin walk on. Since you seem to think that you have such a high IQ (UGGH!) why don't you explain to all of us why you believe that the past 8 years of Republicans in the White House is so damn great for this country! And while you are at it, tell all of us what you do for a living, then we can have the total picture of what you are in front of us all. If you can honestly say that you are better off now than you were 8 years ago then you are as crooked as all of those republicans that are waging war on the middle class, taking away workers rights, undercutting local wages, and reaping huge corporate CEO salaries at the cost of the demise of their companies and plant closings, putting thousands of workers out of good paying American Jobs. While you are at it, why don't you buy into all the same old crap again about how the Democrats are going to increase everyones taxes, take all their guns away, keep abortion legal, and so on. Republicans never seem to have a solution for any problems, they only scare people into voting for them so that they can advance their agenda, in keeping with their big business partners, and reaping the rewards. (Look at big oil, Prescott would be proud of the con artists) Go whine to someone in Lees Summit or Overland Park, you uppity snob you!
The last eight years have been pretty good for me and my family as well as most people in our nation. Maybe you have been living in one of the many nations where things really are bad; you certainly haven’t lived where I do! Wake up to the truth and quit listing to the negative (non stop) barrage of whining from the main-stream media. I'll bet you have a car to drive, a home to live in, a T.V. to watch, a telephone to talk on, and food on your table. Quit whining and enjoy life a little. On the one hand I feel sorry for you whining, pathetic, negative little excuses for humanity. On the other hand I (like many in our country who actually have our eyes open and are able to see the truth) are tired of hearing your garbage! You should be thankful for, and start enjoying the many blessings you have. I doubt you will ever be able to have joy in your life, you sound really miserable.
Sounds as though you are talking about youself. You, you, you. It is all about you.
No, to the contrary it's all about YOU and all of the things you think the government can or should do for YOU. Go ahead wallow in your misery, you are pathetic!
Wow! Looks like you are the one that is pathetic. And you sound very bitter. Anyway, most of us are not looking for free handouts like you are. And most of us have to pay taxes to keep this country afloat, and when the rich get squeezed a bit too much on taxes they generally scream, and they are generally Republicans also. Some of you tend to forget that someone has to pay for the Government to operate. It is a basic fact of life, unless you are not paying taxes, then they have free room and board for you at Leavenworth Penitentary. Or, perhaps you are amung the senior citizen crowd that is collecting Social Security or Social Security Disability and maybe you never paid a dime into it, or maybe you have. Some of us have to support you lazy butts now dont we by paying into that and we dont have a choice over that now do we? Not to mention that it was never meant as a sole means for retirement income anyway. Republicans always complain about all the different programs out there that they deem 'FREE HANDOUTS' for the poor or economically disadvantaged, and the Democrats always complain about big business and those in the higher tax brackets that always want to cut or get rid of the so called 'FREE HANDOUTS' and redirect those tax funds as 'TAX CUTS' or 'TAX RELIEF REBATE CHECKS' to try to stimulate the economy while trying to buy votes at the same time. Here is a great idea: the more money one makes, the more that they get taxed! That is fair. Sorry if that cuts into your retirement plans, but that is just tough! Learn to live on a budget, save your money, pay your taxes like everyone else does. And if you grow tired of hearing what you term as 'GARBAGE', try turning off your computer, radio, TV, or whatever it is that obviously bothers you while you wallow in your miserable little haven. No one forced you to have to get on this blog and be critical of anyone on here now did they? You made that choice, just like you more than likely chose to vote Republican four years ago, and four years before that also. And I for one flat refuse to listen to any of the radio talk show spin meisters. Most of them just like to hear themselves talk, and when they get someone that calls in to their program, and it starts to go against the moderators personal/political/idological beliefs then they are quickly cutoff and move on to the next caller. I do not have time for that stuff. And yes, I am thankful for what I do have, like most people. However, there are a lot out there that are jealous of what others have worked hard for and they will try to get at it, at whatever the cost may be, whether they are criminals or politicians, it does not make a difference. It is all about the 'ME' generation, and no one else apparantly.
If the Democrat candidate was a rattle snake (and they quite often are) you would vote for them. People like you are not capable of making intelligent decisions when it comes to voting. Why don't you crawl back under your rock until election day when the union bosses, etc. come take you by the hand and lead you to the polls to make sure you pull the Democrat lever (as always). If you are like most Demorats chances are you really don't believe in the liberal platform of the Democrat party, fact is you probably don't even know what it is. I doubt that you really even care to find out, you'd rather believe the worn out lies they hand feed you about the Democrat party being for the little guy. You had better open your eyes to the truth before the socialist/ liberals get full control of our entire nation. If they do we won't be able to do much other than sit by and watch the cancer of the socialist/liberals destroy everything that is moral and good about our nation, thus destroying our nation.
Apparently we can agree to disagree because it is obvious that people like you that will be the downfall of human civilization as we know it, and that will definately destroy our nation, especially you 'religious right' types. Truth is, war has not been the answer, Bin Laden is still on the loose, the economy sucks, unemployment is on the rise, jobs are being exported out of the country at an alarming rate, illegals are working here for far less than prevailing, and sometimes minimum wage, bankruptcies are up, home forclosures are up. BTW, no one needs to take me by the hand and lead me to the polls, as I already know how to get there and I know how to make a more informed decision, and a much better one than you ever can. And another thing, there are other political parties than Republican and Democrat, you know. So crawl back under your rock, neanderthal! At least I can see beyond the eyeglasses, makeup, hairstyles, hockey mom and alleged war hero spin garbage being shoved down all of our throats by the republicans and the so call social right. That is enough of a reminder of why one should definately not vote republican!
you really think obama is going to make it all better....when i see obama i see pelosi, harry reid, barbra boxer, dick durbin and a approval rating less than union, never towed the union line via the vote....lot more important issues out there...hope obama has a plan for the border(mexican and canadien),social security,health care(and not socialized medicine)....and iran..what do you think would happen if a radical group home grown or islamic were able to get a device on a warhead and launch it into the atmosphere...we could spend years recovering from a EMP...thats a long time in the dark,no medicines,no banks,no order,no phones, to win...we should have ended the war the first time and killed him when we had the chance..instead we spent years letting them shoot at our airplanes flying the no fly zone protecting the need a scape goat there look at Kofi Annan and the UN and the 135 i think McCain will fix everything i dont....but something about a combat veteran,POW that shows me something...character...he put the country fist...reminds me of my grandpa and the greatist generation...anybody here willing to ration food,bread ...collect scrap metal for the war in a factory...or how about this..ANYBODY done anything different for the war effort over the last 8 years......other than bitch....i wish we would back out of the UN we make up 80% of their budget and we provide more troops and manpower for operations (peacekeeping)...NATO is not what it used to be...Ukraine and Gerogia begged for membership...and then gerogia was attacked and invaded by Russia..and nobody even offered to help....I will "pull the lever" for McCain /Palin...just because geroge clooney and michael moore and the rest of hollywood and the media dont like them.....oh yea and want to blame bush for the war....bout time we started kickin ass anyway...yes its for oil stupid..we need more....maybe we drill here use some of our own resources....oh yea bush is a oil man...most guys who are rich and from texas are....its all about your retirment plan has oil stocks in them.....pelosi and michael moore own stock in halliburten....and Slick Willy(William Jefferson Clinton) said no ground troops in Bosnia..and guess what ..i have a friend from school who is still deployed there....just like this rant do you really think anybody cares..get in your escalade go to target..head over to the movies.. go to the store...pick up the kids..then gripe about a war for oil and the neo-con plot to rule the world with Darth Vader(Dick Cheney) controling the Force for the evil bad empire....goodnight and goodluck...
Anonymous September 13, 2008 11:29 PM; you just proved my point, thanks. You people are so easy to predict it's scary.
We have been destroying terrorists on foreign soil by bucket falls the past several years. While at the same time (by God's grace) not having any more attacks on our soil. Oh, I probably offended you with my reference to God. Tough, for that I certainly offer no apology.
I have been around a long time and the economic downturn we have experienced the past few months (not years as you have suggested), is nothing compared to many we have experienced in the past.
From under your rock it's probably difficult to get a clear view of the truth! Why don't you go tune in to or read one of the liberal media outlets, they will without a doubt tell you exactly what you want to hear and make you feel all better again.
Typical Republicans, always turning what one says into meaning something else.... it is the same with the Republican controlled media outlets, they only want you to hear what promotes their agendas, not what anyone else's agendas are. And your saying the name God offends me, it doesnt in any way offend me, in fact, I am opposed to anyone objecting to the use of the name God on currency, coin, in the pledge of allegiance, etc. as well as I am opposed to preachers using the pulpit to push their political agendas.
If I am so damn predictable then what is my next move? You havent a clue. Some of us support gun rights, and a lot of the things that obviously the Republicans state that the Democrats are against. And some of you will fight the hand that feeds you, and wonder why you are unemployed several months later and there is no work here. Keep on buying you Chinese made crap and shop at Wally world, things are just fine here in the good old USA. Oh, and you are not a true patriot if you dont support our troops and our commander in thief.... some of us do support the troops, do not agree with the war, blood for oil, and do not support Bush/Cheney...never have, never will, never voted for them either, their elections were rigged, bought, done deals. They are the ones that are leaving this country in such a mess now. Spare us any more of your boring, uneducated views. We know what is right. Enough said.
Oh, and go listen to more Rush like you normally do, and that is not the rock group either!
i think more people voted for ron paul than joe biden.....something to think about.....
If you're so ignorant to vote Republican after 8 years of Bush and Cheney then there is not much hope for you or for our country. Look at your retirement, 401's etc. and see how bad Bush is going to leave this economy. We all prospered under 8 years of Bill Clinton and we had better hope and pray that ALL the Democrats, including Obama and Biden, get elected or we're in for some really BAD times.
my 457 made money last year and with moving money around smartly my portfolio is up 12% from last year..the key is paying attention and working the angles..if you dont thats your fault not wife and i both work and have been able to save money this scared that the change in my tax rate under a obama/biden plan you know to pay for the 2 trillion $ plans for socialized medicine and the increase in medical copays will affect coverage for my entire family....and under clinton we were very lucky but if you look at the numbers and talk to any one with money expertise you will find out that clinton had primed the economy for a recession..which started to downturn at the end of his eight not saying all is peachy im just saying with commen sense and clear thinking i have been able to save and make has most of my co workers.....
take responsibilties for your own finacial problems...not every thing can be blamed on the big bad neo con bush/cheney
will the democrats let you pray....or is that only allowed in your house?...
Pray anywhere that you want to... you had just better pray that they get in or someone other than the republicans get into the white house, or else we are all doomed!
Sarah Palin is a moose hunter. I also saw a video of her using a military weapon. I think she could go hunting for bin Ladin and get the job done!
Andy Whiteman
Back to mass transit, I saw in the Red Star that the light rail would go from 63rd (almost in Raytown) to the north (I believe Parvin Rd). I wonder who the powers that be intend to serve with this line? I can't imagine any large number of people needing to go between these locations. True the 63rd St area is an office park, but I can't forsee a large usage.
What a waste of money to serve a few unless it connects to other mass transit lines!
Andy Whiteman
The southern terminus of the rail line is not almost in Raytown. It is on the other side of Prospect. A long way by any reckoning.
Unless, of course, you want to drive your car to 63rd and Prospect and leave it parked there while you are out enjoying the train ride!
I know that I have memory loss, but wasn't the southern end at 63rd & James A Reed?
Nevertheless, I am wonder who will ride it? Is this the train to nowhere somewhat like the bridge to nowhere? My point is unless is going to serve people traveling between these points or maybe have connections to other transit, it is useless. My assumption is that it will serve people who don't have cars, don't drive, or don't want to drive.
This is the ShowMe State of Misery. Shoe Me what would be accomplished by this line other than wasting $$$$$$. Another waste like the Entertainment District. I don't go there. No parking and too many people!
Andy Whiteman
Chamber to pass on Raytown parade
Citing a shortage of entrants, the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce today announced that a community tradition, the Raytown Community Parade, won’t be held this fall.
According to a news release, the chamber’s board of directors had set a minimum of 50 parade entrants to justify the cost to emergency-response agencies, the city and the chamber.
Chamber President Vicki Turnbow indicated that the minimum number was not reached for the Oct. 4 event.
“We are saddened that this is the result for this year,” she said in the news release, “but our board members are hoping that this decision will help spark a new discussion in the community regarding the types of community events that we want to have.”
I bet they are really sooooo sad! They wanted to do away with the parade for a long time. Thanks for destroying things in Raytown you morons!
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