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Greg Walters |
Early Meetings not Working as Planned
by Greg Walters
One month ago Mayor David Bower announced that future committee meetings would be held at 6:00 p.m. immediately before regular Council Meetings. The stated purpose was so ALL members of the City Council could become better informed on the business before them.
We doubted that the plan would work because of the early hour of the meeting. The early meeting time placed an unfair hardship on Raytowners who may wish to attend the public meetings. We also wondered if the meeting time was legal, since Missouri State Statutes require public meetings of governing bodies he held at time convenient to the public.
None the less, the Mayor moved forward with his plan.
The first thing we noted was that there was no roll call at the meetings. The reason became obvious. Very few Board members were attending. In fact, at this last week’s Finance meeting before the regular Board meeting, only half of the City Council bothered to show up.
Simple Questions / Evasive Answers
We also noticed that whenever a Board member has a question that goes into detail of any sort, that the canned response from staff members usually goes along the lines of “I will get you that information later”. Such was the case this past Tuesday when Alderman Charlotte Melson asked the Finance Director for the Bid Documents concerning which bank the city should use for banking services. The documents were not on hand even though that was the one of the purposes of the committee to meet – to review and recommend which bank to the city should use.
No doubt Ms. Melson was provided the information at a later time. But it defeats the purpose if such information is not timely and shared with the public. After all, that is why the discussions are held in public, so that all of Raytown can understand the reasoning behind decisions.
Paul Livius recently pointed out to me that there seems to be a pattern of only giving out the bare minimum facts in web packets provided by the city for City Council meetings.
A similar discussion took place later that evening when Alderman Jim Aziere asked if a three-quarter inch sealant would ride as smooth as a two inch asphalt overlay (as used on freeways). The Public Works Director said that city traffic and freeway traffic were at different speeds and therefore a comparison would not be accurate.
Okay, how about if compared at the same speeds? Common sense dictates that two inches of asphalt will perform better than a three-quarter inch sealant.
The Board of Aldermen meets in Public Session to discuss business. One cannot help but wonder if omissions and less than fulfilling answers would be tolerated in other business meetings.
Short answer to this . . . The Board should expect and demand more accountability from those they have hired to run our city.
New Aldermanic Lines to be Drawn
During the meeting the Mayor and some Board members made quite a fuss about redistricting and how the city will be working with the State Legislature to make sure new district lines are worked out properly. They even went so far as to say that the Board of Aldermen has complete faith in those handling the plan.
Every ten years, following the national census, the boundaries of our legislative representatives are re-drawn so that each district, or ward represents the same number of people.
Every ten years, following the national census, the boundaries of our legislative representatives are re-drawn so that each district, or ward represents the same number of people.
In this case the City Council is late to the party. The Republican and Democratic Caucuses in the state capitol have already completed their work of redrawing state legislative and senatorial lines. In fact, sources in Jefferson City say that the lines are so divergent from each other that the matter will probably be decided by the Courts.
So there really is not anything to work out with the state on redrawing Raytown’s aldermanic lines. In fact, (and I speak from 27 years of experience on this), the aldermanic lines in Raytown rarely change.
That is unless the Mayor has plans to reduce the number of representatives on the Board of Aldermen.
It is known that Mayor Bower would prefer a smaller Board of Aldermen. The word on the street is that is exactly what the Mayor has in mind. Time will tell if the rumors are true.
Check out this week's p0ll question to learn what your neighbors think of reducing the number of members on the Raytown Boafd of Aldermen.
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Jenn Walters |
Pregnancy Cravings, the Twin Effect and More! By Jenn Walters
From tips to make your pregnancy cravings a little healthier to shedding some light on “The Twin Effect,” there has been some great stuff over on Fit Bottomed Mamas! So, what are you waiting for? Go check it out! If you’re pregnant and craving junk food, try these tips for healthier eats for you and baby! Stronger arms in just three... Continue reading
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Paul Livius |
The Paul Livius Report
Thursday, August 4, 2011
BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Aziere, Lightfoot, Melson, White, Mock
BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Aziere, Lightfoot, Melson, White, Mock
The Raytown Board of Aldermen met at 6:00 for a Work Session. The first item discussed was the banking agreement. Jeremy Willmoth reported that State law requires cities to send out bids for banking services every four years. He said they were unsure when the last bid was sent, so they decided to do it this year. Four bank representatives attended the pre-bid meeting. Two banks, Commerce Bank and UMB Bank submitted bids. After the staff reviewed the bid documents, they visited both banking facilities. Since they had a good working relationship with UMB Bank, they awarded the bid to UMB Bank. Alderman Melson asked to see the bid documents and Mr. Willmoth said he would provide them to her. She asked when this will go out for bid again. Mr. Willmoth said they would send out bids in four years.
Andy Noll, Public Works Director, came before the Board to discuss the 2011 Asphalt Overlay Project. The city bid package included two bid documents. The first was to overlay six streets using 2” thick mill and overlay mix. The second bid was to substitute a ¾” thick Ultra-Thin Bonded resurfacing material on Raytown Road and Raytown Trafficway in place of the 2” asphalt. Both bids included concrete repair and paint striping. The alternative bid called for 2” asphalt on:
- 59th Street from Arlington to Blue Ridge
- Harris from 72nd Street to 72nd Terrace
- Hedges from Blue Parkway to 83rd Street
- Woodson from 75th Street to 350 Highway.
Raytown Road from 63rd Street to 74th Terrace would have the ¾” Ultra-Thin Bonded material. Superior Bowen Asphalt won the second bid with a total cost of $465,044. Alderman Melson asked if Raytown had used the Ultra-Thin material in the past. Mr. Noll said we had not, but MoDOT and many other cities had used it with good results. It has an estimated life of 10 years. Asphalt has an estimated life of 10-12 years. Mr. Aziere said when he travels on I-70, it is a very smooth surface. He asked if the Ultra-Thin material would be as smooth. Mr. Noll replied that it was not a fair comparison because the speeds in the city are slower than the highway. Mr. Aziere also asked if the City would be using the gravel and oil again this year. Mr. Noll said that we would, but it hasn’t been bid yet.
The meeting then adjourned.
Raytown Board of Alderman – August 2, 2011
MEMBERS ABSENT: Hamilton, Pardue, Ertz
MEMBERS ABSENT: Hamilton, Pardue, Ertz
The invocation was given by Steve Jones from the Brooking Heights Baptist Church.
The Board of Aldermen issued a Proclamation recognizing Pam Clark-McKinley as MML Citizen of the Year, 2011.
The Board of Aldermen issued a Proclamation recognizing Pam Clark-McKinley as MML Citizen of the Year, 2011.
- Andy Whiteman addressed the Board and said he had been notified that the signatures on the petition from the last meeting were verified by the City staff. He said the early work session meetings were held at the wrong time. He stated that 6:00 is dinnertime and residents don’t have a chance to get home from work, eat dinner, and be at City Hall by 6:00 for the special meetings. He read in the Raytown Report that absent Aldermen were clueless about what happened at the work sessions. He appreciated Paul Livius’ reports in the Raytown Report.
- Jan Winn told the Board she is starting a pilot program called “Let’s Move” to fight childhood obesity. On August 11th, at 4:00pm at the church across the street, they will have Camp Kids to show kids how to stay fit.
- Mayor Bower said he hopes the Aldermen will join him at Camp Kids. He knows they have jobs, but it would be good if they attended this event.
- Mayor Bower also said that the Board had gone to the new work session format. He thought the new format was working well. The intent is to get communications to the Board. The Legislative Committee has expressed an interest in joining the new format. Mayor Bower asked Aldermen Aziere, Pardue, White, and Ertz to join with Committee Chair Lightfoot on the committee. He said he has decided to form two new subgroups. The first will be the Police Pension Plan Review Committee. He appointed Aldermen Ertz, Melson, Hamilton and Van Buskirk to this committee. The Police Pension Plan has not been reviewed by the Board since 2003. The second subgroup will be the Park Board Review Committee. He appointed Aldermen Cramer, Mock, and White. The Committee will research the organization of the Park Board as it pertains to State laws.
- City Administrator Mahesh Sharma read a letter from Neil Clevenger. Mr. Clevenger thanked the city for the quick response to the water main break at 5520 Railroad. There was a very quick response from the Police Department and Public Works. The cones were put up promptly and he was glad to see the different entities working so well together.
- The position of Community Development director is still open. There is no deadline to fill this position. On July 22, they started reviewing about 50 applications.
- His department has started working on the 2012 Budget. The department heads have submitted their initial budget requests. The new budget will be brought before the Board in October.
- EMS reported there were five heat related transports last week.
- They have started on the upgrade to the data network service and hardware infrastructure with the installation of the new firewall.
- Janet Pell retired from the Finance Department. Joyce Wholer is now the primary Payroll Clerk.
- The Legislative Committee is working on redistricting issues. They are working with their own map and have the full support of the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor as to how Raytown should be represented.
The Board had a Study Session with the Raytown Park Board. Present were Kevin Boji, Director, and Bob Smith, Park Board President. State laws required the Park Board of Directors to make a report to the Aldermen about the Park Trust. He explained the park structure.
- The Recreation Division improves the quality of live for Raytown residents by meeting their recreational needs.
- The Aquatics Division provide certified life guards and a well-trained staff to ensure the resident have a fun, safe and clean program.
- The Parks Division maintains all park grounds, facilities, and equipment. They also landscape areas in the public right-of-ways outside the park system.
- They partner with the Tree Board, the Rice-Tremonti house, the BMX track, Raytown Girls softball and the Friends of the Park.
- The parks maintained by the Park Board are the Super-Splash, Sarah Colman Park at 59th and Lane, C. Lee Kenagy Park at 79th and Raytown Road, Southwood Park at 81st and Arlington, Minor Smith Park at 81st and Ash, the Raytown BMX track, the Rice-Tremonti Farm Home, Henry C. Kritser Park at 75th and Woodson.
- The National average of cities the size of Raytown for park space is 638 acres. Raytown has 171 acres (63 are undeveloped).
- The maintained right-of-way areas are the Center Gateway at Gregory and Raytown Road, the 63rd Street Gateway at 63rd and Raytown Road, the traffic islands at 63rd and Raytown Trafficway, and the traffic island at 63rd and Ditzler.
- There are 10 full time employees and 120 part time employees.
- Super Splash had 41,000 guests in 2010 and hired 120 youths, putting tax dollars back into our community.
- The Raytown Parks Board provides many programs for kids and families. Included are youth tennis lessons, youth volleyball lessons, youth golf lessons, the fishing derby and swim lessons.
Expenses for 2010-2011 for the Park board include:
- Replacing the Minor-Smith Park bridge at a cost of $188,000, which included a new trail
- Replaced 3 aging department vehicles at a cost of $51,000
- Replaced Super Splash photo ID system for $3,000
- Added 2 additional Right of Way areas at the Center Gateway and 63rd Street Bridge
- Secured 65% voter approval to extend the 1/8 cent park sales tax in August, 2010 for an additional 10 years.
- The Park Board is currently evaluating proposals to repair Coleman Park tennis courts at an estimated cost of 250,000.
The only budget overage the Park Board has incurred is for the Right of Way Beautification.
The voters approved 20% of the sales tax and they have spent 30% of the tax.
The Park Board approved the following:
- Loaned Rice-Tremonti $60,000 in 2008 to purchase the property east of the house. This is a 10 year loan.
- Replaced the bridge at Minor-Smith Park for $180,000. This project was completed in June, 2011.
The Park Board faces the following challenges in coming years:
- Continued decline in participation in all group sports.
- Individual activities, such as tennis, Kids Day at Kenagy Park, and the Fishing Derby continue to be popular.
- The Movies in the Park and sponsored bus trips have had less than expected participation.
- Coping with vandalism in the parks. They spent $30,000 last year in repairs.
- Maintenance of aging facilities
They reported on Super Splash.
- Decreasing headcount and revenue since the high in 2003.
- Increasing competition from other water parks in the surrounding communities.
- Schools start earlier and let out later, which decreases in visitors.
- Revenue has decreased from $308,000 net profit in 2003 to a $16,000 loss last year.
- They have not added new major attractions, which are designed to attract and retain visitors.
- In the future, they must decide if they will have to close parts of the pool areas, shorten hours, attempt to sell the complex to a private party, or close and sell off the equipment.
Alderman Melson asked the Park Board what type of marketing they use for the movies in the park and the bus trips. Mr. Smith said they put the information on the Parks & Recs website and in the local paper. They put signs in local store windows.
Alderman Melson said the Park Board did not submit current financial information and asked when that would be available. Mr. Smith said it would be in the upcoming budget package.
Alderman Aziere asked if Super Splash is closed, could they turn it into a community center. He was told there probably wouldn’t be the funds available do to that.
Alderman Van Buskirk said there were four vacant positions on the Park Board. He asked when those positions would be filled. Mr. Smith said the Board has decided not to fill those positions.
The Board of Aldermen then moved on to other business:
- Reappointed Tommy Bettis to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
- Reappointed Dwight Robinson to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
- Reappointed Kevin Wilson to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
- The Board approved moving $10,000 from the jail detention budget to the police laboratory fees budget. Chief Lynch reported that there were extra expenses associated with the court cases. He said the County requested additional DNA testing, and the city is responsible for those costs.
- The Board approved entering into a contract with Cook, Flatt & Strobel Engineers for the design of the 350 Highway Bicycle and Pedestrian trail. The contract totals $126,100. Andy Noll pointed out that this is only for the design and not for any construction.
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I think a more appropriated question would be:
Should the number of department heads be reduced to reduce expenses?" The functions of some department heads seem to overlap.
When documents are not available when requested prior to a vote, that vote should be postponed until said documents have been provided and time allowed for review. Alderperson Melson would have been withing her rights to request the motion be tabled to a date certain due to lack of information. BTW: 60 minutes ran a repeat tonight about banks providing false and forged mortgage documents for foreclosures. I wonder if it may be that web packets are getting shorter due to the long download time?
Andy Whiteman
It's no secret that Raytown's City Hall
likes to compare themselves to other cities.
Most of the time it's Lee's Summit.
Lee's Summit has 61.7 sq. mi. Raytown has 9.9 sq. mi.
Lee's Summit has a population of 91,364. Raytown has
Lee's Summit has a lot of businesses, a lot of them run
out of Raytown by this cities employees and unfair codes,
along with bad decisions from City Hall.
Here's where I'm going with this.
With all the land and big population Lee's Summit has
only eight aldermen. Raytown could do with four or five.
As small as Raytown is several jobs could be combined into
one. Times are hard this town needs to start cutting some of the
high paying positions and get back to basics. Start thinking
of the people and the basic city services owed to the people.
Remember, any money this city spends or gives away
is your money. It should be used to make this city a better,
safer place for the people and existing businesses.
It's time to cut the fat away.
Instead they are talking about cutting the police pension.
It's always the first thing this city comes up with.
Things are tight,(we don't have much money coming in. We gave it all
away,) let's take money away from the police. Next is cut the
city services. Cut back on the paid help. I mean the people that do the work. The guys that you see out there in the heat and the cold
trying to fix the streets that were supposed to have been overlayed years ago.
If there are any cuts they need to be made on the top floor of
City Hall.
You are right on with this weeks question.
Bower wants the city to be ran like a business.
Well Mr Mayor a well ran city cuts the waste at the top and it is time the city starts cutting.
Well Mr Mayor a well ran compnay also does pay for preformance, which means not everyone gets a 5% raise and the bottom 10% get pink slips.
One thing is clear Mr Mayor you have no idea about how to run a successful company or our city would not be in the mess it is into day.
I hate to think how bad it will be by the end of your second term!
Why do you think business and residents are leaving Raytown? It's because of Mayor Bower and his terrible administration, This guy couldn't manage the city's finances if his life depended upon it. You are right, by the end of his 2nd term the city will probably be bankrupt and begging one of our surrounding cities to annex Raytown. What's your property going to be worth then?
With the economy tanking we won't have to worry about obesity. There won't be money to buy food.
I live in Ward IV. I have two great alderman and I don't want to loose either one of them. If I know what the mayor is wanting and I think I have him pegged right on. He would like to take Ward IV down to one alderman. You see he is afarid of Alderman Van Buskirk and would like to remove him. He is the only alderman who asked questions and isn't afarid to vote no when all the other bobble heads are shaking their heads yes. I am going to keep a close eye on this and see what happens.
How's that hope and change thing working for all of you OB voters. 401 and retirement plans tanking. You are getting what your deserve. The problem the rest of us are suffering because of your dumb mistakes.
The economy couldn't have anything to do with the TEA PARTY congressmen holding us all hostage until they get their way? Lack of compromise by the congress is what is scaring Wall Street, not President Obama.
11:01AM, I am not leaving because of City government. I sure couldn't afford to move on that basis.
I am moving because this climate is unfit for human habitation and utility bills are more than I can afford.
Anyone want a home cheap? $99,900 as "is/where is" except I just installed a new 13 SEER a/c unit. Nice looking exterior but needs repairs.
I am in the big white pages book. They left me out of the Raytown book this time. Please call 10AM-12N or after 3:30PM ONLY
Day sleeper.
Andy Whiteman
If the those rich Americas paid for all those little wars Bush had to have we wouldn't be in the problems we are today.
What is it good for -
This on top of Bush having no oversite with the bad loans that wre done. I guess he learned nothing from Regan and the Savings and Loan issues of the 80's.
Hovever, as long the rich get richers Regan, Bush and Bush did their part didn't they.
Sad the working class of America has pay for the rich to play
Why is it that in any set of aldermen there is only one
that asks questions and look out for the people?
Greg Walters was one and you see where it got him.
Van Buskirk seems to be this sets questioner. The problem
is one or two out of ten!
When you talk to anybody, they ask what
were these elected people thinking. Talking about the
bad deals made with big corporations.
My question is why don't we have a better qualified
group of people running for position?
And what the Hell happens to these people after they
get into office? Where does their common sense go?
Here is just a small list of asinine decisions made
at City Hall:
The Wal-Mart deal, no tax income for twenty three years,
and you the taxpayers have to make up the bond payments.
So far over a million and a half of your dollars.
Paying developers over sixty thousand of your tax dollars
for absolutely nothing.
Fifty thousand plus for surveys on how far back to set new
housing and other things.
When property values went down this bunch voted to raise
your real estate taxes just because they could.
(actually they need the money...see above.)
This along with taxpayers voting to increase sales tax twice
for safety and street overlays and NOT getting what they
voted for, just blows my mind how these people keep getting
re-elected. We are like an abused person, it seems we just keep
going back for more thinking it will get better. Guess what
is hasn't and it won't.
Its been almost three years how many years will BO blame Reagan and Bush for what HE has done to this country ..Pull your head out he needs to take the blame for what he has done to this country.
Let me put it into terms that you may be able to understand, but again way to many people in this city still buy anything city hall tells them.
In our city (Raytown) our Mayor (Bower) will be remember for 23 long and painful years. Why becasue Bower was the way who didn't stop, but pushed forward the Wal-Mart deal on us property owners (residents)
That is right as reported on this blog for 23 years not sales tax one generated from Wal-Mart will go back to help better our city. You know for simple things like snow removal or street repairs, new equipment for EMS or the police.
As reported on this blog it gets better as twice we have had take funds from other projects and place the funds to pay the short fall from the sales tax generation by Wal-Mart or the city would have not been able to cover the bond amount that was do at that time.
So if the Bower Wal-Mart deal was a 23 year bond and many home deals are 30 year mortage it is easy to see that we have any more years of dealing with the poor oversight management of government agencies under Bushes 8 years in office. Don't forget the Presiendent appoint the heads of the agencies who are to protect the citizens from the mess we have been in for the past 3 years. You cannot expect someone to fix something in 3 years that it took 8 to make.
I am not saying Obama could have done things better like making it clear to the Tea Party that without a tax increase on the rich he would not sign any budget. He should have also not signed with it having a debt ceiling increase.
However, the point that you where taking the issue to stop blaming the past, but it was those from the past who created this issue (root cause). It is clear that if we had semliar issue in the 80's that the Republican's didn't learn that not guarding the hen house (No government oversight) doesn't work and creates great hardships for our Nation.
I remember one of my High School Teachers stating that war is good for the economy. I didn't agree with him and still don't.
Any money spent on a survey is wasted money. I never received the survey, probably because they already knew what I would say.
Andy Whiteman
I agree with your observations about blaming the past. The problem is tht there is no one wanting to correct the problems.
Our city council has been reduced to the role of ribbon cutters. What is worse, most of them seem to enjoy that statuts!
The Mayor wants to hand over all deicsion making to out of town bureaurcrats who have no stake in the community.
Is it is any wonder that things are not going well in Raytown.
To get to a better future we have to be rid of the ones who have creaed the mess we are in
Everyone check www.trulia.com for the avarage price of houses similar to yours. Mine was still over assessed by $21,000!
We all were ripped off!
Andy Whiteman
It's happening all over again!!
It was Curt Winson former City Administrator that wanted a smaller board to deal with as well. He was not even the Mayor but we had a mayor that he could lead around by the nose and he did. But now it's our very own Mayor who can't seem to find away to get along with the Board members. It is the right of the Board members to question and they also have the right to get answers when the questions is asked.
Why is it that we keep electing people in the city, state and Federal elections that can't seem to understand that we have elected them and that it's their job to represent us not the on adgendas? If they can't find away to work with everyone then they don't deserve the job. It's really to bad we don't have recall in Raytown so that we could get rid of this Mayor. He has twice now pulled the wool over our eyes and once again he is not doing what he has promised. Wait, I take that back he did not promise anything this time did he? He didn't even work for this elections this time and that came straight out of his mouth. He said "when I heard who was running I knew I wasn't doing any more because I didn't need too". Talk about arrogance this man has it!!
I am truly sorry I voted for him and it won't happen again I promise you that.
3:20PM, The average voter is a complete moron.
Andy Whiteman
To: Anonymous August 8, 2011 7:30 PM.....You need to turn off MSNBC and get your head out of your 'you know what'!
You apparently really don't have a clue as to the harm Obama has and is doing to the nation. What is really sad is that people like you are allowed to vote.
As are you Mr. Whiteman. you are just as average as anyone else.
You guys keep the Democrat, Republican BS
going. It means nothing! The real truth is
there are 545 people that run this country
and they are NOT trying to help the 300,000,000
people that they are supposed to represent.
They are there for themselves. They are there
for us the taxpayers to keep paying our taxes
so they can gamble with it. The rich Democrats
and the rich Republicans don't car about you or me.
There is no difference between the two.
You might as well get that in your heads and move on.
Obama, Bush, Clinton and Bush all, every elected official,
never cared about you or me.
All they want is our money.
If you get down to it, even city governments don't care about
you. If they did they would not lie to you and use your tax
dollars for other than making your lives and cities better.
The few that actually try to be on the side of the people
are browbeaten, bullied and put down every time they try to voice their
opinion to the point of why try.
Every time I read in the paper about "New Development coming
to Raytown" I wonder how much this will cost the taxpayers.
Maybe the reason Raytown doesn't have many new small businesses
is because they haven't asked for a small fortune to start up.
After all, isn't that the way things are done here?
Our elected officials think they need to bribe new business to
come here. Trouble is, IT'S YOUR MONEY!
Personally, I think some of the things that have gone done in Raytown
are criminal.
Pat, you are right about some of the things being criminal. Why do you think that city hall continues to fight a state audit. It just might point to some of these past and present city officials should be investigated. I wish the people would start a petition drive to get this done. It really doesn't take that many signatures to bring in the state auditor. You might even see some of these people turning in their resignations.
If I want to start a small business, how much will the City of Raytown GIVE me?
Andy Whiteman
As reported from TV 5
Due to declining enrollment, parents now have to find a new school for their children after a Raytown Catholic school closes its doors.
The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph announced Tuesday that Our Lady of Lourdes School would not open its doors to students next week. The school had been open for 59 years.
One mother said the notice caused anguish in her home. She and other parents are scrambling to find alternative schools.
As of Aug. 8, only 57 students were pre-registered for this school year at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Raytown. The school had 119 students last year. Ten years ago, 199 students attended the school, which is down from the enrollment of 600 students when it opened nearly six decades ago.
"This decision was made mindful of the dedication and selfless service of our school faculty and staff. I am asking other Catholic school administrators to give first priority for staffing any available positions to the teachers and staff of Our Lady of Lourdes School," said the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph in a news release.
KCTV5's Eric Chaloux interviewed Superintendent Dan Peters, who said the closing decision was a difficult one.
"It's very hard anytime you close a school," he said. "It's tough. People are obviously emotionally invested. It's never a good situation."
The diocese also said that area Catholic schools are assisting families find new schools.
"Our normal practice could never been to close a school so close to the start of the year," he said. "We'd like to make decisions in advance like in spring so parents can adjust and employees can find other opportunities."
Most of the teachers had been let go over the summer. Just four teachers remained and their fate was not clear Wednesday night.
With EVERYONE loosing HUGE amounts in their retirements plans this past week,our wonderful president is taking a vacation. Really wish I could take one but I am worried if I will have enought money to keep me going. And people think this man is wonderful, God help America.
Maybe I missed something, but when did the President start controlling the stock market? Maybe you should look at your TEA PARTY friends and see if they know how to compromise.
National Health Care is a must!
Based on the expirance we had today it cannot, let me say again cannot, get any worse.
This was the first visit to the dotor and we will be doing some other testing at the office, but also we will start asking our friends and primary doctor who else there is as an option.
You see the issue was the man keep watching is watch, promised to provide information from other groups to help with some of the issues presented to him, but in the end recomended we just go out on the internet and google places. I guess we had used up to much of his time. Time that we paid for either direct with a co-pay or indirect with our insurance company.
One thing that is clear with the health care issue in our nation is we don't need clock watchers. As medical providers, doctors and nurses need to take the time to learn as much about the patient as they do about the issues the patient is having. Until then we have more issues with the health care system in American other just national health care.
We are actually better off when the president is out of the white house or out of the country.
The so called "Tea Party" people (who are actually just citizens that are demanding responsible government) were the very people trying to get our governments 'out of control' spending under control. It's the Obama administration that is attempting to 'spend' us into prosperity, to believe otherwise you must be living in a vacuum. That wouldn't work for your household budget and it won't ever work for our government. Our economic problems are a direct result of the out of control spending by Obama and gang, to believe otherwise is absolutely foolish. You must be watching too much MSNBC (or other puppet media outlets), where you are feed a steady stream of rampant liberal lies that overshadow common sense and reality
8/11 7:59 PM,
Thank you for giving credit to Bill Clinton for being the best President we have had in years.
While Clinton was President stock prices were up and the defict was on a decrease.
Sure cannot say that about Bush!
I was listening to a market report this evening. It was stated that the falling stock market was caused because of bad economies in Europe. Personally I feel quite a bit of the market's problem is OUR government not cutting the deficit. If I spent like they do in excess of my income, I would be filing bankruptcy within in less than a year!
Andy Whiteman
The voters have no one but the voters to blame. Bush handed Obama a bomb to defuse and in the next election some of the voters seemed to think putting a bunch of loadmouth wingnuts in the room would help steady the Presidents hand. Yep 60 noisy 10 year olds is what I would want in the office if I was trying to stop a ticking time bomb.
We get the government we deserve. If you don't like the deficit, you should have spoken up starting 30 years ago when Reagan promised to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Most honest Goldwater Republicans spotted the flaw this promise.
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