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Paul Livius |
The Paul Livius Report
Work Session August 16, 2011Jeremy Willmoth presented the Financial report to the Board of Aldermen. He reported that total revenues for the first 9 months were $8,635,488.
Property Tax Revenue $1,133,602
Sales Tax Revenue $1,731,551
Franchise Fee Revenue $3,085,491
License and Permit Fees $ 286,407
Intergovernmental Rev $ 938,388
Charges for Services $ 736,001
Fines, Forfeitures $ 653,319
Miscellaneous Revenue $ 70,726
Franchise fees increased $193,967 over this time last year because of the very cold winter and extremely hot summer resulted in higher utility bills, and the franchise fees increased accordingly. Mr. Willmoth also reported an increase of $44,264 in Licenses and Permits, due to the building permits issued to IHOP, Sav-A-Lot and Aldi’s.
Expenditures for the first 9 months were $7,964,615.
Administration $ 616,151
Police Department $4,221,320
Finance Department $ 453,477
Municipal Court $ 183,096
Public Works $1,066,914
Emergency Medical Service $ 811,633
Community Development $ 481,416
Law Department $ 75,809
Expenditures for the first 9 months were $7,964,615.
Administration $ 616,151
Police Department $4,221,320
Finance Department $ 453,477
Municipal Court $ 183,096
Public Works $1,066,914
Emergency Medical Service $ 811,633
Community Development $ 481,416
Law Department $ 75,809
Alderman Ertz asked is the increase of $19 over last year in Real Estate Tax was due to the Hancock Amendment. Mr. Willmoth said that was true. Mr. Ertz then asked if the $27,198 increase in Community TV franchise tax was due to the ATT Uverse taxes. Mr. Willmoth said it was, and he also said his department has been talking with ATT about adding the Government Channel for Raytown. When Raytown added the Government channel to Comcast, the equipment was donated by Comcast to the City. ATT has refused to donate the necessary equipment to broadcast the City meetings. The cost to purchase the equipment is approximately $7,000.
Mr. Lightfoot asked why Sales Tax revenue had increased $83,580 from last year. Mr. Willmoth said it was mostly from the grocery stores. With food prices rising so dramatically, the sales tax also rises.
Andy Noll came before the Board to explain the new Snow Removal plan for the coming winter. The primary routes will be plowed first, then the secondary routes and then the high priority residential routes. The public works department is proposing the following streets be removed from the Emergency Snow Routes:
Cedar from 63rd Street to 64th Street
51st Street from Woodson Road to Blue Ridge Blvd
63rd Terrace from Raytown Road to Willow
64th Street from Raytown Road to Willow
75th Street from Blue Ridge Boulevard to Hunter
87th Street from Raytown Road to east city limit.
The high priority routes will be around schools and lakes.
Mr. Noll stated his department is starting on phase III of the street overlay. They will be opening bids for the light weight aggregate seal overlay program. This is aimed at neighborhood streets. Alderman Melson said when she was on 58th Street, going to City Hall, she noticed that street was very uneven. She asked if this was because of the aggregate. Mr. Noll sad it was. If the street is uneven, the aggregate will be uneven. The aggregate is a thin layer and will take the same shape as the existing roadway. If the street has ruts, the new surface will also have ruts. They will be patching the streets before the overlay is applied this year.
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – August 16, 2011
The Invocation was given by Jay Grimwood, of the Kansas City Baptist Temple.
Before he opened the floor for public comments, Mayor Bower reminded the speakers there are rules for comments and these rules must be adhered to.
Andy Whiteman thanked the Board for moving the important items to 6:00 so they are kept secret from the public. He would like to have heard what the Board plans to do about the mil levy and how they plan to handle the piss poor job of street sealing last year. He said he would wait until Thursday and read about it in the Raytown Report. He also said he read in the Raytown Report that not all the Aldermen were attending the 6:00 meetings. He would like a list of the elected and paid officials who didn’t attend the meeting. They have not increased their leadership in the City. He knows the Mayor will say the meeting is on Channel 7, but cable is not available to everyone. If the City is going to use Channel 7 as the forum for legal notices, the City should provide cable for all citizens.
Evelyn Anderson came before the Board and said she wanted to ask Aldermen Melson and White about the gang activity at 54th and Ditzler. She was before the Board in June and asked them investigate this. Neither Alderman called her back. She wants to them to do what they said they were going to do.
Mayor Bower said he has met with other mayors in the area about curfews. Raytown has a curfew, and recently, Raytown changed the curfew times. Currently, Raytown’s curfew is 10:00pm on week nights and 11:00pm on weekends. Raytown will penalize parents of curfew violators. When a minor is picked up for curfew violation, the parents are ticketed.
Mayor Bower said he was proud that Raytown, along with the Inter-Faith Alliance, served over 3,000 summer lunches this year.
Mahesh Sharma said there will be a Community Blood Drive at the Raytown EMS, 10020 E. 66th Terrace on Thursday, August 18 from 1-5pm. He also said the Public Works department will be replacing $120,000 worth of energy efficient street lights. Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) will have an email vote to determine if Raytown will be awarded $400,000 for the Downtown Streetscape project. The vote closes at 5:00pm on Thursday, August 18.
Alderman Lightfoot, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, reported that they have submitted the letter to Jefferson City requesting Raytown’s redistricting requests.
- The Board approved a resolution to enter into an agreement with UMB Bank for the city’s banking services.
- The Board approved a resolution to enter into an agreement with Superior Bowen Asphalt Company for the street overlay program.
- The Board heard the first reading of the Ordinance amending the zoning laws as they pertain to fences. John Benson explained that this change came before the Board originally in 2007, but it was tabled because the Board wanted to include it with the infill design standards. The changes were never voted on. This ordinance will state that fences in the front yard be no more than 3 ½” high, and chain link fences in the front yards will be prohibited. If it is a corner lot, there may be a 6” fence, but it must be more than 10’ from the street right-of-way.
The Board then moved to a closed session.
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Greg Walters |
The “wilding” that has taken place in London, England has jumped across the Atlantic Ocean and landed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Philadelphia’s leaders seem to be on the ball. They will not make the mistake made in London when looters and rioters were allowed to run rampant for days before the police were finally called out.
With good cause, the leaders in Kansas City, Missouri are watching closely how effective Philadelphia’s crackdown on the criminal behavior known as “wilding” works in the City of Brotherly Love. The weapon of choice to deter the violence in Philadelphia is the strict enforcement of a 9:00 p.m. curfew for minors.
In turn, other area cities within the Kansas City metropolitan area should watching closely. Raytown is no exception.
Two important factors need to be taken into consideration. Kansas City has had trouble with flash mob violence on the Country Club Plaza this summer. That “hot spot” for trouble is only a fifteen minute drive from Raytown. Two of Raytown’s premier city parks, Coleman Park and Kenagy Park, have, at times, become popular gathering places for youth in the Raytown area. Typically, not all of those gathering are from Raytown.
Raytown is completely surrounded by Kansas City.
Raytown’s parks have been a favorite gathering place for youth during hot summer nights. Coleman Park and Kenagy Park are especially popular.
Both parks have seen their share of trouble.
On July 30th a man claimed to have been shot at Coleman Park. He refused to cooperate with police in identifying who attacked him. Similar incidents have happened at Kenagy Park in the past.
It is hoped that our lazy warm nights of summer can continue without incident.
But if the City of Kansas City should choose to enforce a 9:00 p.m. curfew would it be wise for the City of Raytown to follow their lead? For minors in Raytown there is a 10:00 p.m. curfew during the week and a 11:00 p.m. curfew on weekends.
Would Raytown run the risk of becoming a gathering place for those minors not allowed to gather in Kansas City?
Let us know your opinion on this week’s poll question located at the top left corner of the page.
Our Lady of Lourdes Closes Grade School
Raytown is facing the loss of a local icon.
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Grade School is being closed by the Diocese of Kansas City/St. Joseph after 59 years of service to the community.
Falling enrollment is the main culprit forcing the closure of the school. In the early 1960’s the school boasted an enrollment of nearly 700 pupils. Six years ago Lourdes was recognized as a success story as one of the few Catholic Schools to show an increase of students in the metropolitan area.
The twin burden of a recession and a dwindling number of students finally took its toll this year when only 57 students had pre-registered one week before school was to begin.
At a meeting of Parishioners on Monday evening Father Steven Rogers introduced Lourdes parents and children to representatives of surrounding Catholic Schools to continue their education.
The majority of those present chose to move their children to Nativity Parish located on 40 Highway in Independence, Missouri.
As one member of the Parish opined after the meeting. “Lourdes is a strong community. We need time to be rebuild. I am certain that we will be back.”
Talk amongst members of the Parish as to plans for the extensive school and grounds at Lourdes is anticipated in the months to come.
Raytown will miss one of its premier establishments.
It can be hoped that the old truism that with every end there is a new beginning.
IHOP, a good way to start the day
I recently had surgery and the recovery period has given me a chance to go out and sample one of Raytown’s new restaurants. So, last Thursday morning, my wife, Mecee, and I headed up to the New International House of Pancakes located at Raytown Road and 350 Highway.
Since we were there late for breakfast, about a quarter of ten, there was no waiting time.
After promptly being seated and brought some coffee and water we took a few minutes to choose our breakfast.
My choice was pretty traditional, pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and ham (with apologies to Dr. Seuss).
Mecee had pancakes and bacon.
The breakfast was delicious. The service above par, all in all a very pleasant experience.
The manager of that particular shift, Scott Bernard, told us that currently the hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served.
He also said that plans are in the works to make the restaurant a 24 hour operation. Though he did say that he was not liberty to tell when that would begin.
I don’t have a rating system of stars or whatever for restaurants. Let’s just say that the new IHOP in Raytown deserves a “thumbs up” as our suggestion to stop by an pay them a visit.
You will not regret the trip.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Since you are reading this on the internet here’s a tip for you. Check out the IHOP internet special of the day for good deal BEFORE you visit.
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Jenn Walters |
Mood Food: Arugula Salad with Mango Vinaigrette by Jenn Walters
The following is a sponsored post for Vega in exchange for their support of our Fit Bottomed Girls’ Weight-Loss Challenges. For our sponsored post policy, click here. Many of us are emotional eaters. We tend to reach for “comfort foods” in hopes to fill an emotional void, which doesn’t really work (although we may think it... Continue reading
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Oh, i don't know about Clinton benign so great. The economy was just as strong while Reagan was president. And he brought down the Berlin Wall.
On the other hand Clinton did keep us entertained with his personal life.
TEA Party,
Please stop tempting every American, with your lies.
Personal life needs to be that unless you agree with me that all publicly held companies and all government official (elected and appointed) need to have their DNA on file to test against database of unknown fathers. Also ongoing testing to find out if any come down with some STD, which would show they had been playing the field.
Just let me and the rest of America know how far you want big brother watching. Speaking of watching it is the lack of true oversight that has our nation and Raytown both in mess.
I don't recall Regan doing anything to reduce our defict. I don't recall any President who thought more of building a great war machine and less of mankind every doing that.
Praise Clinton for being a lover not a fighter.
Praise Carter for lusting in his heart and not being a war lord.
Praise God their are those that know peace and not hate.
I didn't find Clinton's personal life to be entertaining. It was disgusting!
It is pretty much no brainer that the Metro should follow KCMO's curfew. Obviously the evil doers in KCMO will go to non-curfew areas as the curfew forces them out. These people aren't welcome in Raytown. I thought Raytown's curfew was 9PM the same as proposed by KCMO with the exception of weekends being different.
I haven't been to our IHOP yet, but IHOP is good for lunch, dinner, or stopping on the way home from a movie or shopping. I like eating pancakes for dinner because they are filling. They also have dinner and lunch items on the menu.
Andy Whiteman
I see that three kids got shot down outside the Cheesecake Factory on the Country Club Plaza last night. According to the story in Star, Mayor Sly James was pushed to the ground by his bodyguards to keep him out of harms way.
James had just given a speech saying he did not think an earlier curfew was necessary in K.C.
He later changed his mind and is asking for emergency powers to set an earlier curfew if needed.
Get ready Mayor David. Your time for a hard decisin will be here sooner than you think.
My how things have changed. People used to make funof the tea party.
Now they attack them as if they were public enemy no. 1.
Sounds like the entrenched political establishment is beginning to feel the heat.
IHOP has great coupons in today's Red Star. I like the 20% off the entire ticket. Now I don't have to go to 119th and Metcalf to use them!
Will a curfew resolve anything? I have read that the cops in KCMO are too busy at that time to enforce a curfew. Parents should be responsible for the actions of their children. It seems to me that parents should be charged with the wrong doing of their children as conspirators. If the parents don't want to be responsible, they shouldn't breed.
Andy Whiteman
Curfews are like any other law. If enforced,they are very effective.
If you go the way they did in London, England, they will notwork.
Let's see, last night three people shot on the Country Club Plaza at 11:00p.m. If there had been a nine p.m. curfew in force it is doubtful the trigger would have been pulled.
According ton one t.v. station I watched it was juveniles who were suspecte of pulling the trigger.
The big question for us is would Raytow PD do a good job of enforement. We have more cops per square mile than any other city in the metro. I think they would be up to the task.
Raytown doesn't enforce code violations so you really think they would enfoce a curfew.
The elected leadership in Raytown are lazy and do nothing to help improve the image of our city or the safety of our citizens.
We shouldn't be surprised as we are still a 4th class city!!!
You are right Dems and Reps have taken notice at how the TEA Party held DC hostage and now messed up our credit rating with the world.
Look for big changes in the fall of 2012 and most of you leadership liveing back it home.
I ate dinner at the IHOP tonight. (Used my 20% off coupon.) Had the steak omelet. It was so big that it was enough for two people! I have never seen an omelet that big before!
I can see a traffic issue coming up then the street is vacated. I turned left onto NW bound 350 HWY at the traffic signal. When the street is vacated, they probably will remove the signal making it very dangerous to turn there! The signal should remain so that anonymous can complain that IHOP has a signal (but the signal also will serve the other side of the street.)
Andy Whiteman
Again yesterday I see that Alderman Mock and Van Buskirk are out doing public works department work for them. There are other Alderman such as Lightfoot and Ertz that are out taking up signs, trash and checking out proterties. I say lets do away with public works and gives these men a raise as they certainly do care about the city. You never here these men asking for any prasie from you or any one else. But it would be nice to see tshe rest of the board get off their backsides and help oh that is right they do once a year when we have the city wide trash day. These men do have my thanks and the ones that live in my ward will have my vote the rest of you and nothing more that dead weight including the mayor...
I thank Aldermen Lightfoot, Ertz, And Van Buskirk for their community interest and work. They, like most of us, want a better place to live and are willing to take on the task.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, When you go to the City Council meeting tomorrow, hit them again about the 6:00 meeting. Paul keeps reporting that only half the Aldermen show up. What's the point of having a meeting is everyone's not there? Keep on them, Andy. That way, Mayor Bower can keep saying how great it is. At some point someone will ask if it's so great, where is everyone?
As I have said in the past. Democrats or Republicans,
you can't tell the difference. A lot of us fell for the
"Us Republicans will do it better" in the last election.
We got rid of a lot of Democrats and installed a lot of
Republicans. This my friends is how you will know where
you stand with both parties. Democrats were voted out
because they couldn't do it right and tried to shove
policies down our throats. While spending our tax dollars
like there was no end to them.
Republicans get in and they don't think the rich should
pay their fair share of taxes like the rest of us.
Instead, they wanted to cut social security
and medi-care benefits. Neither party will do anything
about the illegal's and neither has a plan to get manufacturing
jobs back to the USA. They may as well work for Wal-Mart.
So you see, we can't win. The only way we
will ever get them to do it the way it should be done is to
stop paying our taxes. They can't arrest everybody.
Curfews are only a band-aid for a parenting problem. Until people return to being a family and raising their children to know right from wrong and to respect others, nothing will change.
My teenage kids won't be seen unsupervised at the plaza or the mall. And I don't have to worry about them causing trouble, because they were raised to know better.
My fear is that unless the city makes the curfew city wide they are only applying a bandaide to the problem. Suburban cities, particularly inner-ring suburbs, will simply become the new drop-off spot for irresponsible parents. I hope that Mayor James recognizes this and approaches the problem with an area wide approach.
The Country Club Plaza is not the only area of town that has gunfire at night, shooting victims in public areas and irresponsible parents.
Our area leaders need to take a lesson from Philapdelphia. Curfews do work. As long as they are enforced honestly an fairly.
Point well made. Good parents who monitor and supervise their children are not the problem. A curfew will not bother them. But a curfew will make better paretns out of those who do not take good care of their children because they would be subject to arrest and fines if they do not follow the law.
There are important items on the early agenda that will not be heard at the regular BOA meeting thanks to the secret government of the Fascist Feif of Raytown. They could raise the mill levy with the public having no knowledge of it at all until the tax bill comes, but most people don't receive a tax bill.
I recognized a problem a few years ago long before Raytown and the Plaza had youth problems. I emailed my Alderman Jim Aziere suggesting a child control ordinance where parents are held responsible for the actions of their children. Jim responded that there was no problem. Then there is youth trouble in Raytown that causes a mass turnout at the BOA. Obviously no problem? Then youth problems on the plaza. Again obviously no problem?
Curfews are not the solution. Lack of proper parenting is the real problem! If parents were charged for contributing to the deliguency of a minor as well as a comspirator of the crime, this would stop immediately! The parents need to be prosecuted.
The real issue is that many parents don't have time to parent or don't give a damn. This type of people should not breed and then they wouldn't have this problem.
Andy Whiteman
6:21AM, Why don't you come to the meeting and state your opinion? The don't listen to ONE person. If a mob appears, they will listen.
Honestly, I don't think I have the time to waste on the BOA since I am the only one. I don't have enought time to catch up with everything so I can pack to get out of this State of Misery. I have months of packing to do. It will be a miracle if I am out of here before winter.
Andy Whiteman
I come to the meetings when I get off work soom enough. I don't talk at the meetings because I don't do it as good as you. I think your the spokesman for the Little Man. Thanks for speaking for us.
I hope what we see on the Plaza is only an isolated incident, but the Plaza's image has already been tarnished.
I am white, and I have many friends who are black, asian, latino, etc.
Not racist, but also not blind to the black youths who are out of control in the Plaza area.
It's scary, and it appears that they want that atmosphere, but for what end, that I do not know.
I for one, would never go to the Plaza, or any other area of town if that gang mentality is acceptable to city officials, or the community.
Unfortunately, it appears to be getting worse and spreading to the suburbs.
It seems that the parents are allowing this to take place.
It doesn't matter what time the curfew is as long as it is enforced. If the parents won't keep the kiddies home, then the kids should be picked up and taken to the police station. A parent must go get them. When the parent shows up, he or she is given a ticket for allowing there minor child to run free. The fine should be $500 or one week in jail for the first offence and doubled every time the kid is picked up. That's the only way to get the parents attention. If mom or dad has to put out money for not parenting there kids, they will learn to pay attention.
How about this. Let's do the Jim Aziere way of handling a crisis. Pretend it does not exist. That way it will go away. At least in the mind of the one who is pretending.
Curfews work if they are enforced.
If city officials do have them enforced then your government is broken and not working properly.
I am pleased that your experience at the Raytown IHop was a good one, because ours was not. Our server as inattentive at best, ignoring us it seemed like for the most part. It took him at least ten to fifteen minutes, just to take our order, I ordered iced tea, and he brought me sweetened, (he had not bothered to ask if I wanted sweetened or unsweetened, and I drink the latter). It also had taken a long time just to get the drinks. I and ordered a salad with my meal, and we had to ask for him to bring it out -- he was going to wait until he brought out the rest of the order. After my salad arrived, then came our food -- with in minutes. To top it off, it was cold (I had the country fried steak). The highlight was, when we told management, it was replaced immediately, and mine was hot when it came back. Other people where getting service, and we where asked by several others if we where being waited on (so others willing to help). I later contacted IHop and sent feedback, and I have received a reply from the manager, Imad, who assures us next time he will make sure our service is better.
The Plaza is is obviously NOT an isolated incident. How many times has this happened at the Plaza? 3 or 4? Also there is Westport. Raytown also had an incident last year. Maybe I am wrong, it doesn't exist.
2:51PM, I don't feel that I speak well. I did have one complaint from a know it all about the quality of my speaking. The problem is I am the only one so they don't pay attention to me. They pay attention to mobs. At a previous meeting Mayor Bower remarked about my comment as "being from ONLY ONE person." So if you and others would get up an speak if it is only one sentence, we may get attention. BTW: I was going to run for mayor at the last election but decided there was no need when Van Buskirk threw in his hat. I don't know if anyone would vote for me since I am moving, but I probably would have served 1/2 of the term by then.
Andy Whiteman
These same youths running around in the Plaza, are the same youths running around in our schools.
I am frightened for the children in the Raytown School District, but sadly like many others who live in Raytown, I have no recourse to move to a safer area and school district. Besides, where would that be? It is getting bad everywhere.
Our country is going downhill and the events on the Plaza, is a sign that things are going to get worst as the economy stuggles and social activities are not available for kids with nothing to do, but get a gun and act like gansters.
Remember a few years back when the Raytown
Roundup Days was going on? In our own Raytown
Plaza there were a bunch of thugs that started
fighting and acting like animals. Just like in
Kansas City. In fact it was probably some of the
same people.
I am a strong believer that the parents should be
fined heavy for their children's actions. In most
cases it was the parents lack of teaching of how
to act like human beings and respect others. That is
the trouble in the first place.
However a good curfew is only as good as it is enforced.
Like any law if it is enforced early on, it is easier
to enforce from then on. You can't spot enforce and expect
it to work. This town has to realize these young thugs only
understand the rules if they are forced to understand them.
This can only be done by the police and then after costing their
parents some heavy money, will they see the way to act in
Anon 8:08, you are wrong. The curfew does bother the parents of good kids because we don't like seeing our kids treated like criminals because of the few who are criminals.
How about we arrest and prosecute the offenders rather than take the liberty of everyone. We will spend $25000 dollars to drug test good kids at school and tell them to be indoors by 9:00pm and we will still have the same problems we have now. But at least all the good kids will be home and some of you will cheer.
Someday they will tell you where and when you can do your favorite activity and we will see how you cheer the government then.
Andy, don't blame yourself for the Mayor's bad behavior. He tries to act like a nice guy but his snarky attitude and intolerance to those who do not agree with him burn through like a beacon in the night.
There are many who agree with what you say at city council meetings. The proof is found on this page of comments.
It takes a rare individual to stand up in a crowd and speak their mind. Keep up the good work.
You are appreciated by many of us.
The question is would those three children who were shot at the Plaza this weekend been shot if their had been a curfew in place? some would say the shooters would still be there. But would their targets?
I wonder about Mayor James commitment to a curfew. As he was leaving the Plaza he had his driver stop (it was about midnight) so he could speak to two youngsters who were hanging out on a street corner.
The story didn't say if they were minors, but he was reported as mentioning that they were waiting for their parents to pick them up.
Why didn't the Mayor call the police, or us the two body guards (both of them cops) to hold the children who were breaking the current curfew.
Instead he drove off.
Whoever wrote that curfews work if they are enforced hit the nail right on the head.
I doubt our police, be they Raytown or K.C. will enforce it. I am certain our city councils do not have what it takes to make them enforce it.
It does seem hopeless.
When I stated that I wasn't listened to, I meant that some on the BOA weren't listening. If they were listening, they don't care or are following orders.
9:04 PM, Your problem was a poorly trained and/or uncaring waiter. After your complaint, I THINK that management will address the issue and provide training or a warning. One server does not speak for all. My waitress was great. She was concerned about my satisfaction and checked back several times to make sure everything was OK.
Andy Whiteman
By instituting curfews you only create a larger group of criminals. Kids who were enjoying an innocent evening are now criminals because they are out too late in someone's opinion.
The police now will be required to either be overloaded with curfew violations or ignore them in favor of working real crimes. This is why curfews don't get enforced.
All the feel good laws you can pass won't prevent crime. Arrest, prosecution, and incarceration will.
Why do kids need to go anywhere to congregate? Why can’t they congregate at home? In their basement listening to music & dancing or watching a movie or ordering a pizza? Why can’t they hang out in somebody’s backyard or in a cul-de-sac? Why can’t they do whatever in or at someone’s home? Even if they do illegal things, why can’t those be done in a basement, bedroom or backyard? When did kids need to start “going somewhere” away from home to do these things?
I feel so sorry for the parents of those 3 children that were killed. I know how I would feel if I were one of those parents. However, the laws have made it impossible for parents to discipline our children without fear of going to jail or having our children taken away from you. The Bible says spare the rod and spoil the chilren and it absolutely true. If a parent doesn't start when their children are young teaching them that there is a consequence to their actions this is what you get. There is a difference between abuse and discipline. If you love your children you teach them the difference between right and wrong to hell with these stupid laws.
We need to stop supporting (welfare)these people how have no meeans of supporting children and continue to have them. When I was stilling working I had a customer tell me his daughter was having another baby. I said I bet she and her husband were happy he said "Oh she's not married and he's not around." I said "I'm so sorry" his statement was "WHY SHE CAN MAKE MORE MONEY TO KEEP HAVING CHILDREN THAN TO WORK OR BE MARRIED AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH A MAN." I was so appauled I could not say anything.
If we don't say no more your going to have children you must be able to support them yourself. With all of the birth control that there is out now there is no reason to be bilching kids for the rest of us to support with out tax money. And there is no reason not to be able to discipline our children> My parents sure did and I did as well and they were not abused and they did not go out and get in trouble all of the time because they new there was a consequence if they did.
On the enforcement side, if there is going to be a curfew enforce it or don't waste the time and money it takes to put it into to law. It will be just another ordinance there just lays there.
My curfew was 5PM. I was expected to be home before 5PM and stayed home unless my parents took me somewhere. I had no desire to congregate with kids. My entertainment was watching TV or reading a book from the library.
Andy Whiteman
2:23PM, I agree welfare should not pay for people who are breeding to get more welfare. Sometimes, I think breeding children is a for profit business.
When I was in San Diego, I had a Union Steward who was a single mother with 6 children. I thought she was really unfortunate until one day I was discussing a grievance with her. She asked me how to collect child support from one of the fathers who wasn't paying. Since she was really attractive, it became immediately obvious that having children was a business for her.
I was informed tonight that the Raytown curfew is 10PM S-Th and 11PM Friday and Saturday. There are exceptions for school events or going to and from work. I thought it was earlier because 9PM was originally discussed. I felt 9 PM was too early and was unaware it had been changed at some point.
The plain truth is the parents must be held accountable. If the parents can't or won't supervise their children, they have no business breeding.
Andy Whiteman
Minors out after curfew is not uncommon. If you want to see for yourself go check out one of our city parks after curfew. During the week, on the weekend, makes no difference. Other areas to check out would be Wendy's, the Downtown area, or, more simply, get a copy of the police reports on the large number of reported acts of vandalism that occur each night in Raytown.
Kansas City is moving forward with its new curfew. They have some innovative and forward thinking ideas on how to enforce, like a separate drop-off area for those under 16 so that police are not tied up from other duties. Raytown should look into working with KC to take advantage of the program.
According to the KC Star this morning the program has been very successful in other cities like Baltimore, Minneapolis and San Jose, CA.
The age old way of handling Raytown problems by pretending they are not there will not work this time around.
If KC enforces their cufew, Raytown's location at the center of metro KC makes it the next place to become a drop zone by irresponsible parents for their children.
My wife is an artist. She used to be in the
Westport Art Show. But, it got too dangerous
for her. They made her and a few others park
in an alley that was close to where her setup
area was. Kansas City could not control the
underage thugs and punks that thought it was cool
to hang out in front of the bars and restaurants
in the area. They would push each other into the art
exhibits and even steal some.
It took several years before the news media even
covered the bad goings on at Westport. Just like
nothing would be done in the Plaza area had the KC
mayor not been down there.
That's why I say if you are going to have rules
they must be enforced. If rules are in place, you can't
think just because the rules are there they will be followed.
A curfew is only as good as the police department that enforces it, and parents who back it. It is unreal how many parents let their children run wild until their kids are caught doing something wrong then it is every bodies fault but theirs. It really started when the child could call DFS and turn in their parents when they got a spanking for doing something wrong. Just another example of big government getting involved where they don't belong.
After reading the blog I would like to make this statement the only way things are going to change is at the polls. We don't need to vote party we need to vote for the man or woman who has and will do the best job. The person in the oval office certainly hasn't done a good job at all. He has put us on the brink of disaster and acts like things are just rosy. Maybe they are for him he doesn't have to worry where his food is coming from or who will pay his bill or if he will have a job tomorrow. This man needs to go and go at the next election. By the way I feel the same way about out mayor and about half of the board.
Anon 6:59 is absolutely correct. If in doubt, remember how many trick and treaters you had that didn't live in your neighborhod. They were brought in by the van load. The hoodlums from the plaza will find there way here just as easy.
If youths are observed after curfew at the parks, why aren't they apprehended? I agree IF KCMO enacts a curfew, the wrong doers could easily spill over into Raytown.
As Pat said, if there are rules, they should be inforced. Acturally, I feel parents should make the rules and the parents should enforce them. But too many parents are irresponsible. We have an animal control ordinance and I am responsible for my dog. As I told Jim Aziere, we need a child control ordinance requiring parents to control their children.
Andy Whiteman
10:51 AM, I am in total agreement. I have always vote for the person.
It was on the news that a former KCMO council member suggested making use of the vacant schools, arrest children violating curfew and lock them in a school until Monday morning. I think they should throw in some classes so the kids learn something.
The Red Star had an article this morning that the City of Baltimore had a place where the take curfew violators and drop them off so it doesn't tie up an officer's time. The place has social workers, etc. whose job is to locate the parents and provide counseling. It cost the city $700,000 per year. That sounds like the logical approach. Maybe the fines could be used to defray the costs.
Andy Whiteman
As I drove into the parking lot that used to be part
of the old church lot this morning and almost every
morning I notice a lot trash in the grass and the
west side of the lot. I get out my trusty dust pan
and broom and sweep up the needles, beer cans and
food trash and dispose of them. What I don't understand
is there are five dumpsters one within fifteen feet from
where these ill-mannered, uncaring litterbugs were making
their mess. To me this is city property. These people should
be watched and ticketed for littering city property.
It's not just the parks that have a problem in Raytown.
It seems that any bare sopt of gtound or parking lot is has
a calling for these jerks.
Please cities officials try to do something about these
people that don't care how our city looks.
I have a question:
Why doesn't the expenditures add up to $7,964,615.00?
I only get $7,909,813.00. Where did the $54,802.00 go.
Also which part of the expenditures covered the Wal-Mart
bond payments of almost a million dollars this year?
Speaking of people being responsible. Shouldn't someone ask Alderman Creamer to wipe that brown stuff off his nose? His comments at every meeting are like warm marshmallow goo as he thanks people for their hard work.
Buddy, you were elected to represent us. Not be a cheerleader.
Creamer is an example of the fox guarding the hen house.
It is no wonder with leadership like his we have problems in Raytown
Bet you dollars to donuts that it was left by someone after curfew.
don't worry, the mayor and his cronies at city hall have a handle on the situation.
Bower doesn't know how to treat people with respect and because of that I have no respect for him.
He needs to grow up and learn that he might disagree with someone else opinion, but they still have a right to their opinion and the right to speak it. After all this is America or are we under some other rules in Raytown.
Sorry Mr. Mayor, but this is America and if you don't like the rules set by our Nations founding fathers please feel free to move yourself and your ideas to a country that doesn't support free speech.
Anonymous August 18 8:10AM You stated so correctly what so many people feel about him.
I must assume that the litter you mention is done my the same low-life who drive down Raytown streets tossing trash and bottles out the windows. You are kidding if you think these people will go out of their way to use a dumpster. They should be fined but I doubt there is much effort to apprehend them. I suspect from some of what I observe thrown out that they are minors in possession of alcohol.
Andy Whiteman
I'm in full support of a curfew. IF it is enforced. Now, considering our shortage of officers on a good day, how likely is that?
I have a solution, though it will never happen. Everytime a child/teen is found out past curfew OR caught red handed committing a crime, don't just fine the parents...deduct it from their welfare. HEY! I bet the kids start being surpervised then. Sorry, but hit them where it hurts...in their wallet. That will make them care.
Question is when is something going to be done about the children/teens in our hot spots of town right now? I've seen many incidents taking place in broad daylight that are considered low priority to the city. And that's a shame. Because it's just going to lead to more trouble.
55th/Ditzler 85th/Lane 87th/Lane 59th/Kentucky...these are just a few problem areas that need to be addressed on a more frequent basis. I'm sorry, but not being able to drive through our own neighborhood because these delinquents aren't being raised right is unacceptable.
I love to walk my dog but will actually drive further out of my way for fear of what I may come across at the parks closest to me. My closest would be Coleman. Unless I don't see a soul from 59th I refuse to go down there. My next closest is Kenagy. Stay away from the west side entrance and shelterhouses...trouble is usually brewing there.
What saddens me is myself and my husband bought our home with every intent of living and staying in Raytown. Slowly but surely we're starting to think that may not be the future we really want. Not with the way things are going.
Oh, and real nice to see that zoning has decided to make changes to their ridiculous expectations for corner lot fences. After some of us spent a good deal of money trying to not only add value to our home but security (which we deserve considering we're living in what is becoming a high crime area) which we should have had a right to.
And nevermind trying to speak with Mr. Benson about this seeing as how he apparently doesn't think it necessary to return resident's calls when he and his team want to harrass you over your plans to improve your property. Better corner him at a meeting.
Fences are needed for security! KCPL can't understand why I won't leave my gate unlocked so they may read the meter. They should have remote readers or locate the meters on the side (not the rear) of the house when homes are constructed.
12:18PM, I suggest a large dog. When we did walk, we walked our neighborhood and acted as neighborhood watch. It is amazing what a dog will alert to that I don't notice! When I first got my dog there were about 40 curfew violators milling around my front yard unbeknownst to me. I saw them after I locked the door. There was no way that I would turn my back to them to unlock the door. The crowd split like the Red Sea as we walked through them.
I was quoted as saying, "They have not increased their leadership in the City." at the BOA meeting. I was slightly misquoted but wish I had said it.
Andy Whiteman
I think Alderman Creamers logic is that if you praise someone they will work harder for you. Only one problem with that is that it works in kindergarden not in the work place . These fools are paid to do a job most of them are not doing
I received a notice in my water bill that starting Sept. 1, the City is no longer sending notices of unpaid sewer bills by Certified Mail. That is a smart decision especially since it was stated that the Certifies mailings cost $30,000 a year. I consider that a waste of money. Also since preparing Certified Mail is labor intensive, I suspect that the labor added much to the $30,000! I applaud our City Leaders for taking this step.
Andy Whiteman
Check out the morning Kansas City Star. The State of Missouri conducted a review of school districts in the KC area.
The Kansas City school district was dead last, meeting only 3 of the state's criteria.
Hickman Mills was a few notches better, meeting 5 of the standards.
Raytown, and this one hurts, ranked third lowest, meeting only 8 of the standards.
The rest of the schools listed were in double digits out of a total of 14 standards. Nineteen of the schools listed met all 14 standards.
Raytown has the highest property tax levy in the Kansas City, Missouri metropolitan area.
We really deserve better for our money.
People talk about change needed at city hall. The school district is no better.
It is done, Kansas City has enacted its curfew for 9:00 p.m. in five of the city's major entertainment districts.
It is doubtful the change in law will change the practice of irresponsible parents dumping their children off in areas they consider to be safe havens.
I wonder where all those kids will be dumped off this weekend?
Brookside, Waldo, Raytown. All are close by and within easy reach for anyone that dumped their kids on the Country Club Plaza.
The Raytown curfew is set for one hour later than Kansas City's. That one hour difference could make a very difficult job for our police to enforce.
I hope our local p.d. is ready.
We have all been saying we aren't getting
the best gang for our tax dollars and the KC
Star showed us all our feelings were true.
Our school district spent millions on turf
and should have spent it on education.
I'm sorry but, I can't respect elected officials
that don't do their jobs.
Children's education comes first in the school district
In a town the people and their safety come first.
Then the towns streets and sidewalks. Keeping neighborhoods
clean and up to codes makes other people want to live
and shop here. Next they should take our tax dollars
and use it to bring in new businesses. I don't mean
give our tax dollars away or give unrealistic tax breaks
to billion dollar corporations.
A town should not raise taxes to cover asinine mistakes
made by elected officials. We have eleven or twelve people
making decisions for thirty thousand people and so far
the record isn't so good.
Your comment about Creamer hit the nail right on the head. it is not just a problem Creamer has (but he is by far the worst) it is the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil attitude the whole city council has adopted.
They are more afraid of making a department head or the mayor angry.
Think real hard. Name one significant piece of legilsation the city council in Raytown has addressed that came from its elected members.
good luck!
I am sure there is some validity into fact that some of the trash you find in the area of you business is coming from teens looking for something to do. I would expect the issue to be worse after the weekends when there are events for the teens at the corner of 63rd and Blue Ridge Blvd.
I for one have driven by at or right around 11:00 and seen groups of teens walking from this business, which closes at 11:00. I have questioned my the city administrator has not made sure that this business is closed by at least 10:30 as this would give those teens ,who parents are not responsible enough to pick them up, time to walk home before Raytown’s curfew kicks in. This does not excuse our elected city marshal from not enforcing the curfew ordinances and getting these kids off the street before causing issues for others.
These business sets the example for Mr. James and the KCMO board that even when there are programs for the teens there still needs to be a police presence that will enforce the laws and these business need to operate so they make sure kids have enough time to be home before any curfew kicks in.
I am actually against curfews not because I am against the idea of them or that they are on the books as an enforceable law, but because as in Raytown they are not enforced or as part of the new on in KCMO is only directed at areas that provide a tax revenue avenue for the city. The only one on KCMO board with commonsense on this is Sharp, who has questioned why the trouble in the neighborhoods doesn’t get the same attention and protection.
Sorry Pat for my tangent on curfews, but as you know about other things in Raytown the issue may be on the books, but we only enforce laws on those we choose or we would be pro-active on curfew, codes and speeders.
Back to your issue and what I would be willing to better is where you are really having the issue and that would be from those who are leaving either the bar or pool hall as they use the same area to park in that you talk about. I have seen to many times people who leave there and based on their driving have no business operating any vehicle and I think where the police are and why were these place still serving these people. I know that bars present an issue for other business as I have worked in property management and have seen for myself or heard from the tenants that something has to been done about the bar on the property. It is apparent that either the customers of the bars are bring their own beer and drinking it in the parking lot before going in or they are bring beers out of the bar and drinking in the parking lot as there are empty beer bottles all over the place. The way our tenants have addressed the issue right or wrong is picking up all the trash and dumping it in front of the door to the bar. Yes, there is often more broken glass and the bar did call and complain to me and others, but the fact remained if they would do their part to manage their customers others would have to deal with the trash.
You and others might want to start giving the trash back to that business that generates the type of trash you are seeing.
Why do other elected officials belive they have to answer to the mayor.
You are responsable to those that elected you and need to remind the mayor to deal with you and your take on issues. You need to call the mayor on the rug when he jumps other elected officals or those from the public reminding him that he is creating a negative imagie of Raytown and is not how a professional acts.
There are alderman on the board who would like to get things passed that would make Raytown a better place to live the major trouble with is that they must have other alderman back them. The mayor has done a great job of dividing the board. I think it was great that Evelyn Anderson came before the board and put White and Melson on the hot seat. Melson is great with her sticky notes and White with making motions. But as far as representing the people they both fail miserably. We need more people to come andspeak their minds before the board and let them know how we really feel about the job they are doing and also the mayor. He thinks he is untouchable. We need to prove him wrong
I read about Cheif Lynch saying that the outdoor sirens aren't for the people inside and we should sign up for Nixle. So I thought, why not. I signed up for it and the next day I got a message from teh Raytown police that they were closing a street for repairs. Then I got a message Thursday about a severe thunderstorm warning.
That storm last night was a real whopper. The tv stations were talking about 60 miles an hour winds and large hail and thunder storm warnings. Where was nixle? I didn't get no message from them. Does't it work in the middle of the night? What good is it?
Someone blogged about Alderman White and Melson not getting back to them about a matter. Has anyone ever tired to get a hold of the mayo? It is like he left the country. Oh yes I know he travels with his job well maybe he shouldn't have ran for mayor if he can't return the calls remember this is also a job.
This is the problem when you have generations of lazyness on welfare making babys for money. Pretty soon those babys grow up into teenagers, with uncaring adults who simply do not want to be bothered with raising children to be responsable adults.
Sadly, the cycle will continue and problem will only get worst as long as the government provides more money to those who create this mess. Raytown (and other surburbs) have been seeing this trend with each year becoming worst than the year before.
It is no longer safe to walk in certain parks and parts of Raytown near, or after dark.
All the taxes we could ever pay will not change the trend.
Possibly Nixie dind't think the storm would impact Raytown. These alerts are area specific. My assumption is you get an alert only if the sirens would have been activated. We had torrential rains the last 2 nights, Last night a tree limb came down and moved my a/c about 2 feet. I thought they were bolted down. I guess if it was bolted, the a/c would have been smashed rather than moved.
Since my cell phone is rarely used and is left on my desk, I didn't sign up for Nixie. If something was going on, I would get the alert on radio or TV. Also Red Dogg alerts be before these storms. They didn't used to bother her, but since the tornados she alerts shortly before each one. I guess that is her job since she is a service dog.
7:32 AM, Are you aware you are being billed for each text message? My cell provider charges 20 cents which is one reason I don't want them. The TV stations have alert systems you can set up. I haven't heard them advertised lately. They are area specific and call you ONLY IF your area is impacted. You might want to check it out. BTW: If you go to www.weatherbug.com . It is a free service on your computer and you can get the precipitation and other stats at Kauffman stadium or wherever you select.
Andy Whiteman
Remember, not only did you contribute to Social Security but your
employer did too. It totaled 15% of your income before taxes. If you averaged only 30K over your working life, that’s close to $220,500. If you calculate the future value of $4,500 per year (yours & your employer’s contribution) at a simple 5% (less than what the govt. pays on the money that it borrows), after 49 years of working (me) you’d have $892,919.98. If you took out only 3% per year, you receive $26,787.60 per year and it would last better than 30 years, and that’s with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit! If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you’d have a lifetime income of $2,976.40 per month. The folks in Washington have pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever had.
Entitlement my a_ _ , I paid cash for my social security "insurance"!!!! Insurance is what they called it, but, if any insurance company handled your money the way the US government did, the State regulators would shut it down and the executives would be charged with fraud.
Just because they "borrowed" the money , doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or handout !! Congressional benefits, aka. free health care, outrageous retirement packages , 67 paid holidays , three weeks paid vacation , unlimited paid sick days , now that's charity, welfare, and they have the nerve to call my retirement “ entitlements “ !!!!!!.....
Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!
What everyone needs is a weather alert radio, with SAME technology. Chief Lynch is correct, the tornado sirens are for outdoor use. The thinking is that people are inside that they will have access to other forms of media. A weather alert radio, is a like a smoke detector for severe weather. The SAME (Specific Area Message Encoding ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_Area_Message_Encoding) which will only go off for the county it is set, for Jackson County it is 029095. I have no idea why Nixle did not go off, the only alert was for the storm on Thursday night. I do know that the KCFD was running pretty much nonstop from about 2:00 to 3:30 AM, and weather alerts where going out. Also, use the local NWS/NOAA page -- http://www.crh.noaa.gov/eax/. If you have a radio scanner, you can listen to MERS on 154.1300, which often has the updates to the fire departmet(s) (primarily KCFD) when they are about to issue an warning or alert. While, Nixle should work, there is also a element of human error, with a weather alert radio you will not only have a back-up, but most likely get better information.
What everyone needs is a weather alert radio, with SAME technology. Chief Lynch is correct, the tornado sirens are for outdoor use. The thinking is that people are inside that they will have access to other forms of media. A weather alert radio, is a like a smoke detector for severe weather. The SAME (Specific Area Message Encoding ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_Area_Message_Encoding) which will only go off for the county it is set, for Jackson County it is 029095. I have no idea why Nixle did not go off, the only alert was for the storm on Thursday night. I do know that the KCFD was running pretty much nonstop from about 2:00 to 3:30 AM, and weather alerts where going out. Also, use the local NWS/NOAA page -- http://www.crh.noaa.gov/eax/. If you have a radio scanner, you can listen to MERS on 154.1300, which often has the updates to the fire departmet(s) (primarily KCFD) when they are about to issue an warning or alert. While, Nixle should work, there is also a element of human error, with a weather alert radio you will not only have a back-up, but most likely get better information.
Lynch doesn't do anything to address crime and you folks think he is going to make sure the warning sirins work.
In regards to your question "tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!" I have to ask the same question about the Mayor, BOA, and out of town Department Heads. We raise taxes and city hall still find ways to squander and waste it all.
Tonight I noticed that the new taxpayer funded Walmart barn type store has a leaking roof. There was a large tub in the middle of an isle to catch the drip. Really well constructed with OUR money.
BTW: A weather alert radio may be purchased a many places. Also as stated above, scanners may be used to listen to NOAA weather radio. Some scanners also have a dual function of being a weather radio and will set off an alert tone before broadcasting.
8:59 AM, I suggest you email our Mayor. You MAY get a response.
Andy Whiteman
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