Tensions high at Raytown’s Super Splash
After two public meetings and a number of complaints, Raytown lifeguards and their parents claim that nothing has been done to resolve mounting tension at the city’s Super Splash USA water park.
The lifeguards — mostly Raytown-area teenagers — say the managerial staff treats employees disrespectfully and there are public safety concerns, such as a lack of lifeguards on duty and broken rescue equipment.
The conflict began in May, they said, when Midwest Pool Management took over maintaining the park from the city.
The lifeguards publicly stated at a July 3 Board of Aldermen meeting that some managers yell at them in a condescending manner and reprimand them if they complain about the treatment. The lifeguards also said that at the beginning of the year, they were told that the park should be opening with at least 18 to 21 lifeguards. But the park opened several days this summer with fewer than 10. They were also concerned about broken rescue equipment and under-qualified employees being in charge of the slides. READ MORE
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Greg Walters |
BOA to Consider $30,000 Pay Increase for City Administrator Mahesh Sharma BY GREG WALTERS
In 2012 rank and file employees of Raytown City Hall saw their
salaries frozen.
So why is the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen poised to raise City Administrator Mahesh Sharma’s
annual salary from $107,460.00* annually to $137,000.00?
It is a question that the
Raytown Board of Aldermen should answer at its next meeting, Tuesday, July 17th
at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting is
open to the public and is televised on Comcast Channel 7.
*Salary figure provided by the
City of Raytown to the Mid America Regional Council. The $137,000.00 figure
does not include a separate
retirement/pension fund the City contributes to for Sharma . Nor does it
include any health insurance, automobile expense or expense account
salary question is not the only issue to be discussed.
The contract
that City Administrator Sharma has been working under requires that he live in
Raytown, Missouri.
However, the
Mayor and Board of Aldermen have exempted Sharma from that requirement twice
since he took the post of City Administrator in 2008. The decisions to create
the exemptions were reached in so-called Executive Sessions. Executive Sessions
are closed to the public. Minutes and votes are not published for the public to
The new
contract, which will be approved by resolution, removes the residency
requirement in its entirety.
Mr. Sharma lives
in Raymore, Missouri.
If the Board of
Aldermen removes the residency requirement the City of Raytown will be one of
the few cities in Missouri that does not have its Administrator/Manager living
within city limits.
POLL QUESTION This week poll question asks if the Mayor and Raytown Board of Aldermen should increase the City Administrator's pay by $30,000.00. To vote in the poll go to the top left corner of the page, directly below the Raytown Report masthead.
Analysis . . .
Analysis . . .
Raytown is a small city. It is only ten square
miles in size. Its population has shrunk below the 30,000 mark. Due to some
poor decisions in economic planning, particularly with the large amount of debt
created by the Walmart development on 350 Highway, the city remains in an
economic strait jacket.
So much so, that this year, rank and file city
employees saw their pay frozen.
So why is the Mayor and City Council setting the
stage to give City Administrator Mahesh Sharma nearly a 30% pay increase?
The next question is why has City Hall decided
to remove a residency requirement that Mahesh Sharma promised to keep when he
was hired by the city? Sharma promised to move to Raytown within three years of being hired by the city in 2008.
The contract before the Board of Aldermen is a
step backwards for the City of Raytown. City leaders should be encouraging our
highly paid city department heads to live in the city – not exempting them from
It speaks of a lack of pride that is both
disheartening and shameful.
The pay increase in the new contract is excessive. It is more than some Raytowners make in a year.
The pay increase in the new contract is excessive. It is more than some Raytowners make in a year.
At the very least, the Board should reject what
is before them and go back to the drawing board and make an agreement that
benefits the City of Raytown as much as it does the City Administrator.
Truth Watch Returns BY TRUTH WATCH*
PICTURE ON LEFT: Handicapped parking sign obscured by overgrown bushes at Coleman Park.
With all the talk at the past two
Board of Alderman meetings, we at Truth Watch decided it was time to pay our
parks a visit and get a firsthand take on how well things are being maintained
throughout the park system. We want
everyone and especially those at city hall to keep in mind that our parks
should not only a fun and economically friendly place, but also a safe place
and well maintained place to visit.
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Light left on in daytime at Southwood Park. |
our surprise and shock the maintenance for the parks is on a decline. The corresponding photos clearly show the
neglect our parks are receiving. We ask
the elected officials keep this in mind and review our parks for themselves
before taking the word of the park director to heart as how well things really
are within our parks.
Our elected officials must refrain
from their ongoing and over use of the word “professional” when it comes to the
city staff. We at Truth Watch have been
impressed with several improvements in with the attitudes and performance of employees
in the public works department that we have observed over the past year. However, there is nothing “professional”
about the conditions that Park Director has allowed the parks to fall into and
why has the City Administrator not taken the time to validate the performance of
the Park Director, by simple things as checking the parks like we did.
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Broken toilets at Coleman Park. |
We, unlike other local publications,
encourage the citizens and employees of the city to continue to speak out
publicly about issues that impact all of our safety and the inefficiency of how
our tax dollars are spent. Had the
issues at Super Splash not been made public we at Truth Watch would not have
taken the time to examine the parks as a whole.
We question why other local publications have not investigated the
parks as a whole instead of criticizing the individuals who bravely brought the
issues before the Board of Alderman.
We at Truth Watch continue to take
the position that to have transparency within the government that issues
pertaining to the usage of our tax dollars must remain public knowledge even
when it tarnishes the image of that corresponding government body.
Truth Watch is the pen name of a Raytown writer who has a deep interest in Raytown's image and quality of life. He has written for the Raytown Report in the past and we hope to see more of his work in the future.
Bits and Pieces . . . BY PAUL LIVIUS
SUPER SPLASH FOLLOW-UP: Normally we do not use this space to comment on other publications. However, an editorial in the Raytown Times caught our attention last week. The owner of the Times, Randy Battagler, wrote a pretty scathing report about lifeguards, their families and their supporters at Raytown Super Splash.
Battagler complained that the complainants did not use the proper channel(s) at City Hall to voice their objections to a lapse in proper management at Super Splash.
As one who reviewed the two meetings in question I can assure you that Mr. Battagler is 100% wrong. Lifeguards, family members and supporters took their complaint directly to the Director of Raytown Parks, Kevin Boji. A number of people testified at the first meeting at City Hall of their frustration in not receiving any response to their complaints. It was after their efforts failed did they decide to go public.
OPENING PRAYERS AT CITY HALL: We had noted in a previous edition of the Raytown Report that the practice of opening public meetings at City Hall with a prayer had been stopped by Mayor David Bower.
We requested a copy of an email received by elected officials at City Hall from a group calling itself Americans United for a Separation of Church and State based out of Washington, DC. regarding this matter. The letter contends that the City has been opening its meeting with prayers that are specific to the Christian religion and therefore unconstitutional.
The letter goes on to identify numerous cases backing its position.
We checked with city officials to see if there was any allegation that a third of the prayers given by clergy referenced Jesus Christ specifically as stated in the Americans United letter.
To our recollection the accusation is without merit.
Apparently some members of the Board of Aldermen agree. At its last meeting Mayor Protem Michael Lightfoot, who was chairing the meeting (Mayor Bower was absent), opened the meeting with a prayer.
Word has reached us that Mayor Bower will continue the practice of opening the meetings with a prayer. It will be interesting to see if he continues to invite local clergymen to do the honors.
By the way, Mayor Bower initially called an Executive (closed) Session of the Board to discuss this matter.
Careful there Mr. Mayor. This issue is NOT closed session material. It is not a matter of litigation, a contract, or a personnel matter. These matters should be discussed in public.
To post a comment on this blog click on the word
comments on the line directly below this sentence.
Truth Watch is the pen name of a Raytown writer who has a deep interest in Raytown's image and quality of life. He has written for the Raytown Report in the past and we hope to see more of his work in the future.
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Paul Livius |
Battagler complained that the complainants did not use the proper channel(s) at City Hall to voice their objections to a lapse in proper management at Super Splash.
As one who reviewed the two meetings in question I can assure you that Mr. Battagler is 100% wrong. Lifeguards, family members and supporters took their complaint directly to the Director of Raytown Parks, Kevin Boji. A number of people testified at the first meeting at City Hall of their frustration in not receiving any response to their complaints. It was after their efforts failed did they decide to go public.
OPENING PRAYERS AT CITY HALL: We had noted in a previous edition of the Raytown Report that the practice of opening public meetings at City Hall with a prayer had been stopped by Mayor David Bower.
We requested a copy of an email received by elected officials at City Hall from a group calling itself Americans United for a Separation of Church and State based out of Washington, DC. regarding this matter. The letter contends that the City has been opening its meeting with prayers that are specific to the Christian religion and therefore unconstitutional.
The letter goes on to identify numerous cases backing its position.
We checked with city officials to see if there was any allegation that a third of the prayers given by clergy referenced Jesus Christ specifically as stated in the Americans United letter.
To our recollection the accusation is without merit.
Apparently some members of the Board of Aldermen agree. At its last meeting Mayor Protem Michael Lightfoot, who was chairing the meeting (Mayor Bower was absent), opened the meeting with a prayer.
Word has reached us that Mayor Bower will continue the practice of opening the meetings with a prayer. It will be interesting to see if he continues to invite local clergymen to do the honors.
By the way, Mayor Bower initially called an Executive (closed) Session of the Board to discuss this matter.
Careful there Mr. Mayor. This issue is NOT closed session material. It is not a matter of litigation, a contract, or a personnel matter. These matters should be discussed in public.
Fit Bottomed Girls
As you ladies know, I’m always tweaking this or that in my diet to feel
my absolute best. After going vegetarian for a month, I began eating
meat again but committed to buying only the really good organic and
grass-fed kind. I frequent a bison farm. We get eggs from my husband’s
coworker who has chickens. We have our own... Continue reading
If offered, I would accept the City Manager position for $99,999 per year and I WILL RESIDE in Raytown for the entire time of my contract.
Is anyone else who lives in Raytown interested?
Andy Whiteman
Encourage your reader participate in fund raising for parents of a local school student who is participating in London Olympics to pay for their visit and watch their son run. What a proud moment for them and entire Raytown.
I don't understand. What has Mr. Sharma done
to deserve a thirty thousand dollar a year
raise? I've got nothing against Mr. Sharma
but the rest of our city employees haven't
received any real raises in years. Our police
got a 1% raise years ago. The people that actually
do work for the citizens of Raytown, you know
the hands on people that try to keep the
streets clean and in winter working all night
removing snow when needed. The police that
are understaffed but still try to keep us safe.
Even though thay have to spend a lot of time at
Wal-Mart, well over twenty calls a week.
This town didn't even want to pay overtime
to workers and now our
leaders want to give our highest paid hired
department head a thirty thousand dollar raise?
And he won't even move here?
Come on City Hall get your head out and be
That is a great idea!
I know several individuals who are out of work and been looking for sometime.
Both have management expirance and live in Raytown and I am sure would be whiling to under bid you for the job.
Maybe that is what we need to do is open up the job for bidding to those who live in Raytown and are not currently working.
What has Sharma done? He has carried the Mayor's water for him. He has kept any dissident voices on the boa from speaking out.
What has the boa done?
Nothing. And that is the problem. I don't think you could weave a single backbone if you were took all their best parts and put them together.
It is just insane to think that the BOA is just going to hand over a 30% raise to a man who isn't even proud enough to live in the city for which he serves.
Everyone make your voice heard, and your presence known. Show up to the BOA meeting Tuesday. Show the BOA why we will not stand for this.
Come one, come all. I know the same old same old will gladly voice the concerns of the many, but I want the many to voice their own concerns with this. I’ll be there. Join me save Raytown. Save our homes and more importantly save our city.
8:09AM, I agree. If anyone wants to outbid me, that is great. My points are the job should go to someone who WILL LIVE IN RAYTOWN and that $137,000 is too much to pay when those who do the physical work for the city don't receive a living wage.
I have comments to make tomorrow night and I really hope that I am NOT the only one. I would like to see community input to the BOA. I am usually the only one who speaks but I would like to see a room packed with disgruntled citizens. That seems to get attention!
I could underbid myself too but I am looking forward to moving due to the unhealthy climate in the State of Misery.
I can think of at least 2 Aldermen who are well qualified but it would be a conflict of interest for them to receive the job.
Andy Whiteman
Wow! ( in utter disbelief) to a 30 thousand dollar pay raise for the out of town City Administrator, even after cutting over time and pay raises to the workers at City hall.
Utter Disbelief that someone could be so arrogant to believe that they deserve a pay raise of this magnitude when there are so many out of work, or barely getting by. Wow...
Anon July 15.
I agree that all of Raytown should be proud of the Raytown student who is going to the London Olympics. Do you have the donation information? Thanks
The complainers about Super Splash sure turned out in mass! Those who are against a $30K raise for Mahesh and feel feel that he should be required to live in Raytown should also turn out in mass! I have found it is pretty useless for only one person to speak.
I have several issues to address and am sure others do too. I question why those who are dissatisfied with the way things are done don't address the BOA? GET OUT AND EXPRESS YOUR OPINION! This board seems to listen to large numbers.
I would like to see as many or more speakers as turned out for the BSL comments a few years back.
Andy Whiteman
PS. 7PM At the palace at 10000 E 59th St. Those sitting home watching on the boob tube will be unable to be heard.
Andy Whiteman
The question needs to be asked as to who is asking for the $30,000.
Are the Mayor and / or a member of the Board of Alderman or is the city administrator himself?
If we learn it is himself, we need to go ahead and thank him for his service and let him know we accept this request as his resignation.
If we learn it is the Mayor and / or members of the Board of Alderman we need to understand why and if the reason is he has found a job elsewhere that is paying more than what he is making here then again tell him thanks for his service and we hope things work out for him with the new city.
We need to keep in mind our city administrator has a history of reasons why he cannot relocate to Raytown, but with the housing market down more in Raytown than in other areas he should have no problems finding an affordable home in Raytown that meets the needs of him and his family. Our elected officials need make it clear the extensions on location within the city boundaries are over. If he is unable to sale his house he has other options from renting to individuals or getting it included with the HUD program. He should have no objections in participation in HUD programs with his own property being his active and instrumental role in Raytown bringing more HUD homes to our neighborhoods.
He should also be publicly honest that he has openly stated to several members of the Board of Alderman that in the resent past he has received offers from other cities, but likes Raytown and has turned these offers down. With this knowledge one does have to question if it is not our city administrator who is further attempting to hold the taxpayers hostage while he continues to fatten his wallet without providing the citizens of Raytown with the oversight that is due to them by any respectful and professional department head.
We all need to recall that our city administrator has not provided many of the interim department heads with the coaching to develop their skills and transition into the permanent department head. The best example of this lack of coaching and public interaction with the interim department heads comes from when he himself transitioned from director of public works to city administrator. Around that same time frame new sewer lines were being place trough Minor Smith Park. This work left the park as well as parts of South Raytown in disarray with the blame for not getting the contractor to clean up the mess being placed on the interim public works director. Why would this same individual who had been promoted just months before from public works director to city administrator not welcome and embrace the opportunity to coach the interim public works director into what should have too been a permanent position. This was not to be the case.
A professional and active city administrator would be engaged in inspecting the productivity of the department heads who report to him. However, since his transitioning into the city administrator role the numbers of code violations that are visible to everyone, but those at city hall have increased. This clearly demonstrates a lack of concern for the citizens of Raytown, but what as citizens should we expect from someone who will not step up and relocate to Raytown so that he too are impacted by the decline in services that those that live here have to face on a daily bases.
We can only pray if that is even still allowed within Raytown city limits that our elected officials will put the citizens of Raytown and their property values before an individual who refuses to make Raytown his home.
It doesn't make any sense! Our city administrator
isn't proud enough of the job he has done to move
his family to Raytown, as is the rule. Then I see this
as an admition that he has not done his job and should
not deserve a pay increase.
This town's city hall should be ashamed of themselves!
Locking any pay increase for other city employees
including any real pay increase for actual workers,
and our police department.
I don't begrudge anyone a raise but, this is taxpayer money
and I'm sure that most taxpayers would rather see any
tax dollars go to make this town better and safer.
If city hall wants to give one position a thirty percent
increase then they should give all city employees the same!
Let's face it most employees under department heads work
harder and take pride in this town.
After calling numerous of our surrounding cities I found very few I repeat very few require their city administrator to live in the city. So what is the big deal? Let him live where he wants and give him the raise he certainly does the work to deserve it. Or maybe you would like to have Michael Miller back
The City should take care of PD, EMS and the other hard working City employees who do the actual work. I agree, if Mahesh is out job seeking for increase wages, then he has no loyality to the City and is only here for a paycheck, same as the other Department Heads who choose not to live in Raytown.
The Raytown Teachers Credit Union is accepting donations to help send Maurice Mitchell's parents to London for the Olympics. There is another bank too, but I don't know the name, as well as former Raytown South High School coach Bud Lathrop. I made my donation at the Credit Union on Saturday. I believe his dad has been a P.E. teacher at Westridge for at 12 or 13 years. He really pushes the students to be physically fit, much more than the middle school or high school does for the physical fitness of our kids - but that's another story. They are a loving family. I hope all the readers will make a donation if they are able. It's very exciting for Raytown. Some good news for us!
Some people just don't get it. Mahesh Sharma promised to move to Raytown because the ordinance said to do so. He has broken his word. The City Council has broken faith with city employees and the people of Raytown.
Whoever wrote that post about other cities not requiring city administrators and managers to live within the city limits is full of beans.
I challenge them to step up and name the towns. The answer he gives will tell the rest of the story. You will find out that small backwater towns do not require residency. Forward moving, modern cities do.
Which do you want Raytown to be?
As for the $30,000 pay increase. Why not use the scale of those towns that DO NOT require residency. I doubt Sharma would be very interested in accepting their pay range.
Yes, Raytown has declined. I blame the BOA and Mayor, not Mahesh Sharma. Is the cart leading the horse? It is the job of the Mayor and BOA to give staff "direction." Somehow the "direction" is missing or way off base.
Andy Whiteman
The poolice department is well taken care of
I would like to ask who doesn't work for a paycheck? If you don't your short a knife of having a place setting!!!!!
Appears Raytown is going to be pulled into the salary bid wars of other cities...and the citizens will 'gladly' pay the tax increase to pay for it, just like all of the other increases.
We live in a democratic country (for a bit longer even though Obaman and the rest of his ilk on both sides of the aisle continue to destroy it) that has apathy as its belly. Raytown is no different, so lets all just hike up our waders a little higher, hope the stick doesn't get too bad, pray, pay & obey like good little minions!
Greg and I have not always agreed on things in the City of Raytown, but this time we are of the same mind! Giving our City Administrator a 30% pay raise is crazy. Running the city is a team effort, if he gets a 30% raise ... I think every Raytown employee gets one as well! My Ward 2 alderman will be getting an email from me! Keep up the good work, Greg!
I was impressed by the admendment Alderman Van Buskirk gave tonight on the city administrator salary. It made perfect sense to me. I don't understand how Alderman Par Due couldn't understand it. I truly believe when God asked Pa Due if he wanted a brain his answer was no thank you God I already have a train. How he ever got elected is a true mystey to me.
Carol, Don't you mean your Ward 2 AldermEn?
Everyone please remember this when the next election comes up. I thought I heard Charlotte Melson vote "NO." Was I hearing correctly?
Andy Whiteman
Gotta agree with that last comment about Pardue. He votes to give Mahesh Sharma a $30,000 raise and is then concerned that VanBuskirk's amendment what prohibit Sharma from getting automatic pay increases given to other employees!
Talk about getting your cake and eating it too.
What was it former City Finance Director Dan Estes used to say?
Oh yeah. "Hogs at the Trough".
Hats off to Charlotte Melson. She was the only one to vote NO on the $30,000 pay increase for the City Administrator.
Next time why not speak up and say why Charlotte?
Jim aziere still hasn't figured it out!
His comments about Walmart being a hard decision by the Board of Aldermen are so much rubbish.
Walmart leads Raytown in calls for the police. The city receives absolutely zero in sales tax from the store because Aziere and his cronies on the city council made a deal soooo bad that all the money goes to pay for the building, parking lot and traffic signals on 350 Highway.
Walmart's portion of the bill is the merchandise that goes on their shelves!
And this guy (Aziere) wants to go to Jefferson City to represent us!
ACT 1: Super Splash debacle. Lifeguards quitting. City Hall pretends their is "no problem".
ACT 2: Mayor and City Council (with the exception of Ward 3 Alderman Charlotte Melson) vote to give city amdinistrator a $30,000 pay increase to $137,000 annually. Regular city employees see their salaries frozen.
ACT 3: What's next?
I have to be honest here. I've heard
a few good reasons for the CA to get
a raise. He has managed to get this
town several millions in government
grants. But, I still can't get past
the fact that other city employees
have been cut out of fair raises. I
still think our elected officials should be
ashamed of themselves for this. Do the
other employees not do their jobs? Do
they not deserve a fair pay increase?
I was told that our City Hall was bringing
the CA's pay in line with like size towns
in our area. Has anyone of our elected officials
done the same for the other employees of Raytown?
Finally just because some other town does
something doesn't mean this town can afford
to do the same.
Anon 6:15
I'm voting to send Aziere to Jeff City. That seems to be the only way to get him off the BOA in Raytown. Good bye and good riddance!
I am really disgusted by this. I could go either way on the whole residency issue, although he new the rules when he accepted the job and it is dishonest to never make an attempt to sell your home. I understood that he didnt want to move because his daughter was in High School. That makes sense, but that is not longer the case. I think it is telling that he has done everything he could NOT to attempt to move, and the Board let him off the hook. I think it is insulting to the people that continue to work hard making less money than they did five year ago due to cost of living and benefit insurance increases. People here have strong opinions of another CA that was here, but when money was tight, he declined his raise. Mahesh should have declined it even if the board wanted to push it. And since this Board has done nothing over the last four years to look into revenue enhancements to pay people a decent wage, to get our police force up to standard, to support fair and equal wages to all of public safety as well as PW employees and City Hall staff. They need to stop thinking that there is always someone to replace the person that leaves. They dont care to cultivate the quality employee... it just doesnt matter to them. I would like to see a full scale blue flu day at City Hall... everyone call in sick for one day. (Minus public safety folks) How in the world can that man walk through those halls and see the rank and file employee that knows what just took place. Oh, and in my mind, Char Melson is a hero. She couldnt stomach it and she voted NO. BRAVO. GET OUTRAGED PEOPLE!!!
Mayor Bower stated last night that Mahesh is acknowledged by cities all over the state. One of his points was that Mahesha mentors Department heads and, in fact, one moved on to be City Manager and another to County Administrator. I am glad that these 2 were able to better themselves but if Mahesha is truly responsible, it is counter productive to this city. He is training Department heads to move to better jobs outside of Raytown. This is creating a turnover in staff and these department heads have to be replaced. This is not sound reasoning for a pay increase.
It was also stated, I forget if by Mayor Bower or Alderman Azier, that is Mahesh moved to Raytown, his house would HAVE to be sold at a loss due to market conditions. This is not logical. Whay does the house HAVE to be sold? There are other options such as leaving it vacant, renting it, or even living in Raytown and letting his family occupy it. I bought my house in Raytown before moving here and then putting my other house on the market after I moved. I have purchased another house which I will be moving to. After I move, I will sell my house in Raytown. I can't understand the logic given for allowing Mahesh not to live in Raytown. We now have a man running the city who has no clue what it is like to live in Raytown.
Everyone, please remember the votes on this issue at the next election. If Charlotte Melson was in my ward, she would have my vote. The others including the Mayor have lost my vote. I sure hope there are strong opponents to the candidates.
I was going to run for Mayor last time because there was no viable opposition. But after Bill Van Buskirk filed, I felt he was a strong opponent and would have supported him. Then Bill dropped out for medical reasons after the filing deadline.
Andy Whiteman
Could someone in the know tell me if Judge Fann gets health insurance paid for by the city and if not, why? I'll be watching for an answer.
5:41 PM, I don't know but suggest you check or ask the city clerk.
BTW, I would like to see a qualified person run against Judge Fann but doubt that will ever happen because the requirement to hold the judge's position is to be a licensed attorney or take a State judge class and pass a test. Any good licensed attorney can easily make more in one month than the Judge is paid for one year.
Andy Whiteman
I am speechless, everyday I work for the city I feel more and more like a peon. I sweat my butt off everyday just so my paycheck can be smaller than last year. I don't want to hear that I am lucky I have a job. Very few of you would work outside eight hours a day for what I make. I am told that the city can not pay anymore for my insurance, that I need to pick up the slack. I am told there is no money for pay increases. Then low and behold, Mahesh gets a raise bigger than my yearly pay.
I guess the moral of the story is this, lead people on, let them think you are going to do something until it is to late. Act like you are a nice guy while all along you are thinking of ways to take away their benefits. Do what I say, not what I do. How are any of us suppose to take this guy seriously. If you promise to move into the City, then do it!
Looking for a new job!
8:37PM, Thank you for your service. You probably could find an indoor job for the same or better pay. Aldi had a job ad for interviews on the 17th. They run the ad every few months. As I remember the pay is around $10 or $11 per hour and supervisors make an additional $3 or $4 while supervising.
As I said last night, city workers do not make a living wage and do hard work. I support higher wages for city workers who are not tie wearing chair warmers. I just posted that on an Alderperson's Face Book page.
It sure angers me when the budget is short, there are no funds to increase the real workers wages, and the top executive gets a 30% wage increase plus future increases and he still refuses to move to Raytown! Its like biting the hand that feeds you.
Andy Whiteman
I know that the Chief of Police, Jim Lynch, gets health insurance benefits. Don't know if the Judge does or not. They are both elected so it makes sense that they would both receive them.
I wonder if the City Collector receives health benefits.
The city clerk should have all those answers if anyone wants to check.
Alderman White I can't believe what comes out of your mouth. Why not take time to discuss Alderman Van Buskirk's admendment. Listen Toots this is my tax money you are spending. What's more important your time or my money? You are suppose to represent the people and in my book you are doing a p--- poor job in my book.
What's really sad about Super Splash is that in this hottest of summers in a long, long time, it does not make a profit! Check it out. It is public information. The Park Board has the numbers. I believe it is the ONLY water park that loses money in the area.
I wonder why.
Probably because the same guys that control the purse strings at City Hall and give out $30,000 pay increases also decides who sits on the Park Board.
No wonder it's such a mess!
I am ashamed and embarrassed for what has
happened this week and in the last several years.
I am ashamed that Raytown's everyday hard workers
have been shunned away from getting fair raises. I
am embarrassed that our elected officials have
forgotten how hard these people work for us.
I'm ashamed that they would hand out a thirty
percent pay increase to one hired employee
and not the others. I was told the other day
how much the CA had done for Raytown. It's called
doing his job!
I know for a fact the rest of the city employees have done
just as good at their job as he has. I was also told
that his raise was based more on keeping in line
with other towns our size. OK elected officials,
it's time to step up and do the right thing.
Give every hired city employee a decent pay increase!
Let's keep their pay scale in line too.
If not, it's time for the people of Raytown to stand
up and show our hired employees how we appreciate them
and vote out every elected official that comes
up for re-election.
7:36 AM, I think with a 9-1 vote and what was said, the decision was made in closed session; hence any discussion would not be listened to. I agreed with Mr. Van Buskirk's amendment since the CA is a contracted employee, as are all department heads. When one alderman pretends stupidy and others seem not to understand; why waste the time arguing? The issue was predecided and I bet the amendment was decided in closed session too. I doubt it was new to the discussion at all.
In my opinion it was all decided on closed session and then presented in public session just to comply with law.
I question what will the BOA do when our DEDICATED city workers who don't receive a living wage decide to find a better job or all call out sick on a day like this? There may be a time when there are no city workers to remove snow in the winter or emergency sewer or street repairs in the summer!
Andy Whiteman
Not all, but some of the high paid city officials are laughing on their way to the bank. They know the BOA will not stand up to them and they believe they can count on the public's apathy to protect them like a warm blanket.
Some of us should really consider making a difference in Raytown and sweep the whole buch of them out of office.
10:16 PM, Agreed, but they may be voted out ONLY is there is a strong opponent. The voter turnout for a city election is so low (around 20% or less) so these Aldermen or the Mayor are reelected by friends, church groups, other groups, and mostly my apathetic voters who won't get out of their chairs to go out and vote. So it is easier said than done. I feel we would have voted out the Mayor if Bill Van Buskirk had stayed in the race. I don't blame Bill for putting his health first.
Andy Whiteman
I want to thank the Republican controled Board of Alderman for handing out $30,000 to Mahesh.
I have heard several of those on the Board of Alderman who actually care about our city are out at night and on the weekend driving around an finding code violations that by soem odd reason cannot be spotted by our fine city employees.
It seems they should make Mahesh earn that raise by going our and riding with them so he can see first had the condition he has our town in and maybe in private he will own up that he really doesn't want to live in the ghetto he helped to create.
I bet if the city would require these little ride alongs with the elected officals are department heads would step up and do the right thing...
...This is Raytown and it will never happen as our elected officials don't represent the voters they represent those that work at city hall, which is why we are all in a world of hurt!
From what I have observed, I thought that uppers staff ran the Board. Remember cats have staff and dogs have masters.
Andy Whiteman.
Several years I was on the BOA and there a couple of people who said that the employees did not deserve a pay raise. I asked to see what the city was paying these people. I was astounded to find out that most of these city workers who are the ones who really keep our city running were below poverty level. In this day and age that is uncalled for. I know that they have gotten raises sense then but so have expenses increased so what makes us think they are not still in or close to proverty level. Our city was having money problems then as we are now(thanks to Walmart) at least they are using that as an excuse to not give our men and women in our offices and on the streets raises. OH, but it's ok to give a man who is suppose to live here by now a raise I don't think so.
If I worked for the city of Raytown I would organize a sick out for 30 days and see how this city could get along without us. Yes, I know we could lose our jobs but there our people are good workers and I feel they could get a job in any number of citys around us. I know for a fact, we could do very well without the City Administrater easier than they can without our people on the street. I don't understand why this BOA and mayor thinks the ordinances don't apply to everyone.
Does anyone know what company owns the white trash trucks with no company name? They are too clean for trash trucks and the only wording on it is, "KEEP YOUR CITY CLEAN. At first I thought it was a city truck because it looked like the type and wording used by other cities but Raytown doesn't have trash trucks.
I called City Hall to see if they have a business license but with no name, there is no way to check. They seem suspicious to me since there is no company name.
Andy Whiteman
8:30PM, I agree with you about city workers being paid below poverty level. They should receive a living wage. I think a wage increase of 30% across the board is in order.
I know of 2 of our city workers who went to other cities. I was sad to see them go, but if Raytown won't pay a decent wage, I don't blame them for going elsewhere. Most people don't think about it, but our city workers have skills that could be used in private business and not just other city government. Obviously they can work almost anywhere.
I could imagine a sick out on these very hot days or the worst blizzard. Honestly that type of weather makes me sick.
Andy Whiteman
It is time for a new Mayor it is time for Mary Jane
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