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Greg Walters |
He Said, She Said . . . BY GREG WALTERS
The on-going debate over
the management of Super Splash was turned up a notch at the last City Council
Park Director Kevin Boji
began the meeting by providing a letter signed by three Assistant Managers at
Super Splash. The letter is a blanket denial
Patrons and a number of
life guards from Super Splash were on hand as well – reiterating their
complaints of inadequate staffing, bullying, serious allegations on health and
safety practices at the pool and extended
hours without breaks. Also on hand at the meeting were three television news
stations – all of which broadcast the news stories that evening.
Paul Livius has done an
excellent job of documenting what was said at the meeting. (Those sections in Paul's Report about Super Splash are bold faced.)
What is obvious from
watching the meeting is that there is a definite need for both sides to get
past the accusation stage and begin holding real conversations on how to solve
any problems at Super Splash.
If Boji’s position is
accurate, then why is there such a grand conspiracy to spread heinous lies and
misinformation about the operation of Super Splash?
The last meeting saw
nearly an hour of public comment from patrons and staff of the pool. They were
all limited to five minutes each in speaking time. It is hard to
accept that some of their complaints are not without merit.
In fact, some of the items brought forward by lifeguards and their supporters have been addressed. According to testimony given by Park Board Director Kevin Boji, it was found that first aid supplies and other emergency equipment were lacking. Boji told the Board of Aldermen the supplies have now been re-stocked.
Had the people not come forward and told of the broken equipment it leaves one to wonder if the problem would have addressed in a timely manner. After all, Super Splash has been open for for a month and a half. One would hope that emergency equipment was check more frequently than once every 90 days.
Alderman Bill VanBuskirk noted that many participants of a survey complained of people swimming with their underwear exposed. He was told that the dress code is "hard to enforce".
Which begs the question. Does that mean that the dress code will not be enforced?
The City of Raytown is paying a tremendous amount of money for Midwest Pool Management to manage Super Splash. They should expect that the city's laws and park rules be enforced as written.
Being told that situations are "hard to enforce" is not an acceptable answer.
Midwest Pool Management personnel testified that they had not received any complaints prior to the June 19th meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen.
Yet, city records show private individuals publicly testified that they had taken their grievances directly to Park Board Director Kevin Boji on more than one occasion. Boji testified that he met with Midwest Pool Management on a "once or twice a week" basis since the pool opened.
From watching the meeting it was very clear that the City Council’s
policy of not allowing discussion between advocates from the public and Council
members is proving to be a useless rule that only creates frustration an
paints and image of the City Council as aloof and uncaring
of the public’s concerns.
Until this veil of
secrecy is removed from the operating procedure of City Council meetings, look
for the lack of communication to increase the amount of public uproar over the
operation of Super Splash.
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Paul Livius |
Raytown Board of Aldermen
July 3, 2012 BY PAUL LIVIUS
Mayor Protem Michael Lightfoot called the meeting to order and Alderman Shane ParDue gave the invocation.
Please note that there were many residents who addressed the Board of
Aldermen at this meeting. Every effort
was made to correctly identify each speaker, but if I misspelled anyone’s name,
I apologize in advance.
- Amy Weaver told the Board the situation at Super Splash was worse this week and it was two weeks ago. She said last Sunday, Super Splash opened with 10 Life Guard instead of 21. One of the Life Guard fainted. Her mother had to take her to the hospital. She told the Board that at the YMCA, children must pass a swim test to go down the slides. She thinks Super Splash should have a swim test, especially at Jackson Hole, which is 12 feet deep. She saw a child go down the slide and needed to be saved because he couldn’t swim. Life Guards have told her the manager, Eric, told them they would be fired if they came and spoke at the Board meeting. Last Saturday, her 12-year-old daughter was dunked and groped by an 18-year-old man. When she told Eric about it, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.
- Mayor Protem Lightfoot told resident there should be no personal attacks. No one should be addressed or talked about by name. He asked the comments be kept general. (Editor's Note: For the record, we have monitored the last two City Council meetings. There have not been ANY personal attacks by ANY speakers -- period. As for naming individuals during testimony -- this is public comment -- the City does not have the authority to instruct what may or may not be said by any individual addressing the Board of Aldermen. If there are individuals named to enlighten the Board of a situation -- how else will Board members be made aware of the grievance?
- Caleb Schmidt said he has been a Life Guard for the past 4 years. There were several things wrong with the new management company. One – management used intimidating techniques and singled people out for ridicule. Two – the employees have had no in-service training. More than half the experienced Life Guards have left and the new Life Guards are inexperienced. Three – Last Sunday, Eric was talking to one of the Life Guard about the rules at a slide. Eric told the Life Guard to look at him and not the water. The Life Guard took his eyes off the water, and a child started to drown. The Life Guard ignored Eric and pulled the child out of the water. Four – Super Splash is under staffed. Last Sunday they opened with 10 Life Guards. This was not the first time the park had opened under staffed. Five – Untrained pool attendants are at the top of the slides. Last Sunday, the pool attendant allowed a mother and infant child to go down Jackson Hole slide together. We watched the mother struggle to keep her and her child’s head above water. Six – management has messed up the chemicals so bad that the baby pool had to be closed so they could get the chemical to a safe level.
- Andy Whiteman told the Board he was shocked, appalled, outraged and disgusted with the problems at Super Splash. The City could be open to State and Federal violations and/or civil lawsuits if the allegations are correct. He suggested Super Splash be closed down immediately until all issues are corrected.
- Jurite Estes said she spoke to the Board two weeks ago and nothing has changed. Her daughter has been retaliated against. The managers at Super Splash threw her lunch around the break room. Last Sunday, the pool opened with 10 lifeguards. Who in the City has the authority to go to the pool and say, “This is not right. This needs to be fixed”? She was told Kevin Boji would be at Super Splash on Sunday. Every Life Guards she talked to said no one from the city came to the pool. On Sunday, a little boy fell and cut his head open. No one called the paramedics. The Adventure Oasis Life Guards who had come over to help out did not blow the emergency whistle. The blood spill was not cleaned up. She believes there is still a public safety issue. The Life Guards are fed up and they could quit tomorrow. They want to keep the pool open. They want the city to continue to collect the revenue. The management needs to change.
- Matt Calivitch said he is a former Life Guards and manager at Super Splash. Has worked at the Red Cross as an examiner for the last 4 years. He has helped out at Super Splash the last 2-3 years as a Red Cross examiner. Last Friday, he tried to pay the entrance fee to the park and was told he was a trouble maker. He said this was the first time he had come to the park to play and swim and didn’t know why he had been singled out.
- Jasmine Tyler told the Board on Wednesday, June 27, the pool opened with 9 Life Guard. The pool attendants were put at the top of three slides. She said there was one day when concession stand employees were at the top of the slides. The problem with that is they are not trained in CPR. On Thursday, June 28, Super Splash opened with 11 Life Guard. Saturday, June 30, the pool closed with 9 Life Guard. There have been many days when staff from Adventure Oasis has come to Super Splash to help out. Another problem they have is broken equipment. The Life Guards have “seal easy” which is used to administer breaths when doing CPR. These are all broken. She asked the Board how the Life Guards were supposed to administer CPR if they are broke. She told the Board the Adventure Oasis staff have had 6 in-service training sessions and Super Splash has had none.
- Ida Johnson has been a Life Guard at Super Splash for 3 years. At the pool opening meeting, they were told they now had “big boy and big girl jobs” and they were “servants to the customers”. She told the Board she was a college student and didn’t appreciate being talked down to in that way. She was scheduled to work ½ day on opening day. She ended up working a full day because everything was out of control. She had to work the baby pool for 40 minutes without a break. By law, Life Guard are required to wear shirts. Last Sunday, an Adventure Oasis Life Guard was working at Super Splash without a shirt. She told a manager she would get the Life Guard a shirt and the manager said he’d be ok.
- At this point, Mayor Pro Tem reminded the speakers one more time to not address people by name. Speakers can make general comments only.
- Collin Sibbit said last Wednesday while working at the top of the slide, he witnessed a Life Guard fall to a sitting position and nearly pass out. He blew his whistle to alert the head Life Guard and shut down the slide. Management sent he unassisted to the break room and then sent her home. He told the board that one time he was sent to pick up another Life Guard and bring him to work. After he returned, he was not allowed to eat his lunch.
- Patrick Malm works concessions. He complained Super Splash management come in the kitchen to check the registers. They do not oversee the kitchens or the concession staff. They are not allowed in the kitchens.
- Zachary Colontsilto works at Super Splash. He reported to the board the back boards are broken. He told the Board the back boards are used if someone had a neck or spinal injury. Three weeks ago he was on break and was notified someone had passed out. He explained to the Board that this could be a serious situation because someone could hit their head when they fell. He grabbed the trauma bag and ran to the pool. The manager took his time getting to the woman who passed out. Two weeks ago, he was told he needed to study for a test. He wasn’t allowed to take the study guide home. He was expected to study during the 10 – 15 minute breaks he got once or twice a day. He was finally given a study guide 2 days before the test and was told there would be 60 questions. After he took the test, he asked the manager how he did and was told there were 7 questions on the test that were for managers and not Life Guard.
- Derek Wicks is a Life Guard at Super Splash. When he hired on, he was told he could work 60 hours a week. Later, he was told he could only work 40 and would be fired if he worked overtime. He said they call me in every morning to work because they are short of Life Guards.
Mahesh Sharma reported the Raytown Christian Churches will again
provide lunches for low income children while school is out for the
summer. Last year, City Hall worked 2
hours on the project. Mr. Sharma also
told the Board Kyle Stoker, Ballistics Department Crime Analyst, will provide a
brief presentation at the Board meeting on August 14.
Alderman Mock asked all residents to check on their elderly neighbors
during the heat wave. There are 2
cooling centers in town; the YMCA and the Public Library. He also said a Raytown resident, Maurice
Betchel, would be competing in the 2012 Track and Field Olympics in London.
Alderman Ertz reported that in early afternoon on Tuesday, July 3, a
power surge caused a power outage. Due
to unusually high water usage and the pump being out, the Raytown Water Company
asked for emergency water restrictions so there would be water in case of a fire
or other disaster. Due to the low water
pressure conditions, KCMO water issued a boil advisory. He said the boil advisory was not mandatory,
just recommended.
Alderman Van Buskirk said the annual National Field Day with the Armature
Radio Club was from 1:00 pm on Saturday, June 30 to 1:00 pm on Sunday, July
1. They transmit all around the nation
and the world to see how many transmissions can be made. He would like to thank them for the work they
do. It is invaluable help in case of an
emergency situation.
Alderman Melson reported to the Board the Raytown Arts Council will be
putting on “Cinderella” at Raytown South High School on July 13-14-15. The tickets can be purchased at the Raytown
Hy-Vee. She said in memory of Blaire,
Michelle and Brian DeMoss are asking that all Raytown Residents refrain from
using guns as part of the 4th of July Celebrations.
Kevin Boji came before the Board during a work session with his
Response to Super Splash Operational Inquiries.
He told the Board public safety if the Park’s number one priority. Super Splash is operated in a professional
manner with competent and qualified staff.
Employees are respectful, friendly and work hard to provide a family
friendly park for patrons. The staff and
management are ready to answer any questions and are ready to provide a safe
swimming environment. From June 12 to
June 17, Midwest Pool Management conducted patron surveys. Two hundred ninety-six surveys showed that
overall, patrols are pleased with their experience. MPM and the Park Board expected a difficult
transition to the new policies and procedures.
Unhappy staff can request reassignment to other MPM facilities or they
can quit. MPM is committed to providing
a safe environment for employees and patrons.
He said there were time clock issues, but the employees were paid fairly
and on time. The staff were paid at the
rate on their employment agreement and they clock in and out on MPM's 1-800
phone system. The hour and time sheets
are verified by MPM staff. MPM pays Life
Guard, managers pool attendants and swim lesson staff. The City pays concession and front gate
staff. The staff is provided an employee
hand book and are required to undergo thorough training before and after the
pool was opened. The required training
includes CPR and first aid, blood born pathogens policy, general safety
procedures, severe weather procedures, city and state harassment policies and
harassment due to age, sex, race, national origin or sexual orientation. Discrimination will not be tolerated. If an employee thinks he or she is harassed
or discriminated against, they should go to their supervisor. If they are uncomfortable with going to their
supervisor, they should go to the City’s Human Resource department. He told the Board they had asked last week
about the terms of cancelling the contract with MPM. It is possible with written notice in the
event of substantial failure of the either party to perform in accordance to
the terms of the contract. MPM has on
staff 65 life guards, 7 managers and 13 pool attendants.
Alderman Lightfoot asked Mr. Boji if Super Splash has opened this year
without the appropriate number of life guards.
Mr. Boji said that in the early days, the pool opened when short
staffed. In that case, certain areas of
the facility were closed until the correct number of staff was present.
Alderman White said there have been several complaints about employees
not having enough time to clock out of one job and clock into another. Is there a problem with the payroll? She was told that last week, MPM issued 1,100
paychecks and 15 checks had problems.
Alderman Mock asked if the slide attendants had to be certified life
guards. He was told there is a pool
attendant at the top of the slide and a certified life guard at the
bottom. Alderman Mock said it sounds
like these problems have been going on for some time and he was glad they came
to the Board meeting to let them know there was a problem.
Alderman Par due asked if Super Splash ever operated with less life
guards than required by law. He was told
there was no law requiring any number of life guards, on the industry standard,
which is determined by the type of pool.
Alderman Creamer asked how many formal grievances had been filed with
MPM. He was told there were none. The staff has chosen to air their grievances
before the Board. The problems started
the day before the June park board meeting and MPM thinks there are some hidden
agendas. Every time the staff goes
before the Board of Alderman or the Park Board, they keep adding complaints.
Alderman Van Buskirk said the survey indicated there was a problem with
patron dress code. He was told the dress
code was hard to enforce.
Alderman Hamilton said there have been allegations about the lack of
availability of gloves and proper equipment.
He was told MPM was not aware of any supply problems. They heard about it for the first time at the
last Board meeting. The next day, the
supplies were checked and properly stocked.
Under the consent agenda, the Board approved the appointment of Mary
Jane Van Buskirk to the Council on Aging.
Before the vote, Alderman Van Buskirk asked to be recused.
The board passed a resolution amending the Fiscal Year
2011-2012 budget by authorizing $47,800.00 for a storm sewer installation on
property located at the vicinity of 9628 E. 350 Highway. Andy Noll told the Board this was because
storm water keeps backing up in the old Laurel Lanes building. The new owner needs the sewer fixed so he can
put in a sports center.
The Board passed an ordinance granting a conditional
use permit to operate a Financial Institution on property located at 7314
Raytown Road.
The Board heard the
first reading of an ordinance establishing
a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest for certain municipal
officials in the City of Raytown. Teresa
Henry told the Board this is just a housekeeping issue and they pass this
ordinance every year. Alderman Melson
made a motion to suspend the rules and have the second reading that night. The Board heard the second reading and passed
the Ordinance.
Fit Bottomed Girls
I’m no chef. In fact, cooking is a chore to me. Like I wish I could be a
morning person, I so wish I loved to cook. But I cook because I have
to, and in doing so, have a few tasty but easy recipes up my sleeve. Who
doesn’t need another chicken recipe? (Well, maybe vegetarians. But you
know what I’m sayin’.)
Super... Continue reading
LOT FOR SALE!!! Have any of you noticed that Knabe's Swamp at 79th and Spring Valley has a real estate sign on it? This eye sore has been a nuisance to the surrounding property owners for years. The city has never required him to maintain this property to current city codes. We can all guess why?? If Mr. Knabe were a civic minded individual he would donate it to the city as a "pocket park". I can't imagine what else it could ever be used for. But since Knabe no longer lives in Raytown he probably could really care less.
Knabe would even get a tax write off if he donated it. But would the city accept it?
A neighor or neighbors could buy it and then they could control what happens at theat property.
The Super Splash issue sounds like a cover up in my opinion. Pretend that it doesn't exist and it will go away. It may work or it may turn into Federal violations and multiple lawsuits. Remember even though there is a contractor, the city is the property owner.
At least the complainants came to the BOA first before filing Federal complaints. The BOA should do a full investigation and not accept Mr. Boji's and the contractor's word that no problem exists!
Andy Whiteman
Was really surprised to hear about the financial problems the Raytown Fire Protection District is having, but glad they seem to have headed them off for now (thanks to a little boost from the feds).
Also, anyone who believes the Obama Phone thing from last week's thread? Quit believing everything that comes down the pike. Please? For the good of the country.
If Rush says it... It is true just ask Rush.
What a true all American Rush is and what leadership he provides our children.
You really question the obama phone? Shame on you!
Check out what Snopes has to say about the Obama phone.
I wonder if Knabe is selling his vacant Coldwell Banker building as well. That's the one his buddy the Mayor got him a property tax on.
I wonder if the tax abatement the city gave the (now) vacant building is transferable?
Maybe the Mayor can sell it to one of his buddies.
It is nice to see all the questions about Super Splash, but where are the questions and comments from Jim Azier.
Being Jim Azier likes to brag about what a great swim coach he is he should be the one member on the board with the best knowlege of what safety or issues are at Super Splash.
Alderman Azier where are you and why as a swim coach are you not looking out for our childern at Super Splash?
I guess Kevin Boji has never heard of a wrongful death lawsuit or that not only would the city be named in one but him too as the failed parks director who cannot seem to manage the issues at the pool.
We can all be thankful that this has not happened, but based on what I read this week on this blog it seems we are on borrowed time if changes are not made ASAP.
10:10AM, Agreed. The BOA better CYA this one because the city is in danger of BIG lawsuits. As I stated to the BOA, attorneys sue all involved, not one person, and let the court decide liability. I wouldn't be surprised if board member were sued personally for failure to take action.
Andy Whiteman
Scranton mayor slashes pay for all city workers—including police and firefighters—to minimum wage
Wow, watch at Raytown PD. You could be next.
If the Fascist Fief slashed wages to minimum wage, I would expect the workers to stop working. Minimum wage is NOT a living wage. I worked for minimum wage only once in my life when I was in High School.
If I could work, I would be losing money just getting to and from work at minimum wage. BTW There are cities and states that have a higher minimum wage than the federal minimum wage.
Andy Whiteman
I was driving along 79th street today when I noticed a lot of dead and half dead trees between Hedges and Hardy. I also noticed this is where new sidewalks have been built. These trees are between the street and sidewalk. It should be on the city to remove these trees and not the homeowners. If I remember right the trees were fine before the sidewalk was put in. This could be another wrongful death since the cities contractor killed these trees.
Glad to see the old Jeep dealership building down. Progress
9:34 PM, I haven't walked that area in years but agree it was dangerous and sidewalks were needed. I doubt the city will handle the dead trees. It is really stupid to have a sidewalk built back from the street because it causes extra maintenance issues of watering and mowing. Also the tree roots will crack and raise the sidewalk. I lived on 74th near Holmes with sidewalks like that and they were a real nuisance.
In KCMO, the city will not handle the tree work even though they planted them. If the contractor killed the trees on 79th, he should handle the situation and plant new trees to replace them.
Andy Whiteman
I just listened to Kevin Boji read straight from the Policy and Procedure Manual for Super Splash and that was considered a "report" to the BOA? He never once addressed specific allegations that HE as Director should be accountable for. Instead he quickly turned to the Supervisor from the Pool Management Company to answer some of the questions by the BOA. It is Mr Boji's responsibility to make sure that the Super Splash Employee's not only understand the Manual but have been trained in all aspects of Emergency situations. Did the BOA actually do any sort of research on Midwest Pool Management before offering them the contract? Did they happen to check the Missouri Court System to see how many times they have had Personal Injury Lawsuits brought against them???? SEVERAL!!!
It might seem like progress that the old Jeep dealershipd is gone, but they are going to build another gas station.
How many gas stations can Raytown really keep open.
Come on we need family friendly business. You know places to take the family, but again no one values families anymore.
Boji's reading is part of the David Bower transparency plan. As quietly and quickly as possible sweep your ugly business under the carpet and move on like the problem is solved.
The Bower plan includes hope that those complaining will lose heart and give up the fight. If you walk away from the fight now they will have won.
Has anyone heard any estimate of how many millions of dollars Raytown businesses took in from All Star baseball fans? I never saw any difference in crowds around town, but I did not expect to.
There were businesses in Raytown that benefited (with $$$$'s) from the All-Star game. It just so happens that I work for one of those that did. There are some people that would be negative no matter what, are your lives really that miserable? Or, are you just that bitter toward Raytown for whatever reason?
Free Cell phones (AKA OBAMA PHONE):
If business in Raytown real made money from the All Star Game they need to prove it by providing the facts to show they actually made a profit.
As it stands from driving around over the days corresponding to the All Star Game Raytown didn't gain anything.
3:24PM, I am pleased that a business made $$$$ from the All Star game. There were plenty of people here with $$$$$ to spend which was pretty obvious since tickets were NOT cheap. The game and other events were a big boost for the whole metro economy.
I feel that Raytown needs a good quality motel to attract even more people. I know of only one motel in the city of Raytown and it appears to be a one star motel.
Andy Whiteman
Thanks, Andy. Your post pretty much ends the debate on the Obama Phone. It IS for real. And I would bet that most of the people reading this blog are not eligible to get one. I also bet that most of the people reading this blog are PAYING for others to get one! That's strikes at my main reason for abandoning the Democratic Party and voting Republican this year.
Ihave had enough!
I will support the new Hyvee gas station. Just what kind of family business do you think we need?
7:46AM, You are welcome. This tax which everyone must pay has annoyed me since it started. Look at you phone bill---it started out as $5 per month but is now much more--outrageous!!
It started years ago under a previous administration but somehow became called the Obama Phone. I wonder why? I suspect it is a political thing to get votes for the Dictator.
Andy Whiteman
AT the next BOA meeting is a resolution to renew the contract of Mahesh Sharma. Included in the web packet which no one is suppose to see are 2 amendments
1) His salary is $137,000 per year.
2) He is exempt from residing in Raytown for as long as he is employed by the city.
This is outrageous. Mahesha should be required to live in Raytown just so he will know what living conditions here are really like and can suffer along with the rest of us.
Andy Whiteman
Raytown residents, please take a minutes a look at the upcoming agenda packet for the Board of Aldermen meeting on July 17th. Our wonderful elected officials are renewing their contract with the City Adminstrator, which is probably a good thing. However, they are deleting any language about residency requirements and are raising his salary to 137,000. This is coming after a budget year that did not give raises to the employees that actual are on the streets: filling potholes, chasing loose animals and protecting us while we sleep. I engourage you to ask your Aldermen how this seems fair. How do you explain this to the people who are footing the bill? I would rather see the Police Dept. given a raise, we all know that they are very busy trying to do their jobs.
I suggest you watch your bill. When I renew, I do so with a live person on the phone and write down the expiration date. When the bill comes, the expiration date is way early (about 1 month), so I call them. Each of the last 2 times they took one day off the expiration they told me when I call them. I questioned why? I was told that I received a bonus edition. This time I asked what a bonus edition was? The response was, "There were extra ads in the paper." I stated that I didn't ask for extra ads and anyway, the advertisers should pay, not me. They gave me a credit both times, but since it happens every time, I wonder how many people are being overcharged and don't question it? Those who have auto pay would never know the difference.
Andy Whiteman
Dear Mr. Walters:
I am submitting this little bit of information that I have received through some anonymous sources at City Hall. I was told that at Tuesday’s meeting there will be a discussion and vote on giving Mr. Sharma a $30,000.00 a year raise and abolishing the residency requirement for his position. I felt like giving you this information because you are a fair and respected voice in this community, and this kind of ludicrous action should not be allowed. Again this is coming to you anonymously do to the strict confidential means by which this information was obtained. It would mean a lot to me and I am sure all of your respected viewers and contributors that this be addressed and investigated.
Thank you for your time and diligent efforts in helping our fair city.
Might I just say, I watched the posting from Andy and I never saw or heard that there is an Obama phone.
I heard there is a phone for low income households.
I guess just like those crazy emails about Obama we have individuals posting on this blog.
I guess they understand that Raytown has a bunch of fools who just cannot seem to get their facts right.
Thank you Snopes for your heard work to educate the silly folks of Raytown.
Here are some links for anyone who wants to get a FREE OBAMA PHONE...
Please don't forget the free Liberty Lunch and mini-rally for volunteers and potential volunteers for Ed Emery's state senate race -- today at noon.
You don't have to be a resident of Cass County to help. If you agree that's it's time to dust off the Constitution and make government actually follow it again, then you'll want to meet Ed. And if you agree that Missouri's ranking of 49th in entrepreneurial activity and dead last ranking in job creation can best be solved by a return to true free market principles and elimination of opportunity-stealing cronyism and bureaucratic regulation, then you'll want to meet Ed.
Freedom isn't Free, but lunch with Ed Emery at Ryan's Restaurant in Raymore is, at least today it is. Please join us. (This is NOT a fundraiser -- you will not be asked for money.)
WHAT: Liberty Lunch Rally for volunteers and potential volunteers to the Ed Emery for Missouri Senate campaign
WHEN: Saturday, July 14 at Noon - 2:00 pm
WHERE: Ryan's Restaurant in Raymore --1918 West Foxwood Drive -- Raymore, MO 64083 -- (816) 322-7543
Please feel free to call me or email if you have any questions.
For Liberty,
- Ron Calzone (573) 368-1344
Who is Ed Emery and why would ANYONE reading this blog care about his race for public office? If you want to move to Raymore then do it, but let's stay out of Cass county politics.
It appears that the Raytown Report's audience is growing. That can be a good thing for Raytown. Particularly if city hall were to clean up its act.
I was wondering about the Raymore meeting myself. After 11:18PM's post, I realized it may be because we have city officials living in that area. They should live in Raytown. I conclude the post is either directed at them or by one of them.
Andy Whiteman
It is great to see the Tea Party is out and about in Raytown.
The question is why are they pushing us to help in Raymore.
Maybe in the haste to spred hate they got the Ray in Raymore mixed up with the Ray in Raytown.
I just hope the Tea Party can find the love in their hearts and the education in the sole to research facts before speeking as if they have no clue as to what is real.
12:10PM, There is some confusion between Raytown and Raymore.
I couldn't find myself in the Raytown phone book. After I couldn't find anything in Raytown, I looked at the cover and realized they had delivered a Raymore phone book!
The City Attorney represents both Raytown and Raymore. At one BOA meeting he referred to us as "Raymore."
Andy Whiteman
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