Candidates endorsed are: Susan Dolan, Janet Emerson, Lisa Emerson, Jason Greene, Sandra Hartwell, Richard Koop, Robbie Tubbs and Greg Walters.
The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – March 18, 2014
the start of the meeting, Mayor Bower apologized and said there was a problem
with the broadcast of the meeting. He
said they were working with Comcast to rectify the problem. He assured everyone the meeting will be
rebroadcast at a later date.
the study session, Brenda Gustafson, the Public Information Officer, told the
Board she was working on Integrated Strategic Communications. One thing she is working to accomplish is to
bring the business and liquor license communities to feel they are a part of
the city. She has been giving them
information about the city and holding “lunch and learn” meetings are the
Chamber of Commerce. She has developed a
community wide event calendar. A committee
of 15 clubs, churches, businesses and the school district has met with Vicky
Turnbow of the Chamber of Commerce to put this together. It can be found at
She said that thanks to Alderman Greene, the City is once again putting
the Board of Aldermen meetings on YouTube.
Alderman Mock asked her how the City is reaching out to senior
citizens. Ms. Gustafson said she has
reached out to Shepherd Center to see what is helpful. She would like to see more seniors involved
and become volunteers.
The Board passed a resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds for audio-visualequipment and
supplies from Digital Ally, Inc. Captain
Michelle Rogers told the Board the old cameras would be traded in for a refund.The
Police Department maintains an operational Audio/Video recording unit in
eachmarked police unit. These units record the interaction of officers with the
public. Theserecordings are used for determining employee compliance with
current policies as well as torecord video evidence regarding traffic offenses
and other significant events. Audio and videorecordings have proved invaluable
when reviewing employee and citizen conduct with regard tocomplaints and
adherence to policies. A newer updated system utilizing updated hardware
andsoftware is available and in fiscal year 2013 seven marked police vehicles
were upgraded withthe new system. Approving this resolution will allow the
Police Department to upgrade theremaining nine marked police vehicles with the
new system.
The Board passeda resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2014 FordF-150 truck from Dick Smith Ford.The
Public Works Department needs to replace an aging Ford F-450 truck andafter
reviewing the tasks the vehicle will perform, the Public Works staff has
determined thatit should be replaced with an F-150 pickup truck. The smaller
truck will perform the dutiesneeded and will cost less to operate than a
replacement F-450 sized truck. The truck will bepurchased and have safety
lighting and safety rack installed by the City Maintenance Staff.The cost for
the truck is $20,621.00 and the cost for the related safety equipment
is$1,142.00 from Garon Marketing for a total replacement cost of $21,763.00.
Staff requestsauthority to spend up to $22,000.00 for possible costs increase
in lighting and signage. Once the
replacement vehicle is placed in service a resolution will come before the
board todeem the existing F-450 as surplus equipment and if approved the F-450
will be disposed ofutilizing an on-line auction.
The Board passeda resolution authorizing and approving the purchase of a 2014 FordF-550 truck from Dick
Smith Ford.The Public Works Department needs to replace an aging Ford F-450
truck andafter reviewing the tasks the vehicle will perform Public Works staff
has determined that itshould be replaced with a Ford F-550. The truck will be
purchased as a cab and chassis.The truck will then be sent to American
Equipment for the installation of hydraulics, truckbed, salt spreader, snow
plow, and safety lighting. The cost for the cab and chassis is$34,533.00 and
the cost for the related equipment from American Equipment is $40,126.00for a
total replacement cost of $74,659.00. Staff
requests authority to spend up to$75,000.00 for any possible costs increases. Once the replacement vehicle is placed in
service a resolution will come before the board todeem the existing F-450 as
surplus equipment and, if approved, the F-450 will be disposed ofutilizing an
on-line auction.
The Board passeda resolution authorizing and approving the purchase of a 2014 Ford F-150 truck from
Dick Smith.The Development & Public Affairs Department needs to replace an
aging Dodge Dakotatruck and after reviewing the tasks the vehicle will perform,
Development & PublicAffairsDepartment, in coordination with the Public
Works staff, has determined that it should be replacedwith a Ford F-150. The
truck will be purchased and have safety lighting installed by the
Citymaintenance staff. The cost for the truck is $22,817.00 and the cost for
the related safetyequipment is $1,018.00 from Garon Marketing for a total
replacement cost of $23,835.00. Staffrequests authority to spend up to
$24,000.00 for any possible costs increases.
Once the replacement vehicle is placed in service a resolution will come
before the board to deem theexisting Dodge Dakota as surplus equipment and if
approved the Dodge Dakota will be disposed ofutilizing an on-line auction.
The Board heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing an agreement
with Mid-America Regional Council for the acquisition ofOrthophotography for
the City.This project will provide 2014 aerial photos to the City of Raytown
for use with ourweb based GIS mapping. We currently have aerial photo layers
from 2003, 2006, 2008, and2010. Numerous City departments make use of this
mapping using the ability to compare howan area looks today, in relation to the
past.Local government GIS professionals across the Metro region identified this
project as a highpriority, given that all local governments need aerial
photography and the cost of acquiring itcould be reduced significantly via
economies of scale if all the governmental agencies workedtogether to develop
common specifications for a consolidated purchase from a single vendor.Over the
past year, the 2014 imagery workgroup, working on behalf of KC Metro GIS,
hasdeveloped imagery standards, issued a Project Assessment Quotation (PAQ),
and selected avendor for a 2014 acquisition. Due to the success of past
projects and the large cost savings onimagery to the participants, MARC, at the
direction of KC Metro GIS is repeating the regionalaerial photography project
this spring.This aerial photography project is being shared across the entire
metropolitan area. IncludingJackson, Clay, Cass, & Platte counties in
Missouri. Johnson, Wyandotte, Leavenworth and Miami counties in Kansas. Many
other cities are being offered and taking advantage of this same opportunity;
Blue Springs, Grain Valley, Independence, Kansas City, Lee’s Summit,
Gladstone,Kearney, Liberty, North Kansas City, Topeka, Harrisonville, Raymore
and Belton. Alderman Jason Greene asked
how detail the photographs are going to be, why the codes department needs
these photos and when the last time these photos were taken. Andy Noll told him the last time the photos
were taken was in 2010. They are used to
identify man-hole covers and check fire hydrant shut off valves. They also check storm surge structures. Each pixel equals 6 inches of ground
space. Alderman Creamer asked if the
codes department could use the photos to look in residents back yards when they
can’t see over privacy fences. Mr. Noll
said they won’t be used for that purpose.
It is a violation of residents’ privacy.
The Board heard the first reading of an ordinance granting Kansas City Power&Light
Company the authorization to construct, operate and maintain all appropriate
facilities for carrying on a light, heat and power business in the City. Mark Loughry told the Board the Kansas City
Power & Light has been providing electrical service to the City of Raytown for a number of years. They obtain the
ability to serve our community through afranchise agreement. The last franchise
agreement was entered into 20 years ago and needsto be renewed. This agreement
will establish a 7-year agreement. They
want to bring the expiration date of this agreement in line with agreements in
other cities.
To view a recording of the March 18th meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen use this link MARCH 18TH MEETING
To view a recording of the March 18th meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen use this link MARCH 18TH MEETING
Raytown Report
Shall a Commission beformed to frame a
The Charter
Question before the voters on April 8th is unique because previous attempts to
change to a Charter Government in Raytown have always come from City
This attempt has
been driven by a petition effort (in which we are proud to say we took an
active role) of gathering signatures from the public. It is truly a grassroots
Raytown is a
Fourth Class City, a form of government create for small rural communities. A
Fourth Class City is properly termed a “statutory city”. That means all of its
laws must be allowed specifically by the State of Missouri.
As a Charter
City, Raytowners would enjoy more control over their local government. Two
important freedoms under a Charter government, the right of the people to bring
issues through petition and the right to recall elected officials are possible
under the Charter status.
Another important point of the Charter vs. Fourth Class City discussion is that once a Charter is adopted by a city it can only be amended by a popular vote of the people.*
Another important point of the Charter vs. Fourth Class City discussion is that once a Charter is adopted by a city it can only be amended by a popular vote of the people.*
If voters
approve the formation of a Charter Commission on April 8th, thirteen of 22
candidates receiving the most votes will be sworn in as Charter
The Charter Commission will have one year in which to draft a Charter for Raytown. The finished Charter would then go before the voters for approval or disapproval.
The Charter Commission will have one year in which to draft a Charter for Raytown. The finished Charter would then go before the voters for approval or disapproval.
example of how a Charter can make a difference was played out when the City
Council ignored a city ordinance that required the City Administrator to live
within the city limits. Under a Charter form of government, the City Council
would not have been able to set aside the rule of law governing residency
requirements of the City Administrator. Only a direct vote of the people would
have allowed the change.
Two years ago, the City Council voted to allow the City Administrator to live outside of the city limits (his home is in Raymore) and gave him a $30,000 pay increase while all other city employees’ salaries were frozen.
Two years ago, the City Council voted to allow the City Administrator to live outside of the city limits (his home is in Raymore) and gave him a $30,000 pay increase while all other city employees’ salaries were frozen.
Just as
important as the Charter Question is who will serve on the Charter Commission
is who will serve on that Commission.
Voters will
choose 13 candidates from of field of 22 on April 8th.
We divide the 22 candidates into four different groups.
GROUP 1: Naysayers:
These folks are really opposed to the Charter. Their campaigns seem to be one of dire warnings of what will happen if the “wrong people” get elected. They speak of other candidates with “agendas” when in fact, their agenda is the one that is most worrisome. Their single purpose is to protect the status quo at City Hall.
These folks are really opposed to the Charter. Their campaigns seem to be one of dire warnings of what will happen if the “wrong people” get elected. They speak of other candidates with “agendas” when in fact, their agenda is the one that is most worrisome. Their single purpose is to protect the status quo at City Hall.
GROUP 2: Invisible
These are the candidates who took the time to file but have not campaigned or made any effort to tell the public what they stand for. Included in this group are those candidates who seem to believe that talking in circles and saying very little is something to be proud of. We think not.
These are the candidates who took the time to file but have not campaigned or made any effort to tell the public what they stand for. Included in this group are those candidates who seem to believe that talking in circles and saying very little is something to be proud of. We think not.
GROUP 3: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
This group of candidates has one issue. Their mantra is, “Keep It Simple”. They lack vision and have a Pollyanna type of view that believes the City Council will take care of any changes needed.
Which begs the question, “if things are so good, why would anyone want to vote to change them?" After living through last summer’s fiasco over Downtown Redevelopment one wonders if these folks have serious memory problems.
This group of candidates has one issue. Their mantra is, “Keep It Simple”. They lack vision and have a Pollyanna type of view that believes the City Council will take care of any changes needed.
Which begs the question, “if things are so good, why would anyone want to vote to change them?" After living through last summer’s fiasco over Downtown Redevelopment one wonders if these folks have serious memory problems.
GROUP 4: Pro-active Candidates:
Our choices for the Charter Commission are those we call “pro-active
candidates”. The following list of candidates have stepped up and taken
positions on issues. They are not the regular run of the mill candidates who
only give a “name, rank and serial number”.
They have ideas
and are not afraid to express them. They are also willing to compromise and
listen to others.
You can count on
them to be realists who believe that Raytown needs to makes changes to become a
better city. They make up the most active candidates running. You will see them
walking the streets, passing literature and asking for people for their vote.
Susan Dolan – Susan is an outspoken
proponent of individual and property rights. You can count on her viewpoint to
always take into consideration Raytown taxpayers first.
Susan has pledged to "work independently of outside influence to promote the public's interests."
Susan has pledged to "work independently of outside influence to promote the public's interests."
Janet Emerson – Janet was elected to the Raytown Board of Aldermen last year. She has proven herself to be a sincere and hard working Alderman.
Observers give Janet credit for standing up to bullying tactics sometimes witnessed at City Hall Council Meetings.
Janet has not wasted time as a community leader. She has been instrumental in the formation of a Farmer’s Market in Downtown Raytown scheduled to open May 1st.
Observers give Janet credit for standing up to bullying tactics sometimes witnessed at City Hall Council Meetings.
Janet has not wasted time as a community leader. She has been instrumental in the formation of a Farmer’s Market in Downtown Raytown scheduled to open May 1st.
Lisa Emerson – Lisa is one of two Republican Committeewomen representing Brooking Township (Raytown).
She holds degrees in Linguistics and Psychology and has authored two books on Genetics.
Her belief in strict adherence to rules and guidelines used in public meetings will be a plus on the Charter Commission.
She holds degrees in Linguistics and Psychology and has authored two books on Genetics.
Her belief in strict adherence to rules and guidelines used in public meetings will be a plus on the Charter Commission.
Jason Greene – The junior Alderman from
Ward 2 has shown a willingness to work with others and to keep an open mind to
ideas other than his own.
Jason believes the citizens of our community wish to pursue a greater voice in the determination of municipal affairs . . . he believes it’s time for Raytown to have “Home Rule”.
Jason believes the citizens of our community wish to pursue a greater voice in the determination of municipal affairs . . . he believes it’s time for Raytown to have “Home Rule”.
Sandra Hartwell – Sandy is one of two Democratic Committeewomen representing Brooking Township (Raytown).
Sandy served on the Raytown Board of Aldermen and currently serves on the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission.
Some folks will want to know . . . she voted against the plans to bring a Walmart Grocery Store to Downtown Raytown.
Sandy served on the Raytown Board of Aldermen and currently serves on the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission.
Some folks will want to know . . . she voted against the plans to bring a Walmart Grocery Store to Downtown Raytown.
Richard Koop – Mr. Koop is a proponent of
finding a way to attract senior staff members at city hall who want to make
Raytown their home. It strikes us as a realistic way to bring hometown pride to
Mr. Koop placed his name on the charter ballot because he "feels
it is important to make changes in the way that Raytown is run."
Robbie Tubbs – Robbie has been a Raytown Resident since
She has a degree in Business.
She believes Raytown residents should have the right to petition their local government, as well as recall elected officials who have broken the residents’ trust.
She has a degree in Business.
She believes Raytown residents should have the right to petition their local government, as well as recall elected officials who have broken the residents’ trust.
Greg Walters – Greg served 27 years on the Raytown Board of Aldermen and also served
on a previous Charter Commission.
Greg views the Charter as an opportunity to take down many of the barriers between City Hall and the people of Raytown.
Greg views the Charter as an opportunity to take down many of the barriers between City Hall and the people of Raytown.
He wrote, "City Officials need to be more forthcoming and honest
when dealing with the public. A well written Charter can mandate an open
exchange of information between the public and City officials."
His knowledge of what is needed to put together the building blocks of a strong Charter that will be a plus on the Charter Commission.
His knowledge of what is needed to put together the building blocks of a strong Charter that will be a plus on the Charter Commission.
Raytown Police to Conduct CERT Training
The Raytown Police Department will be sponsoring a training
class to form a Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.)
Beginning May 5th, continuing on to
7,12,14,19,21,27,28th from 6-8:30 PM at
the Raytown Branch of the Mid-Continent Library. The final will be on May 31st.
Information on this project and training can be found at
This program is important to the safety of our
community. Most cities in the metro
Kansas City area have C.E.R.T. teams. If you have any questions please contact
Marilyn Fleming of the Raytown Police Department at
The training will be conducted by Joe Watts and Paul Watts.
Both have been certified instructors since 2005.
There are 20 spots open for the training program.
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Why Orange Is the Greatest
Color in the Food Rainbow
I’ll admit it: Some pretty
strong arguments for green and red as the best color in the foodie rainbow have
been made by my colleagues.
It’s too bad they were wrong.
I mean, they can’t possibly be
right, because my favorite food color — orange — is obviously the greatest of
them all. Don’t believe me? Allow me to elaborate. READ MORE
Matt Cushman for Commission
I am excited
to introduce myself again to the people of Raytown. My name is Matthew Cushman, and I am a
lifelong resident of the City of Raytown.
I am a father of two terrific children, and a dedicated public servant. For nearly 20 years I have been a Paramedic
and for the first 18 years of my career I served the people of Raytown. Serving both as a Paramedic and later the
Director of Emergency Medical Services, I oversaw the entire emergency medical
service system. During my time as
Director, the Raytown Emergency Medical Services system was recognized as one
of the best in the State of Missouri and I was recognized as the Administrator
of the Year as well. In addition to
being a Paramedic, I have also dedicated myself to educating others as a
faculty instructor at a local college specializing in EMS training as well as
other organizations. My leadership in
the area of EMS spans not only at a local level but throughout the region, and
I am eager to serve my community again in providing a charter document that
will be welcomed by the citizens of Raytown, Missouri.
Since its inception, the
City of Raytown has been a fourth class city.
There are many disadvantages and barriers to progress as well as inhibiting
a truly open, representative government that appreciates the will of the
people. The people of Raytown have long
had great ideas and as such there needs to be more power placed in the hands of
those that live here. The City has spent
tens of thousands of dollars in lobbyists and staff wages trolling the
representatives and senators of our statehouse in an effort to change state law
to allow Raytown to do simple things that other chartered cities can do without
State approval. In an almost ridiculous
fashion, Raytown needed to change a state law to change the way we sent delinquent
sewer notices out. We also had to change
state law to get “permission” to place tax initiatives on the ballot. No matter what your views are on those taxes
that simply shouldn’t happen as the people of this grand community deserve the
right of self determination. In most of
those cases, it took years to get any resolution from Jefferson City. The people of Raytown deserve to make our own
decisions based on the needs of the community and with our interests at heart,
not dysfunctional politicians in Jefferson City.
We have heard a lot of
rhetoric recently about what a charter should and should not look like. I have a very simple approach to how I will
participate. I come to this process with
no outrageous agenda or with any preconceived notion as to what changes a
charter should bring to our City. We all agree that the core principals of the
citizen’s rights should be to petition their government and place initiatives
of interest to them on a ballot. We also
believe in the right of citizens to engage in a recall process of elected
officials when they believe the elected official violated the moral, ethical or
legal requirements of their office.
Those provisions should be the cornerstones to our work on a charter
document. Those core rights are enjoyed
by most of the neighboring cities in our area.
It is long past time that home rule came to Raytown. I am eager to make those principals the
foundation by which we move Raytown forward.
Now, Raytown has been down this road before, and in each case, we have come up short, thereby continuing to be at the mercy of the State Capital and the laws that govern fourth class cities. I come to this process with no battle to fight, or score to settle. I come because I feel I can make a positive difference as a commissioner and provide informed decisions based on the input of the citizens of Raytown. It should be expected that the commission make good decisions based on the interests of Raytown. I have a history serving this community and am eager to do it again. There is little good in fighting old fights and continuing to point fingers or assign blame to the failed attempts to enact a Charter in our past. What we can do is learn a great deal about what worked and what didn’t work. Like all of the attempts before, there were areas of clear consensus and that should be our starting block. There are also issues that are controversial. I think that no matter how you feel about those controversial issues, they shouldn’t jeopardize the Charter process which is the only way for this City to get out of the fourth-class city classification.
Now, Raytown has been down this road before, and in each case, we have come up short, thereby continuing to be at the mercy of the State Capital and the laws that govern fourth class cities. I come to this process with no battle to fight, or score to settle. I come because I feel I can make a positive difference as a commissioner and provide informed decisions based on the input of the citizens of Raytown. It should be expected that the commission make good decisions based on the interests of Raytown. I have a history serving this community and am eager to do it again. There is little good in fighting old fights and continuing to point fingers or assign blame to the failed attempts to enact a Charter in our past. What we can do is learn a great deal about what worked and what didn’t work. Like all of the attempts before, there were areas of clear consensus and that should be our starting block. There are also issues that are controversial. I think that no matter how you feel about those controversial issues, they shouldn’t jeopardize the Charter process which is the only way for this City to get out of the fourth-class city classification.
In addition to that, I am
a strong believer that all those issues should be given due diligence and given
their time of debate before the people.
Just like I cannot rule out or rule on any of those “hot topics,” I can
assure you that if I am elected commissioner, I will offer their consideration
in a professional and appropriate manner.
Those issues should stand or die on their own merit, and shouldn’t
dissuade support for a local charter.
Our constitution was not written in one setting. Basic rights were
established early and over time, amendments and changes have been made in our
history, and that same approach should be considered with a charter. We shouldn’t lose sight of what we are really
trying to accomplish.
I have been around and
seen a lot. I have seen when government
works really well, and I have certainly seen it when it fails. I think I offer a wonderful perspective, not
attached to any faction or group. I will
not engage in the toxic venom that has both riddled the past and present
political culture in Raytown. I will
offer genuine leadership and will always remember that this is the people’s
process. I am eager to begin this
journey, but need your confidence and your vote. I urge voters to look deep into this process
and the candidates, and find candidates that do not have strings attached. Our destiny is at stake.
Great democracy and good
government comes from the grassroots. It
comes from the minds and ideas of people that understand that their opinions
matter. Government should be
transparent, should work for the people they are sworn to serve, and it should
always be a reflection of the will of the people. Great ideas are the seeds of progress and I
hope that this charter commission will fuel a greater day for Raytown. The people will win with a charter. It is time.
Yours in service,
Matthew Cushman
Find me on Facebook,
Matthew Cushman Raytown Charter Now
It was good to see that some of the Charter candidates have the nerve to stand up and say what they stand for. I plan to vote for everyone on your list!
I think I would like to see these people endorsed on this
site running for the Charter Commission, run for aldermen
too. I know two of them already are on the board but, it
seems these are the kind of people we need. They seem
to want to work FOR the people not against them.
I won't vote for any of them on your list. Reason being because you, Greg endorse them
I was disappointed that Chris Rathbone was not endorsed since he was the force behind this petition. Then I read where Mr. 7;18 will not vote for anyone on the list. It takes all kinds to make the world go around.
Many of the Charter candidates are busy going door to door talking to the people sharing their vision for the charter.. It is good to see those who have chose to be amounts the masses rather than just endorse themselfs in a publication.
Of course Greg is going to endorse some running for the charter Commision , this is no different than any other media network
Last Friday, two more "Do Nothing" charter candidates came out in Raytown's embarrassment of a newspaper, Raytown Times.
MaryJane VanBuskirk did not disappoint Mayor Bower as she in stated her support for a stripped-down charter that changes nothing and allows the present administration to "move forward" in their present hell-bent, knee-jerk fashion.
David McCauley does not believe in Empowering Citizens, Efficient Government, or Controlling Costs. He cites people who believe in those things as special interest groups that would somehow dominate the ongoing 3-ring circus we presently refer to as our Mayor and City Council.
I've got news for you David McCauley. A city government that is efficient, controls costs and reflects the will of empowered citizens is the way it's supposed to be. Your regard of the people of Raytown to be a special interest group that would endanger the present administration, says a lot about your fear of the loss of our present administration, which by the way, has proven themselves to be bloated, arrogant, ill-educated, unresponsive, overbearing, inefficient and irresponsible.
It is no small wonder that the citizens of Raytown petitioned for the Charter that would bring us back to Home Rule. The average Raytown citizen knows more about balancing a budget and has more common sense than the "suits" who are currently running the show on us.
MaryJane VanBuskirk and David McCauley will work to sabotage a charter that is well-written, prevents time delay and the enormous costs to the taxpayers to constantly petition and then vote the needed changes into it (after it is written in skeleton-fashion as they would have it).
These candidates are in Witty Whittman's camp. They don't want to change a thing but want to be on the charter commission to make sure Raytown citizens never become empowered, that government remains inefficient, taxes remain high and that costs are not controlled.
Raytown citizens did not petition for more of the same and these people just don't get that.
7:18 AM I have spoken with one of the Charter Candidates who was endorsed here and she said she was not contacted by Walters before he published his endorsement.
If you dislike Walters so much, then don't visit his blog and don't lash out at candidates just because he supports their efforts.
Those candidates have a great deal to offer and should be elected on their own merits instead of being smeared by your personal prejudice toward someone else. You're a hater with deep personal problems.
The fox shouldn't guard the hen house and I cannot vote for anyone is one the board of alderman.
I also cannot vote for the two officers that are running as you are sticking to the taxpayers with that pension plan mess that you cannot manage.
What kind of grade school logic is that?
Oh wait! I see. An “Anonymous” logic.
Figures, just another cheap shot from someone that
hasn’t got the guts to back what they say.
Any one of them can hang a sign in my window.
By the way, I don’t see a single person running for
any election with the name Anonymous. I guess
they would rather be part of the problem instead
of the solution.
To the ignorant and ill-informed:
Mr. Greg Walters is allowed to endorse anyone he pleases for Charter Commissioner - IT'S CALLED FREE SPEECH and is a protected right. I can endorse any candidate I like too and so can John Doe, down the street.
If those candidates had paid for their endorsement you fools, by law they would have to include 'paid for by xxxx' after each of their names. Think before you exercise your right to free speech haters so you don't look a fool afterward. Engage brain before operating mouth.
All this uproar because someone endorsed someone and one blogger saying a candidate wasn't notified first. Really people? ; grow up
Greg Walters: Thank you for the only open forum Raytown has where citizens speak freely about issues important to them. Thank you for sharing your opinion on who you like of the charter commission candidates. You provide a valuable voice to us and are appreciated as are the indepth articles you and Paul write each week.
To the “Anonymous” 11:16,
Do you really think it is the police officers that control
the pension plans? It is City Hall, your friends that run
this town. The officers are at the mercy of the leaders.
By the way, because of our so called leaders, we are losing
good police officers left and right for better employment.
So instead of slamming the police officers we have left,
you should thank them every time you see them.
Oh, and I didn’t read any “Anonymous” slams when City
Hall took most of the “Safety Tax” money and put it in
the General fund, after we were promised they would not
do that. That money was for equipment and hiring
more officers. There were no “Anonymous” slams
when the “Street overlay” tax was used for the WalMart
parking lot and the street in front of that damn store.
Where were you then?
I’ll bet when the time comes that you want to retire,
you will say no, I don’t need Social Security or a
pension because you are such a good person you will just
keep working so you won’t deplete either fund.
Here’s an idea, the next time you need a police officer,
call your aldermen or the mayor, I’m sure they will
jump in their car and help you out!
5:39 pm
It is not 'uproar'. People like 7:18 who said, "I won't vote for any of them on your list. Reason being because you, Greg endorse them" who are ignorant and don't understand that just because a citizen endorses candidates, that doesn't necessarily mean the endorsement runs both ways make it necessary to clarify the basics to them. We don't need to grow up. People like 7:18 do though.
Geez don't people understand an endorsement is just someone saying who they would vote for? People get bent out of shape over very little. I'm sure we all have different people we choose to vote for and some are alike in our voting choice. Some not all will throw a temper tantrum and that is not needed to simply state in an Adult fashion who you prefer to vote for or not
"It's not the hand that signs the laws that holds the destiny of America. It's the hand that casts the ballot." - Harry S. Truman
Because he won't talk to or listen to the people who elected him our Mayor just keeps bouncing off walls. He's stuck in a rutt, trying to get us to swallow the old grocery store shell game time after time.
He's so confused he doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
I wouldn't put it past him to try to put a Walmart grocery store in the middle of a football stadium - now there's a concept!
Anyone catch the Raytown Times? Again the wanna be paperboy continues to get facts wrong. Randy says "I think this the sixth time we have attempted a charter", really....who writes an editoral like that? Reality is this is the fifth. Secondly he goes on to say that it will probably cost 150,000 dollars for the charter. He has no base at all for those numbers. He is just against it because his buddy the mayor isnt in control of this process. We really need a better paper in this town. He always has typos and inaccurate information, I'm not sure he realizes how embarassing he is to himself and this city. Vote YES on a charter April 8th!
Just to clarify, there are 3 items on the April 8 ballot:
#1 a tax issue
#2 another tax issue
#3 vote yes to form a charter commission (you are not voting whether or not to accept the charter)
If you vote Yes on #3, vote for 13 charter commissioners
The people will have up to a year to write a charter which you will read before voting whether or not to accept by either next November or next April.
The Charter vote comes again as it has previous times; the past several times brought on by City Hall this time by the public. If the people cannot work together is what will make the difference. It comes down to that.
A NOTE TO RAYTOWN CITY COUNCIL: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2
Of course Randy Battagler is against the charter being
formed. After all his buddies at city hall don’t want a
charter. Just as before when he had the Raytown Post,
his lips are firmly pressed to the back side of city hall.
He asks us to vote for all the taxes so the
city and school district can waste
even more money. Why shouldn’t he? HE RENTS!
Other than sales tax, passing tax increases won’t hurt him
like it will fixed income people in Raytown.
The Raytown Times is NO “news” paper. It is a fluff piece
for his friends at city hall.
I just want to thank the mayor who doesn't have codes enforced and now we keep having more and more drive by shootings from those who don't want to live under the rules of society.
We the city lets those who cannot take care of their property get away with it we end up with more crime like the drive by shootings.
It is time to send a message to these criminals that you are not welcome in our city, but that takes a mayor who cares about the whole city and not his little island over off Westridge Rd and 87th St.
Anybody see the newest Consumer Reports? Walmart came in dead last in the category of grocery stores. It seems Walmart has the dirtiest stores, worst quality of items on the shelves and poorest customer service. And city hall wants another one?
Vote YES on Ballot Item #3
Vote ONLY for the Charter Commission candidates you trust. You don't have to vote for 13 people, just for UP TO 13 people.
By voting only for your preferred candidates, your vote them weighs in more heavily in their favor --- it gives them an advantage.
Raytown Times isn't alone. The Raytown Eagle is fluff too... so far no real hard news or noteworthy editorial either. Raytown Online - fluff + huge, bad cartoons & photos.
With a major city election approaching, you'd think SOMEONE would be making big news of this in each edition (informing voters) but not here, not in Raytown! All 3 of these so-called news sources are a joke - all 3 basically regurgitating the same non-news.
Raytown is still looking for a real newspaper.
Crime is up because police keep quitting RPD. Besides having to punch a time clock (ridiculous) there's something else very wrong within that department! We just had 2 more police quit and another is poised to quit. The people have already sensed something is wrong there by the way dispatch treats their calls and the revolving door necessary to handle the police hirings & quittings reveals even more.
That time clock deal was so stupid. Now, police are filling out daily reports after their shifts, ON OVERTIME. In the end, we're surely paying out more in wages than before the dumb time clock and get a new chief of police who knows something about how to retain his employees so we have cops on the beat to respond to our calls.
Perhaps if we paid our police more they wouldn't leave instead of giving a ridiculous $30,000 raise to the city administrator. How many criminals has he apprehended?
Will someone tell me what is ridiculous about hourly employees punching a time clock? How would the individual police know how much time they are spending filling out reports on overtime without a timeclock?
I remember reading about the p.d. buying fancy in car computers computers for all their vehicles so the officers could fill out their reports at the scene?
As for the dispatchers please tell us something new. They have always been heavy-handed when dealing with citizen complaints.
Tell us something we don't know!
Amen to that sermon on the Raytown Times. It really is the non-official mouthpiece of Mayor Bower's city hall.
An insider at city hall told me the reason Battagler was told to come out against the charter is because "the wrong people" are running!
It would be more accurate to say the wrong people are running city hall and they do a very poor job of it.
To Need to know and Anonymous 6:06,
First off, it was not the Police Chief that started the
time clock it was the City Administrator that made the
police punch a time clock. Even though he doesn’t
have to prove he is working for his thirty thousand
plus a year raise, and, no he doesn’t punch a time clock.
Our police men and women used to get ready for their
shifts on their own time. Also they used to fill out reports
on their own time. Even when they were forced to stay
out on a problem they didn’t get overtime, it was just the
it was.
Now being forced to punch a time clock they, just as you or I
would do, don’t even start their shift until the second their
shift starts and
they punch in. Likewise if they are out, they don’t punch out until
all their work is finished.
This asinine rule has two problems. First it tells our police men
and women City Hall doesn’t trust them. Second it costs you
the taxpayer money it wouldn’t have before the time clock
stupidity rule. Hardly any other police force uses a time clock
system, you see, other cities and towns trust their Police Depts.
Yes, we are losing police officers. They are leaving for better
working conditions and better pay. Most of all they are leaving
to go to cities and towns that appreciate them. They are going
to cities and towns where the people don’t blame them for
everything that they have no control over.
How does officers leaving the depatment have anything to do with increase in crime?
Why cannot the officers time in and out from the computers in the cars and what daily reports are you talking about as they already part in the back of parking lots complete reports?
Could the turn over also be that the guys on the street too see a department that is top heavy?
Hear say and rumors from anonymous ; I understand where Pat is coming from. And then more of the same hear say secret comments from people not willing to put a name to "their " news...
Pat Casady: re-read my post --- I did not say it was the chief of police who started the time clock usage. That did not come from me.
I did say he needed to learn how to better retain police officers!
With the recent hail storm, particularly in the south end of town, I want to caution everyone regarding "storm chasers"that are out in the neighborhoods. They knock on your door and want to check your roof for hail damage. Sometimes these companies are not reputable and try to arm twist people to sign contracts on the spot. They often prey on seniors. Many of these companies are not licensed or insured, and if you have a problem later you can't find them. Your insurance company should have a list of good companies. You can ask to see their Raytown occupation license, but those can be faked.
Please pass the word on to your friends and family and neighbors.
Retirement can be seen as leaving a job if that's the picture you paint and shame on all of you ; now it will cost us more cause before the police were doing things and not getting paid for it; darn those time clocks now we can't use some of the policemans department for free ;;; yep that's appreciating the police isn't it
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to submit this letter of support on behalf of Matthew Cushman for a Charter Commissioner for the City of Raytown. I have known Matt on a professional and personal level for over 25 years. He will be an excellent asset to the Commission.
Matt is a life long resident of Raytown and is committed to serving the public and improving government for the community as a whole. His experience serving as Director of Emergency Medical Services for eighteen years has given him the opportunity to hone his analytical and leadership skills. His work has been recognized by the State of Missouri in naming him “Administrator of the Year” during his tenure with Raytown Emergency Medical Services.
As a member of the Charter Commission, Matt would bring with him strategies to encourage participation, collaboration between stakeholders and insight into the unique needs of a changing community. Additionally, his vision and willingness to serve Raytown make him an excellent candidate to serve in this capacity.
In closing, I enthusiastically support Matthew Cushman. I know that he will always keep in mind the betterment of the community as he fulfils the many responsibilities associated with serving as a Charter Commissioner.
Theresa Garza Ruiz
I find it interesting that need to know no longer uses their real name anymore. Several months ago whil talking in depth on MARC they changed to need to know and told us why because they had been telling us and wanted us to really pay attention; well we did pay attention
Mike McDonough has his essay on Raytown Eagle wherein he says he's for a charter that "frames the present form of government but with Home Rule" and that if the people want things to be added it is up to the people to bring forth those items.
Mike doesn't want to change anything. He'll bring nothing to the table except his rubber stamp for our our present administration to carry on as usual.
Further, he thinks that taxpayers will be happy to bear the additional cost to amend the new charter by holding additional, costly elections.
It seems Mike MdDonough didn't get the memo - Raytown is not happy with the present city administration and Raytown doesn't want to run up additional and unnecessary election expenses to do the work of the election commissioners.
We're fortunate to have intelligent candidates for election commissioner who are prepared to do the work to write a charter that makes sense and protects the citizens of Raytown from our current city government which has run amok.
Mr. McDonough's do-nothing attitude speaks loudly of his low regard for his fellow citizens.
Sue - thanks for the reminder.
Third times a charm right ? Posted this the 28th, and 29th now let's see if it will get posted on the 30th after the other thread has been placed; I see someone thanked Sue and that was posted ; maybe mine did not get posted because I thanked Sue and Theresa..... Hmm alittle slanted?? So here goes again .......... Thank you to Sue and Theresa for such an informative blog it is much appreciated......
What are you saying, man? I recognize everyones acquired
their own thoughts and opinions, but genuinely? Listen, your web site is cool.
I like the hard work you put into it, specially with the vids and the pics.
But, appear on. Theres gotta be a better way to say this, a way that doesnt make it appear like everybody here is stupid!
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