
Painting with a Fine Brush BY GREG WALTERS
I just finished reading
Randy Batagler's opinion in the Raytown Times.
Wow! He sure knows how to
lay it on. Some writers use words like an artist paints a picture. When Mr.
Battagler paints, he does not use a brush. He found a paint roller is more to
his liking.
Like the painter who paints
with a roller instead of a fine brush, there is little clarity in the thoughts
he puts down on paper. Here are a few of his roller strokes from last week’s
Here is my personal Batagler favorite: “I have been doing some research during this whole process and found
many towns that have charters would like to get rid of them.”
Okay Randy, it is time to “fess
Name the towns.
Now, answer this simple
question. If they want to get rid of their Charters, why haven't they done so?
I will pick up my fine
paint brush and paint an honest picture for you.
It was just one year ago
the City of Raytown went through a series of six tumultuous zoning hearing
meetings. The topic was a development of some land in Downtown Raytown known as
the Green Space.
For well over three months
city officials denied that a 40,000 square foot Walmart Grocery Store was
planned for the Downtown.
This turned out to be one
of many misleading statements found out to be untrue when copies of letters
between attorneys representing Walmart and City Officials were turned up under
Freedom of Information Act requests.
The trust between many in
Raytown and its elected officials was broken.
Under our Fourth Class City
status, everything the city did a year ago was legal. It may have been deceptive and certainly not transparent so the public could see what was going on, but still legal in the eyes of the law.
A well written Charter could set up strict guidelines so that city officials could not attempt such shenanigans. Or, do so at their own risk, if a provision for “Recall” is written into the Charter.
Here's another example of how details help tell the story.
Our City Administrator made many promises to move to Raytown. Each time the time period came up for the move, he would ask for an extension. Finally the City Council met and came up with a solution.
A well written Charter could set up strict guidelines so that city officials could not attempt such shenanigans. Or, do so at their own risk, if a provision for “Recall” is written into the Charter.
Here's another example of how details help tell the story.
Our City Administrator made many promises to move to Raytown. Each time the time period came up for the move, he would ask for an extension. Finally the City Council met and came up with a solution.
And what a decision!
The city ordinance specifically stated the City Administrator would live within the city limits. The City Council voted to ignore the law as written and allow the City Administrator to continue to live outside the city limits.
Then the City Council gave the City Administrator a $30,000 pay increase when all other city personnel had seen their salaries frozen. The end result, our City Administrator calls Raymore his home.
The city ordinance specifically stated the City Administrator would live within the city limits. The City Council voted to ignore the law as written and allow the City Administrator to continue to live outside the city limits.
Then the City Council gave the City Administrator a $30,000 pay increase when all other city personnel had seen their salaries frozen. The end result, our City Administrator calls Raymore his home.
Under a Charter, the City
Council could be kept from making such flagrant acts.
How? Because a Charter can only be amended by a direct vote of the people.
How? Because a Charter can only be amended by a direct vote of the people.
Randy, you say there are a
lot of good people running for the Charter Commission.
I agree.
But I do not think that
because some may disagree with me they are bad people, or, that they are not
capable of writing a good charter.
Perhaps one of the problems
in past efforts was that the City Hall became too embroiled in what was
A lot of people (and I will
add proudly, that the Raytown Report was part of that group) took it upon
themselves to bring the Charter question forward.
At first the City’s response seemed to be one
of "humor them, but do nothing to help the process along".
Then, after 22 private citizens took the bold step to actually be part of the process, City Hall became nervous.
Then, after 22 private citizens took the bold step to actually be part of the process, City Hall became nervous.
You start hearing things like “the
wrong people are running". Familiar faces in the local media – and you both
know who you are – pick up the battle cry that this will never work.
I think you are wrong.
This is a grass roots
movement. The diversity of the candidates running is a healthy sign for the Charter
process. I can guarantee you that no one group is going to be able to dominate
this Charter process.
In my book, that is a good sign. Not a reason to vote
against forming a Charter Commission.
Some people seem to think
the candidates running for the Charter Commission are “the wrong people”. This ugly
bit of politics is not unexpected in a small town. I think most people know
that. So I won’t dwell on it.
But I have some interesting
factoids about this Charter Election that make it unique. Thought I would share
them with you.
- There are five candidates running who currently are holding elected public office. Jim Aziere, Charlotte Melson, Janet Emerson, and Jason Greene are currently serving on the Raytown City Council. Jerome Barnes has a seat on the Raytown School Board.
- One of the candidates running for the Charter Commission is married to a member of the Raytown City Council. Mary Jane VanBuskirk is the wife of Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk.
- One candidate running is a member of the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Her name is Sandy Hartwell.
- There is even one candidate running for the Commission who is openly campaigning against forming a Charter Commission! Her name is Witty Whitman.
- Nearly ten years ago Greg Walters had filed for a seat on the Commission. One of fellow Council members, Charlotte Melson, denounced Greg’s candidacy because she said it was a “conflict of interest”. Greg was elected. Now, ten years later, Charlotte, who is still on the City Council, is running for a seat on the Charter Commission. Guess she had a change of heart on the “conflict of interest” issue.
- There are two city employees running for the Charter Commission. Both of them are on the command staff of the Raytown Police Department. They are Ted Bowman and Mike McDonough. Ted Bowman is the husband of former Mayor Sue Frank.
- There are two Republican Jackson County Committeewomen running for the Charter. They are Lisa Emerson and Mary Jane VanBuskirk.
- There is a Democratic Jackson County Committeewoman running for the Charter. Her name is Sandy Hartwell.
Right or wrong, Walmart has
become an issue in this election. Over the years there have been many votes on development
of the mega retailer in Raytown. Some candidates have a voting record on
Walmart related issues. You guessed it . . . here they are:
- Greg Walters was the only vote against granting a TIF and other tax abatements for the Walmart on 350 Highway.
- Charlotte Melson and Jim Aziere voted to approve the tax abatements for the Walmart on 350 Highway.
- Janet Emerson, Jim Aziere and Jason Greene voted against the rezoning of the Green Space property in Downtown Raytown for a Walmart Store.
- Charlotte Melson voted to approve the Downtown Raytown Walmart.
- Sandy Hartwell (as a member of the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission) voted against approval of the Downtown Raytown Walmart application.
Fifth Annual
The City of Raytown will
participate in the Raytown Main Street Association's Fifth Annual Egg-Extravaganza
Saturday, April 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Included in the festivities will be a
Vintage Car and Truck show, a Children's Reading by Mayor David Bower, a
Dachshund Dash and dog costume contest along with a giant egg hunt. The egg
hunt begins at 1 p.m. A parade will begin at 11 a.m. at City Hall.
For more
information use this link Egg Extravaganza
Chamber of Commerce
Pulls Plug on Summerfest
A local Raytown
merchant told us that the Raytown Area Chamber of Commerce has decided to not sponsor the Annual Barbeque and Summerfest Celebration.
The two day
event had become a popular celebration for the Raytown Community. The community
celebration was held in Downtown Raytown. No official word has been given by
the Raytown Chamber of Commerce as to why the event has been scrapped from this
year’s calendar.
It is noted that
a few of the Summerfest popular events, a Dachshund Dash and Dog Costume
Contest have been moved to the Easter Egg Extravaganza sponsored by the Main
Street Association scheduled for April
The Salamander Says No! BY THE SALAMANDER
In the epic movie "The Alamo", there is a scene worth recounting:
Frontier legend James Bowie rides out from the besieged Church called the Alamo.
to meet with a representative from Santa Ana's legions-- Captain Manuel. Bowie and the Captain were well acquainted so their meeting commenced immediately.
The captain greeted Bowie with these words: "How many times, James, must we trade this old Church?
The truce broke down. The rest is history.
Upon reading many of the pleas for votes and support for a Charter for Raytown your Salamander can only ask: How many more times are some people going to try to stuff this concept of government down our throats?
Perhaps we should put aside the rhapsodizing about how a charter will move us into the 21st Century, controlling our destiny and modernizing government. .
It is a baseless and faceless dream.
If Raytown voters approve a charter the town will not be seceding from the State of Missouri. Far from it.
In the epic movie "The Alamo", there is a scene worth recounting:
Frontier legend James Bowie rides out from the besieged Church called the Alamo.
to meet with a representative from Santa Ana's legions-- Captain Manuel. Bowie and the Captain were well acquainted so their meeting commenced immediately.
The captain greeted Bowie with these words: "How many times, James, must we trade this old Church?
The truce broke down. The rest is history.
Upon reading many of the pleas for votes and support for a Charter for Raytown your Salamander can only ask: How many more times are some people going to try to stuff this concept of government down our throats?
Perhaps we should put aside the rhapsodizing about how a charter will move us into the 21st Century, controlling our destiny and modernizing government. .
It is a baseless and faceless dream.
If Raytown voters approve a charter the town will not be seceding from the State of Missouri. Far from it.
As for charter candidates -- a good number of them are running under the banner, "Keep It Simple."
Don't bother asking any of these candidates what they mean because they do not know what they are talking about.
There is nothing simple about running a city our size and if you pass a "simple" charter you will regret it in years to come. Years ago Kansas City wrote a simple charter. Look at the mess it has created.
It would be much better to worry less about hiring proper legal help and worry more about crossing every " T" and dotting every "I" on a charter.
Here us one which is really baffling.
Someone, in days gone by came up with the Golden Clauses which some people think guarantees good government.
Initiative/Referendum and Recall: Two Trojan Horses if such a creature ever existed.
Let's take them one at a time.
Referendum: Optimistically known as the "will of the People" initiative and referendum become an insulting joke under a charter.
And what a joke it is.
Several years ago Kansas city voters, thru the initiative process, forced the city council to put a light rail plan on the ballot. The plan was a good one but it had not been developed by one of the city hall insiders.
The initiative/referendum did go to a vote. And it passed by a healthy majority.
Guess what happened next.
The city council said the plan was not what the city needed -- which translated to mean what the insiders wanted.
End result.
The council simply refused to implement the plan. In short, the city hall honchos told voters to "take a walk." The lawsuit over the rail referendum is still in court
As for recall. Seldom, very seldom does it work. Try to remember the last time an elected official was recalled.
From where your correspondent stands there is no progressive legislation in charters that cannot be put in effect in a fourth class city.
Before readers rush to the polls to vote themselves a charter the Salamander suggest you do this.
Call your friends or relatives who live in Kansas City. Ask what they think of charter government.
More than likely they will recite horror stories about increased taxes, reduced services, increased crime and out of control spending.
A Gluten-Free Recipe
As my wife of 30 years once
told me, “Honey, you are definitely ‘all boy’.” I never really quite understood
what she meant, but I believe it qualifies me to say that I am truly breaking
the glass ceiling at Fit Bottomed Eats. I mean, there’s only been, what, a
handful of male writers?! I am a pioneer! And a pioneer who has a
gluten-free recipe to share.
Before I get to my recipe
though, I wanted to throw in my two cents worth about gluten. I borrowed the
following from one of my favorite resources: Wikipedia.
monks discovered gluten in the 7th century. The monks, who were
vegetarians, were trying to find a substitute for meat. They discovered that
when they submerged dough in water, the starch washed off and all that was left
was a meat-like, textured, gummy mass — gluten. READ
I remember reading Sue Frank's blog about shady roof repair people following a hail storm in Raytown. That was informative. But I cannot remember anyone named Theresa posting on this page.
What did she write about?
My favorite blog last week was somenone complaining about another writer because they did not sign their name to their posts.
The complaining person signed did not sign their name either!
I honestly don’t understand Randy Battagler.
I mean he seems like an intelligent man. But, he
has always turned a blind eye toward City Hall.
They can do no wrong in his eye. City Hall lies and
covers up with hidden deals and still he will not
print this news. City Hall hands out a thirty thousand
dollar raise and excuses the must live here rules to the
City Administrator at a time when all other city employees
wages have been frozen for three years.
He says he will not be political but then comes out
with who and what to vote for and on.
Randy’s Reflections have almost always been about
Randy or something in Randy’s life. Not last weeks.
Last week was..I guess a non-political, political statement.
I have read Randy’s papers since he bought the Raytown
Post and he has never gone against City Hall. Oh, he went
after Greg Walters on many occasions because Greg was
not a yes man for the administrations. To be honest,
I just figure there will be no real news in the paper but,
I still like to read it. One thing I really don’t understand
though. Why does Bob Phillips still write in a Raytown
paper? I don’t have anything against Bob but, why?
No one else would work for Randy other than Mayor Bower. I think that Bob just likes to keep busy
Azeire may have voted against the Walmart, but I didn't hear him once speak negative of it in all the hours of video I watched. He was the last to vote and the Walmart already passed, he does not have my support.
I hope all registered voters read Greg's comments and Paul's Rant and then get out to vote!
I remember when David Bower first ran for mayor, he promised "transparency." That term sure bothered me. What does transparency mean? I thought transparency meant being able to see through such as one sees through Saran Wrap which is transparent or a 35mm transparency. From what I have observed, apparently transparency means to conduct city business in secret. Raytown has a very transparent, see through elite group running the city. The transparency is that it is quite clear that city business is none of the people's business.
I, too, have wondered why Bob Phillips continues to write for the Raytown Post. I always enjoyed reading burnt Bob's comments (originally titled "Bob's Burnt Comments" in the Raytown Times) and assumed that others must enjoy his ramblings.
Andy Whiteman
To 5:54a.m. Since you were refering to Sue and Theresa I went back to the previous thread . There you will find their comments one after the other also you will find a thank you to them from other bloggers. On this thread yours is the only mention of Theresa so you must of been looking on the previous thread but somehow overlooked it. May be that others missed it as well; however now thanks to you others will look to see what you are talking about. Thanks for drawing my attention to Theresa's comment
To 5:54 are you refering to the blogger saying need to know no longer uses their given name? I think we all know that. Since need to know came on the scene in October and later complimented all of us for finally hearing the depth of all they had been saying on that Icle & marc stuff. They just prefer to go by the need to know version ; I see no big deal about that
Andy-Really? You're a fine one to label someone else's commentaries as "ramblings". Do you even have a dog in this fight? You called our fine state "Misery" and our city the "Facist Fiefdom". I thought you left? Don't you have anyone else to talk to wherever you are now?
To “Anonymous” 11:36, from last week.
With regards to your comment on Mr. Mike
McDonough. I have known Mike McDonough for
many years and I can tell you he does care about
the people of Raytown. Every one of them. He is
kind but strong and he is sincere about being on the
charter to help the people of Raytown with home rule.
He wants the people to have their say as to how this
town is ruled and how it is run.
I’m sure he also knows as do all the others being on
the charter doesn’t mean you run the town. We will
still have aldermen and a mayor. A charter will just
set forth some rules so the people will have a say.
Hopefully it will also make the behind closed door
meetings and the lies and secrets go away too.
The reason City Hall doesn’t want a charter and is trying
to fill spaces with their friends is to ruin any chances
ff letting the people have a say as to how it works.
City Hall doesn’t want to answer to the people. They all
Think they are smarter than we are.
After twenty years of listening to politics in Raytown I
still haven’t figured what happens to elected officials to
make them want to work against the peoples wishes.
They certainly don’t act that way when they are asking
for your votes. Somehow they cross over to the dark side
and stop listening to us. Remember the Green brothers?
It took less than three months for one of them to cross over
and be against the peoples wishes. This is why we need
a charter. It is NOT to get rid of anybody at City Hall!
It is for the people to have a say. If the charter is done
right, I believe, simple is better ….at first.
Then listen to the people, weigh the issues and then react.
I hope they don’t just go in and start to make rule after rule.
That won’t work.
Anyway, Mike McDonough is a good person and I believe
he would to the people proud.
Mike grew up in Raytown attending our schools and churches and recently retired from the police department. He has always been and honest and caring person. He never left his home town and has vested a great amount of his life to the community both on the job and off the job.
I like the "group 4" candidates running for the Charter Commision that Greg talked about in a previous thread. These are the candidates hitting the streets not just in their neighborhoods or at their favorite coffe shop etc. these are the candidates truly interested in what the people want and know it is about the masses. They listen, take notes, speak with us about ways they feel our concerns can be met in the writing of a charter. They are not busy dogging others in order to get a vote for they know it is simply about the people and how they can best listen and implement the peoples desires in the writing of the charter. They are of the people for the people. Now that the weather is nicer and the election is ever closer I hope more will join in to meet and share with the people of Raytown whom this charter is for
The same Randy that made the statement that the recession of 2008 was worst than the great depression of 1929-1934 when unemployment was 25% no welfare and soup lines all over America. Guess since he was not alive then and he can blame this on on GWB he feels better.
Has Mike retired from the police dept. I did not know that.
Don't know if he retired. Maybe he can send a blog and clear up the confusion.
Pat Casady, I will caveat your 2:43 post where you write "If the charter is done right, I believe, simple is better ….at first."
The "...at first" in "Simple is better ...at first" indicates an an incomplete initial effort; something always follows "...at first" as in "f at first you don't succeed, try try again", also known as half-baked.
Citizens advanced this ballot initiative due to awareness of holes in the system that need to be plugged in order for us to have a constitutionally sound governance. The 'simple' mantra sounds hauntingly familiar to leave things as they are - basically, do nothing. Proponents of that mindset advance it on the premise that unless a simple charter is framed, it will not pass when put on the ballot. That mantra of this "simple" cult is nothing more than fear-based propaganda, spread largely by those who stand to lose ill-begotten power, influence and/or financial advantage when then rights, protections and empowerment of the citizens of Raytown are restored and ensured by a well-written Charter (constitution) for the city.
We have this opportunity to get it right and should expect that it will be done well, not half-baked.
That simple (half-baked)concept leaves our tails hanging out there for further abuses and is not only time-consuming but extremely costly to amend.
On the other hand, if we strive for excellence instead of focusing on fear (which is totally non-productive propaganda) we'll see Raytown turn back on course reversing the financial bleed, the ever-declining property values, the dwindling city services and dis-empowerment of the people of our city.
We can roll over and buy into the boogie-man mentality or take back what is ours and protect it. I choose the latter.
You have it turned around backward to say that a simple charter is written and that afterward the people are listened to, the issues are weighed and then action is taken.
That's what happened with Walmart Pat. The city council made their decisions behind closed doors; afterward the people spoke against it at city council meetings, the issues were weighed and action was taken (city council subsequently passed the Walmart deal). Enough of that backward approach to government.
A charter is done right when the meetings are open to the pubic, Raytown residents participate (speak and are heard), the issues are weighed, and the charter is written. Individuals who do not live in Raytown should not be allowed any voice in this matter and City Hall is prohibited by law from interfering with the work of the Charter Commission.
Yes Mike had a wonderful retirement party ; congrats Mike! What a turn out it was complete with family . Freinds and community.
It sounds like their is a consensus building to write a Charter for Raytown. This is good news. The next step is to elect candidates who have the courage to make decisions before them.
The keep it simple crowd are so unbending!
They don't believe in compromise. They don't believe in debate. They only believe in their way or the highway.
Please learn what the candidates want before you go to vote. A good place to learn what they stand for is the candidate profile found at the end of this week's blog.
It looks like over half of the candidates sent in profiles.
What they wrote is their own words telling you what they plan to do.
Mike DID NOT RETIRE!!!!!!!!!
It was a birthday party!
As far as my comment on “simple at first” I will
defend what I meant. The last attempt at a charter
was to wordy and too much for the people to
grasp. If the charter is for trying to set new rules
for our governing body then make it simple and easy
to understand and make it what the people want.
It doesn’t need to be a novel. Just a simple
understandable document.
But first we need the right people elected.
That was a birthday party
it was great
Hello all. NO I have not retired nor do I plan to in the near future. I am still with the Raytown Police Dept. serving the citizens of my hometown Raytown Missouri. I am sorry for the misinformation. It was a heck of a birthday party though.
First one needs to understand human nature, which is we don't like change.
Once those that think we are ready for a complete re-write of the laws of Raytown that has been tried and failed four times all ready we can pass a Charter.
Until that time we all best get used to living in a fourth class city!
Mike did not retire from the PD. The party referred to was his birthday party. It was fabulous!!
There is a Republican Jackson County Committeewoman running for the Charter. Her name is Lisa Emerson.
There are two Republican Jackson County Committeewoman running for the Charter. Their names are Lisa Emerson and Mary Jane VanBuskirk.
NOTE: Mary Jane VanBuskirk is the only one of the two who has filed for re-election and closing for filling ended March 25th.
Got my reminder in the mail today for the election board about the election on April the 8th.
The card clearly stated on it "NOT A VALID ID", which reminded me that if the Republicans have their way we will all be wearing the "MARK OF THE BEAST" to prove who me really are and validate we are illegible to vote.
It is this same Republican party that talks about religion, so why would they be pushing so hard for the "MARK OF THE BEAST" society.
They claim it is done to protect elections from those who are illegally within the United States from changing the outcome of the election.
Why do they not instead address the issue of illegal immigration?
They talk about it and what to stop people in states like Arizona for the color of one's skin or nationality, but don't address the extra burden on social services and the funding of these service. They keep a closed mind for those that find it acceptable to hire them and/or house them.
Why do we not work towards a stronger America that protects its boarders and those who are here legally from those that are attacking the financial future and stability of this Nation that Republicans claim that love so much.
When did Mike M retire or this April fool
Move America Forward : I am afraid that maybe you watch MSMBC too much that you are not maybe aware of what the regime is doing which is different than what they say.
Did anyone read this Weds paper in the letter to the editor section that the city officials want us to vote "yes" on the renewal of the taxes on the April 8th ballet? It stated we have "smooth streets?" We have chip and seal and pot holes big enough to swallow cars in. They must be on another planet. I WILL NOT vote for ANY city or school taxes EVER!!
City of Raytown is going to have a CERT class this May. Times are 6:00pm - 8:30pm. Final time has not been set; will set during class.
Classes will be held at library down town Raytown, except May 12 hands on fire training and cribbing.
Final May 31 REAP building
May 5: Disaster Preparedness
May 7: Fire, search and rescue (book)
May 12: Fire, cribbing (hand ons)
May 14 & 19: Medical
May 21: DisasterPsychology/Terrorism
May 28: review
May 31: Final 4 hours
If you are interested contact Marilyn Fleming at:
for application and background check form.
This is a great thing, now it is right here in your back yard. Every one should have the training even if they do not want to be deployed.
For more information:
To "Move America Forward"
Why is it when there is anything remotely wrong, it is ALWAYS the "Evil Republicans" fault? What is wrong with showing proof -- not the mark the beast mind you -- that you are a citizen of the United States of America, in order to vote? Why not "address the issue of illegal immigration" oh, do you mean? There one group that seems to always prevent anything except granting all of them full immunity -- even giving them the right to vote. But if memory serves me correct, it is not the Republicans who want to do that. We should close the border -- and out in a wall. We will allow people to come here -- but only if they do it legally. The problem is you fail to see the BOTH SIDES ARE AT FAULT HERE, and it is just not the so called "EVIL Republicans" that are the only problem, clean up your own house, before you throw stones.
That was an interesting bullet point about jim Aziere voting "no" on the Downtown Walmart. I wondered how accurate it was, so I checked the minutes of the meeting.
According to the roll call Aziere vote "no" but not when he was first called in the roll call. He "passed" on the vote.
It looks like when he saw that the zoning already had the required votes he could safely cast his "no" vote.
I was at that meeting and the one before it. Not once did Aziere speak against the zoning change for Walmart in Downtown Raytown.
I wonder if he was casting a vote that he knew did not really matter?
The KC Star endorsed ALL the tax increases. That comes at nno surprise. The editors at the Star never met a tax increase they did not like.
What is bothersome is that they wrote about Raytown in such glowing terms. Smooth streets, no potholes. Apparently they have not driven down one of the mistakes in our residential streets where they used slurry seal instead of asphalt to resurface the roads.
It is accurate to compare the failed street repair used in Raytown neighborhoods to putting paint over rotted wood!
Using the talking points and notes from Raytown City Hall paints a very innacurate picture.
Let's see if the public is fooled by the false editorial image conjured up by the Star when the public goes to vote on April 8th.
OK Greg and Paul,
I think it’s time for a reconsideration of the signing
on this blog. There are 21 out of 32 writers that won’t
use their name or use anonymous. Most are critical
of other writers that have the guts to sign their names.
I know the writings would fall off sharply but, most
don’t care what “anonymous” and fake name writers
say anyway.
I understand if they say they work for the city or school
district. Although it shouldn’t happen because of free speech,
both City Hall and the school district would hold it against
their employees that wrote the truth and used their real names.
Anonymous and made up name writers seem to grab untrue
facts and spread rumors like they know what they are
talking about mostly to stir up the rest of us.
Why not leave this blog to the people that really care about
Raytown and the truth?
If Raytown's powers-that-be consider this charter as a 'bump in the road-' they should try driving 79th Street between Elm and Raytown Road.
That stretch of 'chip and sealed' roadway should be renamed "Sherman Tank Trail."
I remember thinking back a couple years when I lived in Independence, how progressive Raytown was to vote for more money for their schools in a time when the economy was not doing so well. It did a lot in my mind to dispel the somewhat negative image that I had of Raytown.
Now I have lived here most of three years and I will definitely vote to keep those funding promises to the schools. I understand it's for a continuing of taxes not an increase. Sure sometimes, I don't always agree with how every penny is spent but I want to see our schools and kids protected with secure buildings which is a part of the proposed expenditures in addition to bleachers and concessions at Ray South which some seem to enjoy railing against. I live on Social Security and don't enjoy paying taxes but it's a part of having a community we can be proud to belong to.
Say, wouldn't it be nice to hear who all the charter candidates will be voting for?
Also, I'm a bit surprised that Lisa B is not running. She seems to have a lot to say about how Raytown should be run..... AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE???
If you are refering to Elisa B she lives in Independence but makes her living in Raytown. She grew up in Raytown leaving in her late teens . She opened a business in Raytown a few years ago; it is a dough nut shop in Woodson village
Your right. Lisa B. does not live in Raytown. Same as ALL of our city department heads, even the city administrator, who by ordinance, is supposed to live in Raytown.
It's another example of where
Raytown is out of step with the other communities in the area.
They require their city administrator or manager to actually live in the city they manage.
But then, when you have leadership like you do at Raytown City Hall you begin to accept these discrepancies as expected. After all, they would not want to make an out of town employee angry. It is so much easier to turn their collective back on the Raytowners that pay the bills through their taxes.
To 6:15pm thank you that does explain why she would not be running for charter Commision and explains her connection to Raytown
My apologies to Elisa B for getting her name wrong. I just want to clarify my position on the residency requirements for our city officials. The disregard for the clear and unambiguous rule that our city administrator live in Raytown is the number one reason I am supporting the charter. That whole debacle has me wondering how many other abuses go on in behind our backs. I do not have confidence in the current administration.
Also, I was in support of Walmart coming to downtown Raytown. I didn't like how a vocal group of Walmart haters won the day. As far as all the calls at the store draining our police resources... why not impose a fee after a certain number of calls. It would apply to all Raytown merchants. No big deal, I think. Just make them pay their own way.
I would like to see a grocery in the green space. I don't really have an axe to grind w. Walmart. Dead trees on the highway R/W ??? after the dry summers we've had? They're all over town. BTW.. The SavaLot never had a chance to compete especially after Aldi came in.
And finally, I think the blog is managed just fine by Gregg and anonymous posting should be allowed to continue. He screens the posts so no personal attacks can be made as well as no outrageous untruths. JMHO. Thank you Gregg for allowing opinions that do not agree with yours 100%
I worked maintenance for the Raytown School district and I left for many reasons. One for all the waste of tax payers money that I saw first hand. Maintenance supplies, food, classroom supplies just to name a few. Alot of the kids don't want to be in school. Parents force them to go. At Raytown Middle School, 2 young teens commented that they are not going to work a white or blue collar job. They can make more money faster selling drugs than working like a normal person. Kids tear up the schools and the administration can't disipline the students. I would not send my cat or dog to a Raytown school.
Interesting Blog Bit in the KC Star this morning. Editorial Page Columnist, Yael Abouhalkah wrote that Kansas City was in the Elite Eight of a contest holding a contest for the city with the worst parking craters. No big deal, in Raytown we found the solution to the problem. Just have the Kansas City Star write an editorial saying Raytown has great streets.
Raytowners know it is not true, especially after the city quit using asphalt to repair residential neighborhood streets and replaced it with a thin slurry of sand and gravel. The result is a surface that feels like tanks have been driven over the streets. Unsafe for bicyclists and small motorcycles, this experiment in road repair has been a failure. It is hoped the City Council will do something about it. But it is highly unlike. The Raytown City Council spends most of its time taking direction from City Staff, not giving it.
I just realized why Raytown needs a charter and
why City Hall is so much against it. I can’t believe
this just came to me.
Remember the “Safety Tax” and the “Street Overlay
tax?” The voters were promised those new sales tax
increases go to what the voters were told they would
go. The votes were also told none of the “Safety Tax”
would go into the general funds. IT DID! The “Street
Overlay tax,” well that’s self-explanatory, we got
chip and seal on a few streets.
A charter would, with the right wording, force City Hall
to keep their promises and give the people what they
voted for. The lies would have to stop!
Those like Aziere, Melson and Whittman that are running
with the sole purpose of sabotaging the charter should not
be considered for the position.
As far as voting for more tax increases and tax extensions
read this again.
I have to ask, is the million dollar turf on the
football field no good any more. Yes, give the school
district more money to waste and go further into debt
in the process.
What is the matter with tax payers? Do they enjoy just
giving away their money to people that clearly can’t
handle money. The same goes for city hall too.
To 6:17; it is a shame the state mandates how students can be reprimanded . Back in my day a ruler was used and corporal punishment and suspension and Parents backed the school. Some of these parents are lazy uneducated shitless and rely on handouts and don't give their children the time of day. Maintence supplies wouldn't be up if these kids learned to respect others property, the food cost wouldn't be up if parents would feed their children breakfast at home but that would be using a food stamp when they can get a free breakfast at school and use the food stamp for something else. These same parents send them to school to get rid of them for 8 hours; they don't care if the kid learns or not. They don't care if the state mandates certain school supplies so their kid can have an education and make something of themselves . Children learn what they live !! It's working for the parent so the kid wants to follow in the family business. Raytown Middle School is the middle school that has Independence and Kansas City Mo residence with a small maybe 10% Raytown Residents. I'm glad my son moved a few blocks southeast so my Grandkids would be in a different Raytown Middle School. The shame is if they don't run away first they will infiltrate Raytown High School in a few years. Here is hoping the scioeconomic group that is at Central Middle is strong enough to set the tone when those Independence KCMO resident kids are all thrown together at Raytown High
To move America forward ; the reminder cards for people to vote serves many purposes. It tells what kind of election it is the date hours the polls are open. It tells a persons township and precinct and where to vote. If a poll has moved as they sometimes do because of unavailablity the new poll is listed and if people fail to look at that then a poll worker at another precinct can look up said person township and precinct and steer you in the right direction. These are great as they help remind many to vote whom otherwise might forget or may not have had access to a local paper that week. If something helps people such as these reminder cards do I say great! I get reminder cards from my Dentist; as they are not an appointment they do remind me to make my 6 month appointment; I also get a reminder when car maintenance is due; it too is not an appointment if confirmation but a handy reminder than comes directly to me via US Postal. With people as busy as they are theses days I think it is a handy reminder and I like the fact that no one can just take it from my mailbox and cast a vote I would not of chosen
It is my turn to make a correction to one of my previous blogs; I have seen others have to do it and am hoping mine will be accepted as well. What I meant to say was recently eligible to retire from the police force. I'm sorry for the confusion and have no excuse other than old age and being so busy with the looming end of a school year that I did not proof read my statement. The adding or omission of a word can make a large difference in a message. Congrats to Mr Michael for the start of 40 yrs serving our Police department and a blessed belated birthday my friend. Again my apologies
Today is Friday, April 4. Why isn't the video to the April 1 board meeting on u-tube yet? What is the hold up? They promised they would do this. Another broken promise!!!!!!!
To Pat C. Was reading your blog about others demeaning another's blog and not using their name and stirring things up. I thought that was why the blog administrator posted the blog guidelines a while back and why all comments must first be approved by the blog administrator. Grant it you can see where some slip thru . Yes they are mean and attacking, but just remember those are mostly the people who are mean and fearful in their own life and we don't have to buy in to it. Yes it has made bloggers leave whom might have something of importance to say and making people claim their words might make people leave. I suppose The blog administrators rules to follow and the blog administrators approval are to be utilized to take care of those issues. I do greatly sympathize with you. Pat you have been involved with Raytown a very long time and I appreciate what you say. I've only been in Raytown 10 years
Raytown Middle School has much more than 10 percent of Raytown kids attending. I see your point about Indep. and KC kids going to our schools, but if you are trying to make a point at least be accurate with the data.
OK. Why are all 6 of the Google Fiberhoods along the west edge of Raytown at the bottom of the singup standings? From Graymont in the south through Gregory Heights, Laurel Hills & Heights to Elm Lake on the north edge, the situation is the same - little activity. Only Spring Valley on the south edge of Mt. Olivet might make the cut. The other 10 or so neighborhoods in Raytown qualified several days ago. It's easy to sign up. Either show up Saturday at the Bordner complex on 350 or stop in the storefront in the Santa Fe mini-mall on Blue Ridge opposite the Rice Tremonti house.
Three huge tax increases on one ballot.
Way to go, Raytown.
Now,let's all go out and vote ourselves even more taxes and tax extensions.....Keep giving the spenders at city hall and the wastrels on the school board a blank check.
Fret not for even a moment. Neither group will ever run out of ideas of how to waste our money.
Somebody must be nuts. After 10 years of added street taxes the roadways look like the streets of Beirut. Lebanon after three years of civil war.
More money is not the solution to increased safety. The crime rate is up, not down. The city cars and uniforms may be newer and they have a few more toys with which to harass people and that is about all.
If it makes you feel better being taxed silly, go out and vote for all three issues.
Wonder what happens to your tax dollar?
Try this: A city administrator whose salary was increased $35,000.00 at one swoop.
He also was rewarded with a high paid asst. administrator and a PR
person who, when it snows goes home.
You might want to check out how many more employees are filling chairs at city hall. Some reports put the employee increase at more than 24%.
As for the school bonds.
How dare anyone question their demands for more money? After all, the board has promised to "do good" with the millions they want.
More than likely, "doing good" will translate to covering more ball diamonds and football fields with artificial turf and purchasing $350.00 Nike athletic shoes for the jocks. Might just throw in another seldom-used stadium just for the hell of it.
Your vote is yours. Use it as you wish but if is used to increase taxes for this bunch you are being foolish.
To 9:37 please check your Raytown middle school boundary and then see how much of that is Raytown resident kids; please atleast be accurate
Raytown middle school boundaries are surprising indeed ; Kc mo and Independence addresses fill the most of it; I get you statement now
Wow when my kids were in Raytown schools a few years ago; the football, swim, baseball, drill team , and band which my kids were all involved in DID NOT buy uniforms or shoes for the students. The fund raisers and self pay was the responsibility of the student to pay for their uniforms. Are you sure your information is accurate to say the taxes will buy the jocks $350.00 a pair Nike athletic shoes? Maybe a parent who has a child in school now can set that record straight for us.
Okay, I have searched the Code of Ordinance for Roof Repair and have not found some of the 'new' ordinances one of the local roofing companies has referenced.
Specifically, that the rain gutter needs some special ice shielding and we will need two or more inspections by the city as we re-roof the house.
Does anyone have any specific info on the gutter, inspection?
Thank You,
Ward III
AMEN to the 5:08 post
Go to the Raytown school district and pull up school boundaries you will find Raytown middle is 59th st going north to 35 th st then east past Noland rd and west to 350 ; a very very smal section inside Raytown city limits
To 9:37 am did you look up that boundary to Raytown middle school? I did..... Opps... It is mainly all in KCMO and indep mo
Google fiber began digging in my area last week and just finished in my daughters area. They sure have been busy for months. I'm glad they have set up in the Santa Fe Center for people to check out the package deals they offer
And they pay the same school taxes that you do because they are in the Raytown School District.
Well of course they pay the same school taxes; but that is not what the conversation at Raytown middle school was about
To 7:04 am Demographics and sioceconomics plays are large part in the social development of students. Take for instance while Timber Valley and Eastwood Hills are both in KC Mo. And both pay Raytown School Taxes the sioceconomics are of vast difference. Children do learn what they live
1:21PM, Obviously you judging children by where they live? Before they moved, my neighbors in Raytown had obnoxious children. I also observed other obnoxious children in the hood. I blame poor and non-caring parenting, not the fact that the children lived in Raytown. Lets blame the parents where the real responsibility lies.
Andy Whiteman
I know I am voting no on these three taxes and hope others see that overspending and give aways to companies like Wal-mart has to stop before you ask anyone with half an education for more money.
I know I am voting no on these three taxes and hope others see that overspending and give aways to companies like Wal-mart has to stop before you ask anyone with half an education for more money.
To Andy; that is exactly what the conversation was about . The schools can not raise the kids when the parents don't . Some parents just think it is everyone else's responsibility and blame others which in essence is making excuses for their own lack there of
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