Thanksgiving from Greg, Paul and
the Raytown Report to all of our readers!
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Use this link THANKSGIVING BONUS (turn up the volume and enjoy)

Charter Commission Update . . .
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To be honest about it, most of the Commission’s work is boring. A lot
of boiler plate is read publicly and reviewed. Most of it goes through with
very little comment.
There are, however, other situations that are more interesting. This is
when individual Charter Commissioners bring forward ideas for consideration.
Commissioners Lisa Emerson has brought forward some interesting ideas
regarding eminent domain. Commissioner Susan Dolan has brought forward a
section regarding intergovernmental agreements.
The following are f0ur examples of items I believe we should include in
the Charter. My thought was to take mistakes made by other communities and find
a way to keep them from being repeated in Raytown.
The following items are on the Charter Commission’s Monday night
meeting. The meeting is held at Raytown City Hall (10000 East 59th Street)
begins at 6:30 and is open to the public.
Neither the City nor any City-affiliated agency may:
a) determine or regulate the price of privately held and transacted
goods or services.
Examples of a city regulating fees would be the controversial taxi
service licensing in Kansas City, Missouri. Two startup companies, Uber and
Lyft have run into legal roadblocks in expanding their transportation services
in Kansas City. In fact, Lyft is the target of a lawsuit in federal court
brought by the City to block their operation in Kansas City. Both Uber and Lyft
have been highly successful in their service to the public in major cities on
the west coast.
b) create, sponsor, or oversee any kind of Earnings Tax or Income Tax
on the People of Raytown.
Kansas City, Missouri has an Earnings Tax which has been detrimental to
the local economy. The flight of business to surrounding suburbs and most
notably Johnson County, Kansas is well documented. The problem has become some
acute that the City of Kansas City has abated the Earnings Tax to certain firms
to entice them to locate within Kansas City, Missouri.
c) use dedicated sales tax revenue to fund any TIF, tax abatement
scheme or program that would redirect such revenue from the purpose it was
”Dedicated sales taxes” are taxes created for a specific purpose.
Examples would be Raytown’s Transportation Sales Tax and Public Safety Sales
Tax. Approximately 25% of the tax dollars raised from those taxes are being
used to pay down the TIF debt incurred for the Walmart on 350 Highway.
Governments should keep their word to the people. This section guarantees the
word will be kept.
d) contribute any public funds derived from City Taxes as a donation,
payment or gift to intergovernmental research or promotion of political issues
without consent of the People through direct vote of a ballot issue.
In 2012 the Board of Aldermen donated $10,085.00 to the Jackson County
Regional Transit Plan Education Program. The purpose of the donation was to
educate the public on the need for light rail in Jackson County, Missouri. This
section would prohibit the donation of such funds without explicit approval of
the voters through a ballot issue.
The Paul Livius Report BY PAUL LIVIUS
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – November 18, 2014. The Color Guard and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 469. Mahesh Sharma told the Board the Raytown EMS will be hosting a Community Center Blood Drive at the EMS station on December 15th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. You may sign up for an appointment at www.esavealifenow.org and use the sponsor code
raytown ems. He said we could call Kim at 737-6030 if we have questions.
The Board passed a resolution approving an agreement for Medical Director Services with David Gustafson, DO as the Department of Emergency Medical Services’ Physician Medical Director through December 19, 2015. Doug Jonesi told the Board Dr. Gustafson is well respected in the EMS industry, as well as Emergency Medicine. He has an extensive history of working with EMS services, providing education while supporting the latest technology and procedures in the field. Dr. Gustafson comes highly recommended by other emergency medical agencies. The State of Missouri, the Drug Enforcement Agency and other governing bodies require EMS agencies to have Physician oversight. The Bureau of EMS requires agencies to have this oversight in order to provide care without a direct order by another doctor. Failure to have a Medical Director would harm the Department’s ability to buy important controlled substances and other life-saving medications. Failure to have a Medical Director would diminish the ability to provide advanced life support care as well as make EMS non-compliant with federal and state requirements. The amount budgeted for fiscal year 2014-2015 is $3,960.00.
The Board passed a resolution approving an agreement for inmate security housing with Johnson County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Office for fiscal year 2014-2015 in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00. The cost will be $34.50 per diem for each inmate.
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting – November 18, 2014. The Color Guard and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 469. Mahesh Sharma told the Board the Raytown EMS will be hosting a Community Center Blood Drive at the EMS station on December 15th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. You may sign up for an appointment at www.esavealifenow.org and use the sponsor code
raytown ems. He said we could call Kim at 737-6030 if we have questions.
The Board passed a resolution approving an agreement for Medical Director Services with David Gustafson, DO as the Department of Emergency Medical Services’ Physician Medical Director through December 19, 2015. Doug Jonesi told the Board Dr. Gustafson is well respected in the EMS industry, as well as Emergency Medicine. He has an extensive history of working with EMS services, providing education while supporting the latest technology and procedures in the field. Dr. Gustafson comes highly recommended by other emergency medical agencies. The State of Missouri, the Drug Enforcement Agency and other governing bodies require EMS agencies to have Physician oversight. The Bureau of EMS requires agencies to have this oversight in order to provide care without a direct order by another doctor. Failure to have a Medical Director would harm the Department’s ability to buy important controlled substances and other life-saving medications. Failure to have a Medical Director would diminish the ability to provide advanced life support care as well as make EMS non-compliant with federal and state requirements. The amount budgeted for fiscal year 2014-2015 is $3,960.00.
The Board passed a resolution approving an agreement for inmate security housing with Johnson County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Office for fiscal year 2014-2015 in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00. The cost will be $34.50 per diem for each inmate.
The Board passed an ordinance approving the first amendment to the
redevelopment contract with the Raytown Community Betterment Redevelopment
Corporation for The Partners Stark Assisted Living Redevelopment project as
adopted by ordinance.
The City of Raytown entered into a contract with the Raytown Community
Betterment Redevelopment Corporation on May
9, 1997 for the development by Partners Stark Assisted Living Redevelopment
Project of the Elliott Shooting Range located near Maple and 350 Highway. The
Contract provides for tax abatement for the redevelopment of the property to
occur in three phases.
Phase 1 of the Contract provides for construction of 96 assisted living
apartment units. It also provides for a service building to house kitchen,
laundry and cleaning services, and landscape improvements.
In addition, Phase 1
provides for the construction of Maple Avenue as a private street through the
development, extension of utilities to the property, payment of up to $100,000.00
for acquisition and construction of right-of-way to extend Maple Avenue to the
redevelopment area, and payment of $118,000.00 to the City of Raytown for
improvements to the existing Maple Avenue.
Phase 2 provides for construction of 48 assisted living apartment units
to be located directly west of the Phase 1 assisted living apartment units.
Phase 3 provides for construction of 24
assisted living apartment units to be located west of Phase 2 near the
northwest corner of the property. A bed and breakfast large enough to
accommodate five or fewer families as well as a storage area for the use of
residents were also approved as part of Phase 3.
Phase 1 and the corresponding improvements to Maple Avenue were
constructed in accordance with the Redevelopment Contract.
As a result Phase 1 is currently receiving 25 years of tax abatement that will extend through 2022. Phase 2 and Phase 3, however, have not yet been constructed. The Redevelopment Contract stipulates that Phase 2 was to be constructed within 30 months of May 9, 1997 (i.e. November 9, 1999) and Phase 3 was to have been completed within 42 months from May 9, 1997 (i.e. November 9, 2000). Construction on Phase 2 and Phase 3 have yet to begin.
Though construction on Phase 2 and Phase 3 has yet to begin, the City has not declared the Redevelopment Contract to be in default. As such, Phase 2 and Phase 3 are still eligible to receive tax abatement for the remaining years of the tax abatement. The owner of Elliot Place has received a purchase offer from Titan Real Estate Investment Group, Inc. which has requested the following four amendments to the Redevelopment Contract.
As a result Phase 1 is currently receiving 25 years of tax abatement that will extend through 2022. Phase 2 and Phase 3, however, have not yet been constructed. The Redevelopment Contract stipulates that Phase 2 was to be constructed within 30 months of May 9, 1997 (i.e. November 9, 1999) and Phase 3 was to have been completed within 42 months from May 9, 1997 (i.e. November 9, 2000). Construction on Phase 2 and Phase 3 have yet to begin.
Though construction on Phase 2 and Phase 3 has yet to begin, the City has not declared the Redevelopment Contract to be in default. As such, Phase 2 and Phase 3 are still eligible to receive tax abatement for the remaining years of the tax abatement. The owner of Elliot Place has received a purchase offer from Titan Real Estate Investment Group, Inc. which has requested the following four amendments to the Redevelopment Contract.
1. To clarify and define the term “assisted living apartment units” to
be defined to include independent living apartment units, assisted living
apartment units, memory care apartment units, and skilled nursing care
apartments units.
2. That Phase 3 will consist of the construction of 48 assisted living
apartment units, which represents an increase of 24 additional assisted living
apartment units from the number of assisted living apartment units stated in
the Redevelopment Contract, dated May 9, 1997.
The increase in the number of assisted living apartment units also
requires approval of an amendment to the development plan for Elliott Place,
which requires review and action by the Planning & Zoning Commission as
well as approval of an amended development plan by the Board of Aldermen.
3. The City does not find Phase 2 and Phase 3 to be in default of the
Redevelopment Contract and, therefore, is still eligible to receive tax
abatement upon construction of those two phases.
4. Extend the timeframe of construction for Phase 2 and Phase 3 to be
completed in 5 years from the date of approval of the requested amendment.
5. Extension of the abatement period for Phase 2 and Phase 3 for an
additional period of 5 years thereby extending the abatement period through tax
year 2022 in accordance with the Settlement Agreement with Jackson County dated
November 7, 2001.
Paul's Rant
Last week’s Board of Aldermen meeting was a strange one. The
meeting was only 45 minutes long. The beginning of the meeting was like all
city council meetings. Boring committee reports, self-aggrandizing comments by
the Mayor and City Administrator and then finally on to business. Two items stood out from the others.
ATA BUS ROUTES: There are five ATA bus routes
in Raytown. I did some digging and found a report that said about 5,000 rides
are taken on the bus service each year by approximately 30,000Raytown residents.
I did the math. That comes to $11.34 per bus ride paid by the
City. It does not include the fare paid by the user.
Just some food for thought . . . it may be cheaper to hire a taxi service to pick people up at their homes rather than fund
a bus service at this cost.
PARTNERS STARK TAX ABATEMENT: Basically this is what took place. A tax abatement was
granted to Partners Stark Assisted Living Redevelopment Project in 1998. The abatement was to help recover extraordinary environmental costs in developing the land. The property was once
a skeet shooting range. As a result there was a tremendous amount of lead in the soil. The abatement was to help in paying those costs so the land could be developed.But that was 16 years ago.
For reasons left unexplained by city personnel, the city never enforced a default judgment on the owner’s of the property for not completing the project as outlined in the tax abatement agreement.
Now a new company wants to build additional housing units on
the property.
Guess what!?! They want a tax abatement too.
Since the city never enforced a default judgement on the previous
owner, City Planner John Benson recommended extending the tax abatement for another eight years. Never mind that the original agreement called for the entire
project to be completed by the year 2000!
The 14 year lapse lays to rest any claims of a high degree of professionalism at City Hall.
Or is it a conspiracy of silence by City officials who do not want to go through the legal steps (and publicity) to create a new tax abatement?
Sneaky, sneaky!
Or is it a conspiracy of silence by City officials who do not want to go through the legal steps (and publicity) to create a new tax abatement?
Sneaky, sneaky!
There was not one word of
discussion or questions from the Board of Aldermen uttered before they cast their unanimous vote to extend the tax abatement that had laid dormant for 14 years!
No doubt about it . . . the
bobble heads have returned to Raytown City Hall.
Fit Bottomed Eats
Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie
with Pecan Shortbread Crust
It’s hard to believe that not everyone’s a fan of
traditional pumpkin pie, but most everybody loves ice cream. This recipe
marries the best … Read More
A Few Good Men and Women
The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer and cold. An odd
numbered year is rushing towards us on the calendar . . . in the world of
Raytown politics that can mean only one thing. There is a city election on the
horizon set for next Spring.
It has been awhile since we published the list of qualifications for
the different offices up for election. Next April the positions of Mayor and
City Collector are up for election. So is one-half of the City Council.
So, for those who have a passing interest in running for public office,
here is a short review of requirements:
REQUIREMENTS: You must be a registered voter, a resident of the Ward or
City in which you live and have all of your taxes paid in full to run for
office in Raytown. The elections are non-partisan, so political parties really
do not play into the campaigns in Raytown.
Here are the salaries and other benefits for elected officials in
Salary: $1,000.00 per month
Car Allowance: $250 per month
Car Allowance: $250 per month
Health Insurance: Eligible to participate in city health insurance plan
Salary: $200.00 per month
Car Allowance: $50.00 per month
Health Insurance: Eligible to participate in city health insurance plan
Salary: $100.00 per month
Eligible to participate in city health insurance
Filing for office in Raytown opens in early January and closes in early
February. For more information contact the City Clerk Teresa Henry at Raytown
City Hall. Her telephone number is 737-6000 Extension 9.

I read about the present board apparently 100% approval of a motion to give the new owner of the nursing home the same tax options as the old one. What is the matter with the board and how about the new members especially 2 of them. Give our tax money away.
Well the citizens of Raytown have survived the first night of the Ferguson riot let us hope that our understaffed police dept. is able to control any thing that happens here.
Hopefully there will be no Ferguson born issues in Raytown but, in my opinion after having worked with law enforcement, the Raytown Police Dept. is one to the best managed, professional, well organized, well trained departments that I know of.
Andy Whiteman
I would hope that we are better than that here. Granted, people are upset, but what most of them wanted was revenge, not justice. Justice and revenge are not always mutual, and should never be driven by emotions. We have been taught for the past forty some odd years that our emotions are important, and the we need to connect with our feelings. However, emotions are in themselves ill rational and often illogical. The law should never be driven by emotion, nor should neither our actions. What does it prove to riot and have disorder when there is a disagreement with a decision like this? The short answer is, there is none. The ones who are causing problems are just making the problem even worse, and lowering the public opinion against them. Then again it is mob rule, they are being driven by the emotions of the group as a whole.
Greg and I would like to wish all our readers a Happy Thanksgiving.
From what I've heard the charter has a lot of problems in it. Again police on commission protecting the police department. Pray they make it appointed chief with a police board. About time we got things right in this town.
I wouldn't vote for a charter that appointed a police chief. I can just see Bully Bower appointing a police chief that will strong arm all his opposition. If Anon doesn't like the current police chief, he can actively work to get someone else elected. It sound like he is a mouth piece for city hall and will do anything and say anything to defeat the charter because they are afraid of change.
I feel an elected Police Chief is better than an appointed chief because the people may remove the chief if they are dissatisfied. Albuquerque, NM has an appointed chief, officer involved shootings, allegations of police abuse, along with a DOJ investigation and sanctions. Not saying that the Chief is responsible other than the fact he could have exercised better policies and control of officer's actions.
I was thinking of running for Chief at one time but since Chief Lynch is doing such an outstanding job, I felt that I couldn't do any better.
The people should have a voice in the election of the Police Chief as well as other city officials.
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all. Please drive safely.
Andy Whiteman
Ater we get a fairly simple charter passed then in a latter year changes can be proposed that would change the police dept.
The important thing now is to keep the police dept. the same as it is now.
I do not know what problems 7:29 thinks there are in the proposed charter, I wish that he would discuss them as it is very important to get it out
in the open so that lies will be debunked.
Give the charter a chance, do not try and kill something that will be good for the city.
Ecard for my Raytown friends:
Ferguson, 10 square miles. Raytown, 10 square miles. Ferguson population, 20k. Raytown population, 30k. Ferguson has more black officers than we do. Raytown still has a racist reputation. There is only one reason Raytown doesn't have but one black officer who is only a reserve. It doesn't help that our chief came up under Beeler who gave Raytown such a racist reputation. If you don't think a Ferguson situation can happen here think again. It's time our chief starts recruiting officers of color.
Where does 9:29 think that we have such a racist reputation. Long gone are the days of Beeler. Hardly anyone gets stopped by our police. Stop trying to cause trouble.
Thank you for a nice thanksgiving greeting Greg and Paul
Loved the Thanksgiving Day cartoon!
I've been thinking about who should be the next mayor. Mike McDonough seems like the only one with any kind of a campaign. I know Mike. Not well. I think he is a good guy but am not sure if he is mayor material.
Aren't there any others going to run?
The election is not until next April still a lots of time. I wonder when the time to sign up to run has been reached. Hope Mike would make more of the meetings again missed the charter commission meeting guess he had a another fund raiser.
Several missed the meeting
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