Bower Announces He Will Not
Seek a Third Term
Mayor David Bower announced
today that he will not seek a third term as Mayor of Raytown. In a press
release Bower outlined the accomplishments of nearly eight years as Mayor of
Raytown. He did not elaborate as to any reason for not running for re-election
except to say that he has decided not to seek a third term. To read the entire text of
Mayor Bower’s release go to the bottom of this week’s edition of the Raytown
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Small Business
Recognition . . .
This past Saturday
was Small Business Saturday. Though we are a week late in rec0ognizing the
national event (even the President addressed it in a news release) . . . .
well, we thought, better late than never.
But first, a little
Small Business
Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after U.S.
Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. First
observed on November 27, 2010, it is a counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber
Monday, which feature big box retail and e-commerce stores respectively. By
contrast, Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to patronize
brick and mortar businesses that are small and local.
Paul and I have given
the concept a lot of consideration as to how we can show our support for small
businesses in Raytown. With the idea in mind, we decided to recognize two small
businesses in Raytown.
OWNER: Elisa and
Marjain Breitenbach
On April 27, 2010 the
Breitenbach’s opened their doughnut shop, Doughboys, to the public in Raytown.
It is a date not hard for Elisa Breitenbach to remember. She told me, “It’s my
husband’s birthday!”
Before locating their
business in Raytown the Breitenbach’s considered opening a similar store in
Independence, Missouri at a strip mall they own. Elisa said, “We ran into so
much red tape with Independence city officials, we decided to move the business
to Raytown.”
“We have never
regretted the move,” added Elisa’s husband, Marjain.
Doughboys is a small
business success story. Elisa and Marjain have nothing but praise for their
Raytown area customers. “We could not be more pleased with the friends we have
made in Raytown,” said Elisa.
In its three years
Doughboys has become a popular gathering place for Raytowners to meet and
discuss topics from politics to what is going on in town. The brightly
decorated décor with its comfortable booths, the smell of coffee and the air
rich with the flavor of fresh doughnuts no doubt are part of the attraction to
the public.
Politically speaking,
the Breitenbachs are not afraid to be active in local events that affect the
Raytown area. Last August, they publicly endorsed Frank White for the Jackson
County Legislature by holding a fundraising event at their store for him.
The year before they
publicly opposed Mayor David Bower’s plan to locate a large footprint big box
store (owned by Walmart) in Downtown Raytown. Walmart eventually withdrew from
the project.
No doubt, their
activity ruffled some feathers. One City Councilman, Joe Creamer, is known to
have called for their business operation license to be suspended for their
opposition to the Walmart Store.
If the crowd we saw
Saturday morning is any indication of how welcome Doughboys is appreciated and
loved in Raytown, the store will be there for many, many years to come.
OWNER: Steve and
Stephanie Hollo
“Steve’s Auto”,
located at 55th Street and Raytown Road, is our other choice for
this year’s Small Business Recognition Award.
The auto repair shop is a family business owned and operated by Steve and
Stephanie Hollo.
Steve Hollo, Sr.,
opened the business in 1969. He has since turned over ownership and operation
to his son, Steve Hollo, Jr.
If growth is an
indication, the business is a success story. The Hollos are in the first phase
of doubling the size of their service building. Completion of the project is
expected in 2015.
The Hollos are a civic minded couple who strongly believe in giving back to the community. Each year Steve and his extended family celebrate the opening of the local auto repair store by hosting a Customer Appreciation Day.
The Hollos are a civic minded couple who strongly believe in giving back to the community. Each year Steve and his extended family celebrate the opening of the local auto repair store by hosting a Customer Appreciation Day.
The celebration has
become an area wide event. Automobile collectors from around the Kansas City
metropolitan area bring their vintage automobiles and hotrods for display. This
year’s event had over 40 participants with hundreds of auto enthusiasts in
When writing this
story, I had trouble tracking Steve and Stephanie down.
They were not at home and not at the office. I finally found them at
Our Lady of Lourdes helping with the sale of Christmas Trees for the Parish’s
annual fundraiser.
Knowing the Hollos as
I do – it was not a surprise to find them giving their free time to help a good
cause in the community during their spare time.
Lighting Ceremony
The Annual Raytown
Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Friday, December 5th at
the Raytown Pocket Park located at 63rd Street and Raytown Road. The
event runs from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and is highlighted by the Mayor’s Christmas
Tree Lighting at 6:15 p.m.
The Raytown Chamber
Choir will perform at the lighting.
As part of the
festivities, Santa will make a visit at the UMB Bank along with the Raytown
Community Band Flutes. Hay rides will be available around the city. Enjoy
cookies and hot cider at the FOP at 63rd and Blue Ridge.
first 120 children will also be able to complete a craft (parents are required
to accompany).
Donations of canned,
dry and boxed foods will be accepted for REAP (Raytown Emergency Assistance
The event is
sponsored by the Raytown Main Street Association.
Another Turkey Day
has come and gone. All I have to show for it is another inch around the middle.
Something I hope to correct soon.
I’m glad to see the
Raytown Main Street Association is keeping the spirit of Christmas alive. Their
annual event in Downtown Raytown is visible proof of an effort to make the
Downtown area a success story.
One small
suggestion . . . and I do not mean for it to take away from their
effort . . . last year the event was held at 5:30 p.m. on a Friday
afternoon. I complained about it on this page. Apparently they listened. This
year’s event starts at 6:00 p.m.
It is a step in the
right direction. But it still needs improvement. Look to other communities and
you will find their lighting ceremonies are held either on Thanksgiving evening
or the Saturday following.
No point in trying to
compete with the Plaza Lighting Ceremony. But moving the event to a Saturday
evening starting time would make a lot of sense.
That, or move the
starting time in Downtown Raytown back to at least 6:30. That way the parents
will have time to bundle up the family after getting home from work to
enjoy the event.
On another topic, I
cannot say any
more than Greg did in his stories of
this year’s First Annual Small Business Recognition Award by the Raytown
Steve’s Auto and
Doughboys are two Raytown success stories. We plan to write about others in the
future. If you have any suggestions for recipients of the award do not hesitate
to contact us. You can send the suggestions to: gregtwalters@sbcglobal.net
Community Blood Drive
The Raytown EMS will
be hosting a Community Center Blood Drive at the EMS station on December 15th
from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. You may sign up for an appointment at www.esavealifenow.org
and use the sponsor code raytownems. You
can call Kim at 737-6030 if you have questions.
Make it Tonight:
Fried Dumpling Salad
The following is a
post sponsored by Bibigo. For our sponsored post policy, click here. Want to go
on a culinary vacation right in your own town READ MORE
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Mayor David Bower's Announcement
find myself during this holiday season feeling blessed. I have a wonderful
family, a good job and an amazing opportunity to be Mayor of the city I love,
where I’ve lived for most of my life. After much reflection on all of this I
have decided I will not run for Mayor in the upcoming election.
has been a difficult decision for me because I highly value the opportunity to
work on behalf of Raytown and its residents and businesses. Working alongside
citizens for the betterment of Raytown and the region has truly been one of the
greatest privileges of my life. I believe we have accomplished what you asked
us to do almost eight (8) years ago and the community is on solid footing and
ready for the future. What we have been able to accomplish in terms of progress
has been notable. We have responded effectively and efficiently to the needs
and priorities of our city.
Board of Aldermen and I have worked hard in conjunction with city staff to
re-build and keep our city in financial order while moving us forward through
some perilous times – new legislation, declining revenues and recession. We are
proud that we’ve been able to achieve an A+ S&P Bond Rating. In area
after area, our collective impact has made a difference:
- Received $8 million dollars in grants which has given us new sidewalks, streetlights, and a housing rehabilitation program.
- Successfully transformed a financially imperiled Police Pension Plan that threatened the city’s financial stability to a solvent plan, benefiting the current Officers and providing a tool to attract new Officers.
- Economic Development achievements including Google Fiber, Heartland Manufacturing, Sutherland’s, IHOP, Aldi’s/Gregory Square Development, Extreme Karting and 80 other new businesses that have chosen to do business in Raytown. This includes an Economic Development Incentive Policy to help retain and attract businesses to our city.
- Cooperation across the region working on regional transportation, regional cooperation in building business, communities for all ages initiative, and more recently the new KC Rising.
- Transparency and openness across the city’s communication platforms. We’ve established a presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Engage Raytown, our newest communication tool allowing you to chat with city staff and officials. A newsletter with current information as well as contact information delivered directly to your mailbox. And, a new website coming in January that will offer our residents even more accessibility 24/7.
- The recent overwhelming approval of our Transportation and Capital Improvement Sales Tax renewal demonstrates the confidence and trust for the work, progress and accomplishments made during this decade: new ambulances, police cars, and improved snow removal.
as your Mayor has afforded me the opportunity to grow personally and
professionally. I have found tremendous satisfaction in representing
Raytown at the local and regional level, including serving in leadership roles
on the Eastern Jackson County Betterment Council, Kansas City Metro Mayors
Caucus, Mid-America Regional Council, Missouri Municipal League, and
others. Our city’s involvement in these collaborative partnerships, and
the relationships that have been built with other local and regional leaders,
has benefitted our city and our region, and me personally. Your
confidence in me to serve as your Mayor has provided me with these
opportunities and I remain committed to regional planning and projects that
will positively impact our community.
have a great deal to be proud of, and I am deeply grateful for the honor and
privilege of serving as Mayor of Raytown. In the coming months I look forward
to thanking you personally for the support you have given me.

I suggest you check out the Home Skillet. They have good food and excellent service at a reasonable price.
I wish that 9:29 from last week would explain about the racist reputation that we are suppose to have in Raytown. You go around making statements and can not back them up. As I said long gone are the Beeler days. Come on fees up
Well, it looks like some of us have gotten our Christmas wish early. The word is out from Mr. Bower that he is not seeking re-lection. Amen. Can't wait 'til April, to send him packin. I noticed that on his way out he is taking selective credit for his accomplishments. How about the raise for City Administrator, 80k to bail out Super Splash, remodeling the Council chambers. Snubbing your nose at a lucrative proposal from Raytown Fire. New positions, Public Relations person and Eco-Devo person. Oh yeah and messing with the The Public Safety Sales Tax.....the list goes on and on. Thank you Mr. Bower for stepping aside, can't wait.
Wow, count how many times Bower uses the word "I" in his statement. Not surprised though, he over estimates his power and importance. Total egomaniac.
I am not a fan of David Bower. I think he has run this city into the ground. A huge tax burden has been shifted from commercial and residential property to just the residential properties.
That said, I did read his statement. I do not believe he over-used the word "I". It was used in totally appropriate ways.
If you are going to be a Bower Basher, at least be fair and honest. The guy has screwed this city over in so many ways that no one has to make up stuff about what he says and does.
"Thank God and Grey Hound he will be gone!!!" He stated that 80 new businesses have come to Raytown. How many businesses have left, a lot more than 80. it will take years to fix the problems that he created. Now we can only hope the board of aldermen will leave to. That would amke it a very Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greg and Paul
Thank You for the recognition. Small Business Saturday has turned into a very fun day for us in Raytown. It's wonderful to be here and hard to believe how good business can be snuggled into a residential area as we are. The people of Raytown have made us feel very welcome here. It is amazing how they talk about the other businesses in town. Steve's Auto comes up frequently. People don't just like and respect Steve and his family they truly love them. Again thanks for the recognition.
I stopped by to wish Steve H. a Merry Christmas expecting to see building going on but apparently city hall is dragging its feet again. It is a wonder that people do build in Raytown.
Please pay your tax bills in Raytown, the city receives a % for all tax bills paid.
4:01 pm
What are the hours at city hall to pay the taxes?
Jon --
Most likely it would be during the hours that City Hall is open. 8-5 M-F, except holidays and weather.
I've often wondered why those in charge of taking care of business during a natural disaster can be counted on to be one of the first shut down in stormy weather.
In Raytown it may be because it is such a long, long, drive from Raytown to Raymore. I also think that is why Raytown hold public events like the Mayor's Christmas Tree lighting ceremony on such a weird schedule.
Early Friday evening instead of on a weekend.
What's the matter, are they purposely trying to keep the number of people at the event down or is it to accommodate the out of town folk who really run our city?
I cannot wait until next April. We need some changes in Raytown.
As an FYI for those wanting to pay property taxes at City Hall, you are NOT limited to regular business hours. There are drops for sewer bill payment. You may place your payment stub along with a check or money order into an envelope and drop into a sewer bill payment drop. Obviously do NOT use cash. I have always enclosed a stamped, self addressed envelope for my receipt to be mailed to me. You may also pay your vehicle taxes that way. I have used that method many times and also have mailed my property tax payment to City Hall.
If you are going to mail your tax payment, it would be better to mail it to the city rather than the county because the city will receive a percentage.
Andy Whiteman
It is perhaps even better, and at least preferred by the County, that you pay online (if you can). There is a charge for ECheck or Credit Card, but the fees are lower than the cost of a stamp. Also, the payment is automatic, and do not have to wait for the USPS to deliver it (then again being with in the 641xx/640xx Zip Codes, it would get there the next day or so anyway). To pay online, go tot eh Jackson County web site, click on part to pay your taxes, and you will need to enter the PIN that is on the tax bill (among other stuff, it is relatively easy).
Thank God Bower will be gone. He is not running because he would lose. The man has no clue on how to lead from the Walmart meetings I attended and I don't care for how he treats people. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Two years ago, I mailed my check to the county on December 3. I kept waiting for the check to clear. When it didn't, I tried to call, but of course, they wouldn't answer their phones. I put a stop payment on the check and paid on the website. Three weeks later, I get a letter from the county that my check didn't clear. Since I had a receipt for the payment, I threw the letter away. Now I always pay online by credit card. The people at the county offices inept.
When does the filing period for the different offices open and close?
What are the boundaries for the different districts (wards?) in Raytown?
How much does it cost to file for office in Raytown?
Anon 7:55
Those are excellent questions. All the answers can be found with
Teresa Henry, the City Clerk. She knows the dates and the fees. She also knows how many signatures are required to waive the fees. She has a map of Raytown showing the ward boundaries. She can be reached at (816) 737-6004 or thenry@raytown.mo.us
What's up, just wanted to mention, I liked this post. It was helpful.
Keep on posting!
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