Ward Four Alderman to Run for Mayor
Ward Four Alderman Pat Ertz announced his
intention to run for mayor today. He is the second candidate to announce he
will run for the office of Mayor. Michael McDonough announced over one month
ago his intention to run for Mayor.
The incumbent Mayor, David Bower, has
announced he will not seek a third term.
Mr. Ertz said he will publish a press release
later this week officially announcing his candidacy.
Ward 5 Alderman Steve Mock did something interesting last week. He
publicly criticized cost of over-runs of a sanitary sewer project in his Ward.
was right to do so.
What is unfortunate is that none of his fellow seatmates joined him in his complaint.
What is unfortunate is that none of his fellow seatmates joined him in his complaint.
How much of an over-run? According to the report, a 4% over-run was
experienced on the project.
Talk about a classic case of percentages being used to gloss over
reality. In this case the reality was $130,738.50.
To put that number into perspective consider this . . . it is more money than was budgeted for street
overlay improvements in residential neighborhoods. Why, it is almost as much as
City Administrator Mahesh Sharma takes home with him to Raymore each year!
Alderman Mock is correct to criticize the over-runs. And quite frankly,
he did not mince words about it. He makes his living in the construction
business and knows the importance of completing projects on time and on budget.
The story told by the numbers in this week’s
Paul Livius Report pretty much tells it all. Check out the highlighted section
of my report to see what 4% measures up to in real dollars and cents.
Good job, Mr. Mock. It is refreshing to know
that one of our Aldermen is willing to stand up and speak out!
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Making a
Difference: To read the comments on the blog portion of the Raytown Report one would
think the air is rife with a call for change in Raytown.
Recent developments at Raytown City Hall suggest the thought would be accurate.The most telling development came last week when Mayor David Bower announced he would not seek a third term as Mayor.
It is a decision the Mayor did not dwell upon, instead he focused on his version of accomplishments in the eight years he served as Mayor.
The most important part of his press release was contained in the first paragraph when he wrote he would not run.Yet to be seen is whether or not the open seat attracts more candidates.
It will also be interesting to see if the open seat at the top attracts more candidates for the Board of Aldermen.
Of the five incumbent aldermen running, three of them are getting long in the tooth. Translated that means they have been there a very long time (collectively over 100 years!). Those three are Aziere, Melson and Ertz. Controversial Ward 1 incumbent Joe Creamer, is known to have lived outside of the ward he represents for over one year. Incumbent Michael Lightfoot is finishing his second term as Alderman in Ward 5.
A recent blogger wrote asking when filing opens and closes at City Hall. Another writer replied giving direction where to go to at City Hall to find out the information. For those who are wondering, the answer is the City Clerk’s office.
Here is something you will not see in the other news sources in Raytown. Many of who have taken the posture of “Oh! Is there an election next April?”
Yes there is and Raytown is ripe for political change.
So if you feel, as I do, that Raytown City Hall has lost its sense of direction. If you feel the city’s economic development plans are over-shadowing the needs of our neighborhoods, our public safety, and our quality of life. Then read the following information and consider how you can step up to make Raytown a better place.
Recent developments at Raytown City Hall suggest the thought would be accurate.The most telling development came last week when Mayor David Bower announced he would not seek a third term as Mayor.
It is a decision the Mayor did not dwell upon, instead he focused on his version of accomplishments in the eight years he served as Mayor.
The most important part of his press release was contained in the first paragraph when he wrote he would not run.Yet to be seen is whether or not the open seat attracts more candidates.
It will also be interesting to see if the open seat at the top attracts more candidates for the Board of Aldermen.
Of the five incumbent aldermen running, three of them are getting long in the tooth. Translated that means they have been there a very long time (collectively over 100 years!). Those three are Aziere, Melson and Ertz. Controversial Ward 1 incumbent Joe Creamer, is known to have lived outside of the ward he represents for over one year. Incumbent Michael Lightfoot is finishing his second term as Alderman in Ward 5.
A recent blogger wrote asking when filing opens and closes at City Hall. Another writer replied giving direction where to go to at City Hall to find out the information. For those who are wondering, the answer is the City Clerk’s office.
Here is something you will not see in the other news sources in Raytown. Many of who have taken the posture of “Oh! Is there an election next April?”
Yes there is and Raytown is ripe for political change.
So if you feel, as I do, that Raytown City Hall has lost its sense of direction. If you feel the city’s economic development plans are over-shadowing the needs of our neighborhoods, our public safety, and our quality of life. Then read the following information and consider how you can step up to make Raytown a better place.
REQUIREMENTS: You must be a
registered voter, a resident of the Ward or City in which you live and have all
of taxes and fees (such as sewer bills, dog licenses, etc.) paid in full to run for office in Raytown. The elections are
non-partisan, so political parties really do not play into the campaigns in
Here are the salaries
and other benefits for elected officials in Raytown:
Salary: $1,000.00 per month
Car Allowance: $250 per month
Salary: $1,000.00 per month
Car Allowance: $250 per month
Insurance: Eligible to participate in city health
insurance plan
insurance plan
$400.00 per month
Car Allowance: $50.00 per month
Health Insurance: Eligible to participate in city health
Car Allowance: $50.00 per month
Health Insurance: Eligible to participate in city health
insurance plan
$100.00 per month
Eligible to participate in city health insurance
Eligible to participate in city health insurance
for office in Raytown opens in early January and closes in early February. For
more information contact the City Clerk Teresa Henry at Raytown City Hall. Her
telephone number is 737-6004. Her email address is thenry@raytown.mo.us
The Paul Livius Report BY PAUL LIVIUS
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
December 2,
Jim Melvin, Interim Public Works
Director, gave the Board the update on the City’s winter weather plan. To view the map for street clearing, please
go to page 9 at
The Board reappointed Pat Jackson to the Jackson County Board
of Equalization to represent the city.
The Board passed resolution to accept a community
grant from Wal-Mart in the amount of $500.00 to further the city’s community
education programs through the Emergency Medical Services Department. Doug Jonesi told the Board the Department of
Emergency Medical Services, along with the entire EMS industry views the
education of the general public as a critical component to their mission.
The American Heart Association views community-based CPR programs as a vital link in the “chain of survival” for those patients suffering heart attacks, strokes, and cardiac arrest. Education and training are an integral part of the mission. Community programs such as CPR and AED initiatives as well as the advocacy Raytown EMS has shown in the area of protecting children while riding in automobiles have been proven to save lives.
The American Heart Association views community-based CPR programs as a vital link in the “chain of survival” for those patients suffering heart attacks, strokes, and cardiac arrest. Education and training are an integral part of the mission. Community programs such as CPR and AED initiatives as well as the advocacy Raytown EMS has shown in the area of protecting children while riding in automobiles have been proven to save lives.
The Board passed resolution to accept a community grant from Truman Heartland Community Foundation
in the amount of $2,500.00 to further the city’s Community education programs through
the emergency medical services. Doug
Jonesi said Raytown’s Department of Emergency Medical Services has
become well known in the Kansas City area for our Child Safety Seat program. Parents and caregivers have become familiar
with the round-the-clock availability, the skills, and the professionalism of
the certified Child Safety Seat technicians at Raytown EMS. The certified Child Safety Seat technicians
of Raytown EMS are passionate about community outreach and education of parents
and caregivers regarding the safe transportation of infants and children as
well as other safety issues, such as safe sleeping practices. Raytown EMS is also focused on going beyond
mandated requirements for transporting infant and children patients in the
safest manner possible.
The Board passed resolution to change our
authorized representative for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources
State Revolving Fund from Tom Cole to Martha Mundt Smartt.
The Board passed resolution to appoint Director
of Finance Martha Mundt Smartt as the
representative on the Raytown 350 Community Improvement District Board of Directors.
The Raytown 350 CID is governed by a five (5) member Board of Directors consisting
of three members who represent the Developer, one member who represents the
School District and one member who represents the City. The Developer is
currently represented by David Block, Becky Goodman and Reuben Pate. The School
District is
represented by Brad Blevins. Director of Finance Martha Mundt Smartt is
recommended as the City representative due to her knowledge of the tax
increment financing procedures in the State of Missouri and the financial
implications of the Raytown 350 CID connected to the Raytown Live 350 TIF
District. The members of the Board of
Directors are nominated from a slate of officers submitted to the District and
subsequently appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen. The CID Board has requested that the City
submit the name of a City representative for approval. To be qualified to serve on the Board of
Directors the person must be at least 18 years of age and be either:
an owner of real property within the District,
an owner of a business operating within the
District, or
a registered voter residing in the District.
The City owns
the strip of land between Westlake Hardware and the Wal-Mart property, thus
continues to meet the necessary qualifications for designation of a
representative from the City to serve on the Board of Directors.
The Board passed resolution approving the White Oak West Line A sanitary sewer project Change Order #3-Final
with Linaweaver Construction, Inc. for an increase of $64,698.00, acceptance of
the work performed under the contract, and authorization of final payment under
the contract. This change order #3-Final
will modify 5 existing line items to bring them up to field measured amounts,
and add 4 line items for extra work needed to repair existing facilities within
the project limits of the White Oak West Line A sanitary sewer project. The
original contract amount was $3,091,952.00, Change Order #1 added an additional
$12,910.00, and Change Order #2 added an additional $53,130.50. This Change
Order #3-Final will add an additional $64,698.00, and this will make the final
contract amount $3,222,690.50. The three change orders combined represent a
4.2% increase over the original contract price.
-- Existing
line item 6 (Full Width 2" Cold Mill) overran to perform more milling on
the east and west ends of the project to pave further each direction to get to
better pavement to match with the new overlay. The side streets were also
milled a little further to the north and south to get to a better stopping
-- Existing
line item 8 (Concrete Curb) overran by 840 feet. We added 815 feet to extend
the new curb & gutter on the east & west ends of the project to get to
better existing curbing to match with the new overlay. The side streets were
also curbed a little further to the north and south to get to a better stopping
spot. We added 25 feet of curbing that removed & replaced a section of
curbing for a new inlet that was added (new line item #42).
-- Existing
line item 9 (Concrete Driveway Rem/Rep) underran by 150.06 square yards. This will
make the final quantity paid equal to the final measured amount.
-- Existing
line item 11 (Concrete Sidewalk ADA Ramp) underran by 1 each. Only 14 ADA ramps
were constructed instead of the plan quantity of 15. This will make the final
quantity paid equal to the final measured amount.
-- Existing
line item 31 (Pavement Striping) overran by $10,263. This was for additional
lane 4"
striping, bike lane symbols, 12" crosswalks, 24" stop bars, and yield
triangles. City staff walked the project with the contractor to determine the
exact location and quantity of each that were necessary. This will make the
final quantity paid equal to the final measured amount.
-- New line
item 41 (Additional Pavement Demo) was needed to remove more of the south side of
83rd Street at 5 locations to get a better slope from the middle of the road to
the new curb and gutter along the south side. The plans laid out the curbing
much too low.
-- New line
item 42 (Add. Grate Inlet at 9051 E. 83rd St) was added to help collect runoff
at a low point of the curb and gutter.
-- New line
item 43 (Reconstruct Curbs/Drive to match new road between Kentucky &
The curb and
gutter that was constructed per plan was much too low and had to be removed and
replaced at a better elevation to match the existing street.
-- New line
item 44 (Reconstruct Curbs/Drive to match new road between 9417 and 9513 E. 83rd
Street).The curb and gutter that was constructed per plan was much too low and
had to be removed and replaced at a better elevation to match the existing
Alderman Mock
said there was a traffic cone at 83rd and Elm that had been there
for several weeks. He asked if he should
pick it up and take it to city hall. He
also said he was tired of all the over-runs.
The job is bid and the bid approved and the contract signed, then the
city is told it will cost more because of some unanticipated problem.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance to grant a conditional use permit
to operate an auto repair business on property located 8910 East Highway 350. Jason Barton on
behalf of H&H 350, LLC is seeking approval of a Conditional Use Permit
application that proposes to allow tire and wheel installation and service
(i.e. auto repair) in conjunction with a tire and wheel retail business. The
subject property is located at 8910 Highway 350 which is on the northwest
corner of the intersection of Highway 350 and Lane Avenue. The applicant is
proposing to make improvements to the existing building and property, which
• Renovations to the existing building;
• Construction of an addition onto the front of the existing building;
• Repaving the parking lot;
• Removal of one entrance on Highway 350 and construction of new
• Removal of a portion of the shoulder on Highway 350 and construction
curb and gutter;
• Construction of a sidewalk along Highway 350;
• Design of sidewalk, curb and gutter improvements along Lane Avenue and
placement of construction funds in an escrow account with the City for cost
share of storm drainage improvements that City will be making in the future
with which the applicant’s improvements will connect;
• Installation of landscaping.
Toasted Oats Cereal
Coconut Snack Balls
When you’re rushing from one
holiday to-do to another one, the one thing you don’t want to forget to do this
time of year is fuel yourself properly. Believe us. We know from personal
experience that holiday cheer and getting hungry do not go hand in hand. So, we
suggest whipping up a batch or two of these Toasted Oats Cereal Coconut Snack
Balls created by Kath Younger of Kath Eats Real Food for
General Mills and then taking a few of
them with you when you’re out and about getting your holiday on! READ MORE
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I wish that 9:29 from two weeks ago would explain about the racist reputation that we are suppose to have in Raytown. You go around making statements and can not back them up as I said long gone are the Beeler days. Com on fess up.'
I think that the above person should put up or shut up on remarks such as he makes.
I would like to take a moment and express my disappointment when I heard that the Police department was losing more officers again. I found out through a source, which as I will remain anonymous, that the police department as lost another 3 bodies this year and due to possibly lose more. With the hiring not being able to catch up. I also was told that they are going to be leaving a few key positions which were funded by the Public Safety sales tax unfilled. The drug unit and the traffic enforcement unit are under staffed. With the drug unit going completely unmanned. This is horrible. Our tax hicks that we, the city placed to help out public safety are now not even going to fund bodies to for two programs that are essential to proactive public safety. What’s next is the police department going to start cutting detectives and maybe patrol. Seems like the taxes we voted for and the chief we voted for are not giving us our money’s worth. Now a police official wants to take over the mayor’s office. I believe we should strongly consider what we are getting ourselves into before allowing the police department to control city hall.
I’m not sure what 9:29 was talking about but, about
forty five to fifty years ago Raytown was allegedly on the racist
side. But, like I said forty five to fifty years ago. This was
common in all cities in the US back then. Not a nice time
for everybody. However times change and so
has Raytown.
I would suggest that “Anonymous” 9:29 step out of the past.
Raytown has a variety of good people living within it’s
City lines and along with them a great Police Department.
6:48 - So you don't want anyone from the police department running for mayor. Are you going to run? Can you fix the problems? If not, sit down and shut up.
Anonymous 425 not sure where you got your information but the City Administrator took 3 to 4 officer positions away several years ago
Officers have left but I would bet it has nothing to do with the Chief. People leave fot lots of reasons including lack of pay range and benefits. Not sure why anyone would want to be a police officer nowadays. As for the Police official taking over City Hall? That Police official is retiring according to the paper, well ahead of the election so not sure how your argument stands up.
Anonymous 6:48.
First of all the Police Department will NOT CONTROL
City Hall. Mike McDonough is retiring from the Police
Department and with his well over thirty years living
in Raytown has seen the good and the bad about this
City and I don’t just mean the bad people. Mike has
worked with the budgeting of the Police Department
so he knows a little more than most others on how to
Handle the finance of the city and each department.
He has driven on every street in this city. That’s more than
our elected officials we have now.
By the way don’t blame the Police Department for “not
getting your money’s worth.” Your mayor and aldermen
used that money where is wasn’t supposed to go.
Safety tax was NOT supposed to go into the general fund.
Guess where it went. The street overlay tax was for our
streets. That money for a big part went to the parking lot
and the street in front of this administrations holy building,
The Police we are fortunate enough to have are hard working
good people. They are working twelve hour shifts.
The problem is almost any other small or
larger town pays more for starting policemen and women.
If the money wasn’t taken away our Police Department
might have had enough to raise the starting pay.
Even our veteran officers, at least most of them have
To work part time jobs to make it. They didn’t get
A thirty thousand plus dollar a year like Raytown’s CA.
It’s all in the numbers and this administration has always
been against the Police in every way.
Maybe it’s time for someone that has seen for over thirty years
the wrong way to run a city.
50 years ago the entire KC area was racist. Not just Raytown. Times have changed and so has Raytown.
Raytowners, quit this nonsense of walking around saying "we're not worthy".
You are worthy. And your city is a good place to live. Realize it and enjoy life.
Be careful when you blindly follow the masses. Sometimes the M is silent.
I truly don't believe Mike can separate himself from the police department if elected mayor. You don't work somewhere for some forty years and just walkaway without ever giving that department or its officers another thought again. We were told by the chief when he pushed for the safety sales tax they would add seven more policemen to the force. That never happened instead they have gotten lots of "NEW TOYS." Let's be honest we were lied to by the chief!!!! Just call me Gloria
Mike is blue blood. Citizens of Raytown are not. He will protect PD interests (PD pay, pension, benefits, Toys, etc.) over all other interests.
Hey Gloria and Anon 11:15,
So what "toys' do your refer to? Are you inferring that the officers are child like and need to be amused with toys? What do you know about what the officers actually do? I'm sure you know exactly doodly squat. Ever done a ride along? Probably not. Do you personally know any cops? Didn't think so. Ever been shot at? Exposed to people with infectious diseases? Have your life or the lives of your family threatened because of what you do for a living? Confronted people with weapons? Told to find people with weapons? Worked around stinking dead bodies? Didn't think so. Those officers need tools to do their jobs. The SUV's which I am sure you are referring to in part, are all weather vehicles that allow them to get in and out of places in bad weather more efficiently. In fact, these are becoming more prevalent nationally among PD's in areas that experience snow, ice, and difficult terrain. Hey, you'll be the ones calling 911 not them. Think about that. As far as protecting pay, pension and benefits Anon 11:15, if you think you can hack it step up there stud. Otherwise let those with hardier souls than yours handle the dirty and dangerous work. How about that hot shot? Neither of you have a remote idea of how our city is governed do you? I didn't think so. Mike has not only 40 years of public service but he has given selflessly to other worthwhile civic causes as well. I'm sure neither of you can say that. Here's some advice for both of you. Put up or shut up.
I’m getting tired of people that write about others
and take cheap shots at them and don’t have the guts
to back-up what they say with their damn name.
Like “Anonymous” 6:58 and 11:15. Shame on you!
You’re the kind of people that is the problem with
this town. All bark and hide behind someone else
or under the “Anonymous” name.
You would probably vote for Pat Ertz after he has
promised NOT TO RUN for mayor more than once
and has crawfished back at least twice.
Mark my words, I have a feeling Mayor Bower will
help this man run for mayor. Even though he has been
said to, behind Bowers back dislike Bower. Ertz will
probably receive funds from Bower to help him.
Here’s another thing I will predict, Bower will be on
some board after he leaves the mayors office and will
still try to influence the new mayor if he helps them win.
You people that seem to want to bash Mike
McDonough don’t understand that he is a good man
and being a great police officer and the man he has been
for so many years out of uniform is a plus in honesty
and integrity. Can you really say that about any other
elected official after the last eight years?
If you people of Raytown elect any incumbent official,
this means you want more of the same old Raytown
politics, lies, closed door meetings and deceiving the
I'd rather vote for Mike McDonough knowing he will help the police keep our city safe than vote for someone that is in Bower's hip pocket. Or someone that voted to bring Walmart to town. Or someone that stood by while the "Y" closed and did nothing. Or someone that voted to give a $30,000 "salary adjustment" to one employee while giving nothing to all the others. Or voted to put oil and gravel on our streets instead of asphalt.
Wow, I wonder if Ertz will campaign on the $30,000 raise he gave the City Administrator while not requiring him to move to Raytown? Maybe he will brag about the wonderful street overlay program. LOL
Wow! Someone sure does not like Pat Ertz. Does this mean Mike McDonough will take away the Amdinistrators $30k pay raise? Does it mean Mike McDonough will do away with the slurry seal program?
Your turn.
Here’s an idea………
Congratulations to Mike McDonough!
Today December 12, is his last day on the police force.
HAPPY RETIREMENT MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pat Ertz has no business running for mayor with the job he holds as manager of Public Water District #2. I see nothing but problems as to conflict of interests arising. If I were on the board of directors for the water district I would tell him that he needs to make a choice, either resign as manager to play in politics or come back and run the water company. By the way he is paid very well. It's public record.
3:09 PM, Isn't there also a conflict with Pay Ertz being manager of PWD#3 and serving as an Alderman? Maybe he wants to serve and to improve the city of Raytown. Anyone running for Mayor needs a good paying job since the Mayor's salary is a pittance.
Andy Whiteman
PS Having computer issues. Hope this posed only once.
I agree Andy. Some of these comments are way over the top. Why not just say that nobody can run against Mike McDoungh becuase he is such a nice guy!
Makes as much sense.
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