are off and running! Just a little over two months from now, voters will decide
five races for Aldermen in Raytown City Elections on April 4th. There
are no free rides this time around. Every seat is contested. Following is a
breakdown of the contests in the different wards:
WARD 1: Two candidates have
filed for the seat Ward 1 seat left open when Josh Greene* resigned from the
Board of Aldermen last year. Frank Hunt will face off against Greg Walters on
April 4th to fill the seat left open by former Alderman Josh Greene
resigned last summer. This is Hunt’s first attempt to run for public office. Greg
has previous experience on the Board. He lasts served in 2009.
*Josh Greene resigned because a change of jobs required him to re-locate to
Warrensburg, Missouri.
WARD 2: Ward 2 incumbent
Jason Greene is seeking re-election in Ward 2. He has served one term on the
Board. He is opposed by Loretha V. Hayden. Ms. Hayden is the owner of Lufti’s
Fried Fish located at 6633 Raytown Road.
3: Alderman Janet Emerson is seeking her second term on the Raytown Board of
Aldermen. She also serves as Mayor Protem for the Board. Her opponent is Ryan
Myers. This is Mr. Myers second attempt to seek public office in Raytown. He
lost in his bid for election to Alderman Mark Moore two years ago.
4: Alderman Bill Van Buskirk is seeking re-election to the Ward 4 seat on the
Board of Alderman. His opponent is Chuck Henss. This is Mr. Henss’ first
attempt at public office.
5: The Ward 5 has been vacant since the death of the late Alderman Steve Mock.
There are three candidates vying to serve as Ward 5 Alderman.
Goforth will be first on the ballot. She is the owner of Pj’s & Company, a
hair salon located at 6310 Ash in Raytown. This is Ms. Goforth’s first attempt
at public office.
Krizek has also filed for the seat left open when the later Alderman Steve Mock
passed away last summer. She was the owner/publisher of the Raytown Brooking Eagle.
Ms. Krizek has run for public office before. She was one of five candidates to
participate in the five way race for State Legislative 50th District
last August.
Mims is final candidate to file for the Ward 5 seat. Ms. Mims served two terms
in the Missouri House of Representatives (2012 – 2016). She also served 15 years on the Hickman Mills
Board of Education.
did not take long for a slate of candidates to materialize from the 11 who have
filed for office.
has reached the Raytown Report that former Aldermen Joe Creamer and
current Alderman Jim Aziere recruited four of the candidates who are running in
the April 4th city election. The roots of two candidate campaigns can be traced back to a "citizen watchdog" formed last year. Two of the candidates in the April election were mentioned in news stories as members of the group. Those two candidates are Ryan Myers and Frank Hunt.
Three candidates, Chuck Henns, Frank Hunt, and Loretha Hayden met with
Creamer and others at Lufti’s Fish in the Obama Room at Lufti’s Fried Fish to discuss
campaign strategy. Lufti’s Fish is owned by Ward 2 candidate Loretha Hayden.
Creamer and Aziere have been vocal critics of Mayor Michael McDonough’s Administration and the Board of
Aldermen at Raytown City Hall.
for the other seven candidates running for aldermen, it appears they have chosen
to run independent campaigns in their election efforts.
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The Breakfast and
Lunch Lovers’ Restaurant
you want to give yourself a treat during these cold winter mornings, forget
about fixing your own breakfast or lunch and take the time to visit the
Breakfast and Lunch Lovers’ Restaurant located at 6204 Raytown Trafficway. Not
only will you enjoy the meal, but you will be taken in by the ambiance of a
restaurant that is sure to stir some memories.

you bite into one of his delicious breakfast or lunch creations you will
realize, as I did, that Independence’s loss is Raytown’s gain.
you want to enjoy a taste of his offerings on the cheap, check out the
Breakfast and Lunch Lovers’ Restaurant on Wednesday, February 1st
from 1:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For just $1.03 you can order Smothered Pork Chops
or a Half Order of Biscuits and Gravy (no potato).
event is being sponsored by Radio Station KPRS 103. So you will be sure to hear
some of the soulful sounds of Motown as you enjoy your lunch.
Bon Apetit!
It does not make much sense to take an ambulance and turn it into a command center. They do not have much room in them. If it is privacy police need it would make more sense to get in a car and roll up the windows. They can then talk to police headquarters, which is only about ten minutes away from anywhere in Raytown, to decide what to do at the scene. Saw there was a dead body found outside the Dirty Bird Bar last night. That's in Kansas City. Did they roll out their mobile command center? I don't think so.
Seems Joe Creamer has caught on to the newest fad of "Alternative Facts". Joe's latest falsehood in The Raytown Times this past week has him totally fabricating the volunteer members of the Elected Officials Salary Review Committee appointed at the time by Mayor McDonough. If you were to believe Joe's statement the new members appointed by the Mayor were previous law enforcement officers.
Sorry Joe but that is just plain BULL BUTTER. Not a single person serving on that Comittee was EVER a law enforcement officer. Nice Try!! Now if you would have fairly said that most of those appointees were friends of most all of the Elected Officials who's compensation they were reviewing, that would have actually been an accurate and fair statement. But I guess that wasn't enough "Dirty Laundry" for you and other's agenda.
And a follow up to my sincere invitation last week to you to contact me and we can have a healthy discussion on areas of your concern.
I will once again toss out an identical invite as you have all my lines of communication to contact me.
But I'm assuming this week will end like last... CRICKETS!!!!!!
Steve Meyers,
Alderman Ward 4
Yeah the bar is in KC but crime happened in the lot which is Raytown
Also the negotiators aren't talking to headquarters they talk to the person that is hold up possibly with hostages
Oh and according to media they had a barricade situation over the weekend too which resulted in a successful ending when barricaded person gave up
What is the purpose of the command trailer parked out back behind the Police station? I thought that was for onsite command operations?
Maybe it's for when Lynch wants to go camping...
8:24 Please stop the "Alternate Facts".
It is okay to say Jim Azeire was your teacher and therefore you know you were miss informed, but don't show it publicly or we will think there is more than one Joe Creamer in town.
Paul and Greg
I think you need to add Ryan Myers to the list at the Obama table.
I don't know if he has said he doesn't break bread with them, but if was just this past summer Ryan was in Randy's paper speaking about this same group.
Ryan wrote how him and Frank had a citizens group that was investigating the city.
Only non-elected officials could join.....
.....fast forward why are they running for office as they will have to leave their own magical group.
Seems like to much of Creamer's CO bread they are eating and it is impacting their ability to think and speak as rational individuals.
5:12 While I appreciate your concern, I can demonstrate that I am an educated free thinker that is not swayed by an agenda.
I encourage anyone to contact if they have questions or concerns about where my loyalty lies (it's to myself as well as the people that I look forward to representing in Ward 3). My contact information can be found on my Facebook page as well as the letterhead that I sent to my constituents.
I am optimistic about what our current board has created since the past election, and I look forward to contributing my professional experience to help move our City forward, not to mention bring the average age of the Board down.
It seems some youngsters in Raytown were never taught the old rule of guilt by association.
Ryan Myers - If you are sincere about helping the people of Raytown, why did you support the WalMart Neighborhood Market when so many were against it?
Mr. Ryan Meyers,
So are you saying that there is an agenda to Creamer? You have to understand if you hang out with people like Creamer and Aziere you completely discredit yourself. And yes anyone who has watched a Aldermen meeting lately knows exactly why Aziere is in that box as well. As for that "committee" you were on, I remember Creamer speaking alot about that on the news before he again made an embarrassment out of himself and the community.
No agenda, free thinker Mr Myers, really? Is that why you and Frank Hunt and Creamer were on Channel 5 late last fall extolling the virtues of your citizens oversight group and Randy's Raytown Times articles you all were writing? You sound like a seasoned politician already, sorry don't believe you.
I like what Joe Creamer is attempting to do and that is hold PD and city hall accountable for their actions. Of course he is being attacked and to be discredited. That's standard procedure when you call out people in position of power.
Keep on keeping on Joe. Forget what those in power are doing to discredit you. They have bones in their closets too, but are to weak in character to reveal their true colors to others.
After reading Ryan Myers post I can't stop laughing. He wants to bring down the age of the BOA members. Well I would think the first to go would be his friend Jim Aziere. And it doesn't look like any of the new guys that Aziere and Creamer have running are any spring chickens. I say keep the board we have they ARE getting things done.
What did Creamer do about the PD while on the Board for 8 years, I will put it in this sentence ____________________. Our current council, yes the one he just throws accusations at, cut the PD budget and created a best practices codes. Sorry Crazy Joe has discredited himself by his actions and words.
Raytown Observer
I knew when I read in total shock in the Raytown Times the female bashing comments relating to the huge marches all across the country by out of touch and out of towner Bob Phillips, he and Battagler were in for a firestorm. I actually totally underestimated the large outrage that both male and females of our community had when Phillips stated that females "tend to follow like sheep". The Editorial Letters this week in The Raytown Times by well respected leaders of our community came out in strong and unified defiance against both these so called newspaper journalists. I join the others in our community as well in total disgust of such disrespectful and blatant disregard for the female population. For Randy to allow Phillips comments to remain in his paper and shake it off as not a huge deal because he didn't feel his "customers" were joining in the outrage is nothing short of blind stupidity. If Randy is so fond of Southern Missouri and has family and Phillips in that region, I have a grand idea. As we have seen time and time again Raytown folks can be some of the most giving people in time of need of others. I bet if Randy finds himself a bit short short in the moving expenses and a needs a helping hand, I bet he would be amazed at the help he would receive!!
Whatever Meyers, you have already startes to lie about your association s and you aint even in yet. By the way you wanna bring the age of the board down, why dont you start with aziere?
I have a question, today I received a bill for my ambulance trip after I had a car wreck and it was over a thousand dollars. Last week I also received an ambulance bill for my 17 year old daughter for the same wreck and it was just under $700.00 dollars. We both received the same care, neither of us needed any fancey medicine and we went t the same hospital. The only difference was that I was taken by Raytown and my daughter by Kansas City. My question is how can this happen? I live and pay taxes in Raytown, yet I save money if I don't use the service I pay for. I called my alderman tonight and was told it was the fault of the billing company and that the board wanted try to get a better service, but the person in charge of EMS didn't get it done in time and now the City is locked in to another year. I asked if the city was going to reimburse people for the cost difference since this was their mistake and he just laughed and said I wish we could... Lesson learned if I ever need an ambulance again I am gong to demand one from Kansas City, I work too hard to waste $300 because of someone else's incompetence.
I wonder how many folks in Raytown are still praising Al Madox.
The Christmas lights were nice during the holiday season, but that ended over a month ago and Al's lights can still be seen every night.
When is Al Madox, a Kansas City resident, going to take down the lights on 63rd St!
10:04 PM, Sorry to hear about your accident. I remember several years ago it was stated there was a rate for Raytown residents that was lower than non residents. I suggest you question the billing company about the billing. I wonder why you are paying the bill because this is covered by auto insurance under "medical?" I suggest submitting the bill to your insurance company. If the other party was at fault, your insurance will subrogate with the other insurance company. If the other party has no insurance, then your insurance will pay under uninsured motorist. True you were both in the same accident but your injuries could be different requiring different care. This service is not like calling a cab and expecting the same fare. An ambulance provides specialized care to each person depending on the trauma consistent with that department's protocols.
I have used Raytown EMS for medical emergencies and never received a bill. My insurance was billed.
Andy Whiteman
The Christmas lights are all down. The white lights on the trees are to help show off the new streetscape and the amenities of such. Just like most cities that have those type of streetscapes. So none of it has to do with Mr. Maddox
Andy "Medical" coverage on an auto policy is an optional coverage and not every policyholder has it. They should carry at least the minumum limit of $1000 but many don't. Especially the people that buy the el cheapo month to month state minumum limit junk. You had most of the other stuff accurate though. Good Job!!!
Raytown has some of the highest ambulance prices in the city, I do coding for an insurance provider and we track things like that. An ambulance ride in Kansas City will cost you around $700 and the same ride in Raytown will run you 1400.
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