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For those who may have missed
it, there was a small flood of letters published in the Times this week
in response Bob’s Off the Top column from the
week before. Bob had written about the Million Women March in
He had opined that “It proves women will follow like sheep –
and – there was plenty of bleating, most of it not fit for children”.
I think Bob was probably responding to celebrity comments like Madonna
(who cynics say took time off from her “I am still relevant tour” to attend the march) who
was quoted as saying “I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the
White House.”
She later said she was speaking metaphorically.
Bob and Madonna have something in common. Apparently they both believe
that it is a good thing to stir people up with ridiculous comments.
Can someone explain the value in that?
The written word should be used to express thought and encourage dialog. It should not be used to insult or encourage bad behavior.
The written word should be used to express thought and encourage dialog. It should not be used to insult or encourage bad behavior.
Mr. Phillips and his soul mate have one other thing in common. They are both wrong.
Speaking of the Written Word
We see that Mr. Creamer is still pounding out letters at the Raytown
Times. The topics are relevant because they speak of current conditions
in Raytown. But that does not give him the right to print things that
simply are not true.
Last week, Creamer had written that Mayor McDonough had appointed
retired police officers to the Elected Officials Compensation Committee.
This prompted a response from Ward 4 Alderman Steve Meyers who
categorically denied the accusation here on the Raytown
Report blog.
To his credit, Creamer owned up to the mistake in the Raytown Times in his letter this week.
Creamer also wrote in his letter that he had expanded his letter writing to the internet. Which is true. He sent a couple of blog entries to the Raytown Report.
We published them.
There were a number of responses that took issue with Creamer’s position in his letter. There is no doubt they were not shy about giving their opinion as well.
Mr. Creamer also wrote he was subjected to name calling in social media over his comments.
Creamer also wrote in his letter that he had expanded his letter writing to the internet. Which is true. He sent a couple of blog entries to the Raytown Report.
We published them.
There were a number of responses that took issue with Creamer’s position in his letter. There is no doubt they were not shy about giving their opinion as well.
Mr. Creamer also wrote he was subjected to name calling in social media over his comments.
Since ours is the only active blog with a very lively following who
often times throw in their two cents worth, we can only assume the
accusation is pointed at the Raytown Report.
We went back and checked the blog for incidents of “name calling”. We
found one that had slipped through. The writer had referred to Joe
Creamer as “that clown Creamer”. The comment has been removed.
To Mr. Creamer, our apology.
We sincerely make an effort to keep the blog portion of the Raytown
Report “clean”. Readers would be surprised . . . especially during
political campaigns . . . the incident(s) of name calling and vulgarity
We delete such comments.
If you see a comment that
has slipped through, we urge you to send a note on the blog bringing it
to our attention.
We will take it from there.
Paul has the weekend off. Look next week for the Paul Livius Report for complete coverage of the Board of Aldermen's February 7th meeting.
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Paul has the weekend off. Look next week for the Paul Livius Report for complete coverage of the Board of Aldermen's February 7th meeting.

So Creamer can call people names and lie in the paper but when someone calls him a clown, he cries to the public? If he can dish it out he should take it.
Name calls on a weekly basis.Check
Threatens to kill an Alderman on Facebook community page. Check
Admitted drug and alcohol abuser during time on council. Check
Makes claims he never supports. Check
Walks into hyvee half naked and intoxicated argues with security. Check
Wants people to feel sorry for him?
Target - Lee Summit, MO
Today was not the first time I have purchased something from Target and found myself at the customer service desk disputing the price and to be honest I understand mistakes happen.
However, it seems to have become the norm at the Lee Summit location.
I also why getting the price adjusted learned from the two customers ahead of me that I was not the only one facing this same dilemma. I didn't ask the first lady the item she had issues with, and she did say something to the staff about too noticing this ugly trend. The staff seemed unfazed, but I am sure the young lady is doing good to earn slightly more than minim wage and was more concerned about moving the line along.
The second lady had grabbed the wrong size paper towels and toilet paper. I know this happens, but too often to from associates putting the sign in front of the wrong product.
My issue was an item with a non-sale price posted, but ringing up several dollars higher. The customer service associate that I end up dealing with was an older lady who started in on my that the item was not on sale. I found this odd as I never said the item was on sale. She acted as her comments would send me on my merry little way, but in fact it had me more determined to get a honest answer.
It took we asking if I needed to put the items that I didn't have in issue with in my car and find a manger to escort back to the shelf and solve the mystery actual price presented to the customers. At that point she called for a floor associate to do a price check and to her surprise not mine that wrong price was listed on the shelf. She at the point refunded me the difference and told me to have a nice day.
She really wanted me to have a nice day after basically telling me I was lying about the price and that she really didn't want to deal with the issue until I wanted to bring management into the picture.
For those that are wondering, I did call management and report my less that positive experience in the hopes the magic price games and the customer service associates be better trained in conversations with the customers.
We can all hope this resolves the issue, but just in case it doesn't' always remember let the buyer be warned.
Looks like Bob Phillips really hit a nerve with last week's submission. Not only did Randy have to apologize for him, they both were blasted several times on Raytown Unleashed. It seems Bob is as popular as a toothache. Conscense seems to be Bob should retire. They might be right.
Thank you - I will keep a more watchful eye when at Target
Good, thought provoking post. And around the corner to the west are more closed businesses and blight.
I see in the latest news from the City that the 59th St sidewalk is to be built soon. Also the Blue Ridge Blvd improvements and repairs.
I hope the City will consider making the pedestrian crossings at 59th and Blue Ridge Blvd safe and compliant with current standards.
The problem now is that the crossing light controls are on traffic islands with no handicap access.
Maybe a change order to the Blue Ridge Blvd contract could get those islands in compliance.
It was my understanding that Bob Phillips retired when he stopped covering Board of Aldermen meetings and moved.
Andy Whiteman
I have never seen a new sidewalk in Raytown and I have lived here for over 25 years. It never ends, promises made, promises broken meanwhile taxes and crime go up.
I believe the city of Raytown is financially broke and certainly mismanaged, which is why we will never see any infrastructure improvements to our roads, sidewalk, storm water or sewer systems.
Andy, if you still lived here and took the Raytown Times, you would know Bob Phillips writes a column every week for the paper. Yes, he retired from the Kansas City Star. Yes, he moved to the Ozarks. But, he still keeps cranking out those articles.
I have seen new sidewalks go in at two different places in the past 4 years here in Raytown . It's probably because it is an area I travel thru daily . I don't drive all over the town looking for these things. But yes there has been two I know of
The bank is closing very soon. That will be a large building to sell or to to rent to another business.
11:24 AM Feb 6. I think it's safe to say you need to get out more...
12:08PM, Yes, I was aware that Bob Phillips is writing a weekly blurb in the Raytown Times. I have read many of his blurbs. I viewed his writings as personal stories and ramblings. I don't believe a weekly short column can be considered employment.
Andy Whiteman
Currently mismanaged, thats funny, where have you been the past several years?
The weather is going to be great this weekend.
You should go for a drive around Raytown.
We in the past several years have added a lot of sidewalks to no where and no where else can a city claim that fame.
Andy most of us don't even consider Bob Phillips weekly "blurb" relevant...
"CERTAINLY mismanaged"
Please read carefully before making snide remarks.
I never consider Bob Phillip's blurb relevant to anything. It was his personal chatter originally called "Bob's Burnt Ends," which is why I previously referred to him as "Burnt Bob."
Andy Whiteman
Certainly implies that its currently. I would agree that was the case in the past, but hearing this council debate spending and question the employees of the city tells me that its not now.
The one thing I agree with is the mismanaged of funds that 11:20 is speaking of.
The news has been well traveled how the police spending is out of control and that 63rd street will get resurfaced even though other streets are falling apart.
Keep in mind we just spent countless amount of money to resurface 63rd.
I guess you live in the land of "Alternate Facts" too
Andy I too remember the previous column headings utilized by Raytown Times columnist Bob Phillips. Those were the days when he was still a resident in our town and would write and have his rightful opinion to happenings within our community. His column now rarely contains anything relevant to Raytown. Just his spewing out religious or political beliefs such as the recent female bashing comments that he and Randy have gotten grilled over the coals over as Greg commented on in his opening blog notes. Let me fill you in on what most around town now feel and would add to this discussion about the the out of town and out touch Hickory County resident. We're "Burnt Out on Bob"
I dont know why people like Creamer, Bob Phillips or the paper are in this blog. They are not important and irrelevant, their actions are a desperate attempt to try to be.
8:34 You are so right. both of those individuals are serving a purpose but neither one of them is
responsible for the problems in the city and on this board or hardly a previous board.
This city has problems and they have been mentioned in prior posts but others do not really seem
to understand.
9:25 Actually yes people like Creamer are completely responsible for problems this city is facing the city, from lack of decisions to making horrible ones. If you dont believe me, drive down 350 hwy.
Since, you have thrown your hat in the ring.
What do you think about the purposed construction of a bike lane on Blue Ridge Blvd? I have heard this project currently has a Raytown price tag of over $7k
1136...what is proposed? See anything that was sent to the board? You sure?
They are going to take out pavement and repave then restripe. They are taking most of the left turn lane to put in bicycle lanes. In my opinion this is bad news, especially if you live in a house along blue ridge and have to turn left into your driveway. Too dangerous.
I'm not sure the bike lanes on a Blue Ridge are a done deal. This a very expensive project that was created by the previous Board. The current Board who have displayed a consistent and prudent sense of spending are possibly reviewing as well as public displeasure in the project have surfaced.
Someone asked for my position on proposed changes on Blue Ridge Boulevard that would eliminate the turning lanes. A fair question. I think it would be a mistake to remove the turning lanes because it would cause traffic congestion along Raytown's most scenic drive.
The current proposal calls for bike lanes to be built with the new construction. I am all for bicycle lanes. But I think the project should be redesigned to accommodate both bicycle lanes and turning lanes.
My understanding is that some on the board of alderman share your position Greg.
That's the way I think Greg also about the bike lane, now go and get your self elected. I think you would be a great asset to the current board.
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