Taxes, Taxes . . . Everyone Wants to Tax Us! BY GREG WALTERS
RANT . . . A Little Diversity Please BY PAUL LIVIUS
BARE (1959 – 2017) BY GREG WALTERS
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Taxes . . .
According to a press release on
Raytown’s official city website, Mayor Mike McDonough has established an “Ad
Hoc Committee to Review Revenue Enhancement”. For those not familiar with the word
smithing going on here, " Revenue Enhancement" is bureaucrat for "tax increase".
Which comes as no real surprise. If
anything was learned in the tumultuous budget sessions at City Hall this last
quarter, it was that the city is running out of money.
The reasons are many. Suffice to say
the increasing debt load owed on the 350 Live (Walmart) TIF and extremely high
costs from the police department combined to create a budget crisis. The cuts
in service and personnel at City Hall are the result.
. . . Everyone
wants to Tax Us!
The City of Raytown is not the first
public entity to announce its desire to raised taxes, levies and fees. In fact,
no less than three other local governmental units have discussed, and some have
even announced their desire to raise taxes in the next year.
recent meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen, representatives of the Raytown
Park Board announced their desire to double the sales tax they collect each
year from Raytowners. The increase would approve voter approval. A date has not
been set for the election. The current Parks Sales Tax does not expire until
widely known, but the Raytown School District has plans to ask the voters to
approve bonds, backed by property taxes, in the near future. The bond package would
require voter approval. If the bond package does not receive vote approval,
Raytown property taxes would be reduced.
Raytown Fire Protection District has also held discussions of a possible tax
increase as well. At this point a date over even tax package has not been
settled on. Any increase in property or sales tax would require approval by
Raytown voters.
CITY OF RAYTOWN: The Mayor’s ad hoc
committee has yet to meet. But according to the press release from City
Administrator Tom Cole the date of a tax increase election is “yet to be
an uphill battle.
The problem facing all of these
governmental groups, be it the Park Board, the Fire District, School District
or City or Raytown is that Raytown sales taxes are already one of the highest
in the area.
list shows where Raytown stacks up in a comparison of sales tax paid on taxable
retail items. The comparison is of the base sales tax rate.
Most cities have special taxing
districts that have higher rates. For instance, the sales tax rate in Raytown
is 8.35%. However, if you shop at Walmart in Raytown the rate tops out at close
to 10%. Other stores with similar (hidden) tax increases are HyVee, Sutherland
Lumber, and Aldis.
8.600% Kansas City
8.600% Kansas City
8.350% Raytown
8.100% Grandview
8.100% Blue Springs
8.100% Liberty
7.850% Lee’s Summit
7.850% Independence
7.725% Gladstone
7.850% Independence
7.725% Gladstone
The question facing the Mayor’s ad
hoc tax increase group is how do you convince voters to approve a sales tax increase
when they already pay the second highest sales tax in the metropolitan area?
NEXT WEEK . . . A look at property taxes.
A Little Diversity Please
A contributor to the Raytown Report
Blog brought up an interesting topic the other day. He (or she) wrote:
Would have thought the Mayor would have put a woman or two
on the Committee. Many talented and progressive female minds in Raytown.
October 28, 2017 at 9:49 AM
The posting struck a nerve with me
so I did a little investigating to see if it was true.
So I visited the city’s website.
Whoever wrote it was spot on accurate. The Ad Hoc Committee is made up of seven
individuals. All of them male except for one person, and she, (City Finance
Director, Briana Burrichter) is on the committee because of her job. As the
City Finance Director it is her responsibility to provide support for all
things involved with money at city hall.
The other thing I find bothersome is
that the rest of the committee, with the exception of one person, are all names
I have seen before.
Steve Knabe and Terry Tuggle have
been on more special committees than I have fingers and toes. The same can be
said about Tommy Bettis.
Not that I have anything against those
guys. It just makes me wonder why, out of a population of 30,000, it always
seems the same names are being pulled out of the hat to get in on the ground
floor at anything at City Hall.
The rest of the committee are public
officials. City Administrator Tom Cole, Aldermen Ryan Myers and Jason Greene,
and one new comer (at least to me) Jason Hull.
I don’t know
Mr. Hull, but I did look him up Facebook. No mention of public service activity
there. So, it looks like Mr. Hull is the only newby brought to the table.
On Another
Subject . . .
All last week television
and radio stations were announcing that this past Saturday was National Drug
Take Back Day. Law enforcement agencies across the nation allowed people to drop off
expired and unused prescription drugs at various drop off points within the
I checked on
the TAKE BACK DAY.DEA.GOV website see where we could take our unused
Raytown was not
on the list! I don’t know why because, Raytown has a permanent drop off spot
for unused prescription meds.
There is a secure
mailbox type of container that was donated to the city by Jackson County Water
District No. 2, in the reception area of the Police Department. By the way, the
Police Department is open 24/7 – 365 days a year, so feel free to drop off the
unused meds at any time.
Raytown Ward 2 Alderman Garth Bare passed away on October 22nd.
Garth was a unique and talented man who lived a life of accomplishment that
many who read this page are not aware.
Garth held
Degrees in Law and Chemical Engineering. He served as President of the student
body at the University of Missouri at Columbia. He also travelled the world. He
volunteered and did Missionary work for his church in the jungles of the Philippines.
It should probably not come as a surprise that he also earned the rank of Eagle
in the Boy Scouts.
served two years on the Raytown Board of Aldermen (1983 thru 1985). At the
time, he was the youngest elected official in the history of Raytown.
his term of office he co-sponsored legislation to televise broadcasts of public meetings of the City Council. Raytown was the first city to bring this service to the public. It was Garth's idea to "request" the use of television of equipment from Jones Intercable as part of the deal to give them a license to operate in Raytown. To the Board's surprise, Garth's request was embraced by the cable giant.
was an environmentalist. When he and I learned that a local electric utility
company planned to use a defoliant under power lines to trees from growing into
the line, Garth went work. He had a unique skill set If you wanted to find out
something about anything he would dig in and literally become an expert on it.
In this case he learned all about the defoliant the utility planned to use. He
identified the main ingredient of defoliant as the the same used in jungles of Vietnam
by the United States Army to kill of dense growth of jungle. That defoliant was
named Agent Orange. It had been linked to cancer in soldiers returning from
combat duty in Vietnam.
In the
early 80’s we did not have social media. People relied upon the local
newspapers to keep them informed. Garth took his findings to the two local
newspapers. When the Kansas City Star picked up on the story, the utility
company backed off its plans to use defoliant in homeowner’s back yards.
stayed involved in local campaigns and politics after he completed his term of
office. In 1999 he partnered with me to create the Raytown Reporter. It was a
lot different in those days. Blogs had not yet been developed. So we would
write out stories, correspondence from readers would come in the form of
emails. We would manually re-copy the page to our website.
one day, he called me up and said he wanted to try something new. Blogs had
come into existence. He showed me how to format and operate the page. Without
his help and guidance, you would probably not be reading this page today.
people are unaware that Garth served two years as President of the student body
when he attended the University of Missouri at Columbia. He and his friends had
decided to run Garth for President. So they scraped together 150 signatures to
get him registered as a candidate. By comparison, the lead party had gathered
over 2500 tickets.
and his conspirators formed the Birthday Party. Students were surprised to find
themselves being served Birthday Cake when they visited the library and book
store. He and one of his “committee” found some used black suits at a used
clothing store.
When he
would arrive at public speaking events during the campaign he would be flanked
by a contingency of body guards to protect him, wearing the black suits. He
promised his fellow college students that, as President, he would flood the
College football field to hold mock naval battles for those who study history. He proposed painting parking curbs in
fluorescent colors so students could find their way back to their dorms late at
the votes were counted, Garth had been elected in a land-slide of a record
turnout of voters. His closest opponent (the one with 2500 signed petitions)
received only 1500 votes!
was one of kind.
in politics, I am aware of some of the oddities of national politics.
like the “push-pull” line. Push-pull lines are photo opportunities in which an
accomplished individual is photographed shaking the hand of the President of
the United States. It is called a “push-pull” line because those who are
shaking the President’s hand are literally pushed into place, the hand is shook
by the President, and then the shaker is “pulled” away while the next
individual is pushed into place.
is the only person I know who actually participated in a push-pull line. Take a good look at the picture of Garth and President Carter. The button he is wearing reads "Stop The Draft".
Like I
said . . . he was one of a kind.
was only 59 years old when he died. He left us too soon.

Just an observation from the cheap seats:
I own a sedan and an older SUV very much like the new police models. I would much rather try to get a perp into the back of my sedan than into my much higher SUV.
However the 4WDs, sitting higher, are much cooler looking and somewhat intimidating especially w the blacked out windows.
That being said, we have much bigger fish to fry here in Raytown.
There is no way in "Hell" that I would EVER vote for another what ever tax in Raytown again. It is not my problem that the city can't manage money better than that. I have to budget my money every month, and try to survive. I have lived in Raytown 60 years and we are the laughing stock of the outskirts of Kansas City. When crime is reported over the news and the people I work with joke and say "it must be in Raytown" and I say what is new?
Normally on Drug Take Back day the police dept has an officer and a volunteer at Kenagy Park and at City Hall to collect the meds.
It was cancelled this year because of the money troubles. As Greg said, the drug bin is located in the lobby of the police dept where you can drop off unused drugs at any time.
3:34 The point to all of this is we all know Jim Lynch and staff is lazy and they just keep proving it.
What does it take for them to have had the police station added as many other cities in the metropolitan area did exceptionally when there is a box that can be used 365/24/7.
I am not interested, nor am I voting for any school, fire or park tax. Will gladly agree with you on a big fat NO. They have all had their turns multiple times! When is it Raytowns turn??? I want good roads, sidewalks, streetlights, storm drains and police. The school district is the biggest portion and if they have money to buy the YMCA then they have money to burn. What I do disagree with tying a possible City levy To the overall tax burden, as a point of opposition. How can we fix Raytown without increasing the levy? And this is where you have no answers. Instead, you are saying too bad for the city. How can you justify this?
I posted the comment about the dark windows on the passenger driver and passenger of the police cars. To be honest about it, I had not seen this myself. But I did hear about it from some neighbors. They said they did not care of the darkened windows because they personally know some of the officers. They went on to say they liked being able to recognize the officer who was in their neighborhood. I think they have a very good point. There is something aboutthe darkened windows that does make you ask why? It is very clear the ability to see your police officer is more important than just seeing the vehicle.
There was an interesting post on Raytown Unleashed about a raccoon with some bizarre behavior in someone's back yard. So they called animal control. Whoever took the call said animal control only handles domestic animals. If it is a wild animal and they come out and capture it they would bill the homeowner $190.00!
I wonder if I am the only one who thinks this is soooooo wrong.
What if the bizarre behavior is because the animal is rabid? If the raccoon runs to another yard, will animal control pursue it? Or will they wait until they receive another call. Finally, what if someone calls in the report but does not live on the property where it is running at large. Will the property owner who owns the property (but did not turn in the complaint) be billed for the service?
There is something wrong with an emergency service that gives a litany of conditions for them to do their job.
By the way. Raccoons are creatures of habit. They do not have bizarre behavior unless there is something seriously wrong. Like all warm blooded animals, they can carry the disease.
Somebody at city hall needs to re-think there job description.
When I lived in Independence, a sick raccoon came into our subdivision wandering around in the broad daylight. I called animal control and they showed up pronto and took care of the critter.
Hmm. I know why police vehicles need tinted windows. Think about it. The answer is obvious. It’s a safety reason for the officer. What dangerous situation would they need tinted windows? Not hard to figure out.
Services that are short staffed will limit what they can do, and cut corners.
Lazy???? The RPD has drug take back day EVERY day 24-7 in the lobby. I don't know but maybe they didn't add themselves to the list as the box in the lobby is not a special collection event as it's there all the time.
The officers would spend from 10am-2pm parked at city hall and Kenagy Park w/the volunteers. The officers would have to be paid for their time. There is no money in the budget for that. Do you work without getting paid?
Would you rather have them take drugs back or patrolling on the street?
I'd rather have them on the street.
Actually it is hard to figure out why the p.d. went with the real dark tinted windows on the SUV's. I can understand concerns about UV radiation. Driving around all day will cause a lot of exposure. But the tint of the window has nothing to do with how much UV radiation is blocked out.
You asked why people were concerned. I told you what they feel comforted when a policeman drives by and the personally know him or her.It is really that simple.
I can see how the dark tinted windows may be a handicap in an emergency situation, particurlarly if the the officer in the vehicle is in trouble. No one can see what is going on.
There are varying degrees of tint that can be used on driver and passenger side windows. That makes more sense than going overboard. The windows remind me of the stereotype highway patrolman who wear mirror like reflective sunglasses. Not really something you put on to put people at ease.
The tint has nothing to do with UV protection. Your assumption that dark tinted windows are a handicap in an emergency is false. They are an asset. Now why is that? Can anybody guess? I was hoping somebody would get this.
Seems to me we have more to worry about than window tint.
Instead of playing games, why don't you just say it outright? We're talking about millions in tax dollars and you want to play guessing games. What are you, eight?
If the window tint is a specialized 3M tint, It may provide shatterproof protection. Won’t stop a bullet but will prevent shattering. Cop cars are often used for protection in armed conflicts, the tint hides the officers location, making it difficult to target the officer in a shootout, helps the officer when he is in the car or out. You bean counters with a libertarian bent assume that all of this stuff is unnecessary spending. It all has a purpose.
Greg sorry to hear you lost a good friend and huge contributor to the start up of The Raytown Report. Sounds like he was a very talented and bright guy. RIP Garth Bare.
10:30 why would an officer be needed at city hall being there is a drop off box 24/7?
It would have been nice for those who saw the information on the news and checked the website to know they didn't have to drive outside of the city.
Is that really asking too much?
9:14 It is final nice to hear someone realize the out of control spending of government is by the tax and spend conservatives who just love spending other peoples money.
To think the mayor has set up a committee to find new ways to tax us so him and his fellow conservatives can spend like there is no tomorrow.
Is anyone else in Raytown upset with the new streetlights in town? I know LED is suppose to be more efficient, but in a town with poor street lighting to begin with these new lights are terrible, it appears they have made the streets darker. Also they have a terrible glare to them. Drive down any street that borders K.C. and notice the difference. K.C. streets are brightly lit.
I don't care what excuses they come with why we need to increase taxes. First show me responsibility, Look at your tax bill the city gets next to nothing who gets the money is the schools and the fire department and they have more than enough. I will vote o for any tax be it gas or whatever. We are not stupid learn to live with you got spend wisely. I saw what the police did with my tax money toys and more toys. NO, NO, FOR A TAX INCREASE OF ANY KIND
Today ten police officers that patrolled the streets of Raytown started their first day as KCPD officers. Good luck and everyone who has served in office in Raytown since Nesbit are to blame. You kicked the can down the road till it got stuck in the oil coating you put down on the street.
You have decimated and ruined the EMS service and Public Works.
Good luck officers you deserved better I hope the city council in Kansas City do you better than you got here.
Thank You for what you did for us.
1:46 pm
Gravel roads then. Smart real smart.
Yes the street lights are not as good. The fixture might be mounted too high. KC passed a sidewalk and streetlight tax many years ago and every street is lite up like a Christmas Tree. Raytown went with LED to save money.
Look at the bills you pay each month and look how many of them have a line that pays the city. The city generates 14 million a year in revenue... You think this is just property tax? That would mean the Fire department generates 28 million... The Fire department has a 3 million dollar budget. Say what you want but the city gets plenty, they don't have a water dept, or a sewer plant, the fire department or the parks department. Do some research before commenting please.
You mean like the Public Safety sales tax of 2010 or the capital improvement sales tax or maybe the transportation tax, The City has ran more ballot issues in the past 15 years than the school district and the fire dept combined....
If I was a cop, I would much rather patrol Raytown.
I don't know your take, but being many in the community have gotten to know those same officers that the city should have done some kind of open house in the BOA chambers to say good by and best wishes to the officers.
Just more proof that the man at the top is the problem and his lack of professionalism has cost are city dearly.
People who write on this website amaze me sometimes. Like the person who wrote "Look at your tax bill the city gets next to nothing who gets the money is the schools and the fire department and they have more than enough." The school district and the fire department are totally separate entities from the city. That means the taxes that go to the schools and the fire department don't go to the city. We could debate all day whether the schools and fire department get too much money, or if they spend their money in the wrong way, but don't confuse all the different places our money goes.
Ayn Rand once said that taxation was theft, but she never came up with a viable alternative to pay for roads and infrastructure based on her philosophy of objectivism. She claimed that people would voluntarily agree to give money to pay for what the community needed. I have never seen any evidence that this would work, but apparently there are plenty of people who believe the assertion that taxation is theft without working through the consequences of this idea.
9:04 -
There are plenty of people who live by that philosophy today. During the campaign Donald Trump said he didn't pay income taxes because he was too smart. He's one of those people who allow others to pay for his share of costs. I know folks complain about the welfare recipients, but people like Trump and his crowd are just as bad. They are all takers and users.
Please cut and paste to view your Halloween ecard:
Reality bites as the top brass in the Raytown police are quickly learning after the departure of close to 10 officers just this week.
This was on Fox 4 earlier today, but the report failed to indicate if he asked these same top brass officers if they see their responsibility as well as the union in Lynch's mismanagement.
Tough question too tough for fake news Fox.
Don't be out Foxed by Fox!
Some of you don't get it. The value of Mr. Trump, and others like him, to the economy is not whether or not they paid taxes. Think about the jobs he creates with his capitalism. Please remember just getting him to pay his "fair share" will not mean you get more money. Just be thankful there are wealthy folks willing to risk their fortunes so that the rest of us can prosper.
Yes, there are many who actually think this way.
11:58 -
You just don't get it. How thankful were all the people when they lost their jobs when Trump declared bankruptcy? I tried to look up how many bankruptcies there were and stopped counting at 15! That's 15 failed businesses. How many other companies ( the trickle-down effect) went out of business because Trump ran up huge debts and didn't pay? Yes, there are many who actually think this way.
The only thing that we are promised is no taxation without representation. That's as good as it gets.
I disagree with your idea that it's ok to not pay taxes. The poor should pay taxes, not have it all given back to them plus more.
The rich should pay taxes, not be able to hide from it with tax shelters and other schemes. Everybody should pay something. No exceptions.
No debate at all Mr. Harris
Plain and simple the city gets very little property tax from the total collection. Still, can’t run a city on 40 year old budget.
Raytown did not, KCPL did that but it does save money and energy thus is better for the environment
Just had a police car with lights and siren going up the street. The VIP must be out picking up the slack.
And why is this amusing to you? We don't ask the President to fly fighter jets in wartime.
Hilarious!! NOT!
Two KC Men Charged in Armed Robbery Conspiracy, Including Three Raytown Robberies
PD always gets the bad guys! Good job!!!!!
Don't jump to conclusions.
Yes, property taxes have not been increased by the city in over 40 years, but they have gone tax happy crazy with sales taxes in that same time frame.
We need a citizen committee to look at waste before we look at any new tax for the city regardless if it is property tax or sales tax.
We need to start with, but not limit the review to the police department and investigate if there are criminal changes needing to come forward for not hiring the promised staff from the public safety sales tax.
We need to make sure all properties are turned on for taxing and those that are not need to be on a public list and highly monitored for upkeep.
We need to find a professional individual to oversee the codes department that will ensure code violations are being enforce, which will keep property values where they should be.
We need review property values and challenge the county on any that are under valued to ensure they are paying their fair share starting with blocks properties on 350 highway.
We need to review and find a way out of those bonds to include, but not limited to a state investigation of wrong doing against block and company, Raytown School Distinct and the TIF board.
We need to review staffing across all departments and ensure there is not duplication of duties and other over staffing starting with the finance department and parks.
Until we complete this full review and cleaning we shouldn't even be talking about a tax increase or having some insider committee to make tax recommendations to the BOA.
Raytown is a great city, but after 40 years a good house cleaning will only make it better for future generations.
Why don’t you take these ideas to the next board meeting? 6:54
Dear 6:54
I like the way you think.
Put on your tinfoil hats everybody and stand in awe, in AWE, of the champion of yesterday’s causes that nobody cares about. Salute our king, Hail 6:54 pm!
6:54 PM, I like what you said. You should run for Alderman!!!
Andy Whiteman
My property taxes went WAY up about 4 years ago. Jackson county re-evaluated our properties. I live in a 1955 house and it went from 1300.00 to 2100.00 in 1 year. If I hadn't called and complained it would of been higher. NO MORE TAXES!
Andy - would you vote for 6:54?
Hey it was the chief who said the VIPS would be picking p the slack.
7:08 A.M.
You can blame the school district for your high taxes as it takes up the greatest portion of your tax bill.
6:54: Absolutely brilliant.
Especially #2 and #3:
"We need a citizen committee to look at waste before we look at any new tax for the city regardless if it is property tax or sales tax."
"We need to start with, but not limit the review to the police department and investigate if there are criminal changes needing to come forward for not hiring the promised staff from the public safety sales tax."
The qualifications, behavior and actions, recent past and present, of each and every council member, mayor and chief of police needs to be reviewed by unaffiliated third parties, and where applicable, by the State. Immediately.
8:10 AM, Yes, if I still lived in Raytown and he was in my ward.
Andy Whiteman
9:00 Is correct our highly over paid chief is the one who wants to use volunteers not sure how that will work out under state laws, but Raytown doesn't follow them anyway does it.
9:51 a.m.
"The qualifications, behavior and actions, recent past and present, of each and every council member, mayor and chief of police needs to be reviewed by unaffiliated third parties, and where applicable, by the State. Immediately."
Reviewing the qualifications of elected officials by the State is irrelevant. The voters do this at the polls. And the statutes for 4th class cities define the qualifications, which are quite basic.
Review the behavior and actions, recent past and present of each and every elected official? What the heck for? State your accusations what specifically are you accusing them of? If you can't provide charges and evidence then you got no legs to stand on.
Tin foil hate time..... Great one 9:51!! It's so easy to bat down the nonsense here.. Fun times for all.
Volunteers for non law enforcement activities and in-house functions is what I got from the research. They could not do police functions obviously
Greg, do you have anything that shows the ballot issues proposed the taxing jurisdictions you list? I don't think we need them all, but it would he interesting to see the last 10-15 years worth of data. I realize with the Hancock Amendment it's not unreasable to expect an increase once every 10-15 years. I mean the price of things go up and they are limited by the CPI which is usually 2-3% so I expect that. But it seems like the school district and the City are constantly wanting increases. Before someone says they have not had an increase in 40 years that just is not true. I checked by tax receipts and the city did raise thier levy In 2010 and raised it a lot. Sales tax increases are iexactly that... increases. The city gets almost 4% of every dollar I spend in Raytown. Then there are all the secret taxes, Does anyone know what is costs for all the permits to build a commercial building in Raytown? It's insane and you don't see those numbers presented or the fact it now costs you money to have a pet in Raytown? Don't remember voting for that tax do you? The school district is no better every three years it seems they are renewing a bond issue which they say is no cost, but if it didn't get renewed you would see a 10 to 15% reduction In the amount you paid to the school district . It may not be an increase but it's certainly not a no-cost as it is portrayed. The parks department is interesting to me, they run issues all the time on the ballot, but I don't hear anyone saying you know what Raytown's lacking... parks. As far as I'm concerned the city should sell off most of the parts and turn them into development for new homes and tax revenue. The fire district I believe last ran a increase sometime around 15 years ago, so based on my earlier statements I would actually expect it to be coming in the near future. That's not to say I will be for it, but I would consider it depending on how the increase would be used.
2:42 That is what comes out of an investigation, but you shown you lack of understanding when as a school ground bully you start name calling.
If you need a better understanding of how an investigation would work you might want to check out the current "Russia" investigation.
I would say it is interesting to see they have uncovered at least money laundering and I would bet there will be more before everything is over.
I just saw the head volunteer lady on the news tonight saying they are planning to cook homemade dinners for all the officers who have to work on Thanksgiving and there are asking for donations to help. Not to sound like a jerk here, but I have to ask are you serious lady? Why are you so short sided that you think the cops are the only people who have to work? There is a whole fire department, ambulance people. Do they not warrant your attention as well? What about the people who work at Quick Trip or McDonalds who also work on Thanksgiving. Don't even get me started on the people who work retail that have to come in for Black Friday. My point is that is takes a shallow and short sided person to jump on the bandwagon while the attention is directed towards something. Be better than that and look at the people the spot light is is not on and be there for them.
This is 6:54
I would also like to add that the tax oversight committee be put under a microscope and actions reviewed.
I understand they are under the impression their only job is to review how the money will be spent and does it meet the spirit of the taxing purpose.
They also should be reviewing the bids, bid process and actual justification for the purchases.
That would be true oversight and the lack of explains why Raytown has a spending issue.
9:07 p.m.
Ok. You have made an allegation. Money laundering. Who is in on it? What EVIDENCE do you have to make such an allegation? What have you seen or heard?
How are you in a position to know?
If you can't answer these questions, then what you are doing is called fanciful speculation and guessing. Unfounded allegations......Smearing...
And my guess is that you have NO evidence whatsoever.
And you want to talk about bullying??!! One of the worst forms of bullying is to falsely accuse someone of being or doing something they did not do.
You have just accused all elected officials of corruption. PROVE IT! Convince us.. If you can't you are also a hypocrite... And a false witness.
Again.. So easy to bat down nonsense on this board. I could do this all day.
You're right. And the worst of the bullies are Jim Aziere and Joe Creamer. They put out months and months of false information and lies. It wasn't until Aziere had his back up against the wall that he came clean and admitted it was all untrue. That's the problem with allowing anonymous posts. Anyone can say anything with no consequences.
8:35 Please wake-up and have your caffeine before posting on this blog.
I too read 9:07 post and it clearly reads they are talking about the investigation related to the election.
If you are as upset as you seem to be the only other question is which elected official are you and what are you afraid an investigation into the elected officials would revile.
I again hope it was just too early for you and you had been reading into things.
10:04 pm
She is not the head volunteer. One of several folks.
What is stopping the fire/ambulance services from having their own volunteers? I bet they could put folks to work and save some money by having them help out somehow.
They're lining up at the door ready to take all the power away from the police chief. Now it's not just one rogue alderwoman, but several of them. I'm betting the BOA is totally fed up with the chief. It's not personal, but someone has to run the department in a way that is in the best interest of the city, not just himself or his best buddies. The FOP can bring in all the chest thumpers they want and it won't matter. The police department lackeys can talk and threaten and it won't matter. There's still 18 months before some of the aldermen come up for re-election. This will be the new norm by then. This will be a good day for Raytown when they finally do this.
She is not the head of the police volunteers--just one of several folks.
What is stopping the fire/ambulance depts from having their own volunteers? I think it would be a great idea to save money.
We need a state audit. I am amazed the newly elected council didn't call for this in the first 30 days. or that the new city management teams hasn't called for it yet. Has the city made an effort to claim the "bonds" for the gone (but not quick enough - to save us) staff. We can all agree that we the city has been under BAD management in all departments for at least 8 years.
BOA - do Yourself and Raytown a favor - and get a state audited started. We all deserve and need to know where our money went. What fee's etc. was not collected (can you say street cuts for both water districts - remember one district did have a sitting member of the BOA for four years)
Until some of the above is answered - WITH REAL NUMBERS FROM A STATE AUTHORIZED SOURCE - don't ask for any more taxes. I will worker harder than you to educate Raytown on the continued waste and lack of accountability with the city.
at this point I do not accept the "city auditiors as a valid source" they have played int he sand-box to long and are used to seeing "funny math" from Raytown.
Yes I know this will cost the tax payers of Raytown. But at this point I'd rather pay for the accountability than to continue to allow city hall to wast my money
2:49 PM
I think you are suffering from a Napoleon complex. Apparently you think by speaking a course of action that people will take you seriously. If you don’t like taxes, move to Cass County. Your days as an Alderman are long over Joe. Let it go.
2:49 I agree a state audit is needed, but an elected body can no longer call for one.
Only ways is for the Governor to call for it or by petition.
2:06 For the love of God do you even know what you are talking about?
The tax rate that has not increased for over 40 years is the portion that is listed on your real property and personal property tax bills at the top that says CITY-RAYTOWN 0.47, they are not making reference to sales tax rates. School district has their rate listed too, as well as fire district, county, library, college, etc.
The .47 would include parks. The levy this year for strictly the city is .3337 I believe is what was posted recently
I've been reading the comments on here and there are some really nasty posters--or just one poster who keeps spewing forth his/her anger over and over.
I'm not surprised folks won't take the time to come here given the level of animosity shown. Sad.
Maybe we should be required to give our names. I think it would elevate the discussion greatly.
"2:06 For the love of God do you even know what you are talking about?"
I guess we are supposed to read your mind to find out what your objection is to a specific post? Your comment doesn't enlighten us at all.
If you have an issue with a post, be specific with it.
We don't have time to wonder what you are feeling and thinking and what your life experiences have been.
You are correct, and if you look at 2009 it says .39, so at some point it was increased by .08 cents without a vote of the people.... that equates to roughly a 20% increase. In the last 8 years.
Nothing is stopping them and for all we know they have them. The point is the VIPs is nothing more than a bunch of bandwagon jumpers looking to exploit the fact that the police work on holidays for fun and profit. The point of the posting was what makes the police and better than the others who have to work? The answer, because the city can put a saddle on thier backs and ride them like a pony across the ballot issue finish line in April.
Evidence...seriously, where have you been? The former CA admitted it twice in the past 18 months to local papers. When you run a ballot issue stating it will support new functions only to have it support exhisting functions to free up cash to go somewhere else is called money laundering..... Time to wale up sheep, the wolf is at the door and he's dressed like a politician.
This is simply not true, in 2010 it jumped by almost .10 on the dollar, check before you post...Don't just believe what your told
You all crack me up with your calls for audits because officers weren’t hired. Maybe there were no qualified people applying to keep up with the loss of people. Not shockingly people aren’t applying for these type of jobs because of a lack of support from people and certain politicians. Keep adjusting your tin foil hats though.
Was looked into. Cannot unless by State Auditor requesting one, Governor or a petition.
8:09 why in those same years since the "Public Safety Sales Tax" was passed did we hire and feel vacancies within the department, but the leadership within the department made a clear decision never to feel.
Your own outburst and lack of understanding that the tax was in place for a good 7 years just justifies an investigation to obtain the truth and hold the correct "certain" politician(s) accountable.
By the facts presented you must be one of the departments hierarchy and or "certain" politician who has been holding our tax dollars hostage since the Jim Lynch administration.
If there was no wrong doing wouldn't in FACT you want an investigation to validate this?
4:34 I agree we need to understand what "In Gods Name" 2:06 is talking about.
Who is she? Is it Sue Frank who started the destruction of Raytown, with buying First Baptist Church, the Walmart and Block deal or getting her husband a promotion within the police department.
Why would an use volunteers? Being they are not paid how can one ensure they will show for a shift and what can they really do as all three fields outlined now require certifications.
We live in the real world and while television and movies are great they are for entertainment only.
When you can show a full list of duties Lynch will really end up allowing his VIPs do we can dwell further into this subject, but until that time please continue to ensure your television viewing.
4:17 That is how police officers act these days.
Don't think I am correct look at the number of unarmed folks they have killed in the past two years.
Now they are taking it a step further in Raytown and getting others to drink from their cups of lies and tales making them look as confused and untrustworthy.
I am not sure if Lynch is trying to turn Raytown into Ferguson with his hate and lies, but they should end with him either resigning or being forced out of office because of them.
Lynch and his union buddy have a lot to say, but cannot offer any proof and run from those the ask for proof over opinion much like the play ground bully when confronted.
We do not need these thugs with a badge to leave our city in the mess the Ferguson police left their city!
Remember on of the 10 commandments is thou shall not lie.
We must pray that this abuse of power ends and that we the people are provide with the transparency and truth we are entitled to.
We must pray that those who disagree with others not only stop the lies, but the name call and other actions of bullies.
We must pray that as God delivered the world from the hand of the Nazis he will deliver Raytown from the hate and misguided actions of this elected official.
"In God We Trust"
Raytown buys more tin foil than any other city in America. Hyvee can’t keep it on the shelves.
So Chief Lynch’s notorious bouts of bullying City Hall Department heads with several being females and blatant disregard of city policy procedures amongst other thumb his nose you can’t touch me attitude doesn’t warrant some oversight? People want to point out they elected him to office. By default. Guy hasn’t had an opponent for 3 election cycles and his attitude and lack of leadership is a growing cancer that needs to be reeled in. #lynchunleashed
9:09 am
This is a bunch of liberal unthinking nonsense.
9:09 am
Don’t ask for Gods Blessing. God would never be so ignorant to bless what you just said. Full of race baiting. And then to call people you don’t agree with a Nazis is the worst form of bullying. Your post is full of manipulation and it’s vile and evil. I can’t believe you got yourself elected to the BOA.
Why is Major Bowman still at work. I though he resigned. So what happened? Was Hudseth demoted so Bowman could stay? Why did we lose 2 more officers because Bowman didn't go and asked for his resignation letter back?
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