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It is time to move on.
There is a string of thought going on this blog that is somewhat misleading. The logic works this way.
Our police need our support. They are a great bunch of men and women. If you are opposed to supporting them you hate the police.
If only life was that simple. But it is not.
Go look at the budget. All city employees are feeling the crunch caused by poor decisions made in the past at Raytown City Hall. This Board of Aldermen has been the first and only one in a very long time to stand up and say this cannot continue.
The city is in very bad shape economically. It is out of money.
It is why your streets are being paved with chip seal instead of asphalt. It is why the city no longer stripes traffic lanes on our streets. It is why the city has not installed new street lights for years.
The fault lies with past Board's of Aldermen and Mayors, particularly Bower and Frank, who led the city down a path of fiscal insanity.
The Walmart TIF is the main culprit.
But it is not the only reason. Irresponsible leaders from past city councils turned a blind eye to excessive spending in the police department.
This Board of Aldermen has stopped the waste.
It is bitter medicine but it must be taken or the patient will die.
As much as any group of employees, our elected officials have the burden of very difficult decisions need our support as well. The constant barrage of innuendo and finger pointing taking place on social media outlets like Facebook indicates there are many in Raytown who prefer to rage against those who are making difficult decisions on the public's benefit.
Case in point. At a recent meeting the public comments section had three speakers. One called for an alderman's impeachment. Another recognized the Board's hard work. And the third, City Collector Cathy Schutte, went on a nit-picking rant in a thinly veiled attempt to attack members of the Board.
Some of the comments were so personal that Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk had to remind the Mayor personal attacks were not allowed in public comments. To the Mayor's credit, he agreed, and admonished one speaker in particular for comments that were out of line.
The constant attacks, particularly in social media outlets like Facebook has become a fountain of misinformation that, in the end, will cause our city more harm than good.
A call to arms by the founder of Raytown Unleashed, Susan Vorbeck is a good example. Last week she posted a comment calling on everyone to go to city hall to stand up for our police department.
To what end?
I am sure her intentions are well-founded. But the fact is, the budget has been passed. The debate is over.
Now is the time for the Raytown community to come together to re-build. It is time to work for solutions.
Police Department
Oversight Needed at City Hall
About three meetings back the Raytown Board of Aldermen considered an amendment to a city ordinance which would, in effect, give the Board of Aldermen oversight on management of the Police Department.
The amendment, which was proposed by Ward 3 Alderman Mark Moore, and has now been brought back to the floor for discussion by Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims, has a lot of merit.
The amendment does not give the Board of Aldermen control of the operation of the Police Department. It simply reverses a decision by a previous Board of Aldermen to abdicate the responsibility of being the watch dog over ALL of City Hall.
It does not take a financial wizard to see the policy (of abdicating authority) has had consequences. The result has been layoffs of police patrolmen and civilian personnel within the Department. The shockwaves from the need to balance the city’s books can be traced back to that decision many years ago by a previous Board to walk away from its responsibility.
Ward 2 Alderman Jason Greene made an astute observation during an earlier public hearing on the Police budget. He could not understand how the City of Grandview ran its department, with nearly identical amounts of patrolmen and civilian personnel as Raytown for two million dollars less a year.
When you consider that Grandview is nearly identical in with Raytown in population, plus, has a geographic area 50% larger than Raytown, it is a good question.
It is also a question that has not been answered.
If you take the time to check, you will find Raytown is the only city that has a misguided “hands off” policy when it comes to oversight of its police department by the people elected by voters to run the city.
Part of the fault lies in the misguided belief that the City Marshal (we elect a City Marshal, not a Chief of Police) is the only person who can make decisions for the department. Study your history, when it comes to running the machinery of government, it is never a good idea to place all the authority in the hands of one individual.
It is true for nations. It is also true for the cities and communities we call home.
Indications are that the Board of Aldermen will approve the amendment. It is a good move that will help to bring stability and financial security to Raytown City Hall.
Paul Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting October 17, 2017
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Tony Jacobs told the Board he requested a grant writer be added to the
budget. He noticed it wasn’t done. He said he told the Board they should use the
10-33 program to purchase office supplies, and that hasn’t happened. In March, Alderman Steve Meyers rebuked Alderman
Jim Aziere for lying to the public.
Alderman Meyers said there would be procedures put in place to prevent
this in the future. Last week, Alderman
Aziere went on television and lied again, creating fear in the community. He demanded Alderman Aziere’s
resignation. If the Alderman refuses to
resign, Mr. Jacobs said he wanted the Board to impeach Alderman Aziere. Alderman
Bill Van Buskirk said Mr. Jacobs was personally attacking the Alderman and
that is not allowed. Brian Morris said he wanted to commend
the Mayor, Aldermen Green, Teeman, Meyers and Myers, as well as Tom Cole for
working through the budget crisis. One
alderman, however, viewed the budget crisis as a political opportunity. The meeting was no sooner over that Alderman Jim Aziere was on the phone to
the television station. The interview
was intended to scare the citizens and embarrass the city. Last March, he made false statements to the
Raytown Times. His actions are
disgraceful. Cathy Schutte said the Board told residents to take complaints
about the police department to Chief Lynch.
She said the residents elected the Board and the Board should handle the
The Board passed an ordinance after hearing the first and second
readings of an ordinance granting a change in zoning from Highway Corridor
Commercial to Neighborhood Commercial on land located at 7001 Blue Ridge
Boulevard in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive zoning
regulations. Shelia Bradley-Graham on behalf of Day Prep Academy, LLC is seeking
approval of a rezoning application for a child care center at 7001 Blue Ridge
Blvd. The childcare center proposed
would be for up to 60 children and would operate Monday through Friday between
the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. The
applicant has submitted a site plan of the property, a copy of which is
attached, which identifies the location of the building, driveway, parking area
and rear yard area that will be used for an outdoor play area for the children
that attend the daycare.
The Board passed a resolution amending the budget in the amount of
$234,865.00 related to the police department.
The Police Department is out of budget approximately $223,555.00 for
commissioned officers and over budget approximately $6,810 and will need an
additional $4,500 for civilian overtime.
They will need a budget adjustment of $234,865.00 to correct this
issue. Alderman Jason Greene said the amended resolution was added at
approximately 5:00 on the day of the meeting.
He said he, like others on the Board, have full time jobs. It is unreasonable to expect them to be able
to read and digest the last minute changes.
Alderman Jim Aziere asked for
clarification. He wanted to know if the
money has been spent, or was going to be spent.
Chief Lynch said the money will
be spent. It was to pay out accrued
vacation and sick leave time the employees have on the books, based on the
employee policy manual the Board adopted last December. Alderman Greene asked when an employee was
eligible for overtime. Chief Lynch said they
are paid overtime after 80 hours in a two-week pay period. Alderman Green asked if it was based on the
policy manual from December, why was the police department just now bringing
the issue to the Board. The police
department should have known about this for months. Chief Lynch said he knew it was late in the
day, but they have been working hard.
They have had other issues to deal with as well. Alderman
Frank Hunt asked Chief Lynch if it were possible for police employees to
earn more in overtime pay than their regular salary. Chief Jim Lynch said, “The non-exempt employees will be
eligible for overtime after 80 hours. The
salaried people, potentially, if they work consistently more than 80 hours in a
pay period, could be eligible for overtime by Federal law".
Go to . . . RAYTOWN VIDEO GO TO ITEM 3, at 18:47
Alderman Bonnaye Mims
said it is evident there is a need for more departmental oversight. Based on the agenda amendments and
inappropriate conflicts made recently, she is requesting City Administrator Tom
Cole and the City Clerk to place Resolution 6450-17 be revisited by the Board
of Alderman on November 7. Alderman
Steve Meyers said this resolution was originally brought forward by Alderman
Mark Moore. He believed Alderman Moore
should be the one to bring it back. The
motion was rescinded and the Alderman can request it be an agenda item at the
next meeting.
The Board heard and approved the resignation letter from Alderman Eric
Teeman effective November 7, 2017.
Resigning from a city office requires two things: There must be an offer
by the official and acceptance by a quorum.
A resignation doesn't relieve the official of responsibility until the
quorum accepts the resignation. This is
how perpetual existence of the city is maintained. Should resignations threaten the quorum,
replacement(s) must be appointed before any more resignations are accepted. For more information, refer to Greg Walter’s article last
The Board passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of ammunition
from Gulf States Distributors off the Missouri law enforcement agency
cooperative purchase contract in an amount to exceed $15,000.00 but within
budgeted amounts for fiscal year 2016-2017.
The Police Department orders a variety of ammunition types from Gulf
States Distributors. The ammunition for
training and duty use, for all weapons systems, is mostly purchased through this
vendor. Vendor pricing is from the
cooperative purchasing bid for Missouri law enforcement agencies.
The Board passed a resolution amending the fiscal year 2016-2017 budget
in the amount of $87,315.00 related to the EMS.
The 24/7 (times two ambulances) nature of Emergency Medical Services
requires that when an employee is on paid (or unpaid) leave, or there is a
vacant position, those hours must be filled by another employee, either a
part-time employee or a full-time employee on overtime; the alternative is to
take ambulances out of service. In
addition, newly-hired employees must have an orientation period as a
third-person on a crew before they are ready to function as part of a
two-person crew. For safety and
liability’s sake, this orientation period must be tailored to the employee, so
that no one is released from it until he/she is ready to function. Due to vacancies, new-hires, and multiple
FMLA leaves requiring coverage, payroll has exceeded budgeted amounts in both
the General Fund and Public Safety Sales Tax accounts.
“The non-exempt employees will be eligible for overtime after 80 hours. The salaried people, potentially, if they work consistently more than 80 hours in a pay period, could be eligible for overtime by Federal law".
The response above, was from Police Chief Jim Lynch in answer to a question by Ward 1 Alderman Frank Hunt. The Ward 1 Alderman had asked if salaried employees in the Police Department were paid overtime.
watched the response again. I do not think I have seen such a parsing of words
since Bill Clinton denied Monica Lewinski.
The Fair Labor and Standard Act specifically states that overtime will not be paid if they regularly supervise two or more employee, fire and/or hires employees, or, has input into the status of other employee promotions, etc.
The Fair Labor and Standard Act specifically states that overtime will not be paid if they regularly supervise two or more employee, fire and/or hires employees, or, has input into the status of other employee promotions, etc.
It is
hard to tell just what Lynch is saying. First you have to wade through the “potentially”, “if” and “could
be” exceptions Lynch mentions in his convoluted statement.
a thought. Instead of “suggesting” it “might
be” a federal law. How about clearing up the mystery by providing a
copy of the federal law you “may be” referring to? One other question. If the salaried employees are eligible for overtime, do they get their time docked if they do not work a full shift?
Our Pick for the World Series
Interest in this year’s World Series, at least in the Kansas City area, is not at the fever pitch it was when the Royals were contenders just two years ago. Part of which is due to the amazingly strong start of the Kansas City Chiefs. And, yes, we know, they have stumbled lately. But we look for them to rebound.
Paul and I thought of broadcasting our pick early on. Unfortunately, the baseball gods did not agree much with Paul’s choice of Chicago Cubs repeating as they fell to the Los Angeles Dodgers in four straight games for the National League title.
As for me . . . I am an American Leaguer through and through. My choice was the Houston Astros. I view them as the Cinderella team this year. With the addition of former Detroit Tiger Justin Verlanger, to their already strong pitching staff, look for them to give the Dodgers a run for their money.
Our pick . . . Houston in seven.
Just. You. Watch.
we all know, Greg is a firm believer in baseball curses. In the past he has
written about the Bambino Cursed, a curse Babe Ruth placed on the Boston Red
Sox for trading him to the Yankees. Eighty-six years passed before it was finally broken in 2004.
Goat Curse was placed on the Chicago Cubs by William Sianis for having him and his goat removed from Cubs
baseball game. It lasted 71 years until it was broken last year when my beloved Cubbies finally broke the curse with their world championship
last year.
Then of course, there is the Bare Curse*. Former Raytown Alderman
Garth placed the Bare Curse on the Yankees in 2004. Anyone who watched Game
Seven between the Houston Astros and the New York Yankees last Saturday night can
see the Bare Curse is still doing its job. The Yankees lost the series despite
a three to two game advantage in the best of four American League Championship
*To learn more about the Bare Curse read our re-print of The Bare Curse from 2004 following this story.
*To learn more about the Bare Curse read our re-print of The Bare Curse from 2004 following this story.
I am writing about another curse . . . the Zack Greinke curse.
Zack Greinke curse is unique. It is the only curse I am aware of placed on a
player by himself.
the curse was only on himself, the Zack Greinke Curse has had implications that
have affected no less than four
teams he has played for since leaving the Kansas City Royals in 2010.
Greinke played for the Royals from 2004 to 2010. Greinke was a Cy Young Winner.
He believed that since had won the coveted Cy Young Award that the next step in
his career was a World Series Championship.
2010, he asked to be traded claiming that he was not motivated to play for a
rebuilding team (aka, the Kansas City Royals).
career has since followed the path outlined below:
Milwaukee Brewers 2011 - 2012
Brewers were in Post Season play in 2011, but failed to get past the St. Louis Cardinals.
Los Angeles Angels 2012
July, 2012, Greinke was traded to the Los Angeles Angels. The Angels failed to make it to the playoffs.
Los Angeles Dodgers 2013 - 2016
2013, he started the season with the Dodgers. In 2013 and 2014, the Dodgers again lost to the Cardinals. In 2015, the Dodgers lost to the Mets.
He was traded to the Diamondbacks in
Arizona Diamondbacks 2016 – 2017
has played for the Diamondbacks since 2016. This year, the Diamondbacks
lost the Wild Card game.
Greinke said he wanted to leave the Kansas City Royals because he deserved to
win a World Series Ring. He has been on four teams that have been in post
season. None have won the World Series while he was on the team.
now you know how Zack Greinke cursed himself . . . and, in so doing . . .
cursed the teams he was playing for since he left the Royals.
him right to suffer!
Bare Curse is a baseball curse placed by co-founder of the Raytown Report,
Garth Bare, on the New York Yankees in the 2004 American League Championship.
“Bare Curse” was effective. The Boston Red Sox came back from a 0 – 3 deficit
against the Yankees to win the American League Championship that year. The went
on to win the World Series in four games against the St. Louis Cardinals.
I will
never forget the night.
and I were enjoying a couple of adult beverages while watching the fourth game
of the American League Championship Series. The Yankees were ahead in the
series, three games to none. The Red Sox, with their backs against the wall,
were trailing the Yankees by one run in the ninth inning.
Garth sprang to his feet, pointed his right index finger at the television and
shouted, “I Curse Thee” three times in rapid succession. He fell back into his
chair, shirt soaked with sweat.
I asked
him what on earth was that all about.
told me he was sick and tired of the Yankees “buying” world championships.
"Enough was enough", he said . . . so, “I placed a baseball curse on
I gave
Garth another adult beverage, and we settled in to watch the Red Sox come back
in Game 4 to tie the game in the ninth inning. A home run by David Ortiz of the
Red Sox sealed the Yankees fate. The Yankees would lose three straight. The Red
Sox would go on to defeat the St. Louis Cardinals in four games to win the
World Series.
Garth explained to me that his curse was really a "counter-curse". It
broke the infamous “Curse of the Bambino” said to have been placed by Babe Ruth
on the Boston Red Sox in 1918 to the New York Yankees.
had traded Ruth to the New York Yankees. Ruth did not want to be traded to the
Yankees and cursed the Red Sox for doing so. The Bambino Curse was effective.
It had kept Boston out of the World Series until 2004, a stretch of 84 years.
doubt, Garth’s “Bare Curse” is the reason Red Sox won the Championship and
World Series that year.
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Greg, I don't agree with you sometimes but everyone re-read "Police Department
Oversight Needed at City Hall". Read it three times! It's what many of us have been calling for.
Common sense, total clarity, lucidity, succinctness. Right there. Thank you, sir.
I took my car into the mechanic the other day. I told him I was going to watch him very closely to make sure that he fixed my car properly. He asked how many oil changes had I done. "Zero" I replied. He asked how many batteries I had changed out. "Zero" I replied. He asked how many brakes have you fixed? "Zero" I replied.
He then asked why I thought I could oversee him when obviously I knew NOTHING about what his job entailed. "Because I can!" I replied.
Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should.
I guarantee you no one on this blog is qualified to have any oversight what so ever of a police department. That’s what the chief is elected for and why charter attempts have been defeated numerous times. The Board's were all short sighted and wanted to keep Raytown a bedroom community but refused to raise the taxes to a level that could sustain that type of backward thinking. Plus Raytown is landlocked, even though there was talk about annexing to east/south. But you all couldn’t get that worked out either. So the boards you were on deserve a good portion of blame in this mess.
Shifts have to be covered and serious crimes have to be investigated right then. Overtime will get worse with the number of officers dropping t dangerous levels to the officers. And you know what, if crime goes up, you won’t have to worry about repacking, because there won’t be many businesses left for people to shop at, casusing property values to tank.
I have said this several times. I’ll say it again. Department heads ask for resources and the Alderman say yes or no. The Alderman have never said no. It is normal for department heads to ask for as much as possible. Blaming the chief is a cop-out (pardon the pun). The public needs to know the salary scale for all positions in the City government. I suspect two things. 1). The payroll for the PD got too high over time. 2) And overtime was given out liberally. There may be retention reasons for this. There is a PO shortage and we are in competition with wealthier cities. The Chief Might have been overly generous in order to retain his officers. It cannot all be explained away by saying upper management got it all. If we can get ahold of the pay scales for the PD I think this would help provide a better picture.
This propaganda is irresponsible and dangerous to the future of our city. Chasing off our police officers for political agendas will not end well. Don't think it's a personal political war? Then how do other city functions prioritize over our police personnel? The board prioritized animal control, administrative assistants, etc. over our police.
The officers will be fine...really they will. They're finding employment with cities that value them. This will only hurt Raytown. Although the budget is passed, the continued misinformation and insecurity will ultimately only hurt our city. What really is the goal? To run off the police? or just the Chief? Because what I'm reading on this little blog just doesn't seem to have a goal other than getting rid of the Police Department.
I don't see any attempt to get rid of the police department. I do see a desire that the police department live within its means and not be given a blank check.
Thanks for the pic of the Messner bee farm.. very cool. Is it weird that I didn't see ANY alderman in the picture, but I do see Mayor McDonough? I thought he was "hiding" (only on this blog have I heard such an allegation).
^^^ Oh the drama, the tears, the violins, 8:08 PM!
No one is attempting to get rid of the police department.
No one is chasing off police officers.
No one is claiming that they're capable of running the police department.
No one is trying to abate Lynch.
Police Science? Not our purview. No siree. Lynch.
Budget? YES! Lynch may have already quite handily proven that he requires remedial attention.
I'm confused. People have posted repeatedly on this website that the police managers are salary and don't get paid overtime. Jim Lynch said at the last meeting that they could get paid overtime. Website administrators are saying it is unclear who get overtime. Who's lying and who's telling the truth? I think the website tried to clear it up, but only muddied the waters. No wonder the city is bankrupt!
10:52 I think you're absolutely wrong if you don't think police officers are being run off. The fact that they're leaving is proof of that. You're also wrong if you don't think (at least some) aldermen are trying to run the police department.
I'm just asking questions. Sorry if that too blunt. Am I worried? Yes absolutely.
I think the officers who have left are aware the city is in financial trouble. They see an opportunity to move over to another department that is not facing the same problems. It probably does not hurt that other departments are allowing officers to transfer in grade. I am told that is kind of rare. In other words it is all about the money. Worried. Yes, there is an argument to worry. Fix the problem. That is exactly what the BOA has been doing. Things have gotten out of hand. There is not enough money to satisfy the requests Jim Lynch has put on the city.
Quit trying to turn this into a "they hate us fight".
It think the two that right this blog are suggesting some solutions. All you have to do is listen. It is time to rebuild. It is time to change the way city hall has been doing business for many many years. The old forumla has put us where we are today. Learn from this and start making changes to solve old problems.
The best solution I see is he over-sight of the department. It is not a good idea to treat one city department separate from the others. Even the united states military answers to a civilian government. It is probably why this country has never had much of the civil and governmental strife as other countries. Except, of course, the civil war. But that was a very different time in our history.
I agree . . . go Houston!
I'm not "making it into" anything.
I'm just not buying into the narrative that cutting police officers was the "only option". Cut their budget? Sure. The only positions laid off, CITY-WIDE, were from the police. If you can't see that for what it appears to be...then no amount of talking about it will matter.
10:19 Yea you are correct, The Mayor is very good at attending events. Too bad thats about it from him. Im still waiting on him to offer solutions or suggestions to the budget problems like he said he would in his letter. Oh no he just throws the board under the bus, thats not leadership.
I believe the mayor said at a council meeting that he was forming a group to get more businesses into Raytown --therefore more tax dollars.
He'll probably announce something shortly.
New tenet for Downtown Raytown.
Raytown Water Company is moving into the Bank of America building. Nice!
What are they going to do with their old building?
Old news. Raytown Water Company closed that deal about six months ago. I wonder who is going into the old Raytown Water Company offices. It is downtown too. You are very mistaken about only the police taking cuts. Up until this year, the police never had any cuts. But the rest of city hall did. Why do you think the city has quit doing some of the regular maintenance of the city? Why has super splash been closed? There have been plenty of cuts all around. There is no vendetta against the police department. But the one truth is this. The city is out of money. Glad to hear the Mayor is trying to bring businesses to Raytown. I hope he does.
Lynch has never been qualified to run the police department. The city needs to hire a police chief that answers to the Board.
Well, Mr. Knows Everything
I had not seen anything about the water company moving. If you knew 6 months ago, where did you hear it?
The old offices? Who cares?
Why has Supersplash been closed? Really Mr Knows Everything You of all people should know that.
Maybe the Mayor can get some business to come to the green space where the church used to be. However, it better be the right one or the harpies will come out of the woodwork.
We have gone around the barn on this. He is an elected official. The City does not hire the chief. The chief must be a Raytown resident. He is the most qualified citizen of Raytown for the job. You can make statements like this, but it does not matter. The citizens have voted down becoming a charter City many times. So it’s time for you to accept the will of the voters and to stop making statements that are meaningless.
6:13 -
Who are you kidding? No matter what is done or who does it, the harpies will come out of the woodworks.
The water co moving was in Andy's paper awhile ago
6:15 AM
We have never been given the option to vote as allowed by the state to make the chief's position appointed Vs. elected outside of making a charter.
You are correct the people of Raytown thanks to a few Alderman don't understand the benifit of a charter they also bring it up in city elections, which is another reason it has not passed.
If the Board of Alderman put making the police chief position on the Nov 2018 ballot is will pass.
The other way to get it to pass is tie it to an increase in property taxes that are needed for public safety and a yes vote to increase taxes make the position also appointed, which can be done as a means to ensure we never have the wasteful spending of an unchecked department again.
This is how you move Raytown forward!
It would be nice to see more businesses in Raytown.
Our mayor needs to realize this is an uphill battle that only got worse when his good old friend Jim Lynch went public and rouge on the budget issue.
Was it not only two weeks latter the mayor joined Jim in scare tactics that will now only have the effect of keep those same business out of Raytown.
Poor judgement and trigger happy comments are the key factors destroying Raytown.
Hi 8:02
ESPECIALLY on this blog! HA!
I may be wrong here BUT
My reading of the class 4 city rules does NOT say the candidates for Chief must come from the population of Raytown. It is some kind of Raytown ordinance that sets the requirement that the candidates must reside in Raytown for at least a year prior to the election.
That requirement means we will probably continue to have a chief running unopposed followed by a hand picked successor. If you look at the command staff who now reside in Raytown you will see who's next in line.
Been going on a long time and it should be halted. Will not take a new charter, just some action by the BOA. No doubt the mayor would veto but it can be over ridden.
Let's see if Green and S. Meyers back up all their talk or do open a can of worms and then turn chicken to go all the way. If they back down the handbook for employees no good. Put up or shut up!!!
10:48 Elected officials must live within the area they represent.
The key is must reside in Raytown for at least a year prior, which means lives within the area they are elected.
I understand that you could be confused being we had an Alderman a few years ago who was not living within Raytown.
However we all know that was illegal.
12:53 -
Your cryptic remarks make no sense. Please elaborate.
9:27 A.M.
It cannot be done outside voting for a charter. We are under the rules of 4th class cities for the state of Missouri. Its why there is an election for City Collector even though nearly all the tasks of the Collector have been farmed out to the finance department and Jackson County. Now the collector signs documents. Still, we have to elect one. Same with the Chief. We have to elect one.
10:48 A.M.
Translation.. The chief must be a Raytown resident.
Oops Randy's
Speaking of the City Collector - why is that position collecting $100 a month to sign a few documents. That position should be paid per document. That way, if the collector signs 4 documents in January, he gets 4 dollars, If he signs 200 documents in February, he gets $200. When the city is trying to find every dollar it can, surely it can use the extra money it won't be spending on a part time city collector!
I looked on the city's website to try to find out more about the city collector position.
Couldn't find a thing. Weird! If anyone finds something, please tell me where to go look.
3:42 and 4:20 p.m.
The City Collector is listed in the budget. $100.00 per month salary. Click on the elected officials icon on the left side of the City website. Don't use the drop down menu. The name of the collector is listed there.
Most of the tax collection functions have been automated and are handled by clerks in the City finance department and Jackson County. Jackson County now handles the collection of delinquent taxes. The responsibilities have been outsourced, automated and consolidated.
Still, the collector has to come in once a week to City Hall and sign documents. This can not be rubber stamped or auto penned. The documents have to be examined by the Collector and signed by the Collector. No exceptions.
As far as salary goes, I do not have a problem with it and it has not been raised since the 1990's.
I'm so tired of seeing that nice red haired lady pleading with us to let Claire McCaskill hear from us. She says McCaskill is holding up the president's tax plan.
Here's what it does for probably nobody that lives in Raytown:
The top 1% (those with total incomes over $730,000) would do far better than everyone else. Their after-tax incomes would rise by about $130,000 an average, or 8.5%.
The top 0.1%, who make north of $5 million a year, would do even better. Their after-tax income would jump 10%.
Good for Claire.
Come on, you people are really going to complain about a $100 per month salary.... get a life! There are other things to look at to save money, like eliminating the city administrators position. Used to just have a full time Mayor until sometime in the 80's.
Opening a business with one's own money is a risky affair. If I was looking to do so, why would I do it in Raytown as opposed to other communities?
So the city collector wants to have a fundraiser so the police officers have some money.
Maybe if I had a pension like them I might feel different, and what about the way them have been milking money from street repairs for the last 16 plus years.
No they can find out what it is like for those of us who have to pay for their well funded life style.
Let her give them her 1,200 she gets every year
This from the Missouri rules for fourth class cities:
The board of aldermen may provide by ordinance, after the approval of a majority of the voters voting at an election at which the issue is submitted, for the appointment of a collector and for the appointment of a chief of police, who shall perform all duties required of the marshal by law, and any other police officers found by the board of aldermen to be necessary for the good government of the city. The marshal or chief of police shall be twenty-one years of age or older.
Let's vote!
Stop being jealous of the "rich". If they have less, you will still have no more. Will you feel better just because something was taken from them?
Opening a business with one's own money is a risky affair. If I was looking to do so, why would I do it in Raytown as opposed to other communities?
The answer is- to make money.
Hello there... there are plenty of people from other communities who come here to open businesses.
Don't know how to find out but I bet over half of the local businesses are owned by non residents.
My dentist, my lawyer, my accountant, the donut shop lady, all live elsewhere. Just like many of the police and fire department and other city employees.
You miss the point Einstein... not asking them to have less.
I just don't want more handed to them through tax cuts. How about we work on balancing the budget? Tax cuts? I am against them for everyone. That's you and me too!
Lets not over think the city collectors position and the savings being the state as already addressed this issue.
Offices of marshal and collector may be consolidated.
79.330. The board of aldermen may by ordinance provide that hereafter the same person shall hold the offices of marshal and collector, in which case his official title shall be "marshal and ex officio collector".
Now it is time for the Alderman to act!
7:22 pm.
Wow that’s profound. Maybe it’s time for you to get outside more.
Such small, bitter, people on this site, jeez
Well the Dollar General on 63rd was robbed this Wednesday morning. For all the talk about Wal-Mart, and yes that was a bad deal, why are we not hearing all those bashing former Mayors and BOA about that deal ignoring this "development" that NO ONE living around this store wanted? I agree Greg what is done is done as far a budgets and P.D. cuts. I think Raytown and the BOA need to wake-up to the flood of Dollar Stores and particularly "Discount Smoke Shops/cheap liquor store opening. Though the old 7-11 @ 59th & Raytown Rd was vacant did we really need another Kay-Bees 6 blocks from the other? These stores will drive up crime just as fast as cuts to P.D. Also they are a sure sign of an economically depressed dying area. WAKE-UP RAYTOWN RESIDENTS AND BOA!!!!! Liquor/Cheep Smoke stores are not economic devleopment!!!!!!
Now the Mayor wants to raise more taxes? It's hardly been 6 years since you started collecting an additional 1.2 million dollars which was promised to help the police department. 7 years ago you raised your property tax levy by 17% without a vote in order to make up for the decline in property values we suffered. You house is worth 1/4 less but your taxes stayed the same, the mayor likes to say they haven't raised property taxes in 40 years and that is just another one of his lies. Greg, check my facts tell me I'm wrong. Until the City performs a comprehensive public audit of both the TIF Project and the Public Safety Sales tax and disclose how the money was spent and is being spent. If misconduct did occur hold those accountable both criminally and civilly. Without this we must reject any further increases by the City, I will be organizing a committee to oppose any increase in April by the City. Think it will be called"Raytown Citizens for Transparency
10:28 -
Sorry your house is 1/4 less. My house has gone up in value by 15%. So has my neighbors' houses. Maybe you need to take a hard look at your home. Does it need a new roof or a coat of paint? It's time to quit blogging and start fixing up your place. I think you'll be a happier person.
Read the post they said thier house is worth 1/4 less than it did 7 years ago, Which is true for me and just about everyone of my neighbors as well. If your house is worth 15% more than it did in 2009/2010 when Raytown properties fell 20% during Jackson Counties re-assessment you are a very lucky person. Has nothing to do with Maintence or blogging.. they are correct, Mayor David Bower and bunch did raise the Mil-Levy on property tax then. I too am a strong no vote until the City accounts for the money they are already collecting. They received 3 tax increases in the past 15 years totaling and additional 4.7 million a year, plus a secret 20% property tax increase less than 10 years ago. That's 4 times in 15 years or once every 3.5 years. Mind you that in this same period the consumer price index has only increased by 14%, yet the City is collecting. 39% more revenue. I feel for the cops and know it's not thier fault, but throwing more money down a hole for the City to mismanage is not the answer.
Len Davis,
You must live over by the golf course.
I have talked to several in the rates have gone up to some crazy amounts.
Odd is places like Walmart and Popeyes Chicken have gone down.
I am sure corporate America would never take advantage of us and that our great professionals at city hall are monitoring this - NOT!
Don't forget Block and Co and how with their friends on the Board of Alderman took advantage of all of us.
David Bower violated several laws from Handcock to his Memorandum with the parks department.
However, should we be surprised when he works for one of the leading TIF companies in America.
Thanks for the info the only ones who would call your thoughts small would be either of the two directly impacted or one of there police buddies that help create this mess by not speaking up about the out of control spending.
How about Animal Control do something about the rabid/sick raccoon problem out here instead of worrying about what people haven't had time to do on their houses, or broke down cars....
We already passed a tax that was promised to give us more police officers and it didn't happen. Why do you automatically believe more taxes are the answer? If you believe taxes should be raised, why not just write a check to the city every month to make yourself feel better? I can't afford any more taxes. I already pay nearly 50% of my income in various taxes from federal to local.
Your slogan might as well be " Gravel Roads for Everyone" or how about:
"Raytown, Come and Get it" or how about "Raytown: Racing to the Bottom"
Some people hate taxes so much, they would rather live in a garbage can.
Ignorant. Once a levy has passed, the BOA can raise or lower the levy. But they can never go over the levy amount that voters have authorized. Nice try.. Nice trick you are trying to pull. Clever Misinformation. But I see through it.
Meyers and Greene seem to be 2 of the more logical and approachable Council members serving. Not sure what that post was all about but I trust their judgement and they have shown a consistent and independent voting record depending on the issues before them.
Yes, we passed the Public Safety tax. What did the Police Department do with the money? Instead of buying patrol cars, they just absolutely had to have the SUVs. There are 10 square miles, but the police can't operate without the fancy SUV? They have consistently wasted the money. And shame on Bower et al for allowing it. Until now, none of the Boards of Aldermen have had the stones to stand up to Lynch and company. It's about time the bleeding has stopped. There's no doubt this will be a difficult year. It's tough for young officers to lose their jobs. Here's an idea - how about forcing the older, higher paid officers to retire? That won't fix all the problems, but it will help. Corporate America does it all the time.
Right on! The Police should drive around Raytown in Go-Karts instead.
Ford did away with the crown vic and ford is the only dealership that has police fleet vehicles in the city. So I guess you’d rather have them shop outside the city for police cars. And officers spend 12+ hours a shift. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
8:54 A.M.
"I already pay nearly 50% of my income in various taxes from federal to local."
For this to be possible, you would need to make at least $500,000 per year. The tax code has brackets and is progressive. The first $9,000 you make gets taxed at 10%. The next $28,000 you earn gets taxed at 15% and so on. So your total federal tax bill is a combination of all the brackets that
Top Federal bracket is 39.6% and top Missouri bracket is 6% + $315.00
So if you are making the kind of money where 50% of your income is taken up in taxes, you would have to be making at least half a million per year, in which case, i don't feel sorry for you.
I always laugh when middle class people make the claim they are taxed at 50%.
That's a bunch of hooey! I've bought cars from Dick Smith and I know they sell vehicles other than SUVs. Yeah, I know the officers spend 12 hours a day in their vehicles. So did the officers 5 years ago, and 10 years ago, and 15 years ago, etc. There is no reason they have to have a big spacious SUVs. It's a total waste of money.
While the city collector is having fundraiser for her beloved police officers maybe she could do a smaller fundraiser to get the city administrator, Tom Cole, a set of "Neuticles", so he will have what it takes to fire the head of neighborhood services for not addressing all the code violations.
For more information on this product visit http://www.neuticles.com/
Once again Lynch supports want you to believe their word, but offer no supporting proof.
Once again Lunch supports are wrong!
First strike, Ford is not the only company to make police vehicles
Second strike, Ford makes police cars as well as SRVs and one type is a hybrid
Third strike, Where does it say we have to buy only in Raytown.
As they say in baseball, three strikes and you are out.
The truth will set you free!
This link provides a comparison of Ford police sedans with other manufacturers: https://www.ford.com/fordpoliceinterceptor/models/#/sedan/
This link provide Ford police products: http://www.fleet.ford.com/showroom/police-vehicles/
Ford offers a wide range of police vehicles. Sedans, Trucks, Utility Vehicles, Expedition (large SUV) and prisoner transport.
These vehicles are not cheap. No police vehicle is.
Raytown primarily uses the Police Interceptor Utility.
These vehicles ride higher, more roomy, more comfortable for the officer and those who get a free ride to jail. They are more intimidating than a low riding sedan. Probably safer in head on crashes.
The fact that we have them does not bother me. This is what a lot of Police Departments are using anyway.
Call me what you want, but your understanding on Missouri Tax laws and the Hancock Amendment are incorrect. The Hanock amendment requires the City to rollback their levy to match the Consumer Price Index in order to prevent the City from receiving an increase greater than inflation without a vote of the people. On average the City has to roll back their Levy 1 or 2 % each year, but not always. In 2009 when Jackson County assessed Raytown Properties it was determined that Raytown total assessed value for Raytown dropped 18%. While all other taxing jurisdictions received a 18% reduction in thier income the City of Raytown increased their Levy to allow them to bring in the same amount as 2008 and this was done in a rare Friday night BOA meeting and without a vote of the people. The other taxing entities: Jackson County, Raytown Schools, the Library all are now prohibited from recovering from this reduction because of the CPI requirement in Hancock, but the City took advantage of a tough economic time to receive a 18% increase. If your house is worth less and the amount of taxes you pay remains the same....That's an increase, but what do I know appearently I'm ignorant.
A lot of the Public Safety Sales tax collected at Walmart goes into paying the TIF on 350 Hwy. when it’s collected in the TIF area. A lot of people don’t know that and it’s not the PD fault. That is the rules for the TIF
I guess you too would have drank the kool-aid at Jim Jones Town as everyone else was doing it.
Not the best answer for those at Jones Town and not the best answer for police vehicle purchase in Raytown.
They could not of increased it above the tax ceiling. The Hancock Amendment controls the growth of government and sets limits according to inflation. Hancock amendment does not require a rollback if tax revenues are less. What would of been illegal would be to raise the levy to far above the rate of inflation.
Yep. I bet you're the same guy who claims supervisors and managers in the police department are salaried and don't get overtime. Now we know that is a big LIE! Lynch said at the last meeting that salaries people can get overtime. We don't believe anything you say. All you do is lie.
I don't care WHAT they drive as long as they get to me quick!
Did you know our average response time now is 3 minutes? Heard one of our "finest" say that.
Ciao, baby! (aka Snowflake) :)
Wow. You all are out there. If you think you can do it better, apply and or run for chief. Oh then I guess you’d realize the job isn’t as easy as it seems.
Wow why would you not buy in Raytown if the price was good?
Must be one of those KC folks that shop in Raytown but don’t live here within our borders
I see the Kansas City, Missouri City Council is doing the same the thing the Raytown City Council just finished doing. They are taking some of the privileges of the City Manager to spend city money, up to 1 million dollars!!!! WITHOUT ANY OVERSITE from the City Council. According to the KC Star the City Manager is pushing back hard to keep his power. Sound familiar? Sure does to me. Jim Lynch wants unquestioned control of the police department. The Raytown City Council wants some checks and balances.
You would think the Board of Aldermen would stay united on this simple point. But from what I have heard they may not. The first to splinter off will probably be Jim Aziere. No surprise there. What is surprising is what I have heard from insiders at City Hall. Watch for Jason Greene and Steve Meyers to follow Aziere’s lead.
Raytown does not need more of the status quo. We need leaders. Not followers. To the majority on the Board of Aldermen. Keep up the good work. The changes you have brought to Raytown City Hall are long overdue and needed to make Raytown a better city.
To those who run and hide. You have come so far. If you cut and run now. Shame on you!
The police suv's that you see driving around raytown are actually LESS expensive, by just a little, than the sedan. Yes, cheaper.
If your post is true , I don’t think they are cutting and running I think they are listening to their constituents who have made it clear they don’t like Mim’s attempt to bring back the ordinance to take power from the Chief who is by law the person to run the police department and is answerable to the voters, not to just 10 people on the board of Aldermen.
Thanks to those Aldermen who are properly representing their constituents by listening to them and voting against this ordinance, I want to say thank you for doing your job of representing us not some wacky agenda
And I bet the proof is on your garage floor. We don't believe anything that comes from the police department any more. You've lied too many times.
Get real. SUV's are gas hogs. When the price of gasoline goes up, people quit buying them. So they do cost more to operate. I wonder why the RPD decided to tint the glass so dark you can't see who is driving the vehicle. Even the passenger windows are tinted this way. Everything but the front window is about as dark as you make glass. I do know a little bit about window tinting. The darkness does not help with UV protection. In fact nearly all factory produced vehicles with dark glass o nthe windows do not give any more uv protection than clear glass. What's next, black drones and helicopters to keep our streets safe.
Not just Kansas City Missouri having trouble with reeling in bureaucrats. Saw on the news last night that Kansas City Kansas has their hands full with firemen troubles.
Why do you need to know who is driving the police car? Just curious.
I am pleased to read that Jason Greene finally has someone like Aziere to lead the way to greatness.
Who have you been talking with?
The basic starting price for the SUV is $2,000 more than a Sedan.
The SUV gets 2 miles less than the Sedan.
Now a little example of what that means
If the vehicle is drive 30,000 miles per year that is an additional 208 gals of gas to operate an SUV.
If gas is an average of $2.00 a gal that is an extra $416 per year.
If the vehicle is keep 3 years over an additional 3,246 and that is just gas and difference in the vehicle price.
If the city has a fleet of 20 of these they are wasting $64,920 every 3 years, which I am sure could be spent on better things.
More proof that someone is telling stories that the police are NOT overspending
8:10 - we have a right to know because it's our tax dollars paying for it.
1) SUVs are necessary in Raytown in the winter to respond to police calls when sedans cannot get around!
2) SUVs have more passenger and cargo area.
(I have a 19 year old SUV for these reasons. I would have been unable to drive in Raytown's snows without 4WD!)
3) Windshield and front seat window tinting is covered by state law.
Andy Whiteman
Andy, I have an old Ford Escort. It is small and close to the ground. I get around just fine in Raytown in the winter. The only times I have had a problem is when we have had 6 inches of snow at one time. And we all know that happens rarely in Raytown. So rare, in fact, it doesn't justify the extra cost of an SUV.
Where is the Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee?
We could have bought Dodge Chargers V6 for right at 21K.
Based on 8:45 information, it looks like 11K less for the Dodge and around 2K per year on gas savings. Is that not 17K per unit over 3 years. 20 * 17K = 340K savings in 3 years.
one word for this "Mismanaged"
Folks this is your money, money that would have keep more officers on the streets.
Understand the mayor has a committee to look at increasing taxes.
Funny nothing about when they are meeting, but city hall has never been big on transparency have they.
Wonder if the great minds on it can think outside the box and look at what other things might be impacting things.
The comments here are just getting ridiculous. All squad cars are gas hogs, so this is not a valid argument. Why?
Idling. Police cars are in idle a lot. Second, they use more powerful engines. There is a not a fundamental difference in the cost of a Sedan vs the cost of a SUV.
SUV's cost less to manufacture.
You can haul more equipment, such as a mobile forensics lab.
Fuel costs are higher.
Resale value is higher for SUVS.
Sedans are better for pursuit. But pursuits are discouraged if it lasts too long or endangers the public.
Suvs are mission driven vehicles and can carrying more equipment.
Im sure Jason Greene and Steve Meyers really care about what your insiders say or your thoughts. The thought that Aziere would lead them two tells me all I need to know about whoever posted that, really havent paid attention the past few years.
That really has to be the laugh of the year doesn’t it?
Just because they may vote the same way as him doesn’t mean they’re following his lead whatsoever they’re just doing what they think is right
1:06 Sounds like you are reading a public serve announce made by the Raytown police department.
You as our own police department fail to say what extra equipment and neither of you can explain why for years the police department did fine with the crown victoria with no space issues.
Why are other departments across this great nation able to provide police services using sedans?
Typical police action of overspending and not validation for the justification.
"all the cops are criminals" - The Rolling Stones
Hi 2:32
If you would have attended the Citizen's Police Academy you could have asked these questions. Did you attend? Doesn't sound like it.
When was your last ride-along?
We really need to stop the "us" vs "them" mentality.
Ciao, baby! (aka Snowflake) :)
Has Greene ever finished anything?
I didn't think so either
Yes, that would be Aziere
Snowflake is that like Nazi or other white supremacy member
2:32 PM
"all the cops are criminals" - The Rolling Stones
I cannot argue with you. You are beyond hope and not thinking rationally. What I will say is this. And this is truth. There are good people and there are evil people in this world. How do you propose we deal with evil people? Let them run loose? I have no desire to hurt others or to be in conflict with A**holes. The law and the police are there to deal with conflicts that peaceful people do not want to deal with themselves for whatever reason. Even if I were so inclined to self-police, the law prevents me from doing so. So the choice is to let our society be ruled by the criminal and lawlessness, or to let society be ruled by law. I choose the law.
The end.
"1:06 Sounds like you are reading a public serve announce made by the Raytown police department."
You are confusing facts with propaganda. I gave you facts, you think it's propaganda. Everything I said is true.
"You as our own police department fail to say what extra equipment and neither of you can explain why for years the police department did fine with the crown victoria with no space issues."
You reading comprehension is failing. I mentioned mobile forensic labs.
Latest give and take. Sounds like someone showed up at a shootout with a paring knife.
Please go back to your basement and have another beer. Your next post should be a hoot.
1:06 so every police car needs a mobile forensic lab?
I am guess that is why other police departments don't have a budget issue.
However I am realist not an insider.
Jason Greene is okay by me. I know he has a bit of a reputation for flip flopping on issues but I think he sees what is wrong at city hall. Face if folks. We have to change the way city hall has been operated or our city will go down the tubes. The BOA has already taken the first difficult steps to a brighter fuuture for Raytown.
The Mayor's secret tax committee is news to me. Does anyone know for sure this is going on?
Too bad he doesn't have the guts to put together a committee to see how they wasted 39.9 million dollars
People claim they pay nearly 50% of their income in taxes because they pay more than just income taxes. Sales, fuel, capital gains, social security, hotel, obamacare tax on investments, personal property, real estate, self employment, excise, telephone, utility taxes, etc. It was never intended that Americans would be taxed on everything they own or produce.
The people want decent roads and bridges that are safe. I don’t see how we get there without a levy of some kind.
Greene has always sticked to his comments since he got elected to end the whole Wal-Mart debacle. He has always been honest and straightforward. I voted for him twice and would gladly again. After watching the budget he was one of the few that were professional and did their work unlike some others that just spoke to spoke or added nothing.
This news release is on the city's webpage.
For Immediate Release
October 25, 2017
Mayor McDonough Establishes Ad Hoc Committee to
Review Revenue Enhancement
Raytown, MO ─ Mayor Michael McDonough has established an ad hoc committee to review the
City’s tax base pursuant to potential tax increases for the benefit of the community. The
committee will begin meeting in the coming weeks and study the Raytown tax levies in
comparison to other communities in the region. Additionally, the committee will meet with City
staff to identify specific deliverables to be provided if increased taxes were approved by voters
at a yet to be determined election.
The Mayor’s committee will include the following members:
• Mayor Michael McDonough
• Alderman Jason Greene
• Alderman Ryan Myers
• Tom Cole, City Administrator
• Briana Burrichter, City Finance Director
• Tommy Bettis, Citizen
• Jason Hull, Citizen
• Steve Knabe, Citizen
• Terry Tuggle, Citizen
It is anticipated the committee will present its’ findings to the Board of Aldermen and General
Public in December 2017.
If you have questions regarding this correspondence, please contact Tom Cole at
tomc@raytown.mo.us.com or 816.737.6007
A poster a while back made a detrimental comment about "snowflakes".
I think they're just trying to egg you on.
Lighten up a little.
7:16 I too wondered so I checked the city's website
Unless I missed it there is nothing about when the group will be meeting or asking for input from the citizens.
So the Mayor's Office makes a press release in regard to an ad gov tax committee to study bringing forth to the voters possibly a levy increase and that’s a “secret”
Looks to me to be a study group at this time
Get rid of all these snowflake Republican Tea Partiers and Don't Tread on Me types...... thats why we have the problems in this country and here locally! And the comments throughout this blog that are total anti taxation.
Would have thought the Mayor would have put a woman or two on the Committee. Many talented and progressive female minds in Raytown.
The standing ovation goes to 7:53:
"Too bad he doesn't have the guts to put together a committee to see how they wasted 39.9 million dollars"
In due time. In due time. This eventually needs to be examined. By outside third parties with no connection to anyone in the city. No intent to assess blame, but to assure that this will not happen again if indeed any mishandling of $$ is discerned.
The Fords they use are six cylinders
As far as Chargers, try getting a prisoner cage or prisoner in the back.
Know what you are talking about before speaking
Good work folks. With enough angry anonymous posts....we will rise and fix the city! We will be the unsung heroes of Raytown's rise to glory!
Oh,give us a break! Just because someone does not agree with your point of view does not turn them into villains. By far the angriest and most pathetic posts I have read here and elsewhere (check out facebook!) are from those who are gleefully predicting the end of our world as we know it. That is quite a dilemma about putting a prisoner into a Charger. Kind of makes you wonder if our police should be driving around in cargo vans. Snowflakes? I see the alt-left is alive and well in Raytown. Though probably a decided minority. Do you think they will ever learn that tossing out insults makes as much sense as throwing hand grenades at people to win friends.
Seriously folks. If you have something to say. Say it. But if all you can do is insult and degrade, well, maybe you should go back to facebook to sell your poison.
The city has cut back on spending to match revenue. Budgets cut. Departments force to curb a k their own budgets, even the police. Police had the most drastic cut so have the most drastic impact on service. Chief Lynch, like the other department heads, is doing the best he can with what he has available. Nothing personal, just sad for all.
They will never learn, two of the citizen members of the mayors lets raise taxes committee were also members of the TIF commission that robbed us of 40 million dollars. It's like they are trying to fail, why would we approve anything that people responsible for the boondoggle known as 350 Live are selling. We already did that once, it was called the public safety sales tax and all it did was funnel tax money to support private business. Not again Mr Mayor, not again
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