Sunday, October 15, 2017


Tempers Flare as 
Budget is Approved
The Raytown Board of Aldermen approved the 2017-2018 Fiscal Budget for the City of Raytown last Tuesday, October 10th at a work session of the Board.

The meeting began with comments from Ward 3 Alderman Mark Moore, began the meeting with a short speech in which he clearly addressed the need for those in management positions to be open and honest with those who will be affected by budget cuts. His comments were leveled at the Chief of Police and members of his command staff, as well as the Mayor in his explanation of the need for honest and open communication between employee and their immediate supervisors.

Alderman Moore's speech begins at the 29:42 mark of the recording.


Tempers Flare
In the week lead up to the approval of the budget. Most notable were two incidents involving Chief of Police Jim Lynch. Earlier in the week he had confronted City Finance Director Briana Burrichter over a management chart she had constructed for the Police Department. The Board of Aldermen had instructed the Finance Director and the City Administrator to propose organization charts for the police.

Finance Director Biurricheter organization chart allowed for 47 sworn officers within the Department. The Police Department's chart allowed for 41 members.

According to Ward 5 Aldermen Mims and Moore, Ms. Burrichter entered the City Clerk’s office in tears because the Chief of Police had threatened to have the Fraternal Order of Police bring a lawsuit against the Finance Director for following the Board’s instructions.

The second incident occurred after Alderman Moore made his speech at the beginning of the Board of Aldermen’s Work Session. When Moore had finished, he explained (he) had to return to his job.

At that point Lynch had left the Council Chambers to confront Moore. The two met up with each other in the hallway behind the Council Chambers.

A very loud argument ensued that could be heard in the Council Chambers. Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims left the Chambers to see what was going on (her seat is next to the door leading into the hallway). According to Mims, Lynch angrily thrust a finger in her direction and shouted at her to leave the hallway.

Moore and Lynch took their discussion outside of the building.

When asked what had happened Moore smiled with his reply, "it was just two Alpha males having a discussion."

Paul’s Rant
Other items of interest . . .
The 2017-2018 Budget is passed. But there are still some lose ends that need to be tied up.

GPS IN POLICE VEHICLES: It has been over a month since the Board directed that GPS tracking devices be placed in police vehicles. In what has been explained as an “over-sight” by some city officials, the line item funding the GPS tracking has been removed from the budget. Since the Board has already approved the installation of GPS tracking, it is a certainty they will amend the budget to provide the funding.

ALDERMAN JIM AZIERE: . . . said what! The senior member of the Raytown Board of Aldermen, Jim Aziere was interviewed by KSHB TV 41 about the current budget crisis. In the interview he told the reporter Raytown does not have the money to plow snow off the streets (because the budget is so tight).  Not true. Snow removal is in budgeted in the 2017 / 2018 budget. It is, in part, because of the budget cuts of all city departments, including the police, that snow removal remains in the budget.

NOTE to KSBH-TV: The city budget was cut $2,754,590, not 3.5 million. Commissioned officers were cut by 12 not 30. If you need some more honest numbers on the budget cuts, please visit with the City Administrator. He has the accurate facts.

To view Aziere's interview use this link AZIERE

JASON GREENE OFFERS AMENDMENT: The last discussion item before the Board unanimously approved the budget was at item offered by Ward 2 Alderman Greene on some last minute adjustments to the budget. Problem is, Greene never formally amended the budget. Nor was there a second to his suggestions. What that means is if Greene’s amendments (which would have affected the budget by over $100,000) will have to be amended into the document at a later date for them to take effect.

POLICE ASK FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR PAYROLL: Chief of Police Jim:Lynch is asking for an additional $294,310.00 to meet payroll expense for the current year which ends October 31, 2017. If ever there was a reason to have both a reserve and a contingency budget, this item pretty much explains it. What it means is because of the lack of proper departmental management, the Police Department has over-spent the current budget year fund for payroll by over a quarter of a million dollars!

I watched the public meetings on the budget. There were many individuals who argued the police are best at doing the police work and the Board of Aldermen should just fund the needs of he Department and let them go on about their business.

They may have a point. Perhaps the Police know best how to keep the streets safe. But this budget requests illustrates the need for over-sight in money management. It also shows the dire financial condition of the city.

Budget Questions Answered BY GREG WALTERS
During the past few months all of us have read different figures of how much the city shortfall in the budget is . . . how many personnel will be cut from city payroll.
It is frustrating to hear so many items discussed as facts that turn out to be bogus. Now the budget is passed. The dust has settled and it can more clearly be seen as to what has actually been done. The numbers were provided by the City Administrator’s office.

The proposed budget from all city departments was reduced by $2,754,590.00. The final figure balances the city’s budget for the 2017 / 2018 Fiscal Year.

12 – Sworn officers*
10 – Civilian positions
3   – Part-time civilian positions

*During the budget debates and negotiations, police spokesmen often used higher numbers to show how many “positions” were being lost by the Department. The “12 sworn officers” reflects the number of officers who either lost jobs or are retiring from the force.The rest of the often repeated "30 positions lost" were unfilled positions and no jobs were ever in jeopardy of being lost.

Alderman Eric Teeman Resigns
To Ward 5 Raytown Residents, Mayor Michael McDonough,
Board of Alderman, and City Staff:

After much discussion and contemplation, I regretfully must resign my position as Alderman for Ward 5 in Raytown effective November 7, 2017. I have dedicated a lot of time to helping the Mayor, Board of Alderman, and city staff work to grow and improve Raytown. It has been a great honor to serve with such fine men and women. There have been ups and there have been downs. There have been many, many heated debates and tough decisions. It has been a wonderful experience. However, over the last 12 months my professional life has taken a dramatic and unforeseen turn and for that reason I must resign my position.

I firmly believe that I must do what is right for my family first and foremost. Everything else will always take a back seat to the well-being of my family. The opportunity that has been presented to me will require my full attention. My wife and I have decided that this opportunity is too good for me and my family to pass up. With that being the case, it would be a disservice to the constituents of Ward 5 to continue on in my post, since I will be unable to dedicate an appropriate amount of time to keep myself informed and educated on the issues that are confronting the city.

This has been a very difficult decision for me. I do not like to quit anything I start. It is not how I was raised and it is not how I raise my children. However, there is also only so much time in the day and we all have to sleep. The position of Alderman deserves a level of attention that I will not be able to continue to provide for the residents of Ward 5. Please accept my resignation and my apology for needing to do so.

Eric Teeman

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Anonymous said...

You can hear some noise going on after Moore left the dais. I think that people are very emotional about the City. You can’t say our public officials don’t care. They do. They all love Raytown. They love it so much the emotions get the better of them. Things will calm down, but it can’t be business as usual. The citizens want to see roads with asphalt, sidewalk improvements, more streetlights. Fix the bridge. And yes, we want our Alderman to take crime seriously and not downplay it. That was a huge mistake. I won’t name names, because what is done is done. The city is not doomed. It’s Raytown’s turn to ask for a tax levy increase. If you think your taxes are high, you can blame the school district, they get more money than all other entities combined. It’s Raytowns turn, let the people decide.

Anonymous said...

Briana Burrichter: You are very appreciated. Not everyone you're working with is a village idiot. There are a few good people, and the reinforcements are headed your way. Bear with us while we work on this.
Greg Walters: Thank you for standing up and having no difficulty whatsoever reporting on the village idiots.
Lynch: Threatening a department head? Yelling in the hallways? Did this happen? Are you done embarrassing the city yet?
Eric Teeman: We understand. You're an educated, highly intelligent individual, and you will be missed. We hope that you will return to work with a couple "citizen's groups" in the near future. You would be a tremendous asset.

Anonymous said...

Just reading the post about "budget questions answered"....25 actual employees vs 30 positions is irrelevant really. If 5 positions were vacant it doesn't change the fact that 25 employees are getting laid off - all from the PD. As I understand, no other departments faced lay-offs.

"Tantrum" Teeman's letter says a lot. All I saw was "what's best for me" and here's why you should see it my way. Not impressed. Sorry "fixing" the city was too inconvenient for him to see through his commitment. These hobbyist politicians that have no long-term skin in the game have led us to where we are.

What does it take to move Raytown forward? Clearly the in-fighting is moving us further down the sprial.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time we declare Jim Lynch a Public Nuisance. His lengthy track record of bullying female staff members, alderman, and just about anyone who attempts to question his department policies or spending is legendary. His total lack of leadership and continued and ongoing false statements to the news outlets and also to the citizens who elected him was an embarrassment during the budget process. Step down Jim Lynch and let someone with a fresh and energetic approach to the necessary police departmental structures lead that department.

Anonymous said...

Jim Aziere needs to take lesson from Eric Teeman. Obviously the man is so busy and cannot provide the attention he wishes to his seat as he mentioned in his letter. Jim Aziere continues to treat his position as something completely secondary as his attendence and level of attention to matters are insulting to the community.

Anonymous said...

You will need more than one tax increase if Lynch and his crew do not change their ways. Jim Lynch had his way on everything for the eight years under Sue Frank and David Bower. We are paying the high price of their misguided vision for Raytown's future. They saddled us with Walmart and we still have over 20 years of debt to pay thanks to Frank and Bower. Jim Lynch knows the city does not have the money. So why does he continue to throw a fit over budget cuts he knows are inevitable? Makes no sense. The police cannot understand they cannot take what the city does not have to give them. They need to work with the Board of Aldermen to find a solution. They can throw together all the power point presentations and flow charts they want. But until the mindset in the police department changes nothing it is truly hopeless.

The overtime request of one quarter of a million plus speaks volume of the incompetence and hard headed thinking that is dominating the Raytown Police Department command staff.

Anonymous said...

Aziere is coasting thru life on the BOA.

One step at a time. The entire City government needs to be reformed. If the members of the BOA had just admitted there was a crime problem in Raytown rather than downplaying crime, they would not of riled up the citizens so much against them. The BOA needs to get back on track. Funding, the City needs funding. Roads, bridges, sidewalks, curbs and streetlights.

The Chief presents a budget to the BOA each year. He asks and the BOA decides how much to give. This is the arrangement. The BOA has the power of the purse strings. This is a simple concept and the BOA has a lot of power in this arrangement.

Anonymous said...

I hope the citizens of Ward 5 Demand an election to fill the vacated seat.

If history shows us anything the BOA/Mayor will let this seat remain vacant until the next election.

Anonymous said...

"The overtime request of one quarter of a million plus"

There will be lots of overtime. A lot of officers are leaving so the ones that remain will have to pick up the slack. Throw in vacation/sick days on top of that as well and you can see how strapped they are for bodies.

I do know that the RPD is going to do it's best to make sure each shift is fully-staffed and if OT is needed, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Watching the Budget/BOA meeting the other night, it is no wonder why the police department is in such chaos. The Chief could not answer any questions asked him. He had another police officer give the presentation while he sat smugly in his chair until Mark Moore said he had to excuse himself as he had to go to work. Chief Lynch immediately raced around to the hallway where Mark Moore was leaving and verbally attacked him. With all the noise, Alderman Mims went out to see what what was happening and was told by Chief Lynch to get back inside. With his threat to the Finance Director, plus all the other people he has verbally attacked and tried to intimidate, you wonder how much longer it will take to make him behave like a normal human being or will he go rogue and start shooting everyone that does not agree with him? Come on Chief, you are better than this. Start behaving like a grown up.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the citizens of Ward 5 cannot demand a special election to fill the vacant seat in their ward. Again, without a charter form of government, the Mayor is required to appoint someone to fill this position until the next city general election. He needs to quit letting these seats to go unfilled.

Anonymous said...


Not how things work. According to Missouri law for 4th class cities, the Mayor nominates the board replacement candidate and the board votes on it.

Way cheaper than paying for a special election.

Steve Rogers said...


We understand the mayor has to appoint someone to take Eric Teeman's place. That's fine. Our point is, he needs to do it. He refused to fill two vacant seats on the BOA for over a year. He needs to get off the fence and do SOMETHING!

Anonymous said...

As a resident of Ward 5, I am confident that the Mayor will nominate a qualified individual to replace Teeman as Alderman in a timely manner. To those naysayers out there, -worry about your own Ward.

Anonymous said...

We went without an alderman in ward 5 for a long time because the mayor wouldn't get off his *** and make a decision. Don't tell those of us in ward 5 not to worry. We have the history to tell us we should be worried.

Anonymous said...

4:31 p.m.

Technically it was about nine months and very close to an election year. Perhaps he did not want to influence the election by appointing someone? Perhaps he thought it would be an unfair advantage? Perhaps he wanted a clean slate for Ward 5 and to let the voters have the final say? Nobody knows, but if you are concerned about it, why don't you ask him instead of complaining here?

Anonymous said...

Well I believe that finding someone that is qualified is important. Not sure that from what I had heard numerous times that the mayor could find people that were interested and qualified at the time.

Anonymous said...

Too many Aldermen for a little berg our size anyway

Anonymous said...

This behavior explains why the City has been forced to settle 4 lawsuits in 3 years for excessive use of force. 2 of the 4 actually went so far as to name Jim Lynch as a defendant for promoting a culture where excessive force is tolerated and/or encouraged. I wonder if the Chief was disrespectful to Alderwoman Mims because of her gender, her race or both? I for one would like to see the NAACP and the ACLU step-in and perform a top-down review of Chief Lynch's organization. Chief Lynch the days of intimidating women and bigotry are long gone sir and you should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

The board needs to set a time frame of no longer than 2 weeks for the mayor to fill the ward 5 position.

He he has not at that time they need to call the vote as allowed by a 4th class city and remove him for failure to do his job.

Boy and Girls that is how the big kids do business!

Anonymous said...

Ask yourself, what recently happened that could have caused an "unexpected" rise in payroll? you can lay the answer at the feet of the prior finance director and the BOA. when the board rushed the approval of the employee manual as the former finance director was literally walking out the door, it triggered payroll changes, such as increases in holiday hours. Why didn't the (now former) finance director, or the current finance director address the increase before now?

Anonymous said...

The newly vacated board position is a great opportunity to reduce the number of aldermen on the board to cut excess and reduce unnecessary positions/costs. They want to compare our city to Grandview so much, well, Grandview has 6, SIX, aldermen. Raytown has 10. Ten.

Anonymous said...

David Bower looked at reducing the number of Aldermen way back when. He couldn't do it because we are - again - a 4th class city. We have 10 aldermen because that's what the state says we have to have. Grandview is incorporated, and they get to decide their tax amount, the number of representatives, the prescient boundries, and all the other stuff a real city can do. You can blame those who were told to sabotage the charter. They did their job good.

Anonymous said...

Not sorry to see Tantrum Teeman go, but it's a full contact sport.

Anonymous said...

Charter Assassin??

Yup, that would be Mr. Aziere

He gleefully admitted to me that he sought a position on the committee just so he could do his best to torpedo the effort.

A master of snake oil politics.

Anonymous said...

I said committee but meant commission.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you guys, I'm ready to join everyone here and let's bring the police department to their knees. We don't need 'em, I have Smith and Wesson to protect me.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the dates of the pumpkins on parade and if dogs are allowed? I hope dogs, except bully breeds, are allowed, I want to bring my corgi

Anonymous said...

If the police need more overtime for staff to patrol the streets, then give it to them and stop complaining. Safety is our priority.

Anonymous said...

So let’s get in a rushed time frame to pick someone no matter what ?
Really? How stupid would that be

Anonymous said...

I wise Eric Teaman would stay on the board. He made more sense than most of the others. The one I would really like to see resign is Mike McDonough. Such a disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Been a part of this group for years and Raytown has not had problems until those people started moving in. It's a shame how the city's changed. Can't move now, been here 40 years.

Anonymous said...

It’s the 21st. Don’t know about dogs but quit being breed prejudice. Our Pitty is harmless.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, the people on this blog are so toxic. Please stay on this site and keep validating each other, so the rest of us can put real work in, in making Raytown a better place to live!

Anonymous said...

The voters have decided this issue multiple times. Let it go and try again in ten years.

Anonymous said...

Nice try but you got nothing and it shows. If you are going to weave a nefarious plot that is credible you don’t go from the MIMS story to calling in the NAACP.

Anonymous said...

8:11 we are a little 4th class city why should we wait?

I heard the mayor has been bad about appointing people to vacancies on other city boards and committees.

That is NOT putting Raytown first!

Anonymous said...

"I'm with you guys, I'm ready to join everyone here and let's bring the police department to their knees. We don't need 'em, I have Smith and Wesson to protect me."

I really hope you were being facetious, correct???????

Woooo...big word...look it up if you don't know what it means.

Anonymous said...

That should read he could NOT find

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the best solution is to put Chief Lynch and Alderman Aziere in a padded cell and lose the key.

Anonymous said...

The mayor could find people who were willing t serve. He just didn't like them for one reason or another. One had been on the BOA before. One was friends with David Bower. One was critical of the RPD. Etc. - Etc. - Etc.

Anonymous said...

1:06 p.m.

In the corporate world what you describe is called screening the job applicants... Problem? No.. I thought not.

Anonymous said...

I have read we now have a volunteer group called VIPS spear headed by Kathie Schuette. Is this the same lady who ran the chamber for a while. I was told by a long time chamber member and Raytown resident she almost ran it into the ground. Wonder how she will do with this new endeavor.

Anonymous said...

Hi 5:33

No, this is not a new endeavor, and no, she does not run it. There are several folks involved in getting this off the ground. The volunteers have been around a long time. We plan the Citizen's Academy, Safety Fair, Coffee with a Cop, etc.

What is new, however, is that we have incorporated and are becoming a non-profit.

Since there are no funds in the budget for community service activities, we are going to raise the funds ourselves. It is vitally important that the police and the community they serve interact--and not just in a crisis situation.

We have some awesome folks at the PD and you should get to know them sometime.

Anonymous said...

I think the VIPS group is a good idea. The more people are involved in the community the better off we are. I do hope you are wrong about kathy schutte being in charge of the group. I have watched enough city council meetings to see she has an axe to grind. Most certainly an agenda and it does not appear to be very pleasant.

Been watching tonight's meeting. I see the number of people attending is getting smaller and smaller despite attempts on face book to rally people to the cause. I think most people are tired of all the drama. The budget is passed. The Board did its job. It took a lot courage for them to do so.

There are a lot of good people in Raytown. But too many are digging in for a lost cause. Accept the reality. The city is out of money. It is time to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea 9:08!!!

I look forward to seeing your progress? Will there be a FB page or something that we can follow? I doubt you'll get much support here.

Anonymous said...

I do not know who the racist is that attacked Ms. Mims on an earlier blog but I wish they would crawl back in the hole they came out of. Raytowners are better than your race baiting banter. Please go away.

Anonymous said...

This meeting defined Hooverville at its finest. Good luck sheeple.

Anonymous said...

The aldermen spent OVER AN HOUR in closed session tonight at the BOA meeting then had to continue with the rest of the agenda.

That is outrageous to make everyone wait that long.

They should only do closed sessions at the end of the BOA meeting!! How about some common sense people!

Anonymous said...

Next meeting the attendance will be back up if they attempt to strip power again from the chief.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:30

Thank you for the kind words.

We are working on designing a new website for the VIPS group. This is all very new and a lot of work is going into getting this launched.

We'll keep you posted. The RPD needs a lot of support right now.

Anonymous said...

Where was this outrage when EMS was on the chopping block or where was Kathy when the Fire Dept announced layoffs 3 years ago? What makes the police anymore special than the other public safety employees? While the Cop Mayor or Woman Hatin Police Chief might not agree, but the fact remains whatever they provide for one group of City employees they have to provide for all. The City has clear policies prohibiting all employees from taking gifts and such. This is especially true for Police officers and this would include free meals from Burgerking or McDonalds as well as donations and awards from a VIP. Jesus this is governing 101 stuff people. Ask KCPD how it worked out when their officers got "donations" from VIPs.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Police Department needed? Well let me explain this to you. There are good people and there are bad people. Givers and takers, The violent and the nonviolent. Got it?

Anonymous said...

NO ONE hates the police. We fully support them. They need US more than ever.

But "Da Chief", "Da Chief", "Da Chief" at this point does not warrant anyone's unconditional and likely uninformed support, IOHO. He needs to either RESIGN, BE REPLACED, or be STRINGENTLY, CONTINUOUSLY SUPERVISED.

Anonymous said...

I hope the VIPS group will succeed in helping the Police Department. However, with Kathy Schutte trying to run the show, it will be hard to get anyone that wants to work with her. She is the most toxic person I have every met.

Anonymous said...

7:17 I don't think anyone has disagreed that cops are needed.

What we need is "honest", "ethical" and "moral" police officers every where in this Nation not just Raytown.

However, we all know what has been in the news for the past three years and it just keeps getting worse with those who wear a badge believing the are above the law.

Now it is not all of them, but when the good ones are to afraid to speak up they too become part of the problem.

Lynch has created a huge mess for the police and not just from over spending, but from the lies he continues to tell and the out right hate towards anyone who questions something he doesn't want to answer.

We cannot have a "Professional" police department when the head of "Bullies".

I would encourage you to contact Mr Lynch and ask him to resign ASAP so that someone can come in and clean up the mess he had made and restore a "Professional" police department.

You like Mr Lynch have a choice to be part of the problem or to restore faith in our officers, which will it be?

Anonymous said...

I understand the Mayor is on the REAP board, but I have not seen any public release and response to the unexceptionable behavior of Chief Jim Lynch towards funds for REAP.

To many people are now questioning if they should continue to give money to REAP because of information the Chief may have, but cannot share.

Keep in mind we are a small town and to many of us already know that REAP had to remove the last person who ran the day to day operations at REAP.

Why is the reason for this been so quit?

It sure seems Chief Jim Lynch does know something.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, Raytown HAD a professional police department and it's leaving. No need to compare us with whats going on in the nation, it's irrelevant to Raytown.

The professionalism is not going to improve in the short term. It's like starting over.

So far, 14 of our highly trained police officers are being scooped up by Kansas City. Our tax dollars already spent, Kansas City benefits. Public safety is being decimated. I can only hope and pray that residents remain safe and no harm comes to us. Hey, call your Alderman when you are a victim of a crime, I am sure they will come right over to help.

Anonymous said...

The new VIPS group needs to help the PD get a new chief one that is a proven leader not a bully and liar.

Anonymous said...

It is great to see that folks are starting to understand the issue with the police is not the officers on the street, but the person at the top.

Anonymous said...

This is what apathy does. The circumstances in which we find ourselves is our fault. We haven't gotten involved as should, and we haven't paid that much attention to whom we've elected.

Most of the people we have chosen are completely unqualified to effectively power through what lies ahead. Be it through education, experience, and in some cases, ethics.

With a couple major exceptions (a couple aldermen), we have elected the worst group in city government in the history of Raytown.

The ~only~ workable solution is to replace most all of them, as someone just mentioned.

Perhaps the Walmart debacle will have finally shook something loose in Raytown that has needed attention for years.

Don't let up on these people. They're burrowing in deeper and counting on you to revert to indifference. This is not going to be their legacy. Get them out.

Carl Hensley said...


You make it sound as if the current BOA signed the TIF agreement. No one, except Jim Aziere, was around when the TIF was signed. Don't blame them that the city ran out of money. Tom Cole was sounding the alarm years ago. No one listened. Now, this BOA has to deal with the fallout.

Where were you back when the TIF was signed? Why weren't you jumping up and down and shouting about what a bad deal this was? Were you part of the Apathy?

Anonymous said...

10:43 You sure have an odd definition of "Professional"

What is next telling us all how "Professional" Sue Frank and David Bower are?

Give us all a break and get some facts before telling everyone what "Professional" is.

Not saying all of the officers are NOT professional as many have had the loose lips to keep folks informed this ship was doomed to sink several years ago.

The truth will set you free!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for speaking up, but let me add a few pieces.

Yes, Aziere is the last remaining Alderman that voted for biggest mistake in the history of all MO TIFs.

However, in 2011 the board allowed Block out of the project on the projerty next to the Wellness Center. Block not only didn't have to bring in the sales tax generating business, but also used this to reduce the value of the property and therefore the property taxes.

Who remains of those great minds Aziere and Van Buskirt

The current Alderman are having fingers pointed at them for cleaning up the mess of the past, but they should be having their names celebrated and honored for cleaning up things that actually started the minute Sue Frank was elected and stated a decade of helping family members gain wealth of the taxpayers of Raytown.

Again thank you for call those out that more than likely are part of the problem directly, but at least indirectly for supporting the lies and hate of Jim Lynch.

Anonymous said...

"Carl Hensley" @ 2:54 PM:

Reread. "This is what apathy does. The circumstances in which we find ourselves is our fault." They admitted that they indeed took part in the "apathy".

Reread. Nowhere did 12:00 PM infer that the current board signed the TIF agreement. You did that all on your own.

All points stand as far as we're concerned.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the Walmart deal was inked by the city. Believe me that deal was steamrolled through and if one even tried to get up and voice an opposing opinion regarding the financing, you were looked upon as an undesirable and troublemaker.

It was a Sun Frank, Kurt Wenson and Dan Estes screwed up mess. They all left city hall before it was signed, but Bower had little choice but to proceed, based on recommendations by city staff, or who knows who else.

That's the problem with cityhall, there is no one accountable for the Walmart deal, no one! And for that the city gave away everything, including our future.

Anonymous said...

You dislike the police and it shows. You dislike Raytown and that shows.

Anonymous said...

4:24 there is still the school district, which too many forget about in the deal.

Markley likes to sue everyone it is now time the BOA sue the school district.

Make Raytown Great Again!

Anonymous said...

The WalMart deal was voted on without having a final document. Go back and read the minutes of the BOA meetings from 2007 through 2011. They were told it had to be voted immediately The only person who did not vote for it was Greg Walters. They gave away so much of Raytown that the residents are the ones who suffer because of this debacle.

Anonymous said...

According to a KCTV5 news report Raytown has lost 14 officers and could lose 17 more. Leaving just 20 officers remaining. Way to go BOA. Call your Alderman for assistance if you need help. In the end, this group will end up getting voted out of office. All it’s going to take is s few tragedies. Teeman was right. Thank God for the second amendment.

Anonymous said...

And once again a misinformed reader.
The Fire District has nothing to do with city government
It has its own tax base and board.
And..... if someone wants to give a small meal or drink to any first responders what is the harm?
You think someone is going to fail in their duties because of a burger????
Geesh !!

Anonymous said...

So watching replay of Council meeting last night. Some kind of last minute screw up and PD blames everyone from dog catcher to mailman. And in the end they reach in to the end of the year unspent piggy bank for 2017 and pull out almost half a million dollars that had to be used up by Nov 1st. What a croc. Glad the council stopped the bleeding and said enough is enough of the spending madness!!

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't watch meetings. I'm curious what could the board have done and were could they have cut in order stop the layoffs? They had to do the cuts by law. End of discussion, please go read their budget and come back and so everyone on this blog what you would have done.

Anonymous said...

Bower was part of it all as well don't kid yourself. He was also part of that 2011 amendment to it that cteated issues. Poor mayors!

Anonymous said...

Some still do not get it. The police come in with less than a week before the budget is due and say, oh my gosh! We forgot to mention we owe over a quarter of a million due to overspending on salaries. How do you overspend? Rampant and unfettered overtime will do it. But still the drumbeat comes from the Face Book crowd pleading with people to go stand by and support the police. It does not appear to be working. The crowds at council meetings are getting smaller and smaller. The biggest contingent are the uniformed officerrs surrounding Lynch at every meeting.

Meanwhile we still wait for the solution the Mayor promised he would deliver on two months ago. The upper levels of the p.d. are anything but apologetic about their part in the mess at city hall. No solutions offered from them either.

So it lands onthe Board of Aldermen to be the grown up in the room. The waste, the ignoring of looming budget deficits press them hard for a solution. So they do the only thing they can do. They cut the budget.

The people in raytown should thank each and every one of our elected city council for taking care of business the mayor and chief of police want to ignore.

Roger Martindale said...

I've been wondering why the police chief is always surrounded by other officers. Is he afraid someone will ask him a question? It's obvious he hasn't any answers. Is it because he needs a handler so he won't bully people? It seems when he's left alone, he can't control himself. The mayor is supposedly his best friend. You'd think the mayor would reign the chief in.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. Been watching every one. You might of noticed I quoted Teeman from the meeting two weeks ago? But since you missed that fact I have to wonder if you need to go back and watch them? Epic fail on your part.

Anonymous said...

The only solution is raising taxes. That’s the plan Stan.

Anonymous said...

8:52 PM. According to KCTV 5 Report? You’re drinking way too much of the Lynchburg Lemonade pal. Chief got thrown to the mat when he threw out the 17 Officer count to the media and later disclosed that number included 7 officers that were NEVER hired or on the street but included in his ballooned up budget. Last week Lynch throws out to media on FOX 4 that staff vacancies going to be made up by volunteers.
His false and negative narrative has been nothing short of shameful to the people who elected him to be a leader even during times of transistion. Oh hold on. FOX 4 coming on with breaking news!! Seems Raytown is under State of Emergency and National Guard is assuming control of community policing according to Chief Jim Lynch and Mark Alford.

Anonymous said...

8:52 Best blame the looser lynch for that mess.

He cannot handle anything

Anonymous said...

To the citizens of Raytown who are believing the mayor and chief in this police fiasco I say this'" If common sense were lard you wouldn't have enough to grease a pan."

Anonymous said...

Incorrect. Quote source. Oops you made it up. 14 officers are leaving the report states where they are going. 17 more are applying elsewhere. Now prove different. This oughta be good. Never mentioned fox4. KCTV5 is not Fox4.

Anonymous said...

All of this is real funny to most of you. It won’t be funny when your house is broken into. Then, perhaps you will wake up.

Anonymous said...

The VIPS are going to be paying for the safety fair, coffee with the cops and cocksickles with the cops very important events.

Anonymous said...

It's been regurgitated ad finitum that there were prior warnings in re to this TIF, and yes, we're all aware that the swim coach was the only one left on the current board that voted for this WalMart TIF monstrosity.

How long has our venerable "Chief" been "Chief"? Prior to this TIF agreement?

Spot me on this...still learning. Since the Raytown Police Department absorbs what? Over FIFTY, SIXTY percent of general fund? Would it be accurate to say that "The Chief" should have been aware, EARLY ON, of the extraordinary importance and urgency of intelligently staffing and budgeting up against this 10+ year old TIF?

Can Mr. Lynch currently demonstrate what steps he took to restructure/conserve in prior years to ameliorate what was bound to happen at one point or another?

Negative planning is essential in every budget (i.e. fluctuating market conditions, ect...) . I would think that it would be job one when a community hooks up any TIF, especially when one chooses to tangle with a WalMart. Would this have prevented that request for additional funds a couple days back?

Is basic strategic planning NOT one of the reasons Mr. Lynch is paid nearly 100K per year?

Anonymous said...

Lynch has got to go if the city and PD will ever heal from this mess and come together for the city. Lynch was never qualified to lead the Police Dept and was only elected because then Mayor Sue Frank endorsed him as chief. It was this ploy to get Lynch elected so Frank's husband could rise in rank from Sgt to LT, to Capt, to Major, all under Lynch. This is nothing more than good ol boy politics that have costs the taxpayer's millions and with little to show for it. Coupled with the Walmart mess, Sue Frank was the worst thing that ever happened to Raytown.

Anonymous said...

You might wanna check your fuzzy math on those positions meeting watcher. Wanna quote me?

Darryl Whitmore said...

Who is Tony Jacobs and which rock did he crawl out from under? Who does he think he is to tell the Board to hire a grant writer at one meeting and then complain it wasn't done at the next? Doesn't he know we can't pay for police officers? If we can't pay for the cops, where does he think the money would come from for a grant writer? Then he complains that no one has taken advantage of the 10-33 program. Does he think that is a program that can be implemented overnight? This guy needs to get a life and quit making unreasonable demands on the city officials.

Anonymous said...

With what you were saying would it not make sense that the past city managers and finance directors all seemed OK with that budget and it was passed each year without any question by the board of Aldermen
I would think that there are more to blame than just a department head.

Anonymous said...

For years, the Police Department has had a problem with training officers and then they leave. It would be interesting to see over the past 10 years how many officers were trained by Raytown and left within a short period if time. Think you all would be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Who is qualified to lead in a small city with around 29,000 people? We elect the chief and the candidate pool is small. What, you think there is an apartment dweller or renter that’s qualified? How about a senior citizen who lives in Bowen Tower? The only qualified candidates are cops or x cops. Raytown does not have a community of high class professionals with CEO type experience. The Chief has an impressive resume for folks that live in our town. Remember, the candidates must be a resident, we can’t hire outsiders.

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget he rewrote the budget twice for them..

Anonymous said...

From what I read. It sounds like the "TALE OF THREE SARGEANTS MAKING GOOD".
One ends up as Chief/Marshal. One ends up as Major. And one ends up as Mayor.

Anonymous said...

You should write a book.

Anonymous said...

Maybe an enticement to live in Raytown such as an additional $10K/year might attract good police officers and keep them here for a career. I would pay more taxes to see officers live in our town. Especially the ones from sergeant down... the guys/gals in the trenches so to speak.
If we paid 50 officers this extra money, it would cost each of the roughly 10K households an additional 50 bucks a year. Well worth it even at twice the price. Then sweeten it by adding a grand a year up to 10 years for an extra $20K/year.
I am not suggesting they have to live here. This program would be entirely voluntary.

Anonymous said...

"Remember, the candidates must be a resident, we can’t hire outsiders."

That needs to change. Immediately. Obviously, the police gene pool in Raytown is seriously lacking.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that!! Why would anyone want to live in the city thats 10 square miles and they have to arrest these same people all the time. Yeah dinner with the family and running into some butthead you’ve arrested sounds like it’s worth $10 k a year.

Anonymous said...

It can’t. The voters have spoken multiple times on the charter issue. We are a 4th class city. The charter was voted down 2 years ago. It probably won’t be on the ballot again for a long while.

Anonymous said...

5:48. I think it is great to hear from folks that have been beat down so hard by the police they no believe they can do no wrong.

Guess there real is a lot of fack news floating around - NOT!

Anonymous said...

Then maybe we should do that with the professional staff in City Hall too!
Why should it be just police officers?

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that any Raytown resident can run for police chief.

If you are not a police officer, you have a year after the election to go to the police academy and get your certification.

Anonymous said...

I stand with Alderwoman Mims and Alderman Moore. Its not micro managing its called accountability. If we had had this in the past we wouldn't be in this mess now. :You guys look pretty stupid being led around by Lynch and the mayor.

Ralph Stewart said...

6:16 am -

You are correct. And before the folks with the police department can scoff and/or call you a liar, here is the state statue:

City marshal, training requirements, fourth class cities.
79.055. 1. Any person who is elected to his first term as city marshal in a general election or in a special election in any fourth class city of this state shall, within six months of such election, cause to be filed with the city clerk of the city and director of the department of public safety proof that he has completed the training program formulated pursuant to sections 590.170 and 590.175, or some other comparable training program of not less than one hundred twenty hours' instruction approved by the director of the department of public safety. If the newly elected city marshal is unable to complete the training program within six months due to the proper course not being available from the department of public safety, an extension may be granted until such a course is made available.

After all the lies the current police chief has told, it may not be too difficult to elect a private citizen in 3 1/2 years.

Anonymous said...

6:36 AM

The law you quote is correct. I would not vote for a civilian leader unless they have extensive corporate leadership experience. Would not even consider it otherwise.

Anonymous said...

All of this is real funny to most of you. It won’t be funny when your house is broken into. Then, perhaps you will wake up.

October 19, 2017 at 9:24 AM

Houses are broken into now, as was ours a few years ago. The police don't prevent crime. They show up afterward to take statements and write reports.

Roger Martindale said...

8:33 -

Are you the same person who said look at the crime sheet? When we did, we found out crime was far worse elsewhere. You are part of the problem. You try to get your way by bullying and lying. We're done with you. We know about your tricks and we are done falling for them.

Anonymous said...

Susan Vorbeck aka Rock Lady thinks she is so important one day she will wake up and realize the mayor and chief used her and made a fool of her. Until then just go on believing you are so important.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of a BOA that finally put the people of Raytown first. I am also disappointed in the fear mongering that I read on this blog. I hope the BOA has what it takes to finish the job. It is very clear the police department, particularly the senior staff, need oversight and better management from the people who are elected to run our our city. We should give the BOA the respect they have earned and deserve.

Anonymous said...

What BS. We lost 14 officers and could lose up to 17 more before everything is said and done. This is not something to be proud of. The situation this city is in is due to past Alderman and Mayors. And this BOA has no idea how to turn the City around. This BOA has a limited time to show us they have a plan. The Chief submits a budget and the BOA has the power to approve it. They never said no. This BOA will not last long. The dissatisfied are greater in numbers than the toxic trolls that populate this board.

Peggy Sue said...


If the dissatisfaction is that high, get us a charter so we can fix it.

Anonymous said...

Wow !
The rock lady, as you call her, has a blog with information and exchange of ideas just like this one, but you want to say she is a tool of someone somehow? If you follow her FB blog she seems to get information from numerous sources including board members.
How is that a bad thing folks

Anonymous said...

Susan Vorbeck is the Clay Chastain of Raytown. She does not even live in the city! But she is going to tell how solve all its problems. Whoever wrote that she is being used by Jim Lynch hit the nail right on the head. After all the shenanigans lynch has pulled, coming to the BOA at the last minute with a quarter of a million dollar payroll deficit. Ridiculously high severance packages for his buddies on the p.d. who are retiring. When are you folks going to wake up?

The city is broke. Do you understand what that means?

Let's say you are in the desert. You go to the oasis to get a drink of water. But the oasis is dry. What do you do? Do you pretend you can drink water that is not there?

That is what Jim Lynch is doing. It amazes me that he is playing this game with some of you and getting away with it.

The city council cannot give lynch money the city does not have. It is that simple.

As for Susan. Lady, you are being played by those you are cheer leading for. Go up and visit the Finance Director, the City Administrator. Have a real sit down and talk to them. Find out the reality of Raytown's situation. When your talk is over you will realize the city cannot give what it does not have.

Anonymous said...


I think we all know this. There is no money. The anger and dissatisfaction comes from the fact that we are in this situation in the first place. Jim Lynch does not vote on budgets. He asked for resources, he was given those resources by the board. Susan does own property in Raytown. But I do get the comparision. Still, she has organized a Facebook group that if properly utilized could be used to organize all kinds of volunteer efforts.

Anonymous said...

Charter is past history. Not saying we don’t need one. But it’s like the quest for the holy grail as it has been voted down several times.

Anonymous said...

I looked at the Raytown Unleashed face book page and all it is a bunch of snowflakes complaining and moaning.

Anonymous said...

Thats rich, already made your mind up I see. Where's the leadership from the mayor? This board actually has taken on issues not ignored, dont really think they care about your heat.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. No, Susan Vorbeck Brown isn't another Clay Chastain. (I shudder to think...) She works exceptionally hard on her Facebook group and deserves to be very proud of her efforts.

I will caution Susan however that talking about these people and meeting them a few times may make her feel that she knows them. She's a young professional that doesn't have 30-40 years of experience with some of the elected individuals, while some of us do. She automatically respects the office and the people, which is both a positive and a negative here. Both "The Chief" and "The Mayor" have thrown out plenty of recent examples that clearly indicate that they're unqualified to be in office. There has been very little substantive product from either one of them. So there may indeed be a possibility that they will endear themselves and glom onto the efforts of unknowing others.

Susan, your best and highest use (again, in our opinion, and "use" is a rather tough word...forgive me, it is early) is to be a conduit. Connect the best and the brightest (like yourself) with Raytown and get them into office. New people!

The most dangerous and damaging scenario is for citizens to mindlessly keep voting in some of these unqualified and/or sinister candidates.

"I devoted my life in public service to this community" doesn't always a leader make.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is in hiding like the chief. They only come out when they want something from the city.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Susan's next brilliant idea. How about picking trash in the city?

Anonymous said...

You all just don’t get it. This city is screwed. You’ll be lucky if there are 30:officers left when it’s all said and done. You need @ minimum of 24 for the streets for safety purposes. And that’s if no one gets sick, hurt or goes on vacation. Or are you going to deny them that right as well? Not much will be followed up on. You all have fun with that. Glad I sold my property.

Anonymous said...

So if you are in favor of the City of Raytown living within its means and balancing our income and expenses...


gimmee a break please.

Anonymous said...

Just like here, only nastier. You want to destroy Raytown and you are gleeful about it. the folks over there want to build it up.

Anonymous said...

7:12 am

Those “snowflakes” are registered voters and homeowners who will cause an avalanche at the polls next election!!

Anonymous said...

How funny is it that there was a GOOD charter in 2015 but it was derailed by people such as VanBuskirk Aziere and Bower's handpicked member Melson. All to save a former City Administrator who could care less for this city, who should be in jail for all the lies and mismanagement, impacting all of us today. How damn funny.

Anonymous said...

One GOOD thing about all this adversity is that there is a renewed interest from Raytowners to make their city a better place to live.

If you want a nice community to live in, get involved. Don't wait for someone else to do it. How much time do you spend reading the comments on this blog? If you have time to read through all these comments, you have the time to spare an hour or two every couple of weeks helping somebody.

What's wrong with picking up trash? I see an older couple take their walk and along the way they are picking up trash in the neighborhoods. Good for them!

Don't like the way the city is handled? Run for office! I guess Raytown doesn't have term limits for the aldermen. We need to have term limits. Fresh ideas need to be constantly circulating.

Ciao, baby! aka Snowflake :)

Anonymous said...

We see the Mayor out and about the community all the time. Not sure how one could even begin to think he is hiding

Anonymous said...

I put my trash where it belongs in a trash can, or wait until I get somewhere where there is a proper place for disposal. I pick up way too much trash out of my yard and surrounding yards because of lazy ignorant individuals that don't think about anyone else but themselves. However, it is not all their fault. Training should start at home with their parents when they are young that you wait until you get somewhere where there is a trash can to get rid of the trash, even chewing gum. But if the parents throw trash out the car windows, then the kids figure that is okay to do too.

Anonymous said...

What happens when someone is put on paid administrative leave after an officer involved shooting situation here? If we are short on personnel here, that creates an overtime situation for another officer to have to fill in? I suppose someone is going to fuss and complain because someone is getting paid for actual working now? No comp time here.....Leave law enforcement decisions to PD to decide, stop the micro management BOA!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a bunch of Retired Raytown Republican Snowflakes on here

Anonymous said...

It might clear the air once and for all if the Mayor and Police Chief would sit down together with the citizens for an informal question and answer session. Pointed, non-confrontational, constructive questions only which would be juried in just before the meeting. This would prevent the majority of useless, inflammatory questions/remarks, plus it would allow these gentlemen to demonstrate, without scripting or preparation, their ability to effectively serve our community in their respective positions.