a Long Time to Heal”
“The scars from the battle over the budget crisis at City Hall will
take a long time to heal”. This is not my observation. It was the observation
shared with me by a friend of Mary Jane VanBuskirk’s while we talked over
recent events at City Hall.
It is hard not agree with the observation. Consider the following story:
Mary Jane Van Buskirk is the wife of Ward 4 Alderman Bill Van Buskirk.
She is outspoken, informed and certainly not afraid to share her opinion. All
of those are qualities that I find endearing in politicians. And, make no mistake
about it. Mary Jane is a politician. She served a number of terms on the
Jackson County Republican Committee. Four years ago she ran for Alderman and
lost in a very close race against Steve
Each year the Raytown Police Department holds a benefit golf tournament
to raise funds for two local charities. The Raytown Emergency Assistance Program (REAP) and the Raytown Police Benefit Fund.
Even though there is a contentious budget being hammered out at city
hall – life goes on. And so did this year’s Benefit Golf Tournament.
As in many previous years, her husband, Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk,
made a donation to the cause and set aside time to play in the tournament.
According to Alderman Van Buskirk, Police Chief Jim Lynch contacted him and said him he would not be welcome at the tournament and said he was returning his check.
For reasons that are not clear. Mayor Michael McDonough mailed Bill’s
check back to him.
Mary Jane personally returned the check back to the Mayor asking him to
at accept the check as a donation to REAP.
This time the check was accepted.
There is a back story to this string of events.
Alderman Bill VanBuskirk is a former sworn officer of the Raytown
Police Department who served as a Reserve Officer in the late 1970’s and early
With that background it should come to know surprise that he has a
record of being very supportive of the Raytown Police Department.
But he is also a realist. His comments at public meetings have always
been fact based and on target. If you go back and listen to recent meetings you
will find that while sympathetic to police needs, he is also aware of the
fiscal reality the city is very close to bankruptcy. They have been working
hard to reduce a 2.5 million dollar deficit to bring the city’s budget into the
The returning of his donation to REAP by Jim Lynch and Mike McDonough
is mean spirited and vindictive.
Van Buskirk has a duty as an Alderman to take a stand in what is best
for Raytown. He knows the times will be tough going ahead. He also knows that if
the city does not change its free-spending ways Raytown’s future will be
hopeless. Even worse than the darkest scare tactics being used by those who
would ignore the reality of city’s predicament.
It will take leaders like VanBuskirk to weather this storm. For all of Raytown's sake, let’s hope the other members hold the line in this year’s budget
The scars from what is going on at City Hall will take a long time to
Reserve Funds and
Contingency Funds Explained
After attending two budget hearings and listening to what the public
has had to say it is very clear there are many who are confused over two funds
in the city’s budget.
One of those funds is the city’s reserve. The city is required by
law to hold 17% of its funds in reserve. This reserve is a fund that can be
spent for emergency situations of epic proportions such as ice storms,
flooding, tornado or high velocity wind damage that go beyond the traditional
expectation of those who write the budget.
Typically, the Reserve Fund can and has been tapped in the past for
such situations. Usually these events can be described as natural disasters.
The city also sets up a Contingency Fund. The money from the
contingency fund is for unbudgeted items that are known to need attention, but
are not budgeted because they may or may not yet be designed, built or
concluded during the fiscal year.
The following examples are projects that may be paid for by the
Contingency Fund. The city is aware of the need. The decision to build is
tempered with the availability of funds.
A sink hole recently developed at The Assembly of God Church located on
350 High Way. The sinkhole was caused by storm water runoff from city property.
The city was liable for the damage done to the church property. The repair to
the property cost the city $85,000.00.
The 83rd Street Bridge west of Raytown Road is in very poor
shape. The city has applied for, and received a grant to help in rebuilding the
bridge. But even with the grant the cost to the city will easily run into six
figures. If the bridge deteriorates to the point of needing repairs before it is rebuilt, the Contingency Fund will be where they go for the funds.
Take a drive on 59th Street (west of Raytown Road to Blue
Ridge Cutoff. You will notice signs facing the east and west bound lanes
warning motorists to slow down. The reason the city had the signs placed there
is because the street is failing.
The extremely heavy rainfall this past summer and three water main
breaks, has undermined the sub-surface of the road surface. The result is an
uneven road surface that is deteriorating at rapid pace. What used to be a soft
rolling feel under your wheels as you drive the failed roadway is now a
markedly bumpy ride with asphalt surface starting to break apart.
We asked Neal Clevenger of the Raytown Water Company how much it would
cost to repair and/or replace the roadway properly. Clevenger owns the Raytown
Water Company.
The Raytown Water Company’s insurance provider is in negotiations with the
city to determine the cost and responsibility of repairing the street. The water
company has some responsibility due to the water main breaks. However, satellite
images of the road show it was deteriorating before the water mains broke.
The cost of rebuilding a street the size of 59th (which is a
four lane structure with sidewalks) over an area longer than a football field
will be expensive. If repair work is needed on the surface until a permanent solution is found, the Contingency Fund is probably where the money will come from.
City Hall is well aware of the mainteance problems. They do not have to be
addressed today. But if the bridge becomes unsafe for traffic, if 59th
Street collapses, the problem will have to be addressed. These are not natural
disasters. They are maintenance items. It is why Contingency Funds are created.
Some would say that in a natural disaster the city can depend upon FEMA
to come to the rescue. Maybe, if you are lucky. Last Spring high winds ripped
through Raytown downing many trees and power lines. FEMA did not ride to the
Luck is for children and those who like to shoot dice. Realistic people
plan ahead. Raytowner’s should count themselves lucky to have a Board of
Aldermen who are doing just that.
Some thoughts as I watch this year’s budget finally coming together.
Watching the last City Council meeting was painful. The Board took a
lot slings and arrows. The Mayor had declared Board members were not respond to
comments from the public.
Which is a mistake . . . because if was very clear that many who spoke
are totally confused and unaware of all the facts. Board members could have
turned the meeting into an educational event for the public. The Mayor’s ruling
allowed some hysterical comments to go unchallenged actually increased the amount
of misinformation and confusion.
One speaker has made his presence known at the last two public hearings
on the city budget. He usually starts his comments by praising the police. But
that is short-lived. Soon after, he begins to attack the governing body. He
calls them liars and impugns their integrity.
Then he went home to Lee’s Summit.
Public comments are a good thing. It allows the air to be cleared.
But allowing outsiders to muddy the water and not allowing communication
between the Board and the public serves no purpose. Effective communication is
a two way street.
The practice of not allowing discussion between the public and its
elected officials began under former Mayor David Bower. Mayor McDonough is
making a mistake by copying Bower’s lead.
The Board and Mayor should sit down and come up with some rules that
allow discourse between elected officials and the public. Perhaps moving public
comments to work sessions would be a simple solution. That way the Board could
concentrate on the nuts and bolts of city business during their business
sessions. Raytowners should be allowed to address the Board.
If there are professional spokesmen who wish to address the Board, they
should go to the City Hall to set an appointment as a lobbyist to address the
City and Fire District Settle Law Suits
The Raytown Fire Protection District and the City of Raytown are
reported to have settled the law suit between the two governing bodies over the
collection of sales tax and property tax payments made to fund what is commonly
known as the Walmart TIF on 350 Highway.
The City had sued the Fire District because the District was
with-holding payments to the TIF Fund. The Fire District counter-sued the city
for trying to enforce a tax obligation the District claimed it has already met.
Details of the settlement are not yet public. As soon as they are
released we will report them on this page.
Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
October 2, 2017
Chief Lynch said the proceeds of the Annual Golf
Tournament netted $10,563 to benefit REAP.
Mayor McDonough said October is National Breast
Cancer Awareness month. Tony Jacob
thanked Tom Cole for answering all the questions on the City’s Facebook
page. The Aldermen have repeatedly said
if the residents need anything, just call.
He said only a few aldermen actually respond to the residents. Catherine Hoffman said she was shocked
by the last minute attempt to take over the police department. It appears the Board has a vendetta against
the police department. When her business
was robbed it was the police department, not the Board of Aldermen that helped
her. Patty Harms said when the Board
talked about the TIF originally it was originally revealed that if revenues
fell short, the city would be on the hook for large payments. Matthew Plumber said when he wanted to
move, he could have gone anywhere. He
chose Raytown. He understands the fiscal
crisis the Board faces. He urged the
Board to stand strong and balance the budget.
James Bradford said the
financial problems have not been addressed by past Boards. The police department may lose officers and
that’s unfortunate, but a balanced budget is the priority. Phyllis Goforth asked the Board to attend the police academy. Chad
McCoy said he is the floor manager at Walmart. He wanted to clear up some
misconceptions. He said Walmart collects
$1.7 million in sales tax and pays around $430,000 in property tax. Walmart pays for all off-duty police
officers. They employee over 300 people,
many of whom are Raytown residents. He
said last year, Walmart contributed over $11,000 to local non-profit
organizations. Jarrod Rogers said he
is a Raytown police officer. He just
wanted the Board to see the face of who they are affecting. Rick Inglima, with the FOP, said the
aldermen are liars if they say they support the police department. He thinks the Board wants to run the
department. Dr. Thomas Murray said
we need more police officers and the Board needs to increase taxes or whatever
in order to keep the police officers. Deanna
Rhodes said there is a lot of crime in Raytown and the Board should not cut
the police budget. Michael Bassett
said he is a retired police officer.
People outside Raytown think this is a bad place to live. That’s because they don’t know Raytown. The budget cuts will kill new money coming
in. Derek Rice said we have a budget
to balance, but the Board is not listening to people who elected you. Brady
Wilmoth said the budget cuts will adversely affect the police
department. Sam Dawson understands the Board is trying to fix the problems that
fell in their lap. However, he is
against cutting the police budget. Angel Mathis said other agencies are
approaching Raytown police officers because they think the officers are losing
their jobs. Jeanette Gentry said the ordinances is smoke and mirrors. The aldermen should be the solution, not the
problem. Frank McDevitt is president of the Raytown Police Officers
Association. He said the officers who are
here want to be here. He can work for
Johnson County for $13,000 more each year.
Mayor McDonough said people have asked him why the
budget problems are all of a sudden a surprise.
He said before that, he made the statement that the city was solid and there
were no financial problems. That
information came from someone who used to work for the city.
Obviously that information was wrong. He said certain aldermen have asked if he was
going to wear a badge or be the mayor.
He said he is the mayor. He was
elected by the people of Raytown. His
first duty is to protect the people. He
said Alderman Moore had the ordinance put on the agenda and failed to inform
the mayor or the city administrator. The
Chief of Police is elected and should be allowed to run the department.
The Board passed a resolution amending the Budget to
reallocate various expenditures between designated funds. Throughout the year
staff has been monitoring the budget monthly. The following are the transfers
staff believes need to occur to adjust for the activity that has occurred
throughout the year.
Year End Budget Adjustments
TIF Fund 210
Services 210-00-00-100-52250
Fund Balance:
Fund Balance 210-00-00-100-39999
Capital Improvement 402
CID Loan 402-00-00-100-43707 $70,000
402-00-00-100-46101 $ 2,500
Income 402-00-00-100-46102 $ 2,100
Services 402-00-00-100-52250 $
The Board tabled until October 10 a resolution approving
the budget .To view the budget, click on CITY BUDGET
Alderman Bonnaye Mims said she didn’t ask the staff to
reorganize the police department. That
is Chief Lynch’s job. She wanted them to
do it. She didn’t say anything about
cutting jobs. That came from Chief Lynch
to his people. She asked they not touch
the police officers because the department is top heavy. The first thing Chief Lynch did was to start
cutting line officers. Several aldermen
gave examples of cost savings items to balance the budget.
An interesting read . . .
The following story was linked to the blog portion of the Raytown
Report. The story was published in Reuters.
It is a story with some similarities between what is unfolding in
Raytown and what is happening in San Bernadino, California. Some similarities, but
not many . . . to begin with Sacramento is much larger than Raytown and technically
not a suburb.
It does explain something that shows the horrors of a municipality that
is being forced down the road to bankruptcy.
You have got to be kidding. Let's see if we have this straight:
Bill VanBuskirk donates money to two charities, the Raytown Emergency Assistance Program (REAP) and the Raytown Police Benefit Association.
Vanbuskirk is subsequently contacted by "The Chief", who advises Vanbuskirk that he isn't welcome at the tournament, and that he would be returning his donation.
Then "His Honor the Mayor" actually RETURNED THE DONATION to Bill VanBuskirk.
Does "The Chief" or "His Honor the Mayor" exercise any providence over REAP which would enable them to turn down cash money on their behalf?
"Mean spirited? "Vindictive"? Potentially worse than that! Both of these entities need to be impeached as soon as possible, IOHO.
It seems like overtime should not be used as an ongoing dodge to hiring new police officers especially if it makes such a material difference with the pension calculation.
Logic tells me that if the OT is going to patrol officers, they probably are not enough close to retirement for it to play a part in their retirement formula. But I wonder.
I would not want to play golf with any of the Alderman.
“Crime is down nationally”
“We keeping spending more money on police, but crime has not gone down..”
“Most crimes in Raytown are petty crimes.”
“We can’t be fearful.”
Meanwhile, the Raytown crime map shows the truth about the crime situation.
9:46 pm -
Ok, one more time. We are a fourth class city because the residents believed the lies of the Ward 1 alderman, the Ward 2 alderman, the Ward 4 alderman, and his wife. Because of that, we CANNOT impeach or recall elected officials. We have to have a charter to do that. How many times do you have to be told? Or, perhaps, you're one of those people who went to the city council meeting last week and admitted they hadn't been paying attention, really didn't know what was going on, but wanted to tell the aldermen how to do their jobs?
Third parties, CITY OFFICIALS, knowingly deprive a charity (REAP) of a donation due to a grudge against a contributor. If substantiated, this one needs to go to media.
"I am committed to developing a plan for responsible budget cuts from all departments until our financial situation gets better and we are working solutions to that objective" Mayor Michael McDonough in a letter to Raytown published on the Facebook page Raytown Unleashed in early September.
Mr. Mayor. We are waiting for your solution.
The writing says the check was returned so that would mean the money stayed in the bank
Or am I missing something
Impeachment?? What a goofy statement.
This is not government business
This sounds like a problem between two individuals
Sounds like check returned to charity so no loss there
REAP got a check for over 10,000 dollars
Hmmmm and someone’s butt hurt so we need to get excited
Chief Lynch has a documented history of being a bully up at City Hall so this latest behavior is not surprising.
Disappointing yes. Surprising NO!
Sounds like Greene and several Alderman and even some in the public are continuing to seek ways to find and seek budget revenue to assist the shortfall.
The Mayor?? Asks a General Fund revenue question that seemed to stun everyone in the house. Except him!!
The Mayor has no solution just runs his mouth and trashes the council for doing their job. Jason Greene and council member questions on spending cuts will do more to find money for the Police department officers than anything the mayor has done.
Ask the mayor the question "What will we do if we have a natural disaster?" By disaster I mean an ice storm like the one in the late 1990's that shut the city down. If we use the reserve to placate the pd his answer, FEMA will take care of us. OMG man you just don't ask and they come running. Another prime example of how this man just doesn't have a clue how government works.
I wouldn't know about crime, the crime map is a well kept secret it has never been shown to the public. I do know when their was an election for alderman about 3-4 years ago one of the people running said crime was up and we need more patrol on the street Lynch called them mad and wanted to know where they got their information. He said crime wasn't up. Funny how things change when it suits your agenda chief
That's funny.
The city administrator answered his question so understood it
I was watching
Were you on the same channel?
You do know that the crime map is on the internet? . Freely available to all. Not a secret.
Hi 10:51
A secret? No they're not!
Go to www.communitycrimemap.com and put in your address. (Lexis Nexis) I get emails from them every day.
You can also sign up here and get the police incident reports email to you every day. www.piorpd.wordpress.com
You are welcome! Ciao, baby!
"Third parties, CITY OFFICIALS, knowingly deprive a charity (REAP) of a donation due to a grudge against a contributor. If substantiated, this one needs to go to media."
Yep. Concern here too should also be if these individuals are indeed overtly engaging in something this petty (as minor as it may be in the scheme of things) are they capable of covertly impacting others that they don't agree with?
(Gee, ya think?)
Yeah, we know. Happens all the time. It's politics.
The behavior of every person in City Hall needs to be more carefully scrutinized, documented, publicly addressed and acted upon from here on out.
We can all choose to demand nothing but the best.
Unfortunately, in our opinion, some of them have already quite clearly demonstrated that they lack the aptitude, experience and impulse control to capably fulfill what they've signed up for.
We have to pay more attention. Something good has to eventually come out of this mess.
The crime map might seem like a secret if someone is too lazy to look it up themselves.
Wow - that crime map is real eye opener! In the last month, it appears Raytown has had between 75 and 100 police reports issued for various crimes, such as shoplifting, assault, burglary, etc. But look at Independence, around their shopping center. There are hundreds of police reports. Look at Lee's Summit around Summit Crossing center. Again, hundreds of reports. Even Blue Springs has as much crime as Raytown. Don't get me wrong. Crime is on the rise, not only in Raytown, but every where. However, this map shows us it is not nearly as bad as Jim Lynch and Rick Inglima want us to believe.
NO LEADERSHIP FROM THE MAYOR OR THE CHIEF OF POLICE. Then again we are better off having a mayor who only is good at cutting ribbons at grand opening.
So where is the office for the Raytown Police Benefit Association? Do they have a board and who serves on it? Who benefits from this association? I think a lot of people would like to know this.
And did you select “all events”?
Is this Rick loud mouth still an actual police office or just someone who beat up others on the playground
There is a house at 7812 Ridgeway that has an in ground pool full of nasty water and has been that way for several years. The house is in need of painting and a lot of rotten wood on it. This has been turned into codes and when I talked to Ray he told me they were cited and paid a fine. Well PTL, now what are you going to do about the problem? Are you afraid to face the homeowners? The mayor says you guys are always running out of city hall on codes calls. Ray do you need to be replaced? The neighbors say you can come look over their fence to see the problem, give me a good excuse why it hasn't been done!!! Do I need to go to media to get this taken care of? It is a health hazard with the mosquitoes. Put your big boy pants on and earn your money. Tired of you wasting my tax money
So when are all of you people who seem to think they can do the job of police officer, chief etc going to apply and actually do the job? Or are you just satisfied with complaining about the way it’s run?
5:59 pm
Codes enforcement can keep yellow tagging and fining the house. If the homeowner does not pay, they can place a lien. The city is not in the business of house painting, pool draining and fill in. Maybe the property can be condemned but you gotta have ducks in a row to do it. Let’s treat city employees better. They are doing the best they can with what they have.
Code enforcement is doing its job. Jeez people, public workers are not dogs to kick around. Shameful.
The mayor would know the codes department is not doing their job if he wasn't so deep in the police's pocket trying to make sure they are well taken care of. By the mayor you are losing this battle.
Rick Inglima is just a loudmouth Fraternal Order of Police rep. He feels right at home at City Hall. Home of the Bullies!!!
as many have said before
the mayor has no vote in the matter
only city Aldermen do
and you speak for the rest of us voters when you dictate who is losing what battle when it comes to our representatives ?
shame on you
Oh and I hope what little influence he does have he can help our police
We need them now more than ever
It amazes me that people are surprised that Walmart has most of the crime reported in Raytown. Someone else gave the statistics for Independence on this blog. Their highest crime area is around Independence Center. Same is true for Lee's Summit. By the way, I see there is much more crime reported around the mega-shopping areas in those cities than in Raytown. I think it is shameful the way some in the RPD are trying to bully and scare people in Raytown. Not all of them are doing it. But enough are playing the clever game of intimidation to scare people. Shame on them.
The only people spreading the lies and misinformation about crime in Raytown are Chief Lynch who wants to keep his power and prestige, and the upper brass who stand to lose their jobs or have their pay cut drastically.
It is very important when using the crime map to select "all events" and make sure every event is checked. The default setting does not show everything. You can set it back a year or more if you like.
Pay attention to the blue house tags and the blue building tags. These are robberies. Pay attention to the red fist tags, the red explosion tags. These are episodes of violence. Pay attention to the purple R tags. That one is easy to guess. I have been using this program for over a year, and I can tell you that Lees Summit does not have nearly as many burglaries or episodes of violence. But, don't take my word for it, go check for yourself.
Mayor has little influence hahaha, well if he has no power like you say maybe he shouldnt run his mouth to folks online or out of town and actually come up with solutions. Yes he has no vote but according to your logic maybe the position should be eliminated, save money for the PD. Not a leader time for him to step aside!
When will the City of Raytown file for bankruptcy?
I went back to the crime map. I don't know what you're smoking, but the results are the same. The Independence center area has about the same amount of crime as Raytown. The Summit Crossing area has more crime than Raytown. And, did you look at Overland Park? You can't even find the city for all the tags on the map. Again, crime is on the rise, not only in Raytown, but everywhere. I still don't think it's as bad as Chicken Little thinks it is.
You want a real eye opener?
Go to the sex offender website and look how many are in Raytown.
Then add that to the crime stats which are worse.
Then if you overlay the drug crimes and overdoses which you wont be able to find out but if you ask around you can find out.
This city like every city has the same problems.
Im sorry Alderman Vanbuskirk that you had to deal with a childish Chief of Police and his lapdog the Mayor. I clearly made a mistake when I voted to support the Mayor, there was little choice between the two candidates to be honest.
-A Raytown Small Business Owner.
The crime map has been well advertised and the link posted on Raytown Unleashed numerous times. I'm not sure why anyone would think it's a secret.
Others have mentioned before, the mayor doesn't get a vote in the budget. I'm not sure what we expect him to do if the aldermen are excluding him from the conversation...which is what appears to be happening based on the email posted in last week's agenda showing clearly that Tom Cole and the mayor were excluded from the email - and let's expand on that a little. I'm not sure how tech savvy all of you are, but with most email programs you can create an email "group". That's means if there is a group of individuals you email regularly, you can send the email to the group instead of wasting time by entering each email address separately. Raytown has a group called "governing body". That means either the sender intentionally took the time to list each person out separately (why?) or they expanded the group, which you can do, and intentionally removed those two names (again, why?). Either way, the perception is that it's intentional. Personally, I don't care who likes who or who favors which department....I want to see them ALL working TOGETHER. We now have an entire blog post regarding a slight from the Chief, but still no mention of an alderman intentionally excluding our city administrator and our mayor from important government communication? If we're going to drag out the dirty laundry, let's drag it all out.
As for the RPD golf tournament, I've sent out a few emails requesting information because I prefer to hear both sides of the story instead of just reading a clearly slanted blog post that didn't attempt to include any response or explanation from the other side. If I could hazard a guess, I'd say the police playing in the tournament didn't want to play with an aldermen that publicly spoke out against them. In the current climate, that doesn't surprise me. I would like to know more about the check, though.
Right out of the wild west and the medicine man selling his cure all tonic, which might have give the locals a nice slight buzz, but not much more ride one Richard "Rick" Inglima.
Good old "Rick" is not selling any magical cure all, but he has been doing a wonderful job of selling fear, crime and lawlessness throughout Raytown.
The issue with all of "Rick's" clams is they just don't add up, but a little digging proves "Rick" has not been good at math for some time.
If we were to believe "Rick" we would accept the fact that we need at least 5 officers for every squire mile. This comes from the fact "Rick" says if we cut our officers crime will be ramped in Raytown.
Raytown has around 55 commissioned (sworn) officers per our own city marshal James "Jim" Lynch and we are only 10 SQ, which clearly equals 5.5 officers per SQ mile.
Have any of you heard "Rick" indicate that Lee Summit where he was last know to hold the rank of sergeant has crime and lawlessness throughout Lee Summit?
He should be because his home town and police force he serves only has around 142 commissioned (sworn) officers, but has 65 sq miles.
This means only 2 officers for sq mile and would indicate by "Rick's" explanation of less officers that crime in Lee Summit is out of control and any day the Governor will be force to call up the National Guard and declare Martial law.
This best be important to James "Jim" Lynch followers who have indicated at public meetings and on this blog that they are moving to Lee Summit to be safer, which thanks to "Rick" we know cannot be the case.
This is not the only time "Rick" has had issues with numbers as public information indicates several credit card companies have had to proceed to involve the courts to help him understand you cannot spend more than you owe.
What was that! "You cannot spend more than you owe", which is what this whole debate is actually about and is being direct by the State of Missouri. Something both James "Jim" Lynch and Richard "Rick" Inglima never talk about.
According to the paper in Richmond, MO "Rick" has been there too spreading stores without any facts to support them just like his games he in Raytown.
If by now you are not convinced that "Rick" is no more than a lying bully on the play ground you might find it interesting that he sued his employer the City of Lee Summit a few years ago for claiming that they aged discriminated against him. In the end, a jury decided against him and he was force to pay the court cost for his little lie and lack of proof.
Do we see a pattern with "Rick's" behavior?
Those citizens of Raytown who find "Rick's" behavior and lies unbecoming of an officer might be interested in the following form the Lee Summit Police website:
"While I consider the way I choose to conduct my private affairs a personal freedom, I accept the responsibilities for my actions, as well as inaction, while on duty or off duty, when those actions bring disrepute to the public image of the Lee’s Summit Police Department, my fellow officers, and my profession."
"I vow to be fully truthful and honest in my dealings with others. I deplore lies and half truths that mislead or do not fully inform those who must depend upon my honesty. I will obey the very laws that am sworn to uphold."
Based on those pieces form the "sworn law enforcement code of ethics", Lee Summit needs many of us to contact them and file a complaint about this officer's behavior and lack of respect for our Board of Alderman.
Maybe those Alderman that read this blog will want to contract Richmond, MO Board too and spread the a little truth in Richard "Rick" Inglima's life.
Address for the complaint form:
@ Steve Rogers
Actually what you need to do is two things with the crime map.
Check every box from homicide to burglary. Then select a wider date range. Go back 1 year. Then you'll see a better picture. The map has a one month default setting.
After reading through the blog, I have a question. In Paul's Rant, he acts as though it was the mayor's decision not to allow the board to speak. I thought that was always the case during public comments...that it, unlike town hall meetings, was a chance to let the people speak their minds. Is this incorrect? I'm all for open communication, but the town hall was a mess. What it turned out to be was the Board going on long winded speeches while giving the residents very little time to speak at all. It would be nice to have a way to ensure open communication without one side being allowed to dominate the conversation.
Looking forward to tonight's special session. Would be refreshing to hear some actual critical thought from "The Mayor. Something other than his brutal but oh so comical, cringeworthy overuse of the word "dais".
ok. I went back to the map. I clicked only on sexual assault and sexual offense for a one year period. I found the exact same thing. There’s a lot of crime in Raytown, but a hell of a lot more in Independence and Lee's Summit. The only difference this time is the drop in this type of crime in Overland Park.
I also, while I was there, selected all crimes for a period of one year. No matter how I look at the map, no matter what parameters I choose, it shows Raytown has crime (which everyone knows and no one is denying), but our crime rate is way, way lower than Independence or Lee’s Summit. So, I guess I don’t know what you are trying to tell us.
Thank you for sharing the information on that FOP spokes person.
Seems he needs to cleanup his own act before coming to Raytown and telling us how to run our city.
12:03 pm wrote “Others have mentioned before, the mayor doesn't get a vote in the budget. I'm not sure what we expect him to do if the aldermen are excluding him from the conversation”.
The mayor does not generally get to vote on anything. The ONLY time the mayor gets to vote is if there is a tie. The BOA recently made some changes to the percentage a resolution needs to pass in order to become an ordinance. That effectively assured no tie votes. The mayor is just a moderator at the meetings - at least he should be.
@ Steve Rogers
Raytown Burglaries from October 10th 2016 to Now =156
Lees Summit Burglaries from October 10th 2016 to Now = 63
Lees Summit Population is 100,000
Square miles 65
Raytown population is 29,000
Square miles are 9
Use the data grind tab and you will get a nice list of reports and dates, and a count. Way better than looking at flags on a map.
Alert! Alert if Raytown's ATIFA gets any smaller they can meet in the janitors closet at city hall HA HA
Gawd if that loud FOP spokesman gets up one more time and spouts off about the BOA and name calling, and how we're all going to die, I swear I'm gonna put the remote down and come up to cityhall to shut his loud pie hole up. That guy is so dumb. The public forum should be for Raytown citizens and businesses owners ONLY!!!
So Raytown had 156 burglaries. How many of the perps were caught and convicted?
God bless the Board of Alderman!
Thank you for staying strong.
It is embarrassing how Jim Lynch couldn't come up nor would he even try to work with the Board of Alderman.
I hope he resigns before he new budget takes effect or the Board of Alderman find a way to remove him from office.
The department will never be clean as long as he is part of it!
There was no other choice. That’s not staying strong. What we have yet to hear is a plan for turning the situation around.
The board, nor Cole, nor Brianna know one single thing about running a police department, period. Let the professionals that know how to run a police department do their job.
Crime Map is an Eye-Opener for sure.
Somehow all the money we have been spending on law enforcement did not deter armed robberies this week at two Blue Ridge Blvd businesses: CVS Drugstore and Dollar General
More cops on the street and fewer resting on their laurels in the office.
The Raytown Board of Aldermen approved the 2017/2018 budget for the City of Raytown last night. We have asked City Hall for details of the final document and well share the information once it is provided.
Finally. This Board rocks! Stop the wasteful spending in PD - check. Fix the street - Che...
Crime is a supply and demand problem. The criminals provide the crime, and the citizens demand protection. Nothing that the board has done so far as restored my confidence in the City. The vote they took yesterday is one that had to be done. But what I see is a fractured board and a fractured town and a whole lot of politicking and hamming for the camera. I saw lots of blame with Alderman blaming the Police Department. You can not make bricks without straw, but that's what the board of Alderman is asking. Don't expect crime to go down in Raytown, if I was a betting person I would say we are in for some difficult times.
6:39 If you know of any professionals within the management rank of our police department all of Raytown would like to know.
From everything we have seen the don't understand the laws and our very rude little kids.
10:15 you are correct the board stayed strong.
The police have been trying intimidation games since the budget process started. That is morally and ethically wrong as well as illegal.
It is great they had the courage not to cave into the destructive behavior of Jim Lynch and Sue Frank.
Those upset about the out coming and wanting to protest need to protest the correct folks starting with Sue Frank for the worst TIF in MO history and than the Jim Lynch in the police department that was allowed to spend money like a sailor on leave.
One word for both of them "Criminal"
So from what I gathered Alderman Green proposed cuts that could save JOBS in the Police, part of the cuts were to raises so everyone has a pay freeze. Then he suggested getting rid of step increases for command Police positions and the lawyer and chief say they wont do it? Looks like we know exactly who the PD is looking out for and it isnt Patrol or low end positions.
That is not quite accurate at all. What the city lawyer said was they are charged ias the board to pass the budget or not. The chief job is to take what money he is given in the budget and do with what he needs to run the department. That is set by law
Seems pretty simple
How much of the TIF went to Walmart? How much went to the School District? How much to David Block?
Yea it does sound accurate, the Police wont cut step increases for COMMAND positions while employees have a pay freeze and are being laided off. Great management going on there in the Police department. Seems pretty simple who
Chief Jim Lynch really cares for.
Darkness falls upon Ratyown not because of the weather, but because our city marshal is self center and only thinks of himself first.
Jason Greene offered some very business sound recommendations that would have saved positions within the police department, but once again those words fell upon deft ears.
Jim Lynch's actions over the past couple of month explain the true reason why Raytown has had a revolving door at the police department.
Who would want to start their carrier as a police officer and watch his behavior and not quickly decide based on the training at the academy that this guy who by some deal with the devil in not only my boss, but got himself elected to city marshal.
Stand strong and united Board of Alderman!
11:39 if you are talking about the bond to fund the project all of the funds spent on the project 25 mil went to the school district.
The rest the city foolishly have been using to pay the interest.
It’s not for staff officers. It’s for officers that have been there four years. Not hard to understand unless your tin foil hat needs to be adjusted.
My foil hat must need adjustment because I have no clue as to what you are talking about 8:33.
Do you want to explain or do you always talk in code?
Mr Mayor and Mr Police Chief,
Would you help all of us understand if we should be giving money to REAP or is there something they are doing like miss management of money that we shouldn't be giving them money.
Once again the mayor and police chief create more problems and questions!
The cuts Alderman Green made didn't amount to anything, certainly didn't save a job just should have left the budget as it was. City employees need to a get a raise. they don't need to be penalized because of the chief greed.
I read on Raytown unleashed the city clerk wants people to contact the governor to go over what the city council has done. Be careful there it could back fire and end up biting your buddy Lynch.
I am glad the board of aldermen took the high road and did the hard job and balanced the budget. It is a professional and realistic decision. Those who running around trying to strike terror into others withe orwellian visions of chaos and crime running rampant in the streets do not offer a solution. Thei's is a path that would lead to the true chaos of bankruptcy and uncertainty. The board's decision to pass a responsible budget is bitter medicine but it is what is needed to start to reverse the good old boy type of government that has brought Raytown to the brink of financial collapse. Good job guys and gals on the board of aldermen. My hat is off to you.
Its not hard to understand 8:33, the city is letting go officers and no one is taking any sorts of pay increase, why should they either. Since you like to insult people rather than discuss principles.
5:29 sounds like you are one of those greedy city employees.
Put on your big kid pants and let us talk about the real world.
I know folks that have not received a raise in several years it is just how the world works. I know others that did good to get 1% and these are all for National well known corporate office jobs.
Now look at all the folks who are only making minimum wage.
The other thing to think of is the number of folks that no longer get a pension. Many are doing good to work for a company that will match 3% - 6% in a 401K.
The thing you should ask is where were these same employees now and for the past 15 plus years complaining about the out of control spending within the department.
That is right neither them nor you made a stink in the public that this day was coming therefore making city employees and individuals like you part of the problem.
Enough of the butt kissing martyrdom. This was a forgone conclusion. Not a hard decision at all. It had to be done. What we still don’t have is a plan for additional revenue. The 83rd st bridge is In bad shape. No money so I guess the street would be closed down? If we cannot halt the robberies and burglary situation we will lose more of the tax base. What I do understand is why people have the blinders on about crime in Raytown? The Alderman could have acknowledged this problem and still did what they did. At least the truth would be out there. But when there is a problem and they deny it, well I am left with no option but to challenge the false narrative. The hard work has not even begun.
With a poor revenue stream there should be no COLA at all. Sad to say, but true.
Did anyone ever hear Lynch say, I want to help save the department so I will forfeit my last raise since I have mismanaged the department and the money given us. Please step forward. Nope me either. Instead Green has fixed it so they get more from the budget by cutting cola for the rest of us. I think Green needs to go, you can throw out the bath water Alderman Green but you don't throw out the baby too. Use your head!!!
The police don't prevent crime. They show up afterward to take statements and write reports. The only way they might be perceived to prevent crime is if someone they arrested doesn't commit another crime.
I dont know cutting or suggesting over 100 or 150k sounds like some jobs to me.
7:35 I believe you are wrong they way I understand it Lynch will get an automatic raise over the next several years.
It could be because it is an elected position nothing can be done about the great mistake. A mistake by the BOA last year.
7:51 there is a plan to make 3 plus mil a year
Simple fix to this whole Sue Frank mess and that is stop paying the bonds and go defunct.
Part 2 is get state to look at the school district for violation of hancock as well as Bower's wife getting a nice promotion and number of folks school board had on TIF commission and it paints an ugly picture for the school district.
So if the city collector does nothing, why didn't you cut her pay as well?
Use your head, they are cutting PD by almost 3 million and greene finds over a hundred thousand in cuts to ease this as much as possible under the boards control and somehow thats give the police more money? Sounds like you work at city hall from the way you type, no one should get a raise this year if your firing people and cutting all these departments, use your head.
Our police chief is not missing in action he has gone rogue!!!!
Sounds time consuming and political.
This is ignorant on so many levels.
9:02 From talking to too many folks around town we need police officers that will actually take a report.
Many flat refuse and unless the person needing the report talks about going to the news or higher law enforcement agency the cops just drive off and do nothing.
Does that sound professional or more like over paid lazy ungrateful individuals?
8:32 The rest of the story.
She, the city collector, has also been very out spoken about the police cuts.
How every never heard her say not only cut her pay, but under the law for a forth class city to have the board of alderman make it a duty of the city marshal.
Now if Jim is the great guy he is too and wants to find every penny why has he not asked the board to make this changes, which is allowed by the state.
8:38 right now all pay for the city needs to be frozen and truly need to look at a 5% or 10% reduction in pay.
By the way I found money for at least one non-commissioned officer.
It comes from the finance department.
Don't forget that department was to been cut with the city no longer taking tax payments, but that has not happened.
Why not let the worst performer in that department go and keep one of those non-police officer jobs in the police department and if we are not going to do that go back to taking tax payments.
I call Tom Cole out on this one!
The police don't make reports unless someone throws a fit because the top brass tell them not to. The RPD is already short handed and taking the time to fill out a report is a waste of manpower.
I don't think it takes a police officer or anyone with a high IQ to quickly figure that Jim own guidance on being lazy cost his officers jobs.
I bet he is well accepted at the FOP for the fine idea.
By the way talked to someone who taught Administration of Justice for over 20 years before retiring and before that was a retired KCMO police officer.
He made it very clear that if you want to prove there is a need for funding you make sure the officers are taking reports.
If you are trying to hide how much crime you really have in the hope of attracting business and home owners you stop taking reports.
When asked what Lynch was trying to prove or hide he just laughed and said you seem to understand how busy Jim is so I think you understand why reports didn't get taken in Raytown.
I took that to agree with Jim is lazy, doesn't like extra work and didn't want his officers to work any harder than him.
The governor cannot help us but the AG can.
AG has power to investigate and take legal/criminal action!
The whole Finance dept wasnt to be cut because the city stopped taking jackson county receipts, it was one position cut because of that. Get a clue, why would they cut a whole department for one small service? wow
12:55 In the name of the Lord what are you talking about?
I must guess you are talking about 11:19 as it is only place I noticed anything said about cuts to finance department.
It says "cuts", so not sure where you got the department was going away.
Do you know something we don't?
I too recall conversations with a couple of the Alderman and they said the cost for taking tax payments was to much and the city was stopping taking the payments and individuals would be cut in the department.
From recent conversations with folks that work at city hall this has not happened.
Doesn't this mean 11:19 is correct and that you wrong and trying to put words into comments by 11:19.
While we talk about cost savings are we really saving money on this gravel and oil on our streets?
I know city hall hates to provide any type of support for anything they do as we have seen with the police department.
I would like to see the city pick a single street and do the full cost review of the following:
1.) milling and asphalt
2.) gravel and oil along with corresponding expense for storm water clean out because the city doesn't come back with street sweeper and cleanup the mess
3.) grave; and oil along with using one of the roller for putting down asphalt to get better adherence and street sweeper cleaning up the mess
I would also like to know how much reserve the city keeps for law suits related to the gravel and oil that we wouldn't have to be concerned with if we used asphalt.
Police are taking reports. How do I know this? Because I have called them for help. My car was broken into. They took a report and dusted for prints. Another time my car door was opened, nothing was missing or damaged, so they did not take a report, and I understand this. I see reports being taken all the time. They are posted on the Raytown Crime Map. I argue with you people about the Crime map, some of you downplay the crime that's there. Some of you don't think reports are being filed. Raytown is a strange town with some strange people and strange thought processes....... Anti-tax, anti-government, treats public employees like dogs. Cheap, cheap, cheap, Cranky and difficult to please.
This Tony Jacob dude is just plain scary and uneducated about city government
1:56 pm
This is comically. The City has a 2 million dollar budget for public works. And 100 million dollar backlog of projects. We have a bridge on 83 St. that is in terrible shape and probably won't pass a safety inspection within 5 years time. We face the possibility of more crime, the possibility of depreciating tax base that comes with that. And the only thing that is holding the roads together for everybody is oil and gravel. I have said this once, I'll say it again.... The seal treatment gets better over time and with use. It is a solution to keep what we have maintained at a basic level and nothing more. If you want better streets then you'll have to agree to a tax increase. Otherwise, you get what you pay for.
It will be interesting and informative to see how the investigation into the operation of the
Smithville Fire Protection District goes.
Smithville must be another 4th class community like us. Kinda stinks doesn't it?
Exactly. Unless a crime has been committed, a report does no good. Some people are just anti police period. If the police said the sky was blue, they’d disagree. Guess they like law breakers. Raytown is in real trouble.
People missed the dog and pony show put on by Jim Lynch at Tuesday night's meeting.Alderman Mark Moore told employees of the police department to ask Jim Lynch or the Mayor why they were being laid off. After Mr. Moore was done speaking he excused himself to return to his job. At that point Chief Lynch jumped up to head him off at the pass. They ran into each other in the hallway behind where the Counilmen were sitting. You could hear loud voices shouting. At that point Alderman Mims went back to see what was going on. After she went into the hallway, Chief Lynch yelled at her to go back inside.
Please tell us you are not defending Moore’s actions? He throws a fit on the dais because he was angry that his amendment was pulled the previous week?
4:28 I believe the other person was asking for a full account of cost is that wrong?
As for increase taxes you don't always get what you are promised, which is a violation of the law, but in Raytown laws don't matter.
We are already paying for Public Safety tax and never got a thing promised.
What about the transportation tax
Just last year we learned not all the park tax is going to parks.
The lies and shell games need to end
Someone needs to go to jail and before any new taxes are passed we need a good 5 years to see that we can live within our means.
Mark Moore pulled his amendment off the agenda. No one else. This is another of Jim Lymch's attacks on people who do not agree with him.
All this talk of AG investigation etc. if you have some kind of evidence that something illegal is going on then YOU should call or shut the hell up. You make about as much sense as Aziere ranting on Channel 41 about the city not clearing streets this winter and all the other BS he and others and their wives put out there to deflect the ineptness of themselves. Must be hot information still sitting in someone’s garage floor that is lacking for moving forward for an investigation or just some more hateful lies
As a taxpayer I think he did a great job. As a business owner I know you don’t give COLA or raises when people are getting laid off.
Also, sorry but with the world the way it is we need more police not less.
What Lynch did at Tue. nights meeting is just one example of the crap they are doing to city employees. the short fat major that sat at the table Tue. night also tried to intimidate our city finance director with a law suit. They really need to grow up and act like the professionals they claim to be. By the way major I think the finance directors org chart made more sense than anything you said. At least Grandview has a working chief, while we have one that hides behind a desk and just keeps getting fatter on the tax payers dime.
He pulled it because the majority of citizens were against the amendment. He created a firestorm and got spanked.
God Bless Mark Moore,
He took the time to have research done to prove his point which was in the board packet and now he is being lynched by Lynch.
Lynch's games best end as there may be other "Raytown rocks" the AG is asked to look and questions if political favors were done for him.
Someone please explain what the chief means by they will be getting help from volunteers? When people have volunteered to help in the office at city hall they were told no due to liability issues. So what is the difference here? I would think helping the pd would be a bigger liability.
What Alderwoman Mims should have told Lynch is make me I'm just watching and being a witness if a law suit should be filed for harassment.
Pathetic.... sounds like quite a few that are happy about the end result here drank the Kool Aid, bunch of tea partiers! Thanks for helping to drag down property values by your actions. Definitely degrading society
So, is the Raytown Crime Watch program over too?
To the followers of the police department:
Ouch!! Truth hurts
which explains why
so many people
prefer stupidity to
the truth
Saint Moore?
I don't think so. His behavior Tuesday was juvenile and petty. Nobody with a brain should see his conduct otherwise. I am sure the AG is not looking that hard at Raytown. I am sure he is fully aware that Raytown is the tin-foil hat wearing capital of Missouri.
There was one statement that the city finance director said during her presentation was that our police are paid over market value of what other departments are paid. Greg could publish what our officers are paid, base salary maybe plus benefits? I feel our public needs to know.
8:05 am - what Raytown Crime Watch Program? Who are they? If they are still around, why is crime on the rise?
Volunteer providing assistance to PD as told by Chief Lynch to his and Mayor's buddy Mark Alford on FOX4 news Wednesday morning!! I've attended every Public meeting since this budget mess started. I had NEVER heard that volunteers were part of the staffing "plan". What a load of crap and Fear Factor Fake News being pushed out by Lynch once again. His narrative would make you think they are being fitted for patrol uniforms as we speak!! His whole lack of leadership and professionalism during this process has been so disappointing to those who elected him. But unfortunately he has been the ONLY choice for 3 election cycles, so his attitude reeks of having it handed to him on a Silver platter. I did love the question Alderman Black asked him regarding what he expected to have to contribute and change in his action and daily work efforts to adapt to the staffing changes.. At first he pushed the mic to Major Hudspeth in his usual manner than realized he was asked the question?? He had no real answer pertaining to HiS contributions ... Par for the course.. He'll understand that statement at least!!
There's a city close by in Missouri that also is landlocked, is around 9 square miles, and a population just under 30K.
A cursory peek at their budget was surprising.
Somehow, they have a budget for public safety around 8 million. That is for police and fire.
How do they do that?
One thing obviously they are NOT a class 4 city. So there is some direct control of the fire department budget. But that is so much less than we spend.
The city is Gladstone, Missouri. I think it is mostly residential like Raytown.
Maybe someone who understands the nuances of city financing can look over the Gladstone budget and set me straight. I just can not believe they handle things that much more efficiently than we do.
I for one feel the statement Alderman Moore made was a fair one. Yes the employees do need to ask the chief why they are loosing their jobs. He built the empire and ran it, now it is time to own it. they deserve the truth if you are capable of telling it.
We should be thankful we have Alderman like Mr. Moore that will speak up.
To many years the Alderman feared the mayor and look where that got Raytown.
11:18 a.m.
Simple, Crime. North of the metro has far less crime than south of the river.
Gladstone has a higher median income per household.
Supply and demand. The criminals supply the crime, and the citizens demand protection. If you do not have a lot of crime you can get away with hiring less officers.
Wish somebody would post information on the salary structures and raise history of city employees. Would be good to know for everybody. You can learn a lot about any organization by this.
It’s also nowhere close to the bad part of Kansas City
Stay strong BOA members
Stay strong and united
Don't let the hate from police officers keep you from leading our city forward!
Mr Moore
Please finish the clean project you have been doing at city hall.
The following department heads need to go for not doing their job and/or lying to the public and the board of alderman:
Neighborhood services
Once you finish that cleaning you need to tell the city city clerk to either start typing up the minutes as she was hired to do or she too can move on down the street.
Reaching for tomorrow to make Raytown first!
The city clerk does an awesome job. All city employees should work as hard as she does. Thank you for all you do.
What hate are you referring to? I’ve just seen facts. I hope they all get jobs elsewhere by November 1st so they can tell you all to kiss their backsides. They aren’t paid enough for the job they do. You all are a bunch of hateful people.
4:48 pm
United? They don’t appear United. Meltdown Moore does not look united. Loose lips Aziere does not appear united. Libertarian rootin tootin cowboy Teeman does not appear united. Mims the diversity warrior at the expense of public safety does not appear united. This board is a mess. They took the only option available. Not worthy of praise. Can this BOA lead the city further? Like admit there is a revenue problem? Dunno. And I’ll tell you something, the vast majority of the informed voters are hacked.
Hi 4:48
"Hate from police officers"? Wow! Were you high or drunk as you wrote that?
I have no idea what you are talking about. The only hate I have seen is from the posters on this blog to tell you the truth.
Will somebody PLEASE tell me WHY you all hate the police? I can't figure that one out and I am smarter than most of you are! HA!
Ciao, Baby!
Lord almighty. Why did that Raytown football player lay on the ground for nearly 30 minutes before a Raytown Ambulance finally arrived. I've been coming to High School games for close to 40 years and I've NEVER seen a player wait that long for an ambulance . Most have them are on site at the Field. Shame on the School District if they don't want the added expense of an on site Ambulances. I know for a fact Raytown has a 3rd backup ambulance and they could pay off duty EMS workers to staff. Geez must have been 4 different Sherrifs patrol and what seemed like 20 private duty Security officers there. And yes that includes the 2 that were constantly on their phones on the track on FB. Yea I'm pretty observant. That was horrific to watch that young man lay on the field that long!!! If I was his parents I'd be in Markley's office Monday Morning!!!
There may not have been an ambulance on site for the injured football player, but when he goes back to school, he'll have Wi-Fi on his bus. Gotta get your priorities straight!
How many times have they brought up revenue issues? Several. You comment but dont even watch the meetings to make that remark.
The "hate from police officers" probably refers to their hired gun loudmouth FOP speaker.
The Wi-Fi content on a few of the busses is in a trial period. The content is strictly filtered and early results are showing significant improvements in rider behavior.
It is an easy target for critics of Raytown schools!!
Maybe people are critical of Raytown schools because of the low test scores.
Guess Teeman can't take the heat. He quit!
Raytown Crime Watch is a volunteer program that has support from the city and PD. Not sure how long the program has been in existence but would have to go with since the late 70's or early 80's. They are only to observe and report, not confront and intervene. Just FYI. This is not a new thing.
Not true!
Mr. Teeman has a wonderful opportunity available to him to own his own company and also spend more time with his family.
Has nothing to do with politics
The problem with the benchmark is that MId America Regional Council study doesn’t give what the duties are of those personnel. What a person’s duties are in one city may be vastly different than in another city and their workload too. Not enough factors to be able to accurately make that statement in my humble opinion
I live in Ward 5. Where Teeman went wrong is in downplaying the crime situation. This hacked off a lot of people in the Ward. He lives in an isolated area of Raytown, and no doubt he has a different view of things. He appears to be an intelligent guy who cares about Raytown.
10:20 Only a cop wouldn't think they have been showing hate.
Guess you missed the crazy FOP officer and the information on this very blog about him.
What about the post on the attack Lynch did to Moore.
We are one step away from making the news like KCK or have you missed that one too.
Most important what plans did the cops put in place after killing that vet on 79th street a few years ago.
Shame how our cops did that vet!
Teeman is a good man. Raytown should be thankful for his services.
Hopefully this is not the finished road surface in the Southwood area east of Raytown Road around the 79th Street area, north and south. This surface is rough as hell, big loose gravel chunks all over everything. North part of Raytown up by the post office it is really smooth, looks light gray in appearance, is actually more tolerable, even though it is still not the proper way to maintain the streets. Hope someone at city hall or public works follows up on this out south because it sucks! Fix it
All the city can afford right now. No money for asphalt. This treatment is what small towns and poor counties use for road treatment. Public works is doing the best it can with a meager budget. It does get better over time with use. It is a bandaid or duct tape solution to preserve the roads we have. You can complain all you want, but property taxes have not been raised for the City in 40 years.
1147 I guess facts about crime are lies in your little world. The public realized Moore’s underhanded attempt to take control of the police department even though the only thing the Comtrol is the the budget. And what are you talking about with the vet?
"killing that vet on 79th street a few years ago."
What happened??
Why are folks upset with Dr Markly about the events at the football games?
Raytown has two ambulances and it took 30 mins for one to arrive.
It has been posted on this very blog many times that half the time Raytown is only running one if no ambulances at all.
It is time Doug the head of EMS be giving his walking papers.
Don't forget the fire where Raytown EMS refused to let KCMO take a lady to the hospital has Raytown EMS wanted to wait on their second unit. Yes, the lady died.
Thank you Doug for mismanagement and putting lives at risk!
Interesting Raytown synchronicity:
Low test scores... blame the schools.
High crime... blame the cops.
I find it interesting that the fire department was not called for the medical emergency at Raytown High.
The vet on 79th street pointed a gun at the officer and that's why he was shot.
Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.
Wow is this an angry collection of folks. I wonder what the end goal is? Eliminate all city services?
Because from what I've read above...the police, EMS, neighborhood services and public works all need to be totally eliminated for doing such a bad job. However, the council members are above reproach despite their well broadcast behaviors.
What City are we aiming to be? How are we moving toward that goal? All I see here is speculation, accusations and angry circling of the wagons.
11:11 PM
Thank you! I agree totally.
We need to come together or we're doomed.
Ciao, baby!
Alderman Teeman had the stones to fix the financial mess that Lynch and Bowman created with the PD. I hope him the best in his future endeavors.
Guess what?
We're doomed..
Cause no-one's coming together. Too much poison in the air. Wish it weren't so.
Self Interest Rules!
Ciao, baby!
No. We are not doomed. What nonsense. There is a renewed interest in Raytown. New candidates will step up and new ideas will be brought to the table. When a forest fire occurs, life soon blooms again. It all depends if the BOA leads in the right direction. A tax increase is needed. Everybody has had their turn but Raytown. If the voters vote no, then we deal with it.
I would like to thank the board of alderman and the police department for the open invitation for criminals to come to our city. In the past it has been talked about some of the people going to work at Cerner would maybe be moving to Raytown -- forget that. Anyone wanting to sell there home may as well take it off the market who will want to move Raytown? Lastly I am sure the board of alderman have reduced there pay by 30% as the city departments have.
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