Library Increases
Days of Operation
Days of Operation
Here is some good news for those who use
make use of the Raytown Public Library. Beginning January 2, 2018, all
Mid-Continent Public Library branches will have new hours of operation. Previously
the library had been closed on Sundays.
The new Raytown Pubilc Library hours are
as listed below:
Monday - Thursday 9 - 9
Friday 9 - 6
Saturday 10 - 6
Sunday 1 – 5
For more information visit the Raytown
Public Library website at or call the library at 816-353-2052.
Stone Soup Under the Bridge
Raytown Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) will be holding a
Stone Soup Fundraiser Wednesday, January 10th at Crane Brewery
located at 6515 Railroad Street, Raytown, MO 64133. The hours of the event are from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
A variety of soups will be available to the public. Free will
donations will be accepted.
Proceeds will be used towards funding Community and Police
Outreach Programs like “Coffee with a Cop”, Police/Community Forums, and an
Annual Safety Fair.

New Year
Greg and Paul!
will be back next week with regular news of what is going on in Raytown.
browsing the web we found a couple of pictures that will always remind us of
The Wildfire photo is from Southern California.
The statue is of
damage inflicted on a Civil War Memorial statue in South Carolina earlier this
The one event that captured everyone’s attention this
year, the total eclipse of the sun.
The last picture is of a woman and her dog waiting to be rescued from flood waters in Houston. They are floating on an air mattress.
Library Increases
Days of Operation
Days of Operation
Here is some good news for those who use
make use of the Raytown Public Library. Beginning January 2, 2018, all
Mid-Continent Public Library branches will have new hours of operation. Previously
the library had been closed on Sundays.
The new Raytown Pubilc Library hours are
as listed below:
Monday - Thursday 9 - 9
Friday 9 - 6
Saturday 10 - 6
Sunday 1 – 5
For more information visit the Raytown
Public Library website at or call the library at 816-353-2052.
Stone Soup Under the Bridge
Raytown Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) will be holding a
Stone Soup Fundraiser Wednesday, January 10th at Crane Brewery
located at 6515 Railroad Street, Raytown, MO 64133. The hours of the event are from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
A variety of soups will be available to the public. Free will
donations will be accepted.
Proceeds will be used towards funding Community and Police
Outreach Programs like “Coffee with a Cop”, Police/Community Forums, and an
Annual Safety Fair.
What are the hours for the Stone Soup under the Bridge?
The hours of the Stone Soup event are from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. The story has been corrected. Thank you for pointing out the omission.
There is an interesting discussion on Raytown Unleashed started by a former alderman.
If we want more businesses (and more tax dollars) for Raytown, the school district needs to be at the top of several things we need to improve.
Most parents don't have the finances to put their kids into private schools so they are stuck w/ Raytown.
Please copy and past the following link to your browser to view your ecard:
Andy Whiteman
I am interested in the comments from the former Alderman, whoever he or she may be. But I do not (and will not) participate on Facebook. Can you copy the letter this blog?
7:08 pm -
You refuse to participate on Facebook but you want US to give you info? Too bad. Get with the program or get left behind.
Then left behind I am! The story will eventually surface. It is always refreshing to meet people like you, even if it is only on the internet. The willingness to share ideas and thoughts speaks volumes of the character of your nature. Happy New Year!
Any body have the story behind Raytown Transmission going out of business? He has a truck that says "For Sale, Turn Key Business"?
I'm a newbie to Facebook. I don't post anything. I don't have many "FB friends" either which is fine.
The reason I joined was to see what others are saying about Raytown which has come in handy believe it or not.
If its not bad enough that Trump has DeVos ruining education, now Greitens has a new puppet Teeman that is trying to do the same thing not just locally, but on a statewide level. SMH
Oh, so it was Eric. I know he was a favorite punching bag on Raytown Unleashed. Guess things have not changed much.
I spent six years working in education, albeit in the higher education sphere. I am deeply devoted to education issues, and am admittedly very liberal on a lot of other issues, too. For sure, I did not vote for Eric Greitens.
With that said, I did observe an issue with bloated leadership in education, both at the higher and K-12 levels. The governor is on to something real here, I'm afraid. Not always, but in too many instances, a large pack of "leaders" are devoted most strongly to their own paths forward. I saw this a lot less with the "worker bees," like teachers and support staff. Especially in a district that serves a high underserved population, this can be dangerous. Handfuls of ambitious administrators may struggle to implement interventions that make the most difference for these students. Of course, the other issue is that performance metrics don't measure the positive impact on education for students who come from families with low socio-economics statuses. Any value they receive looks diminished on official reporting metrics. I am sure that our school district truly is better than it looks, but through the lens of people of privilege who create these metrics, they likely disagree.
I am a major proponent of quality public education; I am nervous about the Governor's next steps with education in Missouri, but will reserve negative judgement for just a little bit.
The selected pictures on this post were a good summary of 2017. I would also add something about the outpouring of sexual misconduct allegations that emerged in 2017. Let 2017 be known as the year where people decided sexual misconduct would no longer fall under the "business as usual" category.
PART 1 OF 14
Repetitive ratta tat tat tat tat,”
At midnight.. On January 1st, 2018 just as it is in many parts of Raytown Mo, Streets and neighborhoods became active warzones
This illegal and fatale practice results in random death and injury from stray bullets, shattered windows and damaged roofs, holes in cars.
PART 2 OF 14
The property damages results in tens of thousands of dollars throughout our community.
What goes up... must come down. As a Combat Marine, I counted over 230 bullets with my grandkids on January 1st 2018. Gun fire was crazy, unnecessary, irresponsible and out of control.
PART 3 OF 14
Guns almost never shoot themselves. People shoot guns. Stupidity, drugs and inebriation is responsible for this deadly anti social behavior.
Shooting a gun into the air is already illegal, but its currently a misdemeanor with little or no repercussions. If you hear gunfire, call police. Better yet... press charges if you can identify the shooter. But alas… even i didn't bother to call 911. What good would it do. I even know
PART 4 OF 14
two of the shooters. Local police is ar near bones… and cant stop hundreds of deadly actions at once.
A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 80% of celebratory gunfire-related injuries are to the head, feet, and shoulders.
PART 5 OF 14
The King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California in the past 10 years treated some 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries. Thirty-eight of them died.
Bullets often lodge in roofs, causing minor damage that requires repair in most cases. Normally, the bullet will penetrate the roof surface through to the roof deck, leaving a hole
PART 6 OF 14
where water may run into your home and cause a leak. Most home owners will never know until you pay the repair bills now in the thousands.
Its for this reason…
Stupidity must be stopped.
PART 7 OF 14
I call for and request the city of raytown missouri enact new regulations in line with the Shannon's law of Arizona that make it a felony offense to discharge firearms randomly into the air.
Shannon's law is named after Shannon Smith, a fourteen-year-old Phoenix girl killed by a stray bullet in June 1999.
PART 8 OF 14
Smith's parents, after being informed that the assailant's activity constituted, at most, a misdemeanor offense, just as in Raytown, advocated stronger penalties, to prevent future tragedies of this kind.
The shannon smith campaign took them all over Arizona, and their efforts were supported by city councils of medium-sized Arizona cities such as Tucson.
PART 9 OF 14
Then-Governor Jane Hull also joined them in their cause. After the Arizona legislature failed to pass the law twice in 1999, it finally received both state senate and state house approval in April 2000, and was enacted in that July. The NRA supported the law and worked in cooperation to form the 'Shannon's Law'
PART 10 OF 14
Violation of Shannon's law is defined as a felony offense. However, as with most felony offenses in United States jurisdictions, a person charged with this offense can strike a plea bargain with prosecutors, and may be eligible for only a misdemeanor conviction.
PART 11 OF 14
The decision of whether such an offer is available lies solely in the hands of the prosecutor, and presently these offenses are being charged as "dangerous" offenses, thereby making the accused ineligible for probation under state law, requiring a prison sentence even for a first offense.
In addition to asking shannon’s law to be enacted in Raytown mo.
PART 12 OF 14
I further ask for legislation allowing for use up to and including the use of deadly force by any resident authorized to carry concealed firearms to stop individuals firing random shots into the air after a verbal warning has been made and the shooter does not immediatey ceasefire.
PART 13 OF 14
I understand this may upset some people. If your offended, i understand your feelings, however i value the rights of a criminal who is putting your life and property in deadly danger, far less.
People who are victims have to pay for this property damage.
PART 14 OF 14
The life long disability resulting in being hit with a stray bullet or the family who is forced to move on after losing the life of their loved one because of the actions of someone who feels its their right to bust a few caps off in the air matter far less to me and they should to you in a community like ours.
Ruining education? Education has already been ruined! Poor results and poor academic performance, and I am tired of throwing money down a hole.
I advise folks to put at least 1 inch plywood in the attic above your bedrooms. If you can afford it, buy 3m security film for all windows. Buy solid wood furniture for your bedroom furniture and try to place dressers and chest of drawers along front and back bedroom walls to provide additional protection while sleeping. Keep bed away from outside walls and windows. Buy a solid wood and sturdy headboard. Now. I know all this seems rediculous, but I heard dozens of rounds being fired. I have adopted these strategies to minimize the possibility of getting hit. Hopefully some folks are aiming at the ground. Heard a lot of 22 caliber rounds going off. There needs to be an organized effort to educate the public and stop this!
There was a young girl that was killed a couple of years ago off Pittman Road and I70 because of someones stupidity with celebratory gunfire during a holiday, I believe they finally caught the ones responsible for that death. How many more must this happen to? Go to the gun range and be a responsible gun owner, or better yet, if irresponsible don't drink and buy guns.
The state of MO is considering a gas tax.
I hope Raytown doesn't initiate a new gas tax now too. Our gasoline will be sky high.
The price of gas is very low.
Please take action and pass the 2 or 3 cent increase so there's a little something coming in to go to work on our roads next summer.
If it needs to go on the ballot, then get busy and put it on.
4:35 pm
Gas prices may be low now, but add on a .03 tax for Raytown and .10 tax for MO and the price is getting up there.
I see where the mayor has informed Out of town Susan about the taxes so she and her band of followers could start a campaign to get them passed. I for one will work again these taxes. I support Alderman Ryan Myers. He knows more about this than Out of Town Susan or the mayor. The only reason the mayor wanted the $0.30 tax is so his buddy Lynch could rebuild his police empire. I for one will not pay for the stupidity of Lynch and the mayor. If they think people will stop here for gas because they are traveling down 350 to Lee's Summit or else where they are out of their minds. We will loose what revenue we get now for gas.
And Ryan Myers latest fix for the whole thing is for everyone to voluntarily call Jackson County assessors office and ask them to raise their assessment on their properties to the market level as well as commercial property to the market level instead of the assess went level so they can have more tax money. Really can you imagine anybody doing such a thing?
Shows you where his “being young” argument shows that his lack of experience and knowing what people will do versus the more experienced folks on the board know how people will actually do
While his heart may be in the right place, his recent comments are evidence of his youth and inability to see the big pictures and all the many factors involved in city finance/revenue. His expertise may be in real estate but business owners see far more than property taxes and assessed value when making a decision on location. And thinking people will actually call and ask the county to increase their assessed value? Never gonna happen...
Instead of criticizing Ryan, maybe you should commend him for thinking outside of the box. The majority of the BOA including the Mayor wants to shove a tax down our throat just for the sake of taxing. At least with Ryan's plan, my property value will be increased and we can pave our roads with real asphalt. It's not a crazy idea, and by reading the comments on facebook the fire dept and school district are on board with Ryan to start a class action lawsuit.
Nothing costs the same as it did even 5 years ago, so budgets have to go up for all departments. You all crack me up on here opposing increasing taxes in any way. I’ve heard no positive ideas from people on this blog.
I agree. New taxes should be earmarked and emphasis put on fixing our streets. I will not support any tax increase that goes to re-bloat the police department. I wonder if the crime rates has dropped since last October? My gut feeling is that it has. A lot of this can probably be attributed to the extremely cold weather. Raising taxes so a lot of officers on the department can have a personal car on the taxpayers dime to drive home will not make Raytown safer. I think the mayor's politics will backfire and ocst him his job in the long run. He is not trying to lead. He is trying to rile up the facebook crowd to revolt the city he is supposed to be in charge of.
The “Facebook” crowd is made up of Citizens of Raytown who have lost faith in the BOA. That’s all you need to know.
I am not so sure the facebook gang has that much stick. It certainly did not show during last year's budget sessions. Maybe a tax election is the best way for them to flex their muscle. If they are going to try to raise property taxes they are wasting their time trying to win my vote. There are too many people on fixed incomes who cannot afford that path. If they want to create taxes on stuff like vapor shops, tobacco and pay day loans. I am all for it. But don't go after those who really cannot afford to throw away money on life style changes. Have a heart for those who have retired. They have already paid their dues.
Sir Wilard – I read your manifesto and have a couple of thoughts.
Part 7 of 14 -The City of Raytown is way ahead of the Arizona community. We have a law on the books that makes it illegal to discharge a firearm randomly. We’ve had that law even Blair Shanahan Lane was killed.
Part 12 of 14 – the State of Missouri already has a “Stand your Ground” law. It was passed and took effect January, 2017.
I’m not sure how long you’ve been here, but you might want to learn a little bit about the community before you waste your time again.
To the poster who seemingly gets "cracked up" weekly by coming here to read postings he does not agree with:
I guess being "cracked up" is something you crave. So just sit back and enjoy it. It's cheap entertainment.
"The “Facebook” crowd is made up of Citizens of Raytown who have lost faith in the BOA. That’s all you need to know."
Arrgh. Here we go again with the speaking for everyone else.
"Move aside", Mark Zuckerberg. She has now self-authorized to speak on behalf of anyone with a Facebook account.
Alderman like Mr. Ryan Myers, for example, is why we genuinely still have hope. We've enjoyed reading his comments this week. Does anyone NOT predict a bright future for this young man?
Now. Everyone gather in front of your computer monitors. And clench.
In unison, and as snarkily as possible, wretch the following:
"That’s all you need to know."
With all due respect, you do not get a pass because you are old. The taxes you mention are not possible. Tobacco cannot be taxed further due to state law. If every homeowner in Raytown paid just $6.00 per month more it would raise a million a year for the City. Would go a long way to repairing infrastructure. We need everybody in Raytown to step up as citizens and pitch in. Age is irrelevant.
Have any of you who want higher taxes begun sending a voluntary donation to the city each month? I thought not.
I want to know where the current tax dollars are being spent before we raise taxes. We need an audit of all city finances.
I work in Kansas I spend over $120 a month just on gasoline.
You are very lucky if you have a job close to home. I'm not so lucky.
Looks like my gas bill be going higher.
I appreciate Ryan Myers’ youthful idealism, though bottom line, the city needs money NOW to operate, provide public safety services and maintain infrastructure.
I always have to laugh when I see these kind of posts every year. If you watch anything that goes on in the city you will see that they have a yearly audit by an auditing company. I believe the board of alderman even changed it to a new company the last year or two so that there would be fresh eyes on the budget and the money in the city coffers.
The City has an extensive State mandated audit completed every year.
Yes, there is an extensive FINANCIAL audit every year. It proves no one is misappropriating money from the city. That however, doesn’t prove if the funds collected are put into the correct fund, i.e. the Capital Improvements Sales tax goes to pay for the street repair, and not something else, such as shoring up the police budget. That’s why we need a Special Audit. How do we know the city is collecting all the sales tax it is due? The recent lawsuit with the Fire District proves there are problems with the City’s procedures. What else is wrong? Only an outside group of auditors from the State will find those and help the city to make the necessary corrections.
Please go ahead and pay for a special audit, Peter, there is no money for it in the City budget this year...
Quit the audit talk, every audit costs more money and takes it away from road repair and other basic services. Stop the witch hunts!
If you are on a fixed income or on welfare try quitting smoking and drinking, you may find that you have more money for food and taxes
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