to Step Up Enforcement
Anti-Noise Ordinances
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stricter policy of a ban on amplified music in Raytown’s largest parks has been
endorsed by the Raytown Park Board. In a letter to potential shelter house
renters Park Board Director Kevin Boji wrote:
music complaints in the parks have increased. Per City Ordinance, amplified
and/or projected sound is NOT PERMITTED in Raytown Park shelters for any reason
including church services. Since many park shelters are located in residential
neighborhoods this policy is strictly enforced to preserve the peace and quiet
of park neighbors. Violators will forfeit future rental privileges.”
emphasis on the prohibition of amplified music is the result of recent meetings
between the Park Board and residents living near Colman Park. In recent years
the number of complaints of extremely loud music at parties held in shelter
houses at Colman Park has led to numerous calls to the police and prosecution
of violations in Raytown Municipal Court. Colman Park has the heaviest use of
shelter houses by different groups for events.
Parks are generally quiet during the winter months. Use is usually limited to
people walking the park trail. However, reports of vagrants and noise
complaints have been on the rise recently. Park Board members expressed their
concerns recently to representatives of surrounding home owners at its January
8th meeting.
local homeowner, Dolores Sampson, said she was pleased with the result of the
meeting. She said, “I am hopeful the Park Board will aggressively make
enforcement of Raytown City Ordinances a number one priority as warmer weather
Park Board members expressed a desire to work more closely with
the Raytown Police Department and neighbors of Raytown Parks to actively
monitor events at the park.
with complaints about activity at the park are urged to call the Park
Department at 816-358-4100 or or visit
activity or emergency situations should be directed to the Raytown Police by
calling 911.
Board Increases
Rental Fees of Shelter Houses
The Raytown Park Board has announced new fees for the
coming year at three of its most popular parks. According to Park Board
Director Kevin Boji, the fees represent a minimal increase in park shelter
rental fees at Colman, Kenagy and Kritser Parks in 2018. The rates are listed
2018 Shelter House Reservation Fees:
Park Shelter
am-3 pm or
pm-11 pm
Full Day
Memorial Day (May 26-28)
July 4
Labor Day (Sept 1-3)
Park #1 & #2
Park #1
Park #1
Kenagy #5
N/A |
A successful launch of expanded hours of operation at the
Raytown Public Library took place on Sunday, January 7th. Judging by the number people who visited the library that day, the change of hours of operation of the library can be viewed as a success.
Approximately 80 patrons of the library made use of the
expanded hours. It is anticipated the number will rise as word get out of
expansion of operating hours at the library. Prior to the January 7th
kick-off the library had always been closed on Sundays.
better way to wait out the cold winter than to visit the library and find a
good long read?
The new Raytown Pubilc Library hours
are as listed below:
Monday - Thursday 9 - 9
Friday 9 - 6
Saturday 10 - 6
Sunday 1 – 5
For more information visit the
Raytown Public Library website at or
call the library at 816-353-2052.
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As far as the noise in the parks, Homeowners new that they were moving near a park, Bad choice by you.
What would be interesting is to find out if when the loud noise is coming from the parks who is renting the shelter houses (residence or non-residence).
It also calls into question why like other cities the Raytown Park Board is not charging non-residence more.
Just one more reason to say no to any future tax request!
Oh no. You are so wrong. The amplified music from the park has not always been at the level or frequency as it was years ago. My favorite is open mic Sunday. This usually follows a church service where the preacher likes to point the speakers at the surrounding homes. Guess he thinks he is saving souls. All he is really doing is waking people up. After the service, the microphone is left on for anyone to come up and scream, squeal, whatever at the top of their voice. Listened to lyrics of what is being played on the radio lately? Come on by and hear some of the most racist, ugly and hateeful lyrics. No sir. It has not always been like this. The sad part is, we have laws in this town that make it illegal, subject to fine and/or arrest if not followed. Problem is those in charge of running the park are reluctant to do anything about it. That includes the police, who are paid to enforce those laws. I hope the park board is sincere in stepping up to take care of their responsibilities. Guess we will find out next summer.
The City needs only two parks, one north and one south. Save a lot of money that way. Maybe even afford a couple of park rangers to monitor them properly. Yes, they should charge non residents more.
Dear Anonymous 12:00
So when did it become a BAD thing to move close to a park? I know I grew up in the 50s but really? I always have associated being near a park to be a good thing. If it's not these days, we need to turn things around.
Quieting down the hooligans and making them unwelcome is a start.
I hope it can work for the sake of those who are now putting up with it.
Almost sounds like a thinly disguised plan to run those folks out of their nice homes so they can be bought for less money. NO.. that can't be it can it?
Raytown Public Works did their usual AWESOME job clearing the streets after these last 2 snowstorms.
They are on it!
Thank you! We appreciate you.
Perhaps we should just take away the shelter houses and grills?
Maybe you could get that Baptist Church from Topeka to come down and protest the church groups make all that noise.
I bet things get fixed fast as Raytown leaders won't want all that negative news on every TV station.
Here we go again. Another conspiracy theorist crawls out from under a rock! How about working to solve a problem rather than doing the Raytown thing of circling the wagons and shooting at perceived enemies?
Perceived Enemy? No - anyone who doesn't think like us is the enemy. It's always been that way here. that's why we stay.
I can only imagine the loud music played at the parks. Probably the same disrespectful people who choose to play their car radios loud as they can at while at gas stations and when going down the road so loud that it rattles your living room windows when they go past. It is bad enough that we crowd more and more people into tighter and tighter neighborhoods in the name of community development, but then people who want attention are blasting their radios or loud exhaust pipes just adds to the noise pollution. I guess there is something wrong with wanting quiet, crime free neighborhoods.
When I am looking to buy a house, one of the requirements I put on the list for my buyer's agent is, "NOT within hearing distance of a park or school." That is because I cannot tolerate noise and have observed parks as noise generators whether it is children playing, someone playing a boombox, or a group as described in the Raytown Report! When searching for a home online, I look at a Google Map and rule out any house too close to a park or school.
Andy Whiteman
Has anyone else seen the posts from the other place about the tow company in Raytown thats charging $1400 for towing? Supposedly the police know about it. If that's true, why isn't anything being done about it? If any of this can be verified, the place needs to be shut down and ordinances enacted.
The problems with parks in Raytown is not new. Unfortunately, not just in Raytown, but in most cities public parks are not safe areas. Drug deals, prostitution, panhandling and public intoxication are just a few of the issues plaguing parks through out, yes even in Raytown.
I am glad the streets are salted and the snow melted quickly. The down side is the streets being in the condition they are in will deteriorate even faster. The roadways around here are in really sorry shape. I hope the city council does something to fix the roads before our snow plows start churning up large chunks of pavement and asphalt when they plow.
Where are these posts? Haven’t seen them.
Add to that houses with a sidewalk.
Andy’s right, live next to a park or school, expect noise. Same reason I refuse a pool side room at hotels, too much noise
The police hands are not tied. It is a poor excuse to do nothing. Call your insurance agent and ask them what rates they pay for towing. Get ready to hear something some of you do not want to hear. The type of gouging explained in an earlier post by a tow company is illegal.
What happened to the comment about the tow company ripping people off? I’ve heard the same thing. And now the comment is gone? Wow.
The tow company that has been running wrecks in Raytown has been an open secret for quite some time. They hang out in parking lots and on the side of the highway at rush hour waiting for an easy payday.
The potential extra speed to beat out other tow companies to get to an accident may cause another accident that injures (or worse) someone you love. Not to mention the potential to repeatedly gouge unknowing customers and insurance companies to the continuous tune of thousands of dollars.
The City presumably has a competent City Attorney and City Manager. They need to ignore the intimidation tactics and get this managed.
Who are you responding to by saying the police hands are not tied? Seems like you decided to delete my earlier post then responded to it to slant the conversation in the direction you want
I can understand why your comment was deleted. An un-named source sends in an anonymous post to a blog. It names a third party as a tow business that is gouging Raytowners along 350 Highway. It may or may not be true. I guess the best way for you to solve this riddle is to man up and sign your name to your statement. Why? Because if it is not true it is slander. Be fair about it. If the roles were reversed and someone wrote an unsigned personal attack on you, wouldn't you want to know who that person was?
This tow company (one person) has been overwhelmingly aggressive, persistent.
He's also running wrecks in a semi. He was on the highway picking up a commercial vehicle 2 days ago. DOT information can be accessed by the public. The truck doesn't appear to be registered properly, which brings into question whether it is insured as it should be for the type of work it performs.
Someone needs to check into this.
There is very legitimate cause for concern here. These are always compelling safety and consumer protection issues.
Someone did however act very wisely here by redacting his information, as it's unlikely that substantiation of overcharges and other activity could be directly appended here.
Funny how almost every week there's an anonymous poster calling out another anonymous poster for posting anonymously.
Cracks me up.
Who allows someone to tow their car without asking how much it will cost?
They actually monitor the KCFD radios because it seems like the only accidents they show up on are ones where the fd responds.
Does anyone know if the Board of Alderman passed the motion to place new taxes on the April ballot? Last nights meeting was the deadline and I didn’t hear anything.
The Boa needs pass an ordinance that prohibits wreck chasing like a lot of cities have. Would prevent this from happening.
I would not think being a business deal between the tow truck driver and the people that it would not be a police matter. It seems to me that if he’s ripping people off it will be a matter for the state attorney generals office
Not a police issue because if you agree to pay it, it’s on you. And it is ridiculous.
If anyone has had to pay a really out of control tow bill from this tow company, file a complaint against them at Raytown City Hall so they can review it and also file a complaint with the Missouri State Attorney General's office. The local Police cannot do anything about an overcharge.
Don't get me wrong. All towing is expensive. Ask beforehand what it will cost. But a $1400 tow bill though is ridiculous and you guys need to report it.
The only way I would vote for a tax increase for the parks is the ballot language for the the increase would contain that the rental rate for shelter houses and participation in park activities to include but not limited to baseball, softball, pickle ball or swimming to be no less than $20 more for rentals, team participation, family members and no greater than %50 additional amount of a resident.
Daily entrance fees would be no less than $2 and no greater than 50% additional amount of a resident.
This would solve the problem of the park director dictating how difficult it is to charge a non-resident more and the park board members following his leading instead of leading as they should.
Lately we have received a number of posts that have gone past the veil of stating an opinion to making accusations, naming names and creating was has popularly become known as FAKE NEWS.
Yesterday, we received a comment concerning a member of the Raytown Board of Aldermen. Upon investigation, we found the so-called facts in the message were false.
Earlier this week, we received a complaint about a tow company operating in Raytown that is alleged to be gouging its clients. The writer named the company. We were unable to verify the facts in the case.
We thought it would be best to re-state our policy regarding such statements. If you wish to make a statement in which accusations are made, two things are required. The most important being that you sign your name. You must also provide us with a way for us to verify your signature. The best way would be to provide us with your phone number. ALL of the comments that come to the Raytown Report are screened before they are published. So your phone number will not be published.
Both Greg and I sign all our articles on the Raytown Report. We stand by what we write. We do not think it is an imposition to set the same standard for those who wish to publish information in which accusations are made.
Those who wish to post anonymously may do so provided the comments are opinion based, and without foul or vulgar language.
Paul, we get what you're saying, but you're probably all too aware of what can go on in smaller towns when one has a dissenting opinion. (And no, no conspiracy theorist here, no tin foil hat.) Sometimes, albeit rarely, the ability to post anonymously can be beneficial in getting a potential fraudulent or public safety out there that needs to be addressed. Relieved/concerned that I'm not the only one and therefore I intend to file a complaint against that entity today. Totally agree with you however. Don't name names.
Alderman Mims has an active MO campaign filed report indicating a balance of 37k. An amended Committee report as well relating to the August 7, 2018 State Rep primary election. Seems Mims has her personal interest pointed past Raytown and clearly towards Jefferson City.
11:32 am -
Charge $2 to get in to the park? Are you going to sit at the park and collect the money? If not, who do you think will? The city is broke. The park board is broke.
The park board did raise the rates for the shelters and activities. Greg just didn 't show all the increases.
I am so tired of reading on Raytown Unleashed comments by Out of Town Susan Brown Vorbeck and her band of followers. I was told that she worked for an accounting firm. IF that is so she needs to educate herself on the rules of how a state campaign is ran and when and if you have to close your campaign fund. Alderman Mims can leave that open until the day she dies if she wishes to do so. Does that mean she is going to run again? I don't know nor is it any of my business or yours. I live in the 5th ward and so happy that you are my alderman. Hang tough Alderman Mims these people are on a witch hunt and will find nothing. There are a lot of people out here who truly stand with you and appreciate what you are doing.
8:46 am -
Why are your panties in a wad now? How come you weren't screaming bloody murder when Jim Aziere was running for State Rep You didn't say anything the first time he ran. Or the second time he ran. Or the third time he ran! What's the difference? Why the double standard?
Ms. Mims,
Don't know don't care if she's running to regain a House seat or not. Whatever happens happens, and Unglued needs to can it with the distractions if she's behind any of this.
Mims may be a one term wonder anyway for all we know even without returning to Jeff City.
A few members of the Board and most especially this Mayor and Police Chief: from here on out we expect work product and consistent, exemplary behavior.
Yet a few Aldermen somehow manage to remain drama-free and are really stepping up. Imagine that. We urge you to be even -more- vocal. Keep up the fantastic work.
It appears that a minority of the Raytown Facebook crowd have decided to use the web to bully local politicians. Soooo sad. Bonnaye Mims has come under unfair attacks from facebook writers. Hang in there Bonnaye! We need more representatives like you on the City Council. You speak up. You do not hide out from the issues. Keep up the good work.
We're good with Bonnaye Mims as long as she is responsive to her constituents. But if the Candy Crush thing has any basis in fact, inquiring minds want to know: original, jelly, or soda saga?
There has been much discussion here about RPD officers using squad cars to go to off duty jobs. Please note in the police report below that officers responded from off duty jobs. I think this is valid reason for officers to use these cars.
Prepared By: Captain Dyon Harper
Man Charged After Altercation Leaves One Dead
Raytown MO- At about 10:15 PM last night, January 19, 2018, Raytown Officers were called to the 8800 block of Richards Drive, regarding an intruder in the caller’s home. The caller, Michael Augustine, a 43-year-old Raytown man, said that he had the intruder pinned down in his front yard. Officers on regular patrol and officers at off-duty jobs responded to the scene immediately. Nobody was found at the 8800 block location, but officers did locate two males in the front yard of a residence in the 9000 block of Richards Drive. The original calling party, Michael Augustine, was found on top of Clifton King, the 60-year-old resident of the house at the 9000 block location. King did not have a pulse. EMS was summoned to the scene, while officers attempted life-saving measures. King was transported to an area hospital where he later died. Augustine, who appeared to be intoxicated, was taken into custody. The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
Augustine was charged today in connection with the incident by the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office, see their press release information below:
Yep! But don’t expect to find common sense here.
I live I Ward 5 and I want to know when the Mayor is going to appoint another representative. I hope he isn't going to wait 6 months like he did the last time. It's bad enough we elected an official who up and quit to be the governor's water boy. We're entitled to representation. If the mayor can't make a decision, he should step aside and let someone else do the work. This is totally unacceptable!
Dave Williams,
You need to speak at public comments and make sure to invite the news media when you ask the following:
Dear Board of Alderman how long are you going to give the mayor to appoint someone to the Board of Alderman Ward 5 seat before you call the question and vote allowed by a Board of Aldermen from a 4th class city to remove the mayor for not doing the job he was elected.
This will not only put the mayor on notice but the Board and it finally legally gives them away to remove him from office.
I live on the same street at Mike and Cliff. While I am sorry to hear Cliff passed away those two have been problems for a long time. Just ask Frank Hunt he has been involved in several incounters. As for the comment that off duty officers responded, don’t be fooled. This is the second release this week that contains that same exact language and it is nothing more than a boilerplate statement. The cops have realized the focus is on thier illegal use of taxpayer equiptment and vehices to earn thousands of dollars a year working part-time jobs. The off-duty officer that this statement refers to was the Detective who was on call and was already being paid to respond if an investigation was needed. This is called double dipping and our police chief and mayor know it all too well. Rather than actually taking action and stopping the misuse of taxpayer monies they are going to start including this boilerplate wording in thier media statements. I for one am shocked they haven’t started to also include “we only wish the city hadn’t slashed our budget so we could have prevented crimes like this” but I bet it’s coming once the full court press starts for the August increase.
Dear Anon. 5:16,
Thank you for the informed and literate post. You expressed what so many of us think. Additionally, you added details to bolster your position.
Andy's comment would be more meaningful if it weren't based entirely on a suspect police report.
I know the blogs owner is fond of Andy and his postings but he is no longer a resident and is no longer relevant... just occasionally funny. IMHO, that is
"This will not only put the mayor on notice but the Board and it finally legally gives them away to remove him from office."
We wish it were that easy. Counting the days until we can send "Mayor Mike" down the turnpike. He'll have ample time to enjoy his retirement and ample time for public service, but preferably not as mayor. Young ones, continue to show up. It's your turn.
I live on the same street at Mike and Cliff. While I am sorry to hear Cliff passed away those two have been problems for a long time. Just ask Frank Hunt he has been involved in several incounters. As for the comment that off duty officers responded, don’t be fooled. This is the second release this week that contains that same exact language and it is nothing more than a boilerplate statement. The cops have realized the focus is on thier illegal use of taxpayer equiptment and vehices to earn thousands of dollars a year working part-time jobs. The off-duty officer that this statement refers to was the Detective who was on call and was already being paid to respond if an investigation was needed. This is called double dipping and our police chief and mayor know it all too well. Rather than actually taking action and stopping the misuse of taxpayer monies they are going to start including this boilerplate wording in thier media statements. I for one am shocked they haven’t started to also include “we only wish the city hadn’t slashed our budget so we could have prevented crimes like this” but I bet it’s coming once the full court press starts for the August increase.
I cannot believe all of you, the Mayor is far from perfect and the Police Chief might not be ideal at working with others, but we should support them. Have they made a ton of mistakes...sure, but who hasn't. I didn’t see anyone lining up to be Police Chief last year when the term was up so that’s our fault. We have a system in place that does not allow for the hiring of the best candidate, but rather the only person who lives in Raytown who meets the qualifications for the job. Therfore it is not the Police chiefs fault he’s willfully unequipped to perform his duties. The Mayor ran in the fact he was a 35 year police officer who only promoted two ranks. You realize if someone was in the army 35 years and only reached the rank of E5 nobody would take them seriously. So when he is at a loss during stressful times like these it is not surprising. He is not a leader and never has been. He’s a seat filler, holding a spot till the better person comes along
Since there’s not many officers on the street at any given time, I WANT the off duty officers to be ready to respond when we need them. You can’t put a price on that. Typical misers, trip on a dollar to pick up a penny.
From watching the news over the last week, the police are doing a great job with what they have to work with. I choose not to join in with the cop bashing that takes place here every week. Please come up with some new material, it’s as worn out as an old gym sock
As we have a week mayoral system in Raytown. A response to appointing someone to the vacant Ward 5 seat; the mayor was asked to appoint people to the vacant seats and he refused. Now he acts, since balancing the budget (RPD)to work within there means, it's urgent to fill this seat in Ward 5, yet there were several vacancies and he chose not to appoint. It leaves one to ask, what's the rush or hidden agenda. Let the voters decide who they want, not the Marshall (called Chief) or the Mayor. the mayor does as he's told, not a leader.
People start reading and asking questions, if things don't change we will be in trouble, financially.
Thank you Alderman Mims. We finally got someone whose not afraid to ask questions, offers suggestions and follow through with the peoples voice. I called her because I heard that she don't return phone calls, yet the issue that I had, got taken care of without embarrassment or throwing me under the bus. She helped our neighbor gain assistance, help with their utilities. It's been awhile since someone has heard us, come to our house and neighborhood to hear us and get us help.
Alderman Mims, keep up the good work. We stand strongly behind you.
Oh, thank you for the food baskets given.
1/21/2018 11:26AM
I know, I have a suggestion. Since the Raytown Unleash group want to dig and probe, Mims have ran and was successful obtaining her positions and none of this group have - why don't we suggest she run for Raytown Mayor.
Boy wouldn't that be something. At least she won't BS us, take our hard earned money and scroundle it.
I and many others have watched her for sometime. She use to be our State Representative. Oh, ya didn't know that part of Ward 5 was in her district seat. Even then she took care of the people and it didn't matter who you were.
I might call her with this suggestion. Sounds good to me.
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