Tax Questions to
Appear on August, 2018 Ballot
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The two
tax increase questions are the Personal Property Tax Levy and the Gasoline Tax.
PROPERTY TAX: A proposed Tax Levy increase on Personal and Real Estate would double from
approximately 50 cents to $1.00 per hundred dollars valuation. This tax would be levied on homes, businesses and personal property (automobiles,
boats, trailers, etc.) The tax is paid annually by taxpayers. A simple majority
of those casting votes in the August, 2018 State Primary Election is required for
the tax to pass.
TAX: A two cent per gallon tax increase would be levied on all gasoline sold within the
City of Raytown. Revenue derived from the tax could only be used to repair streets in Raytown. A simple majority of those casting votes in the Missouri State Primary
Election is required for the tax to pass.
Two roll
call votes were taken to determine which tax increases the Board wanted to place
before the voters. These votes were procedural votes taken during a work session of the Board. Formal approval of placing the item on the ballot will not take place until late February or early March.
PROPERTY TAX LEVY: Increase the Personal and Property Tax Levy from from 50 cents to $1.00 per hundred dollars valuation.
YES: Frank Hunt, Karen Black, Jason Greene, Mark Moore, Bill VanBuskirk, Steve
NO: Jim Aziere, Ryan Myers, Bonnaye Mims
One of the Ward 5 Alderman seats is vacant.
TAX: Increase Gasoline Tax by two cents.
YES: Karen Black, Jason Greene, Jim Aziere, Mark Moore, Bill VanBuskirk, Steve
Meyers, Bonnaye Mims
NO: Frank Hunt, Ryan Myers
ABSENT: One of the Ward 5 Alderman seats is vacant.
Police Incident Reports
The Director
of the Raytown Park Board, Kevin Boji is reported to have received a list of
incident reports from the Raytown Police Department detailing calls for police
service to Raytown Parks.
The report
was prompted by a meeting last month in which homeowners surrounding Colman
Park (located at 59th and Lane Street) expressed concern over the
increase of possible criminal behavior within the park. During one meeting, one
of the attendees at the meeting observed the Park Board
members were not being kept current on criminal activity within the park.
Board Director Kevin Boji is expected to share the information with Park Board members
before their next meeting.
Raytown Board of Aldermen has taken its first steps to increase tax revenues
within the City of Raytown. One of those steps makes sense. The other does not.
look at the correct step first.
proposed gasoline tax makes sense because it has the potential to bring more
revenue to Raytown from outside sources. One thing Raytown has plenty of is
gasoline stations. Surrounding areas of Raytown do not have many gasoline
stations. This is especially true to the west, south and east of Raytown city
are many people who live around Raytown who come to purchase their gasoline within
the city. Here is an opportunity for the Raytown to profit from the business.
Board’s plan to double the tax levy rate on Personal and Property is a bad idea. It
will place an unfair burden on the large number of retirees and people starting
up their families within Raytown. Unlike the gasoline tax, which is something people
can pay less of driving less, the property tax hits homeowners whether they
participate in the taxed item or not.
A former Raytown City Finance Director when faced with out of control spending or taxing at City Hall used to compare the situation like watching hogs at the trough.
If ever a situation fit those words. This doubling of the Personal Property Tax Levy is it. Raytown already ranks in the top three property
tax rates (both personal and real estate) in Jackson County.
Normally, a prize
is given to people who rank in the top three.
In this
case, it is nothing to be proud of. Raytown voters should slam the door shut on this
outrageously high Personal Property Tax increase proposal.
This past week
has seen a rush of false reports concerning Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims.
According to comments posted on Raytown Unleashe, Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims is planning on
running for election to the Missouri State House of Representatives. Mims
served two terms in the Missouri House before running for Alderman in Raytown.
We wondered
what was up, so we called Alderman Mims and asked her too the record straight.
Mims said,
“I do not have any intention to run for a seat on the Missouri House of
Representatives. Those reports are false.”
So there you
have it. Mims was elected last year in a three way race for a vacant seat on
the Board of Aldermen. She has three years left in her term. She told us “I
look forward to continuing my work on the Board of Aldermen”.
Board of Aldermen Meeting
January 16, 2018
January 16, 2018
Mayor Mike
McDonough read a Proclamation given to Tiffany Pollard. He said she is an inspiration to the
residents by setting an example and remaining a community volunteer all her
life. Her influence has benefited many
outreach programs in the area. She inspires
others by the example she has set with the Big Brother/Big Sister program.
McDonough also recognized the Raytown High School Swim team. They placed 8th at the Missouri
State Swim meet.
Administrator Tom Cole reported the staff is currently in meetings with KCATA
to re-evaluate the Metro Flex program.
The goal is to increase service while decreasing cost.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance vacating a portion of 75th Street
located between the East right-of-way line of Raytown Road and the West
property line.
DiCarlo, on behalf of Raytown Wash LLC, is requesting approval of a
right-of-way vacation. The applicant is requesting to vacate right-of-way on
75th Street between Raytown Road and westbound MO-350 Highway. The request to
vacate 75th Street is a condition placed on the Conditional Use Permit for the
future Tidal Wave Car Wash located to the north of the existing right-of-way.
right-of-way to be vacated is approximately 232 feet long and 45 feet wide. Written
consent to vacate has been received by 2/3 of adjacent property owners. Notices
for Consent to Vacate have been provided by the following adjacent property
owners: FJM Distributing Company LP, Raytown Wash LLC, and Raytown Auto
Developers LLC. Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L), KC Water, Public Water
Supply District #2, ATT, and Spire (formerly MGE) have all waived
objections subject to retaining their utility easements and protection of
existing facilities.
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But with the state looking to raise gas tax by$.10 then Raytown wants to tack on an additional $.02, do you really think people won’t go to where gas is the cheapest? Especially people just commuting through the city? For example, if gas is $2.52 a gallon in Raytown but $2.50 a gallon in KC or Lee’s Summit, do you actually think people going through Raytown will stop here? With just ten gallons, that’s $.20. And everyone should sure in the burden, not just hoping out of town people will buy gas.
I live on the same street at Mike and Cliff. While I am sorry to hear Cliff passed away those two have been problems for a long time. Just ask Frank Hunt he has been involved in several incounters. As for the comment that off duty officers responded, don’t be fooled. This is the second release this week that contains that same exact language and it is nothing more than a boilerplate statement. The cops have realized the focus is on thier illegal use of taxpayer equiptment and vehices to earn thousands of dollars a year working part-time jobs. The off-duty officer that this statement refers to was the Detective who was on call and was already being paid to respond if an investigation was needed. This is called double dipping and our police chief and mayor know it all too well. Rather than actually taking action and stopping the misuse of taxpayer monies they are going to start including this boilerplate wording in thier media statements. I for one am shocked they haven’t started to also include “we only wish the city hadn’t slashed our budget so we could have prevented crimes like this” but I bet it’s coming once the full court press starts for the August increase.
The City has a 100 million dollar infrastructure backlog. This .2 cent per gallon tax will raise a quarter of a million per year. We gotta take care of our City.
I support a property tax increase. But .50 cents? I would support about .10 cents and that’s it.
10:17 pm
Maybe that person wouldn't have been killed if that guy would have been sober. Sounds like when he called 911 he thought he was at his own house, not the victim's house.
He should have been charged with murder not involuntary manslaughter.
Don't date or marry someone with a drinking or drug problem. You will regret it. If they go to rehab that's great. If they relapse, give them a deadline to get clean then kick them to the curb if they don't. You can't change them. They have to want to change themselves. Stop enabling.
10:17 Just because you think its illegal does not make it illegal .
Every police officer in every department every county and every state does the same practice. It is not illegal you just don't like it.
I still to this day do not understand why anybody would want to be in public service. You guys have got to be the most petty, whining group of people I have ever seen. You think all of these city problems lie at the feet of the police and their budget.
well, the story about the drunk killing a homeowner exposed another of Jim Lynch's lies and scare tactics. He claimed since the city council cut his budget he was closing the jail. He would instruct his officer to make no arrests. Guess what? They made an arrest. Lynch had no intention of following through with his threat. He just wanted to get his way.
No it is illegal, the City has laws on the books against employees using city owned equiptment for personal gain. They can be found in the personnel manual. Just be cause the Mayor and the Police Chief choose not to follow the laws is not the same as something being legal. As for the comment about the other cities, yes they do allow the officers to work, but they must purchase their own uniforms to do this and except for Jackson County they do not drive into work and get city owned vehicles to use when doing so. I am just waiting for the day when a public works employee is caught digging a swimming pool with the city backhoe. Maybe the Raytown VIPs will have a soup dinner for them. Oh wait a minute, my bad because in the mayors eyes if your not a cop you are not an important person.
I was told the .50 cent increase will result in a 1.5 million dollar increase for the City. When you add that to the cop tax of 2011 that’s almost 3 million dollars in 7 years or 200% more taxes. Until you account for how the Cop tax has been spent Mr Mayor, no chance you pass this in August.
Then why did Mims state in her report I saw on facebook that the primary election she amended her report on for the primary in 2018? She signed it! She may say this now but she had the full intention of running. The lengths this blog goes to defend her and the rhings she says is humorous at best.
Okay then. We will vote on a couple of tax increases in August. The gas tax will go toward street improvements. When $250,000 gets divvied up between the design, planning administration, construction management, and so forth.... there won't be much left to buy asphalt.
Then there's the personal property tax increase that sounds enormous. But really folks, maybe not. Our Personal property taxes were $1400 last year and may be on the higher side for Raytown. Don't know for sure. So if the increase passes we will pay $78 more each year.
If there are 10,000 families that each pay that much more, it will take in less than a million.
Sounds like the two taxes together are small, modest steps toward fixing things here in Raytown.
I admit, my analysis is probably flawed. I am overlooking other sources of personal property revenue say from commercial, etc. But even if I am off by a factor of 2, it still isn't very much money.
Especially if the previous poster is anywhere near correct with the 100 million dollar infrastructure backlog.
So someone please set me straight. What am I missing?
The police only arrest on major crimes like homicide or stabbing. They don’t arrest on any city charges. Go up to the police department. The jail is closed! They tell City charges to “go take care of it” they don’t have a jail. Ask the officers.
"We have a system in place that does not allow for the hiring of the best candidate, but rather the only person who lives in Raytown who meets the qualifications for the job. Therfore it is not the Police chiefs fault he’s willfully unequipped to perform his duties. The Mayor ran in the fact he was a 35 year police officer who only promoted two ranks. You realize if someone was in the army 35 years and only reached the rank of E5 nobody would take them seriously. So when he is at a loss during stressful times like these it is not surprising. He is not a leader and never has been. He’s a seat filler, holding a spot till the better person comes along"
Brilliant, succinct. Best we've read anywhere. You NAILED it. You drew out what someone else posted on a Kansas City blog quite some time back re Raytown.
However, we don't agree with mindlessly supporting some of these people, although we do accept culpability for allowing them to get into office through our collective (for the most part) indifference. If we have an opinion or are aware of something that negatively affects all of us, we need to get that info or sentiment out there. And if any assertion is interpreted as criticism or as a lack of support, so be it.
These people did not acquire any immunity when they became de facto officeholders. Speaking of the whole, including the Aldermen, a couple of these entities have been controlling, manipulative individuals for literally decades. It only follows that they would run for office. They relish control.
We need to care. CARE. Who we elect MATTERS. Let's jump in, be active, be informed, and get some really great people into office.
Listen closely Mayor and Board, No Investigation, No Answers, No Accountability....No New Taxes....Period. You are missing millions of dollars of our money, you have done nothing that was promised from the last time voted to give you more money, you cannot even manage to appoint people to represent us. Not only will I vote no, but I am prepared to spend my own money to oppose you and keep you from mismanaging my more if my tax money. You have a major problems on your hands and all youn seem to want is more money for you to waste.
Dear 9:31,
You said:
"I still to this day do not understand why anybody would want to be in public service"
Some of the reasons that come to mind are...
They have a natural occurring "sheepdog" mentality and an altruistic need to serve and protect. We would hope that is true of most.
It's a career and relatively short path to a pension. Actually, only about fifteenth on the most recent list of most dangerous jobs. Firemen are even safer.
It's a job and gives them a bit of dominion over everybody else. Thankfully, those kind are not the majority. There are "power trippers" in every type of work.
Seems like you have posted here before with similar sentiments. Why not head over to 59th and stop by and just ask.
Once again you’re wrong. Petty arrests. And I’m sure those are way down as well as Enforcement of traffic laws. This was a state case and I’m sure he was held there until charged then taken to the county jail.
Learn the definition of each before publishing comments. He didn’t intend to kill the so it’s manslaughter. If he had intended to kill him instead of being intoxicated, that would have been murder. They do the same thing with drunk drivers on crashes. They don’t intend to kill someone but do because of their actions.
I have to agree no new property taxes. fixed income and it hurts.
What millions of missing money are you talking about?
They are driving to and from a job where they are working as an off duty police officer. THEN, if a major incident happens in the city, they can respond to help. With less than 30 officers on the Department from what I’ve seen, how do you expect the minimal people on the streets to cover any big crime? It’s comparing apples and oranges when comparing police to ANY other city employee. Different job functions on and off duty. How about instead of bellyaching on here about whether something is legal or not, someone actually ask the chief how many full time officers he has.
hahaha don't have to ask I retired several years ago. You people don't want cops you want babysitters and people to solve your problems that you are not equipped to solve on your own.
Terrible story from Overland Park where a cop killed a high-schooler whose mother had called them because he was suicidal.
As they were arriving he was backing out of the garage and was shot dead.
Probably the police officer felt threatened so the killing was justified.
The increase is about $6.00 per month, on average, for a homeowner. Not that much really.
PD waste millions of dollars and we’re suppose to give them more money??? Lynch has got to go and take his buddy bowman with him
It is double dipping. Be realistic. The detective would not have been at Walmart if it were not for the fact he was "on call". So, since he is somewhat tied down by being on call, why not make some money at the same time working for Walmart, using city property and city gasoline, weapons and uniform to make all of this possible. Go to your boss, whoever is next up the line at the p.d. and you have collusion, a scheme, a plan, call it what you want to simply make a lot more money on the city's dime. I imagine he was being paid overtime for the city. Be that as it may. The really BIG winner is Walmart. They get police protection in a private sort of way for a lot less. They do not have to pay for the city equipment being used, or the uniform or any of the other stuff supplied and paid for by the taxpayer.
It is almost unbelievable that people cannnot understand why the city is going broken when the above is completely ignored and even endorsed by some on the city council, not to mention the Mayor. I don't know who said it, but they were right. Mr. McDonough needs to take the badge off and start running the city like a professional.
Ask the ranks of the officers they have too.
$6.00 a month?!? Where did you go to school? First of all, personal property tax is not paid monthly. It is paid annually. Why would you change that reality to make it seem less? Oh, I get it. To make it seem like less! My wife and I own two cars. Both are over ten years old. The Personal Property Tax on those cars came to over $700. That is over $58 per month (using your simple math). Remember this when you read the subtle lies they will use to try to sell this tax. Your personal property tax is collected is levied by the school district, the library, the city, the county, the list goes on and on. It is a big increase no matter how you cut it. You know, buddy, if you would have broken it down to weekly payments it would have sounded like even less! Nice try.
Your argument is a drop in the bucket argument. Second there are not millions being wasted here. The cops at Walmart and HyVee are off duty. They are getting paid by these stores only. Yes they are using city cars, but they are parked in Raytown. There are not millions being lost here. What foolish nonsense!
Do you realize how shrill you sound? Yes, I know personal property tax is collected once a year. A monthly breakdown of the increase makes cheap, skinflints like you look foolish. And your shrillness and panicky response does the rest of the work. How pathetic.
8:32 pm
I have 2001 and 2005 Ford vehicles.
For 2017 my personal property tax bill was $258.00.
I am guessing you must have high-end vehicles for the tax rate to be so high.
1:24 pm
They voluntarily drank. Nobody tied them down and force fed them alcohol.
We need to stop giving these idiots a pass and we need to stop blaming the booze for their actions. Blame the person who drank to excess and doesn't care who they hurt when they are drunk as a skunk.
Let's raise the tax on booze and cigs. That would get my vote!
The 33 million that was borrowed to finance the TIFF project and before you say it Walmart only got 5 and the school district got 16, that’s 21 million where is the other 12?
Green, Meyers and the mayor want to increase taxes to give back to their buddy Lynch. People be smart and vote a big NO on these taxes.
Unless you can show where chief Lynch said this, then it is FAKE NEWS. Greg or Paul, you took a stand against fake news and I know you’re objective and unbiased, so unless this poster can prove where he read this then it needs to be remove.
That’s just ignorant. All metro (ie professional) Police agencies do that same thing. It’s a force multiplier and an efficient (not free) way to have more cops at your disposal when emergencies happen, which is more and more often as you can see in the last week.
Yeah the wear and tear on the weapons, while they sit stationary in the car, is immense. Not as immense as your ignorance on the subject
A tax increase is necessary to partially gain back services. You want bare bone services, vote NO. Want service, vote yes. If the tax doesn’t pass, no one has the right to complain anymore about poor service from PD, animal control. You simply get what you pay for. Don’t want to pay anything, you get nothing
I hope the family of the man that was killed by the guy that was so wasted that he couldn’t recognize his own house sues both Stumbles and Race Day bars and shuts them down. They should be held responsible for their part of the man being killed. Over serving irresponsibly. What if that drunk man had gotten into his car, he couldn’t even find his own house and they served him and turned him loose
We should all demand to have all departments budgets posted for public review. I know the PD has theirs itemized, with explanations for each item, and has done so for years. Why is Finance Director not released that??
NOT fake news.
Ha! You’re on crack if you think Greene, Meyers, McDonough and Lynch are all buddies! They play the aldermen meetings online, you should check one out
The mayor and all must be crazy to think the citizens of Raytown will vote for a tax increase in 2018. They can't manage the monies they have now. Most of the tax increase will go to Lynch and his cronies.
Let's turn over the 11 square miles to let Kansas City or Lee's Summit while we still have a chance.
If you raise the real estate/personal property taxes like it is posted, you will run most of the small business that have paid their fair share to keep this city going. I can't believe our city hall is this stupid!
6:35 pm -
We wish the bars could be held accountable, but way back when Reagan was president, the courts ruled that bar owners, bartenders and waitresses could not bee held accountable for how much a customer drinks. Nor are they responsible if the customer leaves the bar drunk. The reason is because the owners don't have breathalyzer equipment to test each patron. And they would have to test each and every patron, not just the ones who appear drunk.
We were just shaking our heads when the ruling came out because even if a guy is falling down drunk when he goes into the bar, the bar owner isn't held responsible if he sells the guy more booze and the guy goes out and kills a family while he was driving drunk.
That simply is not true, we already pay for these services, it’s called the 1.2 million dollar a year Public Safety sales tax. It’s not our fault the City lied about it and gave it away. Now they want another 1.2 million dollars a year to pay for the same things. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Uhhhh. Sure, it is okay for the city to give the taxpayer's police cars, gasoline, equipment and manpower to Walmart and HyVee on the cheap. Won't it make us safer? Here's a thought. Let's give all the patrolmen cars to drive home to use when they are off duty. It will put more cars on the street and makes it appear there is an increase in police coverage. Been down the road already. It leads nowhere. There are games being played by the p.d. Ignore them if you want. It does not change what is going on.
P pay for these services now and get nothing. Why would I vote for more taxes. Do I have stupid written on my forehead.
No true citizen would dare suggest such a thing! We can solve our own problems. Time to be adults. Adults solve problems not run from them. Btw, joining KC would be an instant 1% income tax increase for every working person in Raytown. How can YOU complain about a property tax increase that would average out to Sixty dollars per year for every homeowner, and then advocate a solution that would cost my family almost $1,000 per year???? That’s batty!!
more crying about the same stupid stuff. Yea the City is going downhill fast and just so you know Kansas City does not want us. They don't have the resources to maintain the land and do the infrastructure repair on the land they have and the priority for them is north of the river development.
Raytown will not be handed over to Lees Summit because they don't but up land wise. The city of Lees Summit does not want a hood to police and the residents of Raytown wont bring their property up to the codes standards Lees Summit enforces.
Man. January 22 at 6:41 P.M. it is quite clear you don't Meyers or Green they are like a chameleon changing colors daily. One minute they are talking smack on Lynch and McDonough and the next they are all going to Lee's Summit and drinking together.
The only reason Meyers and Green voted for the taxes are they are trying to get back in good with Lynch, the police department and the mayor.
The budget and everything else at City Hall is easy to find and public records if one wishes to spend time to look for themselves. But it’s easier to be a conspiracy theorist and yell fire in the “theater” than know the truth. Board cut the budget to the quick and there is no more wiggle room from what I’ve seen
Look for yourself. Don’t want to pay more? Ok, but it wil require more cuts in service plain and simple.
It would be a terrible day when either Lees Summit or KC would take over the city.
It would not very likely ever happen but it would be terrible for the citizens of Raytown that do appreciate living in Raytown even with the short comings.
Let us raise the gas tax for the roads and a smaller amount of PP tax for the budget.
All divisions of the city will have to tighten there budget but we will survive.
How can you cut services more? We don't have services to start with. Some people here want to give the city more of their hard earned money to squander with higher taxes.
At least in Kansas city you get trash pickup, large appliance pick up, recycling and they even get their streets paved with REAL asphalt even in the inner city! I don't care how high you raise the taxes, you will NEVER see the services promised. I have lived here 60 years and now I am stuck with a home with lower value that if I try to sell and get out!
Ignorant statement. Two different things, both legitimate.
The didn’t vote for the taxes. They voted to give everyone the choice to decide for themselves
You pay enough to provide bare bones service, which is okay, as long as you’re okay with that
Ever tried to call 911 in kcmo? Seen people who’ve waited 10+ minutes just for someone to answer. Good luck with that.
Alderman Meyers, Green, Chief Lynch and the mayor are all snakes in the grass. Don't trust any of them.
7:19 pm
Actually my house value has gone up. I was shocked when I checked on Zillow and it was up by $20,000.
Maybe you need a new roof or some paint?
Have a great day everyone!
Just to dismiss any juicy “rumors” almost EVERYONE knows I prefer to keep my “beverage tax revenue” in Raytown.... We need all the $$$ we can get if you haven’t heard. And the last time I had “drinks” with the Mayor and Chief Lynch it was at Hy-Vee at a breakfast meeting I organized over a month ago. Orange Juice and coffee were the drinks of the day. If that means we have a drinking relationship guilty as charged!! News cycle must be slowing though around town. Good Try though...
Steve Meyers,
Alderman Ward 4
"The only reason Meyers and Green voted for the taxes are they are trying to get back in good with Lynch, the police department and the mayor."
Now WHY would either Meyers or Greene waste their energy getting "back in good" with Lynch, the department, or "the Mayor"? The latter and the former are spiralling towards well-earned irrelevancy, while the entity in the middle continues to struggle to survive. It boggles the mind why anyone would expend ANY energy on either one of them at this point.
Certainly Mr. Greene and and Mr. Meyers have more common sense than that, IOHO.
I love it when people make such attacks and this blog allows it without signing their name. Also have to laugh when these posters say things about people (such as calling them snakes in the grass) but don’t provide any evidence of anything.
I would support the property tax if it was cheaper. The high increase makes no sense. The gas price is no biggie since it goes up and down regularly. We can always go elsewhere to get cheaper gas.
I don't see what the big deal is if Mims or anyone else wanted to run for state representative or not. It does not make sense that she would run with things being much worse in the district she represented since the Freedom Inc guys took over. It would be smarter and better to remain in Raytown even with the doofus Mayor and stooge Chief Lynch.
Why would Mims want to run for state representative again when she has already served two terms?
What needs to be done is someone to run against crooked mayor McDonough. I'm not saying any of the alderman should but someone needs to run against him. Clear him and the Chief out. They are both crooks.
I guess the rule about personal attacks being published has changed?
What a gossip blog. Embarassing that adults act this way.
Don’t trust anonymous posters
I heard that the car wash that was supposed to go in at 350 and Raytown Road did not fit the TIF requirements and can’t be done. Apparently there are restrictions on the types of businesses that can go in the district
Today I had the most unpleasant experience I think I have ever had in Raytown. My mother lives at a Raytown Nursing home and they called the ambulance for her because she has been very sick with the flu for several days and her Doctor is worried she is starting to become dehydrated. I was glad to see the ambulance was from Raytown after reading all the past comments on here about Kansas City running calls in Raytown. My relief soon changed to regret after the emts came into moms room. They were rude and snarky to the poor nurse who had been busting her butt all morning. These two were literally the embodiment of someone who is “put out” when they have to do their jobs. I almost really lost it when one of them asked me if I was sure I didn’t want them to help mom into my car so I could take her myself and “avoid a big ambulance bill”. I declined and said we weren’t worried about the bill as much as we are about her health, after that comment I was also treated to the snarky attitude. Then when they realized mom goes to North Kansas City Hospital the crews informed me they had to take her to Research Hospital because of her condition, but when I said you were fine with me taking her 5 minutes ago so whats changed the other crew member said she would call the hospital when they get mom in the back of the ambulance but couldn’t promise the hospital would take her. I told them that was the only place I wanted her to go and that was the end of the discussion. To that I was informed by the snarky EMT that it wasn’t up to me. I kissed mom on the head and walked off to my car before I lost my temper and really went off. Mom did end up going to North Kansas City but I have never seen anyone treat people as bad as Raytown EMS did. The odd fhing is when it came time to take mom home Kansas City took her back. The crew could not have been more respectful, caring and gentle with mom. When I told them about my experience they suggested I call the State of Mo Health and Human Services office that licenses emts and complain. That will be on the top of my todo list tomorrow.
6:31 -
What you described is horrible. You need to contact Doug Jonesi, who is the head of Raytown EMS. Give him as much information as possible so he can have a "come to Jesus" meeting with the EMS folks. His number is 737-6030 and his email is dougj@raytown.mo.us. I also suggest you copy Tom Cole, the city administrator, on your emails as well.
6:31 pm
Good suggestions! I was really shocked and saddened by that post as well.
Those two EMTs should find another field as compassion doesn't seem to be one of their virtues.
It's amazing they got hired in the first place. Are we that desperate for bodies at EMS that we hire anyone?
Raytown EMS has never been the same since Matt Cushman left. I am an Emergency Room Nurse and they have become the joke of the industry.
January 24, 2018 at 6:54 PM
My name is Captain Summers with the Raytown Fire Department. I have a question for you in relation to this call.
I would like to know if the Raytown Fire Department responded to this call?
We take the response and care of all citizens personally and if our crews were involved in this call I am sure our Chief and our Training Chief would like to know about it.
If our crews were involved please accept my apology and please feel free to contact the Fire Chief at Fire Station Headquarters. If our crews were involved then they need to be reminded why we serve and who employs us.
You may contact Fire Chief Matt Mace (816)737-6034 during business hours
or you may speak with the on duty Battalion Chief at Same number after hours.
Thank You
Captain Doc Summers
How great would Raytown be if all the public servants were as concerned about doing their job the right way? A lot of them could take lessons from Doc Summers and Matt Mace. Once again, they stepped up and offered to help with a problem that was not of their making. Thanks guys. Keep up the good work.
Captain Doc Summers: "If our crews were involved then they need to be reminded why we serve and who employs us."
A concise, professional and sincere response from someone that obviously cares about this community and the citizens.
Thank you for your service and leadership, sir. We hope you are aware of just how much you and your department are appreciated.
Since EMS is having issues, perhaps the Fire Dept should take over the ambulance service.
I agree with the post about doubling the property tax rate in Raytown. That is way over the top. There are people who live in Raytown on fixed incomes that cannot afford that much of an increase. I ask the city council to please, please be reasonable in your requests. We had one elected official who served on fire board because he could not pay his property tax. Do you think he is the only person who is in that position in Raytown? I don't think so. So, Mr. Mayor and Ctiy Council, please be considerate of those who do not have as much living in our city.
I have a neighbor who has experienced the exact same rudeness with Raytown EMS and her husband was taken to a hospital that she didn't want him taken to. Raytown EMS is pitiful, the Fire Department should have taken them over years ago.
Now I see this blog is erasing posts they don’t agree with on the tax issue.
Only if you want them going on as many kcmo calls as the fire department does.
The proposed tax increases are modest. Really they will not do that much for getting our streets and bridges back in good condition.
If you look at the facts you will see that Missouri ranks 48th in state gasoline taxes. We have lower gasoline taxes than all states but Oklahoma and Alaska.
And an average annual property tax increase has been quoted on here as $60. I guess I have a newer than average car, so mine will increase about $75. People, that is less than 20 cents a day!
I will support both tax proposals but I will be let down if any of the money raised will be handed off to bloated city departments. If my memory is not failing me, one such bloated department last year attempted to spend money on a special "hostage negotiation" vehicle or some such thing. That's just plain foolish.
I hope as part of the strategy to get people to vote for the taxes, the city will explain exactly where the money will go. YES, I know that does not guarantee it will go there, based on past history, but it is something.
Well hush my mouth and call me MJ !
Really how childish that one has to stoop to personal attacks instead of being able to argue or debate a point or disagree with someone else.
YOU are what’s wrong with Raytown not the Chief, Mayor or some of the board
As opposed to the 7 or 8 calls a day Kansas City’s ambulance makes in Raytown.
The oldest trick in the world is to try to divide out a tax and make it seem sooooo minimal. You see this slight of hand in the post before this one. First, mis-state the actual cost of a tax. For instance the writer claims his property tax will only go up somewhere between $60 to $75. Old trick number one. Are you talking about Personal Property Tax on an automobile or Property Tax on your house? I can assure you the tax on your property will be a lot more than $60 or $75 annually. But remember, it is not only the tax on your house. It is also the tax on your car. Add them together. That's right it adds up to a much, much, more than 20 cents a day!
People. Don't fall for the smoke and mirrors the previous writer uses to hide the truth. Your city has been mismanaged. They want you to double your tax levy from 50 cents to $1.00! At the same time they hand out tax abatements like it was Halloween candy to corporate giants like Walmart, HyVee, Sutherlands, USA 800 and many more in Raytown.
Didn’t EMS get investigated last year by the State of Missouri for something? Now this one, how many times will this happen before something is done?
I guess you like a city that is in the process of imploding from the inside. Everything is falling apart from streets and bridges, the police department, and on and on. You go ahead and pay your property tax based on 1970’s rates to the city and slowly watch the city die. They can’t pay for stuff, no matter it is based on 70’s rates in the 21st century.
In an earlier post (3:34) I failed to include the increase due to REAL ESTATE taxes which will be about $125 for the year for us. Making the total property tax increase about $200 for the year or $17 a month or just over 50 cents a day.
We will still support it. We want a nice city to live in.
No tricks or smoke and mirrors. And we are retired and living on a fixed income.
Is the fire dept legally able to take over EMS from the city? EMS is a city dept but the fire dept is it's own separate district.
Would the fire dept want to take it over in the first place? From the Captain's previous post it sounds like they wouldn't put up with too much nonsense so maybe they should take it over.
If we could get rid of the EMS dept that would open up a whole bunch of money for the city budget.
Next BOA meeting this should be discussed.
I work in a Raytown Care Facility I have watched the behaviors described on here occurr all the time. We hate calling for an ambulance because of how the crews treat our staff and residents.
If we gave EMS to the fire dept we could base the ambulances out of the two fire stations and sell the EMS building. More money for the city.
I will NOT support ANY tax increases! I don't trust any of the "city officials" with more money to hand out and buy silly stuff that the city doesn't need. They have shown in the past they can't manage the monies they take in now.
I use to work for the school district and the waste is incredible!
I still wonder why we need 3 vice principals for each grade in school and 1 principal. When I went to Raytown schools (and they were GOOD in those days) we had 1 vice principal and 1 principal period. Can you say "Top Heavy"? Those heads are drawing 80k plus a year! We could save alot of money.
The Fire District gave the city the EMS building so I would say it would go back to them
9:37 am -
I agree the schools waste more money than any other government body. Just look at the sports program. It's one thing for each high school to have their own football field, it a field with artificial turf? For that kind of money, they can buy a heck of a lot of grass seed. Then they want to build a fancy baseball complex. Why? For years, the baseball tams and football teams played on the same field. Just plant a little grass for football season and take out a little grass for baseball. There is no reason to spend millions of dollars on both. Think how many books they could buy with that money!
I guess you will watch the city disengrate then because of backwards thinking about taxes. The city’s portion on property taxes hasn’t been raised in 40 years. Can you live today, on what you or your parents made 40 years ago? No one can. Not saying there hasn’t been problems but we’re watching this town die slowly.
10:33 am
Thanks for the info!
9:37 am and 12:00 pm
I guess I wouldn't have a problem with all the money the school district gets if it was a top district--think Blue Valley--but it's not. They need to focus on the fundamentals. It's more important to learn to read, think critically, and speak properly then how to throw a football or play the tuba.
No they sold it to the City for one dollar.
Yes Raytown EMS has been the focus of several investigations. Since you never hear publicly the result of the investigation that usually means they were found to be guilty of something. If the investigation results in no wrongdoing those are the ones you read about.
I know there's probably lots of waste going on with the Raytown Schools. I see the same top heavy group of admin types there that inhabit any sizeable bureaucratic organization. You see the same thing going on at the Raytown PD but at a much smaller scale. Chief, Majors, Lieutenants, Sergeants.... Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.
That being said. The issue at hand has nothing to do with Raytown Schools.
I'm not thinking they will come looking for more money anytime soon. Nor will the Raytown Fire Protection District or the Parks. If they do, they will get a big no way Jose. IMHO, that is.
I will be working toward the proposed tax increases because we need it. Plain and simple.
I am retired and pretty much live from check to check. No relatives or friends at the city either. Just want to see us have good streets and bridges.
The number of people who write here and admit the problems with top-heavy management. The lack of accountability at City Hall. The problems that are ignored in the school district and in other departments like parks, animal control, paramedics and so on amaze me. You recognize the problem. But rather than fix those problems you want to throw more money at the problem. Do you really think that will help? I don't think so. I will be voting against a tax that will double the city's take on both our homes and our personal property. I will urge all of my friends to do the same. When that over-large tax proposal fails, and I believe it will, do you think there might be some serious look at reform at city hall?
Be informed
It is for REAL PROPERTY TAX not Personal property tax
Very different
The board has cut the budget to bare bones
If the EMS dept. were given to the fire station, the fire station couldn't support the dept. without the city's help. The city would have to pay the fire dept. atleast initially to take over the EMS dept.
The blog's author wrote "The two tax increase questions are the Personal Property Tax Levy and the Gasoline Tax."
It would be more accurate to say "The two tax increase questions are the Personal and Real Property Tax Levy and the Gasoline Tax."
These two proposals represent three different taxes that will be increased if they pass.
The previous poster (8:35) should have said It is for REAL PROPERTY TAX and Personal property tax
I'm sorry that you had to experience this. My name is Samantha and I work for Raytown EMS and I assure you that this department does not support this type of behavior. I would encourage you and anyone who has experienced something similar to contact Doug Jonesi, Tom Cole, your alderman, etc. Please understand that nothing can be done unless a complaint is made. The more complaints made about any particular employee, the more that can be done. Please don't let this experience ruin your opinion about all of the employees here at Raytown EMS. Once again, I'm truly sorry that you had this experience. I do hope that you call so we can get this taken care of. Our number is 816-737-6030.
If the Fire District was to take over EMS, the Fire District should buy all vehicles, equipment, and supplies currently owned by EMS which would add needed money to the cash starved city treasury! Maintenance of equipment as well as salaries of personnel would be eliminated!
Andy Whiteman
Sounds like a couple of our EMS folks should have body cams.
However due to patient privacy that will never happen.
Hahaha it would open up about $15 for the city.
The fire department should take over the EMS. And all the equipment and buildings. And the dispatching. The Raytown fire department is the only well run department in the whole damn town.
To Anonymous 2:42 pm
You are 100% right!
Andy the Fire District gets its money from us. We already paid for the EMS equiptment once if the purchase it from the city they will have raise our taxes to do so. In other words we would pay for it twice. Nevermind the fact EMS costs the city 1.5 million dollars a year to run, so why would would you think anyone would pay for the service?
5:40 PM You are forgetting that the 2 are different governments entities with separate funds! True the citizens of Raytown are paying but this is different money. It would be a transfer from one entity to another. Remember separate budgets and separate accounts!!!
Andy Whiteman
Andy, it might be separate entities but it is the same payer. If the Fire Department has to raise taxes to pay for EMS than the City should have to lower taxes for the service they are no longer providing. Unless you are arguing the Fire Department should do it for free and the City should get to keep receiving tax money earmarked for a service they do not pay for. That sounds great if you are the City, but bad for the taxpayer because we will end up paying twice for a service.
If Ted Bowman is still on the Raytown Police Department than would somebody please explain to me why he works for the Security Company hired by the Raytown School District. He doesn't wear a name badge that says Bowman it says Gilbert...mmmm???There is something not right about this and I don't trust this group that is running Raytown Missouri , Lynch, Mayor, & Bowman or should I say Gilbert. The Raytown Police are no longer working at our schools, should be but don't, but why would Bowman work for the Police department and the security company that is hired by our school district. Homeland Security is the name of the company and guess what no picture of Bowman/Gilbert as an employee but he works for them.. Something fishy here....
Wow what an idiot!!
That is former police officer Chris Gilbert. He works for the security company for the schools
Bowman is much taller and looks nothing like Chris
No wonder this town is screwed up
Don’t even know one person from another
Ever hear of working a second job? Why would this be fishy? Lots of people work two jobs, not just cops. You sound extremely paranoid.
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