Increase Explained . . .
It has
been less than three weeks since the Raytown Board of Aldermen voted to start
the process to bring a property tax increase to the voters next August. In that
short span of time there has been a flood of misinformation about the tax
proposal. This article will explain exactly what you will be voting on and how much
it will cost you if voters approve the increase.
following chart shows the current property tax levy and its impact on taxpayers
in Raytown in comparison to surrounding communities. As the chart clearly
shows, Raytown has the highest over-all property tax of all the city's shown.
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the reasons are many. Raytown does not operate its own Fire Department. Raytown is the only city listed that does not operate its own Fire Department. Combine the two taxes together (City and Fire District) and you find Raytown is third highest, just $1.50 under Lee's Summit for the same home valued at $120,000. Add the Raytown School District Property tax and Raytown is catapulted ahead of ALL in the amount of property tax its citizens pay.
the reasons are many. Raytown does not operate its own Fire Department. Raytown is the only city listed that does not operate its own Fire Department. Combine the two taxes together (City and Fire District) and you find Raytown is third highest, just $1.50 under Lee's Summit for the same home valued at $120,000. Add the Raytown School District Property tax and Raytown is catapulted ahead of ALL in the amount of property tax its citizens pay.
There has been a ton of
misinformation on this topic. So to make sure we had the right answer, we checked
with Administration at City Hall. The proposed property tax levy is for both
the Real Estate and Personal Property. If passed the rate would increase from approximately 50 cents per one hundred dollars evaluation to $1.00 per hundred dollars
evaluation*. You are voting on one levy increase that effects both Real Estate and Personal Property.
real estate property tax is on the value of your home.
personal property tax is on the value personal possessions, such as cars,
boats, trailers, etc. Both tax levy rates will be increased if the voters approve the question in August, 2018.
*An effort to increase the property tax levy to $1.30 per hundred
dollars valuation has a plurality of votes, but did not reach the benchmark of
six votes for approval.
PROPERTY TAX LEVY: Increase the Personal and Property Tax Levy from from 50 cents to $1.30 per hundred dollars valuation.
YES: Karen Black, Jason Greene, Mark Moore, Steve
NO: Jim Aziere, Ryan Myers, Bonnaye Mims, Frank Hunt, Bill Vanbuskirk
MOTION FAILED. Four (yes) Five (no)
ABSENT: One Ward 5 Alderman seat is currently vacant
PROPERTY TAX LEVY: Increase the Personal and Property Tax Levy from from 50 cents to $1.00 per hundred dollars valuation.
YES: Frank Hunt, Karen Black, Jason Greene, Mark Moore, Bill VanBuskirk, Steve
NO: Jim Aziere, Ryan Myers, Bonnaye Mims
MOTION PASSED. Six (yes) Three (no)
One Ward 5 Alderman seat is currently vacant
The chart
shown above is what your property tax will cost on a home valued at $120,000 in
2018. The last column includes an additional 30% property tax increase the
Board or Aldermen considered but did not act on. This chart DOES NOT take into consideration
the possibility of the Raytown Fire District or Raytown Parks bringing tax increases of their own. Both the Fire District and
the Parks and Recreation have held discussions regarding an increase in taxes.
Week . . . A look at the proposed gasoline tax.
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The school district is the only thing that is truly higher. And the city portion hasn’t been raised in 40 years. What can you buy now for the same price you could 40 years ago? NOTHING!!!! You get what you pay for. You want crappy roads, crappy police, EMS, etc, don’t approve the new taxes. But the decision clearly lies with the people.
Greg how much are the taxes for Blue Springs, Grain Valley, Raymore and Parkville?
Channel 5 did a story tonight about a woman who received a $5,000 bill from the hospital because EMS refused to take her to North Kansas City hospital so her insurance wouldn’t cover it. I did not hear the beginning of the segment but it sounds a lot like the story last week. If Raytown EMS refuses to take you where you want to go do they have to pay the out of network costs incurred?
The story is On channel 5 website. NKC wasn’t accepting ER patients due to being at capacity, which paramedics have absolutely no control over. Also a patients health, ie what is wrong with them. That lady was pregnant and was bleeding, they have protocol they have to follow in regard to patient care. So don’t be so quick to blame EMS in these situations.
If your a Raytown resident and EMS takes you somewhere they will send you to collections if you cannot pay. I made that mistake once and I am still getting harassed for if. I will never call 911 again.
The school district's chunk of prperty tax money is very relevant. We all have to pay it. What is irrelevant is that the city has not raised its property tax levy in 40 years. So what! Raytowners still pay more than surrounding communities.What should matter is that those surrounding communities pave their streets with asphalt. Mismanagement has a price. We are paying it now. Are property taxes low on commercially owned properties because of tax abatements? Maybe it is time to revisit some of those abatements and correct them.
An answer to Anonymous 7:37 am question on commercial property taxes being low? NO!!! The property taxes go up ALOT every year! A small business in Raytown is having a harder and harder time making it. Just keep raising taxes and you will run most if not all the small businesses out of Raytown. My friend fights the taxes all the time. It must be nice for the city, utilities and so forth just to announce they need a tax or rate increase since their operating expenses have gone up. A small business just can't do that. If they raise their prices all the time because their operating expenses go up, that puts them at a disadvantage and people will shop some where else. It is a know fact that Raytown residents have low income and aren't "flush" with money. My friend NEVER has gotten a tax abatement for anything.
I just went and re-read my post thinking maybe I had inadvertently conveyed the wrong question. I did not blame EMS for taking the woman in the story to a different hospital nor did I say I knew all of the facts in that case. To the contrary I actually stated that I missed the first part of the story in an effort to provide full disclosure. What I did State was that the story had similarities to the instance in Raytown last week and I wondered if the EMTs refuse to take you to the hospital you request if that puts the City on the hook for any expenses you incur as a result of thier actions. At a minimum the City should audit the EMS staff to see how often people are “too sick” to go to the hospital of thier choice and then see if the documentation of thier condition supports this assertion. I understand Raytown is desperate for EMT’s. We are also desperate for police officers, but that doesn’t mean we should tolorate racial profiling. I am sure the facts of my post do not reflect the narrative you are trying to further, but that is not my responsibility. I do think it should be criminal for the City to send people to collections who support and fund EMS through the payment of property taxes. I am sure you will have a field day with that as well.
How much will the .50 cent increase generate for the City? If they are planning to double their income it stands to reason they plan to double thier budget which is 13 million dollars a year.
That's just the thing, we AREN'T getting what we are paying for. Now the mayor and most alderman want to raise our taxes even higher to compensate for mismanagement. Fine detective work anonymous.
Replying to the first comment: That's just the thing, our taxes are high already and we aren't getting what we are paying for. The mayor and most of the alderman want to raise our taxes even more now to compensate for mismanagement. Reorganize and save money. Fine work, anonymous.
I will vote yes for tax increase.
Because the city can’t pay for the services the citizens deserve because of inflation, ie nothing costs even close to what it did 40 years ago. But I guess you’re happy with slurry seal on the streets, lack of manpower for pd and EMS. Poor codes enforcement/animal control. Get out of the stone ages.
I would invite anyone to look at the City of North Kansas City. About our size in square miles, and only 5,000 residents. Lots of business and industry, it's got a diversified economy. What do we got? Houses and churches, and very few businesses to share the burden. Car dealerships are gone... Our economy is very basic and is going to grow very slowly over time. If the City is not maintained the property valuations will decline which will erode tax revenue further. I know there has been some mismanagement, but I am not sure we can fix Raytown with the revenue stream that we have. Our future is gravel residential streets unless the citizens agree to fix some of the problems.
Yes hospitals close but you can force them open if patient insists on going there. Done it probably ten times over the years. They are not happy about it and you will be treated like crap from staff. But it does happen
What aren’t you getting now?
The city cannot pay for the services we need? Why not? The city has enough money to give the use of their cars and other police equipment to Walmart and HyVee for free. Seems like we have plenty of money for that kind of expense. Things have not changed that much folks. Want proof? Call city hall and ask them how many GPS devices have been installed in police cars. Know what you will here. They are waiting to find out how many cars they need to install it in! Here's a thought. Why not install it in the cars you KNOW you are going to be using?
Not much has changed. And if you think giving them more will change the ways people have been managing your money for years and years without any thought to the consequences of their actions, you are very, very wrong.
The small share of taxes that the city gets now is just enough to pay for minimum services and slurry seal streets. You want nice streets and sidewalks, you have to pay for it. Did the school district and fire Department take advantage of the situation of the city leaders not doing their due dilutive the last 40 years, yes. They took more than their fair share.
I’m voting for the taxes.
Yes=nicer streets and better city services.
Someone asked about the sales tax rate of some other cities.
Raytown 8.35% Lee's Summit 7.85% Grain Valley 8.1% Parkville 7.1%
7:55 pm
Everything you have said, and your issues with the PD will not pave the City streets. You just don’t like taxes, you hate the PD and you have an ax to grind. No, there is not enough money to run the City. Everything has been cut. The City is running on fumes, and each budgetary year is only going to get tougher. None of the anti tax folks have an answer. Just talk of vague things. Drop in the bucket problems are made to appear that they will solve our problems. Not parking a police car at hyvee an Walmart is not going to pave my street.
So we should keep giving Walmart and HyVee free use of city vehicles? Guess that's your first step in solving Raytown's financial crisis. See something so patently wrong and act like it ain't no big thing! You have a real choice here. See a problem and fix it. Or, do nothing. I think we see your solution. It certainly does not address the problem. You won't even address a simple problem like corporate welfare.
Exactly 10:25 pm. They can’t see the writing on the wall because of their contempt for the pd especially. How about an alderman ask the chief how many officers there are and the structure of the pd? They don’t get the fact that the city is trying to pay for services based on 40year old tax rates. Doesn’t work well. Glad it’s not my problem much longer. Happy to be moving.
@ 6:36
I don't have a problem with off duty officers using Police cars for Walmart, Hyvee and Sutherlands only. I like seeing Police cars at these stores when I shop, the extra security and Police presences is a good thing. You'll never convince me that this is a reason to vote NO on a necessary tax for City infrastructure improvements. Bottom line, I don't want gravel roads, and I don't want slurry seal either.
Must agree with a few of the posters over the last couple months here. Recruit some viable candidates and replace the majority of the elected contingent in this city. Start now!
HOW can I remotely consider a tax increase when I see no evidence whatsoever that the extra money will handled any more responsibly than it has in the last few years? REPLACE these people, THEN come back to us with an increase request.
This morning, for instance. One of our esteemed "leaders" implored his readers to stop trashing Raytown. "...kind and descent people..."
"Decent". "DECENT!" We're not falling anywhere, our heritage is immaterial, and if you had elected to hyphenate, we aren't going anywhere near a skunk.
We're definitely NOT making light of someone's spelling ability nor their ability to proofread, as much as it might appear that we are. (We plead the 5th there as well.) And their sentiment is wonderful.
However. Instead of the exhaustive, continuous platitudes, let's spend that time getting an actionable PLAN out there for us to review so that we will have enough confidence in the City to pass a sorely-needed tax increase. We see little to no work product, no discernable attempt to sustain this city.
We don't need an emcee. We need someone to lead and get down to business. We need RESULTS. And we need this in triplicate and then some from your counterpart, please.
If we don't see anything being put out there, there is no basis to assume that our money will be handled any more competently than it has been in the past.
We need the sincere, the college educated and the business owners to get out there and get into office, work with the city manager, and get this city under control.
I am in favor of the tax increases. The city needs to improve the infrastructure. The streets are getting pretty bad and there are many other needs. That said, I am not in favor of opening up the purse strings to let the PD have first dibs on the new revenue. I want to see the BOA retain control of where the money is going.
Unfortunately, this tax will be easy to fight. All the skinflints will be hollering:
"Don't let them DOUBLE our taxes".
I just hope enough voters will educate themselves to get the truth.
It still amazes me that people on this blog feel the city is "giving" Wal-Mart and Hy-Vee Police vehicles and equipment. You show your ignorance with such comments. Business pay a lot for off duty protection for the safety of their customers and employees. I say THANK YOU to these brave men and women and THANK YOU for your service to our community. And also THANK YOU to the Officers still here, for staying in Raytown and not abandoning our community.
I know the solution. Everybody should buy a new car! No need to raise taxes. Just buy a new car! Chevy Sparks for everyone!!!
What an enlightened bunch! I see in the last three posts that people who do not agree with you are "ignorant" and skinflints. You guys should really take a chill pill! As for the freebie use of police cars and equipment at Walmart, I get it, you want the police presence. So do I. But I also believe Walmart should pay for it. As it is right now, the largest retailer in America does not pay anything for the use of the city's equipment. That is just so wrong.
As strong as you feel about this. This won’t pay to pave your street.
Perhaps there should be a public meeting to spell out the poor state of the City and it’s finances? Then, perhaps we should give the citizens a chance to write a budget? Let’s see how the anti tax crowd would solve the City’s problems? Or maybe we should ask a few of our know-it-all former Alderman to tell us what they would do?? I can think of two who are very vocal with a strong dislike for tax increases. I find it interesting that the anti-tax folks don’t tell us what they would do to turn things around.
Something wrong with a little cheerleading ?
Hmmmm the Board of Aldermen for the most part are well educated folks unless they lied about their bios.
Oh and your worried about what you described as a misspelling of one letter that was used?
Maybe if people like you were not so nitpicking we would have more people run for office that are well healed and educated. Oh wait, they're probably too intelligent to get involved with people like you.
Give them time to get the information out there. The board just passed the measure to put it forward to the voters in August I believe.
7:58 pm
Ditto Ditto Ditto Love your post!
Why would anyone want to run for public office if they excoriated over a misspelled word? Geez!
People--quit complaining and DO SOMETHING! If you can run the PD better, then run for City Marshall. If I'm correct you have a year to get your POST certification after the election. You do not need to be a police officer to run.
I have a college degree, lived here all my life, and I am NOT leaving.
Ignoring the fact that the city is underwriting two of the largest corporate giants in Raytown with free use of city equipment will not make it go away. Sure, everyone wants more police presence. But you do not give your equipment for free use by corporate America.
By that kind of logic, we should give free use of police vehicles to funeral homes when they escort funerals to the grave yard. We could say it increases the number of patrol cars on the street! Want to put police cars at Walmart and HyVee. Fine, do it. But Walmart and HyVee should pay for it.
Speaking of HyVee. Next time you enter the shopping area off of Gregory Boulevard, take note of the nicely paved entrance to the shopping area. You should be proud. You paid for it. HyVee gets a one-half cent CID (community improvement district) tax on every dollar you spend in their store.
Walmart gets even more.
Ask yourself. Why are we giving them this service for free? EVERYTHING they have brought to Raytown has come with a hefty price tag that we pay every time we spend money in their stores. At HyVee it takes it comes in the form of hefty property tax abatements (yes, HyVee gets them -- you do not) and the CID Tax.
At Walmart the price tag is even higher. The TIF has around 15 years left in millions of dollars of debt to be paid off. Walmart gets a percentage of every dollar spent in its store to pay off that debt. It taps into the sales tax, the public safety tax, the transportation tax. Property Tax abatements are in full force at Walmart as well.
You want more in taxes from homeowners in Raytown? How about start by cutting back on the freebies given to corporate giants who operate in Raytown?
@6:39 a.m.
This is not a plan to save the City, this is smoke and mirrors to put people off from voting for a tax increase.
The way I understand it. The sales tax money Walmart collects goes to pay off the TIF. If they leave, the TIF, being guaranteed by Raytown, will be paid by you and I... the Raytown taxpayer.
All the Walmart haters should wake up and smell the coffee. It could get a lot worse.
"Why would anyone want to run for public office if they excoriated over a misspelled word? Geez!"
No one is being "excoriated" over a misspelled word, and we believe that that writer CLARIFIED this. Read for content. "Geez!"
If that guy is gonna be a cheerleader and an emcee and kick out a proclamation or two a week, that's great! Booyah! But is that IT? His understanding of the dilemma that faces Raytown appeared to be rudimentary, at best, when he entered office and there it appears to sit. He needs to mix in a few ideas and concepts as to how the city is going to get out of this mess now and again.
The council's decision to place the a tax increase on the ballot in August shouldn't be the beginning of his attempt to get his ideas out there with his constituents.
The city's problems have been well-documented for MONTHS!
Platitudes are great and all, but we need someone in office that can lay a plan out there for us. In his own words. He should have from the beginning. This basic expectation is part and parcel of why we chose to elect each candidate.
I don’t think it’s just him. I don’t think anyone had an idea when we elected them what all they were up against. In listening to the meetings and what’s transpired it’s probably been glossed over by prior officials and now the board, mayor and chief are having to deal with reality and a harsh one at that. So maybe a little “cheerleading “ is in order for the good things and a push forward by the staff, board, mayor and citizens together for a solution. It’s not just up to the mayor or just the board
Sounds like you have a hard on for the guy
He doesn’t even get a vote for Pete’s sake
So how about YOU and other negatives put forth some solutions too. It will take us all to fix this
I understand the Mayor plans to put a solid yes vote for him on the BOA. I hope the council understands the game being played here. There are a lot of good people living in Ward 5 who would do credit to the city. Please do not throw your vote away by giving it to a vote the mayor will have anytime he wants it.
Maybe the city should look at alternative ways to fund its needs for improvements. Instead of doubling the property tax, how about creating some General Obligation Bonds for repairing our streets. It would allow the city to address the problem immediately. The real beauty of General Obligation Bonds is that they MUST be used for the purpose they are voted. No playing games of shifting money around by city officials. I wonder if it would cost as much as doubling the property tax?
So how is the Brownback scheme working in Missouri now? All these tea partiers have it all screwed up. Taking us all back 50+ years, wow what progress! I am voting for the tax increases to fix the mess.
12:13 pm
Are you going to run for mayor or alderman or city marshall?
I bet you won't. It's easier to hide behind your keyboard.
10:17 pm -
Create General Obligation bonds? Really? Bonds are what got us in this mess in the first place! We’re paying through the nose for the TIF bonds. If the city takes out GO bonds, we’d not only have to pay back the bonds, but pay off the interest as well. How are we going to do that? There isn’t enough money to pay for the TIF bonds. Where are we going to get the money to pay off GO’s?
From where I sit the problem at city hall is one of credibility. Especially with anything related to the police department. The mayor acts like a subordinate to the chief of police. Some of the aldermen seem to have lost their nerve and their faith in their ability to govern. The unreasonable request for a huge property tax increase is one that appears to be damned near panic. I remember when all of this started the mayor said he would be coming with solutions. During the whole budget crisis his actions were more of someone trying to block any change at all. Raytown voters are reasonable. But what is being suggested as a solution, the doubling of the property tax is unreasonable. I will be voting no. Most of my neighbors will be also. Maybe then the message will get through. We need solutions. What is being offered is not a solution.
"From where I sit the problem at city hall is one of credibility."
"I remember when all of this started the mayor said he would be coming with solutions.
"What is being offered is not a solution. "
Exactly. Thank you, Feb 1 7:40 AM.
It's not the bonds that have gotten the city in trouble. It is over spending by the police department and the wonderful giveaway by Sue Frank and the Wal Mart deal the only way I will vote yes if for GO Bonds. I will not give money to build the chiefs and mayors empire back up.
It is easy to look at this tax increase, freak out and go... OMG it's doubling!! But let's look at this further.
Take me for example, I looked up online my property tax for my house and cars, and the tax with everything included is going to cost me $100.00 per year more. That's what double means for me. Now let's break down this number with some basic math.
That $100.00 is just $8.30 per month for me.
Would you be willing to pay $8.30 more per month to fix every street, broken sidewalk and end slurry seal in Raytown? I WOULD! It's either that or gravel roads.
Would you be willing to pay $8.30 more per month to get some, not all of our police officers back? I WOULD! I am paying way more than this per month in all the security enhancements to my house.
How about an extra code enforcer to help get our neighborhoods looking great? I WOULD!
Here's the bottom line. You get what you pay for. The economics of this City are just not there people. So $8.30 more per month is a real bargain to set things right. I am voting YES.
VOTE NO if you want the City to decay further.
You are one of those folks
Curse the board
Curse the mayor
Curse those that represent you
Where are your solutions to pass forward to your representatives?
So what are all of you people who don’t want to raise taxes going to do when the city folds because they can’t pay the bills? Because it’s knocking on the door.
My fear is they get the tax increase and then just hand it over the police department. Face it. Our city has not got a very good track record of keeping its word to the voters. Remember when we were promised a our roads would all be taken car of if we passed the Transporation Tax? Most of that money ended up paying for the parking lot and traffic signals up at Walmart. Another big chunk of it goes to pay for mini-bus the ATA drives through Raytown occassionally.
How about the Storm Sewer/Park Tax fiasco. The voters were promised storm sewers would get a split of the money collected. It split (at least in the real world) usually means 50/50. Not with the Park Board /Storm Sewer Split. It is more like 80% went to parks. 20% went to Storm Sewers. In fact, the first five years of the tax 100% went to parks. Those folks with flooded basements due to poor runoff on public streets were left hanging onto mops and buckets!
But the biggest one is the promise of more police if the Public Safety Sales Tax was passed. Voters approved the tax. But the politicians at City Hall did not keep the promises.
Why should be trust them this time when the DOUBLE THE PROPERTY TAX?
By the way, those that are saying the city property tax has not been raised in 40 years are crossing their fingers behind their back when they say. They know that property tax is tied to inflation. The city receives a heck of a lot more money from the property tax than it did 40 years ago.
It’s a solution not a problem. It keeps more cops ready to help peopl in need for a minuscule price. You wanna wait while cops drive to the station in their Toyota Camry having to stop at all the red lights, load their gear into a police car then come help you because the staff is stretched so thin? It happens all the time where they leave Walmart to help the officers on the road. Instead of being shortsighted try to think about the big picture. Or you can keep beating the drum of small mindedness and complain
You get what you pay for. Increase tax, increase service and roads.
City hall MUST get out and educate on where the money will go and follow up with validations that those goals were reached.
Thoughtful response. I wish all who had a different opinion on the tax would be as intelligent as you. And btw, I support the tax. I have lived in Raytown for 5 years, so I have not been around for these unkept promises. I am viewing this tax as something that protects my investment as a homeowner.
I said it last week and here it is:
"Why should be trust them this time when the DOUBLE THE PROPERTY TAX?"
Such an easy attack to make.
But a previous poster has sentiments that are more like mine... Actual cost is quite low.
10:15 AM “I W0ULD” While I applaud your commitment to contribute and support the upcoming August Ballot measure, your anticipated overnight level of service increases if that property tax and gas tax increase measures pass are unrealistic. An injection of maybe 2 million dollars back into the city revenue stream will assist with rising expenditures and be a much needed relief package. But to be the end all fix all solution? False expectations.
The doubling of the property tax puts those who are most vulnerable at the greatest risk of losing their home. The retired and the elderly. Their income strings will not be able to pay the so-called low increase. Those who have already paid their portion to society will be in danger of losing their homes. Don't think it can happen. Go as the members of the Raytown Fire Protection District Board of Directors. One of their members could not afford to pay his property taxes and was unable to run for re-election.
Don't buy the false narrative that the increase to the tax on your home and cars will be small if the property tax is doubled.
Pull out the elderly card and scare the seniors. Real nice bit of fear mongering. Wrong assumptions too. You know when you really pay your debt to society? When you are dead. Being a senior is not an excuse. The tax is going to cost me $100.00 per year. Anybody can go online and figure out what the increase means on a yearly basis. I am absolutely felling the truth about my tax burden on this. It’s $8.30 cents per month.
If we had a different mayor and chief of police and perhaps two alderman replaced (and you know who you are)then I would vote for the tax increase since that is not going to happen my answer is a big resounding NO....
Some of you live in a bubble. You do not even know it. The people who are at harm from a doubling of the property tax do not post on this page. They do not own computers. They probably do not have a cell phone. More than likely, they own their home. But their future has not been cushioned by large pensions. Want an eye opener? Go up to REAP and watch. There are people in Raytown who are struggling. Do not ask them to double their property tax payments. Why? Because they do not have the money to pay the bills. Find a better way to solve the problems at Raytown City Hall. Trying to ease back into the way things were run before this last budget is not a solution. Throwing tons of money at it is not a solution either. Your problem at city hall is in mismanagement and lack of accountability. Find the root of that problem and you are on your way to solving what is wrong.
I find it interesting that some say people are 'struggling' and cant afford higher property taxes.
Everyones situation is different. Think about these things.
Most people buy a house via a mortgage if they have good credit. Included in the mortgage payment which includes principal and interest is a thing called escrow, which broken down is usually 1/12th of both hazard insurance and real property taxes. When said note is satisfied (paid in full) then all of a sudden there are 2 things that still have to be paid, which is taxes and insurance, but no more principal or interest payment, which means that you have a little, or a lot of extra money per month that can be used towards other things, or saved.
Around here it is rare to see anyone lay out 100k for a house outright, although it is possible to do.....
Quite a few do not have real good credit ratings and probably cannot qualify to purchase houses so they are probably forced to have to rent houses or apartments at a much higher monthly cost. They probably are not responsible for paying taxes on the real property because it is not their own, it is the landlords. Some retirement communities are probably set up the same way.
Then, if you can afford to have a car, or some other type of personal property, obviously you are taxed on those things yearly.
All this hype about 'fixed incomes' and 'struggling' is BS. Who forced you into the situation?
Bottom line is Raytown has not increased its portion of the Real and Personal Property Tax rate in over 40+ years, so now is the time. We have gravel roads now, failing infrastructure, dwindling city personnel
including Police, and loan shops, tattoo parlors, pawn shops, booze joints, thrift stores, tobacco stores, the list goes on and on. This place is looking like we are located off of Independence Avenue over in Northeast KC or South KC or better yet, Prospect and 75th in KCMO.
So disgusted with things I am ready to get out of Raytown.
Conservative ideas are not working.
7:50 am
"All this hype about 'fixed incomes' and 'struggling' is BS. Who forced you into the situation?"
Wow. Someone on here has a lot of compassion. NOT!!!!!
Have you heard of medical bills? And also their house may be paid off but what if they need to put a $7,000.00 roof on the house? Unexpected things come up all the time. I just had a $600.00 car repair bill!
Try to put yourself in their shoes at 85 instead of yours at 45.
I doubt if any tax increase can pass now. Why? Because their is no credibility coming out of city hall. I place the blame squarely on Marshall Lynch. By not cutting back a little each year he waited until it became a crisis, then screamed that it was everybodys fault except his. You must make a change in that office before the public will believe that more revenue is really needed.
7:50 AM... Well said. So many rentals in Raytown that I think landlords need to be taxed more anyway. We need to start raising the bar for Raytown, not lowering it. We need to transform Raytown into a beautiful community.
I am not in favor of creating a generational feud, but I got to say that some seniors have a sense of entitlement. Congrats, you made it to old age, but that does not excuse you from taxes, and responsibility to your community. Young people get high medical bills, young people have unexpected home repairs. And i have a daycare bill that would make your head spin.... Nobody should get a pass, and our community should not deteriorate because of this sense of entitlement. How about leaving Raytown better than you found it?
I got to witness what everyone has been complaining about first hand. My wife has to go to dialysis three times a week sometimes I wait other times I go shopping at the Applemarket next door. Yesterday I waited a read my book and about 30 minutes after getting there Raytown EMS arrived with thier siren wailing. When the crew walked in I immediately understood what all the commenters were talking about last week. I have never seen two individuals with such a complete disgust for thier jobs in all my life. They spoke to the staff like they were speaking to a toddler and at one point after asking a question one of the crew muttered “shocker” in a sarcastic tone. Mind you this all took place in the presence of the patient who could not breath. For the love of god people if you are that miserable quit, find a line of work that doesn’t involve care and compassion. Someone at Cityhall needs put a stop to this, I cannot believe all of the comments on here involve the same crew. This behavior must be common and encouraged by the people in charge. Before anyone dismisses my post because I do not sign my name, you must understand that could have been my wife of 42 years sitting there and the last thing I want is for an EMS crew to show up and take thier anger from me commenting out on her.
12:16 pm
You or your spouse can get a part time job to cover bills. Old folks wouldn't be able to get hired or be healthy enough to work. I'm talking about really old folks--not somebody 65.
Enjoy your youth.. and I hope we all have saved enough money for retirement.
1:13 PM
I know that some aldermen post on here. I hope they ask Tom Cole to look into these EMS claims from you and the others. Something needs to be done about EMS.
See last week's blog--on 1/28 at 9:59 Samantha from EMS posted. Please see her recommendations on how to file a complaint.
Thank you for speaking out.
So don’t complain here. Contact City Manager
Have news for you the senior citizens have paid their dues through the years. A lot of seniors do not have any thing much more than SS which (you do not believe this) does not have a cola built into it.
Some seniors do complain but a lot of them do have cause. Until you walk in their shoes you do not know.
Death and taxes cannot be avoided. It is the price of civilization. Young and old alike must share in this.
Don't want to sound like I don't care but in every city around there are older folks having to sell their property and move to lower cost living arrangements. Usually it is due to big medical bills, sometimes utilities or house maintenance issues get them moving on. Occasionally, and not very often, it is higher property taxes.
Owning a home has some strings attached. I wish we could all stay in our homes until the end but unfortunately reality gets in the way. Property taxes are just a part of the overall facts of life we all, young and old, have to allow for.
Qualifying for Medicaid will get many of us out of our homes way before property taxes do.
BTW... wife and I are in our 70s and not at all well to do. I do not agree with the position that "older folks have paid their dues". We are walking in the shoes you mention.
Not saying I will vote yes yet. I want to see where the BOA says the money will be allocated. I am strongly in favor of leaving PD funding exactly where it is now. Extra money should go to fix our infrastructure.
Grumpy Old Man
Som posters tot this blog seem to think that KC would be the answer
Please read the article in the star on Sat. seem like they are also in a situation where they are short of the revenue they would like. But they have been spending like a drunken sailor.
No I for one would not consider it a real good idea to from the frying pan into the fire.
Anyone else think that it’s interesting there has been zero said from City about the two officers and the illegal gift of tickets to the Super Bowl? I wonder if they went? I wonder if they gave them back? I wonder if they sold them for the $5,700 going rate? In thier silence the City has conceded what everyone on this blog pointed out two months ago. I am sure the Attourney General will make a public statement if they find laws were broken.
YAWN! Irrelevant triviality that won’t pave my street.
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