The most common complaint we receive on the blog portion of
the Raytown Report is the need for more patrol officers on the streets of
Raytown. We wondered how Raytown stacks up to area cities in this regard.
The comparison below shows the current budgeted positions of
uniformed officers in the Raytown and Grandview Police Departments. We chose
Grandview as a comparison to Raytown because the demographics of the two cities
are very similar. Raytown’s population has approximately 4,500 more souls that
Grandview. Grandview has approximately five more square miles to patrol.
Both cities are inner ring suburbs of a major population
center. Both cities are intersected by heavily traveled highways (350 in
Raytown / 71 in Grandview). Both cities have the same number of uniformed
officers on their respective payrolls. The salaries paid patrol officers are
nearly identical, with a slightly higher hourly rate paid Raytown police
The Numbers tell the Tale
Raytown has budgeted 18 patrol officers. While
Grandview, with a budget that is a quarter of million dollars less than
Raytown, has 24 patrol officers. Upon investigation we found that out of 36
uniformed officers in Raytown, fully one-half (18) of the personnel would be
counted as command staff. By comparison, only 12 of the personnel in Grandview
would fall under the title of command staff.
The following comparisons are current figures obtained from
the Raytown and Grandview’s current budgets.
Population: 29,510 Population: 24,955
Land area: 9.93 square miles Land Area: 16 square miles
Budgeted $5.7 million dollars Budgeted $5.456
million dollars
Chief of Police..........1 Chief of Police..........1
Majors .......................1 Majors....................... 0
Captains....................3 Captains ................... 2
Crime Analyst .......... 1 Crime Analyst ............0
Sergeants................. 6 Sergeants ................. 6
Detectives.................6 Detectives .................3
Patrolmen................18 Patrolmen..................24
TOTAL ....................36 TOTAL ......................36
Paul's Rant . . .
A quick check of the numbers shown in the data above
indicates a one to one ratio of patrol officers to command staff in Raytown.
The Grandview Police Department has more patrolmen because they do not have as
many detectives, two less command officers (captain and above) and, does not
employ a crime analyst.
debate has been raging on the Raytown Report blog over whether or not to double
the property tax to bring more dollars of support to the police department.Is
there a better way to bring more patrol officers to a community?
Apparently Grandview has found a way to do so. And it is important to note, they have done with a quarter of a million less dollars.
Apparently Grandview has found a way to do so. And it is important to note, they have done with a quarter of a million less dollars.
The questions remains . . . Why not
Information compiled from budget records of Raytown and Grandview.
2 Cent Gasoline Tax
Most of the attention and debate on the has focused on the
proposed doubling of the Property Tax from 50 cents to $1.00.
There is, however, another tax increase on the August 2018
The gasoline tax would increase the price of gasoline by 2
cents gallon.
- All proceeds from the tax, by state law, can only be used for street improvements.
- There is not any sunset on the tax. Once it is approved, it will remain a permanent tax.
- Passage requires a majority of voters casting ballots approve the tax.
The tax is a relatively new tax. Only two cities in Missouri
have approved the gasoline tax. One is Peculiar, Missouri, which has a two cent
tax on all gasoline sold in its city. The other is Charleston, Missouri, which
imposes a 1 cent sales tax on gasoline sales.
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Don't want to sound like I don't care but in every city around there are older folks having to sell their property and move to lower cost living arrangements. Usually it is due to big medical bills, sometimes utilities or house maintenance issues get them moving on. Occasionally, and not very often, it is higher property taxes.
Owning a home has some strings attached. I wish we could all stay in our homes until the end but unfortunately reality gets in the way. Property taxes are just a part of the overall facts of life we all, young and old, have to allow for.
Qualifying for Medicaid will get many of us out of our homes way before property taxes do.
BTW... wife and I are in our 70s and not at all well to do. I do not agree with the position that "older folks have paid their dues". We are walking in the shoes you mention.
Not saying I will vote yes yet. I want to see where the BOA says the money will be allocated. I am strongly in favor of leaving PD funding exactly where it is now. Extra money should go to fix our infrastructure.
Grumpy Old Man
It is apparent our chief doesn't have the guts or brains, maybe both do a reorg that will benefit our city. Only thinking of those chair warmers in the PD.
Your numbers are off for Raytown. There are only 8 patrolman on their own to cover 4 shifts. There’s also 4 captains, not 3 and 2 corporals with two more to come on the 4 patrol shifts.
A concerned citizen.
hmmm....something does add up.
Missing from your report this week is the types of crimes in Raytown vs Grandview. That is important because it could tell us the WHY. If we have more crime, then it makes sense to have more detectives and a crime analyst. Not sure you gave us the entire picture this week. Perhaps in a future story you can clear that up?
Also your analysis ignores geography. Spend some time with a map, and ask yourself a question. Which city is easier to protect from crime? It’s Grandview. Ask yourself which City has a better economic future with more available land. Again, it’s Grandview.
Our story reflects the number of positions as set forth by the organization chart date Raytown PD, November 2017. The positions listed are those approved under the organization chart. It is our understanding there are a number of vacant positions on the RPD. This was due to officers who have resigned their positions and moved on. Though not filled, those positions are still funded. We have seen a couple of new officers sworn in at Council meetings since the budget was passed. It would appear they department is currently re-building its numbers.
I suggest you file an open records request under Missouri Sunshine Law. The numbers for the Raytown Police Department staffing are even more inaccurate than originally thought.
8:31 am
I would rather have an old person in their home than a renter!
We have too many rentals in Raytown which, in SOME cases, is bringing in more lowlifes.
Blog owners,
You could ask the PIO for the Raytown Police, Capt. Harper, about the current levels of staffing we have.
Also, we are close to KC which is a main source of our crime.
*edited - doesn't add up.
Well here comes the snow.
2 Days ago the city was out spraying down some "treatment" on the roads. I was careful to spot where the this spray stopped before the intersection. I was just wondering if I could actually see any difference between the treated and untreated. And just as I thought... there is no discernable difference. Just a waste of time and money.
Remember the old advice: "If you take care of the nickels and dimes, the dollars take care of themselves."? Well, I think this city could apply that strategy in many places. This being just one.
That article needs some serious due diligence. Grandview PD's website has an entirely different count of policemen. Did anyone ask our PD about their numbers?
12:10 pm. Expecting road cleaning perfection during a snow event is an unrealistic expectation. My advice? Don’t drive in blinding snow conditions.
Actual numbers are always more realistic rather than what’s approved.
Typical unintelligent reply that we see in here quite often by the same person. Personal attacks, no proof or substance. Says the same about codes, the mayor, but has no proof nor answers
Even with the anonymous tag we all know who you are. And Greg shame on you for allowing such tripe. Used to have some respect for you and this open forum blog.
We've got people on here who know how to better run the Police Dept and the Public Works Dept than their current leaders. If they are so smart, why aren't they in charge of these depts?
Reading the comments on here is about as entertaining as watching the Eagles beat the Patriots. Way to go Philly!!
The fact it is this confusing to find out how many police officers we are paying for only speaks to the point. The chief and the mayor want it to be confusing, it’s the oldest trick in the book. So much for accountability and transparency. If we do not demand this, city Hall is not going to provide it. We need to say no until we know how our public Safety sales tax is being spent, we need to say no till we know how our property tax dollars are being spent, we need to say no until we start to receive caring and compassionate EMTs and we need to say no until we know where the TIFF money went
Again, NO tax increase until there is ACCOUNTABILITY!!!
Anonymous 10:53 pm
You are 100% correct!!!
10:53- so now you are a mind reader too
The current amount of taxes we pay isn't the problem. The problem appears to be that City of Raytown does not get a fair share of the existing taxes that are paid to the County. Do whatever it takes for the city to get a larger portion of the current county taxes collected instead of hitting the citizens up for more money.
We are like you cityhall and that is broke!!!!, but we can't simply (raise) taxes our way out of the mess that PD and cityhall has created.
City Hall and Police trying to unscrew what happened the last 20 years but especially the last 8 before this administration of city hall
That’s right, let it all fall apart.. Drink a beer.
The problems aren't the TIFF or lack of tax money. The problem is mis spending. The Public Safety sales tax is not being spent as promised why should the voters cough up more money to be spent. Fool me once, but not twice.
I dont envy this board or city staff in charge, seems its constantly cleaning up from problems long standing or ignored.
Even if the police numbers given are not accurate, it looks like the Grandview numbers would work for Raytown. Of course the PD will never cut officers, just as the school district will never cut administrators.
12:12 agreed but the voters voted for those taxes and how they were divided
You don’t know if the Grandview staffing levels would work for Raytown. Welcome to the internets, where everyone is a doctor, lawyer, law enforcement officer etc.... Did you compare crime stats between Raytown and Grandview?? That would answer the resource allocation question.
How do you think the psst is not being spent as promised or wrongly spent? Trying to figure out what you’re thinking.
“it looks like the Grandview numbers would work for Raytown.” (Clearly an expert here, lol)”Of course the PD will never cut officers,“ they didn’t have to. Half of them quit for better pay
And it all has to do with the TIF
PD (lynch bowman) wasted spending and self indulgence, past City administrator and finance director telling the BOA what a great and wonderful staff the city has and money is coming in faster than they can spend it. Now we know it was all a fraud and for that, cityhall insist they must have more money... I give up. damn if you do, damn if you don't.
BTW The Grandview BOA agreed to put a 1/2 cent public safety sales tax before voters in their city this year to maintain their PD and FD. Raytown Alderman showed they didn't care about our P.D. by their deep cuts and grandstanding at the so called town hall meetings this past year. Only after cutting the PD and roads falling apart, did the talk of additional funding come up. Yes GV has had political problems in the past, but over half of their PD did not resign do to their BOA saying we don't care about you.
The cops already get a 1/2 cent all to themselves... Lord how much do we think they should have? Grandview will have to share the tax 50/50 between the cops and fire, so they are still doing twice as much ss Raytown with 25% less. What’s the difference... they don’t have an elected police chief or a puppet for. Mayor.
Wait a minute... You mean our great and professional staff of Sharma and Associates lied? You mean when the Fire Chief was correct when he told channel 41 the City’s numbers were wrong and they would have to cut services or face default? I cannot believe this is true
You do understand there was a time limit to submit a budget? Any revenue received from a tax would take almost a year to start collecting. Your narrative lacks merit and understanding of state law. The Board did what they had to do period, many up there didn't seem to thrilled about it so don't imply as if they were uncaring.
I'm not sure I know enough to pass an educated assessment on what's going on with our police department, but I do have experience studying and observing leadership throughout various organizations. I see the following recurring leadership failures repeat over and over:
1. Leadership does a better job advocating for themselves and colleagues in leadership, rather than those who are actually on the ground floor moving the organization toward its goals.
2. When goals are set, too often the "answer" to achieving it is to create new leadership positions.
3. For both reasons 1 and 2, organizations become too top heavy. It results in admirable visions for moving the organization forward, but there aren't enough people actually doing the work to make it happen.
Again, I can't speak about our police department through an educated lens, but I imagine it's possible that's what we have here--too many bosses and not enough people actually patrolling the streets.
Part of that 1/2 cent tax goes to pay the TIF and does not go to the cops just like all the other taxes collected in that area a portion goes to TIF. That all was done way before this administration. Come on MJ stop the personal attacks and get your facts straight
I agree with Michael's viewpoint. The problem with the Raytown PD is that they have way too many chiefs and not enough Indians. The chart on the front page pretty much says it all. If I read it correctly, there is a one to one ratio of people with rank to those who are patrolmen. What on earth do we have a crime analyst for? The city is only about ten square miles! Why a Major? Shouldn't the Chief of Police be handling the decision making?
Wow wow I’d you want ray Berry RFD sure
Also the charts not right it’s old already
Seems like I remember during the budget talks a lot of comparasion to Grandview PD was discussed.. When the crime rate was compared and PD and big mouth FOP guy tried to say ours being higher required more resources, the fact that over 500 arrests (petty larceny) at Wal-Mart per year skewed that crime rate higher. And what about Grandview securing much larger amounts of PD grants that they utilize for their department. And when I say much larger I mean like 3/4 Million Dollars compared to like peanuts Raytown PD got in 2017. Seems Grandview passed on a crime analyst and hired a Grant Writer instead. Dilly Dilly.
Much of the problem with PD is that we have a chief who can't make decisions. When Bowman was there he ran the department I would guess it is Randy now.
Grants aren’t always the answer and dollar amount does not always equal cops. Most are specific to a specific or special use and when they cease the City has to continue them on their dime for a certain number of years
Grants may not be the answer for everything, but they seem to be working in Grandview. Why not in Raytown? Maybe we should ask our crime analyst for an answer!
So 6:48AM would have you believe that Grandview Police Department has specific or special use needs that Raytown doesn’t have and hence no need to pursue 750k worth of grants. Seriously. That is your final answer? Weak deflection!
Raytown already gets grants. Problem is, there’s not much out there for personnel. They had one years ago for a domestic violence detective, but the duties were limited and the feds immediately started cutting back funding year after year. Grants are not a long term answer. Especially with the current administration
6:57 am
"Silly" post. He is not in charge of grants. Pick on someone in charge.
I would tell you what I really think of your post but I wouldn't get published due to the no cursing rules on here.
Happy Pizza Day everybody!
You are a strange guy. I do not hate you for what you think or say.
Again read into the grant information
One officer
The goes to hope house, courts etc in support side not the law enforcement side
There’s your truth not a “deflection “
Know what the heck your talking about
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