weeks ago the Mayor saw his candidate for the vacant Ward 5 seat on the Board
of Aldermen go down in flames by a vote of six to three. Normally, that would be
the end of the story.
But this is Raytown, and some people in Raytown have a
real hard problem letting go.
has reached us that some Aldermen (but interestingly, not all of them)
have been receiving calls from people asking if they would vote the for the
Mayor’s candidate if he were to re-nominate her.
surprisingly, the votes have not changed.
It is
proper they not be changed.
Why, because
“do-overs” are for children, not adults.
But to
humor those who do not understand that last sentence, please read on.
the Mayor were to re-nominate Melissa Bealle. Let’s also suppose that
candidate is then accepted. Would the opposing side then be able to bring the issue
back because they did not like the result?
said on what is truly a silly topic.
However, the situation remains the same. Ward 5 still has a vacancy. Since everyone else seems fascinated with the topic, Paul and I thought we would thrown our two cents worth in.
We wondered why the Mayor has not made any public suggestions
since the March 3rd fiasco. There are other qualified individuals. Foremost would be Diane Krizek.
Krizek ran second in the last contest for a Ward 5 seat. She deserves to at
least be asked if she is interested in the seat vacated by former Ward 5 Alderman
Eric Teeman. There are many reasons to considered Ms. Krizek.
the following:
- She has run twice for a seat on the Board. In her last attempt she lost by only four votes. If nothing else, it does speak to her desire serve. It also clearly shows that a good number of her neighbors in Ward 5 thought highly enough to vote for her when she ran.
- She has credentials that other candidates lack. She is a successful Raytown Businesswoman. A credential that only one member of the current Board holds (Steve Meyers owns and operates an insurance business in Raytown).
- She is civic minded. Diane Krizec is one of those people who knows how to get results. Ever been to the Fall Music Festival at Kenagy Park? Not only was the event Diane’s brain child, she and her late husband, Gene, put their money to work for Raytown as one of the core group of sponsors who made the event a reality.
- Diane is also major supporter of Raytown Parks and Recreation. She saw a need for community support of Raytown Parks and organized a group known as Friends of Raytown Parks. Those wrought iron benches along walking trails are a monument to Diane’s ability to organize and get results.
- Probably the most important reason we believe she could serve in the Ward 5 slot is very simple. We believe a majority of the Board would support her nomination.
only stumbling block we see is the most important step of the Mayor nominating
the candidate.
what say you, Mr. Mayor? Isn’t it time we moved on from the petty bickering
that has plagued City Hall since the beginning of the year? Raytown has some real
problems, why not nominate a candidate who will bring experience and a proven
track record to help solve those problems.
As they
are fond of saying in basketball. The ball is in your court.
has taken the week off. He will return next week with his Paul Livius Report
and Paul’s Rant.
For those who are wondering why he took the week off, let’s just say he is a upset because a number sixteen seed (UMBC) defeated a number one seed, Virginia, in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
For those who are wondering why he took the week off, let’s just say he is a upset because a number sixteen seed (UMBC) defeated a number one seed, Virginia, in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.
those who do not know. It is the first time in the history of the NCAA
Tournament that a number one seed fell to a number sixteen seed.
As Paul
lamented, “My bracket is a shambles. Hell, I did not know UMBC was a school,
or, for that matter, that they had a team --- no wonder they call it March

I thought both Mrs. Goforth and Mrs. Krizek have been asked and turned it down? I thought this was stated two weeks ago??
Mrs. Goforth was asked. That is a matter of public record. There is not any record of Mrs. Krizek being asked by the Mayor if she wanted the appointment.
Yes she released a statement that she did not want the seat and was asked.
Agreed. Mrs. Goforth was asked and she turned it down. Diane Krizek was NOT asked.
I hope Mrs. Krizek gets appointed. I voted for her last election and I would vote for her again. I understand the Mayor must make the appointment. I hope he does. We need a strong individual like Diane on the city council. If the mayor asks, please say YES.
So Mayor doesn’t ask Kriezek for vacant ward 5 seat after having his candidate shot down. Even though while maybe not his first or favorite candidate, she has asked him before for appt last time seat was vacant due to Steve Mock passing. She also runs in 2017 city election for that seat eventually losing by 5 votes. So no doubt she has interest in serving. But when Mayor Mike doesn’t ask her soon enough she gets a major case of the red ass and goes off on Social Media. So remind me again how does that serve the people in Ward 5?
I don't think the mayor like Mrs. Krizek as she helped stop the downtown Raytown Walmart, which took off duty security hours away from the police officers.
Robber Grabs Cash and Rides Away on Motorcycle
Raytown MO. On Sunday March 18th at approximately 11:58 AM police were sent to the 9400 block of 350 Highway for a robbery. When officers arrived, a witness told them that a white man about 6’3’ – 6’5’’ tall wearing a motorcycle helmet, black pants and a neon green “construction” colored jacket displayed a handgun and demanded money. The man grabbed an undetermined amount of cash from the employee and left the store. He was last seen leaving east on Highway 350 on a light blue Harley Davidson. No one was injured and Raytown detectives are continuing the investigation.
If you have any information on this or any other crimes please contact the TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS (8477).
Report 18-0780
Do we really want someone on the BOA who aligned herself with a political entity that is known to come into small towns and take over?
@ 1:44 a.m. Back to the drawing board.
Maybe he has a reason, just like you all have reasons you dont like the person who the mayor nominated. And his opinion is just as important as any of yours.
Pretty far stretch there 9:01 don’t you think
More like she showed why she would not have made a good rep of the people. It was all about her
Channel 4 news was at city hall Tuesday night talking about the Walmart crime and what a bad decision the Walmart TIF is. IT killing the city. The news also stated that the city has 3 ideas to raise cash that could be on the voting ballet sometimes this year. Raise property taxes, internet taxes and a gas tax. Why should the citizens of Raytown pay for mistakes that the past and present board of aldermen and mayor made. I for one will NOT vote for ANY new takes period!
Tax, tax and more tax. Come on Aldermen. My property, my gasoline and my internet purchases... Have you all lost your minds? Oh, and spare me the “We haven’t raised taxes in 50 years speach. You have raised the sales tax a half a dozen times, you have raised the franchise tax a dozen times, and you have raised my propert tax every year as the value of my house increases. You double dip when in comes to my utility bill because you charge me a franchise fee then you tax me on that fee. Enough is enough, BIG FAT NO here on alll three questions.... who’s with me?
I wouldn't vote for Mrs. Krizek on a bet. Thank you Mr. Mayor for not appointing her much less asking her. The woman has a major case of look at me and see how good I am.
Hope you like becoming part of Kansas City because the city can not function on the current tax levels. Pd is bare boned and rest of Departments lack true oversight. Enjoy paying an extra 1% when kcmo takes you over. Just saying. Glad I’m out.
I am voting yes as it is the only way to fix Raytowns infrastructure.
Other departments lack oversight as if the police department does not lack oversight! Oh, well, to each his own. I will tell you this. There is no way I would ever consider voting a sales tax or a property tax increase. If you pass these tax increases the police will claim it is all for them. From the gooey feel good talk I hear from the city council members, most of them would cave to pd demands in a heartbeat. Does anyone else remember the decision to put gps in police cars. Guess what. It never happened. If I remember correctly the city council voted unanimously to put gps on all police cars. Looks like the police blew off the city council's decision. Does anyone really wonder who rules at city hall?
Are you going to pay the family of an officer injured or killed on duty to a dumb decision to put gps, which can be hacked, the millions of dollars they deserve ?
Diane Krizek deserves a chance. I wonder why the mayor has not ask her if she wants to serve. She is a professional successful businesswoman. You would think the would want someone like her on his team. I also wonder where all those people who were demanding the city council member who voted against the mayor's last choice are not raising all sorts hell about the mayor not giving an explanation for Diane Krizek being nominated. Maybe Tony or one of his minions will explain it at the next meeting during public comments.
I see the tin foil hat crowd is back. Why hack GPS when you can listen to the radio chatter by pd? Here's a thought. How about if the p.d. used smoke signals instead of radio transmissions to people could not listen in and find out where the police are? Did a search for police deaths attributed to gps tracking. Came up with nothing. I don't know what comic books you are reading for you information. Please share them with us. I am sure everyone wants to be enlightened by the tales from you imagination.
So you claim there hasn’t been one so that makes it gospel. And once, just because you think you have the right to know, is one too many. Officer safety should be everyone’s first priority.
@ 9:16 In my opinion, her support evaporated after her comments on Unleashed. No further comment is necessary, nobody wants to embarrass anybody.
You can say what you want about the current leadership at City Hall, but one thing you can’t hang on them is they were not not afraid to reel in the budget last year. It was long overdue and this group showed the fiduciary responsibility to to their citizens despite immense pressure and horrific PR attempts to have them buckle. Didn’t happen! I along with many others appreciate their resolve and valid attempts to get the financial woes in balance. I will be supporting the tax measures and have complete confidence that the distribution of those much needed revenues will allocated in a fair manner towards the total needs of Raytown’s services and obligation to it’s tax paying citizens.
I would think it would require a lot of work to hack GPS. Police radio could be encrypted or cell phones could be used for communications. True my suggestions could be hacked but it requires technical ability and work. I have given my lock box number so EMS could open my door when calling an ambulance and requested that it be transmitted by cell phone, not the radio.
Andy Whiteman
The truth is it’s highly unusual for someone to appoint somebody that his lost an election also it’s real simple it’s the mayors choice that’s with state law says.
9:12 Other departments use GPS without issues, which could only mean if our police are against it they have something to hide.
Unfortunately, Missouri currently has an Attorney General who will not investigate the Governor so I am sure he could care less about police officers abusing power.
Internet sales no, personal property and real estate no, the only one would be a gasoline tax of 2 cents because as I would hope it would be only used for streets not the police.
And they can’t get constant location updates by listening to a scanner, where gps gives you constant locations. Blue lives matter!!!!!!
7:29. you googled it? Teeman is that you?
For those who have not listened to meetings
All police vehicles have GPS!
If the car is in service the computer is on as well as GPS that’s encrypted
This is the same for all police departments in metro
So let’s spend more money on city GPS to make a few Aldermen happy?
It’s our tax money so knock it off already with the GPS crap
Red, yellow, black and white lives matter too
4:21 am
Who said they didn't?
So I have a question for the few on here with city connections that seem to know what's going on.
To me, there are two ways GPS could be used on police vehicles.
1. For a live moving map that can show where they are on the map plus a location they need to navigate to. I expect they already have that.
2. As a tracking function that tells someone else, BOA or supervisor, where they were during their duty shift. I'm guessing that's the type of GPS they don't want.
So which one do they have? Or is it both?
5:54 any gas tax has to be used for streets its the law, but this is Raytown
If we are going to talk about wasting money lets talk about time card abuse.
Known fact is the police officers at the board of alderman meeting.
The coffee shop talks of these same issues going on in the EMS department.
Doesn't sound like anyone has been fired
Doesn't sound like Tom Cole running a tight ship
But the Internet sales tax is a tax it already exists on all the brick and mortar mom and pop and corporate places in Raytown. If you buy something from the Internet you should be paying taxes on it too. In other words the Tax is already there this measure would allow the city to collect the taxes they should be collecting anyway
Mr Mayor and Board of Alderman,
If as you proclaimed at the last city meeting "Jim Lynch" is a city employee than we all know you need to fire him and we all know there are countless reasons.
Reality is you cannot as he is an elected official and therefore the individual making public comments had every right to call him out for his bad behavior at the last board of alderman meeting.
@ 1:24
Nice try. You are siding with the outsider/ union rep guy? You do realize that? The guy who yelled like a shrill cat at the BOA? Who then attacked the chief? Attacked the Mayor and board? Where is your Raytown pride??? Fall in, close ranks. Certain things should not be political and what happened on Tuesday was a disgrace to every resident of the City. But you want to play games. No thank you.
@ 1:24
Nice try. You are siding with the outsider/ union rep guy? You do realize that? The guy who yelled like a shrill cat at the BOA? Who then attacked the chief? Attacked the Mayor and board? Where is your Raytown pride??? Fall in, close ranks. Certain things should not be political and what happened on Tuesday was a disgrace to every resident of the City. But you want to play games. No thank you.
I watched the meeting and I guess we don't nor did we ever have a police crisis, which means the Board of Alderman were correct.
It also mean the mayor a former police officer lied as well as the chief, who invited every criminal in the metro to Raytown.
I support 1:24 as the mayor cannot set a double standard and not having a double standard is having pride in Raytown.
1:24 Thank you for pointing out the failures of our mayor and police chief.
Hey people! There are speed limits in neighborhoods, and it is not 50 Mph. Plus, try using the designated detour route instead of cutting thru the neighborhood residential area (79th to Hardy to 83rd) Getting very irritated with the speeding, and the loose gravel.
BTW, when does the city plan on cleaning the loose gravel mess up before some car or motorcycle loses control and crashes out here?
Plus, if there is a stop sign, what does that mean?
I hope I can be forgiven for touching on a subject that concerns all the nation, not just Raytown.
Today, hundreds of thousands of mostly young Americans are demonstrating for stricter gun control.
Banning assault weapon sales are one of their primary objectives.
The Brady Bill, passed in 1994, did exactly what today's protesters are wanting. It banned the sale of assault style weapons. It was in effect for ten years then not reinstated after the initial ten year period.
Well, guess what happened in 1999, five years into this ban?
The Columbine High School massacre. That's what. So did the ban work? Apparently not. And Columbine was just one example of many mass shootings that occurred during the ten year ban.
I do not own one of these killing machines. I do not want to own one. I wish they did not exist. That said, I wish all the energy being expended, trying to get more gun control, was used to work toward better security at the schools. That would not be anywhere near so controversial.
Because of 9-11, the Homeland Security Act was passed and resulted in countless billions being spent on new police and fire stations. New hardened chainlink fences being erected around every podunk airport in the entire country. New port of entry improvements were made at all border crossings and who knows what else?
Why can't our schools be made safer?
One more thing. What is causing the young people to start invading the schools and killing their peers? I don't think it has anything to do with the NRA.
BTW... let's not forget all the money (trillions) spent on fighting drugs and terrorism worldwide.
Please, let's spend some money to keep our kids safe while they are at school.
A generation of kids who don’t know how to deal to with adversity. We don’t keep score in sports because we don’t want them to get their feelings hurt. We don’t teach them how to ignore “bullies”. When I was a kid and I’m over 50, it was sticks and stones will break my bones Knut words will never hurt me. We have basically raised a generation of sissies. And this country is in trouble, in my opinion.
1:24 not sure what you are talking about?
You seem to constantly to berate our Chief and Mayor but you and those who are like minded never give any facts about which you speak. You sound like Joe Creamer with all your accusations still sitting somewhere in a garage but seemingly never able to produce any real facts just innuendo. And as 8:34 said. Do you realize your siding with the out of town mouthpiece with misinformation he was spouting trying to drag the city into no win position
7:44PM - Are you saying that today's kids are sissies because they are tired of being shot while in school? This is more than stick and stones, don't you think?
3:20 Thank you for supporting that fact we don't need more money for police officers.
Yes, after reading the back and forth on this blog I watched the meeting and it is nice that some out of town folks have an idea to gain funding for additional police officers.
Based on the Mayor's comments and the laughter from the police chief we know they both lied to us and we never have been short staffed in the police department.
12:56 PM, Agreed, In my opinion it is asinine to demand new laws when the laws are already in place. The demand should be for enforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a Great day an a blessed Easter.
Andy Whiteman
10:12 I just read 3:20 statement
Not sure you read that correct at all
If you did then you would not make such an asinine statement
The out of town speaker is a union rep trying to unionize Walmart and wants to USE Raytown as a TOOL to do so. He didn’t know where Raytown was until his union crook cronies told him to come here. You think he cares about our issues? Only as long as they along with his objectives
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