Mayor's Nomination
Rejected by Board
Rejected by Board
many years ago former Mayor Sue Frank wanted to make an appointment of a
private citizen to a position that would represent the City of Raytown on a
metropolitan area Board.
Raytown Alderman Jerry Briggs and I were both opposed to the appointment. We
did not believe it was in the best interest of the City. We felt so strongly
about it that we took our objection (privately) to the Mayor.
At the
next meeting, the appointment was on the agenda. We confronted the Mayor and
told her we were very serious in our opposition to the appointment. We went so
far to say that if she persisted that both of us would speak publicly against
the nominee and give very good reason for not approving the appointment.
Frank removed the nomination from the agenda.
She was
right to do so.
Her two
senior most Board members were opposed to the choice. She knew we had allies on
the Board who may vote with us in opposition to the appointment.
Mayor Frank named another nominee. That nominee was approved unanimously.
Michael McDonough should take a page from Sue Frank’s play book.
I bring
this up because the recent brouhaha over the appointment of Melissa Beall seems
to have stirred up quite a fuss this past week. For those not familiar with
what has transpired. Here is the dirty low down.
November, former Ward 5 Alderman Eric Teeman resigned his position on the
Raytown Board of Aldermen. The spot has remained vacant these last four months.
finally decided to make an appointment to fill the vacant position.
Tuesday night, by a vote of 6 to 3, the Board refused to seat the Mayor's
that time there have been calls, most notably from social media activists on
Facebook, demanding to know why Ms. Beall was not approved.
So here
is the answer. She was not approved because she lacked the support on the Board
to be seated.
would say that answer is insufficient.
What is
the goal here? To embarrass a failed candidate even more?
What I
cannot understand is why the Mayor pushed for the appointment when it was quite
clear the support was not on the Board for the appointment in the first place. From
conversations with Board members I can assure you the outcome of the vote was a
foregone conclusion.
Make no
mistake about it. The Mayor did not have the votes.
I served
on the Raytown Board of Aldermen for 27 years. I sat through votes on many
appointments. In those 27 years I never saw an appointment by a Mayor publicly
refused by the Board of Aldermen. A Mayor has a responsibility to take steps to
make certain the support is in place before making the appointment.
McDonough should find another candidate and soon. The Ward 5 vacancy has gone
on far too long.
should also take care to learn from the mistakes of his last effort. He must
reach out to find middle ground if he expects his nominee to be appointed. It
is really that simple. He will find that working with people will be much more
constructive than working against them.
Truth Watch RETURNS
TRUTH WATCH was the brainchild of
Raytown Fire Board Member Richard Tush. We published Richard’s reports in the
early days of the Raytown Report. His goal was to set the record straight on
items of interest in Raytown. With his permission, we are continuing the
tradition he began years ago.
The following post (reproduced here in part)
was published on the Raytown Report Blog
on April 28th.
. . . As I understand the Mayor
gave the Alderman a lengthy time to bring forward any potential candidates
who might be interested in filling out the term and NONE were presented. . .
wondered if the post was accurate so we contacted all of the members of the
Board of Aldermen via email and asked if they had (1) been asked by the Mayor
for possible candidates for the Ward 5 position and (2) what their response
WARD1 Alderman Karen Black: Alderman Black wrote she was asked by the Mayor for a
suggested nominee. She suggested that he appoint former Ward 5 Alderman
Candidate Phylis Goforth. Mayor McDonough did offer the position to Goforth.
She turned down the offer.
WARD 1 Alderman Frank Hunt: Was not contacted by
the Mayor until after McDonough had made his choice for nomination. He told me
since the Mayor had already made his choice, there was not any time left for
WARD 2 Alderman Jason Greene: Alderman Greene said
he was approached by the Mayor for suggestions. He suggested that the Mayor
consider suggestions originally made by Ward 4 Alderman Steve Meyers.
WARD 2 Alderman Jim
Aziere: Alderman
Aziere was not asked for any suggestions of possible nominees. McDonough
finally asked for Aziere’s support in late January. Aziere told McDonough that
he did not believe the Mayor had the support of six vote on the Board to
approve Beale. Aziere said McDonough did not believe him.
Ward 3 Alderman Mark Moore: Alderman Moore did
not wait for the Mayor to ask for a nominee. Moore suggested the Mayor call for
a special election to fill the vacant seat since it would be one and one half
years before the next scheduled election. He made the suggestion in public
session shortly after former Alderman Teeman resigned. Missouri State Statutes
allows for a special election to be held in April of each year. The Mayor
allowed the deadline for holding the election to pass. This effectively closed
the window of for a special election in 2018.
WARD 3 Alderman Ryan Myers: Myers says he was
not approached by the Mayor on the subject. So he contacted the Mayor and
suggested that either Phylis Goforth or Diane Krizek should be asked since they
had run in the last election (which was won by Alderman Bonnaye Mims). Goforth
declined the opportunity. It is not known if Krizek (who ran second in the race)
was asked by the Mayor to fill the position.
WARD 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk: Alderman VanBuskirk
said the Mayor did not approach him until after he (McDonough) had made his
choice for the nominee. He did visit with the candidate and came away from the
meeting believing she was not the best candidate for the position. VanBuskirk
told the Mayor he could not support his nominee
WARD 4 Alderman Steve Meyers: Alderman Meyers asked
the Mayor to consider two individuals from Ward 5. Unfortunately, neither of
the two candidates Meyers had in mind agreed to accept the opportunity. Meyers did not
share the names of the two candidates he had in mind other than to say both
were well qualified.
WARD 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims: Alderman Mims said
she did have a conversation with the Mayor about the vacant position. She
suggested approaching both Phylis Goforth and Diane Krizek. Her reasoning was
that both had shown they have the desire to serve through their active
campaigns for the open seat. She said, “both Goforth and Krizek deserve to be
asked before any others”.
there you have it . . . The Mayor did reach out. And those who were reached out
to before he made his choice did respond in a timely manner. As Ward 4 Alderman Steve Meyers is fond of
saying, the post on our blog claiming the Mayor received no responses from the
Board is a “Pants on Fire” moment.
Truth Watch PART
usually do not cover Facebook news on this blog, But some of the comments published
on Raytown Unleashed are so far off base that they should be corrected. We
chose the following three as an example.
“To add insult to injury, the one alderman they do have cares nothing
for Raytown, has never been involved with our community and is just using us as
a crutch to prop up her dying career for one more go at getting her state seat
TRUTH WATCH: It is very clear Ms.
Vorbeck’s comments were aimed at Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims. Before being
elected to the Raytown Board of Aldermen, Mims served two terms in the Missouri
State Legislature. She is one of those rare politicians who will cross party lines
for a common goal. Through her efforts, Jackson County was the recipient of over
22 million dollars in support of Children Services, Mental Health, Homeless and
Veterans in the Missouri state budget.
has repeatedly stated she has no intention of running for the State
for state office opened last Tuesday. We checked. Mims has not filed.
has proven to be an effective voice for the people of Ward 5. She takes pride
in public service and has good track record of quick response for constituent
Vorbeck Brown is the founder of Raytown Unleashed. We give her high marks for
starting up a successful Facebook page in Raytown. But she needs to get her
facts straight. When the founder of a Facebook page begins to dabble in Fake
News, the page loses credibility.
Julie Gautreaux Shupe wrote: “Is there a legal recourse for the board just
refusing to follow state law? Because if not, I can think of all kinds of state
laws we like to not follow. It’s a choice.”
TRUTH WATCH: The Mayor and Board of Aldermen followed the
law to the letter in the procedure(s) used on the (failed) nomination of Ms.
Beall. The Mayor is required to nominate a person to the vacant position. The
Board of Aldermen are required to approve or disapprove of the nomination. Both
parties fulfilled their legal obligations.
accusation is without merit.
Shara Buck wrote: “People in Ward 5 really need to show up to the meeting next Tuesday and take
the opportunity of the public comments to ask why they don’t have
representation. Not even a whole speech or anything just a question, Why are we
being denied the representation when the state defines a process for appointing
a replacement alderman?”
TRUTH WATCH: Miss Buck’s remarks are mis-directed. It is
the Mayor who has held up the nomination of a new Board member for Ward 5. The Board
of Aldermen voted on his nomination when they received it.
The Board
turned down the nomination. Thereby fulfilling their responsibility as defined
by State Law.
It is
now up to the Mayor to bring another candidate for consideration. Hopefully he
has learned the process requires he bring a candidate that is acceptable to the
majority of the Board. It is their duty, by state law, to make the final
decision on his appointment.
A side
note to this conversation. I have seen events that were truly supported by the
people of Raytown. Most notably, an application by Walmart to open a
mini-market in Downtown Raytown. Those meetings drew so many people that number
of attendees exceeded the number of participants allowed in the building by the
City Fire Marshall.
Buck’s post is written like a call to arms. It is interesting to note only
three people showed up from the public to support the Mayor’s nominee.
The lack of participants at the meeting speaks volumes of the amount of support for the Mayor's nominee at last Tuesday's meeting.
The Paul Livius Report BY PAUL LIVIUS
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
February 27,
City Clerk Teresa
Henry swore in Police Officers Brandon
Jeffery, Trevor Shroyer and Shawn
McDonough congratulated the Police Department and School District
Staff in their handling of the recent threat to the schools.
The Board rejected a resolution appointing Melissa Beall as a member of the Board
of Aldermen, to fill the position of former alderman Eric Teeman, until the
next regularly scheduled municipal election in April of 2019. Alderman Jason Green said he
appreciated Ms. Beall taking the time to talk with him about this
appointment. Alderman Steve Meyers said he asked two other people to serve on
the Board and both said no. Finding
someone to serve is difficult. Alderman Mark Moore said he believed the
person should be elected to the seat on the Board, not appointed.
Board tabled until March 6 an ordinance vacating a portion of 75th Street
located between the East right-of-way line of Raytown Road and the West
property line. Mitch DiCarlo, on behalf of Raytown Wash LLC, is requesting
approval of a right-of-way vacation. The applicant is requesting to vacate
right-of-way on 75th Street between Raytown Road and westbound MO-350 Highway.
The request to vacate 75th Street is a condition placed on the Conditional Use
Permit for the future Tidal Wave Car Wash located to the north of the existing
right-of-way. The right-of-way to be vacated is approximately 232 feet long and
45 feet wide. Written consent to vacate has been received by 2/3 of adjacent
property owners. Notices for Consent to Vacate have been provided by the
following adjacent property owners: FJM Distributing Company LP, Raytown Wash
LLC, and Raytown Auto Developers LLC. Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L),
KC Water, Public Water Supply District #2, AT&T, and Spire (formerly MGE)
have all waived objections subject to retaining their utility easements and
protection of existing facilities.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance granting an amendment to a
planned development to allow for an assisted living facility on lot 5 of Blue
Ridge Villas in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive zoning
regulations for Raytown. Ivan Chiang, LIY Financial, is
requesting approval of an amendment to the Blue Ridge Villas planned
development and a site plan for an assisted living facility on Lot 5. The
planned development, located at 59th St. and Hunter Court, was approved in
January 2006. To date, approximately eighty percent of the lots remain vacant.
The applicant is requesting to make an assisted living facility an allowed use
on Lot 5. The building would have almost the same building footprint as the
five patio homes intended for this lot. The site plan indicates additional
parking to account for the increased demand as well as several site furnishings
for the common areas. The assisted living facility will adhere to the
requirements of the Design Manual for Blue Ridge Villas to keep a consistent
design aesthetic for the neighborhood.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing and approving an
intergovernmental agreement for environmental services with Jackson County. The
City has been using the services of Jackson County to provide food service
inspections for the various business/concerns located in Raytown that
serve/sell food products. Given that Jackson County has the expertise and
equipment to conduct such inspections, this relationship has worked out well
for the City. Jackson County provides reports on all inspections and those
results are incorporated into the appropriate records of the business/concern.
Additionally, the inspection results can be viewed on the Jackson County web
site (www.jacksongov.org/fsi). There is no cost to the City for the inspection
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance authorizing an interlocal
agreement with the Missouri cities of Blue Springs, Buckner, Grain Valley, Grandview,
Greenwood, Independence, Lake Lotawana, Lake Tapawingo, Lee’s Summit, Lone Jack,
Oak Grove and Sugar Creek, as well as the State Highway Patrol and Jackson County,
including the Jackson County Sherriff’s office and the Jackson County Drug Task
Force for law enforcement services. The Jackson County Drug
Task Force is a multi-jurisdictional enforcement group pursuant to a
cooperative Memorandum of Understanding between many participating Law Enforcement
entities, including Raytown. The current MOU went into effect in 1998 and the
new MOU will commence on April 1, 2018 and will continue as long as the COMBAT,
Community Backed Anti-Crime Tax, is in effect. The changes from the existing
MOU and the updated MOU reflect the current operating procedures of the Jackson
County Task Force in which Chief Jim Lynch serves on the Board of Directors.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance approving the second amendment to
the second amended and restated tax increment financing redevelopment agreement
Raytown, Missouri and Raytown 350 INV Group LLC On December 7, 2010, the Board
of Alderman executed the First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Tax
Increment Financing Redevelopment Agreement. Project 2 Deferred Improvements
within Section b (2) (A) and (B) of this agreement required the Developer,
Raytown 350 INV Group (Block and Company), to construct a series of public
improvements along Raytown Road and eastbound Highway 350 per Missouri
Department of Transportation and City of Raytown’s design standards. Since the
execution of the First Amendment to the Second Amended and Restated Tax
Increment Financing Redevelopment Agreement, Missouri Department of
Transportation and the City of Raytown have determined the public improvements
identified in Section b (2) (B) of the Agreement are no longer required to be
constructed along eastbound Highway 350. The Second Amendment to the Second Amended
and Restated eliminates the requirement of the Developer to construct a
“proposed future entrance”, “future curb”, and the “future shared access” along
eastbound Highway 350. Missouri Department of Transportation and the City of
Raytown are still requiring to be constructed a “Proposed 10’ Wide Bike &
Pedestrian Path” along eastbound Highway 350 and a “5’ sidewalk” along Raytown
Road in front of IHOP. The Second Amendment provides for the Developer to, in
lieu of construction, pay the City of Raytown’s Public Works Department to
cause the construction of a “Proposed 10’ Wide Bike & Pedestrian Path”
along eastbound Highway 350 and a “5’ sidewalk” along Raytown Road in front of
IHOP. City Staff and legal counsel have aggressively negotiated with the developer
on the terms of the proposed amended and restated development agreement.
Board heard the first reading an ordinance approving the final plat of Lourdes
subdivision. Sam DePriest, Continental
Consulting Engineers Inc., is requesting approval of a final plat for the
Lourdes Subdivision. Mr. DePriest is working on behalf of the Our Lady of
Lourdes Catholic Church and the Raytown C-2 School District to plat the
church’s property. As the old parochial school is now being used by the Raytown
C-2 School District, both parties would like to redraw property lines to place
the school on a separate lot. Additionally, Our Lady of Lourdes Church decided
to separate the remaining buildings into separate lots that aligned with their
individual uses. The proposed subdivision has four lots. The church, sisters’
home, rectory and public pre-school will all be on separate lots. Utility
services are already established, and no public improvements will be necessary.
Utility easements will be dedicated with this final plat. The public school and
the church will share existing drives and will have joint ingress and egress
for vehicular and pedestrian access over all of the existing parking lots and
Board passed a resolution approving the purchase of 2019 International 4300
series and a Schwarze industries regenerative air sweeper from Elliott
equipment off the Missouri Department of Transportation cooperative purchasing
contract in an amount not to exceed $220,885.25. Street sweeping is an integral
part of storm water management and provides a cleaner environment that is
readily visible to the public. Public Works staff have reviewed many options
for providing street sweeping services including, but not limited to,
outsourcing the program. Staff determined during the process that in-house
street sweeping is the most cost-effective way to provide the service for the
residents of Raytown. Staff began the process of selecting a new street sweeper
through a number of on-site tests involving several manufacturers. The on-site
testing revolved around the real-world conditions observed in the neighborhoods
of Raytown and the ability of the sweeper to perform in those conditions. Staff
evaluated the sweepers based on cost, performance, warranty and service. Staff
recommends the purchase of a Schwarze A-7 regenerative air street sweeper from
Elliott equipment of Grandview, MO. For an amount of $220,885.25, based on the Mo
DOT cooperative contract. The Public Works Dept. has budgeted $250,000.00 for
the street sweeper purchase in FY2018.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of tires and supplies from Sumner
Tire off the State of Missouri cooperative purchase contract in an amount not
to exceed $22,000.
Board passed a resolution approving participation by the city in the Missouri Department
of Transportation Highway Safety Crash reduction/hazardous moving enforcement
project and an application for grant funding in connection with the highway
safety crash reduction/hazardous moving enforcement grant for such purposes
Resolution approving the Hazardous Moving Grant application from the Missouri
Department of Transportation Highway Safety Division for the 2019 Fiscal Year.
If awarded, the billed hours worked by officers of the Raytown, Missouri Police
Department will be reimbursed at the rate of 100%. The Raytown Police
Department intends to utilize these funds to decrease hazardous driving related
offenses and crashes within the Raytown City limits. The grant, if awarded,
allows for $7,169.05 dollars to be used for overtime assignments, and the
purchase of an additional Stalker brand, handheld radar instrument and will be
reimbursed at 100% to the City. In addition, the grant will reimburse the cost
of sending one officer to the annual LETSAC conference for additional training.
There is no match required by the City for this grant. Alderman Ryan Myers asked if the report stating the police
department only writes two traffic tickets a day is correct. Chief
Jim Lynch said that is probably correct, but there has been a reduction in
the force.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the continuation of an agreement with Infinity
Building Services for mowing services in an amount not to exceed $28,000 but
within budgeted amounts for fiscal year 2017-2018. The Public Works Department
received 3 sealed bids that were opened on Tuesday, February 6 at 2:00pm.
Infinity Building Services is the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder with a
base bid of $22,100 and is being recommended for approval. The Public Works
Department will have the contractor mow 34 areas throughout the City. Each
location will be paid per the contract unit costs. The number of times each
area is mowed will depend on the weather.
Fiscal Year 2013-14, $18,913.00 was spent by the Public Works Dept.
Fiscal Year 2014-15, $15,440.00 was spent by the Public Works Dept.
Fiscal Year 2015-16, $13,974.00 was spent by the Public Works Dept.
Fiscal Year 2016-17, $15,615.00 was spent by the Public Works Dept.
staff is requesting an increase in the approved amount for possible expenses
with our annual mowing project. Our request is to make an approved amount to
spend of $28,000, which is equal to our budgeted amount.
Board passed a resolution approving the expenditure of funds with Stantec Consulting
Services. Utilizing the Mid-America Council of Public Purchasing cooperative
contract for a pavement analysis and condition report in an amount not to
exceed $35,850 for fiscal year 2017-2018. The City of Raytown last received a
comprehensive pavement analysis and condition report in 2002. This proposed update
will allow staff to establish a more comprehensive plan for street maintenance,
with a variety of recommended treatments from chip seal, to different types of
micro-surfacing, to mill and overlay, etc. Staff is recommending BOA approval
to be 20% higher than this estimate, to cover unforeseen circumstances that may
arise with this work. $29,875 + 20% = $35,850. If another nearby community uses
Stantec, then this could possibly lower our cost.
Board passed a resolution approving the professional services of storm water
infrastructure repair in the city from Wiedenmann Inc. Utilizing Lee’s Summit cooperative purchase
contract and approving project expenses for 10901 E. 75th Street in an amount
not to exceed $49,960. On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 the City of Raytown was
informed of a sinkhole in the roadway in front of 10901 E. 75th Street. Later
this same day, the Public Works Department (PWD) crews barricaded the area and
then placed steel road plates to open the road back up to traffic. PWD reached
out to Jerry Wiedenmann of Wiedenmann Inc. to make a site visit and begin the
process of writing an estimate for the repairs. PWD received the attached
proposal from Wiedenmann Inc. on Thursday, February 1st for $39,960. This is
not a proposal or a not to exceed amount but, is a construction estimate based
on a time and materials cooperative agreement being utilized through the City
of Lee’s Summit. The attached emergency memo approved by Tom Cole adds a
$10,000 contingency amount to cover unforeseen circumstances that may arise
with this work. The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Storm Sewer Fund, Repair and
Maintenance Services, Emergency Storm Water Repairs, is budgeted with
$125,000.00. Of the budgeted amount, $19,579.96 has been spent on the repairs
at 8609 E. 84th Terr and $48,045.00 was spent on the repairs at 5520 Crescent.
These previous projects total $67,625.00, leaving $57,375.00 available.
To leave a comment use this link POST A COMMENT

Note to the BOA. Keep up the good work guys. The people of Raytown know you are doing a good job!
Hmmm. Talk about a waste of money. Paying an outside company to mow is ridiculous when you have plenty of able bodies in the public works department. This is one of the dumbest things they do. Waste of money, hands down.
Leave it to the Police Chief to never pass up an opportunity to throw a hand grenade. Mr Meyers could you please tell us how many police officers have been laid off to date? We already know the answer but it is still nice to hear. Come on Chief, put on your big boy undies and move on with life. We have all grown tired of your pouting and childish little digs. So your cops only write two tickets a day???? You blame this on less officers on the streets? Seriously man come on.... You have just as many officers on the street as Grandview and I gaurentee they they write more than two... Maybe it’s time for the City Administrator to invoke the new power placed on him and show the Chief how to lead.
How many police officers were laid off in Raytown? NONE!
How many police officers were told by Jim Lynch they were going to lose their jobs? ALL OF THEM!
How many quit and moved on after meeting with Jim Lynch? MANY MORE THAN NEEDED TO LEAVE.
If ever there was an argument for changing from an elected to an appointed Chief of Police, Jim Lynch is it.
Final question.
What does Twin Peaks and the Lee's Summit Bar and Grille have in common?
A restaurant and a sports bar that hundreds go to every week
They are both in Lee"s Summit and they both serve food.
The officers quit because they didn't have confidence in the city council.
I see the blog owners have mentioned specific folks in their post this week. Their names are published on FB.
We are not able to do that here because most posts are anonymous. Sort of ironic, isn't it???
There is a really sarcastic person who posts here that has no friends. He/she makes a point of being rude. If our names were published folks wouldn't be so nasty on this blog.
At least on Raytown Unleashed they will block trolls. Doesn't happen here.
Actually Greg and Paul sign all of their articles. The posts on the blog portion can be signed by whoever wrote the post. You can sign your name if you want to. But it is not necessary. We follow the same basic protocol as used on Raytown Unleashed. It is rare that we post on the comments on Raytown Unleashed but did so this week because of the avalanche of misinformation that was posted on Raytown Unleashed. Claims the Mayor and/or the Board of Aldermen were breaking the law are baseless. The law was followed to the letter. Ward 5 Alderman Bonnaye Mims is NOT running for the State Legislature and is deeply involved in community service.
The main story had to do with allegations that the Board refused to help the Mayor find candidates. We took extra care to be accurate on the Board's comments. As the story shows, over half of the Board offered suggestions. ALL of the Board visited with the Mayor and many of them visited with the Mayor's candidate before the vote was taken.
I think the officers had even less confidence in Jim Lynch.
Come on, the police weren't writing tickets before there was reduction in the budget. Just remember if the chiefs or mayors lips are moving they are telling you a lie. Seen it myself!!!
I think the point of 12:01 is that we don't know who is making false or rude comments here because they are mainly anonymous. On FB the posters aren't anonymous.
Of course Greg and Paul can post whatever articles they like--it's their blog.
They had faith in the chief, but not in board. Who knew how far the cuts were going to continue to go.
The comment about the police not knowing how far the cuts would go is not accurate. The Police Department had decided who would be cut. Not the BOA. Remember all of those folks who said the BOA was not qualified to make the cuts? I sure do. The result was the Chief was to make recommendations. That is why the after all the police officers left there was not any civilian jail technicians. He had cut them. He had his officer telling people we could not put anyone in jail because the technicians had to be cut. Then, when more of the rank and file uniform officers quit, he had money for technicians.
The BOA was forced into requiring cuts from the police because the city ran out of money. But it was definitely Chief Lynch who decided which cuts were made.
I hear now the Mayor want to appoint Diane Krizek to the City Council. Anybody know if that is true?
I hear OUT OF TOWN SUSIE is calling your reporting lazy journalism!! What a joke she is. What she has on her blog is a bunch of whining out of touch with reality ladies with nothing to do with their time. They all think they know the law when in fact they need to go back to school and study the Missouri Constitution and maybe take a course in Missouri Law. thanks for putting the truth out. people need to hear it.
What a mistake that would be. But then again the mayor has made plenty mistakes but he just won't admit it....
I read through the stories in the Raytown Report this week. I gotta tell ya, it is refreshing to read what our individual aldermen have to say about the mishandling of what should be a simple appointment. Instead we end up with a young woman who was literally thrown under the bus by her sponsor. I don't blame the victim and I do not blame the BOA. They all did their job. I believe in putting the blame where it belongs. Mr. Mayor, find a suitable candidate that all can agree on before deciding to try and bull you way through an appointment. Work with the city council, not against them,and you will have better results.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just finished reading some fake news in the KC Star.
A story titled . . .
should read . . .
Going to keep asking this till I get an answer, What is the status of the TIFF bond refi? It’s supposed to save us millions of dollars and god knows we could use it. Last year Aldernan Moore was promising projects with the savings. It’s been almost a year and the City still hasn’t taken any action, why is this not a priority to everyone.
6;55 I think it all depends on who is providing the information.
Last I heard rape was up, but if the administration and law enforcement cover it up so parents are not alarmed and send students to other colleges.
Raytown Facebook sites are about as divided as Snow Mister and Heat Mister in the Christmas show " The Year Without a Santa Claus".
For those that might have grown up watching this classic, you might not know that the Mister are actually brothers. This is much like "Raytown Unleashed" and "Only In Raytown".
"Only In Raytown" contains happy and positive happenings in Raytown and stops an thing the administrator finds negative even when the comments paint the actual picture of the "Raytown" that we live in.
"Raytown Unleashed" contains post from some of the most hateful people in the community and even worst if most of the post are opinions that state they are facts, but are always validated as lies.
It is pages like theirs that keeps the folks at Snoops.com with things to validate!
The citizens of Raytown disserve better and it starts with city hall under the guidance of the mayor being more transparent and honest with the citizens.
1.) Raytown is broke - We have cut the police department, which was overly broadcast on Fox 4. We are struggling to meet the bond payments, which has been reported on this blog. We all can see our infrastructure (streets) failing.
2.) Raytown is lacking code enforcement - We all know that by just taking a walk around your own neighborhood which oddly enough was comments our current city administrator would make in his former role as the head of economic development.
Raytown to can be fixed, but it is going to take card work and must start by address those two main issues until that time we are doomed for additional failure.
More money is not going to fix the problem, but hiring individuals that are honest with the citizens and actual perform the duties hired is the key.
Anyone standing in the way needs to step down or get fired! - It is that simple!!!
Out of town Susan wants to get television stations, Rep. Jerome Banes and march on city hall with signs. Do they know how stupid they look and sound. We went with Josh Greene and Steve Mocks sets not being filled for quite some time, and the mayor wanted it that way. None of these people said a darn word. They need to know it is a city situation not the states so Rep. Barnes can't do a thing for them. Tony Jacobs has all these great ideas with out any merit to any of them. That man is in a world all his own.
Just watched the city council meeting. Rental property licensing was on the agenda.
Great news! I hope the legal review on this proposal passes muster and this plan is implemented.
Thank you Ryan!
After reading the comments on Raytown Unleashed this morning I have to put this out there. These people who live in Ward 5 and others who leave comments are nothing more than racist I don't care what Alderman Mims says or does you guys are going to find fault and criticize her. Just to name a few of you Matt Cushman, Kathie Schuette, Shara Buck, Tony Jacobs and of course Out of Town Susie just to name a few. You guys just need to let it go. You talk about making Raytown great well here is a place to start..
What is out of town Susan worked up about this time?
Same lineup of people speaking at the BOA last night. Kathie Schuette, Michael Anderson and of course Tony Jacobs who thinks he must talk at every meeting, and none of what he says makes any sense. I again was disappointed the mayor let people attack other citizens at the meeting, but then the mayor doesn't like the person who was attacked. Double standards is what that is called Mr. Mayor. You can be better than that. Stand up to these people...
I have no doubt that all of the Alderman love Raytown. I also think that the citizens who spoke love Raytown. I think the problem is one of expectations. It’s a matter of what actions to take and how fast we go about trying to turn things around for Raytown. It’s a sense of urgency that some have vs. a perception of slow response from the BOA. Some type of pastoral mediation would probably be helpful.
The folks on Unleashed bash most of the aldermen pretty relentlessly. I think it's a bit disingenuous to pull the race card because Mims is black. Let's remember no matter how much we disagree, The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a valuable lesson.
7:45 I guess the door has been open to call out several city employees at upcoming board meetings.
I have never laughed so hard as I did the other night when Alderman Meyers brought forth the idea of citizens not having to give their address when giving public comment. First of all the city clerk is not his private secretary she doesn't need to run back and make copies so the alderman have the names and address in front of them. Here is a great suggestion have each person who wants to speak fill out a card with name and address then the cards are kept by the clerk she calls the name of the person who is next to speak(the mayor can't pronounce half of the names correctly anyway it's an embarrassment) and let her do the job. Alderman Meyers is being bought and paid for by the Raytown Unleashed group which makes have even less respect for him than I did.
@March 7, 2018 at 9:56 AM . unmask yourself. What comments did you feel i made that were racist in nature? In fact, at the previous meeting I actually noted Alderwoman Mims work to audit the city as a plus, even as the other Aldermen wouldn't listen to her she was persistent. I feel I have a good relationship with her.
Dear 9:56 AM March 7: If you are going to call me a racist and then do the cowardly thing of signing your comment Anonymous, that proves that you are too afraid to say it in person and to back up your accusations. My objections to Ms. Mims has absolutely nothing to do with the color of her skin. Why don’t you gather your nerve and contact me and we can have a face-to-face discussion about Ms. Mims and racism. Signed, Kathie Schutte............and by the way: if you’re going to insult me, then learn how to spell my name correctly.
If the mayor was important as he thinks he is he might something to brag about.
1:30 pm
You tell 'em, Kathie!
Thoughts and prayers are not going to fix Raytown.
I am tired of watching the Tony and Kathie Show at City Hall. They NEVER have anything good to say about anyone. They complain incessantly about everything. I will give them this. They are good at tricking one of the local television stations to give them lots of air time. I think there were six people at the last meeting in their group. Three of them were outside carrying signs before the meeting. The TV broadcast left the impression there were a lot of people protesting. They should start their newscasts, with LIVE, From Raytown City Hall. The Tony and Kathie Show! I agree with Alderman Meyers on this one. Things are getting out of hand. Some changes in how the Public Comments section or Board meetings is mismanaged need to be addressed.
@ 6:28 am
There is nothing wrong with how public comments are handled. The public needs this vital access point. What you don’t like is the exercise of free speech. Public comments are not just for kudos, it’s a place for the citizens who are not being heard to be heard.
Looks like Kathie got her feathers ruffled. To bad!! Truth hurts
Anonymous said...
Thoughts and prayers are not going to fix Raytown.
March 9, 2018 at 4:03 AM
I beg to differ. HE can do amazing things. We should absolutely pray for our city. I wish you knew how awesome HE is. I feel sad that you don't.
Since you have taken the time to defend comments on this blog about your post on a Facebook page, maybe you will take the time to address the community on some ongoing questions.
1.) Why didn't you speak up against the mayor for not appoint anyone to complete Steve Mock's term?
Keep in mind Steve died in early July and the position was not filed until an election in April of the following year.
Opening to file wasn't until mid Dec of the same year Steve passed.
2.) Why have you not spoken up against the mayor for all the appointment to committees and boards he has not made and/or has taken longer than it did to bring a name forward for Teeman's seat?
3.) Why as you continue to complain about the police budget you have not requested as allowed by law for the elected position you hold to be combined with the duties of the city marshal, which would allow some additional money for the police department?
I think things need to be toned down. There are bullets flying folks. It’s time to get real.
On 1&2, so you think your opinion is the only one that matters? Sounds like it. On 3, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
It is sad to see our local schools are not producing educated individuals.
If you doubt I am correct look at the public comments from one of our elected officials who clearly doesn't understand processes have been followed and if anyone is violating state law it is the mayor.
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