Paul’s Rant!
Greg and I have worked hard at
keeping to the facts of the issues before the voters this election cycle. We believe
we have done so. The following will bring you up-to-date on news concerning the upcoming election.
A GAS WAR ON 40 HIGHWAY is said to be affecting how much gasoline is being pumped at Raytown filling stations. Gasoline stations located at Sterling and 40 Highway have been selling gasoline at 10 cents under Raytown prices. Filling stations, particularly on the north side of Raytown are feeling the pinch.
So much for the argument that people will not drive an extra mile or two for cheaper gasoline.
SCARE TACTICS: The Yes Campaign in favor of raising three taxes in Raytown has been telling anyone who will listen that if the three taxes do not pass . . . city employees will lose their jobs.
It is well known City Hall has steadfastly refused to say how any new tax revenue will be spent. It is equally known the Mayor and some on the Board of Aldermen want to plow most of the money into the police department.
The only detail we have heard from City Hall is what will happen if the tax does not pass! And that detail, apparently being repeated at doorsteps throughout Raytown is a threat to employees of their job security.
Shame on them. It is dirty politics to lace campaign rhetoric with threats in an effort to intimidate voters.
STATE REPRESENTATIVE JEROME BARNES received similar treatment from three members of the Raytown Board of Aldermen. Ward 2 Alderman Jason Greene, Ward 4 Alderman Steve Meyers, and City Collector Cathy Schutte, took Barnes to task for not joining in on the tax increase campaign.
Barnes was smart not to fall for their taunts. His job is to work for legislation on the state level for Raytown. Choosing sides in this fight would be counter-productive to that goal.
For those who are curious, the following screen shots tell the story.

2.5% INTERNET USE FEE QUESTIONED: At a recent meeting between the Mayor and the Raytown Fire Protection District the Mayor was asked how people were supposed to report their internet purchases.
The Mayor said internet purchases were to be self-reported. This caused a chuckle from some of the Fire District personnel at the meeting. The Mayor did not elaborate as to who the self-reporting would go to. Should internet users address their “self reporting” to whom it may concern at Raytown City Hall?
Opponents to the tax are quick to point out that if caught not “self-reporting” purchases, anyone buying on the internet could, by the language in the ballot, be prosecuted for not “self-reporting”.
A Word to the Wise . . . It would be in your best interest to carefully read the ballot language on ALL three of the tax proposals before you cast your vote on August 7th.
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Primary Election
August 7th is Primary
Election Day in Missouri. Voters will winnow the field of contenders running to
be chosen the candidate in the November General Election. Also on the ballot
are three controversial tax increases for Raytown voters to decide.
Our choices are below. You will note we
have not endorsed in all races. The candidates we have chosen to publicly
support have impressed us with their campaigns and have a good grasp of the
issues facing Raytown voters.
We have previously made our endorsement
on the three Raytown tax questions before the voters as well.
So, no matter which party ballot you are
choosing, or, if you are choosing an “issues only” ballot, please remember to
vote next Tuesday.
Jerome Barnes
Jerome Barnes has demonstrated he can set
aside political party differences to work with others for a common goal. His
willingness to work with other legislators has earned him the respect of
politicians from both sides of the aisle in Jefferson City. He deserves to be
re-elected to a second term as Raytown’s legislator in the State’s capitol.
John Burnett
John Burnett is a combat veteran who fought in
the defense of Saigon during the TET Offensive of the Vietnam War. He continued
that tradition of service when he returned to civilian life. He has a track
record spanning two decades of public service. His experience and leadership (outlined
below) will be a blessing on the Jackson County Legislature.
Jackson County Legislator
Bi-State Commission
Missouri State Representative
Missouri State Representative
Missouri State Representative
Missouri State Representative
Commissioner Port Authority of Kansas City
Arimeta Dupree
Arimeta Dupree is the youngest candidate
running for the Jackson County Legislator. She is a rising star in Jackson County
leadership. She told us “Jackson County is my home. I have a stake in our
future and I pledge to make Jackson County a premier place to live, raise a family
and retire.” Her actions speak clearly to this last point. In 2015, Arimeta opened
her private practice law firm, A. Dupree and Associates in Jackson County.
Bonnaye Mims has held many positions in her political career. She served as
President of the Hickman Mills School District. She also served two terms on
the as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives. She is currently serving
her first term on the Raytown Board of Aldermen. She will be a welcome addition
to the Jackson County Democrat Central Committee. Voters can vote for two
candidates for Democrat Committeewoman. It would be a wise to cast one of those votes for Bonnaye Mims.
Bonnaye Mims
Bonnaye Mims has held many positions in her political career. She served as
President of the Hickman Mills School District. She also served two terms on
the as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives. She is currently serving
her first term on the Raytown Board of Aldermen. She will be a welcome addition
to the Jackson County Democrat Central Committee. Voters can vote for two
candidates for Democrat Committeewoman. It would be a wise to cast one of those votes for Bonnaye Mims.
Jackson County and will fight for the best interest
of the 2nd District.
Josh Hawley
The race for the Senate seat on the
Republican side of the aisle has 11 candidates filed. The Democrat Primary has
a good number of candidates as well. Senator Claire McCaskill should win he primary wihtout much
of a fight. The Republican Primary is a mixed group. Of the candidates filed,
Missouri State Attorney General Josh Hawley is the best choice as the
Republican standard bearer for Missouri in the United States Senate.
r Vote No . . No . . No
QUESTION 1 . . . more than doubles city property taxes on
real estate and personal property owned by homeowners and business owners from 35
cents to $1.00 per $100 valuation.
QUESTION 2 . . . increases the tax on gasoline, diesel
and blended fuels by two cents per gallon. The State of Missouri has a 10 cent per gallon tax increase scheduled for the November General Election.
Another well informed post. I wondered about the yes group putting out a list of supporters. It feels like bait for a No lost to be put put so the Mayor can send his goons out to write codes tickets, nice try.
I think it is pretty low for our reps to talk bad about someone who asked if there was anything he could do to help. Just goes to show of you aren't on their side they won't be nice or professional! Don't trust them!
Thanks for posting the truth! Question 1 applies to more than just a house like they want you to believe AND reassessments are next year, talk about being shady. Half truths are whole lies.
The state will raise taxes even more in November so buyer beware on these tax hikes they are only a start, and as the Mayor has said he will make sure his buddies at the PD get their share.
Question 3 applies not just to the interweb but to private sales, just like if you buy a car in Is at a house you have to come back and pay sales tax here, if you buy an Xbox you will have to file taxes on it. It's not like it has any teeth, but hey who cares let's just make new taxes out of thin air that we aren't going to enforce.
We own commercial property in Raytown.
With what we already pay in property tax, utilities (commercial rates - exponentially more expensive) and commercial insurance policies (yes, plural), we just can't justify voting yes on any of these tax questions.
We'll gladly take our chances by voting no.
Very happy to learn that the Raytown Democratic Association is NOT supporting ANY of the three proposed tax increases.
You truly do get what you pay for. Don't want nice paved roads, don't vote for it. You want bare bones service from other departments, don't vote for it. It's simple math, really. We will all live with the consequences, though. Citizens Reaching for Tomorrow
Talk about speculation and half truths! The city has nothing to do with the assessments. They are done by the county, and the value could go down, which means you pay less. And the state fuel tax has to pass at the ballot box as well, so no guarantee there.
Assessments are going to go down? I do not think so. Last I looked housing prices have been going up. The County will follow suit and increase taxes on every property except for those corporate ones the really smart guys at Raytown City Hall gave tax abatements to. The problem at city hall is poor or non-existent management. How long will the city go without a city administrator? How long will the city go without a finance director? There are problems at city hall that need to be addressed. Best place to start is the Mayor. He has set the tone for a divided city. His promises are empty. The biggest unfilled promise is the refinancing of the bonds used to create Walmart. He did not fullfill that promise. But he has kept the one he made to Walmart to continue using city equipment free of charge for off duty officers. Stopped by HyVee last night. Not one, but two uniformed officers working there. The city owned SUV illegally parked on the side walk in fromt of the HyVee Liquor Store. Oh yeah, I forgot, HyVee, like Walmart is special. They receive tax abatements on their real estate tax. Like Walmart, they also get a Community Improvement District (CID) as well. That means the charge an extra sales tax they get to keep for improving their property! Like I said. The problem in Raytown is at City Hall. Those elected officials who allow unfair policies that cost all of us dearly. Count me as three NO votes on August 7th.
I would never vote for any of these tax increases until the city has a State Audit. I suspect there are many recommendations for responsible change that a full blown state audit would bring to light. What are these city officials afraid of? Why not ask the State Auditor to come in and do a professional accessment of what needs to be done to improve our city? The Mayor and the current Board seem to think that just throwing money at the problem will solve it. IT WON'T If you give them their tax increases, mark my words they will just keep coming back for more. VOTE NO on all three taxes until the Mayor and Board step up and do the right thing,
Interesting to me that two very vocal opponents to the three ballot questions are failed candidates for election to their respective city councils.
Maybe sour grapes?
I applaud Rep. Barnes for what he did. These taxes are a city matter not a state matter. Granted he is a Raytown resident and I am sure he has an opinion on the taxes BUT he is not obligated to share that with the three of you or anyone else if he chooses not to. You guys must be running scared that this has you so upset.
"Don't want nice paved roads, don't vote for it. You want bare bones service from other departments, don't vote for it. It's simple math, really. We will all live with the consequences..."
Yes, "simple". Those remarks are as simplistic as it gets. They're also manipulative, an amateurish attempt to force a result that is destined to cause even greater harm to the city.
Decades ago I owned a home off 68th and Raytown Road, west side. Twice a week I'd carefully mow around and into somewhat of a ravine in front of my house. That ravine is still there, unchanged, preserved in time. As much of a royal pain as it was to mow around, that practical little storm water ravine continues to serve its purpose admirably.
The mere handful of loud-mouthed proponents of this insane tax grab however would dramatically seize onto that ravine and declare an infrastructure emergency.
Yes, some roads and "infrastructure" will eventually require attention. But prior to any expenditures, a qualified mayoral and a law enforcement administrator need to be recruited and elected. Specific aldermen need to be replaced. Qualified department heads need to be in place at city hall.
Be wise, deliberate. Insist upon and enact this transformation in personnel and elevated standards prior to increasing taxes.
@11:13 PM "Reaching for Tomorrow". The only thing you are reaching for is Raytown residents pockets.
You get what you pay for is a private sector theorem. It does not apply to public sector.
The public sector theorem is "you get what you vote for". We didn't get enough people out to vote in good stewards of our taxes and now we are getting three tax questions at the same time.
It is not about Ferguson, paved roads, gravel roads,more police, development and a host of other scare tactics and diversions from the fact that you squandered our taxes and now demand we give you more.
If the taxes pass then we get what we voted for: More waste and frivolous spending our our money.
Reaching for Fiscal Responsibility
Just to be clear, Missouri residents have always been responsible for paying a use tax to the state. The election will only determine whether the city can get the share of sales taxes it would receive on an in-person transaction.
If we pass it.
They will spend it.
City Hall has the right to spend your tax dollars
And with that right is Raytown's historical right to spend it unwisely.
Wisdom pleads No New Taxes until Raytown can prove they are prudent, judicious and responsible with what they already have in our taxes.
@4:38 AM Are you McDonough's lap jack or just drunk on the kool aid.
Tell me when our property values have gone down? Cite a year in which our property values were reduced. Then when you do, also cite the reduction in my taxes at that same time.
You can't.
You know a ton of money will be spent by lobbyists and vested interests to raise our fuel tax by .10 cent yet you act like it may not pass.
Where do you people who want us nickeled and dimed to death come from??
I hope the three gouging taxes are voted no so you can crawl back under your rock.
"The national average is 1 Captain for every 50 patrol officers, currently Raytown Police Department has 1 Captain for every 3 officers.."
Is any of this true?!
If so, we have a bunch of Captains in a small land-locked town, a police chief that appears to resolutely refuse to regularly engage with the citizens that took the trouble to elect him, and what? 2-3 traffic tickets are issued per month? Week? Daily?
If any of this is correct, and they want more MONEY?!
(And before Untethered anonymously kicks in with all their nonsense, apparently most of this had been going on for quite some time prior to any budget issue.)
Thank you July 30th at 6:08am.
If my memory serves me right one of the alderman (the woman in Ward 5) came on board stating that a Audit was needed and she shared why. Guess what, the Unleash people and the Mayor started slandering her, calling her many names (go read some of their antics). Even the so called City Collector (a elected official). They do this on social media, never to her face. This woman pointed out the shape Raytown was facing, now look at where we are.
As was stated money won't solve the problems, look at why the city is in the shape it's in, look at the streets (and they have the nerve to post the conditions of the streets on social media,)what has been done to the streets over the many years of decay? Nothing. Where have your tax dollars been spent on? The Public Safety Sales Tax, right before cutting the RPD budget, there was 9 fully funded vacant positions that were never filled, what happened to that funding? They officers that were let go was just a ploy to put fear into the BOA and the community. Now, at the last board meeting out of the Chief's mouth, we have only 4 officers on the street. What do you say to that People?
Anonymous 6:06am said...
Assessments are going to go down? I do not think so. Last I looked housing prices have been going up. The County will follow suit and increase taxes on every property...…
Where were you in 2008? The housing market crashed, houses sold less than the (inflated) purchase price, and the assessed value dropped along with the prices.
Either you're a really young kid who doesn't know anything, or you're really old person who has had a lot of memory loss.
Or maybe we wouldn't be in this position if we had them instead. Abraham Lincoln was know for being a loser, but is now is looked highly upon now.
And how many residents file? If as you imply people are unaware and dont pay the atate good luck getting them to file for the city.
Greene, Meyers, and of course Schuette you guys are doing more harm than good by running your mouths. Maybe one day you will figure that out. I am not holding y breathh
No, I said they could go down. And vehicle assessments will go down unless you buy a new car every year.
So let me get this straight you guys are applauding a state rep who represents all of Raytown who won't take a position at all on an issue or meet with other elected officials because he is running for office? Sorry but that's not leadership. This tax issue for or against is the biggest issue facing that gentleman's district this actual year. He should be involved either way and not use campaigning against an opponent who doesnt even have an MEC file open as an excuse.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Hasn't City Hall fooled us long enough.
Don't be fooled on August 7th keep your hard earned money.
Also cast not your pearls before swine. I am keeping my pearls on election day with three no votes.
Captain McDonough and his ship of fools have looted the City Treasury for too long now.
Stop the buccaneers raid on our tax dollars by not giving these tax pirates another cent.
"Captain McDonough and his ship of fools have looted the City Treasury for too long now."
Nah, despite all those years with the department, McDonough's RPD ascension came to a screeching halt at sergeant. (We get what you were meaning to say, though.)
I really wonder about people like Schutte, Greene and Meyers. They find out someone is not supporting their point of view and they go to face book to trash them. Childish and counter-productive. I am beginning to see why Raytown has so many problems with people like those three at the helm.
People, do not give into the bully tactics being used by the three named above. They are an embarrassment to our town. Their tax scheme is going to fail and fail big. Please remember to go vote on August 7th. Read the tax proposals carefully. You will see why so many are going to vote NO, NO, NO!
Meyers, Greene, McDonough, Vorbeck, Scutte, et al. should be ashamed of themselves. Nothing but a bunch of snakes in the grass. If someone doesn't agree with them, they automatically trash them, and other elected officials, behind their backs on social media. Time to grow up, be professional about your elected position and bring the city into a respectable manner in an ethical way (which doesn't mean tax hikes until the cows come home).
The proposal to more than doubling the city property tax is a pure act of greed. If the proposed property tax on our homes, cars, etc. passes you will see a lot of people on fixed incomes hurt. Don't you pro-tax people get it? Those on fixed income do not have the money to pay your outrageous tax increases.
Gasoline is something that I do shop for. These last couple of months I have been buying my gas in Independence up on 40 Hiway. Why, because it saves me an average of 10 cents a gallon compared to what I pay in Raytown. I do not drive out of my way to make these purchases. But i do plan my trips so I can capture the savings. Make no mistake about it. Raising the price of gasoline, even two cents a gallon will drive sales down in Raytown. And it will not stop there. When I purchase my gasoline at a convenience store I also buy my morning cup of coffee there as well.
In other words Raytown loses the gasoline sales and the retail sale from inside the store as well.
The use tax is really an additional sales tax. I hope Raytowners are smart enough to know how much 2.5% of additional tax they currently do not pay on internet sales will affect them.
I will be voting NO on each of these unfair tax increases. Next April, I will vote against every one of those elected officials who brought these three taxes at one time.
"Meyers, Greene, McDonough, Vorbeck, Scutte, et al...If someone doesn't agree with them, they automatically trash them...Time to grow up, be professional... "
Vorbeck is a non-resident and is therefore barred from running for office. Her only hold on Raytown is an interest in a tiny, mortgaged house, and that like hundreds of thousands of other people, she grew up in Raytown.
While you may or may not like Greene’s or Meyers way of politics they are far from sneaky or snarky. They both are diligent and active in calling back their constituents and will not run or hide from a tough conversation. I for one have not always agreed with their stance or viewpoint on some things, but always respected their frankness and not shying away from tough questions. Found them both to be pretty genuine and nice guys actually when you just run across them out in public. I completely understand Alderman Greene’s frustration of Jerome Barne’s apparent snub of at least calling him back or e-mail as well.
@ 6:31 AM "Next April, I will vote against every one of those elected officials who brought these three NEW taxes at one time.
These are NEW NEW NEW TAXES that desperately need a NO NO NO VOTE
NO,NO,NO, until there is a Missouri State Audit!!!
I just read both of Michael Anderson's (deputy treasurer: Citizens for Tax Gouging Raytown Citizens aka CFP)talks to the BOA. I was jaw dropping stultified to see him try to justify THREE NEW TAXES by quoting the poet Yeats poem called "Second Coming".
Yeats poetry was influenced by mysticism, spiritualism and the occult.
He and his co hort Morris both advance a treatise to justify THREE NEW TAXES. Not one word of fiscal accountability to the taxpayer. Not one word of how the taxpayers have been lied to when passing past tax initiatives.
The neither did a balance on taxes with accountability versus taxes as a necessity for government. Nor did Anderson read other poets on taxes.
Here are some that do deal with taxes:
“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
― Winston S. Churchill
“One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.”
― Ron Paul
“No nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity.”
― Rush Limbaugh
“Government! Three fourths parasitic and the other fourth Stupid fumbling.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
“The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
― John Marshall
You should read Morris and Anderson's talks to the BOA on the website to see how utterly divorced from reality they really are.
Indeed they are doing the same to small business owners and tony. They only have personal attacks and the only argument is "give us more"
Professional? Who said the Board was professional? They bicker like school girls, and even argue with each other about the rules applying to them publix speaking. They are fine making the rules and enforcing on others, too bad they aren't morale enough to obey the rules they set for us.
I was just reading the comments posted in a Raytown Facebook group. Apparently, the group was organized some time back by a local business owner. I've never met her, but it's crystal clear from the sincere and tactful quality of her remarks and her responses to on the people that continually attempt to trigger her that she is a very nice, intelligent, open-minded person that won't shy away from the issues.
As another Raytown business owner, it's completely irrelevant where we choose to live in our off hours, and we're permitted to express our opinions. People, you're not going to get an AMC 20, an Outback Steakhouse, a JC Penney, or a Macys. A multitude of both exogenous and internal factors will likely always completely prevent this. Raytown needs to retain every small business as well as the limited corporate entities and individual franchises that serve the community each day.
Whatever goes on in Raytown impacts us also. My annual revenue is in the low 7 figures. My business really contributes to the community. My business really matters.
I was disheartened to read some comments from a proponent, a "treasurer" for "Raytown...Progress" something or other. I wasn't surprised that he's part of a handful of "the usual suspects". He approached this business owner with some of the following:
"I have a problem that is going to keep me from spending my hard earn (SIC) money in your establishment, possibly forever...Your job is to make money, hopefully lots of money, selling tasty treats. I am unaware that there is a need in our community for a politically minded...?"
That line of reasoning smacks of inexperience and sheer desperation.
Another key approach to retaining quality small businesses in Raytown is to not THREATEN them.
And spare me the cockamamy "we vote with our dollars". If you walk into our facility and attempt to influence us in that way, you'll be shown the door. We don't need your business. And whatever your response would be wouldn't remotely be capable of impacting us in the least.
And what will your excuse be if the audit finds absolutely nothing wrong going on? You’ll crack me up. The boogeyman isn’t real.
That small business generates are more revenue for Raytown than unhinged susan ever will. Thank you for investing in us raytownians!
"Vorbeck is a non-resident and is therefore barred from running for office. Her only hold on Raytown is..."
"Hold?" Plueeze. More like a DEATH GRIP.
Raytown Reaching for Your Pocketbook and City Sycophants for Progress are threatening and intimidating businesses and citizens to force them to vote Three NEW Taxes on themselves.
I got called and intimidated and I responded. My response might just make the difference in giving citizens an opportunity to know the truth and understand it is OK to vote no..No..NO on NEW Taxes.
These dirty politicians trying to strong arm us into more taxes for them to waste should consider their chances at the next election when trying to threaten and intimidate the public.
Three new tax initiatives at the same time is indisputable and absolute proof that these politicians have squandered your tax dollars. What rational thinking person would not readily see that and vote to deny them even more money to waste???
Why is it okay if the mayor brings someone in from Independence and direct Raytowns future, but if someone else does the mayor is on Facebook complaining about it?
Just more double talk from a double talking police officer.
Mr Mayor,
It sees you have several in you group that are attacking anyone who doesn't endorse the way you and your group want.
Is that really the best move for the next time the city ask for money?
I would like to think you know it could cost future needed endorsements and that as the mayor you need to publicly call the actions of two of your alderman and the lady from Independence out to end the attacks and make apologizes.
Raytown citizens have better manors than what we are seeing unless we truly the city the rocks at least for brains of a few.
All the old guard of Raytown on here complaining about the city makes me laugh. You should have done something when you had the chance.
A good number of people have told me Mayor McDonough has been practicing "lying by omission" in his three at one time tax campaign.
The most aggressive lie is when he understates the cost of the property tax increase. His proposed property tax increase is not just on our homes. It is also on any motorized vehicle we drive (cars, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, trailers, etc.).
Want proof? Remember the last time you to purchase a new license for your car, motorcycle, trailer, recreational vehicle, literally anything that moves on wheels and is used on public streets?
You had to provide a copy of personal property tax receipt to receive that license.
Check the amount you paid in personal property tax on that receipt. You will find a line item showing the different tax levy rates used to calculate the tax you paid.
Here is the ballot language:
Shall the general property tax rate for all subclasses of property be increased to $1.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation . . .
"for all sub-classes of property" means your "real estate property tax" (our homes and businesses). The term also means your PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX.
Why is the Mayor and his minions understating the impact of more than doubling the property tax levy from .35 to $1.00 per one hundred dollars?
Could it be he is having what Ward 2 Alderman Steve Meyers calls a "pants on fire" moment?
“Here’s a list of all the cool kids voting in favor of the taxes. You should vote in favor of them too, because these people (allegedly) are.” Just stop, Mayor. That rhetoric went out of style in fourth grade.
Let's call for another audit!!!! Oh boy, guess who will pay for that one? The taxpayers. How many audits are needed because someone gets mad and throws a temper fit, thus demands an audit? Some of the things floating around on these blogs and Facebook pages are complete and utter nonsense! I guess since no one wants to pay to support the deficient infrastructure that someone has to step up to do it. I am now selling bags of "Raytown Gravel" as souvenirs to anyone that would like to help support the effort. Inside these bags are real, genuine remains of what was once a very proud roadbed built with the tax money from a proud middle class that did their part to keep things PROPERLY maintained thus helping to keep this community great, until it's sad demise over the past decade. Also included in the bags are special "tar rocks" that were meant as a stop gap band aid fix to keep it all from falling apart because we are too cheap to pony up to pay to properly maintain our infrastructure. Bags of "Raytown Gravel" are $5.00 each, no tax charged, and all proceeds will go directly to Raytown Public Works Department.
Remember the Alamo
Remember the USS Pueblo (captured during Viet Nam)
and Raytowners on August 7th Remember the Walmart Money Hole.
1100 hundred Raytown residents signed a petition to stop the City from approving the Walmart development. City Hall stiff armed them and went ahead against their pleas.
At least an 1100 hundred voters should be voting three NOs in reply to the disrespect they got from City Hall to their petition.
Raytown Unleashed Facebook is where hiss honor does his bad mouthing of those smart enough to see the truth in three tax initiatives at once.
It is a closed group. Not open to the public to see. You have to join. I don't know what the membership criteria is. But really, a secret society discussing Three NEW taxes that all Raytowners and businesses will have to pay.
Apropos and typical of Captain McDonough and his ship of fools looting and pillaging our treasury and seeking to seize more money from us on August 7th.
Poor little Michael McDonough. Still blaming all his problems on everyone near him. His negative campaign is not working this round and he knows it.
How does that old saying go. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Mike's beginning to understand. It may be why his campaign has gone so negative. Always attacking someone. Always calling someone names.
8/1 3:33 pm
What name calling from our Mayor?
I read several Raytown FB pages and I don't know what you are referring to.
Please provide examples so we don't think you are fibbing.
@ 8:09 AM the only rocks you got are rumbling around in your head.
Who on the Council was looking after the "infrastructure" all these years??
In fact, Who was looking after the peoples taxes all these years??
Now we have an alleged problem that only three brand new taxes can fix. Or do we have a problem created by mismanagement, political deals and tax subsidies to rich out of town corporations??
And you want to sell gravel as a way to intimidate voters into voting in more money for City Hall to waste.
Yeah, I and everyone else can hear them rocks rattling in your head now.
Really how much more negative can one get when they have voted to foist three new taxes on residents and businesses that are already under an oppressive set of taxes with very little to see for it.
Negative tactics begets negative action, that is why I am going to do a NO VOTE trifecta on August 7th.
I am anxious to see how the Mayor and his minions whimper, whine and attempt to intimidate voters after the Ides of August.
I checked it out. The price of gasoline on 40 highway is ten cents a gallon lower than it is in Raytown. If the gasoline tax passes, that means the price per gallon difference will be .12 cents per gallon. My cars gas tank holds a little over 17 gallons of gas. That is a savings of over $2.00 every time I fill up with gas.
You can guess where I am buying my gas in the future.
The price of gas may not mean much to some people. But it does to me. I am retired, living on social security with a pension that does NOT get adjusted for inflation. There are more people in my economic strata than in the Mayors.
Count me as a no vote on all three tax increases.
The mayor was complaining today at the bridge opening that Pat Ertz was part of the group who caused the mess the City is in and he won’t lift a finger to help the taxes pass... Heavy is the head Mr Mayor.... That is the price for your victory
You want an example of McDonough's negative campaign tactics? I know of more than one city employee who was told if the taxes do not pass they would all lose their jobs! Do you think he was telling this to make them feel goood? Fear mongering is not only bad politics. It is ugly politics. I hope the voters send Mayor Mike and his cohorts a message next Tuesday at the polls. Time for City Hall to straighten up its act.
Hope you all enjoy paying kcmo taxes because that’s where you’re headed. Good luck with that.
Mr Mayor,
What is that blowing in the wind would that be an audit my good friend.
The time is now for the truth or the state will just have to do and how will you still keep a straight face when the truth is finally told and all those that bought your bull are served crow.
And what will be your responce when It does?
First, your arent charging tax but your complaint is to raise taxes?!
Second, you are further damaging roads and selling public property and then bragging about it on a blog?
Is "we" you and the voices in your head? Why do you type in the third person?
The Mayor has spoken in favor of all these taxes recently at Council as well as the Raytown Democratic Assn after they chose to not endorse their passage.
A recommendation perhaps, MM?
My intent isn't remotely to be condescending, but to offer some constructive advice.
Please seek assistance with your writing and presentation skills.
@ 6:57 AM Did you just walk in from Allentown PA? Who are you talking about?
Maybe you got lost. Lemme help you. Raytown Unhinged (aka unleashed) is that a way ------->
Random observations:
If I owned a small local business making seven figures, I would never call out someone publicly who may share the same point of view as many other locals. Pretty dumb. Especially if I didn't even live in that city. IMHOTI
FYI: responce is the most common misspelling of the word response.
AAA says the actual cost/mile of driving is around 75 cents/mile. Even a fool can see you can not drive very far to save 2 bucks on a tank of gas. But maybe you are in that neighborhood shopping at the Walmart.
The budget is balanced!
We don't need more money....
...unless there is something the mayor doesn't want you to know.
I'm sure it is not the additional 2 million dollars for those bonds, commonly known as the Walmart giveaway.
Let me be clear, 2 million dollars more every year starting in 2020.
2 million more for corporate greed and welfare for a company that will not release its hold on their property taxes.
2 million more for a company that keeps eating our police resource and was called a public nuance by one of our Alderman and the Mayor does nothing to recoup the cities expense.
No we don't need 3 new taxes to further fund Walmart and a place for police to work off duty on our tax dollars.
Raytown is better than this wasteful spending and those that want to fund Walmart!
I usually vote for tax increases and bonds, but I have decided to vote no on these. There is no clear indication what these taxes would be used for on Questions 1 and 3. I am more than happy to vote for a tax increase to pay for something if I know what that is. I'd like a little more transparency. The reason I'm voting no on Question 2 is that there's already a statewide gas tax on the ballot in November.
It seems the calls just keep coming from companies that I don't do business with even though I am on the no call list.
Maybe our attorney general needs to do his job and stop thinking about the next political office he could hold, after all he said he was not a professional politician.
First it’s response, not responce. If there’s something illegal going on, I’m sure it would be dealt with. And what will you all do if it shows nothing illegal but the city is broke as hell? Still didn’t answer that.
I find it weird that the pro tax group led by out of town Suzy is complaining about someone from out of town who isn't even doing anything besides filing reports.
Hey folks!
You know that affable gentlemen that posts a boatload of RAYTOWN PRO-TAX videos a la fireside chat-style all over Facebook?
When we looked him up in the Jackson County base, guess what? We found not one but THREE delinquent tax accounts!
One is in the gentleman's name, number two is in both the gentleman and his wife's or relative's name, and number three shows 2011-2016 back taxes for his wife or relative.
Guess we all could be advocating all those new taxes all over the place....IF WE DON'T PAY 'EM!
Maybe the County has made a mistake. Maybe it's an oversight.
Either way, he has his right to free speech and the right to clog the Internet with videos. But maybe he needs to get to steppin' and check in with the County.
Well 5:33 Pm lets talk about the City being broke as hell. Answer why the City is "Broke as hell".
This is the real reason for Three New Taxes. Not laying off employees, police, gravel roads, Mayor McDonuts eloquent pleas for more taxes, and definitely not Ferguson.
Admit it. You squandered the citizens tax dollars and now want them to balance the budget with more of their hard earned money. If we do give you more money there is no guarantee you will not squander that too.
In fact, there is no oversight committee established to manage these requested new funds. The ballot language leaves loopholes to allow the money to go where ever the politicians want it to go.
We see you bad stewardship every day and you have the audacity to ask for more money to flitter away.
Count me as an UN-intimidated voter who will prudently vote NO and NO and NO. Maybe you should ask Walmart to help out the City.
I for one suspect "something illegal going on" and only time will tell what is actually happening in City Hall with our money.
I do, however, know for a fact that it is a crime to ask overtaxed citizens to vote for three new taxes at once.
Shamey....Shamey.....Shamey on you bad stewards of the public purse and trust.
I will not be an accessory to this municipal crime. I will keep my skirts clean by thrice voting no.
To all my fellow senior citizens.
We are in our seventies.
Live mostly on our social security and a small pension.
Last year we needed to buy a new furnace/ air conditioner.
Five years back a new roof was needed.
living in our own home allows us so much but there is a price.
If a few hundred bucks extra a year, from the tax increases, is going to cause you to lose your home, what happens when your water heater goes out or some other normal home expense comes calling? Or a major one like we've seen?
If you are hanging by such a small thread that the few hundred dollars the tax increases will cause you great financial harm, maybe it is time to sell.
BTW... when did you last paint your house and take care of cleaning the gutters?
Is yours one of the nastier looking homes in our city because you can not afford to keep it up? I feel for you but please don't hold the needs of the city hostage because you are broke.
Not trying to be mean here , just realistic.
"In fact, there is no oversight committee established to manage these requested new funds"
Yes there is you maroon. It is our duly elected BOA and if you would crawl out from under your rock you would be aware that they have been pretty prudent with our money lately.
Just ask the RTPD. Remember last year when they put the brakes on the PD budget increases? In fact made them do with much less.
I believe in giving the present BOA a chance to use the extra money for the overall good of the city and its residents.
We need to stop looking backward at all the grudges built up from decades of bad decisions and get Raytown moving forward.
Really guy!! An oversight committee??
The City is getting really nervous and they are burning every bridge they have on the way down. If your not with them then your against them and they have made that clear time and time again. Look at Jerome Barnes who has not spoken one word against the taxes, yet once he refused to speak in favor of them two of the Aldermen and the mayor were attacking him on social media. Look at the AFLCIO, the City has a long history of being anti union and that is well documented (just ask any of their union employees), when the AFLCIO elected not to endorse the taxes they were attacked by the Aldermen and members of the campaign committee. This list goes on and on folks which leads me to wonder after these all fail next Tuesday, make no mistake these are all going down, after they fail who is going to be left to work with the City to start to rebuild. I promise none of the elected representatives working in Jefferson City are going to help this administration, I promise you the City is going to regret for a long time crossing organized labor, and the City is going to have to start proving they are trustworthy again.
I see the Mayor's back up crew, Raytown Unleashed, has let fly with personal attacks in a last ditch effort to force their tax increases on Raytowners. The negative politics they preach rarely succeeds.
Next Tuesday, please remember to go vote in the privacy of the voting booth to answer them. No need to have an ugly confrontation with one of the Mayor's zealots. The secret ballot we are all guaranteed by our unique American Constitution allows us all to speak our mind with the eloquence of a simple vote.
They ask for too much. Three tax increases at one time is madness. Vote No!
From "The Mayor", via Facebook today:
"VERY INTERESTING READING ABOUT THOSE NO TAX MAILERS AND WHERE THEY CAME FROM !Inquiring minds should want to know! "...............connection of course"
This mayor has officially taken his enmity towards a former politician too far, in our opinion.
Are you openly accusing a private citizen of malfeasance, "mayor"? Or simply implying this?
Posting an opinion as a private citizen is one thing, but public comments such as these from an elected official are completely unacceptable and should be sanctioned.
If you haven't been kicked off or blocked from the "Un-" Facebook group already, refer to a sequence of messages that we captured and documented earlier this year.
This private citizen, a former politician, posted a very positive, benign editorial on his blog, a recommendation that an area businesswoman merely be considered to fill a vacant City Council seat. On March 17th 2018 the following comments were attributed to this mayor:
"...he's just doing his usual bullsh*t.", in reference to this private citizen.
This "mayor" should work for and be accountable to each and every citizen of Raytown. He should set an example of equitable behavior towards ALL citizens and their opinions, regardless of his history with them, regardless of whether he agrees with them or not, and regardless of his degree of animus towards them.
At that point, stringent effort needs to be mounted to permanently remove certain elected officials from office in Raytown. It's imperative that the comments and behavior from these entities be consistently observed, critiqued, and thoroughly documented.
What a disgrace. And these people wonder why so many of us are against any tax increase.
Voting no on all these tax increases.
We agree with the following:
"It's imperative that the comments and behavior from these entities be consistently observed, critiqued, and thoroughly documented."
Some of the people we elected are an embarassment. It's our fault for
choosing them, though. We need to CARE, we need to speak up whenever we witness unacceptable behavior. We need to make better choices. Especially if this money ends up in their laps. I shudder when I think of the consequences.
Regardless of the outcome of the vote, other cities are looking in on this debacle. They're probably relieved that it isn't them.
Spelling is everything, it is spelled moron, not maroon. Maroon is a color, and moron is.... well, hopefully you get it now.
@9:56 PM aka thanks for calling me a maroon (a firework that makes a loud bang, used mainly as a signal or warning). I am trying to warn the voters of this three new tax piracy plan.
At least you didn't barfinling quote Yeats again. You opine the BOA is the oversight committee. They are not the oversight committee they are the over taxing committee. Had they been fiscally responsible they would not be asking for three new taxes on one election cycle.
Really guy!! Three needless NEW Taxes at once without some one other than Captain McDonough and his ship of fools to oversee the money so they don't loot the treasury again??
You must be the bird brain on Captian McDonough's shoulder parroting "avast ye taxes - take every quarter".
I would rather live under a rock than to try to peddle your taxes as good stuff. Your prattle might work on Raytown Unhinged but not here.
Now leave us good people alone and crawl back to your master, the Mayor.
Sheesh where do you village clowns come from???
I will be glad when the election is over on Tuesday.
It's been really sad watching the nasty debate...especially from the anti-tax folks.
On a positive note, I hope more folks will get involved in Raytown.
Have a good weekend everyone! And VOTE!!
What is the process for initiating the removal of a mayor from office in a fourth class city?
FYI Mr. 6:57
Don't know what barfinling is but maroon is:
A term of derision often uttered by Bugs Bunny when referring to an interaction with a dopey adversary. It is a mispronunciation of the word "Moron"
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
And question 1 hurts real estate
Everybody knows
With a tax hike here
And a tax hike there
Here a tax, there a tax
Everybody gets taxed
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
And question 2 hurts gas prices
Everybody knows
With a tax hike here
And a tax hike there
Here a tax, there a tax
Everybody gets taxed
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
And question 3 hurts online sales
Everybody knows
With a tax hike here
And a tax hike there
Here a tax, there a tax
Everybody gets taxed
Old McDonough wants new taxes
Everybody knows
Would someone please post this on Raytown UN
One more tarnished shield
It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that our own Mayor has tarnished the shield (badge) that he hold so high.
Officers regardless of active or retired should hold themselves to a higher standard, but as the election in Raytown grows closer the Mayor as join in with sharing post of hate and alternate facts.
If we cannot trust police officers who can we trust.
If we have police officers who are bullies can we ever expect bulling to end.
If we have police offers who allow hate to grow and spreed do we think we will ever end the senseless violence.
Yet, police offers wonder why there is so must distrust towards them.
Police your own and call them out when they lie and destroy the very public safety they are hired to uphold.
This blog was... how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I've found something which helped me.
Thanks a lot!
I'm just putting this out there, but did anyone ever think after bankrupting the city, their next task is bankrupting us? The gentrification on the west side of KC happened exactly this way.
Run the city out of money,
get more money,
bankrupt the residents in an area causing them to leave and property values to fall,
move the money you got from tax raises into TIFs that are given to your campaign contributors,
and then reap the rent rewards for improved property value!
These are not the dumb fools they appear to be, they are hiding behind their foolish actions when in reality they are very cunning and playing the long game to make millions off breaking our city and its residents.
Mr. Michael Anderson,
As an employee of the Mid Continental Library and someone who likes to speak publicly why was the library able to go years without an increase and when they needed one it was you one tax question for a few cents er $100.00.
Maybe your employer can help explain good management of taxpayers money Vs. the waste and over demanding ways of the City of Raytown.
Mr Michael Anderson,
How can this be right:
Real property is reassessed every odd-numbered year (2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, etc.). Personal property is assessed every year.
Why is Micheal Anderson whining about the Raytown Democrat Association, Henry Carner and Gregg Walters in his Citizens For Progress "Special Report"??
These three NEW tax increases are not about individuals or political committees/associations but about three new unfair NEW taxes at once on the citizens of Raytown.
No New Taxes is a legitimate Political Action Committee that can oppose taxes anywhere in Missouri. No New Taxes uses information to successfully oppose NEW tax initiatives. It happens that Raytown put three NEW taxes on the ballot that represents a reprehensibly unfair money grab from the overtaxed residents and businesses in this City.
Many Raytown citizens are grateful that someone is telling them the truth about these NEW taxes so they can be fully informed and see the valid reasons for voting NO, NO and NO.
These three NEW tax increases are not about a Democratic Association worthy of praise for also trying to inform the citizens to vote No on NEW tax increases that are not justified.
Micheal Anderson titles his condemnation of people expressing their freedom of speech with the words "Follow the Money". Yet he does not show where all the money Raytown already has received in taxes went.
He does however expose for the first time that if the NEW tax increase passes the City will go further in debt with a bond issue. Imagine that. Raytown is in debt and wants you to vote more money to go further in debt.
This Citizens for Progress, three New tax increases, a secretly planned bond issue and a Mayor wondering why a committee formed to oppose taxes would dare try to give voters information regarding these unfair NEW taxes all has a bad odor to it.
If you can't "follow the money" Raytown City Hall has already mismanaged or "follow the money on where it will go if NEW taxes pass; why in the world would your reward this unknown with more tax dollars.
All voters from Juneau Alaska to Independence Missouri know when a city asks for three NEW taxes at once something is wrong that more tax dollars just can't fix.
Michael Anderson would do well to stick to quoting the poet Yeats and quit helping City Hall attempt to fleece the flock even more.
I agree with Anderson on one point. Raytown voters should "follow the money" to truly know what Raytown has done with their tax dollars before they vote to give them more.
FYI 8:13 PM Aug 3.
I knew it. Looney Tunes so becomes you while you puke Yeats and Bugs Bunny quotes.
Even Bugs Bunny would not buy your Daffy Duck tripe or vote for three NEW taxes at once.
Honest man, give yourself a break and quit being the Chamber and City Hall's lackey.
@ 7:05 AM Aug 3 how could it get any nastier than to try to con the voters into three NEW unfair tax increases at once.
Now that is vile and nasty.
I would be glad if the pro tax folks quit condemning freedom of speech and dissemination of information that the pro tax folks are withholding.
Glad I could be of help.
Could someone tell who the city uses for their annual audits?
I am concerned the Mayor is promising the police will ticket drivers with the new taxes. Not only will it take time to fill the new spots, but when the PD had every dollar they asked for they still didn't write tickets.
The Chief refused to aid the Parks on July Fourth, even though they were paying for the officer. He did however decide it was appropriate to Protect & Serve Walmart.
The Walmart TIF was promised to be refinanced by the Board last year, they still haven't done it. The PSST promised more officers, but they too still didn't get hired. And finally and most depressingly the Walmart TIF bonds balloon in 2020, which happens to be the same year the Q1 money comes in. Buyer beware: Yes on Q1 to support Walmart, No on Q1 to support Raytown!
I asked for what the taxes were going to be used for and no one can tell me!!! I asked for reasons and got a few like Roads and Police and i want both of those, but when i followed up and asked if thats where the money was going i got told "NO" no one knows what the money will be used for it is a wait and see, thats why im having to vote NO. The protax side is refusing to answer the questions or provide solutions all they seem to want to do is post attacks. They lost my vote.
KCPD gave a press conference today where they lament the rash of violence in the city over the last 2 days and records. KCPD isn't asking for more officers and yet their crime is going up while ours are going down. When they did ask to maintain the E-tax they promised 200 new officers, but when it passed they froze then eliminated those positions.
Grandview, Lees summit, and Gladstone all have more officers for less per capital than we do. How can they get near half the officers for double the cost? is someone pocketing the money? I want an audit and i want an investigation.
Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell
and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She put
the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her
ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off
topic but I had to tell someone!
My neighbor, who is a widow and barely making it on social security and what is left of a life insurance policy from when her husband passed away told me she may have to sell her house and move if these taxes all go in. She is especially concerned about her home. She owns it. But she has seen its value go up the last two times the county reassessed her property. The extra burden of more property taxes on her car and home (both of which she owns) concerns her.
You pro-tax people did not think this one through. If your three taxes pass you will be hurting people who do not deserve to be hurt.
I sincerely hope allof your taxes schemes fail. I am voting no and talking to my neighbors and asking them to vote no as well.
I think we should all do the same to get the NO vote out next Tuesday.
I've been seeing commercials that if Prop A passes, wages will go down $8,700.00. Folks say "I can't afford that!"
In over 30+ years in the workforce, I have never had an employer LOWER my wage. Have you had a wage lowered? Just curious.
Folks would quit if their wage was lowered.
Is this just a scare tactic?
6:17 am
I am sorry about your neighbor's situation.
If the gas taxes pass, it will affect me big time. I work in Kansas so I drive a long distance every day.
I am still going to vote yes though. I see the need.
6:17 AM, Is you neighbor getting her homestead tax exemption? Also if she or her husband are/were veterans, she could get big exemption(s). She should also check for exemptions for low income seniors.
Andy Whiteman
Well, boys and girls, I was coming back from Harbor Freight today and thought I would check out the "gas war" on 40 Hwy. And I'll be danged bought a fill-up for my old PU for about 20 cents/gallon less than prevailing area prices. Saved many $$$. So youins may as well take advantage of the Quicktrip vs Walmart hating. It can not last long. Those two are usually ferociously after profit. So get it while you can.
Thank you and have a nice day/weekend.
BTW! Vote Tuesday.
Dear 6:59 am, I was one of the employees after 911 that had my wage cut by 30% or the company would go out of business. We didn't have a choice.
Then 4 years later I got laid off.
I will be voting on Prop A "NO"
Also "No" on all 3 Raytown taxes!!
I think that’s why they put them on the ballot so the people of Raytown could decide for themselves
No scare tactics, how about wage freezes? Anything is possible. I have seen it firsthand. Vote NO on Prop A on Tuesday!
"One of the current office holders isn't one of the sharpest knives in the drawer, and has been an underachieving, acknowledged manipulator for literally decades.'
Buddy, you hit the nail on the head right there. We've had two interactions with this individual in the span of 25 years. In one instance they attempted to influence the outcome of a situation by intervening where they weren't involved. Fortunately, they were disregarded.
We don't hold a grudge and we don't seek any payback. We could have filed formal complaints against this individual with both incidents and our complaints would have likely been substantiated. At the time, we felt, as we still do, since we prevailed, that what they attempted to accomplish was too minor and too time-consuming to pursue and simply moved on.
Since we do have first-hand experience with this individual, we can substantiate "manipulative". Their conduct was absolutely unacceptable. Concerned that they were elected into any office in the first place. And we're rightfully concerned that they still have influence over anything that goes on in this city.
We're all in with limited tax increases, but not until this individual is out of office. No grudges...just common sense.
And it speaks volumes that the city manager and finance director designed in short order. Leads us to wonder if they picked up on similar characteristics from this person, and if it factored into their decisions to bail.
Mikey, we've had this talk about punctuation several times. When is it going to sink in? Geez.
You don't live in Raytown anymore so before speaking do some checking.
The state has eliminated the breaks for seniors!!!!
This means we are all facing the dangers of these unneeded tax increase.
I can't and won't vote for these three tax issues when the mayor and the so called citizens for progress want the money to go to the police and to heck with the rest of the city needs. Vote NO while Mayor Mickey is in office and we have these idiots citizens for progress backing him.
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