100% of the vote counted WINNER IN RED
Question 1: Property Tax Increase
2063 (31.23%) YES
3670 (68.77%) NO
3670 (68.77%) NO
Question 2: Gasoline Tax
2981 (44.82%) YES
3670 (55.18%) NO
3670 (55.18%) NO
Question 3: Internet Use Tax
1924 (29.25%) YES
4564 (70.75%) NO
![]() |
Jerome Barnes
Jerome Barnes has demonstrated he can set aside political party differences to work with others for a common goal. His willingness to work with other legislators has earned him the respect of politicians from both sides of the aisle in Jefferson City. He deserves to be re-elected to a second term as Raytown’s legislator in the State’s capitol.
John Burnett
John Burnett is a combat veteran who fought in the defense of Saigon during the TET Offensive of the Vietnam War. He continued that tradition of service when he returned to civilian life. He has a track record spanning two decades of public service. His experience and leadership (outlined below) will be a blessing on the Jackson County Legislature.
1995-1998: Jackson County Legislator
1998-1999: Bi-State Commission
2003-2004: Missouri State Representative
2005-2006: Missouri State Representative
2007-2008: Missouri State Representative
2009-2010: Missouri State Representative
2010-2011: Commissioner Port Authority of Kansas City
Arimeta Dupree
Arimeta Dupree is the youngest candidate running for the Jackson County Legislator. She is a rising star in Jackson County leadership. She told us “Jackson County is my home. I have a stake in our future and I pledge to make Jackson County a premier place to live, raise a family and retire.” Her actions speak clearly to this last point. In 2015, Arimeta opened her private practice law firm, A. Dupree and Associates in Jackson County.
Bonnaye Mims has held many positions in her political career. She served as President of the Hickman Mills School District. She also served two terms on the as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives. She is currently serving her first term on the Raytown Board of Aldermen. She will be a welcome addition to the Jackson County Democrat Central Committee. Voters can vote for two candidates for Democrat Committeewoman. It would be a wise to cast one of those votes for Bonnaye Mims.
Bonnaye Mims
Bonnaye Mims has held many positions in her political career. She served as President of the Hickman Mills School District. She also served two terms on the as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives. She is currently serving her first term on the Raytown Board of Aldermen. She will be a welcome addition to the Jackson County Democrat Central Committee. Voters can vote for two candidates for Democrat Committeewoman. It would be a wise to cast one of those votes for Bonnaye Mims.
Jackson County and will fight for the best interest of the 2nd District.
Josh Hawley
The race for the Senate seat on the Republican side of the aisle has 11 candidates filed. The Democrat Primary has a good number of candidates as well. Senator Claire McCaskill should win he primary wihtout much of a fight. The Republican Primary is a mixed group. Of the candidates filed, Missouri State Attorney General Josh Hawley is the best choice as the Republican standard bearer for Missouri in the United States Senate.
r Vote No . . No . . No
QUESTION 1 . . . more than doubles city property taxes on real estate and personal property owned by homeowners and business owners from 35 cents to $1.00 per $100 valuation.
QUESTION 2 . . . increases the tax on gasoline, diesel and blended fuels by two cents per gallon. The State of Missouri has a 10 cent per gallon tax increase scheduled for the November General Election.
QUESTION 3 . . . will place a 2.5% “use tax” on all internet purchases made by Raytowners. Voters in area communities (Independence and Blue Springs) turned down this same proposal at the ballot box last April. Raytown voters should do the same on August 7th.
This past week a political group
calling itself “Citizens for Progress” targeted opponents to tax increases on a
Facebook page named Raytown Unleashed. Raytown Unleashed is managed by
Independence resident Susan Vorbeck Brown. Brown manages several different
social media websites in the Kansas City area.
The stories targeted the Raytown
Democrat Association (RDA), No New Taxes and Greg Walters for their opposition
to the three controversial tax increases on the August 7th ballot.
The Raytown Democrat Association is a local political club formed in the 1960’s.
It has been active in every election since its founding. Its members voted in a
public session to oppose the three taxes supported by Citizens for Progress.
The RDA called for a more conservative method of raising funds (bond issues)
that would guarantee the integrity of money collected.
Raytown City Hall has a poor track
record of keeping its promises to the voters. Opponents to the three tax
increases point to a Public Safety Sales Tax and a Park/Storm Sewer sales tax
that were not used as promised when placed before the voters.
TAXES: No New Taxes is a Political Action Committee that has been
active in Eastern Jackson County campaigns. Last April, the group opposed two
Use Tax proposals in Independence and Blue Springs. In both cities, the Use Tax
proposals were soundly rejected by the voters.
for No New Taxes, Henry Carner, told the Raytown Report the organization was
formed to protect taxpayers from unnecessary and excessive tax increases. “So
far”, Mr Carner said, “We have a pretty good record. We stick to the issues on
the ballot. We do not participate in personal attacks against the
He added “The glaring issue here is three new tax increases on the same ballot proves something is wrong that cannot be solved by voting in new taxes”
He added “The glaring issue here is three new tax increases on the same ballot proves something is wrong that cannot be solved by voting in new taxes”
is not a stranger to the political process. Last April he was elected to the
Metropolitan Community College of Kansas City (MCC), Board of
Trustees. MCC has five junior college campuses on the Missouri
side of the metropolitan area.
WALTERS is a former Raytown Alderman who served on the Board for 34
years. He is the owner/publisher of the Raytown Report. Walters blames
Raytown’s financial problem on the 350 Live TIF created to underwrite what is
commonly known as Walmart on 350 Highway.
He said,
“The Walmart economic engine in Raytown is so large it can easily swallow up
25% of the sales tax revenue of the City”.
When the
Walmart deal was created nearly 20 years ago, Walters was the only member of
the Board to vote against the creation of the TIF.
THE MONEY: In the battle of the checkbooks Citizens for Progress has
raised $3,673.99 according to a Report Summary from the Missouri Ethics
Commission. No New Taxes has spent $1,332.77 in its effort to get its
message out to the public.
101: In an op-ed piece published by Citizens for Progress on the Raytown
Unleashed Facebook page co-signed by Citizens for Progress (Treasurer and
Secretary Treasurer) Brian Morris and Michael Anderson, much is made of Henry
Carner making his home in Independence. Ironic as it may be, the page they
publish on is owned and operated by Susan Vorbeck Brown, who, like Carner,
lives Independence, Missouri. Brown is recognized as a lead spokesperson in support
of the tax increases.
As the
time for voting approaches there is still so much mistruth being spread. It
makes me nervous thinking the Board is responsible for the budget, and yet for
years has gone more than a million dollars over budget each year. This isn’t
because we didn’t have money, I feel it was because they can’t add. An example
of this is trumpeted by the ProTax members that continue to spout out
artificially lowered numbers. If we take a look at what our Elected officials
will pay as an example (some hide in Trust and family names), we find the
average Q1 increase per Alderman is: Ward 1 $184, Ward 2 $242.50, Ward 3 $166,
Ward 4 $280, Ward 5 $166. The Mayor has an estimated property tax increase of
$254. This is way more than the $10 a month promised. Another concerning thing
is the list of residents endorsing the taxes. Some of these people want higher
taxes; however, they are currently behind on their taxes, including some
what I’ve heard talking to residents the wording seems purposefully confusing.
All 10 of the pro-tax people say “The wording is State generated.” If this is
true why is Lake Lotawana’s question to raise their tax from $0.79 to $1.00
only 26 words and Raytown’s to raise from 35 cents to $1.00 twice that (52)?
Triple the raise and twice the words. The fact is the city wants to hide how
high the raise is, they want to hide that we will have the highest (with STL County)
total taxes in the state, and we will have the highest non-sunset tax allowed
by state law.
3 has been widely misunderstood as well. It is interesting to note who is
targeted and why. Last year during the budget discussions the Associated Press
picked up a story that ran in the national headlines. Alderman Teeman asked the
PD if Walmart was a public nuisance, and if they were a drain on city
resources. Both, the chief and a Major seemed to indicate there was an issue.
Fast forward a couple months and after a secret meeting between Walmart
officials and the city and a new tax idea called the “Amazon tax” came to the
Board. Amazon already collects tax so that’s an intentional misnomer or
Freudian slip. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to affect just the target. This
tax is written such that any purchase or storage or use that has not had sales
tax attached must now have 2.5 percent use tax attached. This would include
garage sales, lemonade stands, and private party purchases.
is so much to talk about and so many examples of unintended consequences, but
we need look no further than the last few months. The tariff raise caused the
Feds to have to give away billions in subsides to compensate. The effects of
the raises on Commercial properties is double what it is on residents. This
will force small business to close, apartments to be vacated, and it to be
impossible to attract new businesses.
Hurry up Tuesday and let's get this election over with!
Whatever the outcome, we need to work together to make our city a better place to live and work.
Vote on Tuesday!!
I agree we all need to vote on Tuesday. Just remember money doesn't cure all that is wrong with this city.
WOWEY. Is Mikey is going hard on this fine Sunday or what?
Posting oodles of photographs. Brimming with optimism! Examples of INVESTMENT and REINVESTMENT in Raytown, he is telling us!
Yeah kinda, but let's clarify, shall we?
Walgreens, Churches Chicken, KFC, and the new car wash!
The car wash? Massive E/W traffic counts and purchase price secured that one, buddy!
One of the other three is a merchandising "reset" per a franchise agreement, and the other two were likely corporately mandated.
And WHAT led -those- three businesses to roost in Raytown years back?
(Wait for it....)
It's highly unlikely that any one of these projects have anything at all to do with Raytown per se.
Now we're not accusing anyone of "manipulating" the facts to secure more feel good tax 'em votes on Tuesday. More than likely is that he may simply not comprehend how business works, IMHO.
They're BUSINESSES. Revenue is their one and only focus. (Ask WalMart.)
If city admin went a-floppin' to any of these corporates and actually asked them directly "Are you reinvesting in RAYTOWN?", expect a somewhat patronizing "OF COURSE!" , but that really ain't it.
Good to see that a few corridor businesses are refacing and upgrading though.
I predict that their respective real estate departments are going to experience some major sticker shock when they're paying through the nose more than ever if these taxes pass. Some may choose to leave Raytown.
Nice try though, M-Man.
What overwhelmingly concerns me about the comments and actions of a small group of people so fervently pushing for these tax increases is the sheer amount of aggression and abusive practices that they've so effortlessly interwoven into their "campaign".
Apparently one of them mildly threatened a business owner in an attempt to manipulate their actions, and also in an attempt to limit the business owner's free speech.
An elected official, in our opinion, libeled a private citizen.
Another supporter has delinquent taxes but is out there telling us what we need to do, otherwise we're part of the "problem".
All of them consistently attempt to limit or altogether eliminate free speech by being abusive to the opposition, making false claims about them, or via Internet modalities by blocking, banning or silencing them.
One of the current office holders isn't one of the sharpest knives in the drawer, and has been an underachieving, acknowledged manipulator for literally decades.
Are these people the future of Raytown?
I feel that the majority of this tiny group is minimally to vastly unqualified to lead in any capacity. They should be closely monitored to outright barred from making decisions of any kind, if they somehow succeed with this tax increase, or if they are elected or appointed to any decision-making capacity in the future.
Everyone is entitled to speak their peace. But in doing so, sometimes the intensity and content of the comments need to be examined.
For example, under Fair Use, I quote the following:
How does it go? Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should. Even though the writer is obviously referring to someone, the hatred and angst embedded in their comments cannot be overlooked. This entity, to this day, continues to be hateful, intolerant, inflexible, and severely biased.
Everyone I know will be voting a strong NO on all three of these Raytown taxes.
These taxes will not be "killed" for all perpetuity, despite the claims of this malevolent group.
We DO have time to sit back and reflect before introducing new taxes.
Again, do we really want these type of people in charge of this City?
This is becoming the bigger issue, in my opinion.
And it's very unlikely that these leopards will ever change their spots.
We have received a number of posts regarding an allegation that a member of the Raytown Board of Aldermen is delinquent in paying their personal property tax. The post is unsigned, and being unsigned, we will not publish the the name or give any credence to the message.
At the same time, we believe there may be some validity to the accusation because the Jackson County, Missouri website backs up the claim.
However, we are also aware the information on the Jackson County website is not always accurate. For instance, if there has been a timely protest filed with the County on a tax assessment, the record will show the tax as delinquent even though technically, it is in dispute.
Here is what we will do. If the writer (who is quite persistent) wishes to have their comment posted, we will do so if we are provided verifiable proof as to the identity of the author of the post. They must also be willing to have their name published as the author of the post.
There is a time delay, but don't be like the mayor be honest.
The county is not 8 months behind more does this explain the fact that same alderman
Maybe you are asking for a yes vote
"We have received a number of posts regarding an allegation that a member of the Raytown Board of Aldermen is delinquent in paying their personal property tax....For instance, if there has been a timely protest filed with the County on a tax assessment, the record will show the tax as delinquent even though technically, it is in dispute."
Completely correct.
A number of municipalities demand that their elected officials keep their taxes paid up to date. Surprised that Raytown doesn't require this.
The McDonough era is going to be DOA come Wednesday and I for one cannot wait. He will be a lame duck for the next two years so hopefully he cannot do any more damage. Come two years we will be rid of both him a Lynch and I for one hope we pass a charter that appoints a police chief
Tony Jacobs has gone off the deep end again with his conspiracy theory. What is he even talking about?
They're BUSINESSES. Revenue is their one and only focus. (Ask WalMart.)
Does this apply to Donut Stores as well?
Yes. People go into business to make money. And it is true that a Donut Shop and Walmart are both businesses.
The big difference is the taxpayers are paying for Walmart's store, parking lot, traffic signals, etc. with their tax dollars. It is paid through a TIF (tax increment financing).
The taxes you pay at Walmart do not go to fund repair of your streets. They do not pay the salaries of police.
The taxes you pay at Walmart go to pay the debt created when the property was purchased by the city through the creation of a TIF District. Walmart also receives other tax breaks like reduced property tax values and so-called Community Improvement Districts (CID) to help pay for the maintenance of their property.
That is why the sales tax at Walmart is higher at Walmart than at the Donut Shop.
The donut shop does not receive any tax breaks. The sales tax money collected at the donut shop goes to the city. It is used to pay for street repair and more police.
Get the picture?
So your comparison of the two businesses is just so much nonsense. They are nothing at all alike.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Walmart also gets the free use of a city owned police car whenever they hire an off-duty policeman to work security at their store. For that matter, so does HyVee.
So you see. There are serious problems in how our city's business is being conducted. The ones in charge at City Hall, the Mayor and his crew, could stop some of the nonsense.
The tax increases they are asking for is an indication of them just planning to do more of the same.
Please vote NO. NO. NO. on February 7th.
"They're BUSINESSES. Revenue is their one and only focus. (Ask WalMart.)
Does this apply to Donut Stores as well?"
Ah, I see that our little PAC appears to be checking in this morning?
Yes, the "Donut Store" must turn a profit in order to survive, otherwise what would be the point? They're still entitled to their opinions about the town where their business resides and to not be approached and THREATENED without provocation for expressing said opinion.
"There are plenty of reasons to vote some of these unqualified, incapable and potentially unethical people out of office FIRST, as a firm assertion that the days of business as usual at City Hall will no longer be tolerated. Reorganization and a fresh start first, otherwise undoubtedly it will be more of the same.
Funding is needed. It will happen soon. But not quite yet. Not this way."
July 28, 2018 at 8:19 AM
I have decided to vote "YES" on all 3
I was a strong NO, but after reading the post by Mr Walters and not sharing the name of the individual I must vote YES
I recall only a few years ago he was happy to put out the name of a black member of the school board.
Double standards are fine, but they will get you a yes yes yes
I will be working m fellow church members who yes are black and don't like the double standards.
No one tried to compare two businesses.
The posting just attempted to make a well known point that ALL businesses have a main imperative and that is:
PROFIT. Yes a very selfish but necessary motive.
So if they take a side on a political issue, it is quite likely self-serving. NOT pure selfless driven altruism.
I see your deep need to hate on Walmart. Maybe they refused a return of an item or something, but your hate will go on long after the election. Believe me you are the only one with an upset stomach. As with all hate, it will eventually eat you up. I pity you.
There are a million little trails and each one finds more craziness. For instance the TIF balloons in 2020, this has been mentioned several times by the Board. The property tax increases will receive payments in the 2020 budget year (not 2019) the amount of the balloon is very similar to the amount generated by the tax increases, so my question is "we are already paying over 3 million a year to the TIF that could be going to roads and public safety, why lie to tax more?" The city made a bad decision and then followed that up with another string, but look at the promises they've given us with other taxes, PSST hired zero officers, for 5 years the Storm water got zero of their promised tax money, even though the city collected it. Even now a large chunk of the Public safety sales tax and parks tax are held hostage to the TIF, they pay for Walmart's sidewalks instead of more officers or parks, or drains. It should raise eyebrows that many city leaders have been asking for a state audit. It should raise eyebrows that the audit paid for by the city said we follow best practices and yet after the audit we found a quarter million dollars sitting in the wrong account, unaccounted for!
Please join me in expecting the city to operate with responsibility before tripling taxes.
This may sound odd, but the reason I am voting no on the 3 taxes is my kids have stooped being stopped by the police for all kinds of nothing.
Less cops on the street have made me and my kids actually feel safer.
And then City Hall fails to mention that Raytown is one of the few cities that has a separate fire district. Combine the city & FD levies - we are already in the mid to high range. The increase would put us near the top in Jackson County.
Just how many of those local businesses with signs supporting the taxes have those nice 20 year property tax exemptions? No matter what the tax rate is - they pay zero property tax.
Here is the link to the whole budget of grandview.
here is just the police http://www.grandview.org/home/showdocument?id=7006
notice they have 5.4 million and 66 officers full time.
notice on the section they asked for 80,000 same section our cheif wanted over a million dollars.
here is our budget links https://www.raytown.mo.us/index.asp?SEC=A5E20A95-8C34-4FB7-9593-E5D17C0F5995&Type=B_BASIC
and last years budget page 54 is PD https://www.raytown.mo.us/vertical/Sites/%7B3A1DBD03-39C2-43FA-8CC9-95B16E6438CB%7D/uploads/2017-18_Budget_book_Final.pdf
Our PD budget is 5,790,499 including PSST, Capital, and General.
Grandview has nearly 400,000 dollars less to work with and has twice the number of officers.
Money is not and has never been the issue.
One last ditch effort by the mayor to get us to fall into this fabrication that all these business are doing all this remodeling just for him and the city. Crap they are doing it for their bottom line which is more money for them. In the end they will be sorry if the taxes pass and they get their tax bill, it probably won't be long and they will close their doors. As for the alderman that is behind on their taxes shame on them and I will bet my last dollar they are all in favor of raising taxes. If you love this city so much fulfill your obligations and pay your taxes.
Mayor McDonough is one of the few authentic honest people in Raytown. You may disagree with him but he says what he thinks.
"I'll vote no, since I don't trust City leaders." Question 1, Will you ever really trust them, ever, really? Question 2, Do you see how short sighted you are being by choosing to live in a city with little services because of an old vendetta? Ole Timer of Raytown
Tony - why should we give a flying fig about Grandview? This is Raytown. If you like Grandview's way of running their city - go there. Please, please just GO!
Perhaps because Grandview runs a department free of fraud, waste, and abuse. How can a dept a few miles away have twice the officers for less money? Where is our extra 2 million in salaries going?
"Mayor McDonough is one of the few authentic honest people in Raytown. You may disagree with him but he says what he thinks."
And if this has been YOUR experience, you're welcome to your opinion. We however are counting the days to election time.
6:25 It doesn't matter if it is Grandview or any other city.
Why are our police so mismanaged compared to any other city.
You sound like you want more police explain why we didn't get the officer we voted for with the public safety sales tax.
Call it what you want but if the courts get in the game it will be call fraud!
I'll be voting yes for the taxes. I want more city services, including police and to provide money to start fixing roads. It doesn't happen otherwise.
Keep it coming Tony. We are all getting an education on how the PD is run and it is not good
Some of you guys need to take a chill pill. Tony has a right to discuss and give his opinion. I will add he does it without the venom and hatred I read in a lot of the posts. As for me, I will be at the polls very early this morning to cast my three no votes on the Raytown taxes. I urge you to do the same.
By the way. At least Tony signs his name to what he has to say. How many of you can say that?
Voting NO on the TAXES in triplicate on the today.
If by some star-crossed chance the "triple tax" passes, this city council, "mayor" and "marshal" better become accustomed to severe, continuous supervision and assessment like they've never experienced before.
Deliberate, Wait. We still have time. Think out of the box. Get creative! Approach and recruit new mayoral, marshal and certain Board candidates. Elect a group based on competitive analyses of their "business plans" for the City. Create a revenue plan and go for it! This really could end up being a gratifying, rewarding process.
What do we have right now? No plan. NOTHING! Just an extraordinary amount of noise, threats, doom and gloom from a small, tyrannical group demanding the "triple tax"! With no sunset, no end in sight, and potentially with FURTHER taxation and expenditures in the near future.
And again, there's no plan for this money. They just want cash in hand to spend as they wish.
Been there, done that. We've voted yes in the past. And was that money spent as promised?
We all know how THAT turned out.
Why would I vote yes for the taxes to rebuild the PD. It was Lynch and his greed for new toys that put us where we are. And the mayor knew about it and now he wants us to vote yes. I will be voting NO on all the taxes.
8:08 PM,
How are you going to feel when the mayor tells you that the money these taxes will generate are really needed for the 2020 increase on the Walmart bonds by an additional 2 million.
Don't take my word go check the bond documents and you will learn what kind of person the mayor is and why he really wants the money.
Years ago many of us signed our names. After getting vicious attacks from the City Hall crowd - no thanks!
Remember to call your friends and to ask them to please vote NO on all three of the new Raytown taxes!
Why is the rock lady city hall? They are really running scared to ask a non Raytown resident to sit at the polls. Where is Alderman Meyers, Greene, Black ,Moore and lets not leave out Schuette? They are all in for this tax increase they should be out there working. Are you shamed to show your faces after some of the things you said and did?!!!
Because she volunteered to be there I’m sure. Get over your hurt feelings and move on. Not like she could vote.
Post-defeat, a message from the "Mayor":
"I have come to recognize that different communities have different standards. It’s all about the level of standards that a community wants to support. Hi (sic) or low, or even somewhere in the middle, they make the decision."
Right back atcha, buddy. A rather prophetic statement, actually. Apathy and "low standards" have netted us some real doozies for elected officials. Officials that instantaneously take a swipe at their own community when they don't get their way.
Get ready to stand down, McDonough.
Raytown speaks out loud and clear don't mess with our money. I bet Lynch and Mayor Mickey are crying this morning because the taxes got defeated. I will drive on gravel roads to see these taxes go down. You guys have a good day I know I will.
Say Goodbye to the City Ambulance service.
I think the post that have come out from some in leadership are indicative of why people voted "NO", lets remember those post in April, but lets also remember when booze and emotion take their effect after a day in the sun anyone can misspeak. We've all made mistakes and done things we wouldn't be proud of the next day.
I am trying to be a gracious winner, it is hard after all the mud slung my way even after the ballots were counted. I know personally how good it would feel to rejoice and demean, but people realize the taxes were defeated by a large margin, the people have spoken loudly and clearly and when all the fervor and emotion die down, we will still be in the spot where we are.
I'd like to shortcut that. As nice as it would be and well deserved by all sides to take a much needed break, in a few days let's all work together to rebuild. Lets look at how we can rebuild trust in our community, lets look at cost savings, lets look at how we can become stronger together.
Let's stop with the grudges and start rebuilding bridges that were burned, lets build bridges where they weren't, and lets become the best raytown we can be!
Just an observation.
For the last several months, we've witnessed a citizen express his point of view during Citizen Comments and online. He was accused dozens of times, sometimes in the most vicious ways possible, of being biased, malicious, crazy and so on, mostly by people who clearly don't have their OWN houses in order.
Yet this citizen continues to press on. He's obviously an educated, brilliant, analytical individual that has invested hundreds of hours into what he believes in. He has demonstrated, time and time again, a willingness to work with everyone, even those that are the most hell-bent on not cooperating with -him-.
You do NOT need to remotely agree or disagree with anything that he has presented.
Regardless of how acerbic, hateful or abusive the "other side" became, this individual, without exception, stood the course. He thoughtfully and pleasantly, on each and every occasion, answered his detractors with what he believed to be the case.
In contrast, not even 24 hours since this vote, another "Facebook admin" has reverted right back to their usual hateful, profanity-laced monologue.
Do we want the Facebook entity representing this City in any way, shape or form?
Absolutely NOT.
On the other hand, this gentleman has earned our complete respect.
We encourage him to continue to keep the discussion going.
His efforts and his research are very appreciated.
Mr Mayor,
After last night it is time to call your friend and former boss up from the basement and let him know he is part of the reason the taxes failed and therefore it is time for him to step down.
That is what is call true leadership and address the issues facing Raytown!
I noticed Steve Meyers has been active on Facebook.
I am not sure why he has not yet been honest about the issue with the upcoming additional 2 million for Walmart.
I am not sure why after nearly 4 years on the BOA he is not taking ownership for letting PD spend more more than the city takes in.
I am not sure why he doesn't understand our city is under appraised on our personal property (homes/businesses) and that at some point that will catch-up with us so why not request the county get it right sooner than later.
One thing I do understand is leadership Vs excesses and we all know which one we have gotten for the past 4 years.
It saddens me that a person who strongly voiced their opinion to vote yes on all three taxes is now threatening my business that people of Raytown will boycott my busines because of a sign that boarderd my property. I have been serving Raytown for twelve years and the arguing of the people now make me sick. It did not use to be that way. I'm here to make a living and I do not appreciate threats of boycotting. And you wonder WHY other businesses are not flocking to Raytown!!!!
There’s no new money coming in, so the city will get further and further behind on roads, sewers, curbs etc. The PD will continue to have shortages. Maybe EMS will go away. If you people against the taxes don’t see this shortsighted thinking for what it will do to the city, it is in trouble. The roads need $36 MILLION to get them to fair. But good luck with that.
The problem is the city is still wasting the money coming in. A couple of months before the election the Mayor and City Council spent $30,000 on a report to learn roads are deteriorating in Raytown. I would rather they had spent the money on actually repairing some roads. But it was more important the Mayor and his Board (will, at least most of them) to create some talking points for their election.
Let me interpret the election results for the Mayor and those on the Board who blindly follow him. The public does not believe your message. They do not trust you. The beating you took Tuesday on your three tax proposals is a voice you should listen to.
From what I have read on the Facebook page, way too many of you are not opening years to hear what your constituents are saying. Quite being bad losers and start working for solutions. Is your police department top heavy? Why does Grandview put more police on their streets than Raytown with the same amount of money? Why are city police cars being used as private service vehicles for HyVee and Walmart without charge? Can the ambulance service be improved by going with a private service provider?
Quit blaming the public for your inaction on these issues and more. Start working for solutions. The taxpayers just told you very clearly that throwing money at problems is not an acceptable solution. Listen to them.
Mr. Mayor, the last time you said you had a solution to Raytown's problems was when the City Council made cuts to balance the budget. Your solution was to use Facebook to attack your perceived enemies. Please, please, please, do not go down that path again. I leads no where and only creates further division in our city.
Because the Mayor and Alderman Steve Meyers keep people worked up on Facebook it is clear the only way to move the city forward and get the truth out is from a state audit.
Raytown is like the Titanic sinking and the city stuffing the hole in the hull with 100 dollar bills. This town demographics have changed drastically in the past years. We are becoming east kansas city, with all its problems and blight as well. That's the reality of it people. Raytown is hemorrhaging cash and no one offers a solution except to raise 3 different taxes. No wonder Tom Cole bailed, no wonder the city has gone through multiple Finance Directors and other department heads. Like the Titanic, Raytown is sinking and all cityhall is doing is rearranging the deck chairs.
Out of town Susie
Just cannot keep her mouth out of things.
Even when people explain nicely why they didn't support the taxes she jumps all over them.
Mr. Mayor have you thought some of us voted "NO" because of her and her negative ways!
And I’m sure if it comes back that they are speaking the truth and the city is in financial trouble, you all will say it’s a conspiracy and the state auditor is in on it.
Agreed. Raytown needs an audit. Not the one they pay each an accounting firm for each year tht basically makes sure the math was done right. They need a state audit conducted by the State Auditor's office. Someone who would be unbiased.
I did not think Mayor Michael's happy talk would last. From what I hear, he has gotten real nasty attacking anyone who did not vote his way on the taxes. Shame on you Mr. Mayor. Grow up and take your loss like a man. The voters have spoken. Throwing angry tantrums is not going to solve anything. It is time to move on.
"Out of town Susie...have you thought some of us voted "NO" because of her... "
She certain!y didn't do herself, the Proclamation King or the City any favors, did she? Nor did her handful of tacky little minions.
Onwards and upwards. It's time for positivity and solutions.
My Oh My ol McDonough got no taxes ....everybody knows.
Morris and Anderson the dutiful lackeys they did not get the vote passed. In fact, Anderson tried to intimidate a political player and it back fired on him.
Well folks you should congratulate yourselves on keeing McDonough and his ship of fools from getting a big slush fund to waste even more of your hard earned dollars
A handful of the Raytown Facebook natives are restless.
They're lighting their torches and sharpening their sticks.
They're demanding to know which tribal businesses supported the "no" tax vote.
They intend to boycott, to bring these businesses to their knees, to a speedy demise.
They've demanded a "list".
Within mere seconds, the chieftain, who monitors Facebook like an adolescent female, produced a list of supporters.
Chieftain, a much larger revolt is imminent, led by the vast majority of the villagers that refused to bestow upon you the additional coconuts in which to squander.
Our supreme leader should be unconditionally supporting the ENTIRE village.
But alas, apparently he lacks the stones to do so.
I know of some of the businesses that have been threatened by out of town Susan's boycott. I assure you I will not follow her wishes. Those businessmen and women have every right to voice their opinion. They should be able to do so without retribution from the town bully and her friends.
What's next Susan? A list of homeowners so we can light a fire to burn down their homes. No one will condemn you for speaking your mind on issues. But your hate speech and hateful tactics should not be part of Raytown.
I urge all Raytown Unleashed members to tell her to stop this madness now!
"Those businessmen and women have every right to voice their opinion. They should be able to do so.... What's next .... ? A list of homeowners so we can light a fire to burn down their homes. No one will condemn you for speaking your mind on issues. But your hate speech and hateful tactics should not be part of Raytown."
This type of behavior has become so deeply ingrained that I doubt that they even realize what they're doing. It's their minute by minute normal, and has been for a few years. I'm concerned about the effect that this has on younger members of this City, as well as the children, spouses and family members of people that continuously spout this degree of hatred and exclusionism...and I mean literally ALL DAY.
I'm concerned about politicians that routinely, closely align themselves with these type of people, despite being steadily warned about it. It confirms these officeholder's disturbing degree of bias...and their fundamental lack of common sense. (A fact that many of us were aware of literally years prior to their election.)
"They" do "read" all Raytown sites obssessively, and it's obvious that on occasion they'll temporarily alter their behavior. Not out of altruism or the intent to act appropriately, but rather their realization that their hate has adversely affected their own mission. The damage to their reputations has been done, and is for the most part irrevocable.
I voted a resounding NO on all the taxes, as did everyone I know. We'll continue to do so until we're satisfied that we've effected a substantial upgrade in elected officeholders. Regardless, we intend to continue to patronize ALL Raytown businesses, despite whatever opinion they have or had regarding these taxes. I suspect that a handful were either bullied, scared or intimidated into supporting them anyway.
Who is this out of town Susan. I thought McDonough and his court jester Anderson were livid that anyone from out of Raytown would have even a comment about the City business.
Post this out of town Susan's full name and her list so I can make sure I shop at these businesses.
Either in town or out of town those three NEW taxes were lunacy and the Raytown voters saw through all the BS.
Someone should speak at the next Alderman (BOA) meeting to embarrass the BOA for not condemning this boycott to punish citizens for expressing their peaceful political freedom of speech.
If the BOA does not condemn this, then they are guilty of violating the citizens constitutional rights and should be called out on it.
If the Council does not condemn this political bullying then the citizens should oppose any tax in the future and replace the Alderman who did not condemn this Out of Towner's call for a boycott.
Wow is Raytown really this sick????????????????
I was waiting for the mayor to call the majority of the voters deplorables.
Yes they have the right but also shouldn’t be shocked if people chose to boycott said business. You chose to comment/support on politics, people have a right to boycott. And apparently your definition of bullying is different than mine. People are too sensitive nowadays.
"I urge all....members to tell her to stop this madness now!"
Are you kidding me? No one will. Their silence and complicity are mandatory. Otherwise, "members" will be permanently expelled, blocked or silenced.
For example, just yesterday on the other "Un-" page:
"Wow I was blocked from Raytown ... over the last day or so and I've not posted anything...I have no idea. I cannot even see the page...Uh oh, you must have posted something on one of these pages and one of the admins of ... or followers reported back to them and they didn't like your comment. That is how it happened to most of us...So weird as I've been careful NOT to post or comment... there are eyes everywhere..."
They probably spend all day blocking people. What a JOKE.
And there has been just as negative stuff and name calling from the no crowd. Everyone has a right to an opinion and to express it.
Raytown has needed a State Audit for over 15 years! Someone needs to start a petition.
Andy Whiteman
"What's next...A list of homeowners so we can light a fire to burn down their homes. No one will condemn you for speaking your mind on issues. But your hate speech and hateful tactics should not be part of Raytown."
What if the shoe were on the other foot? Hypothetically, what if I find someone's extended litany of online abusive behavior to be unacceptable, and decide to do something to curtail it?
What if I complained to their employer? I have a feeling that this same person would object strenuously, with the claim that they have the right to express themselves in any way they wish. Despite denying this right to others.
I wouldn't do it. Because no matter no evil, angry, and inequitable this person voluntarily chooses to be, they indeed have the right to speak in any way they wish, and I become the bigger problem if I choose to act out against them.
Let's come up with solutions. HERE. And ignore the negativity.
For too long the PD has been allowed to spend tax dollars as if a kid in a toy store. No accountability, little oversight, but no real power to stop the foolish spending of Lynch and his cronies. The chickens have come home to roost, Mayor and with no new taxes on the horizon, city hall and Lynch had better be working harder than ever to keep the city solvent. TERRIBLE management and decisions over the Walmart deal and PD bloated top-heavy brass along with PD pension and free spending habits have all but ruined this city financially.
Now City Hall must become more economic and judicious with the tax dollars they have.
City Hall knows where the bloat is. Cut non essential programs, reduce council and admin wages, and stop giving out tax subsidies and breaks to your political buddies.
Now you must get lean and mean it.
You know, live within your budget and don't punish the citizens by cutting essential services and programs.
Now you must do More with Less.
Now the citizens must remove many alderman who do not know how to manage the taxes we do give them.
"The chickens have come home to roost, Mayor and with no new taxes on the horizon, city hall and Lynch had better be working harder than ever to keep the city solvent."
The disarming part for me is that I honestly don't think that they're capable of managing much of anything. I'm hoping that this situation has gotten the attention of a few more talented and established members and business owners in this community and that they'll they step up, get elected, and make this right.
I'll vote NO on any new taxes until this time.
Andy Whiteman that someone is you. The idea is right and you are the man to do it.
Please get started with the petition drive. Raytown needs an audit more than any postage stamp township in the Western Hemisphere.
Post from Aug. 5 @ 10:19 You are right on with your comment !!! 2 more years, can we make it, I sure hope so, need some good honest people running this town and not a big headed retired cop !!!
Apparently this group can say nasty things about anyone they want, but god forbid others talk protesting groups who were for the taxes. Double standards it sounds like to me.
I would rather have double standards than double taxes, so sad for you and your tax committee... No more is what the people are saying, be honest with your citizens and stop being buddies with mean people from other cities... Purposing a petition to get "Unleashed" shut down!!!
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