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Step Closer to Reality
Tony Jacob has been pushing for a state audit of the City of Raytown
for quite some time.
On November 6th, his plans took one giant step
Jacob and about a dozen volunteers braved a blustery day outside of
Raytown polling locations asking people to sign petitions asking for a state audit of the City of Raytown.
According to Jacob, the volunteers put in over 100 hours on election day gathering more
than 1800 signatures.
“I am extremely proud of the
volunteers who came forward to help us reach the number of signatures needed to
officially ask the State Auditor’s Department to audit the City of Raytown,”
said Jacob.
“Many of the people who signed the petition told us they wanted to
increase transparency and efficiency at City Hall,” continued Jacob.
A number of the signers apparently agree with what Jacob was saying. The
following posts, taken from a local social media page, show the interest in a
state audit is high in Raytown.
Those asking for signatures were generally met with interest by people
waiting in line to cast their votes in the mid-term elections.
The day was not without excitement.
Tony Jacob was working the polls at Connection Point Baptist Church on
350 Highway.
He told us, “I was asking people to sign the petition as they waited in
line to vote. Along comes Mayor Michael McDonough who accosted me in a very
rude manner. I was surprised at the
number of voters who witnessed the Mayor’s comments, and went out of their way to
sign the petition after they had voted.”
The political lines seem to be dividing along the same lines as the tax
elections last August.
Brian Morris, former treasurer of the committee that spearheaded
McDonough’s three tax increases, also gave Jacob grief for his petition
gathering effort.
It is also interesting to note
participation by other public figures in Raytown in the petition gathering.
Former Aldermen Joe Creamer and Greg Walters are both known to have gathered
According to former Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters, the last audit was conducted in the 1980’s.
“That audit did uncover corruption in the operation at
city hall,” said Walters, “particularly in the handling of traffic fine money”. (Walters served on the Board during the last
Former candidate for Ward 4 Alderman Sandy Hartwell was also seen
working the polls.
According to social media posts, one well known Raytown politician posted (in response to
criticism), “Your mistaken that those who collected signatures at the polls
were “cronies”. In reality, our petition group was made up of people who were
not best friends. We represented distinctly different factions and some
independents who came together for a common cause to help their town.”
To learn more about the audit process . . .
We would be very interested in what this so-called "Mayor" said to Tony.
Excellent work, Mr Jacobs. And Greg, as always.
So, if the audit shows nothing criminal occurred but is simply a matter of poor percentages that the taxes are split, will youball apologize for wasting $75000 of the city’s Monty?
Your past positions on things here in Raytown have been in stark contrast to my own views. But in regards to this audit, we are in complete agreement. I tried to get back to Joe Creamer about volunteering, but he never got back to me. I would have been there eith bells on. You all are doing a great service to Raytown, and I applaud you. I want to sign that petition myself. Where do I sign?
To learn more about the Raytown Audit (how to sign, etc.) go to www.raytownaudit.com
The audit is a nothing burger. Tony is just another local clown in the Raytown Circus.
It is called whistling in the dark. Waht is the Rayown Circus? Depending on your point of view, the big top is at Raytown City Hall! Keep up the good work Tony. Many more of us support than you will ever know.
This whole audit thing is uncalled for. They have annual audits already by an outside firm. It is a waste of taxpayer money. This is only an extension of the political witch hunt that some seem to want to continue, basically by a few individuals with a personal vendetta against those in power. Grow up and realize that the cost to keep things up has increased across the board, so it costs more in tax dollars to keep up with things. So, how is that conservative approach working for us now?
If the audit is nothing but a big mistake, why did two alderman take Tony out to lunch and try to persuade him to drop his efforts to get an audit done? Protecting the chief and mayor? I say "Let's get it done"
The correct URL for the Raytown audit is:
I appreciate moving the goal post. The audit will most likely uncover criminal activity in the PD just as the last one did.
That being said the main reason I signed was because it will find efficiencies and stop mismanagment. Let's be honest the Ray town cops aren't going to arrest one of their own no matter what evidence.
It's amazing what happened on election day here in Raytown. Tony has worked endless hours on not just the petition drive but many hours trying to bring people together along with being on a fact-finding mission to try and understand what is truly happening in Raytown. Some would love to try and discredit him with their character assassinations but others of us would love to see him run for Mayor because we respect his hard work and his efforts.
Mismanagement is not a crime. The audit will reveal nothing other than those in charge at city hall are nincompoops and feel self entitled to giving themselves job increase, pay increase, perks, more perks and all the-out of-town travel they can get on the tax payer's dime. It's just legal thievery, not a crime. Perhaps it's unethical, dishonest and with no integrity, but the audit would just be more waste of money.
You can't fix stupid and greed and city hall is ran by those who won't resolve to move to our town and only come here to pretend to care what's best for Raytown while they take our tax dollars home to their nice neighborhoods in the suburbs.
HEY City Managers! You don't want to live in Raytown??? then don't pretend to care about Raytown for a paycheck and to fatten your resume and be gone in 3-5 years and not accomplish a damn thing. We've seen too much of that already. Loughry, Sharma, and the list grows longer.
Since Tony Jacob is leading the charge on this audit thing, will he have to pay the city back when no corruption is found?
Just a reminder for anyone wanting to run for an elected office in Raytown including Mayor. All your personal taxes including Real Estate must be paid and current.
Remember when we had the last election nearly 4 years ago. The new mayor and some of his
aldermen were saying that the city needed to have a audit to uncover all the corruption that had
taken place in the prior administrations?
Why have they now changed there minds?
"Mismanagement is not a crime. The audit will reveal nothing other than those in charge at city hall are nincompoops and feel self entitled to giving themselves job increase, pay increase, perks, more perks and all the-out of-town travel they can get on the tax payer's dime."
Unfortunately you called it. Especially with the "nincompoops" thing.
Nincompoops, you're on notice. Be advised of the following:
1.This city WILL hereupon be audited by a call of the citizenry with each and every future nincompoop eruption.
2. Time to abate ALL nincompoops at election time.
Yep. You nailed it.
"Just a reminder for anyone wanting to run for an elected office in Raytown including Mayor. All your personal taxes including Real Estate must be paid and current."
We'd gladly GIVE them the 2K. They'd be an extraordinary upgrade from the embarrassments we're currently compelled to endure.
You would gladly pay the tax bill for a tax protestor? Really? Think very hard about what you just said and the irony of someone who refuses to manage their own affairs thinking they know better about how to run a City.
"We'd gladly GIVE them the 2K. They'd be an extraordinary upgrade from the embarrassments we're currently compelled to endure."
Disagree. Even so much as a history of unpaid taxes should disqualify for office.
Taxes are a basic obligation that must be tended to.
That being said, I signed the petition and fully support an audit, a responsible move considering the number of years that have passed since the last one, the current financial condition of the City, as well as the involvement of several officeholders that have or had no business being in office to begin with.
We need new and/or highly qualified candidates across the board,
Mr. Mayor you are no longer a cop so quit trying to use your intimidation technique on Mr. Jacobs he is no afraid of you...
Well your correct they would not arrest one of their own. They would do as they did the last time they suspected a now ex officer of illegal activity. Which is to call in the Mo higway patrol to investigate that way it is done legally. That now former officer by the way was charged and arrested.
"Mr. Mayor you are no longer a cop so quit trying to use your intimidation technique..."
Can't say that we've ever been intimidated by Mikey.
I want to explain my reasoning for taking part in the gathering of signatures at the polls. In the last few years making necessary change in the business philosophy at City Hall has become so idealistic based on politics. We all recognize that there are issues that need to be dealt with. The audit if for nothing else is a non political, non biased viewpoint of how the business end of things will be identified. I personally worked with people who I have disagreed with that philosophy yet we all have the same goal. Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees and this will provide insight in how to make Raytown stronger. Joe Creamer
I thought I should clarify why I help assembling people to help work the polls to gather signatures for a performance audit of the city. In the last few years it has politically decisive to make changes to positively impact Raytown. The audit is a non biased and non political answer to questions we have. It really can be an opportunity to bring people together once the findings are announced. First we have to start the process. It will identify things that can streamline process which will offset the cost. Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees
I watched the BOA meeting last night. Boy, that was a long one! Mostly satisfied by the outcome. I agree that the City Collector position is outdated and needs to be eliminated. While it's only $1,200 per year savings, this is merely out of principle. I also think the stray holding period needed to be reduced.
My dissatisfaction resides on how Alderman Ryan Myers was treated during his discussion item. I commend his efforts for thinking outside the box to improve our infrastructure. Greg, I had a hard time seeing his slide presentation and he presented it very quickly. Can you get us a copy? Mark Moore couldn't be more off base about bonds. What a know it all. And Steve needs to learn how to control his temper. I believe he called Ryan unprofessional, while the whole time he was the one yelling and being unprofessional. Personally, I think GO bonds are worth looking into because the Aldermen cannot mess with the money and it's nearly impossible for the city to default since it's paid 100% from the taxpayer. Mr. Myers, keep up the good work. You have my family's support at the ballot box.
I have been listening to our mayor and this board for a year now and in my opinion has not changed. I thought last year this mayor was a disaster for Raytown and his buddy the police chief have done NOTHING for Raytown except to make people laugh at us. As for this board of alderman except for a very very few have followed the same disaster of a mayor and the chief got started. Now it is going to be harder for our Economic Developer harder to do her job. She will not be able to bring businesses here worth having in Raytown. If You owned a business would you want to invest in a town that can't manage their own money and have a mayor and board of alderman how follows this mayor who can't even Run his own city and a police Chief who by the way has to hire another police department to run the police Dept. what does that tell you??
It is very impotent to have this audit. if the state does or does not find find anything hopefully we as resident of this city will see some mayor changes in personnel where it is needed.
While there's audit talk going on. May I suggest an audit of the most tax hungry entity around. That's right the Raytown Schools.
Pretty sure there's plenty of mid-management wastefulness at play there.
Anonymous 8:22 pm
I worked for the Raytown School District and I can tell you there is PLENTY of wastefulness in the district in management!!! It is the teachers that are getting screwed!!
@11:05 a.m.
Ryan Myers and every Alderman on the dais knows that the tasks and duties of the City Collector have been outsourced and automated. The County handles collection of taxes. The County keeps records on who is delinquent. Ryan Myers owes the Collector an apology, his statements implied that she has not being doing her job. Alderman Mims called for better behavior, well there you go.. Start now Ryan.......
So our present Mayor Pro Tem Ryan Myers dumps in the lap of both staff and his fellow council members a must do or else scramble Bond iniative and discussion item the night of a very lengthy council meeting. Without any citizen input or intensive review has to have it prepared and proper ballot language in place and ready to send to state by Nov 27. And one wonders why the Raytown citizens have zero confidence in the leadership group at City Hall right now.
Wasn't Joe Creamer on the Board when they gave the City away to WalMart on 350 highway and campaigned hard and voted to bring WalMart to the green space? Will no one hold him accountable?
8:22 PM, Good idea! The last time I calculated it, the Raytown Schools consumed 69% of the property tax collections!
Andy Whiteman
Though I appreciate Ryan meyers’ youthful enthusiasm, he should fully explore ideas before surprising everyone with them. A couple more years of experience would serve him well
Say what you will about Ryan Myers, however at least he's showing some promise with conceptualization and initiative. It's evident that this young man is continuing to build on his education and experience. He deserves our forbearance as he continues to develop.
We'd rather work with a tabla rasa versus the perennially manipulative, uneducated and wholly unqualified.
Alderman Moore Green and Steve Meyers get over it. We all know the reason you were mad when Alderman Ryan Myers brought up the bond item. It was because the taxes that you guys brought before the voters failed miserably. And oh my someone else should have an idea. Keep up the good work Ryan and keep thinking outside the box, you are doing a great job. I don't have any hope for the other three stooges.
The entire discussion on bonds was interesting. I kept thinking it was too bad that there could not of been some agreement to support the gas tax in order to finance a possible bond issue. Missed opportunity clouded by politics. Those that were anti-tax puzzle me in the sense they stated that they were looking out for the taxpayer, yet they are now advocating more debt. Is that looking out for the taxpayer? I would support a bond issue if there was revenue to finance it. Clearly there is not.
Alderman Moore was correct to point out that the economy will turn sour again. Just to give everbody perspective, the interest on the national debt is almost 1 trillion dollars per year. The country is in trouble and City leaders would be wise to consider that another recession is around the corner.
The Bond iniative had NO ballot date available till August 2019. The current bond market is very volatile and rates are escalating rapidly. The cities credit rating due to unstable finances and current debt puts them in a high credit risk status and even if underwritiers would find a group to take on the risk there would be an interest rate that would be similar to a Car Title Loan deal. And that iniative was going to be put together and inform the public by Nov 27th? Youthful enthusiasm. No unrealistic proposal. Next time do your homework Alderman Myers. This City needs NO repeat of a horrible debt arrangement like the current TIF revenue choker!
The local gas tax iniative of 2 cents a gallon was researched well in advance by Alderman Steve Meyers before he ever brought it to the board for discussion and consideration. The anticipated estimated revenues if I remember were in the 300k a year range and were specifically earmarked and obligated for street infrastructure needs. But that amount would not even be close to the debt repayment amount necessary to repay a 35-50 million dollar bond suggested by Aldeman Ryan Myers. That payment would be well into the several million dollars a year and the city is in no position to take on that additional debt as Aldeman Moore alluded to. That guy is super sharp on stocks and bonds and his viewpoints are right on target.
After looking at Alderman Moore's bio on the city website, I see no information regarding a financial background or a background whatsoever outside of construction. This makes me skeptical that he is coherent in his observations.
Well Alderman Aziere doesn’t know how to swim actually but most would agree he is a very good swim coach. Your point concerning Alderman Moore doesn’t hold water.
Is Meuller?
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