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I am sitting here wondering how to best remind everyone Tuesday is Election Day. The attached video from the 2016 Presidential Election is called “Save the Day”. Political ads come and political ads go . . . this one is a keeper.
Save The Day
And then, if you have not already done so, go vote!
Save The Day
And then, if you have not already done so, go vote!

Anyone driving damage road surface could tell the manhole covers were no longer flush to ground by the sound the metal made as vehicles passed over them.
Public Works Director Damon Hodges told the Raytown Report, "The 59th Street Project is a major undertaking. We are literally rebuilding a two block section of 59th Street in its entirety."
"The Gas Company and Water Company are removing the gas lines and water mains under the road surface in conjunction with the project," continued Hodges.
The project is budgeted to cost $392,292.00. A new street surface will be in place from just west of Elm Street to just East of Oxford.
"Weather permitting, we expect the section of 59th Street to be closed for at least one month," said Hodges.
59th Street was re-built from a two lane road to the width of a four lane road in 1998. In street years, that is not very long. When asked what went wrong with the road surface Hodges replied, "That is what we intend to find out."
Raytown Should
59th Street was re-built from a two lane road to the width of a four lane road in 1998. In street years, that is not very long. When asked what went wrong with the road surface Hodges replied, "That is what we intend to find out."
Raytown Should
Focus on Street Repair
August voters turned down three tax increase proposals. Two of those tax
increases (a doubling of the Property and Personal Use Taxes and an Internet
Sales Tax) were defeated by lopsided margins that went way beyond landslides.
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showed there is interest in ratcheting up the effort in the minds of many voters as concerns Raytown streets.
But it should not be forgotten the majority of voters did vote no. The real question to answer is why did they vote no.
One of
the main reasons the gasoline tax failed in August was a distrust of the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen to keep their word. Raytowners have learned that promises
so eagerly made during campaigns by city officials are just as easily ignored
once the the tax increases are approved.
the promise the (Raytown) Gasoline tax would be dedicated towards street improvements
by Missouri law did not persuade the public to approve the 2 cents per gallon
tax increase. (see Paul's Rant, “Bait and Switch” story below)
is Another Way . . .
many years of stagnation the Municipal Bond Market has shown signs of coming to
life. Municipal Bonds have become a popular funding method to fund street
maintenance over an extended period of time.
covenants could be narrowly written to exclude any use of funds for any reason
but for what is specifically stated in the bond covenants. This, in turn would
keep city officials from using the funds for anything but what is promised.
Should the City, through its elected officials, attempt to use the funds for any purpose other than stated in the bond covenants, they run a very real risk of criminal prosecution.
voters are all aware of the “bait and switch” tactic.
When voters approved a Public Safety Sales Tax they were promised the money would be used to fund the Ambulance Service and Police Department.
When voters approved a Public Safety Sales Tax they were promised the money would be used to fund the Ambulance Service and Police Department.
A check
of last year’s budget showed the Ambulance Service only received $109,853 from
the Public Safety Sales Tax. The Police Department received $1,140,451.
Public Safety Sales Tax Revenue $1,654,380.00
Budgeted for TIF debt $ 300,000.00*
Allocated to the Raytown PD $1,140,451.00
Allocated to the Ambulance Service $ 109,853.00
*Raytown Budget figures show 20% of the city's revenue from retail outlets in the 350 Live TIF (Walmart, House of Pancakes, etc.) goes to
to pay down the debt created when the TIF District was formed.
to pay down the debt created when the TIF District was formed.
This allowed those in favor of dismantling the Ambulance Service to claim they did not have the money to
run the Ambulance Service.
This “made
to order crisis" was eventually used to just justify the Ambulance Service being
turned over to the Raytown Fire Protection District.
The Fire
District has let it be known they will be asking for a Property Tax Levy
increase to fill the need to fund the Ambulance Service under their watch.
will have the final say on these tax increase issues within the next two years.
means that Raytown voters will be in the unique position of voting on another
dedicated tax to fund the Ambulance Service. Funding they were promised would
be used for the Ambulance Service somehow ended up in the Police Departments
Please vote Tuesday 11/6 IF you haven't already voted.
Andy Whiteman
I will be voting tomorrow and voting a straight RED Ticket
Greg, save the day was great to watch.
Big blue wave is coming, get out the vote!!!
The blue wave is going to hit a big red wall. I will vote. But I do not think my choices will look anything like yours. Count me as a democrat who has finally been pushed out of a party out of touch with America. By the way I did not leave the democratic party. It left me.
There should be a term limit on Raytown police chief. Too much bloated waste at the top and it hurts the citizens and the rank and file in PD.
"Too much bloated waste at the top and it hurts the citizens and the rank and file in PD."
We keep hearing this. Could someone put in the man hours and she diligence to once and for all substantiate this claim via a FOIA to outline precisely how much money has been wasted and in what way is the Department is top-heavy, as well as any additional evidence of mismanagement?
Way to go Missouri taking the state backwards. What an embarrassment
Talk all over town is out of town Susie is making a fool of herself and Raytown again.
Mr Mayor if you really put Raytown first you would kick your relationship with this misinformed and hateful person to the curb.
If you mean McCaskill losing her seat is a step backwards you are so wrong. Missouri took a giant step forward from ridding itself of an ineffective Senator who would say anything to get re-elected. Wait and see. We will be better off without her representing us in DC.
Maybe we lost McCaskill, but we retook the House. Now it's time to roll up our sleeves, abolish ICE and start the impeachment proceedings. And if Pence gets in the way, he can go, too.
That won’t happen because we have the senate and president. So try to be a nasty socialist somewhere else. Typical obstructionist thinking.
Abolish ICE, because so many countries have achieved and maintained greatness by allowing millions of people to enter their countries unidentified and dependent.
Hey 5:44 did you ever think the way you think is the problem? That is why i left the Democrat party. How about time to roll up the sleeves and work together and fix healthcare but instead you are focused on ICE and Impeachment.
Keep up the thought process and you will end up forcing more people to vote for another 4 years.
Left the Left this year.
Whoever wrote about the good open borders has done other countries is making a very false statement. Let's look at some of the policies of other countries.
CANADA. Has some of the most stringent immigration laws on the planet. Want to move there? Better have a lot of money or else you are not welcome.
GERMANY: There is a reason Merkel is stepping down. The cause was here unpopular failed handling of open borders in Germany.
ENGLAND: What used to be a popular vacation destination is now on the "do not go there" lists of countries due to immigration.
ISRAEL: Is still a popular destination for travelers. They have some of the toughest immigration laws in the world. Israel is proof that walls do work.
TURKEY closed its border with Syria. Do you wonder why?
5:44 am
ICE handles much more than just immigration issues.
I urge you to look at www.ice.gov and educate yourself.
ICE should never go away.
How's the request for a state audit coming? REALLY, REALLY NEED ONE. Hopefully this will happen soon.
So when the state audit finds nothing criminal are you all going to apologize? The way the taxes are split is problem. When the city gets a smaller portion that fire district or school district but have more financial responsibilities, payroll, streets and sewer, but less money, that’s a problem.
"How's the request for a state audit coming? REALLY, REALLY NEED ONE. Hopefully this will happen soon."
It's on the way, is it not?
Followed by orange jumpsuits, where applicable.
It has already been done. It has been published and commented on. Months ago. In fact it was even on the news.
Signatures are being verified one by one before submitting estimated time is a week to turn them in.
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