Board of Aldermen Opens
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The filing
period will remain open until early January, 2019.
Here is
a quick rundown of all requirements for the positions of Mayor and Board of
must be an American citizen, registered to vote and have all of their taxes
paid in full.
per month plus a car allowance of $200 per month. The mayor is eligible to participate
in the city’s group health care plan for employees. Filing fee for the office
of Mayor is $50. Or, candidates can file by petition. To file by petition
contact the City Clerk, Teresa Henry, at Raytown City Hall (737-6004).
per month plus a car allowance of $50.00 per month. Members of the Board of
Aldermen are eligible to participate in the city’s group health care plan. Filing
fee for the office of Alderman is $25. Or, candidates can file by petition. To
file by petition contact the City Clerk, Teresa Henry, at Raytown City Hall (737-6004).
The Board
of Aldermen recently voted to combine the office of City Collector with that of
the City Marshal effective in 2021. The City Collector position pays $1.00 per year for the next two years. At which time it will be combined with the office of City Marshal. The City
Collector is eligible to participate in the city’s group health care plan. Filing
fee for the office of City Collector is $35. Or, candidates can file by
petition. To file by petition contact the City Clerk, Teresa Henry, at Raytown
City Hall (737-6004).
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Myers Considers Forming Committee to Study
GO Bonds
Ward 3
Alderman Ryan Myers is considering the formation of a special committee to study
the feasibility of issuing General Obligation (GO) Bonds to fund repair of neighborhood
streets in Raytown.
receiving a less than cordial reception to his idea of using GO Bonds to fund
street repair in Raytown, Ryan Myers had thoughts of shelving the idea.
of the Board members seemed to resent that I even brought up the subject up,” said
then I began to hear from the public,” Myers continued.
citizens contacted Myers and encouraged him to move forward with exploring the use of GO Bonds to upgrade neighborhood streets. As
did some members of the Board of Aldermen. The Mayor threw in his two cents worth when he told Myers he thought the idea had merit and deserved more investigation.
“I have
been contacted by a number of people who are interested in serving on a
committee to work toward a viable package for the voters to consider,” said Myers.
said the August, 2019 election seems like a good date for the voters to
consider a road maintenance package. He is also aware there is a lot of work to
do before reaching that goal.
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Ward 4
Alderman Hospitalized
Ward 4
Alderman Bill VanBuskirk was hospitalized for severe back pain last week. He
had two lumbar discs removed and bone chips removed during the procedure.
VanBuskirk is expected to have a full recovery but is under doctor’s orders to
cease all activity for 60 days.
Ward 4 Alderman said, “I just need some peace and quiet for a couple of months. I will be ready to go back to work and then
I will be ready to go back to work on the Raytown Board of Aldermen”.
Personally, I prefer the old logo. It speaks to Raytown's history.
Paul’s Rant
Ward 4
Alderman Steve Meyers gave an interesting speech at a recent Board of Aldermen
meeting. He wants to form a committee to create a new slogan for Raytown.
you might call it an effort to re-brand Raytown. The last time this was done
was during Mayor Sue Frank’s first term of office.
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Board back then spent a considerable amount of money creating a new logo and slogan
which reads “reaching for tomorrow”.
slogan never really caught on,” said Greg Walters, who served on the Board of
Alderman at the time. “I think most people identified it with a political
faction in town.”
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Personally, I prefer the old logo. It speaks to Raytown's history.
The old
logo has an image of a blacksmith with a hammer pounding on an anvil. The
blacksmith’s name was William Ray. Raytown is said to be named after him. A
plaque commemorating William Ray’s blacksmith shop stands at the intersection
of Blue Ridge Boulevard and Raytown Road.
speaking, Raytown’s history pre-dates the American Civil War. It can be traced back
to 1847. Located at the confluence of the Santa Fe, Oregon and California
Trails, the area was truly a jumping off spot for pioneers heading west.
more definitive proof of the significance of the Raytown area and the trails
one need only go to Cave Spring Park, located in Raytown at Gregory Boulevard
and Blue Ridge Boulevard. Cave Spring has been designated a national historic
site in recognition of is historical significance to the three trails.
has always referred to the old logo as the “little guy with the hammer”. He is
not shy about his thoughts on the old vs. the new logo.
problem with the new logo is that it does not speak to anything remotely related
to Raytown. The old logo could be updated. Mention of the founding date of the
Raytown area along with the incorporation date of the city would be a nice
touch,” said Walters.
Steve Meyers recently announced he was forming a committee to take another look
at Raytown’s slogan. I hope he broadens the scope of his committee to look into
changing the logo back to one that has some historic significance.
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The Paul Livius Report
Board of Aldermen Meeting – December 04, 2018
Keenan, City auditor discussed the pending year end Financials. For more information to go:
Board passed a resolution authorizing an agreement for legal services with Lauber
Municipal Law, for city attorney and special counsel services and approving the
expenditure of funds with Lauber Municipal Law.After a thorough review by
staff, direction was given to enter into a Legal Services Agreement with Kapke
& Willerth LLC. On October 24, 2018, the City received a Notice of
Retirement and Termination of the City’s current Legal Services Agreement. After
further review of the proposals received, it has been determined that Lauber
Municipal Law, LLC meets all of the qualifications to provide Legal and Special
Counsel Services to the City of Raytown beginning on January 1, 2019. There
will be a transition period between Kapke & Willerth LLC and Lauber
Municipal Law, LLC.
Board passed a resolution appointing Damon l. Hodges as city administrator for
the city of Raytown and ratifying an employment agreement.The Board of Aldermen
previously met in closed sessions, authorized and duly noticed under the
Sunshine Law, to discuss the hiring of Mr. Hodges as City Administrator.
Pursuant to Board approval on December 4, 2018, a contract was approved and
authorized for execution between the City and Damon Hodges to serve as City
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance amending chapter 36 (streets,
sidewalks, and other public places), article v (facilities in public
right-of-way), and adding article vi (small wireless facilities) to the code of
ordinances of the city of Raytown, for the purpose of updating the city’s
requirements for use of the public right-of-way and permitting of small
wireless facilities. The City has previously regulated the construction and
deployment of telecommunications facilities and other similar facilities
through a variety of ordinances and practices. During the 2018 Legislative
Session, the 101st Missouri General Assembly approved, and the Governor signed
into law, House Bill 1991 with an effective date for a majority of the
provisions of January 1, 2019. House Bill 1991 amended and added certain
provisions to the Missouri Revised Statutes relating to the City’s authority to
regulate the construction and deployment of small wireless facilities. The
Federal Communications Commission did release on September 27, 2018 FCC-18-133
titled Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment by Removing Barriers to
Infrastructure Investment, and FCC-18-133 contained both a declaratory ruling
and order regarding the City’s authority to regulate the construction and
deployment of small wireless facilities. Staff recommends to amend and revise
the Code of Ordinances of the City of Raytown, Missouri to conform with both HB
1991 and FCC-18-133 to encourage the deployment of small wireless facilities
within the City in a manner that (1) protects the right-of-way as a unique and
physically limited resource critical to the travel and transportation of person
and property in the City; (2) manages the right-of-way to ensure that the right-of-way
remains accessible for public uses including the partial occupancy of the
right-of-way by utilities and public service entities, which enhance the
health, welfare, and economic well-being of the City and its citizens; (3)
promotes competition, securing higher quality services for the citizens of the
City and consumers at large; and (4) does not materially inhibit the provision
of telecommunications services.
Board passed a resolution approving the acceptance of a MissouriDepartment of Transportation
traffic and highway safety hazardous moving grant in the amount of $6,169.05
and amending the fiscal year 2018-2019 budget. In February 2018, the Board of
Aldermen approved the Raytown Police Department to apply for grant funding
through the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Highway Safety Crash
Reduction/ Hazardous Moving Enforcement Grant. In August 2018, the Police
Department was notified of the grant award in the amount not to exceed
$6169.05. The grant provides funding to be used for officers’ overtime traffic
safety assignments and the purchase of an additional Stalker brand handheld
radar instrument at 100 % reimbursement to the City. In addition, the grant
will reimburse the cost of sending one officer to the annual LETSAC conference
for additional training.
Board passed a resolution approving an application for grant funding in
connection with Raytown Volunteers in Police Service.The Raytown Volunteers in
Police Service Inc. has been created to support community service and the crime
prevention efforts of Raytown Police Department. Raytown Volunteers in Police
Service Inc. will be providing funding to reimburse the Raytown Police
Department for expenditures required to facilitate these programs in Fiscal
Year 2018- 2019. The goal is to support the combined missions of the Police
Department and the Corporation, which exists to improve communication and trust
between the Police and the community, while reducing crime through proactive
educational efforts. Once the grant is accepted by the City, eligible expenses
associated with supporting the Raytown Police Department's public education and
community support programs may be remitted for reimbursement, at the rate of
100%, up to twelve thousand three hundred and twenty dollars ($12,320.00).
Eligible reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to: approved
overtime assignments, purchase of any new supplies, materials, equipment,
contracting for printing or other services necessary to operate programs such
as Citizen's Police Academy, Safety Fairs, Coffee-With-A-Cop, Community Forums,
and community requests for public speaking events by members of the Police
Department. There is no match required by the City for this grant. Application
for funding may be submitted in written or electronic format and submitted to
the Directing Board of the Corporation by the Chief of Police of the Raytown
Police Department or his designee. Once approved by the Directing Board, grants
require the Police Department and Finance Department to submit an accounting of
expenditures to the Corporation Board. Funding will be paid to the City from
Truman Heartland Community Foundation, the fund administrator. The Corporation
maintains charitable funds within a sub-fund of Truman Heartland Community
Foundation for the sole purpose of funding this grant process.
Board passed a resolution approving the acceptance of a bureau of justice
assistance bulletproof vest partnership grant in the amount of $9,285.24 and
amending the fiscal year 2018-2019 budgetIn May 2018, the Raytown Police
Department applied for a grant through the Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bulletproof Vest Partnership. In October 2018, the Department was notified of
the grant award in the amount not to exceed $9,285.24. The Department utilizes a
vest replacement plan which will replace an officer’s uniquely fitted
bulletproof vest that conforms to the individual wearer every five years as
recommended by vest manufacturers. The grant will reimburse the Department for
50% of the purchase cost of National Institute of Justice compliant armored
vests purchased from April 1, 2018 to August 31, 2020, or until available funds
have been requested. The Department is responsible for funding the remainder of
the cost of the vest and the purchase of bulletproof vests is a budgeted item
for fiscal year 2018-2019.
Board passed a resolution approving the expenditure of funds with MDL
Technologyfor information technology-related services in an amount not to
exceed $105,600.00 for fiscal year 2018-2019. The Police Department’s use and
dependence on technology has grown exponentially over the past decade. This
increase is due to changes in the law enforcement industry itself, as well as
increased reliance on IT systems for conducting day to day business. These IT
systems have become absolutely critical to the function of the Police
Department. The Police Department’s budget included appropriation for managed
services for FY2018/2019. In September 2018, the Department broadcast a request
for proposal for Managed IT Services. Two (2) vendors responded with proposals.
The Police Department then met with both vendors, MDL and HSMC Orizon, to
discuss their proposals. During the meetings, MDL confirmed that their proposal
was inclusive with no additional fees. The meeting with HSMC Orizon revealed
additional significant fees that were not included in their original proposal.
The company also quoted an optional service plan for off-site backup
replication and retention, which the Department considers a necessity. Their proposal
could not manage the amount of data the Police Department retains, nor could it
replicate the data effectively. When this was brought to the attention of the
vendor, they verified that their option would not work and returned with a
price that more than doubled the cost per month. HSMC Orizon also verified that
they will not assist with issues related to our Department website and would
refer to a 3rd Party Web Service Provider. The proposal from MDL included a
comparable off-site backup solution that met the capacity needs of the
Department and MDL will assist with issues related to our website. A panel
consisting of Police Department staff was formed to discuss the proposals. The
review panel collectively recommended MDL Technologies as the IT Managed
Service provider for the Police Department. While both vendors had positive
aspects, MDL Technology’s proposal had components that set them apart from the
other vendor. A significant factor taken into consideration was that MDL
provided an inclusive bid that covered all services at a set monthly fee, which
is of significant importance to the Department’s budgetary process. The other
vendor’s proposal was not inclusive and would require additional fees other
than what was originally proposed.
Board passed a resolution approving a maintenance contract with MotorolaSolutions,
Inc. In an amount not to exceed $31,836.00 for fiscal year 2018-2019. The
Police Department utilizes the Motorola radio system during its normal course
of duties. To ensure the life span of the equipment, having the manufacturer
perform the maintenance will make certain the equipment has the best service
available. Proper maintenance is necessary to extend the usable life of the
radios. This is a recurring yearly contract between Motorola and the City of
Raytown to provide maintenance and infrastructure repairs to the radio system
in case of failure. Motorola, as the designer of the system, has the authority
to work on our radios and is the only supplier of the parts to maintain the
system. Because of these factors, Motorola is the only source that can perform
the work necessary to maintain and keep our radio system functioning.
Board passed a resolution approving an annual maintenance agreement by and
between the city of Raytown and Harris Computer-Global Software in an amount
not to exceed $49,746.Harris Computer-Global Software is the Records Management
System and Computer Aided Dispatch system vendor. These systems were installed
in 2005 and at the time of implementation included 5 years of support, which
expired in 2010. The maintenance support plan is now an annual expense. This
support plan is critical to the Department’s function as these systems directly
affect how the department responds to calls and investigate crimes.
Am I reading this correctly?
"The Board of Aldermen recently voted to combine the office of City Collector with that of the City Marshal effective in 2021. The position pays $1.00 per month."
The way I read it, the City Marshal will receive $1 per month as a combined position! Who will work for $1 per month as City Marshal? It will be very difficult to find an candidates for City Marshal!
Andy Whiteman
Wrong - wrong - wrong. The BOA are paid $400 per month and they receive $50 car allowance. Get you facts straight. For pity's sake, guys. You post the minutes to the meetings. Don't you ever read what you post?
Wishing Alderman Van Buskirk a speedy recovery.
For Phil Jacoby,
Thank you for pointing out the error on the Board of Aldermen salary. You are so correct. You will also be happy to know we have corrected error. The Aldermen are paid $400 per month. They also receive a $50 auto allowance. And, they are eligible to participate in the city employee group insurance plan.
Well, Ryan seems to be running for Mayor, he's been featured on here twice in the last two weeks. That's going to be awkward, imagine the next four timid months, and then when Mayor Mike wins, it'll be that much funnier. poor kid.
I don't know about Ryan Myers running for anything. He is in the middle of a four year term. I do agree that any change from Mike McDonough and his four years of zero accomplishments would be an improvement for Raytown.
Not so. Mike has accomplished much. He voted on the 83rd st bridge, wait I mean he helped build it, at dang it he did something there.
He and the cheif worked to screw off our best officers. He helped ax EMS. He has destroyed our savings. He has seen at least 3 city administrators during his short time in office. Had vacancies that no one wants to fill because no one wants to work for him.
He's oversaw closing down the tax payment center, and huge rate hikes for sewer.
He has had Raytown openly liked when he was "positive after his taxes failed. Positive that Raytown deserved poor infrastructure, at least that's what he posted.
He has cut infrastructure money and worked to undermine our already strained system.
He's done a lot in his short time as mayor. At this point in not sure there's much more he can destroy.
"That's going to be awkward, imagine the next four timid months, and then when Mayor Mike wins, it'll be that much funnier. poor kid."
Can't say that we've ever noted any analytical processes rolling out of ole Mikey.
We'll take a chance on the "KID". The one that takes a risk, that has the ability to conceptualize, that gets it out there. That's anything BUT "timid". We'll fine tune the from there.
Anyone that can generate a single critical thought would be a drastic upgrade.
Mikey indeed has a future in community service. As Santa Claus. With additional practice and some sorely-needed basic costume maintenance, he could be at the very top of his game. Ho. Ho. Ho.
Wishing new City Administrator Damon Hodges good luck and best wishes. Ran into him and his family at the lighting ceremony Friday night. Sharp family guy and enthused about his vision for Raytown.
Get well Bill! We need you at city hall.
"Well, Ryan seems to be running for'll be that much funnier... "
This above comment speaks to this poster's level of maturity and intent.
There isn't anything "funny" about someone not being selected by the voters.
All qualified citizens should be encouraged to consider civic duty and to perhaps run for office.
Not only is the "funny" comment immature, it is cowardly. Keep up the good work Mr. Myers. There are many who appreciate your efforts.
12/12/2018: KCTV does a story on the impending audit.
When asked for a comment, Mayor? MIA.
Lynch? "I know there is a petition and stuff but I don't know exactly what it says..."
Just another great showing by these two. (And stuff.)
Well the attitude here at city hall has changed a lot today. The morning was average, it seemed a little off when we came back from lunch, but as the day progressed there were more hurried meetings and quiet talks with the upper bosses. It wasn't until I got home and my husband turned on the news that we figured out why. I know there's nothing I've done that's wrong, so I welcome the audit. I also know there are a lot of skeletons around here, I just hope this lady actually cleans things up an doesn't get run off by the Police like everyone else has.
When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, and others build windmills. - Chinese proverb.
This comic was drawn by Smar. You can find her other work and comics on her Tumblr blog.
There are lots of quotes out there that claim to be “Chinese proverbs”. However, many of these quotes are purposely misattributed so that people would take them “seriously.”
If the quote doesn’t come with the original text in Mandarin, then it ain’t a Chinese proverb.
In this case the so called chinese proverb is referring all about alternative energy solutions.
RAYTOWN, MO- Thursday, December 13, 2019 State Auditor Nicole Galloway accepted the signed petition from Tony Jacob, Chief Petitioner. The petition seeks Auditor Galloway's expertise to help Raytown identify areas of improvement and to restore trust in our local government through an independent audit.
Auditor Galloway's office is currently conducting over 30 audits, with 128 being completed this year alone. It is our desire to reap some of the benefits her team has provided other communities. Through these audits she has identified over 100 Million Dollars in taxpayer money that was used ineffectually.
The petitions will need to be sent to the local election commission to verify the signatures are registered voters. This will take less than a month (hopefully within a week). When the signatures are verified an audit will be scheduled. The auditors assigned to the request will survey the city to identify areas of interest.
We estimate the auditors will be in the city for a few months, followed by a few months spent analyzing findings and preparing the full report. The city will have 30 days to respond to the findings presented in closed session before they are released (with the city's response) to the general public.
I will laugh out loud when the audit turns up zero criminal intent/wrongdoing. Yet it will cost the city $75,000 that they really can’t waste and the city continues to die a slow death, I feel bad for the employees.
They already have an annual audit, this is just a witch hunt that is going to cost the taxpayers more money that will only take away from being able to provide services. We could have done without it.
Tony, I am glad that someone finally got this accomplished. I always felt that the yearly audit was a farce and waste of money since the audit was paid for by the city, the CPA firm is obviously going to work to please its employer!
Andy Whiteman
Lynch: "I know there is a petition and stuff but I don't know exactly what it says..."
No worries. Lynch has this thing handled.
Good grief. Two more years of THAT?
Hey - has anyone told Ryan Myers that only the Mayor can form committees? An alderman can request a committee, but he/she can't form one on their own.
"Tony, I am glad that someone finally got this accomplished. I always felt that the yearly audit was a farce and waste of money since the audit was paid for by the city, the CPA firm is obviously going to work to please its employer!"
-Andy Whiteman
^^ This right here. ^^ EXACTLY, Andy.
Pippi and her fellow savants over on the Facebook can keep right on a-yammerin', but the independent audit is now a reality. Actually, it will be reassuring if nothing is found. Perhaps the knowledge that the City can be audited again at our behest may regulate some behaviors at City Hall...most notably within that police department.
Don't you mean Steve Meyers. He is the only alderman who has formed a committee. I read the story closely. It says Myers has spoken to the Mayor about the possibility of forming a committee. Nice try, but you missed way wide of the mark on this jab. The odd thing is you in advertantly call into question the validity of Steve Meyers committee.
Andy....... The yearly audit is not a farce. Government entities throughout the nation hire auditing firms. This is common practice. We have got to move away from fanning the passions of superstitious and uneducated voters. We have annual audits for a reason and there is nothing to suggest there is a problem.
I am a resident of Ward 2. I am so glad to see that Jim Aziere has filed because the other two candidates are a total joke. Good luck Jim win this one.
Mr. Aziere voted for the disastrous Wal-Mart Tiff and it is time for him to go.
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