State Auditor
of an effort calling for an Audit of the City of Raytown by the Missouri State
Auditor’s office formally presented petitions to Missouri State Auditor Nicole
Galloway last Thursday.
submitted over 1800 signatures, far exceeding the number required to begin the
audit process.
petitions will be reviewed by the Jackson County Election Board to validate
signatures as to authenticity.
lead petitioner in the call for a state audit, Mr. Tony Jacob said, “The
petitioners hope the review will identify problems and make recommendations to
restore trust and improve city services”.
signatures were collected after the August election when voters defeated three
tax questions the Mayor and Board of Aldermen had placed on the ballot. The
three issues before the voters were defeated by lopsided margins.
observers say the results demonstrated a lack of trust between the electorate
and City Hall.
to the petition request areas of concern outlined in the audit request include
but are not limited to:
of the police department. In 2017, the city lost many positions in the patrol
staffing of the police department. Petitioners claim more officers left the
department than required to meet the city's budgetary concerns. They point to
mismanagement as the base cause of shortage.
policies in the handling of employee time records. Another area of concern is
the city's policies regarding staff time records. Petitioners point to abuse of
time keep records as a concern. Evidence of time records being changed after
they have been submitted by employees have been found.
work environment. The city has experienced a large turnover of leadership
positions, specifically in the area of City Administrator and Finance Director.
In the
last four years the city has had three City Administrators and three Finance
Directors. Current and former staff describe racial and gender discrimination,
failures to follow internal policies, and the disciplining of employees
(whistle blowers) who bring problems to light.
Lack of
transparency. In several instances, requests for information from the city have
been met with delays, denials and unreasonable costs to those requesting
information. Records of said requests have been falsified at City Hall.
the last decade there have been attempts by citizens, elected officials, and
the Raytown Fire Protection District to call for an independent state audit of
the City of Raytown," said Jacob.
City Responds
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In a
prepared statement on the city's website the city responded to the news of the
petitions being turned in to the State Auditor's office.
Administrator Damon Hodges wrote, "The City of Raytown has been made aware
by media reports of the submission to the State Auditor’s office of a petition
audit request. To date, the City of Raytown has not received a copy of the
we receive communication from the Missouri State Auditor’s office, we are
unable to comment further,” said Mr. Hodges.
Paul’s Rant!
what! A petition calling for a state audit has been filed with the Missouri
State Auditor, Nicole Galloway.
doubt a good number of people are aware of the petition. After all, over 1800
Raytowners signed the petition. So it is a fair guess they knew what they were
visited with the lead petitioner, Tony Jacob. He told me he is puzzled by the
city’s response (see the comments from City Administrator Damon Hodges) and
other city officials who expressed no knowledge of an audit in Raytown.
all,” said Jacob, “a number of city officials, elected and appointed, signed
the audit petition.”
to Jacob the Chief of Police, Jim Lynch, who has also denied any knowledge of
an audit, sent a multi page reply to the
Kansas City Star.
he had no knowledge of an audit, what on earth did he write on those
pages?" asked Jacob.
It does
not really matter at this point. The petitions are turned in. The Jackson
County Election Board will now do its “due diligence” by verifying the
the signatures are verified, the matter is out of the city’s hands and into the
hands of the State Auditor.
No doubt
there will be other proclamations from city officials and parties hereunto not
named, with comments as the process moves forward.
they will be a little more forthcoming than claiming they are unaware of an
audit being conducted.
It is true the annual audit is not a farce. But it is very limited. It basically makes certain the books are balanced. But it does not delve into practices that are less than ethical or even illegal. A state audit can do that. The State Auditor also has the power to issue subpoenas and compel witnesses to testify. Your city's annual audit has no such authority.
In a perfect world the state audit will show all is well in Raytown. If there is less than "all is well" it will also expose the problems that need to be addressed.
A state audit is not that rare. Clay County Missouri is currently having one conducted at well.
The City should have an ordinance that requires it to ask for a state audit every ten years. Such an ordinance would be far less divisive and would not get the residents riled up.
"But it does not delve into practices that are less than ethical or even illegal...State Auditor also has the power to issue subpoenas and compel witnesses to testify. Your city's annual audit has no such authority. In a perfect world the state audit will show all is well in Raytown. If there is less than "all is well" it will also expose the problems that need to be addressed."
How is the above unreasonable? What Greg has written makes perfect sense.
Common sense. Yes, the state audit costs money. Some of these people in Raytown City government brought it upon themselves due to their actions and behavior in the last few years. They simply need to look in the mirror. It makes me angry that our money has to fund this audit. But this review is imperative at this point. Most of these people currently in office aren't getting another cent from us until the State steps in.
We fervently hope that some of these people walk away from their elected offices when their term expires. It's not all about you. Give the chance to someone else - support them in THEIR efforts. This sentiment is overwhelmingly directed at this current mayor. I feel that we could do so much better.
I urge every citizen to write a detailed letter to Ms. Galloway in Jefferson City outlining your concerns.
I just want to make it clear. My complaint with sunshine violations was not city wide. It affects only certain departments. The Clerk has been exceptional in getting the Avalible records in a timely fashion. However, when certain department heads are involved the process becomes convoluted, this will be addressed in the audit.
I also would like to speak to the people that keep bringing up the annual audit not only did this last one miss transfers, but the two are not the same! The state audit will look into policies and procedures, the annual does not. The annual audit would not report if someone is stealing as long as a check was written, it doesn't question why.
The state audit will find out why we are awarding no bid contracts, why we pay overages on contracts, and why political donors get special treatment.
It will also delve into the thousands of dollars of tax money that has been transferred to private corporations.
Some of this info has been posted publically for months, and some items turned over have not been discussed at all. Affidavits from current and former employees can be turned into her as well as using the whistle blower hotline. Your anonymity will be protected by state law.
Ms. Nicole Galloway, CPA
Office of the Missouri State Auditor
Call: (800) 347-8597
Mail: State Auditor's Office, P.O. Box 869, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Why isn't the City of Raytown publishing who has filed for office? It is kind of important. We have a Mayor and half of the seats on the City Council up for election. The press release about who our new City Administrator went up immediately. Since the City Administrator works at the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen and Mayor, you would think those in charge would rate as much attention.
City probably hasn't said anything about candidates yet probably because there aren't any print newspapers anymore. Or perhaps filing is still open?
That does not make any sense. They can post in on their website along with other important news items. Like the new City Administrator being appointed. It went up on the website the next day. So do other city events. Like the Christmas Tree Holiday street lighting downtown, Coffee with a Copy, etc.
Who is filing does matter to some people. Many of them have changed and adapted to using the web as their source for finding out what is happening in Raytown.
The city used to keep the candidate filling up to date and started publishing on their website the day filling opened.
Maybe we have another department head (city clerk) that need to find employment some other place.
Keep in mind the amount of money she has cost the taxpayers because part of the job when hired was to do the minutes from the board meetings, but that was to much stress for her and we hired an outside company to do that task.
She should have been let go for not being able to do the job she was hired to do.
The current administration is about waste and looking the other way.
Filing isn’t closed yet. Geesh if just opened Wednesday and only a few had filed. Wait until it closes then complain.
A bunch of snowflakes.
You know, the city clerk is keeping track of who files. You know why? Because it is her job. Nothing wrong with that! Since she is the one who meets with the candidates when they file, explains the laws to them, etc., why not share it with the public. Your city business should not be an insider's game. It should be public interest.
You may not care who runs our city but there are a lot of us who do.
Please be a little more open minded and considerate of others.
By the way. Filing opened on Tuesday, not Wednesday.
The City Clerk serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and BOA and as do other department heads and must follow their instructions.
Andy Whiteman
Drive to City Hall and make a sunshine request if you want to know. Very simple. Traditionally, this is something a newspaper would cover. There is not one now, so if you think you are the original town crier, go up there, find out, and report what you find online. Then we will all know and we don’t have to listen to these nonsensical complaints.
We have the BEST city clerk in the county. If you think you could do her job try it or shut up your mouth.
You don't get it. You should not have to drive to city hall to learn who has filed for public office. City hall should provide this information without being asked. It is their job to keep the public informed on matters that directly affect the public. If a street is shut down, wouldn't you expect the city to inform the public of closed street or the bridge shut down.
You post on this page so you are evidently aware of the internet and how it can be used as a news source.
So lets talk about what this is really about. There are some who actually benefit because the names of their opponents are not published. Without naming names, they are called incumbents. Now why would an incumbent not want a challenger's name published?
Your turn bubba. Go ahead and make your excuses for bureaucrats who will not do their job and their bosses who are protecting them.
The Mayor and his special lady don't want anyone to know the challengers are true. They freeze them off all city sites, and even the social ones. They've gone as far as booting people that mention them in the comments. But I think the real reason the city doesn't publish the names is no one wants to run, there's so many holes and people unchallenged it shows just how disfuntional it is. No one wants to deal with it. on
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Anonymous at 7:38 AM
The very best City Clerk in the World should do her job and post the news that is relevant to the city. I know in some people's eyes the names of candidates for public office does no rate up there with a Street Closing, A Bridge being built, or a new City Administrator being appointed. It is still news of pubic interest. in the eyes of the voters every candidate that files is an equal.
When one side keeps the name of the other side from being published they are no longer equals.
Whoever is in charge at city hall or whoever's resonsibility it is to make sure it happens, do the right thing. Do your job. Post names of who has filed for public office in Raytown.
16/16 6:36
Thank you Mr. Whiteman
I hope all of these smart read you post.
Well attacks on the City Clerk. Let the games begin.
What does it take for people to quit throwing dirt on Raytown. We look bad enough and you people just don't get it. Other cities are looking at us and laughing. Dams Idiots
"The Mayor and his special lady don't want anyone to know..."
Is this "special lady" the one that was unable to attend a city council meeting last Fall, so the mayor directed a city employee to read her citizen comment? Unlike the rest of the common folk? No "specialness" there, IMHO. Gack!
So, you want to know who filed for office in Raytown? Did you ever think about picking up the phone and calling City Hall to ask? Does the city have to wipe your nose for you, too?
I've watched and had to deal with many of Raytown's city clerks. This one is by far the WORST one that has ever held this job. Those that are singing her praises are sadly mistaken about her ability. It will be interesting to see what the State Audit turns up about the performance of here duties. I'm sure there will be some recommendations to improve efficiency in her office. Can't wait for the audit to get started.
Best City Clerk in the County? LMAO first thing this morning. She is absolutely dysfunctional, petty, manipulative, a back stabber and not at all competent. She should have been fired years and years ago.
Perhaps the city is waiting until the closing date for filing for candidates to announce them all at the same time, any of you ever thought about that?
I have an idea... Let's ban the use of ALL CAPS!
"Is this "special lady" the one that was unable to attend a city council meeting last Fall, so the mayor directed a city employee to read her citizen comment?"No
I think so. He gave her a "proclamation" too.
OK let’s play fair here folks. Just like so many other things on here, there are claims being made that are inaccurate. If one wishes to see who has filed, I found it very simple. First go to and then hover over govern slide down and click on Appointed Officials and then click on the city clerk. over on the right side of the page is "list of candidate filings". There you go folks. Simple as can be but then someone would not have the conspiracy theory to work off of huh. Just good old facts.
I think that it is quite strange that with all the folks that used to be on the board were asking for the audit but yet I don't recall them ever asking for one when they were in office. Some of those were in office a mere 4 years ago. Interesting huh?
No Eric you should be able to look at a official city site too find that information out do you realize
that they would get tired of people with the same request.
OK, let's do play fair! I followed your instructions. Two screen changes and four clicks later I found the list of candidates hidden on the lower right of the screen directly below the city clerk's picture. Pretty cool! So I thought, why no check out the City Administrator's link to his new appointment. Oh my gosh! It is right their on the front page of the home screen, front and center.
Guess we now know the pecking order at Raytown City Hall.
No conspiracy theory here. Check it out for yourself. By the way, thanks for the roadmap to get me where the site is located. I would never have guessed it was so cleverly hidden away. But it does make me wonder. Why is it hidden away like that?
You seem like a clever fellow. Maybe you can explain why taxpayers should have to jump through hoops to find out who has filed for city office.
Well, it looks like Mayor and City are so dysfunctional no wants those bonds he promised. And just as the town cried warned against following Platte county's idea that is being struck down in court. Our Board thought they new better. Sad times in Raytown. Last quarter is THE time for Munibonds.
Good job running the city into the ground Mikey.
Conspiracy theories, government is doing illegal things, they are stealing my money. Why don't you all grow up, stop getting your information from Faux news, and quit wasting aluminum foil.
Good morning everybody! Check out page 4A of this morning's Kansas City Star. BIG article named CITIZEN PETITION BRINGS AUDIT OF CLAY COUNTY GOVERNMENT. A lot of parallels to the way the audit in Raytown is playing out. The last two sentences are from State Auditor Galloway herself. She asks for concerned Clay County citizens to send any helpful information to or call 800-347-8597. Concerns can also be submitted anonymously online at
Might give an insight of how state audits are handled in Missouri.
Ms. Nicole Galloway, CPA
Office of the Missouri State Auditor
Call: (800) 347-8597
Mail: State Auditor's Office, P.O. Box 869, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Concerns can also be submitted anonymously online at
It's very important that any Raytowner that is truly concerned about the survival of this City to have your voice heard. When submitting comments to this office, please make certain that your complaints are extremely detailed.
Many of us have first-hand knowledge of a couple of these officeholders that span decades. We're aware of a number of events that have occurred over years.
Unfortunately, we can relate them to several recent incidents.
It's vital that we support each other in order for the Auditor's Office to piece together a comprehensive understanding of the issues in this town.
There is more to the story about the reason the refinance was put on hold. And when it surfaces and who caused the financial disruption that was to save the city much needed revenue, I wouldn’t want to be associated with those who caused this issue to surface.
Dear Mr KoolAide Drinker @ 5:12AM
I guess you haven't noticed all the city, county, state and federal government officials and employees who have got caught with their hand in the cookie jar in recent years.
Trust.....but verify!
12/18 8:01am
Nit picker.
Why do the CAPS bother you? Something you can't control.
12/18 3:53pm
Thank you. Only one new person, who remains on the BOA came into office, after looking at many factors, publicly stated a need for an audit. Guess what? that person got called all sorts of names, even many not repeatable. How about even our so called city collector saying things (On Raytown Unleashed Blog), we need to get rid of, "that
Black ----." So the nastiness went from that person to Tony Jacobs. REALLY? All of the new people have been trying to fix the long overdue issues. They keep telling us. Wake up people.
Who else are you going to blame before realizing there's a money problem in Raytown. ijs
Speaking of growing up. Making it hard to find out who has filed for public office by hiding the information on the city's website can be described in one word. Petty. I wonder who at city hall came up with such a small minded act?
This blog needs moderation all the way around. Let’s start by discontinuing anonymous posting. Time for the high road.
He, who shall not be named, is irrelevant. It’s mind over matter. We don’t mind because he doesn’t matter.
"Only one new person, who remains on the BOA came into office, after looking at many factors, publicly stated a need for an audit. Guess what? that person got called all sorts of names, even many not repeatable. How about even our so called city collector saying things (On Raytown Unleashed Blog), we need to get rid of, "that
Black ----." So the nastiness went from that person to Tony Jacobs.
While I'm definitely no fan of that city collector, if it can be SUBSTANTIATED that she called anyone "...that black..." , she needs to be terminated from office immediately and be permanently barred from participating in anything associated with the City. We're right there with you. Otherwise, if you can't prove that she made those remarks, you need to CAN IT with the free range race baiting. It's self-serving and provokes needless antagonism.
IJS. (I'm just saying.)
Just saw the Board meeting. I noticed the city is just saying put the bonds on hold and try later. Some alderman said we couldn't wait because of a balloon payment. Get your story straight!
The mayor promised these millions and come to find out he can't deliver once again. I remember when a guy went up at a meeting and already said he lined up financing and the city turned it down because it wasn't the mayor's idea. Last year I saw that he brought 3 million in grants and this year over a million and the city turned all of them down.
Sad day when elected officials put their pride before the best interest of the city.
Welcome to fantasy island! No one has ever brought 3 million in grants to the City! But I’ll raise you. Bringing grants to the City is easy. Hey, there’s this grant......... Opps, the terms do not or cannot be complied with...... City government is complex, some should stay at home and play SimCity on their computer rather than trying to run a city in real life.
So the curse of the Wal-Mart 350 TIF albatross marches on and viciously hangs around the necks of the Raytown taxpayers. And low and behold 2 of the Einstein’s (Aziere and Creamer) who voted to approve this debacle have both filed to run for re-election for council seats. Really Raytown? What a slap in the face! If you vote to put these 2 BACK in office you have no one to blame but yourselves for 4 more years of no show lack of attendance and a continual tradition of poor decisions by 2 of the WORST legislators to ever hold an elected office in Raytown.
What happened to these blog rules? BLOGGERS NEED NOT SIGN THEIR NAME: However, if their message is of a personal nature aimed at another individual with allegations that are unsubstantiated to the editors of the Raytown Report, it will probably not be posted. If the blogger wants to hone in on a certain target, they are free to do so. However, they must sign their name to the attack piece they have written. We reserve the right to verify the signature before publication. So far, there have not been any takers on this last offer. Paul and I contend it is possible to disagree on issues of the day without getting in the dirt to do so.
Those are very serious accusations being made in the comments towards the city collector and with zero proof shown. Why is that being allowed without proof or a name being signed?
While I'm definitely no fan of that city collector, if it can be SUBSTANTIATED that she called anyone "...that black..." ,
I know first hand, I was there at some of the meetings of discussion about this person and there was talk about running someone against that person. It was also posted on Raytown Unleashed. Ask out of town Susie. Better yet, ask the mayor.
"I know first hand, I was there at some of the meetings of discussion about this person and there was talk about running someone against that person. It was also posted on Raytown Unleashed. Ask out of town Susie. Better yet, ask the mayor."
Oh plueeze, anonymous person. You're not doing anything to further your cause. And if these remarks truly were made, they undoubtedly would have been acted upon by other people who would have found them as offensive as we do.
Put up or...
As for Suz, Unglued, or certain elected officials, their "disaccreditation" (is that a word?) is nearly complete. They've all been spiraling towards irrelevancy for quite some time.
If you have something constructive to add, SPILL. Otherwise, let's get to work on fixing this city.
For the good of the City, the rules that have been quoted are an excellent reminder of a promise that needs to be kept. Does anyone want the City torn apart? Seems like we are like wild dogs fighting over scraps. I would advocate two things; either keep your pledge or eliminate anonymous posting. It has been severely abused by all sides and used as a political weapon. Defeat your opponents by your ideas not by going to the gutter.
8:42 you say others should lift the veil, but you stay covered.
Boy, oh boy I haven't been on here for a few days, but I must say it sickens me to see a bunch of so called grown ups act like a bunch of spoon fed babies. So you want to know who filed for office it is real simple go to your computer or your smart phone and google it. Personally I have a hard time seeing how you can get out of bed in the morning and hold down a full time job all by yourself. If the city clerk published something you didn't like then take it up with the state. They are the one who governs her job and sets the rules which she needs to follow. Maybe you should be upset with the person who asked for it and published it. As for Tony Jacob he was Raytown's Unhinged favorite son as long as he was their puppet and did what he was told, but when he took on the PD he became mud on their shoes. I was glad to see he got the names to be submitted for an audit. If it show nothing then it can be put to bed once and for all, and if it does then we will deal with as ADULTS. As for the collector position I agree it should be abolished. It really was a waste of money and another employee can easily do it. As for the name calling I also heard it said and I was ashamed a person who holds a public office would attack and say such a mean and hurtful thing. As for the Raytown Unhinged group, Out of town of Susie is nothing more than a rock painter, trouble maker and a self professed know it all who has done nothing more than destroy our city. As a very wise older woman once said "honey don't stir the sh-- pot because one day you will have to lick the spoon." One last word for the mayor. Don't make promises you can't keep and run as fast as you can away from the Unhinged group, because they will cost you the election. In case you didn't know they are the ones why the taxes didn't pass. So get smart. Merry Christmas to all and let's make Raytown GREAT again.
From time to time there is someone calling for the end to anonymous posting.
Is it me? Or are most all the posters calling for the end of anonymous postings ....
Now that's too funny.
Let’s not rewrite history. There was no need for any organized resistance to the taxes, they would of all failed anyway. The taxes did not pass because there were too many tax questions. They did not pass because of a lack of trust. The residents wanted promises as to where the money would go. 15% of the population lives at the poverty level. These are the real reasons why they failed. I have had plenty of time to evaluate this properly let me tell you. M.
Agreed. When tax propositions are defeated by 70% (no) to a 30% (yes), there is no way to deny those selling the tax questions failed miserably. I think there a number of reasons they failed. Most notably, the lack of accountability at city hall. People simply do not have a lot of faith in the system now. The YES side relying on Facebook to send their message was plainly a failure as well. The NO side of the campaign was not large, but it did stay on target with its message.
We are a 4th class city the department heads serve at the pleasure of the Board.
The exception would only be in a tie vote, which allows input from the mayor.
Sadly we have a Board of Alderman that is very lacking when it comes to making sure we get our moneys worth from the department heads.
However, the house cleaning needs to start with whoever is over code enforcement.
3:31 It is simple you want happy citizens you have to hold people accountable.
I find it hard to believe your employer doesn't hold you accountable.
It is "FACT" that the prior city clerks took the minutes of the board meetings.
The one we have thought it was too hard for her, yet the board didn't address the problem. They instead went to the magic money tree and pulled a few more leaves so they could fund a company to type up the minutes.
The reality as we know there is no magic tree, which really came to light last year when another department head had a public breakdown because of how much his department was going to have to be de-funded.
Accountability is what is needed if we are going to move our city forward and put a stop the the dirt as you called.
5:12 AM,
That is why we need a state audit!
Thank you for helping with the justification.
I personally am so disturbed by the hate and viciousness that seems to be constant in our City I know other sites spew this ugliness and misinformation. I would hoe that this site would not be do the same.
Facts: The City is low on funds. We can thank the 40 million dollar TIF that the BOA voted for in 2007 and 2011. They voted to give the School District over 30 million of that amount leaving the City holding the bag. Among those were on the BOA at the time, Jim Aziere and Joe Creamer voted for it. Greg Walters was the only one to voice concern. Now they are both running for Aldermen! What will they do to help the City when they have helped put us under the bus? (By the way, I went on the City website and found out who was running. Wasn't a difficult thing to do).
When the WalMart Neighborhood Market was before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the BOA, the people turned out in the hundreds to protest. Joe Creamer voted for it. Jim Aziere passed on the first vote to see how it was going to turn out even though he was strongly in favor of it. When his vote didn't matter, he voted no. When it passed, (10-4), WalMart decided to pull out because of the people who did not want it, and they also thought there was going to be a lawsuit over it. Mayor Bower went to Arkansas to WalMart's headquarters, and begged them to reconsider. They did not. I believe we can be thankful that we do not have it on the green space.
Facts are truth.
Hope people will begin to understand that misinformation is not truth. Let's work together to make Raytown strong again.
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