Saturday, March 2, 2019

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To my Readers,

A couple of weeks ago I received and email from Susan Vorbeck Brown. Mrs. Brown manages a local Facebook page named Raytown Unleashed.

Mrs. Brown wrote:

“I have attached a candidate questionnaire created by members of the community.  The community was asked what questions they'd like their candidates to answer and this is the result.  This questionnaire is completely voluntary and is not sponsored by any group, business or organization.  It's simply a way for the voters to get to know their candidates.”

At the end of questionnaire Mrs. Brown asks for any additional comments. So I thought, why not? There are two subjects of importance not covered by the Mrs. Brown's questionnaire.

I was surprised the questionnaire did not address residency rules for the Chief of Police. Nor did it address taxation.

My response will lead with those two topics and then go into Mrs. Brown’s questionnaire.

Two topics not covered by the questionnaire.
One of the ballot questions we will vote on April 2nd asks if the position of Chief of Police should be appointive or elective.

I hold firm in my belief that the head of our Police Department must live within the city limits. Police are unique in public service. They are our first responders in an emergency. The leader of Police Department must be hands on when emergencies arise. Not 40 to 60 minutes away in another town.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen did not address this question when they placed the elective vs. appointive issue on the ballot.

If elected, I pledge to work to make certain our Chief of Police lives in Raytown.

While on the topic of residency I wish to discuss what I believe is an opportunity for Raytown.

Many Raytowners are concerned with crime and police protection. As our police department is rebuilt, it may pay dividends if newly hired police officers were offered incentives to make Raytown their home. This would increase the police presence in Raytown where people want it the most, in our neighborhoods.

At this point it is just a thought. But it is a possibility I believe deserves discussion.

  • Last August there were three tax increases on the August ballot.
  • This April, there are four more tax questions that affect property tax rates.
  • The Mayor and three lame duck Aldermen have repeatedly tried to place an additional Park Tax on August ballot* prior to the April 2nd election.
*The cutoff off date to place the Park Tax on the August ballot is May 28th. Why the hurry? The Mayor and three Aldermen, who have chosen not to run for re-election, are behind this scheme to force the Park Tax onto the August ballot ahead of its time. A new Board of Aldermen will be sworn in after the April election. It will be their decision to make.

This constant barrage of tax increase proposals is a mistake. I have been walking the neighborhoods in Ward 1. There is a strong anti-tax vibe coming from voters. The voters are not to blame. Their antipathy towards repeated (high) tax increase questions is understandable

Taxes are needed to sustain a community. This shotgun approach to raising taxes is poor politics and doomed to failure. 

Raytown is one of the highest taxed communities in Jackson County. The following comparison chart shows where Raytown ranks in property and sales tax rates.


4.250% . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
4.125% . . . . . . RAYTOWN
3.875% . . . . . . GRANDVIEW
3.625% . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
3.625% . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
3.375% . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS


9.4335 per $100 valuation . . . . . . KANSAS CITY, MO
9.0668 per $100 valuation . . . . . . LEE’S SUMMIT
9.0558 per $100 valuation . . . . . . RAYTOWN
8.4043 per $100 valuation . . . . . . INDEPENDENCE
8.3990 per $100 valuation . . . . . . BLUE SPRINGS
8.3949 per $100 valuation . . . . . . GRANDVIEW

Susan Vorbeck-Brown's
Candidate Questionnaire
NAME:                                  Greg Walters

ADDRESS:                           Raytown:    Life Time Resident
                                              Ward 1:      Ward 1 resident 42 years

EMPLOYER:                         Service Printing and Graphics, Inc.

CAMPAIGN TREASURER:           Greg Walters      816-517-6852  


Alderman, Ward 1



Raytown Charter Commission (twice)
Jackson County Democratic Committee (one term)
Raytown Board of Aldermen  1980 – 1996 / 1998 – 2009

What qualifications do you believe make you a good fit for this position?
I bring nearly 34 years of public service experience to the table. Those years of public service taught me the value of teamwork, the importance of listening and working toward common goals. I was twice elected as Mayor Protem by my fellow aldermen. More importantly, the voters in Ward 1 elected me in 12 elections to represent them. I am active in the community and am willing to serve again.

What is your vision for Raytown’s future?
I recognize an opportunity for Raytown with the completion of the Rock Island Trail. The Rock Island Trail is linked to the Katy Trail. Brett Hugh, Executive Director of the Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation recently told me shared with me the following information:
·       The Rock Island Trail connects to the Katy Trail. The Katy Trail follows the Missouri River across the state to St. Louis.
·       Over 500,000 bicyclists, runners and hikers make use of the Katy Trail each year. The Katy Trail does not come to Raytown, but through its connection to the Rock Island Trail, it will be connected. Raytown needs to be prepared for this influx of people crossing Missouri.
·       Raytown has been designated the western terminus of the Katy Trail. The influx of people on recreational holiday can be a boon to Raytown’s economy. It is an opportunity we must be ready to take advantage. It will definitely funnel many people to our Downtown area. The economic possibilities are many.
·       An influx of bicyclists into the Raytown area will result in the need for restaurants, entertainment and places for people to kick back and relax.

     For the past ten years I have participated in a bike ride across the State of Iowa (RAGBRAI*). I have witnessed the economic engine and its impact as over 25,000 bicyclists come to a community. It is something to behold. This success story can be part of Raytown’s legacy.
                *(Des Moines) Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa

Are you currently involved in community activities in Raytown.
Yes. Former Raytown Alderman Garth Bare and I created a website back in 2007 named the Raytown Reporter. It has since grown into the Raytown Report. Ours was the first web-based news service in Raytown. We have since expanded the Raytown Report with a Blog that has a steady flow of commentary from Raytown citizens. Many have told me they appreciate our weekly publication and rely upon it for accurate news of the goings on at Raytown City Hall.
The Raytown Report can be accessed at:

What made you decide to run for office in Raytown?
I received numerous requests from the Raytown community asking me to run for office.

How long have you been a Raytown resident?
64 years.

Do you feel you can make unbiased and sometimes difficult decisions that affect the community and its finances?

Do you have the ability and will work with all members of the Board and Mayor without prejudice.
Yes. My record on the Board of Aldermen is a good one. Many of the laws we live under were conceived by me and approved by the Board. The value of teamwork, patience and understanding cannot be over-emphasized in the goal to create successful legislation.

How do you plan to communicate with your constituents, and will you provide multiple avenues for communication to suit the needs of those constituents?
I will continue to publish the Raytown Report. I have it to be a very effective way to
keep the lines of communication open and flowing. I can be reached by email at and by telephone or text at 816-517-6852.

How will you encourage economic development and growth in Raytown?
We should recognize the mistakes of the past that have placed Raytown in its position of economic peril. We must recognize two truths. One, that you cannot tax yourself into prosperity. Two, we must stop the failed policy of tax abatements and other forms of corporate welfare to attract corporate America to Raytown.

Raytown’s economic problems can be traced back to the formation of the 350 Live TIF District on 350 Highway. In order to gain a lower interest rate on development bonds the City agreed to guarantee payment of the debt to bond holders*.
*I was the only Board member to vote against the Walmart TIF.

We must re-structure the debt payment to terms that allow Raytown to start re-building itself. By doing so, we can show the business world that Raytown is a place where business start-ups are welcome. They, in turn, will recognize an opportunity for their business and Raytown’s future.

Entrepreneurs have been the catalysts to growth and development in Kansas City. How would you make Raytown attractive to those investors?
I believe I have answered that question in number 9. However, I would add that Raytown has a unique advantage in the metropolitan area. Major freeways surround our city to the north, south, east and west. We are 20 to 30 minutes to everywhere in the metropolitan area. 

What do you do for a living?
Printing/Publishing/Direct Mail

Educational background?
Graduate of Archbishop O’Hara High School. Class of 1972.

What are your long term plans in politics?
Currently to be elected to the Raytown Board of Aldermen. I do not have any political aspirations beyond the Board of Aldermen.

Are you willing to vote in a way that reflects the wishes of your ward; not your personal preference?

How will you supervise those who enforce the various ordinances and laws in Raytown?
Board members do not supervise employees. That is the responsibility of Department Heads. At the same time it is important for Board members to be aware of what is happening at City Hall. It is the Board’s proper function to raise the alarm and work with Department heads if there are problems that need addressing. This “team” approach is true in any well run organization. It can work in Raytown as well.

Have there been orders or judgments against you of a criminal nature?

Within the last three years, have you paid your taxes in a timely manner.

What are your plans to make Raytown more bicycle friendly?
I was on the Board of Aldermen when Raytown first recognized the need for bicycle lanes on major streets. When the old wooden bridge in Downtown Raytown was renovated I took a leading role in making certain bicycle lanes were incorporated into it. When 87th Street was widened and re-built, bicycle lanes were included. Blue Ridge Cutoff was striped with wider lanes on the outside lanes to accommodate bicycle traffic. Raytown must continue to take a progressive route in making room for bicycle travel on public streets.

During Board meetings it has been noted that members of the Board are not paying attention to speakers and are sometimes looking at their cell phone. How would you battle this issue?
I have visited with members of the Board of Aldermen about this topic. From those conversations, I believe the accusation to be false. Ward 5 Alderman Derek Ward has publicly stated he uses his phone as a laptop for information during discussion at Board meetings. His seatmate, Bonnaye Mims, has a son, who is blind. He contacted her during one meeting via cell phone (using an audio ap) in an emergency.

However, I have viewed instances of unprofessional behavior, loud obnoxious language, and personal attacks on private citizens that happen all too often at meetings of the Board of Aldermen.

The Mayor, as Chairman of the meeting, has the authority to call down and stop such instances. To not do so would be to condone such behavior.

I pledge that I will conduct myself in a civil manner at public meetings. Meetings of the Board of Aldermen are Public Business Meetings. Board meetings should be conducted in a professional manner without rancor or anger. 

Who inspires you?
My mother and father. My wife, our children, my grandchild and my twin grandchildren to be (due in August).

How would your motivate citizens to be more active in the community and promote positive change?
I would lead by example. It may sound like a cliché, but there is much we can do if we all pull together.

Can you speak of a time when you had a goal and did not achieve it? What did you learn from the experience?
We all have goals that are not met. We all stumble and fall. The best lesson learned is to get back up and try again. The greatest lesson we can learn from our failures is to understand why they were not successes. Just as important, learn to not make the same mistakes again.

Can you speak to the top three issues you believe concern Raytown citizens the most?
Proper maintenance of neighborhood streets. People are very disappointed it with the use of Light Aggregate Seal (LAS) to repair our streets. LAS is meant to lengthen the life road tops in good condition. In Raytown the city has used LAS as an attempt to repair streets that should be milled and properly repaired with new asphalt.

The public has lost faith in and trust in City Hall. The last tax election in August of 2018, in which two tax proposals were defeated by an 80% to 20% margin, show the depth of this disconnect between elected officials and the public. We must work to re-build that trust.

Some members of the current administration seem to have a problem accepting “no” for an answer. The new Board of Aldermen should make earning the faith of the people of Raytown their number one priority.

Transparency in government is a very is a real problem at City Hall. The recent debacle in which the city was fined $42,000 by the Courts by failing to comply with a Sunshine Law request is not new in Raytown. I personally have made Sunshine Requests that were stonewalled and held up by city staff for two weeks for very flimsy reasons. It took the intervention of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Missouri to get the requests fulfilled.

Laws like the Sunshine Law in Missouri and the Freedom of Information Act on the federal level are in place for a reason. Such laws fight corruption in our government by allowing the public access to how our government works. Raytown is not above those rules and laws.

Is your candidacy being sponsored by any business?

Discuss a time when you were a leader of change. How did you get the buy-in from those around you?
In 2001 we experienced a winter somewhat similar to the one we are going through now. There were two major differences. It was much colder and, natural gas prices, which most people use to heat their homes, more than tripled due to a shortage of product and a lack of pipeline(s) to carry the demand.

At the time I was Chairman of the Finance Committee. I had a meeting scheduled for early January on a number of topics. A week before the scheduled meeting, I went to the two local papers (the Raytown Post and the Raytown Tribune)* and gave them a press release announcing the Finance Committee meeting would also include an open forum. The purpose was discuss what to do with a $250,000 windfall the city had gained due to natural gas price increases.
*In those days, the internet was not what is today. Raytown was blessed with two weekly papers that collectively did a very good job of keeping the public informed.

I had previously proposed the city cut the tax on Natural Gas until the weather warmed. I had some support on the Board for this change – but not enough to acquire the six votes to make it happen.

The night of the meeting arrived. The committee was made up of one-half of the Board of Aldermen. Most who were opposed to the rollback of the 8% Natural Gas Franchise Tax.

Eight people showed up to testify. As did Al Brown, the founder or REAP (Raytown Energy
Assistance Program). They told of having to keep their home thermostats set as low as they could so they could afford to heat their homes. Some told how no matter how many clothes or blankets they layered on, the cold still penetrated. Some told how their health had deteriorated due to the constant cold.

A local television station had seen the press releases and has sent a camera crew to film the meeting.

At the end of one and one-half hours of testimony I asked for a motion to provide REAP (Raytown Energy Assistance Program) with $30,000 to help those in need of assistance to pay their heating bills. The motion passed unanimously. (About three weeks later, the Board of Aldermen added another $20,000 to the fund)

After the meeting I was approached by our City Finance Director. He told me he knew I was disappointed in not getting the tax roll back for all of Raytown. But, he continued, “You need to know they (the members of the Finance Committee) came to the meeting with the intention of giving nothing”.

I went home that evening feeling pretty good about what the Finance Committee had recommended.

I watched the news and saw something I rarely see on a local news broadcast. The reporter on the scene told what had happened at the meeting. The two anchor persons then took time to comment to each other how it was such a good and nice gesture for the City of Raytown to do what it did for its people.

What are the top strengths Raytown has and how can those be pursued or maximized?
Every viable community is made strong by the people that live in it. Raytown is no exception. People in Raytown want to be proud of their city. This is their home. They raise their children here. They grow old here. I really believe this. The last four years in Raytown have been rough. There has been animosity and anger. In many ways we are a community divided.

Raytown needs new leadership to change its course to a more productive path.

To do so we need to dial back the noise in our lives and start living again as good neighbors.

What are the top challenges that Raytown has and how may we overcome those?
1. Refinance the TIF Debt of the 350 Highway TIF.
2. Abandon the failed Light Aggregate Seal program on neighborhood streets.
    Replace it with the use of asphalt and concrete for repairs.
3. Make transparency in Raytown city government a reality.

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Anonymous said...

"To do so we need to dial back the noise in our lives and start living again as good neighbors."

- Greg Walters

This pretty much says it all, as far as we're concerned. We love this.

Anonymous said...

What ar the percentages for each city listed? To me that’s part of the city’s problem. They get such a small percentage that has to be divided between some costly departments.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I agree with your sentiments. The last four years have seen failing roads and rising taxes. I would prefer the chip seal over the nothing we have been having this past year.
Despite the tax vote twice in the following 3 months the board raised taxes and fees. Twice! The rolled back a rescind, and then did a mill increase for market adjustment.
They then doubled or tripled all city fees.
We need better leadership. We need new ideas and new blood, not The same crony just repurposed.

Anonymous said...

If our taxes are so high why has the mayor promised he will continue putting taxes on the ballot until they pass? Why would he refuse any and all cuts?
This Mayor says Raytown doesn't have any problems, that includes high taxes. He would never lie. He is perfect, he is our saviour, we believe in him.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the ratio in which the taxes are distributed..the Lee’s summit tribune did a great article a couple months ago about it. I was shocked at how little our city operations get compared to other local cities. Our school district should be the best in the state if money was the answer.

Not sure we can do anything about it though.

Anonymous said...

Police chiefs are not first responders. They are department heads. I would hope we consider qualifications rather than just residency for our next chief. Residency is a great attribute, but far from being the most important qualification. I doubt this post will get approved and I respect your opinion.

Anonymous said...

There is only one department the mayor wants to spend money on and if you have not figured out which top heavy department that is you too are the problem in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

What kind of a comment is this that the police chief is not a first responder.

I think people's perspective has been clouded thanks to the years Jim Lynch was Chief and you never saw him at any major call however I can remember the days of Chris Turnbow and Chris would be at major calls as a chief should be.

One is call leadership and one is a poor excuss and lack of responsibility to the people they serve.

Anonymous said...

I got a call Thursday from someone that attended the mayor's state of the city address and understand one of the pieces the mayor bragged on was the great job are public works as done with snow removal. "The best in the metro"

Today after the snow basically stopped I decided to go for a little drive around Raytown to put the mayor's comments to the test and as expected more lies, broken promises, and failure of our departments.

In fairness the main roads like 63rd and Raytown Road have been taken care of, but the secondary route which are flagged on city maps as such as well as oddly enough they are also snow routes have not been hit with the plows.

Tom Bailey said...

10:41 am You must be blind as a bat. I live on a regular residential street. It's not a snow route. There's no one from the city who lives here. Just a whole bunch of us regular folks. I'm telling you this because my street is not only clear, it is DRY!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Mike McDonough for mayor not because I think he's the best candidate but because I can't wait to see how much more he can screw up our city if we give him four more years

Anonymous said...

I would like to know why it has been reported the mayor has been going around the city stating we are getting all kinds of young families when at the same time the school district as reported on the news that they are actually down over 700 students not sure who I should believe but I'm leaning towards the school district as they need those numbers to get federal and state assistance so I would believe they are not padding their numbers as I'm sure there was some kind of criminal penalty for doing so

Anonymous said...

You expected the snow to be plowed immediately after it stopped? You are not dealing in reality.

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Mayor Michael McDonough, but I will not be voting for him because of what he has done to the city and all of those things that end up on television about Raytown. It gets picked up by the news media. I have friends who have called me from Arizona, from the east coast and St. Louis. They want to know what on earth is happening when they see news stories about Raytown, Missouri on their local stations. Problems with how the Mayor and Chief of Police mishandled things in the police department. The lawsuit over Sunshine Violations by the city. All of these things are a black eye on our community.

I think the Mayor's habit of asking women he knows for "a hug" is very inappropriate. He should spend less time on Facebook and more time taking care of the business a city hall.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget when KCMO is used in an example of taxes that you have to include they're silly 1% earnings tax which is why you don't want to live or work in Kansas City Missouri it's all about taking our money I'm leaving us living on the street corner

Anonymous said...

Right...because the kcpd chief is always the first guy in when their officers go into harms way. Good luck with that election.

Anonymous said...

Just an FYI for all of those city bashers out there, I have video of an actual public works truck actually doing what they are paid to do that was at approximately 2am Sunday morning 3/3/2019 applying treatment to the road in front of my house before the snow started. Now you have to understand this, our street is usually one of the last streets that get done. It is not a snow route either. Pavement is now approximately 90 percent dry and clear on this street as well. As of 6am this morning 3/4/2019 pavement conditions were really good everywhere that I traveled in the city. Next topic......

Anonymous said...

I recently overheard "him" discussing his re-election effort, lamenting about people that "hold a grudge."

NO sir.

Our opinion about you comes from 25 plus years of continuing, direct, personal experience.

No grudges here. Only wariness. And disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Good comment about how we used to have a former Chief of Police that was part of the First Responders now others don't believe that's the way police chief should be but let's look at some other departments in the great state of Missouri where their city is also a fourth class who can forget last year hearing about a police chief and Warsaw Missouri who last year was shot in the line of duty he had been out on patrol oh there's a dirty word for Raytown Police Chief out on patrol and while he was out on patrol he when on a call where the suspect shot him sure sounds like he was a first responder and a true leader as he was out also representing the department to the taxpayers by being on patrol

Anonymous said...

I hope all candidates will fill out that survey.

It's not a conspiracy against certain people!

Anonymous said...

Transparency without accountability is worthless. WHO is responsible for the Walmart TIF? You see, there is no accountability. Never has been, never will be.

Transparency, a made-up word, a politician's word, so a young fella like you can wear a suit and tie and have a job.

Anonymous said...

Our fearless mayor would never lie...

Anonymous said...

Isn't the chief the emergency prepardness coordinator and response head? And hes not supposed to respond in a timely fashion? That doesnt make sense.

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants to draw a fat paycheck working for Raytown, but no ones wants to live in Raytown. I'm sure that they love Raytown (as long as their paycheck clears the bank) The city has a highly (over)paid city administrator with zero city administrator work experience and an assistant city administrator (with zero city administrator work experience.)

All this highly touted and costly professionals and they can't handle a simple sunshine request or lawsuit costing the city over $40,000. Typical bull poop out of city hall. And they want to raise taxes to pay for this waste of taxpayer dollars. Good grieve, I guess everybody loves a circus. Unless you're the one who has to come along and clean up the mess.

Oh wait, we are gonna get a new city tagline! Super Great. That will fix all the city problems.

Anonymous said...

Seems like our police department can't handle crimes in Raytown anymore! The news on channel 4 stated to contact the MO highway Patrol. That just gives a tip to the bad people to come to Raytown and commit all the crime they want to.

I have had 2 friends that have recently had auto accidents in Raytown and the cars drivers (of different nationality) that ran into them had no insurance,no drivers license,the wrong license plates on the wrong cars. The police didn't issues tickets to them and my friends auto insurance had to take care of the damages. It seems like the cops don't want to handle any law breakers.

I hear at work and from others that people make fun of Raytown that it is the "butt" of their jokes and talk. They are so true. We are doomed!!

Paul Livius said...

I have just reviewed five well written blog posts. The message is clear. The message is to the point. The messages are somewhat controversial. But they are based on facts that we cannot verify. We will post them . . . IF . . . whoever wrote them, signs them. We have provided an email address on our front page where you can send your name so we can verify your accusations. But until we receive that verification, those posts will not be published.

Anonymous said...

I want to change direction here and talk about something positive. I for one will be voting to support the Fire District and hope you will too. I read a post on facebook yesterday where the Fire Chief took on a group who were very opposed to the issue, not because of the issue at hand but because the City has mismanaged their affairs. The Chief presented a factual and educational response to the group that frankly made it very hard to oppose what they are asking for. 16 cents a day in exchange for not worrying about how I will pay the bill for an ambulance is a very cheap form of insurance. Speaking of insurance my homeowners insurance went down almost 100.00 this year after I called and informed them the Fire District received a 1 class rating. (If you haven’t called your agent you need to by the way) so this increase is basically a no cost item. Please join me in voting yes... Raytowna Beach Bum

Anonymous said...

Just another nail in the coffin:

Murder behind the Downtown Raytown Pool Hall

Cops still haven't solved the one on Blue Ridge Blvd from last year where the young girl was murdered in her own home.

Be sure to vote NO on the school issue that's worth at least a half nail.

Anonymous said...

This year for Lent I decided to give up facts and be more like our mayor McDonough going around telling everybody just how great and special Raytown is well we all know if we would take the time to look at the budget look at the revenue versus expense that is anything but the truth yes I'm giving up facts for Lent

Anonymous said...

Watching the news and the lawsuit in the Shawnee Mission School District.

The district interfering with the First Amendment rights of free speech.

I hope our city officials take note and realize that by limiting what can be said in public comments is a violation of the First Amendment rights.

I wonder how long before someone gets tired of the games city hall is playing goes up and speaks about one of the department heads and their inability to do their job and or cost from lawsuits they are bringing towards the city I'm sure the mayor and several of the members of the board well want to shut them off but it's still covered under the First Amendment.

I'm sure someone else will win the lawsuit and a nice little sum of money from the city because of the inefficient management that we are all forced to deal with

Anonymous said...

"This year for Lent I decided to give up facts and be more like our mayor McDonough going around telling everybody just how great and special Raytown is..."

When someone is completely unqualified and has proffered few to no discernable achievements after four years in office, sentiment is literally all he has to work with. And that's precisely what he's going to do - juice it until the bitter, infinitesimal end.

On what planet would anyone in their right minds extend another four years to these people?

Look where apathy has gotten us.

Vote them all out.

Anonymous said...

I for one will be voting no. On the original proposal they only asked for 10 or 15 cents. They lied to the BOA. I'm already paying for the PSST.
The photo he directed us to also showed the City promised 6 police officer and a dispatcher we never got, it promised a reserve fund that doesn't exist. And interestingly enough it also promises where the money would go, we heard from the mayor's triple tax group that they cpuldnt dedicate funds like that. Weird how many of their lies are starting to unravel. Let's just vote wise, the longer the mayor and cronies stay in the more they can cover up, we need new leadership and we need this town cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

Well apparently according to him my house that was worth 150,000 dollars 4 years ago, thanks to him alone, is worth 225,000. How can he tell such large falsehoods? 48 percent increase, yeah right. He'll say anything to get reelected.

Anonymous said...

I called my insurance agent and he knew nothing about it. Maybe you have to be one of Matts buds and have Shield of Shelter and Steve Meyers as your agent to get this discount.

Anonymous said...

I fully support the ballot measure of appointing a chief of police with a board to over see. By a board to over see the department I don't mean the mayors breakfast club that meets at Hy Vee every morning, nor the Raytown Unhinged group. There are a lot of people who want to serve but are afraid they will be turned down by the mayor because they don't support him.
You maybe upset by what I said but I'm just telling the truth.

Anonymous said...

Mine went down as well, but was closer to $60.00. But I am not complaining. Yeah it’s really easy to be against everything these days, but the ambulance thing actually makes sense so if we have to pay more in taxes for something, it might as well make sense.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you asked your insurance agent the right question or maybe you have an insurance company manager like those at city hall.

In any case I asked about the insurance ratings for the area and was please to learn what the fire chief said is true.

Keep in mind every year insurance companies raise the rates as they are for profit

A good agent, which you seem not to have can explain all of this.

Anonymous said...

The mayor says in his info sheet that he has led a collaborative effort of diverse group of elected
officials and staff to facilitate refinancing of the Tax Increment Or TIF for short. in the area around
Walmart and the other 5 stores. resulting in an expected savings of over 2 million by decreasing
the cost and term of the original TIIF.

Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that it did not happen.


Anonymous said...

Or maybe you need a new insurance agent, KSHB did a story on this very thing 3 weeks ago and said if you live in Raytown and did not see a reduction. You should call.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:47 what does the Fire District have to do with literally anything you said about the City. I would think based on everything thing you said you would welcome someone other than City Hall running an Emergency Service. The Fire Distrcts original estimate said 20 cents I just watched the press conference on YouTube and it didn’t include not being sent to collections if your insurance only pays a portion of the $1000.00 bill. So if that only costs 10.00 a year more (market value of 100,000 x .19 assessment x .10) it’s a bargain.

Anonymous said...

Don't you remember when the guy was up there talking about the sexual assault and fraud going on that was in internal reports? The mayor shut him down quick saying the public had no right to know about personel matters.

Anonymous said...

Nope didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Settle down there Conspiracy Mary, maybe you just need a better Insurance Agent.

Anonymous said...

I did some breakdown of the 5 cities that have less than 1.000 going to the city. There are 5 municipalities, Raytown, Buckner, Levasy, Sibley and Blue Springs.The populations of each listed is Raytown-30,457, Buckner-3,3134, Levasy-84, Sibley-360 and Blue Springs-55,819. I looked at the categories that not every city pays the same amount. Of these 5 only two were under 10.000 total paid. Those were Sibley-at 9.978 and Blue Springs-9.1452. The other three were Raytown-10.1409, Buckner-10.1600 and Levasy-10.0400. Of these, Raytown has the highest amount going to the school district at 7.0402. Buckner, Levasy and Sibley all take 6.3700 and Blue Springs takes 5.7286. Blue Springs has a lot more businesses than Raytown, so more sales tax, etc. Raytown's breakdown is as follows to make up the 10.1409. City-.5149, Fire District-1.0386 and School-7.0402. Raytown has the second lowest portion going to the city. The lowest is Sibley at .4078. They also have 360 people. Raytown has very little business spaces and have chosen to stay that way for a very long time. All of this information was obtained from the Jackson County Taxes website for 2018.

The reason I did this was to show that the city for the size of it, is getting a very small portion of the pie. Second lowest in County. But also the second largest in population. Now the school district and the fire district are wanting more. The city is not even asking, even though they are struggling the most. A street survey saying the roads needing $36 million in work to get all to just average. Where is that money going to come from? the storm drains etc are probably failing as well due to age. That's more Money. Good luck rebuilding the police department. Pay hasn't been addressed in a long time, moral sucks because they are having to work so much to cover. I get it, paying taxes is not fun, but roads, sewers etc don't get fixed for free. Raytown is landlocked at about 10 sq miles. They wanted to stay a bedroom community 25-30 years ago. This is the price you pay when people in power can't/won't see the big picture for years down the road. Walmart was probably a bad idea, but where they are located would still be a vacant building if they hadn't moved there. Bordner did all that remodeling at 350 and Westridge and it is now a church. Parks wants too much money and has way too many parks for a city this size.

Anonymous said...

Everyone on here, myself included likes to say we are not against every new tax, we are just against ones that just cause bigger government or that make no sense. Well, folks time for us to put our money where our mouth is as my grandpa liked to say. The Fire Districts proposal is well thought out, doesn't increase the size of government, and provides a benefit that clearly outweighs the cost. I for one like the idea of sharing the cost of the service through a tax levy instead of the fees they charge. Think about it this way, if you don't pay your property taxes after a couple of years the County places a lean on your property and will always get paid in the end. If you don't pay your ambulance bill, you get sent to collections but if your credit is already bad even that doesn't matter you still don't pay. What happens next is the Fire District will have to raise the fee's to cover for those who don't pay so we who pay our bills end up paying more. I figured it up on my home in Raytown and my costs for this increase is $61.07 annually, my deductible for an ambulance is $1,500.00. I know this because I went to the hospital last year after I fell off my ladder hanging Christmas lights. I could pay this tax for the next 24 years and only need to call an ambulance once and I am still money ahead. BIG YES HERE FOLKs

Anonymous said...

How flippin' hilarious.

Unglued is all wadded out because her call for 100 percent participation in her hallowed poll was largely and blatantly disregarded. The usual five or six suspects immediately chimed in. Hilarity ensued.

TALK to these candidates before you make any decisions. HEAR their voices. Surprisingly, there are some very impressive options out there. Don't rely on a "dried-up" Facebook admin or her wonky entourage to tell you who or who not to vote for.

We would like to publicly commend all candidates who refused to acknowledge and/or participate.

Your disobedience and lack of compliance is heartwarming.

Michael Anderson, Editor said...

“We would like to publicly commend all candidates who refused to acknowledge and/or participate.”

Wow. Don’t know what to say here. This is an extremely undemocratic statement. Whatever you think of the “dried up Facebook administrator” perhaps you did not stop to consider that the questions came from the community? Those who refused have committed a tactical mistake that comes across as arrogant hubris and will no doubt be noted by the voters. I will make a prediction, those who refused to answer won’t be sitting on the Dias. I see no hilarity, I see regret in the future.

Anonymous said...

I like that before she said all except the mayors opponent were sending them in. it appears she got 50 percent participation at best, and interestingly enough it is only the candidates she supports. She didn't post Greg's even though it is publicly available here, and she didn't post Tony's even though he sent it in. I wonder who else's she didn't post since those 2 have posted theirs publicly and she still tells people they haven't.

Anonymous said...

You know what all of those City’s have in common as well. All of them have Fire Districts and all of the Fire Dostricts levy a lot more than ours does. The City literally just ran a tax to rebuild the Police and the voters overwhelmingly rejected it. I want an ambulance there when I need it and I don’t trust the City is able to offer that

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the flyer of the upcoming townhall meeting regarding two important ballot issues: the chief of police and the fire department. I hadn't seen any information about this.

I will be there.

Retired Law Enforcement said...

What I’m saying is, the city will not survive if the status quo stays the same. Other than blue springs, all the rest are well below Raytown as far as size in regard to street miles for overlay, snow/ice removal. They need $36 million to get all roads to average. Blue springs has three highways that run though it. I-70, 40 hwy and 7 hwy. They also have a lot more businesses. So to me, blue springs doesn’t count. Unless they figure out how to pull money out of thin air, because of the attitude of certain citizens and politicians, I don’t see them making it. So no complaints when the snow/ice treatments get stricter rules on when. When overlay etc gets less and less. There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Unless you can figure out how to have fire/EMS answer your police calls and take care of the streets, good luck.