Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Final Word . . . BY PAUL LIVIUS
Our friends over at Nexus Raytown came out with endorsements last night. Sometimes it goes to show the most powerful messages are the ones that are made last. Thought I would share it with our readers. One final message from me to our readers . . . What are you waiting for? It is election day.. Time to go cast your vote!

Ward 1 – Greg Walters will be a recycled seasoned veteran that will be a big help for the new Raytown. Greg is a strong proponent of in transparency in government. He believes the foundation of good government can be strengthened by the free press. He has been an invaluable asset as we started up Nexus Raytown. He helped us on issues we may be at odds over, but still supported us in our objective discourse.

Greg gains our overwhelming support as Greg back in the early 90’s was the only Alderman to stand up with local families who sued to keep the cancer called Wal-Mart out of Raytown.

He has never waivered in his relentless pursuit in making Wal-Mart pay their fare share of taxes and voted against sweet-heart tax breaks that allowed Wal-Mart to run so many local businesses owners out of our town. This is in direct contrast to the corporatist Joe Creamer who never failed to Vote Yes! when Wal-Mart asked.

A NOTE FROM PAUL LIVIUS: Our March 16th edition of the Raytown Report was inadvertently deleted this past weekend. The page has since been re-linked to the Raytown Report. The following link connects to a video of the the Raytown Candidate Forum. Please use the following link to see and hear what the candidates had to say.

What is Raytown's Electronic Media saying about the Ward 1 Alderman race?

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Vote Tuesday, April 2nd
This being the last issue of the Raytown Report before the April 2nd Election I have decided to do something a little different. Rather than printing a list of endorsements we will publish a coloring book Greg Walters and his wife, Mecee Walters developed for his campaign.* The book was distributed to voters in Ward 1. I believe the Coloring Book gives a simple but accurate outline what issues need addressing in Raytown.

I have decided to publish it for all of Raytown.

The candidates have sent you their message. We have noticed a distinct style between two kinds of candidates running this year.
  • Some have spent their campaign time addressing issues. It is important to take note of those candidates. They are the ones who are trying their best to let you know where they stand and how they will face the challenges before them.
  • Others have spent a lot of energy on smear tactics, character assassination, and, for lack of a better term, bad behavior in the conduct of their respective campaigns.
The candidates have had their say . . . now it is your turn. Please remember to vote on Tuesday, April 2nd.

*In case you are wondering. Greg did the writing. Mecee did the illustrations. Greg cannot draw a straight line.


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Anonymous said...

Why I am voting for Mary Jane Van Buskirk. I went to the League of Women's Forum last week and listened to all the candidates. I live in ward 4 and was especially interested in the race for alderman.

Mary Jane impressed me with the honesty in her answers. She not start every answer with "I am a newby", like her opponent did. Yesterday she came campaigning in our neighborhood. I have not yet met her opponent. I am beginning to wonder if he is campaigning at all. None of my friends have met him either. But more than a few have met and talked with Mary Jane. You can tell she has been working hard. Anyone who campaigns in the miserable weather we had yesterday has my vote.

You go girl. You have my vote!

Anonymous said...

Why I am voting for Mary Jane Van Buskirk.......You go girl. You have my vote! "

We second that! Mrs. VanBuskirk is a bundle of pure energy, determination and common sense. Our friends and we are very happy to vote for Greg Walters and Mrs. VanBuskirk!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cochran was probably home yesterday writing his symphony for Raytown!!! I guess he thinks he will get elected because Steve Meyers was his mentor and the mayors favorite. Sir it takes work to win an election. The mayor may not be Raytown's favorite nor Steve Meyers either. I will vote for the person who is out working and who performed the best at the candidate form. Unfortunately Mr. Cochran it wasn't you.

Anonymous said...

I too noticed the only mayoral candidate that visited my door was Tony. It's the first time a person running for an office that big ever talked to me instead of me having to see them at an event. He seemed very knowledgeable. Then I told my sister who lives on the south side of the city with her husband and she told me he was there last weekend and she too was impressed. We don't ussually vote in the smaller elections but we are making it a point to vote in this one.

Paul Livius said...

Apparently I mistakenly deleted the March 16th Issue of the Raytown Report. Thank you to those readers who pointed this out. I found the error and put the page back up. This is the page that has a link to the Raytown Candidate Forum conducted by Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters.

The link is still functioning for those who have not had a chance to view the Candidate Forum.

Anonymous said...

I was at the form for candidates and I was truly impressed with Mary Jane Vanbuskirk, who was pleasant and answered all questions. She didn't beat around the bush, expressed being a newby, talk about writing music, especially at at critical time for Raytown.

I live in Ward 4 and respectfully will be voting for Mary Jane.

Susan, are you tired of being an embarrassment to the women of Raytown. Mary Jane is a woman to be proud of, who listens to her constituents, shares their concerns and views. Don't your group get tired of beating up on women. I'm waiting to see whose next. Oh, we know, but we're waiting.

Anonymous said...

I was at the Women League Form and was outside and got to hear an Alderman respond to questions that were asked of her. I was impressed to her responses, very intelligent. She never wavered and took the time to talk to people who approached her. What I really liked was her comment, "I'm not liked, I'm not in a click, but I do my job." That's what we need, someone who is not afraid to handle the hard issues and will stand by their decision. In listening, it made me take another look at this person. WOW

Keep up the great work. Some of us know you've gone through a lot, but don't stop putting Raytown first.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of haters that don't like Tony, but his message is clear, direct and too the point. The nastiness that has been displayed toward him has made people stand up and listen to his message.

If he wins this election, it's the fault of the nasty postings, vile remarks and especially the attacks on his military background. At some point when do you stop, at a lawsuit or what?

I always voted for the mayor, but watching this mess, I'm changing my vote. I urge others, take a look at how this lil group likes to beat down people they don't like, but use to like Tony when he carried their concerns and beliefs, people that don't look like them (but are intelligent), not in their club and/or the good ole boy club.

Good luck Tony!

I'm tired of it, how about YOU!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even met Mr. Cochran, but I will be voting for him. Why you ask? Because I do know Mrs. Van Buskirk and she is not the type of person you want on the board. She's a very negitive person. Just what Raytown needs, a husband and wife team on the same board. I hope Raytown doesn't stoop to this level, by electing her on Tuesday. If they do then we are surely domed for a rocky future.

Anonymous said...

These are interesting times in Raytown.

The hours are counting away until the opening doors for the election.

However, I don't think anytime soon will Raytown be back to a calm accepts of one another.

Our city is split and a lot has to do with those who don't live in Raytown, but are allowed to divide us because of the lack of leadership from our current Mayor.

This person needs to be reminded they live in Independence and need to focus on their own needs and issues. They need to cleanup the hate and lies on their Facebook page.

This person will not go away unless we have leadership that drives her out and stops running to her to carry the water.

If the "New Kid" on the block wins we will only have more hate from those in Independence.

Either way we are caught in the middle by 4 years of a lack of leadership from "A NICE GUY".

How about "PEACE" and working towards bringing people up not putting them down.

It is okay to disagree, but it does not and should not be done like "A GROUP OF BULLIES"

Anonymous said...

Trying to find a sample ballot for the upcoming election with everything included is difficult to say the least. The Jackson County Election board website is not very user friendly. I'm also trying to find out what parties the two Mayoral candidates are registered with?

Anonymous said...

I must say, I meet this Tony today when he came to my door to hang a paper. He brought my newspaper up to the stoop on his way and I also saw him pick up some trash in my neighbors yard while he was walking. I have to say all I heard on Facebook and from the mayor's own mouth was an absolute lie. I will deffinatley be voting for Mr Jacob

Anonymous said...

I checked on the challanges website for his contract. and I found it interesting that put together the forst letter of each platform spells P.E.A.C.E. I know he's smart, but I wonder if it was intentional and he's trying to convey his real plan.

Anonymous said...

Missouri doesn't register mayor's and aldermen.

Anonymous said...

Well said

Raytown needs leaders who accept everyone.

Anonymous said...

It was obvious Mary Vanbuskirk didn’t want to take on Meyers again. She waited till 10 minutes was left in the filing deadline to make sure he wasn’t filing again. She may beat Cochran but Meyers would beat her again. I heard he may take a run at Bill in 2021.

Anonymous said...

Just curious? A certain someone expended quite a bit of energy last night cross-posting last-minute negative, wildly defamatory remarks about two candidates that he doesn't support. A kind of a last strike "look at me I'm being profound" move. I certainly hope that his intended targets rise up and take legal action. Enough is enough, guys. We need to get this type of behavior under control. Someone needs to be the first to be made an example of, with others to follow. And oh...Is this the same entity that is substantially behind with a couple of so years of his personal property taxes?! Priorities...

Anonymous said...

my election result predictions

Mayor - McDonough
Ward 1 - Walters
Ward 2 - Aziere
Ward 3 - Emerson
Ward 4 - VanBuskirk

Appointed Chief of Police - Yes

School Board LaShonda Orkes and Bobbie Saulsberry

School Bonds No and No

Fire District Yes and Yes

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Greg on a well fought campaign. Shame on Mr. Creamer. He created his own loss when he decided to go negative in his campaign. Glad to see Mrs. VanBuskirk win her race as well. Good to see Mrs. Emerson back, as well as what looks like a real squeaker of a win for Mr. Aziere. Mr. Mayor, work with these newly elected alderman. Stay away from the venom on the face book pages and help Raytown regain its full potential. You will have better results working with the Board than against.

Anonymous said...

I think there may be quiet a few legal actions. It is sad we can't work together but it would be more upsetting to let these go unpunished. That's how the good ol boy club has been able to keep going.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Mike just so you know we are watching you. You didn't win by a landslide, you don't have all the support you think you have.

Peter Weber said...

5:37 am - what's your definition of a landslide? The mayor beat Tony 60% to 40%. We don't count all the folks who are vocal, but didn't bother to vote. They won't/don't do anything but stir up drama. We wonder how many people are now feeling duped since some of the lies, half-truths, and innuendos have come to light. We now know Tony brought two separate complaints to the Attorney General's office. Both were thoroughly investigated and found to be unsubstantiated. The complaints were summarily dismissed as being totally unfounded. The report stopped just short of stating they were a total waste of the State's time and resources.

Anonymous said...

I hope the mayor learns something regarding the August election and the recent one. The main players on two of the Raytown FB pages are the reasons why I did not support the three taxes in August and why I voted for Tony. I became so fed up with their badgering people over comments that they did not agree with. They were hateful, condescending and bullies. They are fond of saying “if you don’t like a comment, just scroll on by”, but they don’t practice what they preach. SVB continually reminds people of her education and how smart she is. She is a bully and very unprofessional as are her underlings. If Mike was a true leader, he would ask them to stop with the negativity and treat people with respect even when a commenter pushes their buttons. There is no way that Tony should have received as many votes as he did. I know for a fact that other people voted against the candidates these bullies supported. The same scenario with the 3 tax questions in August. If there is to be any unity in this town, Mike and his board need to step up and model how caring, respectful people conduct themselves. And please stop with the daily barrage of posts, Mike!!

Anonymous said...

I heard rumors about the sexual harrassment of women in the Raytown PD as well. I asked the Mayor about it a couple of months ago. He told me did not know anything about it. Now I am reading that he says it is all a lie. How can he know its a lie if he knows nothing about it. Interesting how this captain that left did not resign. He retired. You can draw your own conclussion, from where I sit it looks like the most important thing up there is to protect that pension.

This new BOA sure has a lot of work ahead of it. I wish them good luck.

Anonymous said...

Because he had enough time to retire, and if it was an IA investigation, very few people would know about it, especially if no criminal charges are filed. And I will keep an eye on the elected officials to make sure they stay on the up and up.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comment. I did know that sexual harrrassment was not criminal activity. Guess they have not heard of the ME TOO movement at City Hall. It seems that Raytown has had a small epidemic of "retirements" lately. I wonder why? Could it be to protect pension benefits. Yours is a good idea. Let's keep everybody on the up and up on this one.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. No apology. Just comments from people saying, hey, it didn't cost the city any money! Here is what it does cost. It costs the reputation of a police department. This is not just boys being boys. What has been described on some of these posts is far worse. The couple of young ladies who were stopped by the p.d. was not an isolated incident. It saddens one to read that some would actually try dismiss the discussion because of the year given. What if it was your daughter, your sister or even your wife? Would you be disgusted then?

Kenneth Lee said...

Raytown no longer has a local newspaper, and the KC Star, with all its reductions in force, can't possibly fill the need. So it was informative to at last see the election results.
I do wonder why Raytown no longer offers recycling opportunities to resident's, The collection bins have all disappeared so we have toss old papers and magazines in with the rest of our trash.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, at the last board meeting I noticed that the public comment people that
spoke all of them other than Tony Jacob were greeted by the mayor with Good Evening.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame the regular officers for fewer tickets being written. It all reflects to what their boss has to say about it. He is in charge. For $110,000 plus a car and benefits the Cheif of police is ultimately responsible. If it happens on his watch then he should either fix the problem or move on.