Saturday, November 30, 2019

Board to Review Animal
Control Ordinance BY PAUL LIVIUS
Members of the Raytown Board of Aldermen heard testimony from two Public Speakers at its last Board of Aldermen meeting. The topic  discussed was the tethering of pets by homeowners on private property. Current ordinances allow for tethering of pets by owners, provided the owners are monitoring the dog.

Dissatisfaction was also expressed due to what is viewed as the non-enforcement of animal control ordinances. One speaker told of her 90 year old husband being attacked by a neighbor’s dog. 

Ward 2 Alderman Jim Aziere brought the topic during the last meeting as a discussion item. In his comments he said the city’s Animal Control Ordinance needs to be updated and simplified so that Code Enforcement personnel can more effectively enforce it.

Ward 1 Alderman Greg Walters said City Prosecutor Ross Nigro believes our current ordinance on tethering is unenforceable.

Walters said, “I consider tethering to be cruel. 

Walters continued, “Dogs, in particular, are very territorial. Tethering often leads to aggressive behavior and dangerous situations should an animal break loose of its tether.”  

Ward 4 Alderman Bill Van Buskirk is Chairman of the City’s Municipal Committee. He has called for a meeting this coming Tuesday evening (December 3, 2019) at 8:00 p.m. or immediately following the Board’s regular meeting at Raytown City Hall.

The Municipal Committee meeting is open to the public.

Tuesday Night's Agenda
Raytown Board of Aldermen

TOW TRUCK SERVICE: The Police Department has asked that the city procure a contract with a Towing Management Service, when vehicles are in need of being towed after an accident on public streets. The contract forbids the use of tow truck operator who is not operating within the Towing Management Service.

The fee structure for towing of vehicles is not included in the ordinance. The oversight will be addressed before the bill is voted on.

KCATA CONTRACT: The Board will vote whether or not to continue the contract with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority bus service in Raytown. The contract price is $60,237 for fiscal year 2019/2020. The bus service agreement fulfills a requirement of the TIF agreement with Walmart on 350 Highway. The agreement requires the city maintain public transportation while Walmart is operating in Raytown.

This particular bill does include a “Financial Impact Statement” with it. The fee schedule is: $1.50 for one way fares, or, a $50 monthly pass for riders using the service. Reduced fares for youth and senior citizens and people with disabilities is set at 75 cents per one way fare.

RENTAL REGULATIONS: Ward 3 Alderman Ryan Myers has sponsored this bill. The bill requires rental property owners to submit to an inspection of rental property at least once every two years. The bill also requires an inspection every time a new tenant takes up residence of a rental property.

The fiscal impact of this bill (there will be a fee for the inspection process) has not yet been spelled out by Myers in the ordinance.

MONUMENT SIGN: The City Administrator has requested the proposed expenditure of $40,000 for an electronic billboard be carried over until the January 7, 2020 meeting of the Board of Aldermen. This is the second time the City Administrator has asked for an extension.

Sources at City Hall say the Mayor, though not named as a sponsor on the bill, is the “push” behind its approval. There is opposition to this expenditure on the Board. Some members have questioned why it is being kept on the agenda when passage of the bill is in doubt.

The Raytown Report will be following this story as it develops.

 There are three items under new business.

A contract for renewal of Lauber Municipal Law, LLC for legal services. Lauber Law provides services through the city’s acting City Attorney, Jennifer Baird. The basic fee is set at $160 per hour.

Also under consideration the renewal of a contract with Trout Beeman and Co. PC to perform the city's annual audit at price not exceed $38,000.

A renewal of a contract with Tyler Technologies to maintain the city's computer software at an amount not to exceed $95,610.00.

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