Sunday, December 8, 2019

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A Christmas Gift
from Us to You!
This week's advert features Edgar the Dragon . . . Enjoy!


The way to crush the bourgeoisie is
to grind them between the millstones
of taxation and inflation.

If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street
If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat
If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet
The Beatles

The Taxman Cometh!
Next Tuesday the Raytown Board of Aldermen will consider new fee and license schedules for certain activities within the city of Raytown. According to the documentation provided by the City Administrator’s office, the fees cover Business Licenses for banks, adult entertainment establishments, tattoo parlors , massage parlors and body painting studios.

At this point, I shall digress from the narrative of this story. You may have noted the text speaks of licenses and fees. The title is about taxes. Let’s be fair about this . . . if someone takes money from you to help pay for community services, it is a tax.

Use any euphemism you want. A “fee”, a “license”, CID, TIF, it is still a tax. These taxes are designed to be paid by the end user. The proprietor of a business merely passes them through the end user.

My favorite on the list of “new fees” is a fee requiring a licensed business owner to pay another fee to give a product away for free!

Like many of you, I decided to stay in last night, watch the Kansas City Chiefs play in a very lopsided football game against the Denver Broncos, and the watch some old Christmas movies. After all, it is that time of the year!

Stricter Enforcement
of Tethering Laws  BY PAUL LIVIUS
Tuesday night the Raytown Board of Aldermen will consider language change that will tighten up rules concerning the tethering of animals in Raytown.

The language change (new language shown in bold type, stricken language in red) is shown below:

Sec. 6-103 (c) It shall be unlawful for an owner, keeper or harborer of an animal to tether the animal outside except when the owner, keeper or harborer of the animal is visibly supervising the animal, whether outside or from inside a residence outside and in the same vicinity as the animal and within visibility range. 

The motion was approved by the Committee and sent forward to be considered by the entire Board of Aldermen.

Alderman Walters said, “I believe the unlimited tethering of animals in yards is both cruel and dangerous. The proposed ordinance will solve both of those problems. It is a good compromise . . . a good solution for both the pets and their owners.”

Chairman of the Committee, Bill VanBuskirk , scheduled the first reading of the amended ordinance to be held on December 17th.

Electronic Billboard at
City Hall Carried Over (again!)
A controversial proposal to erect a $40,000 electronic billboard at Raytown City Hall appears to have been shelved by city staff. At last Tuesday’s meeting City Administrator Damon Hodges requested the Board carry over the item over until the January 7th meeting.

Hodges told the Board he wanted to meet with the sign company to hopefully “provide a better proposal” and then bring it back to the Board.

Alderman Bill VanBuskirk asked if the $40,000 price tag would remain. Mr. Hodges replied the amount to spend may change.

It has been suggested the money could be used at a higher traffic location in Raytown. Some have suggested a monument sign, similar to those used in other area cities, welcoming motorists to Raytown.

The use of $40,000 to place an electronic billboard at City Hall has recently come under public ridicule. Some have gone so far as to suggest better uses for the money. Though he has not made any public announcements, Mr. Hodges has indicated there are other proposals to be considered.

Holding Hands
They may be only four months, but these twin girls show the bond they developed long before they were born. Too young to crawl, they still manage to show their affection for each other. Place them on blanket apart from each other and they will somehow wiggle their way to be back together.

Lily and Maya are looking forward to their first Christmas.

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