Sunday, September 26, 2021

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PAUL’S NOTES: Our last issue covered Part One of a continuing story covering the November 2nd Use Sales Tax Election. We have been contacted by a number of readers who corrected a misprint in the story. We reported the proposed tax increase to be 2% on all internet sales. Actually the increase comes to 2.5% on all internet sales. We have corrected the error.

We also heard from readers asking how members of the Board of Aldermen voted on placing the item on the ballot. Following is a breakdown of the vote:

QUESTION: Should the City of Raytown hold an election on November 2, 2021 to create a 2.5% sales tax on all internet sales

VOTING YES:      Mary Jane VanBuskirk, Ryan Myers, Ian Scott, Loretha Hayden,
Bill VanBuskirk, Bonnaye Mims

VOTING NO:        Derek Ward, Greg Walters

ABSENT:            Janet Emerson

STEALTH ELECTIONS and how they work.

On November 2nd registered voters in Raytown will decide the fate of a new 2% sales tax on items purchased over the internet. The controversy here is not that the city is asking voters for more in tax dollars. That in itself is nothing new. The City of Raytown is ALWAYS asking for more in tax dollars, fee increases and property tax valuations.

What is controversial is the City is holding the election at a time of year when there will not be any other items on the ballot. This will prove costly. Jackson County Election Sources estimate the City of Raytown will have to pay upwards to $60,000 just to hold the election.

November 2, 2021 is an “off year” in elections. There will not be any state, county or orther special elections scheduled in Raytown on November 2nd.

If other jurisdictions were to hold elections at the same time, Raytown's share of the cost would be reduced dramatically. 


STEALTH (noun)

An action to avoid detection. The act of doing something slowly, quietly and covertly, in order to avoid detection. 

Supporters of the 2.5% Use Sales Tax want a low turn-out election. They believe they can muster the votes by targeting certain demographic sectors in Raytown to pass what will prove to be a very expensive tax on the backs of Raytowners.

Who are in those sectors?

It could be any group with close ties to the City of Raytown. It could be members of a civic organization, a business closely tied to the city, a church, a social club, any group supporters feel they can persuade to vote "yes" on a stand alone election.  

If you do not fit that demographic, do not expect to hear from tax supporters reminding you to vote. 

FUN FACT:   Who will pay the 2.5% internet tax if it is approved?
Any resident or business living or operating within the city limits of Raytown. Non-residents are not subject to the 2.5% internet sales tax. If approved, non-residents will not pay the tax.

NEXT WEEK: Interesting statistics showing who will be impacted the most by the 2.5% Sales Use Tax on internet purchases. Will you fit the profile?

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Goose Woman Saga

This is sooooo interesting. 

Apparently there is a young woman in Raytown who received warnings from the City of Raytown over Property Code Violations. Not sure what the violations were. Not even sure if it matters. 

So this young woman decides to create some art to go in her front yard. Next thing you know her artwork is on one of the local television stations. 

The city then tells her she must take the artwork down. 

The artwork is a fully dressed (human) mannequin standing straight up with a “goose head” cleverly placed where a human head would normally be. For those who like the small details. The goose head even has a hat. 

At the feet of the “goose woman” is a small flock of geese who appear to be doing  what geese do best . . . wander around. 

The picture goes viral on the Web  . . .  someone posts on the internet that they have started a petition to allow the “goose lady” to stay in the front yard. According to the last read-out we saw – over 10,000 signatures are on the petition.

I question the 10,000 figure -- which is one third the population of Raytown. But, to be fair, it was broadcast over a very large metropolitan area.

The artist that created the “goose woman” is then contacted by her landlord who tells her to remove the “goose lady” from his property. 

So the “goose woman” is dismantled. The flock of geese are removed from the yard. 

This being so close to Halloween, we have a feeling it may not be the last time we see the “Goose Woman of Raytown”. 

We did receive a post from one reader who wrote the Goose Woman statue makes as much sense as the $2,000 worth of artwork leased by the city for a temporary  showing of a supposed moonscape. The writer also pointed out the Raytown's budding young artist even went to the trouble of changing the clothes on her artwork on a regular basis.

We wondered, so we checked. What other news organizations have picked up on this story. The local FOX News affiliate (WDAF-TV) ran a story. The young lady and her friends also put up a video tribute to the Goose Woman as well. Both are well done.

Use the following links to hear . . . "the rest of the story". (click on links)


From the Goose Woman Creator: REQUIEM FOR THE GOOSE WOMAN

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Anonymous said...

Some people simply cannot see the forest for the trees. The 2.5% sales/use tax is the issue. What some do not want to even understand is that many in Raytown have reached their limit as to what they can pay in taxes.

I have had enough. I voted NO three years ago when they tried to raise the this use tax. I will vote NO this time as well. Especially since they have upped the rate to 2.5%.

Don't worry too much about the city going broke. I watch the last meeting. They plan to raise fees on utilities for when streets are cut into. Makes sense until you figure out the benchmark they use to raise those fees is to see what other cities are charging.

If you want your driveway repaired be ready to pony up another $100 on top of the bill for a city inspector to drive by at 5 miles an hour to inspect it!

This tax and tax and tax has go to stop. Might as well be now.

Run your city more efficiently and you will have plenty of money.

Anonymous said...

It comes down to this. If the tax passes we will all be paying 2.5% on all of our internet purchases. We will not pay the tax if it fails at the polls. For once we are the master of our own fate. Put me down as a NO vote.

Andy Whiteman said...

Is the proposed internet sales tax 2.5% of ALL internet purchases or is is charged only on internet sales of merchants currently not collecting internet sales tax in Missouri? An anonymous poster previously stated that it does NOT apply to all internet sales. I don't take anonymous posters seriously, but I think it should be verified.

I hope that there is a very large turnout on Election Day!

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

It is indeed stupid to waste so much money to get a tax increase that yields so little. However while everyone is getting riled up about a tax they probably won't even pay the school district and fire district are already planning their next "no tax increase" tax increase elections.

Raytown Newbie said...

And probably any new "revenue" collected by this new grab will quickly be spent on a newly created middle management level "Director of Internet Tax Collections and Accounting" position paying some well connected soul >$75K/year plus bennies.
So I wonder, if I sell my old lawnmower on Craigslist, will I be on the hook to collect the "use tax" from my buyer?
Have a great day Raytowners, cooler weather and rain are coming!

Anonymous said...

"And probably any new "revenue" collected by this new grab will quickly be spent on a newly created middle management level "Director of Internet Tax Collections and Accounting" position paying some well connected soul >$75K/year plus bennies."

Wow. RN, index finger to nose tip. You're dead on. "DITCA" would be the appointed acronym.

75K is so yesterday, however. They'll round up the initial salary to 3 figures...being all cutting edge with their fingers on the pulse and whatnot.

(Shh! On second thought, let's NOT give them any ideas...)

Anonymous said...

The chart with who spends what has baby boomers ending with people who are 54 so I'm going to say that's old information. Also, since there are so many baby boomers, I'm guessing they actually spending less per person so it won't affect the senior citizens the most.

Anonymous said...

The two previous comments, which we are quite certain was written by one person, are very misleading. They dig into a swamp of statistics and try to direct attention away from what is wrong with ANY sales tax.

The point of the editorial was very clear. We ALL pay the sales tax. If the 2.5% sales (use) tax is approved . . . anyone shopping on the web will pay it.

Here is what is wrong with sales taxes in general:

Sales taxes are regressive. Sales tax takes a larger percentage of income from low-income earners than from high-income earners. It is in opposition to a progressive tax, which takes a larger percentage from high-income earners.

So it is not really a matter of which age group is paying the most tax. It is a matter of simple economics. In this case, those who have less income pay a larger percent of tax (of their income) than those with more income.

That may be why most governmental bodies do not pursue sale tax initiatives. They collect their taxes through property value. That way those who have more, pay more.

One other point. Using an example of a $100 purchase cost $2.50 is misleading. How about $5,000.00 purchase. You will pay $125 additional on that purchase as well.

Don't be so sneaky. People see through your smoke and mirrors of an example.

Greg Walters said...

Last week we received an inquiry as to which streets were being overlaid by asphalt this year in Raytown. It took about a week, but we wanted to be sure our answer was correct. There are two streets in Raytown that will be overlaid with new asphalt.

Raytown Trafficway from 59th to 63rd Street and Blue Ridge Cutoff from 59th to 63rd Street.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would anyone vote a 2.5% sales tax on themselves. I get it that the Mayor and his buddies at city hall want to increase taxes. But I do not like them trying to sneak an election in when there is only one item on the ballot.

Please, please, please, tell your neighbors and friends to VOTE NO on increasing our sales tax by 2.5%.

Anonymous said...

How do you figure they're sneaking in an election? It's everywhere on social media that the election is coming up!

Chris Inlow said...

It seems as if the city is bleeding money and needing a new source of income in order to maintain and be viable. Since you are against the tax, what do you propose in order to keep the city afloat?

Ver respectfully,
Chris Inlow

Paul Livius said...

Interesting you should bring that up Chris. We will be addressing more efficient, profitable and most important, fair and equitable ways raise funds in Raytown. "Bleeding money?!? Raytown is far from destitute. But it does cause one to wonder if bleeding money would red (as in debt) or green, as in the color of American dollars.

Oh, do not worry, the City of Raytown is far from bankruptcy.

Make no mistake about it. This election is being held in an off year election cycle. The cost of it will run about $60,000. Does that sound like a city that is "bleeding money", when they could hold at a more regular time of the year. If held in August or next November of 22, the cost would be cut considerably -- we place the savings at about $40,000.

Make not mistake about it. The mayor and his minions believe they can hoodwink their political base to follow them like lemmings to the sea. That is why he blind-sided the Board of Aldermen with this very sneaky surprise election.

We checked the record. There was not one single meeting held on holding an election in November before it was thrown to the Board of Aldermen for their stamp of approval.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I see the City Council is considering an ordinance to spend $35,000 for a study to determine if city employees are being properly compensated.

Here is a list of what is currently offered city employees:

The City of Raytown offers a comprehensive benefit package including:
• Leave time – Vacation, Holiday, Sick, Bereavement, Jury, Military, FMLA.
• Retirement – City Funded Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Missouri Lagers L12. A 457b
plan (matching, through Nationwide and/or ICMA-RC) is available.
• Legally Required – FICA, Unemployment, Worker’s Compensation
• Health & Welfare – Medical, Dental, Vision (through MPR), and Group Term Life insurance
(through Cigna). Long term and short-term disability (through Cigna) is available on a
voluntary basis.
• Miscellaneous Benefits – Tuition Reimbursement (subject to budgetary constraints and
approval), Employee Assistance Program, IRS Section 125 medical and dependent care
reimbursement accounts, HSA contributions, car allowances, phone allowances,
supplemental life and other insurance products, shift differential.

Good for them. I hope everyone deserves to have a living wage with benefits.

Anonymous said...

I also think new taxes that whack people with a 2.5% sales use tax on everything bought on in the internet should be studied as well.

Oooppps! Someone forgot to the the City Council to study the question before they decided to hold a Special Election to try to sneak the 2.5% sales use sales tax for the cost of $40,000!!!

Shame on them!

I guarantee you I will be voting NO on this outrageous sales use tax.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a person to put a sign in my yard. I prefer to keep my opinions off my front yard but in the case of this coming election on the "use tax", I would love to have a large "VOTE NO" sign to set out. Is anyone making these up? I would even pay a fair amount for one to set out.

Thank You, RN

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy 101: "The local use tax in a new tax but a new way of collecting tax revenue from on line retailers and out-of-state vendors." (copied from an insert received in the mail today from city)

What a bunch of double talk! It's not a new tax . . . you do not pay it now. But if it passes on November 2nd you will pay 2.5% on every purchase you make on the internet.

The flyer says "it is a new way of collecting tax revenue from online retailers and out-of-state vendors".

The online retailer and out of state vendor will not pay the tax. YOU WILL PAY THE TAX. The vendor just collects the tax and forwards it to the county, city and state.


Greg Walters said...

RN Contact Greg Walters at 816 517 6852 for a sign.

Anonymous said...

Good article Derek. The sad thing is that if this tax passes it will probably create a backlash against future taxes. I agree with you. The proposed sales tax is a huge increase to what people in Raytown will pay on purchaes. Municipal bonds are definitely a better idea.

Anonymous said...

How about a sense of urgency? You two have been sitting on your hands, offering no solutions. Nice to see you support bonds. Times a wasting and we are in an inflationary environment. Mr. Ward my street is far worse than yours!

Anonymous said...

I understand what Greg and Derek have been writing about. This sales use tax is an unfair and regressive tax. Ryan Myers and Mike McDonough have absolutely no sense of vision for the future. This tax will shift the burden of taxation to those who can least afford it. The best course for Raytowners is to vote this Sales Use Tax down. Have some honest and OPEN meetings of the City Council to move forward by taking a serious look at Municipal Bonds.

This sale use tax proposal from Myers and McDonough does not guarantee where the money will be spent. A Municipal Bond would carry that guarantee. The bond holders through bond covenants would guarantee where the money would be spent. To break said bond covenants would be a criminal act.

I think that is why the Myers and McDonough are not too interested in municipal bonds.

Anonymous said...

A couple signs saying "vote yes" have recently popped up in the right of way. Pretty sure it is from those folks that want us to pay 2.5% more on a new Sales Use Tax in Raytown. Fits their sneak election plan, doesn't it? They just want people to go to the polls and vote yes without telling them what they are voting on.

derek ward said...

@October 24, 2021 at 4:14 PM

If you want to know what I've been doing besides "sitting on my hands", please feel free to contact me anytime you wish to discuss. I would love the opportunity to hear your thoughts and explain my goals for the city.

Derek A. Ward
Alderman, Ward 5

Anonymous said...

The white signs that only have "vote yes" on them should be a reminder to everyone. The pro-tax crowd do not want the public to know it is a 2.5% sales use tax being voted on. They just want to you to vote yes.

just more proof it is a SNEAK ELECTION on Tuesday, November 2nd. Ask your neighbors and friends to remember to go vote NO against this unfair sales use tax.

Anonymous said...

I think we need the tax vote to pass! I drove past city hall recently and noticed the wonderous sign they put up. A virtual steal at 40,000 dollars. However, I also noticed the small and insignificant POLICE sign. These are our hero's and I agree Mr. Mayor, they deserve their own 40,000 dollar sign! How are we to expect them to want to come to work in this environment if they don't have a pretty sign reminding them where to go?
I Voted YES on the Public Safety Sales Tax a few years back and have been very delighted in the additional officers we have had because of the millions in tax revenue that has generated, we are a much safer community for it! I hope they are as responsible with this new windfall in revenue as they have been with that tax.
After we get the new Police Sign, maybe we can get another statute like the one at the pocket park, shouldn't cost us more than another 15 or 20,000 this time with the quantity discount. I also think adding more tulips to the medians would be a nice touch, we don't have enough in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting NO because Ryan Myers was against raising taxes in favor of a bond issue, I remember 50 million dollars or somewhere around there, and it would fix all our roads and sewers in one go. His committee recommended against a tax because it could be used however and wouldn't be earmarked. We all remember the last time they tried this and it fell. That was only a 1% use tax now they are shooting for the moon at 2.5%. In any event the list of uses for the revenue went from just roads, to roads and parks, to roads, parks, and police. They kept changing the use of the use tax so luckily we voted it down in a landslide. since then many of my neighbors have moved out and a different group has moved in, a tax loving free loading mindless horde. Let's hope we follow what the committee Myers put together and what all free thinking groups have advised, VOTE NO NOV 2!

Greg Walters said...

I am available as well if anyone wants to discuss the sales use tax. Or any other Raytown issue. I can assure you I have not been sitting on my hands.

Greg Walters
Alderman, Ward 1
816 517 6852

Anonymous said...

VOTE NO NOVEMBER 2ND. This tax is not dedicated to anything, they are implying how it will be spent which is a smoke and mirror game. They can use this increase to pay employees that are already overpaid and under worked. Remember it was the City, that cut road overlay and police from the budget. They also misappropriated the Public Safety Sales tax. They let the Fire District run the ambulance service because it was mismanaged. I have had enough.

Anonymous said...

I decided to put a large "VOTE NO" sign in my yard and asked on here where I could get one. Then I was reminded that I live in a house where it takes two to say "YES" and one to say "NO" and accordingly, there will not be a sign in "OUR" yard.
Thanks any way Greg.
BTW, I believe both of us will be no votes.

regards, Raytown Newbie

Greg Walters said...

I read Ryan Myers fantasy opinion piece in the KC Star. Unbelievable! He lists endorsements from out of towners when he knows, because he was there, when members of the local raytown democratic club, Raytown Democrat Association (RDA) would not even make a motion to endorse the tax.

The secret is out folks. The sneak election has been exposed. It is time to let the self appointed leaders in Raytown to learn that it takes more than repeating slogans on the internet to pass this 2.5% Sales Use Tax.

What irks me the most about this tax is the city will not even discuss how they intend to spend the money if the tax passes. Been down this road before. It goes nowhere but to frustration on city leadership that believe it is more important to waste money on electronic signs in front of city hall than take care of its citizens.

Count me, my wife and neighbors as definite NO votes next Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Found this when trying to figure out this tax...

"The use tax burden falls on the consumer to calculate and remit the tax to his or her state government. Therefore, if the seller does not collect the tax from the purchaser and the transaction is taxable, the purchaser is responsible for remitting the use tax to the state."

So if a vendor ie: Amazon, Ebay, Walmart or any other online seller does not collect this tax then I am supposed to keep track of my online purchases and report them to the city????

With millions of sellers on Amazon, Ebay etc, how am I supposed to know who collects this tax or not?

This whole concept is beyond the pale. The city makes no explaination about how they plan to collect the tax.

Anonymous said...

Note the last sentence in Lees Summit ballot question....

"Shall the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate, currently 2.25%, provided that if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action? A use tax return shall not be required to be filed by persons whose purchases from out-of-state vendors do not in total exceed two thousand dollars in any calendar year."

Note Raytown's ballot language...

"Shall the City of Raytown impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales
tax rate, provided that if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval,
the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action?

Anonymous said...

So the Raytown Democrat Association did not endorse the tax. Very enlightening. I see the politics at play here now. The vote yes side is trying to pull what used to be called a "republican steamroller". Here is how you can tell this tactic.

Come on! Everyone wants this! Jump on board or you will be left behind.

Subtle intimidation to say the least. Apparently it did not work on the good people at the rda meeting. Good to read and learn.

By the way, Greg, thanks for the editorial. You cut through all the smoke and mirrors very well. I promise you. I will be casting a NO vote this coming Tuesday. I urge all of your readers to do the same!

Anonymous said...

For someone who served this nation during the Vietnam war, I am sick and I am tired of how our government at every level continues to Y and a views and abuse the citizens of this Nation.

I don't know about the rest of the citizens are right now but I know I along with so many others in my age bracket Live on a fixed income everything is going up because of our government's failure to to manage this Virus that is plagued our nation.

I known as well as everyone else out there on social security that weyare not going to see the type of increases to cover the cost increases to cover purchasing necessary items for basic needs of comfort and survival rather whether it's groceries or medication.

Our great leaders of the city of Raytown with the exception of what I understand is two believe that our resources are unending and ready to met evert demand they place upon us.

Well you might have played that card he spared back on me when I was a young 19 year old getting drafted and sent over to Vietnam being told it was my civic duty to my country, to God to the Constitution, to end the spreed of Communism.

Unlike that young boy I once was I learned quickly to fight to stay alive. I also learn our government lied to us about benefits. We never got welcome home.

Oh I could be bitter, but instead instead i have learned to stand tall and to speak up when I against the tyranny imposed upon us by government at every level.

I am not saying our city needs resource funding, but when I have heard as well as myself asked questions which remain unanswered and/or have seen others is viciously attacked in public or public fora asking questions or disagreeing with this tax by current and former elected officialsit is time to go public with my questionsand concerns.

When I am told the city is hurting for money I have ask why? I have heard there standard Response but how much did insurance go up because a city employee who should have known better didn't follow the letter of the law and the city was sued and lost.

The city's 1st go to comment always is for public safety but safety but let us not forget we passed a public safety sales tax years ago since that time the city has pondered off the the ambulance service now allowing for a 100% of that funding to go to the police department.

I have question as well as others why is there a police car parked outside of Walmart. Several eected officials said it is in case a person is arrested the officer can take them on in using the patrol car. Oddly, other officers show up walk the person out to their patrol car.

When I was asked why an officer was at my neighbors house for medic reasons I was told to leave and never given an answer.

I have other neighbors who have been told their are no officers currently Available when they call for service but is that because again they are at Walmart or on calls that shouldn't be and what about the other issue with all the top all the top ranking officers that you never see out on the street why are we paying someone to set and do secretarial work when we get hiwhen we could hire a civilian.

Don't even get me started on the mismanagement of our codes department it is an embarrassment that they are not proactive. We do we have elected is active.

Enough is enough if our elected officials truly want additional funding from us they need to stop the lies and attacks of those against those who don't share their opinions. They need to correct the problems at city hall that are adding unnecessary expenses. They must stop the patting of each other on the back and telling everyone at city hall how professional they are When they can't even complete the job for which they are being paid.

Perhaps in the end, I am a bitter 80 some year old Vietnam Veteran that is just sick and tired of the lies presented to me for the service I provided to this country.

Anonymous said...

Why if money is short and the elected officials are begging for it like a street pedaler did the city resurface Blue Ridge Cut Off and Raytown Traffic way.

I know of too many other streets in a lot worse condition.

This is just bad management by individuals that have no business managing anything.

Anonymous said...

I read how the mayor says the sales use tax is not a new tax. Unbelievable. I do not pay it now. But if it passes I will pay it. Sounds like a new tax to me. Someone once wrote the following. "if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then you are correct in saying it is a duck"!

Count me as a no vote tomorrow morning. As a city Raytown is over-taxed. I checked out the sales tax schedule from Jackson County. We are Number 3 when it comes to ranking how much we pay in sales tax in Jackson County. In the property tax area we are number 2!

Sorry guys. Not this this time. Count me as a NO vote.

Greg Walters said...

TO OUR READERS: We at the Raytown Report want to thank our reader for taking the time to learn about the sales use tax issue you will be deciding tomorrow (Election Day, November 2, 2021). We have been very careful to stick to the issues this election. The cost to the voters, particularly those who will be hurt most by this regressive tax proposal.

This election is unique. The pro tax side worked overtime to keep the news of an election even being held with the hope of turning out their base. Their campaign issues have been little more than sloganeering, and now in its final days, pulling out the "fear" card by trying to leave the impression this money will be used to fund the police exclusively.

If that were the case, they should have put that promise into the ballot issue.

They did not they did not because if it passes, none of the tax dollars are earmarked for anything.


Alderman Derek Ward and I believe a better solution for Raytown's tax needs can be found in the creation of a property tax, with bond covenants that will guarantee where the money will be spent.

We urge you to turn down this flawed tax proposal. Give us a chance to bring a BETTER AND MORE BALANCED PROPOSAL to the voters.

Next April there will be municipal elections in all of Eastern Jackson County. It would be the perfect time to bring forward a common sense proposal that is fair, balanced and most importantly, guaranteed to be spent as it is promised.

Please remember to vote. Ask your neighbors and family to turn this unfair and unbalanced tax use proposal that promises NOTHING to the voters in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

In 2009 the voters passed a Public Safety Sales Tax. Those new funds were to have more police protection. In 2017 the Board of Aldermen said we can't afford what they promised the voters and cut Public Safety drastically. Now Ryan Myers in his Kansas City Star article is using a Police Photo with a Police Officer in front of City Hall and is asking Raytown Citizens to pass the new tax on November 2, 2021. He implies that public safety will be cut even more if the new Sales Tax is not passed. He asks voters to vote yes! I believe Aldermen were only to take a informative positions on elections! He is using scare tactics to get yes voters.

Anonymous said...

Got a mailer today with a return address from something called Raytown Forward.

It proved what a lot of you have been saying. It did not even have how much the tax will cost us. Thanks to your reporting it is already known to be 2.5%. It says the money will be used to improve city streets, public safety, city sewers and city services.

But not one detail of exactly what they are going to do. Meanwhile the mayor is all over facebook telling people the money will be used to make the police department bigger and better.

These Raytown Forward people are what is wrong with our local government. They made broad promises that mean nothing. They think they can trick people into voting for a tax by repeating nonsensical slogans like "for a better raytown".

Unbelievable. All the effort they put out and all I come away with is no serious guarantees or promise of how they will use the money.

When this campaign started I was inclined to vote yes for the tax. Strange as it may sound, the ones who convinced me to vote against this tax are the ones that make empty promises.

Not this time. I will be voting NO!

Anonymous said...

A back eye for Raytown's Facebook page "Only In Raytown"

Yesterday they allowed both sides of the ballot issue to post their opinions, butI noticed that the one in opposition has now been deleted.

This has me glad I have not voted yet as my yes vote was just changed to a NO.

I don't like bullies and Raytown doesn't need them.

Best way to stop a bully in an election is to vote against what they are supporting.

Anonymous said...

I keep getting mails listing all the thing the city is going to spend the money on.

All I can say is WOW; I have not heard such fantasy talk since some family members that over promised to pay people back come their tax refund.

I am warning you just like I warned the rest of the family don't give money to anyone that over promises and has no self control on their spending.

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting bit of information about the 2.5% Sales Use Tax increase approved yesterday by Raytown voters. The tax does not go into effect until the first quarter of 2022. That means the tax cannot be collected until January 1, 2022.

So if you had plans to do some internet shopping up until that date, the additional 2.5% sales tax will not be collected.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. Since the new 2.5% tax won't go into effect until January 1, 2022 it would be a good time to stock up on non-perishable items like vitamins.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if a new position is created at the city to manage the collecting of this "use tax". Also whose pal will be hired to fill that position.

The other thing I'm wondering about, which has been mentioned here, is how will it be collected and reported.
If I buy a $1000 riding lawnmower from someone on Craig's list, how will the city know? Will I become a criminal if I don't report the purchase?
This could end up being pretty messy. And if it does, the tax could go away as quickly as it appeared. IMHO, that is.
Have a great day Raytowners.