Wednesday, October 6, 2021

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Raytown’s premier doughnut shop 
Doughboy’s Donuts
will re-open for business
Tuesday morning, October 12th at 6:00 a.m

The re-opening of Doughboy's Donuts marks a victory for the husband and wife owners of Doughboy's, Elisa and Marjain Breitenbach, for surviving a 45 day battle with the Covid-19 Virus. Both Elisa and Marjain have recovered and are anxious to once again make their award winning* donuts available to the public.

“Marjain spent 19 days in the hospital fighting for his life”, said Elisa. “We thank the Lord for his full recovery.”

“The hardest part”, added Marjain, “is that you are kept in isolation to fight off the virus without the personal support of your loved ones.”

Elisa told the Raytown Report she is especially appreciative of the outpouring of support . . . the letters, get well cards, emails, video messages, and phone calls from their friends. She is especially proud of a local grade school girl who organized her schoolmates in praying for their recovery.

“What took place in our fight against Covid has renewed my faith in the power of Prayer,” said Elisa.

“Both Elisa and I look forward to seeing our friends", continued Marjain. "We feel our customers are an extension of our family and we truly appreciate and love them all”.

*The awards received by Doughboy’s are impressive. They include:

  •        Pitch Magazine’s “Best Destination for Donuts in Kansas City”.
  •         KMBC’s “Top Five Donut Shops in Kansas City”.
  •        Macaroni Kids “Best Kept Secret in Kansas City Award"
  •        KC Food Guys: KC It's Time to Eat the Donuts
  •        KMBC News 9: Kansas City's 5 Best Donut Shops: Doughboys
  •        10 Best Doughnut Shops in Missouri

Elisa and Marjain are especially proud of the recognition Doughboy's received when it was included in the local Raytown-opoly Game. The Board game highlights local "must visit" Raytown destinations. The game is styled after the popular board game “Monopoly”.


THIS WEEK: Interesting statistics show who will be impacted the most if the 2.5% Sales (use) Tax on internet purchases is approved by Raytown voters.

Who will be impacted the most by the 2.5% Sales (use) Tax on internet purchases? The short answer is “anyone who shops on the internet in Raytown”. When you drill down into the numbers it becomes interesting.

Here is a breakdown of how much each of the five generations spend their dollars online and in-store.

Silent Generation (those born between 1925 – 1945)
24% shop in-store only
76% shop online

Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 – 1964)
19% shop in-store only
81% shop online

Generation X (those born between 1965 – 1980)
10% shop in-store only
90% shop online

Millennials (those born between 1980 – 2000)
9% shop in-store only
91% shop online

The statistics become more interesting when you consider which generations spend the most. Baby Boomers spend the most. Which makes sense, they are still the largest age group.

Not surprisingly, the amount spent online follows that trend.

So, in answer to the question of is affected the most? The answer is clearly Baby Boomers in Raytown. But in reality it is all of us. Regardless of which generation we hail from.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Pew Research Center.

What does it all mean? It means a heck of a lot of people use the internet for their shopping.

Our local governments believe they deserve a taste of what is being spent. Nearly all of those local governments also gave large tax incentives to the retail giants who have now converted their brick and mortar stores into virtual stores.

The only constant is that some expect us to pay for these changes. And pay we will if the proposed 2.5% sales (use) tax passes on November 2nd.

The simple fact is that pass or fail, the sales tax you pay in a brick and mortar store will not go down if this 2.5% sales (use) tax is approved by the voters. It will be an additional straw thrown on the proverbial back of a camel.

For those on fixed incomes it has the potential of being ruinous. It places people in the unenviable position of having to choose which vitamin, which medicine, or how well they will eat, comes first.

Other factors, such as the cost of heating our homes, come into play as well. Natural gas is in short supply due to policy changes in Washington DC as to how natural gas is acquired and moved in America. 

This shortage of supply will mean higher natural gas prices to heat our homes this winter.

November 2, 2021 is a stand-alone election. One issue will be voted on. The only certainty is that it will be a low turnout election. We all need to remember to vote. We need to encourage others to vote.

We need to remember we are the masters of our own fate when it comes to the Sales (use) Tax increase on November 2, 2021.

NEXT WEEK: Other Tax Increases in Raytown's Future

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Love WINS said...

Greg Thanks for sharing our story. We truly appreciate you.

Andy Whiteman said...

Those who are unable to get out to vote should request an absentee ballot.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

You graphic is a couple years old. Gen X is from 1965-1980 so baby boomers are currently 56-75. Millennials also now out number the baby boomers, and Millennials + Gen X definitely out number them and spend more online. Also, a little Google and baby boomers have a lot of buying power, so maybe they're "senior citizens" but seems they're doing good. Yes the use tax will affect those that buy items on line, but that's just sales taxes catching up with the technology of online shopping. Based on Paul's reasons for voting no, such as those on fixed income can't afford the extra $2.50 for every hundred they spend, I'd say maybe some of those people need to see if the cheapest place to be shopping is on line or maybe a physical store having a sale would be cheaper. Online shopping to avoid a sales tax is an interesting concept.