Saturday, December 11, 2021

To view last Tuesday's BOA meeting use the following link. The story below concerns item number 5 on the agenda. The discussion lasted one hour and proved to be very interesting.

USE THIS LINK . . . December 7, 2021 BOA Meeting

An Opportunity for Raytown    


Last Tuesday's meeting of the Raytown Board of Aldermen was unique. For one thing, the Board actually held some serious discussion on a topic it is clear most members see as an opportunity for Raytown.

CGI Communications is a pioneer in the municipal marketing for thousands of communities in North America.

CGI has partnered with the National League of Cities to provide a myriad of digital marketing tools to showcase and promote cities nationwide at NO cost to the municipalities that choose to participate in the program.

Raytown has been selected to be in a participant in this cost-free offer.

The offer . . . CGI will provide 25 full-color , custom graphic design vinyl banners for display on telephone poles in Raytown. This offer includes all of the hardware, installation and maintenance of the banners.

Most members of the Board expressed interest in the program. There was also some serious discussion on the need for oversight of the project by the Board of Aldermen.

Ward 4 Alderman Bill VanBuskirk suggested the Board of Aldermen be given the final approval of the messaging on the signs. A number of Board members joined in with VanBuskirk's concern. 

In their own words . . . Alderman Aziere, Bill VanBuskirk, Ward and Walters spoke to the need for more information before approving the resolution. VanBuskirk was especially adamant in his belief that Board oversight was needed. Aziere and Walters joined in support VanBuskirk's position. Alderman Ward focused on the legality of certain aspects as regards recent Supreme Court decisions regarding the matter.

Ryan Myers accused those who wanted oversight of micro-managing. This led to a chorus of basically the same message condemning anyone interested in participating in the process as a "micro-manager" and praising the City Administrator for the fine job he does in Raytown. Aldermen Hayden, Emerson and Mims continued Myers drum beat by saying they had complete confidence in the professional city staff and City Administrator Damon Hodges.

Walters responded that it is not an insult to want to participate in the decision making process. He suggested that with the Mayor's cooperation, a committee could be formed to work with Mr. Hodges and his staff. For his part, the Mayor said he could form the committee but would appreciate some direction from the Board.

Walters then made a motion holding the issue over to a later date to be determined and asking the Mayor to form a committee to work with City Staff on the messaging of the project.

YES:    Walters, Aziere, Scott, Ward, Bill VanBuskirk, Mary Jane VanBuskirk
NO:      Meyers, Emerson, Mims, Hayden

Conceptual Design by Greg Walters
Our View . . . Despite Alderman Myers efforts, the Board made the correct decision in recommending the formation of a committee to study CGI's proposal. As  Alderman Mary Jane Van Buskirk pointed out, she believes that all members of the Board have the best in mind for Raytown.

There is not any harm in opening the net wider to bring new ideas to the table. For his part, Alderman Greg Walters made it very clear he believes the strongest "positive" in Raytown at this time is the new Rock Island Bicycle and Walking Trail. He told Board members he hears from people on the trail, at the gym he uses, and especially on social media as a testament to the popularity of the trail.

In his view, the City would be wise to tie itself to the Rock Island Trail. It is bring more people into Raytown as a destination. He suggested signage be created that includes the trail which could lead people from outside of Raytown to the trail, especially the Downtown area. 

Greg feels so strongly about the merits of this type of plan that he worked up a prototype for the banners. In his words, "if you use these banners along 63rd Street and Raytown Road leading people to the trail heads on 59th Street and down by  Crane Brewery a trail of bread crumbs for visitors to the Downtown area."

Hard not to agree with the logic. Raytown should go with its strongest hand when it comes to promotion of our city. 

USE THIS LINK TO  . . . Comment 

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