Thursday, June 9, 2022

To hear what one local new station has to say about miniature goats in Raytown, use the following link: KMBC NEWS STORY


Miniature Goats 
Last Thursday evening the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission met in a public work session to discuss allowing miniature goats. The meeting’s purpose was to allow public comment and an open discussion by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

The turnout of the public at the meeting was small. However, approximately 70 comments were received from the public under a new program instituted by the city. The majority of the comments supported allowing Raytown residents to keep miniature goats as pets on private property.

"There are approximately 100 residential lots in Raytown over one acre in size. Large enough to safely raise miniature goats as pets. All of the cities surrounding Raytown . . . Lee’ s Summit, Independence and Kansas City, allow miniature goats."

Why not Raytown?

Nathan Bergen, the young man who originally approached the City about allowing miniature goats, has done a good job of presenting his case. His has provided documents showing that with few exceptions, nearly all of the cities in the metropolitan area allow miniature goats in residential properties over one acre in size.

Have you heard of any stories of marauding miniature goats running amuck in the metropolitan area?

No, and you will not . . .

. . . because people who take on such exotic pet owning projects spend a lot of money to own miniature goats. Pens with 5’ to 6’ fencing are expensive to build and maintain. Estimates provided by Planning and Zoning Coordinator Chris Gilbert at Raytown City Hall put the price north of $2,000.

Another interesting fact is that according to Mr. Gilbert, there are approximately 100 residential lots that are over an acre in size in Raytown. Under the recommended language from City Staff at City Hall, those 100 homes could, under this ordinance, be allowed to raise miniature goats.

The purpose of government is to find ways to allow a community to move forward in an orderly manner in managing property development. Or more politely said, to attract people to a community to put down roots and make it their home.

Mr. Bergen said it best when he told the Commission . . . “in my generation there are many young professionals who want to put roots down in a community they can call home while they raise their families. They want a quality of life where they can experience gardening on a large scale, Grow fruit trees and harvest from them. In the case of miniature goats, raise them for pets and use their milk to make goat cheese. All for what they believe will improve their quality of life.”

In the eyes of many, this is something only a community like Raytown can offer. The tranquility of country living within a large metropolitan community. It is an opportunity Raytown should take advantage of.

Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission appear to have an open mind to the question before them. The Commission will hold another public hearing on August 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Raytown City Hall. This is a public meeting and any Raytown citizen will be given the floor to share their thoughts on the issue.

Public Forum
Draws Sparse Crowd

Last Monday was what some view as the unofficial kick-off of the City’s three property tax increase proposals. The event was held at the Wellness Center (also known as the old YMCA) on 350 Highway. Three public figures had been invited to headline the event, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Jackson County Executive Frank White and Raytown City Administrator Damon Hodges.

The meeting had a rocky start. One of the guests, County Executive Frank White sent his Chief of Staff, Caleb Clifford, to stand in for him because of some medical issues.

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver was returning from the nation’s capitol and was delayed on his way to the meeting.

Raytown Alderwoman Bonnaye Mims, who was the hostess of the event, told those in attendance that public questions to the speakers would not be allowed. She directed anyone with questions to ask them privately to the speakers in a designated area after the presentation was completed.

The first speaker was Jackson County Chief of Staff Caleb Clifford. He was followed by Raytown City Administrator Damon Hodges, who was then followed by Alderman Ryan Myers.

Myers gave an impassioned plea for support of the three property tax increases to be voted on August 2, 2022.

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver was the final speaker. Even though Mims had said no public questions would be allowed, there was a lively give and take between the Congressman and many in the audience. Judging from the reaction of the audience to Cleaver’s speech, the majority of those in attendance were there to talk to their Congressman.

One member of the audience in attendance was Jeanette Gentry. Mrs. Gentry said she was “disappointed” by the presentations. She had previously requested from the One Raytown website to name the specific locations in Raytown to be rebuilt should the taxes pass.

“That was over two weeks ago,” said Mrs. Gentry, “I am still waiting for an answer.”

During his presentation Alderman Ryan Myers made mention of a number of “shovel ready” projects ready to start if the taxes pass. Gentry cornered Hodges after the meeting and asked for the addresses of the “shovel ready” projects Alderman Myers had mentioned.

“I won’t say he refused to answer my question,” said Gentry. “But he most certainly did not answer it.”

 Our View . . . 

There were so much “wrong” about the public forum last Monday night that it is hard to find a place to start.

First, we believe the forum is held for the public, not for the presenters. Telling people to go ask your questions privately to presenters cheats the rest of the public of information because they may have the same question – how are they to know the answer if the process is swathed in secrecy?

We firmly believe that these events should be run and presented by elected officials. Using city employees as proxies to sell a point of view is bad politics. Either you believe in your message or you do not.

The process should also be open to public debate. What was presented last Monday was completely one sided.

There is also a question of ethics involved here. Alderman Ryan Myers was clearly making a plea for support during the meeting.

The city has funded over $21,000 of the taxpayers money to “educate” Raytown voters on these tax questions. The city’s annual newsletter had some very slick ads explaining what was being done and how much it would cost.

Yet, when questioned by Mrs. Gentry, it appears the tough questions are ignored or simply not answered.

No doubt there will be other events such as this one. There is definitely room for improvement. The next host or hostess should take care not to make the same misteps witnessed at last Monday's so-called Public Forum.

“No Endorsement” 


At its monthly meeting the Raytown Democrat Association (RDA) chose to not take a position on the controversial property tax increases set for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.

Recommendation to the General Membership of the RDA was to make "No Endorsement" and "Recommends voters educate themselves on the questions and impact on them".

Being there was not any protest to the Board’s decision, the members accepted the recommendation.

Many long time members of the RDA have voiced their concern about the impact of raising taxes on Raytown homeowners during a time of high inflation that could lead to a recession.

EDITOR'S NOTE: We received the following press release / request for public information regarding a Public Hearing to be held on July 7, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. of the Raytown Planning and Zoning Commission. The release explains ways in which Raytowners can express their opinion on the subject.

Another option would be to attend the meeting on July 7th. It is a Public Hearing and the Commission will allow Raytown residents to speak at the meeting.

Seeking Public
Input on Whether
or Not to Permit
Miniature Goats

June 22 until Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 2:00 p.m., Raytown residents are being asked to provide public comments on whether miniature goats should be allowed in Raytown. All public comments will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission during its July 7 monthly meeting at Raytown City Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Copy of currently draft code updates:

A copy of the currently drafted updates to Chapter 50 of the City Code may be picked up at the Administration Office in City Hall, 10000 E. 59th Street, Raytown, MO or click here to view the document online.

Public comments can be submitted in any of the following ways:

  • Electronically: Send an email to Chris Gilbert, and include “miniature goats” in the subject line.
  • By mail to: Raytown Planning & Zoning Commission, Attn: Chris Gilbert, 10000 E. 59th St., Raytown, MO 64133
  • In person: Written comments may be delivered in person to the Administration Office in Raytown City Hall during regular hours Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

All comments received are considered public record and may be available for public viewing upon request.

Currently, Raytown’s Municipal Code does not allow miniature goats. However, it does allow horses, chickens, and potbellied pigs on varying sizes of land.

During the May 17 board meeting, the Board of Aldermen approved a motion directing City staff to prepare proposed language to allow homeowners in Raytown to raise miniature goats within the city limits.

The Raytown Planning & Zoning Commission seeks public comments on a draft outline of amendments to Chapter 50 of the Raytown Municipal Code.

The draft outline of the amendments is to address the permitting of miniature goats in R-1, residential district.

An Unofficial Poll is taking place
on Raytown Facebook pages


People who spend time on Facebook say there is a war of words taking place on Raytown social media. The hot topic is the Three Property Tax Increases proposed by Raytown City Hall. The election date is a little less than two months away, but from what we have learned, the debate has already started.

The City of Raytown has proposed three property tax increases to be decided by Raytown voters on the August 2nd primary election ballot.

The three property tax increases are divided into three ballot questions.

  • Question One is for $46,000,000 (million) in general obligation bonds for roads, streets, bridges and sidewalks. 
  • Question Two is for $7,200,000 (million) in general obligation bonds for storm sewers.
  • Question Three would double Raytown’s property tax levy (currently at 30 cents per $100 valuation) to 60 cents per $100 valuation. The revenue from the tax increase in Question Three is NOT dedicated to any specific purpose. 

A pro-tax group has been fairly active on local Facebook pages. This group has earned a reputation of being heavy handed in their arguments. Some of them are well known, current and former politicians.

This other group is made of private citizens worried by the prospect of higher taxes. From their comments it is clear many of them are genuinely concerned if they can afford any new tax bills particularly during times of high inflation.

The back and forth is interesting, but what we find most interesting is the number of “likes” the anti-tax posters are regularly chalking up with every comment they make.

Most people are pretty private about their politics. But when given a chance to show their support they find innovative ways to do so. The “likes” they are overwhelmingly racking up on Facebook may be an indication of how the August 2nd Election will pan out.

Time will tell if this "unofficial poll" is an accurate view of Raytowners when they go to vote on August 2nd.


Hold my beer . . .

"Hold my beer" is an expression joked about being said before an unthinking person does something dangerous or stupid. On the internet, hold my beer is used to make fun of decisions (that are seen to be bad) made by public official.

At a Board of Alderman meeting in May, one of our officials commented:  "They grew up in the country and moved to Raytown because they didn't want to live in the country."

Hold my beer...

...We took a short drive around Raytown and found the following that reminded us a trip to the country.

We started our journey at city limits heading West on 350 highway .  Our first sighting was spotted at 10500 E State Rte 350, and just like other country settings, we found several semi trailers decaying along the Southeast corner of the property.

Upon reaching the intersection of 350 and Raytown Road we turned left (South) on to Raytown Road until we reached 79th Street and turned West (right).  We had just past the entrance to Kenagy park when next to the Southside of the bridge over the creek is a stack of old tires right in the right away.

A short drive down 79th Street  and just before Spring Valley Road on the North side of street is grass being allowed to grow way beyond our city ordinances, so that come later this year it came be turned into a sad feed for livestock.

Hold my beer...

...sure sounds like a country setting.



Greg Walters said...

TO OUR READERS . . . We received a call from Truth Watch this evening. He asked what had happened to his story "Hold my beer . . . "

We checked it out and it was GONE! We do not know how, not even sure if we want to know why it disappeared. But we still had the original copy so it is now re-posted.

Our apologies for all the drama.

Greg Walters

Anonymous said...

"The oil companies are not about to drill for more oil - they want that oil price to be as high as possible. The Chicago school of corporate greed states that the only purpose for any corporation is to make money - much easier to rig stock prices with stock buybacks ( legal since 1982), subcontract everything, and bribe politicians. Several corporate execs deny that they are even American companies - their only loyalty is to money."

Interesting thoughts. I cannot help but wonder why is it that when Trump was President the price of gasoline actually dropped below $2.00 per gallon. Just filled up this evening. The price is now up to $5.54 per gallon.

Maybe you are right. The oil company loyalty is only to money. What I cannot understand is why is gasoline sooooooo high under President Biden and soooooo low under President Trump.

Greedy oil companies aside. It would appear that Trump got results. Biden has not or will not get results.

How can Trump bend the greedy oil companies to his will. Yet, Biden cannot?

Anonymous said...

I will be voting NO on all 3 taxes and I am telling everyone I know to vote NO. City Hall can't manage the money they take in now, what make you think they will use these tax dollars wisely. Maybe we can get another 40K "light bright sign" in front of city hall, that you can't read, and make it a double sign! God help us!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump didn't get results on gas prices.

He actually could be particularly at blame.

Fact while President he had several meetings with the leaders of OPAC to have them reduce production. Reduced production increases price because of supply and demand.

My comments are not political officiated like your, but based on facts that even you can Google.

Now for my political commentary back at you. Trump was the worst President ever. Our party put Biden in office because our leadership didn't remove Trump. We had so many opportunities in 2016 but too many in the party couldn't see we had better options.

So blame the part for not pulling the nomination on the floor or that full from KY who wouldn't help us the 25th against Trump early on and put Pence in office. Based on what happened on Jan 6th who all within the party was never in support of Pence besides Trump.

If you think this Republican will vote for Trump ever again or anyone who stood with him think of the song you got another thing coming.

Anonymous said...

Which facebook page?

Anonymous said...

Why is it when I call city hall I cannot get an answer when my street will be resurfaced?

Editor said...

We wondered which facebook pages were being used as well. So we asked. Here they are are: Raytown Unleashed, One Raytown, Only in Raytown, Raytown Uncensored.

We also learned that Raytown Unleashed is in the habit of deleting comments from people they do not agree with, and even blocking individuals from participating on their page. We were also told most of those banned from Raytown Unleashed usually end up on Raytown Uncensored. So if you are missing anyone you may want to go over to Raytown Uncensored to find them.

Anonymous said...

Umm lets see, Biden’s first day in office he killed the keystone pipeline, banned drilling on federal land, but you want to blame Trump because he was making us energy independent! Truth apparently hurts!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous typed. "My comments are not political officiated like yours, but based on facts that even you can Google."

Sure they are. Why just tonight I looked up on Google and saw a short speech Biden gave in which he blamed Putin for the price of oil being high.

But as long as you are spinning tales of conspiracy theories, how does this fit. The Saudi's used their influence to make us close down the pipelines to Canada as a source for oil in America. It looks like what you really have is a Saudi / Canadian / Putin conspiracy!

All I know is that when Trump was President you could buy a gallon of gasoline for under $2 a gallon. Now we have Biden as President and gasoline is $5.54 a gallon in Raytown.

Please explain how trump, who has been out of office for two years, has caused this problem. Biden is President. If he solved the problem we would all be singing his praises. But we all know he is not going to solve the problem.

Because he said so.

Anonymous said...

What our elected officials in Raytown are thinking to want to increase taxes at this time.

Our city officials want us to belive that for the price of a coffee a day we can easily afford their tax increases.

What they don't understand that extra money is having to cover the cost of gas, food and even other daily item impacted by the current outrageous price increases. While prices keep increasing pay is not keeping up. This means people don't have extra money and are just trying to survive.

It is shocking that our elected officials who many have talked about being good God fearing Christians turn a blind eye on the struggles more and more are facing daily.

It is time we find educated and caring individuals to run for Mayor and Alderman this coming April.

Raytown needs leadership with integrity, ethics, and honesty.

Anonymous said...

The mixed message from Mayor Mike.

One minute is is wanting us to support 3 of Raytown's largest tax increases.

In the blink of an eye he wants us to join his support for someone who several times introduced Trump to Jackson County. Our very beloved Trump who was for reduction of taxes.

Mayor Mike is it higher taxes or a better Raytown that we can all afford?

Anonymous said...

I will be voting no on these taxes.

I think it is important for the city to know why and thank this blog for giving me the opportunity.

Before I can give the city more money I need to see the money they get today spent wisely and that is not the case.

I cannot keep track of the number of cars parked on the street the wrong way. There is also a large number parked on the street without a tag or the tag expired. If the police actually patrolled our streets neither of these would be an issue.

What is worse is for a good 2 weeks there has been a black trash bag full of trash up at the Blue Ridge Blvd bridge over 350 highway. Why has the police not called this into public works. If they have, which I doubt, why has public works not removed.

This town just has to many simple fixes that know one will fix.

Anonymous said...

I am at the point where I do not believe one thing out of any city officials mouth !!! We had new construction in our neighborhood our neighbor came over to tell us we would be receiving a letter in regards to this new construction. NOTHING CAME !!! NO letter no nothing !!! Just like before when they told us they were going to do some work along our property and completely lied and now my property is just washing away. So with all this said I will be voting NO on all three at the election. Sorry not sorry. At some point redo your budget and figure out how to work with what you have, the people have so should this city !!!

Anonymous said...

I guess our old guy President Biden has more international influence than we realize. Inflation and high fuel prices are raging in Canada, the United Kingdom and all around the world.

Anonymous said...

How nice Fox 4 did a story about mini goats and Raytown.

Anonymous said...

Trump had it right we don't need higher taxes.

It is ashame the Republicans at city hall don't understand what makes America great can make Raytown great too.

I wish our local Republicans would stand with Trump.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Have you ever been to a Town Hall meeting where you could only ask questions of the presenters - once they where done speaking - off to the side. no raising your hand to ask a questions that all could hear

If you had a question for speaker one - you missed what speaker two was saying.

Speaker one even asked if he could take a few questions and he was "shoooed" to the side for one on one questions

Speakers two was going to answer questions while waiting on speaker three they where also "shooed" to the side.

Q&A was allowed from the floor for speaker three. But got the feeling the questions being asked where "staged"

What did they not want said to everyone could hear???? Once again it proves Raytown City Hall the BOA and city staff DO NOT WANT PUBLIC INPUT on anything.

Anonymous said...

Bringing up the issue of the tax increases to folks, I am suprised by how many people are unaware 3 increases are on the ballot. Talk to everyone you run in to over the holiday weekend!

Obviously the city is wanting to sneak this through like the last one in November. When they won't allow open questions at a public forum it makes you wonder what they are trying to hide.

Haven't talked to someone yet that supports the new taxes because they just don't trust the city with the money they are already getting and think it's absurb timing with the costs of everything else going up.

Anonymous said...

yes, it is true that the city doesn't want public input on ANYTHING!! I will be voting NO on all 3 taxes. I believe the city is not being truthful on exactly how they will be using the funds. No, No, No TO NEW TAXES!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was considering voting in favor of at least two of the proposed tax increases for the good of the streets. I am now definitely voting no on all three proposals. Large tax increases, bad economy, small percentage of streets to be repaired are a few of the reasons why. I have been a Raytown resident for 21 years and I don't understand why the city insists on putting multiple tax issues on the ballot at one time. It is too much and that is why they are rejected.

Anonymous said...

No questions sounds like the city wants a new state audit to go with their new taxes.

It would also be a good time to collect signatures to audit the school district. The administration is dropping like flies. The district posted about the dramatic decline in enrollment and than the district took the information down.

Yes election day is a good day to collect signatures and have the state audit these two wasteful entries.

Anonymous said...

"Obviously the city is wanting to sneak this through like the last one in November. When they won't allow open questions at a public forum it makes you wonder what they are trying to hide."

Let's very briefly examine the background of a handful of those who attended that meeting:

- One had an extended history of delinquent property taxes, while in their official capacity expected everyone else to keep up with theirs.
- Another had a wealthy entity loan them money to avoid foreclosure of their personal residence.
- Another experienced a major business failure that left their lender(s) holding the bag to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars or even more.
- Another is or was on a payment plan as a result of an ethics inquiry.

Can't say that we feel too confident trusting the City with untold millions. ZERO credibility here, IMO.

Voting "NO" on all three measures.

Anonymous said...

The city of Raytown is a government body not a private business and therefore subject to Sunshine Laws. All some has to do is Sunshine the "shovel ready projects" that starts the clock on the list being provided or brings the AG into play. Keep in mind it would not be the first time the AG had to come down on the city. After a week on no response with an actual Sunshine list I would contact all the local news stations as it would put the city in the spotlight as well as the AG that someone is trying to pull a fast one with our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

I remember voting for a tax for street improvements and it passed; where did that money go? We for for a tax and it passed for additional police officers; where did that money go? You can't trust city hall. I have lived in Raytown 64 years and have seen alot! Vote No on all 3 taxes!!!!!!

Greg Walters said...

We have received reports of some mis-information being spread on some Facebook pages. The subject is a Public Work Session schedule for Thursday, July 7th at 7:00 pm. The topic of the meeting is Miniature Goats. Press release follows:

The Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Work Session on Thursday, July 7, 2022 at Raytown City Hall. The topic of the meeting will be to discuss proposed language allowing Miniature Goats to be owned in Raytown in areas zoned Low Density Residential Districts.

There will be Rules of Decorum established by the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to ensure that comments from the public are received in an equitable and fair manner.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm and is scheduled to last 1.5 hours.

Anonymous said...

I had several neighbors mad over or city not enforcing what fireworks are not allowed and what the city could be done.

1 fine them when caught this should make Ryan Myers happy he likes taking money from the citizens.

2 put their address and name on a 1 year ban list from any fireworks and fine them if caught again making Ryan Myers even happier

Until Ryan Myers can do something positive for Raytown we decided to get the vote out that Raytown cannot afford 3 new taxes and continued not listening and working with the citizens.

Love WINS said...

Every city does a shell game on our taxes we vote on. It's done right in front of all our faces. You see it by just looking at our streets. We see it also in the crime on our streets. Kansas City, Independence and Raytown All voted for more officers and did Not get them. People fear the government so much they are fearful to use their name on these comments. It's sad what our government is getting away with because of fear. I hope and pray more people will become fearless and show them that they have had enough. Sincerely Elisa Breitenbach

Anonymous said...


In Raytown you best fear for I know to many that are harassed for speaking the truth.

It is the same reason the call the blog negative.

If you don't agree with them and/or provide facts that they don't want to hear that go at you like a pit bull.

It would be nice if they would learn to accept the fact that when things are not kept up people will speakup and if you don't like that fix things before they become a major issue that a small group of sheep don't want anyone talking about.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all the other Raytowners know this but as Raytown Newbie I am just becoming aware of it. The boundaries of the Raytown School District are much bigger than Raytown and could have more of Kansas City than Raytown, just a WAG. Anyway, Raytown School District has twelve elementary schools. Eight are in Kansas City and four are in Raytown. Just strange to say the least. To me anyway.
What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?? I don't know.

Have a good day Raytowners and be sure to vote next month.


Anonymous said...

It was refreshing to see a positive story about Raytown on channel 9 last night.

I hope the majority on the board will do the right thing so there is not a negative follow up in up coming weeks.

I also wonder if elected official is against because of at least one elected official that is in favor.

Others elected officials seem against because they don't want to turn Raytown into country living. However, won't address the codes violations now that make us look like a country let alone make use look like fools for having rules not equally enforced. Wait that does sound like small town country living.

Rachel Bergen said...

Thank you, Mr. Walters for your time spent on this and bringing awareness of how Raytown can keep miniature goats on the right properties and in a way that’s still respectful to neighbors. We appreciate you!

Anonymous said...

Talking to a friend of mine the other day about miniature goats in Raytown. Told him I thought it was a good idea if it makes people happy. He told me he does not think the city council will vote for it because the Mayor does not want to allow pygmy goats in Raytown.

I hope he is wrong. This is a good idea and should be done. If you know any of our elected officials at city hall please call them up and ask them to support allowing pygmy goats in Raytown.

Anonymous said...

"Others elected officials seem against because they don't want to turn Raytown into country living."

There are FAR worse things that lie ahead for Raytown to "turn into" that appear to be being overlooked altogether by those that are crowing the loudest against something as sweet, simple and positive as permitting QUALIFIED households to possess the little pygmy goats in Raytown.


Predictable behavior from a select few.

While everyone is entitled to their own view, how about a few of you instead apply even so much as a scintilla of your vociferous behavior and determination towards the myriad of truly serious issues that face this town?

Is this too much to ask of you?

Amazed at how silent and poker-faced some of y'all have always been on the items that really matter, yet y'all are going hog wild non-stop about little goats, IOO.

Bergen family, we have been heartened by the respectable manner in which you have carried yourselves. We are hoping for the most positive result possible for you.

The Bergen family is truly representative of what we want Raytown to be.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was spot on. I watched the Planning and Zoning session last Thursday night. There were only four guest speakers.

Bonnaye Mims and Mary Jane VanBuskirk were clearly opposed to having miniature goats in Raytown. Ms. Mims' talk was pretty much a lot of passive-aggressive nonsense. I am beginning to think Mrs. VanBuskirk simply does not care much for miniature goats or any kind of animal for that matter. Miniature goats have not tarnished the image of Kansas City, Lee's Summit or Independence.

Why is it good for their image but not good for Raytown?

From what I read it appears that the staff at City Hall has done a good job of setting down clear regulations to keep our streets safe despite the supposed dangers that miniature goats will bring to our city.

Think of all the trouble cities like Independence, Kansas City and Lee's Summit face because of tiny goats marauding through the neighborhoods, terrorizing home owners and eating everything in sight! Oh, I forgot. There has not been any trouble.

God forbid that people outside of Raytown view us as anything but a backwater. Do Mims and VanBuskirk watch the news? Every television and radio station has given very positive reports on the suggestion of allowing people to raise miniature goats. Even the Kansas City Star has allowed positive editorials. This is clearly a step forward for Raytown if we take advantage of it.

To the rest of the Board of Aldermen. Please take a moment to consider the following. What will Raytown gain if miniature goats are approved? A chance to improve the city's image by being open to new ideas and lifestyles.

Or, reinforce the image of a town known for being opposed to damned near every new idea that comes along.

Also, let us be real. How many of us are fortunate enough to live on an acre of land or next to one for that matter for us to even concern ourselves with little goats. I look forward to trying to sneak a peak at them from time to time.

Anonymous said...

"Think of all the trouble cities like Independence, Kansas City and Lee's Summit face because of tiny goats marauding through the neighborhoods, terrorizing home owners and eating everything in sight! Oh, I forgot. There has not been any trouble."

Bingo. THIS.


"The Bergen family is truly representative of what we want Raytown to be."


Mr. Bergen, please consider running for Alderman.

Ward 5, correct?

That would be a bonus. Huge bonus.