Saturday, November 5, 2022

Good morning Raytown!
Today is November 8th. It is election day. It should go without saying, but please remember to vote.  A lot of people have spent a tremendous amount of energy and time trying to get their message out to yo
Your participation in the election is what all of the hours of effort spent informing the public on what is to be decided today at the polls.
You honor all of those who worked hard to present their message by taking the time to participate and vote. On a personal level I wish to say "thank you" for listening to what we have had to say.
Some final notes that we I know will be of interest to everyone.
RESULTS: Local results usually come in by about 9:00 p.m. As soon we have them we will post them on the Raytown Report.
ELECTION QUESTIONS: The final authority on any questions about what is happening a the polls is the Jackson County Election Board. They can be reached at 816-325-4600.
Thank you for listening,


Anonymous said...

I think the Mayor and the Alderman, except Greg, just "shot them self in the foot" by voting for raises in their pay while the city wants "Yes" votes for these GO bonds. How insulting!! The board must think the hard working citizens of Raytown must be dumb to see how corrupt City Hall is! City Hall runs like North Korea, where the citizens don't have a say. It is OUR tax money they are wasting.

God help us! VOTE NO ON GO BONDS!!

Anonymous said...

I saw the last weeks post about having to be under 30 to be at the meetings and how the public wasn’t allowed to speak, but now they invite ideas?
It is interesting when the last group of aldermen chose not to run again some sold their houses and moved. But not before they voted to raise permit fees and sewer rates. Then they moved to a lower taxing district while the rest of us stay here losing more everyday.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the yes group has their signs all over unkept (abandoned) yards and city right of way. I wonder if they will also be harassing people at the polls again.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Do we really have someone on the board who has been fined for financial mismanagement....?"

Pertinent. Timely. Read below.

Additionally, the entire, unedited complaint is easily accessible in .PDF, directly from the source, the State of Missouri, by performing a basic Google search.

A summary can be found here:

Anonymous said...

1.6 million for new city hall room complete with Kevlar protection for the board of aldermen. Wonder how many pot holes would be filled for that? Plus how much they are spending trying to pass this AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe but yes it is true, she apparently confessed to it in a plea deal too. And Myers for his part had several treasurer’s last go around too, turns out shifting money makes people nervous and back out I guess.

Steve said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We are told this is more than half the money the city needs to completely redo all City streets, but I have my doubts as those numbers are from 5 years ago, what if we approve these books only to find out the money will only be used in a few small areas instead of the major roadways?

Anonymous said...

Just curious. Where are Raytown's well-compensated City Manager and I guess Assistant City Manager in all this with the go bonds?

Ciy management should be (have been) front and center to answer questions online from Raytown citizens, IMO. This is what we pay them so handsomely for inside these mere TEN SQUARE MILES, is it not?

A city manager's public outreach is SOP, routine, in many, if not most municipalities, even those with the most rudimentary of websites or online presences.

It just makes sense. These administrators would be working firsthand with anything to do with these "GO-bonds" and should be (have been) the most capable of readily providing the most accurate and comprehensive answers to the citizens regarding this very complicated, "loaded" proposal.

I'm simply suggesting that they could have offered to answer questions once a week or so, just a few, just the most important ones.

Too late for that now, though.

Do they fear that they're incapable of answering detailed inquiries, especially questions that could expose any potential weaknesses (if any) in how the city has been managed prior to this "GO-grab" attempt?

We also need answers as to why really only TWO of our elected reps have been so incredibly, inordinately aggressive with their online efforts to promote these bonds, IMO.

Anonymous said...
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Elisa Breitenbach said...

We are all dealing with the worst inflation in 50 years. Everything we buy along with all our bills like property taxes, utilities, food, gas is skyrocketing all around us. The officials see and feel it too obviously because they voted for all their salaries to go up. All except for Greg Bill and Mr. Scott. I truly cannot imagine these taxes passing after all that has happened and all that has come out. Here at Doughboys we support our families and friends. 💔

Anonymous said...

"If the "Rock Lady" doesn't live in Raytown why is she still messing in local business!"

Our theory is that she craves the attention. She may have started that Facebook "group", but we've noticed that the "group" runs more smoothly and professionally when she's nowhere around.

There are still the major exceptions (the two-three regulars that like to keep things riled up), however it's so much better when she plays no part in her own group.

Maybe it finally dawned on her that someday her child may read some of the comments she has made over the years, which prompted her to scale back her activity.

She really should MHOB with the Raytown go bond debacle.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from visiting the Library. The parking lot was full. I have never seen a mid-term election with this strong of turnout. Hope it stays the strong all day long!

Anonymous said...

Well win or lose, I hope the probond people sleep well tonight, I know I couldn’t if I used their antics.

Anonymous said...

I see the mayor just got a raise. I understand he is a retired Raytown policeman. I wonder what his retirement pay is. Even though it is likely paid by us Raytowners, it is information that is probably not shared.

Anonymous said...

November 11, 2022 at 9:00 AM

Not sure why you want to know the mayor's retirement pay.

Are you saying only if someone gets very little retirement pay then they can get a raise on their mayoral pay?

One has nothing to do with the other.

Anonymous said...

"I see the mayor just got a raise. I understand he is a retired Raytown policeman. I wonder what his retirement pay is. Even though it is likely paid by us Raytowners, it is information that is probably not shared."

- The amount of this individual's pension check is his business and no none else's.

- The TIMING of his (actually, the Mayor's office) pay increase however was ill-advised at the moment, insensitive, tacky, and demonstrated a profound lack of common sense.