Sunday, June 17, 2018

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Lively Debate Raises
Questions About
Fireworks Ordinance
Over 40 comments have been posted on the blog portion of the Raytown Report since last week’s article on a proposed ordinance up for consideration by the Raytown Board of Aldermen. An exact count has not been made, but a quick review of the comments show that most of those writing in are opposed to expanding the shooting of fireworks from one day (July 4th) to four days.
An interesting side debate on the question revolved around the enforcement of when fireworks can be legally used in Raytown. Apologists for non-enforcement of the city code as written based their argument(s) on whether or not the police can effectively enforce the current ordinance.


“So there's an argument in favor of more days of fireworks that goes like this:

People already do it anyway. So what is the big deal?

To me that's like saying some people think it's okay to have a few drinks and then drive so why not just make it legal? Yes, I know that's an unfair comparison but the point is... don't change a law just because some choose to ignore it.

Could not have said it better myself.

The simple truth is that most people in Raytown are law abiding citizens. Most of them wait until July 4th to shoot off their fireworks. True, there will always be those who will shoot them off early, but by and large, it would be fair to say that 90% of the fireworks exploded in Raytown are done so at night on July 4th.

What is puzzling is why the big push to expand the days?

If the comments on this blog are any indication of what the public wants, expanding the number of days to legally shoot off fireworks is not high on the list of things to do.

It is unknown where the Board of Aldermen stands on this issue. The public record only shows three aldermen who have publicly announced their position – those members being Karen Black, Bill VanBuskirk and Derek Ward.

One blogger sent the telephone numbers of our elected officials so Raytowners can contact Board members to urge a NO vote to the proposed ordinance. Another sent the email addresses.

Open communication with elected officials is always a good idea. They are paid to represent your desires on issues that come before them. This would be an appropriate issue to share your thoughts with your elected officials.
Here is contact information for those who may wish to let their Aldermen know their position BEFORE the vote is taken next Tuesday.

Mayor McDonough                 737-6005
Alderman Karen Black            356-3716
Alderman Frank Hunt              301-2829
Alderman Jason Greene         255-8407
Alderman Jim Aziere               521-9596
Alderman Mark Moore            590-3819
Alderman Ryan Myers            215-8847
Alderman Bill Van Buskirk      737-2799
Alderman Steve Meyers         739-9568
Alderman Bonnaye Mims       965-0141
Alderman Derek Ward            245-4022

Or, better yet attend the Board meeting at which time the ordinance will be discussed and voted on. The Board of Aldermen has set aside time at the beginning of the meeting call “PUBLIC COMMENTS” in which Raytown residents may attend the meeting and speak to the Board in a public setting regarding this issue.

Following is an abbreviated agenda of Tuesday night's Board meeting

Tuesday, June 19, 2018     7:00 p.m.
Raytown City Hall 10000 East 59th Street

PUBLICS COMMENTS . . . The Board of Aldermen has set aside time at the beginning of the meeting call “PUBLIC COMMENTS” in which Raytown residents may attend the meeting and speak to the Board in a public setting regarding this issue.


ALLOWS SHOOTING OF FIREWORKS FOUR DAYS . . . . Sec. 20-48. Limited use. The discharge of consumer fireworks within the city limits shall be allowed only and at the following dates and times: on July 4 or each year between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. unless July 4 falls on a Sunday in which case permitted consumer fireworks may not be discharged before noon.

(a) July 2nd, between Noon and 10:00 p.m.
(b) July 3rd, between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
(c) July 4th, between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
(d) July 5th, between Noon and 10:00 p.m.
(e) December 31st, for 1 hour beginning at 11:00 p.m.

ALLOWS USE OF ROMAN CANDLES . . . . (c.) Small hot air balloons made of paper, plastic or other lightweight fibrous material, with an opening at the bottom and from which a candle is suspended, such items being commonly known as “sky lanterns”, “fire balloons”, “lava blimps” or, any other such device utilizing an open flame to provide loft; and Roman candles with or without spikes, identified by the word “Candle” on the label with the following wording on the caution label: “WARNING: SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS” or WARNING: SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS AND REPORTS”, and not including California Candles or Illumination Torch with the following wording on the caution label: “CAUTION: EMITS SHOWERS OF SPARKS”;

SUPERVISION OF MINORS DELETED . . . (f.) Except for those dates upon which the discharge of fireworks is permitted by Section 20-48, it shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 16 years, unless under the direct visual supervision of a parent, guardian or other adult over the age of 25.

There has been much written this past week about when to shoot off fireworks.

Another discussion should be held. That discussion should be WHERE TO SHOOT OFF FIREWORKS.

To simplify the discussion, how about we change the topic to Where NOT to Shoot Off Fireworks.

Public Parks are specifically listed as a place in Raytown where it is forbidden to shoot off fireworks. Talk to someone you know who lives near a park and you will find out that the law is not enforced.

Education of the public is not really at fault. The Park Department has signed that tell the public specifically that fireworks are not be used in our Public Parks.

The problem is lack of enforcement.

One blogger wrote they had contacted the Park Department requesting that police be stationed at Public Parks to ensure enforcement.

Before you can say, “we don’t have the manpower” to enforce this plan, think again.

We recently received a copy of the agreement Jackson County and the Raytown Police Department to provide police services at the Truman Sports Complex. Evidently the city has or is considering the use of Raytown Police Officers at the Truman Sports Complex.

Ward 5 Alderman Derek Ward sent the following post addressing this very issue last week. Mr. Ward wrote . . . 

On a side note, one resident commented to me that there is a problem with people shooting fireworks in our city parks. I contacted our parks department and asked them if they'd considered hiring police or security to monitor the parks on the 4th of July. They are looking into the issue.

One of the Raytown Park Board’s responsibilities is to maintain a safe environment at our city parks. Let’s hope they do more than look into the issue and take care of this long standing problem on the Fourth of July.


Thursday, June 21st, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Las Chili’s, 6210 Raytown Trafficway, Raytown
Come early at 6:00 PM to dine and make new friends!

Our speakers will be
Jerome Barnes
State Representative 28th District

Sandra Jiles
Candidate for Jackson County Legislator 2nd District

Mathew Merryman
Candidate for Jackson County Executive

President Richard Tush (816) 356-0003
Vice President Fred Hartwell (816) 353-4431

July speakers
Jalen Anderson, Candidate for Jackson County Legislator 1st District at Large
Arumeta DuPree, Candidate for Jackson County Legislator 2nd District
Daryl Forte, Jackson County Sheriff

Frank White Jr., Jackson County Executive

To leave a comment use this link


Anonymous said...

I believe RPD officers have worked at Arrowhead for years.

I am interested to know the difference with this agreement than previous agreements with Jackson County.

Greg Walters said...

We have an added an image of the document to the story.

Anonymous said...

With an increased in days allowed to shot fireworks as well as now allowing air born items it seems only fitting that the permits for the fireworks vendors in Raytown increase for each additional day.

It is my understanding the current fee is $1,000, which would mean if there are now three days the fee should also change by 3 for an new fee amount of $3,000

Now some might find this outrageous, but the increase is in line with the fee changes made by our elected officials earlier this year.

Anonymous said...

The Raytown officers were working off-duty at arrowhead so these discussions are not even related.

Anonymous said...

With every post I read it becomes more and more clear that the extended days for shooting fireworks is more about greed of city officials than anything else. It is pretty clear the majority of the people in Raytown are opposed to having four continuous days of fireworks being shot. It is more about the fees the city will collect from the vendors and how much they can rake in off of sales tax.

If that is the case then our elected officials have sold many of us out for what amounts to be more revenue for the city. It as if the will of the people be damned!

They want more. It as if they know better but want to be sure they get their share. Pathetic behavior so self-centered that it makes you cringe.

Anonymous said...

I think the post written about police officers working off duty at the Truman Sports Complex misses the point. The Sports Complex is, technically speaking, a large park. Raytown police and police from other area departments have worked there when off-duty. Nobody said there was anything wrong with that!

But if they can work off-duty at the Truman Sports Complex, then they can work off-duty at a Raytown park as well. The story suggests the Park Department, which is, technically speaking, a separate governing body from the Raytown Board of Alderman, could pay for the off-duty officers working the Park at special events.

They would be empowered by the same laws already in place. It sounds like a reasonable solution. Why are you so opposed to it?

Anonymous said...

Raytown doesn’t have enough officers and good luck getting Jackson county to work a temporary job for a few days and you better be willling to pay big bucks. Otherwise you will have to deal with the fireworks.

Anonymous said...

@8:06 pm

In my neighborhood the fireworks have already started. There are two benefits to the change that I see. The ability to bring in more tax revenue and a reduction in calls to the Police Department. These are reasonable considerations.

Anonymous said...

I think the issue with officer working off duty is according to the chief and mayor we are short handed, but is that really when it comes to having enough officers to work of the off duty jobs.

Walmart, Hy-Vee and Truman Sports Complex

They also all are tied to some kind of tax break!

Anonymous said...

8:11 No one is opposed to having off duty officers in the park for security. The question is - who's going to pay for it? The Park department, like every other department in the city is cash strapped. Give them a clue as to where you think they ought to get the money?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Jackson County pays for raytown officers working part time at the Truman Sports complex. I bet it is not that much. How many hours you need one or two officers at a Raytown Park where the shooting of fireworks is abused. How many parks have this problem? I am sure it is not all of them. Anyone who says if you do it for one park you have to do it for every park is making up a lame excuse.

Check out those numbers. I bet it is not the budget busting move some make it out to be. Check and see how much off-duty officers are paid before you say it cannot be done.

Sure, the nay-sayers and debbie downers will be making excuses to not even try look for a solution.

They are in the business of looking for excuses.

They do not know how to look for solutions.

Anonymous said...

Sheriffs department is probably $40 an hour, minimum for offduty. Are you going to have them there any time the park is open on the legal days?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Jackson County pays for raytown officers working part time at the Truman Sports complex. I bet it is not that much.

I think you would lose that bet. Probably around $30 per hour.

Anonymous said...

Too much crime and too little money in Raytown. A sign of the times I suppose. I guess with the overflow of Kansas City into Raytown it is just a matter of time before Raytown looks exactly like East Kansas City. It's damn near that way now. Oh but let's be politically correct and bury our heads in the sand and just keep raising taxes.

Anonymous said...

The officers in every one of these
Walmart, Hy-Vee and Truman complex are on their days off and paid off duty wages by those entities not the City. How many times does this have to come up.

Anonymous said...

That’s low, guarantee you.

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that being a duly authorized member of a local PD opens up some nice opportunities for part time work.
Where else can you go to get $30/hour and unis and transportation included. Maybe some grub tossed in?
Four or five days a month of that equals some nice extra income.

Off duty school teachers working at the K make about a third of that... no extras included.

Not saying it's wrong just pointing out that there are some nice perks to being a leo while working your way up to senior staff level.

Anonymous said...

If the BOA listens to their constituents it would only be one day they need to be at the park. Keeping the park safe for everyone is important. Since most of the violations are at night, probably about $120 would take care of the problem. Sounds like a reasonable solution.

Anonymous said...

Too bad their pay for regular duty sucks so bad that they have to do that.

Anonymous said...

That would get you maybe 3 hours. At one park. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Let's get real about it. There is only one park where it is a real problem. Three hours at that location would probably solve the problem. But we are not about solving problems are we? We would rather make up some fantasy that Minor Smith Park, or Southwood Park is filled with people shooting off fireworks illegally. A couple of police officers at Coleman would solve the problem for just three hours in the evening. Start at around 7:00 p.m. and enforce the prohibition against shooting fireworks in a public park. Word would get out real quickly not to go to Raytown to shoot off fireworks in the park.

By the way. Raytown police are not underpaid. They are not overpaid. They are about in the middle of area police department salaries. Isn't that where you would expect salaries to be for a bedroom community of a large city?

Anonymous said...

If their pay was so good, why are they struggling to hire people? Pay and benefits are the reason. Open your eyes.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure it is simply a matter of pay. Raytown police do receive competitive pay with other area police departments.

It does not seem to be just a police problem. The city is currently operating without a Finance Director and without a City Administrator. Those salaries are not low paying. The last City Administrator received over six figures annually. The City Finance Director was also well paid. There does not appear to be any effort to replace those positions.

Could it be the problem is more in management practices not only within the police department but also within the city?

Anonymous said...

Apparently you live in north Raytown by Coleman. I guess kenegy isn’t a major park? Now we see where you are coming from. Only your Park matters.

Anonymous said...

Also, the RPD is very, very careful about who they hire.

Andy Whiteman said...

If city job positions remain vacant, no salary or benefits are being paid out. Maybe this is an unspoken way of balancing the budget.

Andy Whiteman

Anonymous said...

Ward has been a total disappointment!

Only in Rayotwn

Anonymous said...

I agree with the earlier comment about the Park Department hiring part time officers for patrolling parks on the Fourth of July. Doing nothing should not be an option.

Pretending there is not a problem does not solve anything. The Mayor, park board and BOA need to show they care enough about the city to try something.

If Kenagy Park has problems being discussed then the Park Department and the City both have a responsibility to address the problems.

Raytown Newbie said...

Mentioned earlier:

"Also, the RPD is very, very careful about who they hire."

That is a very important and reassuring bit of information.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I am very impressed with our Fire Chief. I was in attendance tonight at the BOA meeting and after listening to one person after another complain about the fireworks ordinance, the Chief went up and gave one of the best speaches of the night. He was genuine, he was to the point and most of all he made sense. We need more people like him in our government

Anonymous said...

ALL Police Departments are very, very careful about who they hire. The people they hire all go to the same police academy (run by Kansas City) to train them. It would be more accurate to say it is a region wide effort to make sure we have good people serving in our police departments.

Anonymous said...

Much respect to the blue on the street. Chief Lynch and his cronies, not so much.

Anonymous said...

So why was the Jackson County Sheriff at the Raytown BOA meeting last night?

Anonymous said...

I like Alderman Ward. He is a great addition to the board

Raytown Newbie said...

As far as the recent hullabaloo regarding the fireworks ordinance, Alderman Moore said what most citizens of Raytown are thinking.
That is, pretty much leave the law just as it is.
I did not hear one alderman say that had received calls supporting Ward's proposed changes. The only calls mentioned were in opposition to the changes.

Thank you Alderman Moore for standing up for the vast majority of Raytowners.

My own alderman was very wishy-washy about it and I will have his opponent's sign in my yard come the next election. I already know I made a mistake supporting him in the last election.

Anonymous said...

As I’m currently watching the recording of last nights meeting, you all better open the checkbook for roads. But not just roads but everything. Glad I’m out.

Anonymous said...

who are the chief's cronies? I think all the old guard have retired.

Did anyone catch the irony of Van buskirk taking longer than 3 minutes to explain why 3 minutes was enough time to make a point...laughable.

Anonymous said...

6:56 pm

Mr. Moore’s behavior was rude and bullying behavior. Lack of decorum and respect. It was appalling.

Anonymous said...

Kudos are in order for Alderman Black. She admitted she maybe had not thought through the proposed fireworks amendment language and now might change her mind.

Also it was delicious to see her grill the police chief on the lack of enforcement of fireworks laws in the parks. He was getting pretty squirmy trying to get out of answering a very straightforward question.

He tried to dodge it with the same old tired excuse that there are not enough cops to do a proper patrolling of the parks on this one day. She then reminded him that she was referring to past years before any staffing cuts were made.

He could not get out of there fast enough. Very funny for sure.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that after that great debacle last fall with the budget no half way intelligent person would want to come work for the city of Raytown. With a Board of Alderman that has no regard for public safety and no plan to increase revenue to maintain infrastructure. In addition they made Raytown the joke of the metro area, again.

Anonymous said...

Dear fellow citizens,

By now you know the city is wanting to raise your property taxes by close to 200% as a result of mismanagement and overspending allowed for years from our police department.

I wish I could say it end there but it goes much deeper into a dark pool of lies that all started with Sue Frank to have us all pay for the new Walmart.

Keep in mind Sues husband was 2nd in command within the police department at the time.

Also whoever saw the police with a car at the Walmart on 67th and Blue Ridge.

You didn't until the new Walmart opened and the dirt deal behind closed doors was done.

Now that Walmart has their nice new building they have decided to pay their property taxes under protest, which means we are paying more to subsidize them.

The best way to stop this outrage is to cote "NO" Aug 7th for when the tax questions fail maybe the city will call out Walmart for not being good corporate leaders in our city.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Alderman Van Buskirk for making the motion to making fireworks legal only on the 4th of July. To bad the rest of the board has no backbone.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you don't mean Steve Myers was rude and a bully?

Anonymous said...

Mark Moore's conduct was not that of a bully. All he did was point out that the committee meeting in which this item was discussed lasted all of four minutes! There was more honest discussion on the Council floor on the fireworks than any other item that night. My hat is off to those who spoke up on behalf of most people who did not want to see the number of days allowed for shooting off fireworks extended.

Also, good job Karen Black! You go girl! Anyone living near Coleman Park knows the Raytown PD does not patrol Coleman Park on the Fourth of July. His excuse about budget cuts is lame. A good policeman will go where he knows he is needed.

Mr. Lynch. You raising your voice and taking a defiant posture in the discussion did not do you any good. The question remains. If the police are called to Coleman Park because of ordinance violations will you have the law enforced?

Anonymous said...

Yeah they will but there is no guarantee on response time for a fireworks call. There are more important calls to answer than fireworks.

Anonymous said...

Do that and this city will fold. Did you not hear the conservative $36 million price to get the roads to average? Keep it up and KC will swallow up Raytown.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Also it was delicious to see her grill the police chief on the lack of enforcement of fireworks laws in the parks. He was getting pretty squirmy trying to get out of answering a very straightforward question."

"He was getting pretty squirmy..."

You sensed "squirmy"?

I sensed ANGRY.

Someone please vote these people out of office.

Additionally, "chief", you're an administrator. Out of respect for the people that voted you into office, your keister needs to occupy a seat and STAY PUT inside council chambers from first to last gavel.

Anonymous said...

Face it folks. You have a Police Chief and Mayor who care only about one thing. The police department. Worried about not having enough money to repair our streets properly. Keep worrying because the Mayor has made it very clear to many, many people that any extra money the city gets will go to the police department. He could not care less about code enforcement or proper street repair. Don't get me wrong. The police are needed in any modern city. Proper governing is a balancing act. Mayor Mike has shown he does not have the ability to keep all the plates spinning at one time.

As for the Chief of Police. He used his ability to over-state how many police were going to lose their jobs that he actually ran off more police than was necessary to balance the city's budget. That's why you are seeing a frantic race to hire more police in Raytown. The City council budgeted for the positions. But to many left because the Chief said they were all going to lose their jobs! I would have left too if that was what my boss was telling me!

Anonymous said...

Okay. I am going to offer a suggestion about the parks during the 4th of July. Close them! Put the gates up and close them down. In fact close them for three or four days. Have park employees in the park monitoring the situation. Or put cameras in there and monitor them remotely with a loud speaker. Problem solved! The idea that police should sit in the park all day does not make sense. This issue can be solved more cheaply thru remote monitoring, automation and locks and keys.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Moore was rude and the evidence is on tape. Deny it all you want, the evidence is clear.

Anonymous said...

I recall hearing Alderman Ward explain the reason for his proposed amendment was, among other things... "I like fireworks".

Later in the discussion Alderman Moore reminded Alderman Ward of a very important point, that somehow seems to be lost on Ward, that they are not there to pass laws that favor their own personal desires. They are supposed to pass laws that are in the best interest of the citizens of Raytown.

Moore said something that needed saying. I applaud his candor and too bad if Ward's feelings are hurt.

BTW the other reason Ward gave for his proposed changes sounded implausible and downright foolish. Something about attracting tourism dollars. I call baloney on that one.

Anonymous said...

Snap Lie Alert!!! Someone is trying to smear Ward 3 Alderman Mark Moore with the contention that Moore was rude to Ward 5 Alderman Ward. Do not buy into this snap lie. Watch the video of the meeting on city's website. Judge for yourself. It was a discussion, some may call it a debate. But it was not a personal attack Moore against anyone. His comments were short, concise and to the point. Mr. Ward was not rude either. The two men simply had different points of view.

Anonymous said...


Mr. Ward openly and publicly wrote an explanation of his views here on the Raytown Report. Last weeks issue I think. His explanation is a hell of a lot more than just liking fireworks. He honestly gave his views. Moore chose to go after Ward by cherry picking him on one point. It was totally lacking in decorum and unnecessary. I can’t wait till the next election when Moore’s seat is up. I even have a slogan already figured out; NO MOORE.. NO MOORE... Free slogan to any Republican or Democrat that runs against him. I will gladly contribute to the cause.

Anonymous said...

I was not surprised at the mayors action at Tuesdays night BOA meeting when he shut down Tony Jacobs when the subject matter turned to talking about the police department. Funny how Mr. Jacobs was allowed to bring Mr. Walters name and in a bad light when it was challenged saying go ahead every knows about it anyway. Mr. Walters was and is innocent of any wrong doing in the matter of what Mr. Jacobs was speaking about, the police not so much. Mr. Mayor you have not been elected to cover up the wrong doings of the police department. Take off your badge and be a mayor. #tiredofthecoverup

Anonymous said...

This snap lie thing is amusing. There is no definition of what these means anywhere. You have coined a new phrase. Congrats. It does appear to be a variation of “O Snap” which is defined in the Urban Dictionary. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Note to poster:

Credibility fades when your message begins with "Snap Lie Alert"

I happen to agree with your view of the give and take between Moore and Ward but find the expression "Snap Lie" to be unnecessary. Please find another way to get your point made.

Anonymous said...

"Additionally, "chief", you're an administrator. Out of respect for the people that voted you into office, your keister needs to occupy a seat and STAY PUT inside council chambers from first to last gavel."

Seems like every time I tune in, they're hunting him down. He needs to stay put for that hour or so. It's what we pay him for.

Anonymous said...

Problem Solved:

Mr Ward likes fire works, which is what he actually said.

Pass the change that fire works are legal on days other than the 4th of July.

All we need is Mr. Ward's address so we can go over and have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Friday's Funny:

The latest word on the streets is there is no money for streets unless the gas tax spends as they currently have not funding for street.

Oddly the public works department was making street repairs today just off 350 and Hunter?

Not calling "BULL" on anyone, but that would telling anyone who is self thinking that the city actually has money for streets.

Don't trust city hall or their tall tell team!

Anonymous said...

X Files: The Truth is out there!

Raytown: You have to be wise enough to find it!

Anonymous said...

"All we need is Mr. Ward's address so we can go over and have a blast!"

Blahaha! No kidding! Quote of the day! I just did a spit take. Kudos. lol

Anonymous said...

When the Mayor and/or Alderman are stopping any individual from speak what is the truth tells you who cannot be trusted.

It also sends the message that the Mayor and Aldermen don't want to address the issue and/or keep knowledge within the confines of Raytown.

Thankfully we all have several television stations that like to do less than positive news on the city; at least in the mind of the Mayor and Aldermen.

Maybe the Mayor and Aldermen need to rethink their approach before more go to the news media and even better the ACLU and a law suit is filed for violation of the individuals first amendment rights.

If you have had you rights violated please call the (ACLU) American Civil Liberties Union local office at(913) 490-4100.

Anonymous said...

If you watched the BOA meeting and saw how the Chief of Police acted toward Alderman Karen Black when she was asking if there was patrolling in the parks in past years on the 4th of July. He could only answer with no our staff has been cut and we don't have the man power to do it. Chief listen to the question it was in past years. You got very snarky with her. I feel you owe her a public apology for your attitude toward her and the question she was asking. Understand herein lies the problem you don't like being questioned about how and if you are doing your job. You work for the public sir so give some professionalism to your job. Better yet DO YOUR JOB

Anonymous said...

"If you watched the BOA meeting and saw how the Chief of Police acted toward Alderman Karen Black...'

AGREED. Ms. Black isn't a law enforcement officer. She was simply asking polite questions to someone that should know the answer in order to understand who was responsible for dealing with the parks. She was concerned about public safety. She appeared to be put on the defense by this "chief" for merely asking a few questions. He came across to us as put upon, impatient, irritated, petulant. In PUBLIC, where he was already we'll aware that his behavior was being evaluated, especially after treating another female Alderman so harshly several months back.

It's just my opinion, but it follows (again, at least to me) that someone that repeatedly conducts himself in a less than professional manner in public would also be generally incapable of any equity in matters of law enforcement.

On top of that, in order for Ms. Black to be able to address him, they had to search for him. AGAIN. (Someone needs to tell him that he can always record the game and watch it later, if that was the case.)

I certainly hope that someone is compiling comprehensive evidence of this man's antics while he has been in office. Those details need to be aggressively presented to the public if he decides to run for office again.

Ms. Black, that exchange was difficult to watch. This chief appears to be easily triggered even by the most mundane of questions. Thank you for remaining polite throughout that exchange. Your professionalism was on display for all to see.

Raytown Newbie said...

I would like to propose an ordinance from the "peanut gallery"

Some word smith can clean it up but the gist of it is:

The Raytown Board of Aldermen may from time to time designate certain critical days to be "all hands" days. Days, for example, such as July 4th, when it is determined that for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Raytown that all Raytown PD personnel that usually have the day off will instead report for patrol duty. No Raytown PD are permitted to engage in "off-duty" work on these "all-hands" days. The City is to have first dibs on the off-duty time of its PD man power on the special days.

Maybe New Years Eve is another possible day.

For some reason it just does not sit well with me the think our own Park Board might have to pay our own PD for patrolmen on the Fourth.

I'm sure there are the usual nay-sayers who will come up with why it will not work but maybe there is an alderman who will see a way it CAN work.

Just thinking out loud here.

Raytown Newbie said...

Thank you Alderman Van Buskirk for making the motion to making fireworks legal only on the 4th of July. To bad the rest of the board has no backbone. (copied from above)

Only Moore voted to support this amendment. All the others were persuaded by Chief Mace, I guess, who thought a second day, the 5th, should be allowed so people won't store unused fireworks if there is rain on the fourth. (This caused my BS alarm to sound loud and long)

Chief Mace said no injuries or fires have ever been reported since it was made legal to shoot fireworks one day in Raytown.

Point made!!! Chief Mace. So why mess with something that is proven to work??? (Scratching my head here).

BTW... Mr. Moore rebutted his point very nicely when he recalled that on the RARE occasion when it does rain, they shot off their fireworks anyway. Same here.

Anonymous said...

The chief of police needs to be hired by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen. This would allows us to conduct a national search for the best candidate. The elected marshal duties would change to security at City Hall, court baliff duties, security detail for the Mayor, and night watchman duties in downtown Raytown.

The appointed Chief of Police would run the police department, and residents of Raytown would run for the office of City Marshal and receive starting officer pay.

The current system is non-competitive and needs to change. It's time to begin the transition, this can be phased in gradually in a way that is respectful to the police department and the current chief, who is also retired from the Raytown P.D.

Anonymous said...

With all the talk about the upcoming taxes I thought it would only be fitting to check out some of the city property and how well they are using our tax dollars. I started my adventure today for my fellow citizens Kenagy Park by walking the entire trail and must say I am very disappointed with the overall maintenance there are many places along the walking paths. There is grass growing up in the sidewalks now if this was our driveways more than likely codes enforcement would be honest for having grass in our driveway and wanting to cite us shouldn't the city lead-by-example.the folks it branches from several the trees hanging way down low impact us taller indvidual. Shouldn't they be accessible to everyone without fear of getting poked in the eye from a branch. The parking lot is a whole nother story the city has ordinances that trees have to be trimmed above 12 foot however that clearly isn't the case based on several Vans and SUVs parked along the Raytown road entrance the branches all but scratch the top of their vehicles. The parking lot spots clearly need restriped especially considering the upcoming arts festival later this year. The restroom by shelter house number one which is at the 79th Street entrance has a sign on one of the doors out of order. Before we start asking for money we need to show how to spend it responsibly

Anonymous said...

@ 2:40 P.M.

"All hands on deck day" What are we running here a pirate ship?

Anonymous said...

8:32 makes some good points. I think we seriously limit our options when we insist a candidate be a resident of the City.

Opening it up to non-residents would attract a larger pool of candidates. Of course, many will still complain about that, but Raytown is one of the few police departments that I know of that has an elected police chief. May make for less dirty politics too, but it really would put the board in charge. They could just replace him or her when they disagree.

This will also keep a single person from being the police chief for decades. There's no question that if the aldermen could replace the current chief it would have been done by now. They clearly don't get along.

Anonymous said...

To newbie, that’s a dumb idea. Do you have any idea the overtime that would have to be paid? People need time off of work and that plan is just dumb. Talk about chasing people off to work at the pd.

And to 8:32, fourth class city, so it doesn’t work that way.

Anonymous said...

Let's say the BOA decided to appoint a police chief instead of electing one. Who do you think the mayor will want to appoint? Yep - Jim Lynch. How would that make us better off?

Anonymous said...

The Board of Aldermen have to vote on appointments made by the Mayor

Anonymous said...

The mayor doesn't have the power to say who is chief if we go to appointing a chief. why do you think he gets upset when that is talked about. when are you people going to realize he has NO power he is only someone who presides over the BIA meetings and he can't do that well.

Anonymous said...

"There's no question that if the aldermen could replace the current chief it would have been done by now. They clearly don't get along."

We're not convinced that personality conflicts are entirely to blame here. We have concerns about the mayor and certain Aldermen, however cue up city council meetings during the last 12 months or so. Pay close attention to the issues, this chief's presentations and his responses to the Council. Judge for yourself.

This Chief should step down when his term concludes. The residency requirement needs to be abolished as soon as possible. Current and prior Raytown Police administrators should be automatically barred from running for office, as undoubtedly one of the usual suspects would attempt to hop right on into office. We're thinking of one entity in particular that is nearing retirement. (Please don't waste our time.)

How would more of the same work out for us?

We're in dire need of multiple qualified candidates to choose from prior to the next election.

Anonymous said...

We have some folks that really need to get educated on what a mayor of a 4th class city can and cannot do.

Just like Trump tell the lie make it big retell until the people believe it!