How About . . .
Paul and I have come to believe that many in
Raytown are tired of the endless political schemes that have come to dominate
our city.
So, we decided, why not take a break with
some good old fashioned escapism?
Please enjoy the following we have scoured
from the wonderful world wide web.
English marathoner and long distance runner made famous in the following
inspirational video of a 10,000 meter race held in 1983 at Memorial Van Damme
Stadium in Brussels. The commentator of the race notes that Jones has no
finishing speed when he famously said “Jones is looking for trouble and trouble
is there” as another runner begins to catch and pass him. The rest is epic.
MONEYBALL is a baseball movie
released in 2011 about how Billy Beane, Manager of the Oakland A’s baseball
franchise, was able to resurrect a professional baseball team that was losing
all of its talent. The film exposes the front
office tension between competing scouting applications: the old school
"eye-balling" of players and newer models of data-driven statistical
analysis. The short clip from the end of the movie is priceless. It shows a man
coming to terms with what he has accomplished.
SPORTSMANSHIP IN RUNNING Even if you do not follow track and field, the message in
this short collection of events is one of sportsmanship that will vividly give
you an understanding to the true meaning of competitive sports.
TRICK BASEBALL PLAYS This collection of trick baseball plays is just plain old good fun. Enjoy!
HEART OF CHAMPIONS If the four links above has turned you into some sort of
a sports junky, then you are going to love the following. It just goes on and
on and on.
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to Raise Property Tax
two weeks after the voters in Raytown rejected a property tax increase the Mayor
and Board are considering a scheme to increase the Property Tax Levy in Raytown
without voter approval.
plan is to rescind a decision made by a different Board of Aldermen six years
to testimony given by Assistant City Administrator Missy Wilson, the City of Raytown did not increase the tax
ceiling in 2012.
much is true.
what she does not share is why the Board of Aldermen did not increase the
property tax in 2012.
understand why the tax was not increased you have to go back to 2010.
In 2007
the United States had been rocked by an economic recession. The recession was
caused by a housing crisis triggered by irresponsible lending practices in the home
mortgage industry.
caused a decline in property values across the United States of America.
As a
result, the City of Raytown was hit hard by a devaluation of property values in
both the residential and commercial markets.
devaluation cost the city a loss of property tax revenue.
So, in
2010, Mayor David Bower and the Raytown City Council raised the property tax
levy to the highest allowed by state law for a Fourth Class City.
2012, the housing crisis had ebbed. The 2012 Board of Aldermen knew that
Raytown property owners had taken a big because of the levy increase in the form of higher property taxes. So they
voted not to increase property taxes in 2012.
hindsight, the 2012 Board of Aldermen did the right thing by not increasing
property taxes that year.
What Part of “NO” do they not understand?
In a speech before the Board of Alderman Assistant City Administrator Missy Wilson said, “There have been comments that we did not take into consideration
the voter’s position as of August 7th.”
goes on to explain the difference between a levy increase and a so-called roll
back (which is, despite the language used, actually a tax increase).
I beg
to differ.
August 7th the voters very clearly voted “no” by landslide proportions to not increase the amount of
property tax they would be obligated to pay. Here are the vote totals in case
some have forgotten.
Question 1: Property Tax
Increase (winning amount shown
in red)
2063 (31.23%) YES
3670 (68.77%) NO
3670 (68.77%) NO
this may help. Following is the definition of the word “no” according to the
American College Dictionary.
No (no)
adverb: a word used:
to express dissent, denial, or refusal as in response
(opposed to yes)
(opposed to yes)
b: to emphasize a previous negative or qualify a previous statement.
said, there is not any degree of Orwellian double-speak or re-defining of
definitions that can change a very clear message from the voters.
The Board
of Aldermen’s first duty is to the people who elected them. In this case, the
Board’s decision is simple. They should stand with the decision made by the voters
and turn down this proposal.
One Final Thought . . .
As he so
often does, Ward 4 Alderman Steve Meyers took time to get in the last word.
He asked
how much the increase would cost. He was told the tax would raise an additional
$30,000. To which he responded, “Okay. A figure that is pretty small.”
tactic has been used by politicians since the Greeks and Romans created public
forums to make decisions.
The reality
of the situation is this. $30,000.00 may not seem like much to Mr. Meyers, the
Mayor, or his seatmates. But it is to other people. Many of who voted against
the tax packages on August 7th.
the following:
Meyers, the pro-tax side had the backing of the Raytown Chamber of Commerce,
the Raytown Police Union, Raytown Main Street Association and Raytown Unleashed.
Plus a
Board of Aldermen who unanimously placed the taxes on the ballot.
out-spent the opposition by a margin of nearly two to one.
all of the effort and money the pro-tax side fell short at the polls.
Even with
the loss, the city will still see significant gains in property taxes due to
re-assessment and the effects of inflation.
All told,
the City is expected to gain a total increase tax package of 4.3% from Personal
Property Tax, and 1.1% from Real Estate Property Tax.
In real
numbers the city is projected to earn $3,282,714.00 in property tax revenue in
Keep in
mind, that 3.2 million dollar figure does not include other tax revenue
streams, like:
Sales Tax
Tax Revenue (gas, electricity,
phone and computer)
and Fees (increased
earlier this year)*
* Mr. Meyers should remember those fees and licenses.
He voted for every one of the increases. Even a doubling of the City Animal
The voters
said no to increasing the property tax levy and by doing so, they said no to
increased property tax rates.
So Mr.
Meyers, please tell us, just what part of NO do you not understand?
City to Vote on
Sanitary Sewer Tax by
Property tax increases were not the only tax increase item on last
Tuesday’s agenda.
First Reading was given to a bill that would increase the Sanitary Sewer
Tax rate paid by Raytown homeowners.
The reading drew very little discussion from the Mayor or Board of
In Public Comments, Tony Jacobs, reminded the Board that Sanitary Sewer
Rates were increased by 15% just last year! (see 2016/2017 City Audit, page 8,
Proprietary Funds).
The Sewer Tax increase is scheduled to be voted on at the next meeting fo
the Board.
That meeting will be at Raytown City Hall (10000 East 59th
Street). Tuesday, September 4, 2018. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.
The Paul Livius Report
Raytown Board of Aldermen Meeting
August 21,
Lunkin, with the Employer Support for Guard and Reserve gave a presentation to
Doug Jonesi and Kin LeSage for supporting the military personnel with the City
of Raytown.
McDonough proclaimed August 23, 2018 to be the Raytown Day of Prayer.
Jacobs said the city claims to not have enough money for police, but questioned
why they have money for a shiny new monument sign on the new bridge.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 44, of the code
of ordinances. Over the past several
years, sewer treatment costs have risen for treatment services provided by
Kansas City Missouri (KCMO) and for Little Blue Valley Sewer District (LBVSD)
provided services. For several years, City staff was able to maintain the City
rate through the implementation of numerous cost-saving programs. In order to
be compliant with funding requirements associated with debt issued for the
sewer fund the sewer rate will need to be increased approximately 10% across
the board. This will ensure sustainability of the fund. Based on historical
increases from KCMO and LBVSD there will be additional increases needed in
future years. Due to rising costs in treatment, maintenance, and operations,
staff is recommending the following adjustments to Chapter 44 to read November
1 of each year. Amend c (4) to read Base Rate - the Base Rate shall be $[15.44]
16.98 per month. Amend c (9) to read Variable rate. The revenue charged expressed
in per 1,000 gallons that is derived when the annual variable rate revenue
requirement is divided by the customer volumes, estimated to be $[8.69] 9.56
per 1,000 gallons, in excess of 1,000 gallons.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance rescinding the voluntary tax rate
ceiling reduction taken in the year 2012 to be applied to future years. The
City of Raytown can undo past voluntary reductions that were taken in any even
numbered year in 2008 and going forward, in which the reduced rate has followed
them forward. In this case both the General Revenue and Parks and Recreation
levies can have their voluntary reductions undone. Once this is approved, the
Missouri State Tax Auditor’s Office will revert the ceiling back to what it
would have been, had no voluntary reductions been taken.
Board heard the first reading of an ordinance establishing the annual property
tax levy rate.The City has received its notice of 2018 Assessed Valuation from
the County. Finance has recalculated the levy rates using the formula supplied
by the State Auditor's Office. These calculations indicated the City could levy
a rate of $0.3453 per $100.00 assessed valuation for general city operations
and a rate of $0.1724 per $100.00 assessed valuation for park operations. The
2018 proposed combined rate represents is the same as 2017. According to Zillow
the median home value for Raytown is approximately $101,400. The total taxes
collected for the City and Parks on the median home would be $524.95 for each
Adjusted Assessed Valuation:
• Real
Estate values increased by $2,832,416 or 1.1% from last year's amounts for a
2017 value of $260,620,657;
Personal property value increased by $2,765,645 or 4.3% from last year's
amounts for a 2017 value of $63,282,714;
on the assessed valuation and the proposed mill levy, staff is projecting that
approximately $1,137,768 will be generated for the General Fund and
approximately $568,060 will be generated for the Park Fund. In accordance with
State law, the City must hold a public hearing on the establishment of the levy
rate prior to passage of the ordinance approving the 2018 rates. Notice for this
public hearing must be published in the newspaper prior to the meeting date.
The public hearing on this matter will take place on September 25, 2018.
Board passed a resolution reestablishing the RaytownCommunity Foundation and
establishing members thereof. Appointment of members to the Raytown Community
Foundation’s Advisory Board. The proposed members are as follows:
McClendon, Business Community Member
McDonough Mayor of Raytown
P. René
Purtee, Citizen Member
Ward, Board of Aldermen Member
Harrington, Business Community Member
Raytown Community Foundation is a philanthropic fund created in 2001 by the
Truman Heartland Community Foundation for the purpose of acquiring
contributions for use in various projects for the betterment of the community.
The Advisory Board consists of five members that each serve staggered,
three-year terms. The original resolution states that the Advisory Board will
consist of two members from the Raytown business community, one citizen of
Raytown, one member of the Board of Aldermen and the Mayor of Raytown or
her/his aldermanic designee and if at any time the designated Alderman or Mayor
ceases to hold that elective office, another similarly elected person shall be
appointed by the Raytown Board of Aldermen to fulfill the unexpired portion of
the term.
Board passed a resolution approving the expenditure of funds to the WilsonGroup
related to renovations at the Public Works fleet garage building located at
10014 E. 65th Street in an amount not to exceed $69,767. The Wilson Group Inc.
was the contractor on the remodel of the EMS Building, City Hall upper level,
Police Department remodel, as well as the Public Works Charlie Brown building
remodel. They have done very good work for the City in the past.
Board passed a resolution approving the expenditure of funds with Precision Roofing
for roofing repairs at the public works fleet garage building in an amount not
to exceed $20,232.
Board passed a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to enter into an
agreement with Infinity Building Services for Parks and Recreation mowing in an
amount not to exceed $10,000.Parks and Recreations staff has tried to work with
the contractor for the past two months to adhere to the mowing requirements
outlined within the contract, but they were unable to complete the mowing as
required by the contract. Parks Staff is recommending the termination of the
contract as allowed by Article VIII within the contract. Staff has contacted
the second low bidder, Infinity Building Services, LLC, to begin executing the
contracts and complete this year’s (2018) mowing season. With the termination
of the existing contract, the new contract with second responding bidder would
begin immediately. Due to the nature of the work and necessity for the
continual operations of the city parks system and supplementary activities,
staff feels this is the best choice for the city.
Raytown won't go down the tubes because of money issues.
It will fail because the people are at odds.
We need to start getting along to come up with solutions. Compromise is not a dirty word.
Not a matter of compromise, but of accepting reality. The voters have spoken and to continue operating this City is going to require restructuring of everything.
Just for clarification, a double negative is a positive.
In this case if you owe me 1000 a month for rent, and after the first year i give you a 10% discount, when the next year i stop honoring the discount your rent effectively raised 100 dollars to the originally 1000. you will not be paying 900 month anymore.
I don't mean to be pedantic or parse verbiage; however it is a net increase in cost. Can we all not agree?
I dont believe anyone is incompetent enough to suggest otherwise, perhaps overworked? Perhaps making a straw man?
Either way, at what point can we fill the City Admin position, it isnt fair to have two qualified people splitting their already laborious duties with the full time job of running the city.I have little doubt either of them could do a great job in that position Full time, as they have been doing well thus far. To continue economic growth we need someone fully devoted to that cause, if we have 30 million or 100 million or whatever in infrastructure falling apart daily it stands to reason we need to be focused on keeping it from getting worse and proactive measures. It would conceivable be draining to have to focus not only on that it also on running the rest of the entire city.
We need to work on filling the empty positions, we need to work on publishing a 5 year plan, we need to work on increasing efficiency. None of these can be done if there s more energy devoted to squabbles and word play.
I encourage everyone to sign the petition at . Help the city rebuild trust within the community, and allow the State to provide insight to policies and procedures to make our city more efficient.
Every year the City is audited, not by the state but by a firm hired to do so. So far, all sorts of allegations have been made against the City, but despite the avalanche of sunshine request from politicians, former politicians and others, I have yet to see any damning evidence of anything that would rise to a serious consequence. Its time to move beyond false allegations and it is time to fix our City.
No NEW TAXES EVER until there is a state audit. Apparently 7:42 does not understand the difference between a state audit and the one the city pays for each year. Big difference!!!
When is AMR taking over the ambulance service as was guaranteed on this blog? Please if you know Alderman Aziere tell him to not make posts here!
First the last city audit recomended no changes despite missing a 234k dollar arrangement made of multiple transfers. It isn't the same as a State Audit they are wholly different.
Second who said there wasn't something uncovered?often in official investigations there isn't comments... did you notice a quick drop off certain areas? Hhhmmmm....
Also it is public record there are still 2 investigations at the State level going on. And one that recently concluded did uncover a violation.
ok Tony. I'll bite. What did the state investigation uncover?
RSMO 109. GS 021.
Tony That's it? They didn't keep their records long enough? I can't believe you're making a big deal about lack of records. Are they maybe in electronic form? People do that now. You take some non-important thing and blow it totally out of proportion. Go away. You're a very annoying gnat!
"TONY JACOB said...RSMO 109. GS 021."
"Tom Bailey said...Tony That's it? They didn't keep their records long enough?"
Tony, whatever you've "got", or whatever you're alleging at any one point in time, why don't you put it right out there the first time around. Don't wait for someone to follow up and ask the obvious questions.
Thanks for the info, but unfortunately it's going to take a great deal more than an episodic sprinkling of (in the scheme of things) tidbits to dislodge the imcompetents and more importantly, to enable the City to move forward.
I agree with your call for an audit.
And while I too detest delving into "personalities" and behavioral characteristics, those items, recombinant with (IOHO) a grossly underachieving mayor, marshal and misc. Board present a far more compelling case that they need to be consistently supervised...and the majority of them ultimately removed from office.
This blog cracks me up! You all act like there is some big conspiracy theory, but you actually have have NOTHING! Ewwwww they may not have kept some recycling enough, maybe. How about you figure out how to bring in more money to the city. Because the bedroom community feeling isn’t working. Just saying.
I see the city council waited until after the election to increase our sewer bills another 10%. For those with short memories, last year they raised it 15%.
The big insult is the city council going ahead with a plan to our property tax rates. The ink was not even dry on vote totals that clearly said how 68.7% of the voters did not want a property tax increase.
I promise you I will remember to vote against every single councilman and mayor who is running if they raise our property tax.
I live on a fixed income. Why shouldn't the city have to live within its means like the rest of us?
As for Alderman Steve Meyers and his glib comments about $30,000 not being much money. He may think he is clever, but I don't. His one liners are insincere and in many cases, downright mean.
I checked it out. He is up for re-election next year. Will someone please file against him. We really deserve a lot better than what he has to offer.
"As for Alderman Steve Meyers and his glib comments about $30,000 not being much money. He may think he is clever, but I don't. His one liners are insincere and in many cases, downright mean...I checked it out. He is up for re-election next year...We really deserve a lot better than what he has to offer."
Most all of them need to "go", as far as we're concerned. The problem is finding people that want the "job". Because of this, I feel like we're going to inevitably "stuck" with a few if not most of these people again.
The trouble I have with some of these elected officials is that they remained completely silent when other Raytown business owners were viciously attacked by a disingenuous few for simply voicing their opinion. Yet less than 2 weeks !ater, these aldermen had no difficulty whatsoever running off at the mouth again. One in particular.
So should WE remain silent and complacent while THEIR business is boycotted, savaged, whatever?
No, because we're better than that.
Like I said, just replace them.
9:58 pm - really? Just replace them. Who would want to be on the city council with all the vicious attacks? If they balance the budget, they get hate mail. If they don't balance the budget and allow the police department to run out of control, they get hate mail. Look how long it took to get someone to fill the vacancy in ward 5. The asked four or five people until they finally found someone. What's the first thing he does? Tries to change the law so he can do what he wants when he wants. High quality individual who has Raytown's best interest at heart, right?
Be careful what you wish for. The people who fill those seats could be worse than what we have.
The thing is, when a business takes a position, on one side of an issue or the other, you're putting your feelings out there for public comment on whatever forum. And like it or not, everyone has a right to their opinion, whether you agree with them or not. And as said business owner, you better have thick skin if you're going to put your opinion/feelings on an issue out there. No one was physically attacked, just people have different opinions. Quit whining about the way someone is being treated and accept the fact that everyone has a right to express their opinion.
"Be careful what you wish for. The people who fill those seats could be worse than what we have."
True, but in many if not most cases, you betcha that we'll take our chances.
So. 5:39 AM, you believe that the current group in City Hall should be allowed to pillage and misbehave without consequence, that we should stand motionless, in reverent silence, basking in their unquestioned luminescence? Simply because they ventured to offer their "services" to the common proletarian?
How 'bout a full recitation of some of these office holder's antics in the last 12 months? Are we keeping track? Yes, madam or sir. Do we REALLY need to reassert any of that at the moment? PASS.
* We seriously doubt that anyone is getting "hate mail" for balancing a budget.
* If the police department is "out of control", they -should- be subject to an extraordinary amount of criticism and expect firm oversight.
"Policy" has never been the issue. However when it comes to some of these "elected", it has been and will CONTINUE to be open season on BEHAVIOR.
Play nice, be sincere, and expect reciprocal treatment.
And no one "elected" Ward 5. Hopefully he's stowed away his Independence Day party hardy p!ans and is ramping up to be a great alderman. (Learning curve, buddy!) We still have great hope for him.
It's been expressed ad nauseam that it's likely that we'll experience extreme difficulty recruiting qualified, equitable candidates to run for office. The most problematic politicians are well aware of this and are giddy happy! (Otherwise they wouldn't have a prayer of being elected to much of anything.) They're already prepared to slide right back into office, unopposed. This pathetic reality has enabled, emboldened and escalated their at times questionable behavior, IOHO.
And if these entities misbehave and get a generous slap down by the public, they and their clueless minions claim that they're being "abused".
Get used to it. There's MUCH more where that came from.
We agree with 9:58. REPLACE THEM. It's -our- responsibility to recruit qualified opposition beforehand, however.
Otherwise, expect more of the same.
Expect to keep sinking.
"Complacency" is what got us into this mess in the first place.
No, a big one complaining about abuse is the doughnut shop lady. She needs to get tougher skin it sounds like, just like a lot of you all.
Why on earth are you picking on Elisa? She and her husband are good people. Doughboys is a joy to visit. A bright spot in Raytown to many. Something to be proud of in Raytown. Please take your negativity away. Go back to Facebook or wherever you came from. You are not appreciated here.
I agree so very much with the following post.
Why on earth are you picking on Elisa? She and her husband are good people. Doughboys is a joy to visit. A bright spot in Raytown to many. Something to be proud of in Raytown. Please take your negativity away. Go back to Facebook or wherever you came from. You are not appreciated here.
I agree very much with the post from above as follows. They are good people.
Why on earth are you picking on Elisa? She and her husband are good people. Doughboys is a joy to visit. A bright spot in Raytown to many. Something to be proud of in Raytown. Please take your negativity away. Go back to Facebook or wherever you came from. You are not appreciated here.
Today marks the end of a career for one of our brothers in the fire service.
Engineer Dan Scott will retire at 7 am tomorrow morning from 29 years in the service.
He spent his entire career serving the Raytown community and its citizens.
Instead of taking a vacation day or calling in sick he wanted to work his last 48 hour shift with his crew and his shift.
So far in the first 24 hours he has responded to three structure fires and numerous medical calls.
I am proud to have worked with Dan and all of us will miss him.
Enjoy your retirement and hope the fish are always biting!!
Captain Doc Summers
Raytown Fire-Rescue
P-51 B-shift
Remember check your smoke detectors and get furnaces serviced before winter.
The thing is, when a business takes a position, on one side of an issue or the other, you're putting your feelings out there for public comment on whatever forum...No one was physically attacked, just people have different opinions. Quit whining about the way someone is being treated and accept the fact that everyone has a right to express their opinion. "
Everyone is indeed entitled to their opinion. But "the thing is," when "opinions" devolve into abusive BEHAVIOR against a person or a business owner when they express an opinion, the abusive response is completely unacceptable.
Congratulations Dan Scott. Hope you have a long and enjoyable retirement.
Happy retirement, Mr Scott. We are so proud of our Raytown fire fighters, EMS, and police.
"Today marks the end of a career for one of our brothers in the fire service....Engineer Dan Scott will retire at 7 am tomorrow morning from 29 years in the service. He spent his entire career serving the Raytown community and its citizens...Enjoy your retirement and hope the fish are always biting!! Captain Doc Summers"
Captain Summers, we've said it before and will say it again. You're an exemplary leader, one of the best. We don't hear enough from you, sir.
And Mr, Scott, CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement and thank you for all your years in service to the community!
Well, it's what's on those recordings that's important. Literally accusing elected officials of felonies. I'm sure you have some excuse for that too.
I always fond it interesting when people say "show me proof", and afterward say "oh well".
Either way, menh.
Simply because usually it is a waste of time and energy. As with Tom no amount of evidence is enough. I could show them a video of something and they would say it was doctored or wasn't in context or whatever.
I posted emails with headers for easy verification and people still said they were fake, and then that 5 grand of taxpayer funds being allocated to operate a private corperation wasnt very much and certianly nothing to worry about anyway.
Still, Tony, include substantiation. We're very interested in what you're coming up with, and welcome anything you have to say. We can only imagine how much effort you've ALREADY put into everything.
Shame on you, Tony, you know that’s not the truth. Stop twisting the truth. That’s why noone believes anything you say
Maybe some people need thicker skin. When I was younger, it was sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. Come on people.
We are fortunate to have so many knowledgeable, experienced and anonymous experts in raytown. Finding a new board should be no problem, but of course they'll have to wear brown bags on their heads to maintain their anonymity.
Tony for Chief!!!
"Finding a new board should be no problem, but of course they'll have to wear brown bags on their heads to maintain their anonymity."
Well there ya go. Finally. A workable solution.
They must wear numbers so we'll know who to refer to.
We could add online voting and award weekly trips and cash prizes to those who conduct themselves in a professional manner while concurrently conceptualizing, presenting and implementing ideas that will demonstrably move the City forward.
Contestant seats could either rest atop a trap door or be filled with compressed air. If someone becomes out of line, a citizen Sergeant At Arms (picked randomly each week via online lottery), could push a button.
A Vicki Lawrence as Thelma Harper lookalike will emcee.
Competition is open to Raytown residents only. Prior Marshals, Mayors and Aldermen (with the exception of Greg, of course) and their confederates are ineligible, permanently banned from competition.
Auditions will be conducted each Monday or the day following any legal holiday.
Please forward your app, bio and audition video via e-mail to the acting City Manager. Deadline each week is Saturday, 8 PM CST.
New contestants each week until we get this this thing figured out.
"Tony for Chief!!!"
We LIKE it! A long overdue upgrade.
Impressive. You guys are on FIRE this morning.
Doughboys clarification: My wife and I take civic responsibility seriously. Issues are researched and opinions are formed. If we feel strongly about an issue we will take a stand. Opinions are something everyone should have. Hopefully people make informed decisions and stand up for what they believe in. There are certain people that want to Boycott the shop. That is their choice. Repercussions are taken into consideration before taking a stand on issues. Marjain Breitenbach
"Well, it's what's on those recordings that's important. Literally accusing elected officials of felonies."
What does this refer to?
"There are certain people that want to Boycott the shop. That is their choice."
And it won't affect you in the least. People love you guys, that shop, and the donuts to much for that!
I guess that’s one one to make sure the police department is no longer. Elect someone chief who KNOWS absolutely nothing about being a cop, let alone knowing how to run one. That happens and I’ll definitely be gone from that city.
You can tell a tree pretty much by its fruit. I look at the turmoil in the police department and the stagnation at city hall as signs of something terribly wrong at the top.
Can anyone who reads this page tell me what the Mayor has accomplished? I see disappointment after disappointment. He was going to renew the bonds to save Raytown from economic failure due to the baloon payment due in two years. It did not happen and will not happen.
He as going to solve the budget crisis last year. His solution was to join with his buddy Jim Lynch in launching attacks against the city council on facebook.
The police chief talked up the budget crisis so much with his men that he literally ran off more officers than he needed to. Then he set abe morout pretending the city council was a fault as he was hiring more officers with money he had because he ran so many off.
These two are in charge. Everything they do is a mess. We need to replace those guys at the top. What we have is not working.'
Happy Sunday everyone it's been a beautiful and fun week in Raytown. One of our dear friends came in Friday and told us we had some Haters on this site. My husband did a little post Saturday and I thought I should address these comments too. Last week I did a post on an abandoned building on Facebook that was dangerous in our community. I of course had done other things to try and help this nightmare but all fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. I asked a friend if he would use his drone for me to take some pictures of it. I told him I would pay him to do so. He would not take a penny from me and did it. People posted comment after comment on it. My post was simple. The pictures clearly showed a dangerous building The Church of Christ had been given in good faith by a very kind and generous man whos name was Monty Parker. Monty did most of the wedding invitations in our community and was well respected and loved. It is because of that so many people posted on to my post. McKenzie Nelson with TV 41 Action News contacted me and asked if I would talk to her on camera. I said of course. With in 30 min. she came out did the shoot for the news and 24 hours later. I came home from work to see the posters on the old Monty Parker Print Shop. Warning our community that the building was in fact a Dangerous Building. As I took The last pictures of all the doors standing wide open the city of Independence Codes pulled up with a guy to board all the open doors shut. I snapped a picture of them with the beautiful headquarters of The Church of Christ Temple in the background just a stone's throw away. It was the end of a very sad journey that I have had with these church officials. Did TV 41 Action News use me or did I use them? Is it bad that I took on what is thought to be like a sacred cow in Independence? Everyone has an opinion. Opinions are not always formed on fact or knowledge. That is why they are called opinions.
Just for the record to all the Haters and the Anonymous ones who are to insure to even post your names. Anger can be a very cowardly act and can show a very poor self image or you can stand up with courage and do what you can and stand up for what you believe in. Yes Doughboys did pay for and did pass out signs that said vote no for the 3 taxes the city wanted to pass. We chose to stand with the people of Raytown and not the city officials. Of course we understand how it could affect, influence and impact our community. We are not ever fearful or ashamed of standing up for what we truly believe in.
"Can anyone who reads this page tell me what the Mayor has accomplished? I see disappointment after disappointment. He was going to renew the bonds to save Raytown from economic failure...It did not happen and will not happen...The police chief talked up the budget crisis so much with his men that he literally ran off more officers than he needed to..."
And nothing will change until these non-performers, manipulators and devisives are forced out of office.
"We are not ever fearful or ashamed of standing up for what we truly believe in."
Elisa, thank you for standing up for what you believe in - don't ever stop. ..whether it be in Raytown, or other place. <3 We all have no choice but to co-exist with the "sacred cow", but that shouldn't stop any of us from the ability to express dissenting opinions about them.
We should always have the ability to speak our peace in Raytown...or in the city to the North.
The city is in the same boat as the nation. Military spending has decreased every year since 2010. In fact, the council on foreign relations noted that the cut in US military spending in 2013 from $671 billion to $619 billion was the largest decline since 1991.
Yes, we all have the right to free speech, but we are not free from consequences.
"Yes, we all have the right to free speech, but we are not free from consequences."
Oh plueeze. No one has the right to apply "consequences" to someone else simply because they have an opposing viewpoint.
It's simple. If I can look like a hero and be the little guy fighting for all the other little guys, I will probably sell more donuts. It can not hurt. I mean really, even some of the posters on here have delivered by claiming to buy more of her tasty donuts than before. It's good for business. Probably all the city hall types who came in there previously were expecting freebies anyway. So there's that.
To make it out to be more than just business is slightly disingenuous.
Just like her previous campaign to "Save Downtown Raytown", this one comes off as being somewhat self-serving.
Don't blame her, just can not buy in to the baloney.
Outsiders influencing local elections. Is the donut lady and her husband secret Russian plants?
An activist is an activist. I for one am glad to listen to the Tonys and Elisas that refuse the sit on the sidelines...maybe that will encourage others to step out and do the same. Don't care where they live, don't care which side of the issue that they're on, either. Much respect to both, as neither have remotely stooped to the level of the pro-tax people or that little PAC.
Consequences could be not buying donuts from her shop. Lots of places to buy good donuts. So yes anyone has the right to apply consequences on someone or some business because of their view on an issues.
Previously Elisa said "One of our dear friends came in Friday and told us we had some Haters on this site."
Oh really Elisa, are you suggesting that you don't come here to read what is being posted?
Haters?? Why do you call folks who don't care for your tactics, Haters? Are you a hater because you disagree with folks who wanted nice roads and other city improvements? I see the city you live in is all the time paving and improving their streets. Why would you object to Raytowners having the same nice roads??
Geez people. It’s been a month since the tax vote. The people spoke and it’s time to move on. Those that took active roles including business owners had their reasons and also should have realized there could be collateral shrapnel. To not acknowledge that would occur was naive. But to keep beating the drum for local gov’t officials to get involved with all this nonsense is not what we elected these people for. Talk about gov’t overreach!
"Are you a hater because you disagree with folks who wanted nice roads and other city improvements? I see the city you live in is all the time paving and improving their streets. Why would you object to Raytowners having the same nice roads??"
Commenter, are you familiar with Elisa's city? I'm thoroughly acquainted and count several of their elected officials and administration as "work friends". Any city of that size has their fair share of elected wackadoodles, plus they have the ever present, ever proliferating "First Family" which they're forced to kowtow to, which is a 24/7 noxious experience. Yet, despite some rather vexing obstacles, they get business handled.
Despite the obvious economic and regional "advantages" that the city to the North was handed, 20 plus years ago they were careening towards bankruptcy.
A handful of extremely intelligent, educated elected officials and a great city manager turned it all around.
And yes, they're getting ready to re-pave the street in front of one of the properties we own there. We're puzzled because the street doesn't really need it.
A handful of people on their city council and city employees are brilliant people. If anything, given what that city is compelled to deal with (thousands of miles of aging infrastructure. roads, demographcs), you'd think that they'd be in perpetual financial decline. But nope.
The crime in that city is another matter altogether, however. Much like Raytown, it reeks.
Although there are inevitable challenges there too, I'd be happy to forward a short list of that city's council people and city admins that you should bring on as paid consultants. As I mentioned, a couple of 'em probably don't have all their cups in their closets, but they're talented and they're warriors.
It would be a painful transformation, because believe me, they wouldn't care at all about your experience with them and they'll get their way. They have an "opinion" about Raytown and especially about a couple of those who are currently in office here. They possess a distinct disdain for whiners and the unqualified. They're perennially hyper-focused because they have a task to execute.
Raytown needs some new "pavement", no doubt. But not until capable people are installed. We're not handing millions of dollars to this current contingent. No. Not again. Work on the root defect first, then come back to us.
Anonymous 9/3/18 10:01 yes one of my friends did let me know. I always read Greg's Report but I don't always read what all the nameless people like you have to say. I understand why some people are fearful to put their name under what they have to say about how they feel. They have thin skin and they don't who would want to handle dealing with people who love to attack. I have a lot of friends who look at issues different then me. Just because someone doesn't agree with how I feel doesn't make them a Hater in my book. I enjoy having friends that help make me think about issues from all sides. I would love to see Raytown with beautiful streets but they gave away so much to Walmart that it has almost destroyed it. In my opinion it has totally divided our city into the Walmart lovers who think all of us need to pay for everything Walmart has harmed with the TIF project it created with the city of Raytown. The Pro Tax people come across like their way is the only way. They think their view of the facts is the true viewpoint. Here in Raytown we have a large group of senior citizens. Some raising their grandchildren. Families living together just trying to survive. We have many single parents doing all they can to pay their bills. Many of the people who came to our shop had no idea the election was about to happen and three more taxes could be tossed upon them. I understand the Pro Tax people maybe not understand what that type of stress can do to children and families but I do. My mother raised my little brother and I with out our dad. The stress in our home made life hard for each of us and it taught me a lot about how to survive in hardships and how to be happy in doing so. The stress three taxes would of put on these families was not something I wanted to standby and watch. Hate me love me what matters to me is children and families. Nice roads are sweet but nice families standing strong is what I find much sweeter.
Elisa, run for office. At least you have a "head" on your shoulders and you use common sense which is lacking at city hall!
Too bad that would be election fraud since she doesn’t live in Raytown. But hey, hell with laws and such.
"Elisa, run for office. At least you have a "head" on your shoulders and you use common sense which is lacking at city hall!"
I second that motion!
"Hate me love me what matters to me is children and families. Nice roads are sweet but nice families standing strong is what I find much sweeter."
^ This right here. ^
It's unfortunate that Mrs. B doesn't live in Raytown and can't run for office.
Mayor McCheese would be forced to decamp and shuffle along.
"Yes! Elisa for mayor! Tony for every Alderman seat! They know it all, so they will fix everything!"
Ha! We're WILLING TO TAKE THE CHANCE! Tony, ready your paperwork, and Elisa, cou!d you establish residency?
They're both stepping out taking a chance, undeterred, trying to do good despite multitudes of naysayers. One runs a very successful business, while the other is highly analytical and willing to work for a solution.
And BOTH individuals would treat people like YOU with respect. They would listen to your viewpoint and are willing to work with you.
What are YOU doing?
Today a sign that reads Sign The Petition Here was placed in Doughboys window. I hope we see more signs like this.
@8:35 am
Time to move on. Our tiny election is over and the people have spoken and provided a clear direction in which to go. More elections in November and that’s where the focus needs to be now.
"Newsflash... Mrs. B has already run for office. I think the result was somewhat of a landslide."
In the city to the north? Years ago? Under entirely different circumstances?
Big whoop.
"Today a sign that reads Sign The Petition Here was placed in Doughboys window. I hope we see more signs like this.". - Mrs. B
Blahaha! GO Elisa!
Ingenuity. It never gets old.
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